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Ways to Outsource Your Life and

- By David Oswald
Published by
Independent Publisher 4075 South Durango Drive Ste. 111-PNB 58
Las Vegas, NV 89147 2007 by David Oswald ISBN 978-1-60530-698-8 Manufactured in the United States
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section
107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the authors have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and
specifically disclaim any implied warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. The author shall not be liable for any
loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

The Introduction: Outsource it ALL!

-By David Oswald

Ive always been fascinated with organization. I remember being very young and keeping
lists of random items that I needed to accomplish during the course of the day and
strangely enough, I kept those items listed on the back of business cards. Keep in mind, I
was only 7 or 8 years old but for some reason, I felt like I had to make sure that things got
done. I guess I knew that one of the keys to being successful was to complete what you
Fast forward to this particular point in time and I would have to say that organization is
still very important to me but even more important is the value of my own time. I still
keep short lists of ideas and goals but for the most part, I now like to create the ideas and
have others help me in carrying out the details. That was the genesis behind 101 Ways to
Outsource Your Life and Business. Ive been able to gain so much time during my life by
allowing individuals who are better at particular tasks to do the actual work. All that I do
is simply oversee the project or task, say whether or not Im happy with the job they did
and then cut a check at the end of the process. Its made my life much less complicated
and a lot more FUN!
One of the goals of my company, Rivers of Income LLC, is to assist others in creating
multiple sources of income that will lead to true financial freedom in their lives. We
publish email newsletters and blogs on a weekly basis that help to motivate and inform
others how they can eliminate the garbage from their lives (sometimes literally) and begin
focusing on fulfilling their dreams. I encourage you to go to our web
site, so that you can receive this valuable information directly in
your email. So many of us say that one of the reasons that we dont get a chance to do
something that weve always wanted to accomplish is that we dont have the time. When I
inform them there is a way to get started on our dreams, then there are usually other
excuses that come along with the initial roadblock.
See, we all have these roadblocks and the only thing that they are is another reason or
excuse NOT to get started. We need to make excuses why we NEED to get started. You
only have one life and none of us are getting any younger. So before you wake up another
day, its time to take the necessary steps to start outsourcing some of these daily personal
and business items which are robbing us of our time and therefore, taking us farther away
from those dreams we all have. Lets call them dream stealers. You know what Im
referring to, the things such as mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage, taking the kids to
baseball practice and the list goes on and on.
What this book provides is a way out of the rat race. It points to the things that are 101
Ways to Outsource Your Life and Business preventing you from taking action and gives
helpful ideas on how you can eliminate them totally from your life. All you need to do is
take a little bit of action and youll begin to see how I can help you to win back the hours
of your week that are getting lost in the mix. With that being said, be courageous and
begin taking action immediately and if you ever feel yourself in a temporary rut, visit
Rivers of Income to bring yourself back to life. Remember OUTSOURCE IT ALL!

Table of Contents
Section I: General Information....
Reasons to Outsource Your Business Work.
Things You Should Consider when Outsourcing.
Tips for Outsourcing Success ..

Section II: Personal Outsourcing

Car Care & Service ..
Event Planning
Home Business
Home Care ..
Personal Services ..
Pet Care


Section III: Business Outsourcing Ideas ..

Building and Grounds
Business Start-Up
Business Operations
Computer Needs
Design and Graphics

Information Management
Publications and Writing ..
Quality Assurance

Special Events .



Section IV: Outsource Everything

What Else Is There Outsource It, Too! .


Reasons to Outsource Your Business Work

If you are an individual, or a business, there are a number of reasons why you should
outsource. Be aware that outsourcing does not have to mean giving business to overseas
individuals or companies - but it could mean that. If you prefer, you could outsource your
work to a neighbor down the street, a company in your city, or in another state. The choice
is up to you.
Outsourcing is becoming very popular these days, as companies and people are
discovering that it means more time for them, and savings, too. Here are some of the most
common reasons why you need to consider adding outsourcing - not only to your business
- but to your home and personal life, too.
Access to Experts
Obviously, you cannot be expected to know everything. Your employees do not either, but
this is one way to get the services, talents, and advice of experts who can provide your
personal life or business with the edge - and time you want.
Limited Space
If you are a small business and simply do not have a lot of space, then you need to
outsource your work and take advantage of the space you do have. Outsourcing your work
can also save you a lot of money in equipment needs and electrical costs to power it.
Fewer Employees
By outsourcing you can still perform the same services as a larger company, and not have
the expensive overhead and personnel costs to deal with. You will not need to carry
insurance for them, nor have to worry about things being stolen either. This allows you to
utilize your income to the greatest profit.
Lower Maintenance Requirements
Maintenance costs are kept low because you are using a smaller facility - perhaps your
own home. In every way, your expenses are lower if you outsource most of your work.
Higher Work Quality
When you outsource your work, in many cases you aredealing with an individual or a
group of individuals - all who are freelancers. When that is the case, each freelancer
knows that their next job is always affected by their present performance, which is a very
good reason why he or she will provide you with excellent service. About the only
exception here, would be if he or she is already overbooked with work and simply needs
to complete it as soon as possible.

Things You Should Consider When Outsourcing

As you already know, outsourcing is a great way to get those extra jobs done that you do
not have time to do yourself. You have your priorities and you know that someone else
could do the job. It frees your time to focus on those things that only you can do.
Outsourcing, however, as great an opportunity as it is, does have some potential
weaknesses. Here are some things you need to consider each time you are looking to
outsource anything.
Quality of Work Needed
Any project that you outsource can either be given to an expert in America - or outside of
it. For the lowest prices, you will need to offshore it. This, however, may give you some
problems in the way of quality. Part of the problem could be caused simply due to
language differences. If he or she does not fully comprehend English, then how can he or
she understand exactly what you need?
Besides that, however, there are always differing levels of quality - no matter who you
outsource it to. You need to determine beforehand how much experience is needed for the
job you need performed. By working online, or through an outsourcing board such as
Guru, or Elance, you can easily search through the profiles of each bidder, and quickly
sort out those you do not think are qualified.
By putting your desired level of competence into the project description, you will
probably receive fewer bids if your needs are high. Most bidders, in that case, will only
apply if they are qualified.
Project Descriptions
It is easier for someone doing your project if he or she knows exactly what you want in the
way of quality, services, quantity, etc. Otherwise, you run the risk of having to pay a lot
more money if he or she has to do it more than once - only because you were not specific
enough in the first place. It would be a good idea if you completely write out what you
need in the project before you put it on the outsourcing board or contact someone. In most
cases, this information will be asked for immediately.
Delivery Time
Most freelancers are always working on two or three projects at a time. This means that
they also need to line up work in advance of when they think they will be available for the
next project. If you have a tight deadline that needs to be met, then be sure to ask the
freelancer about the deadline you seek. Unfortunately, some projects are very difficult to
predict a completion date, and this could run into occasional problems with deadlines.
There may also be a problem if you want something at 5:00 PM. If your outsourced
freelancer or company is working on the other side of the world, you also need to specify
which time zone you are speaking of when you say 5:00 PM.
How to Pay
Pay could always be a problem. Find out if they accept such programs as Paypal. This
simplifies things a great deal because it allows pay from almost anywhere to anywhere.
Otherwise, if you are unable to pay - you may not receive the work - depending on the
policy of the freelancer or company.
Using Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
Whenever you believe that you are providing someone with information that you do not
want known to the general public about you or your company, you should always use a
NonDisclosure Agreement. This legally binds the individual (or company) to not reveal
that information to others apart from your authorization. Without that document, then
there is no reason for him or her to keep quiet about things that may be your business
secrets. In some cases, you may also want to add a No compete clause which prevents
him or her from going after your clients, or from writing that same material in another
form (as in the case of a book) and then selling it.

Tips for Outsourcing Success

Outsourcing can be a great asset to your business. It can free up your time, allow you to do
more, use experts, and save on expenses, too. While all of this is good, there are some
potential downsides to it as well. Here are some things you need to do in order to get the
best deal and overall satisfaction each time you outsource.
Choose Carefully
After you decide upon exactly what needs to be done, you can begin to find someone to do
the work. This may take some time as you look over people that could do it (or think they
could). You want to find someone with satisfactory experience and good results, but you
should probably avoid someone with too much experience - otherwise, you may end up
paying a lot more than necessary.
If you have specific questions to ask the company or individual - be sure to ask before you
hire. Also, if you can, share with them your project concerns and needs and let them tell
you if they have performed those services before.
Understand the Terms Beforehand
It is a good idea if you sit down and create a budget for your project first. Then, see if you
can realistically get the service you want for the price you have in mind. If you can only
afford a low price - then you may need to offshore your work to Indian companies or
individuals. Receive a bid or estimate before you commit to using them. If there is not a
clear bid, or a clear way for them to provide you with the exact cost, then make sure you
have - in writing, how extra costs are to be determined. There should be no surprises here,
or hidden costs. Be sure to find out, or have it put in your agreement that undefined costs
are not acceptable unless agreed upon in advance.
Watch the Progress
Once you commit your project or service needs to them, be sure that you know what is
taking place. You should also keep tabs on the quality of work and be able to provide
regular input on changes, corrections, or other things that need to be made.
Pay Proportionally
In most cases, you will need to pay on a regular basis, or incrementally. Some companies
require payment at the completion of the project, but an individual or small company may
prefer a pay-as-you-go policy, and may need the money each week. Be careful about large
up front fees if you are not familiar with the company, or individual. If they work through
a bid board like Elance, then a rating and reviews will give you an idea of their honesty
and reliability.
Hire Regularly
Once a project or two has been successfully completed to your satisfaction, you may want
to consider using that company or person on a regular basis. It is also possible that related
work could be added to expand their talents for your company needs.
Outsourcing is a great way for you to expand your own personal income by enabling you
to have more time to create multiple streams of income, residual income, and more. Even
if you are currently working full-time, you may find excellent opportunities to get started
in your spare time. You can learn more about these work from home opportunities at
Rivers of Income.
Being able to take some of those daily chores that can take up a lot of time and put it into
someone elses hands with confidence is in itself a form of relief. You will have more time
to enjoy life and spend it with those you love.
A number of different areas of your life has been covered in the resource of ideas below,
and will present some ideas how you can outsource these tasks to someone else.


Cars take a lot of responsibility and can end up taking a lot of your time just keeping it
clean and running. Here are a few tips on how to make sure the needed work still gets
done and your chariot still sparkles.
1 - Auto Maintenance
Being proud of your clean and smooth-running car does not mean you have to be the one
polishing it and working under the hood each week. You can have a neighborhood
mechanic that you trust take a look at it each month and change the oil while he is at it.
For simpler checkups, have a responsible neighborhood teen look it over to check fluid
levels, clean the windows and wash it.
Another idea would be to have that retired friend who is very good with cars have a look
at it regularly. It could be a little income for them and provide you with the service you
want, too. You can get more information on this subject atCar Care Tips for the Uncaring,
and Auto and Trucks.
2 - Driver
You had no idea that you were going to be needed as a chauffeur all the time. With your
kids sport events, clubs and other activities, it seems like you have very little time to
yourself. Bring in a responsible driver to take them to many of these regular activities and
bring them back again. Of course, you want to be there with them on the main events of
their lives, but you do not have to be there every time.
Other activities need a driver, too. For instance, if you have a doctors visit, and should not
drive the car afterwards, a driver can help. Or, if you have an elderly loved one that needs
to be taken to the doctor, etc., a caring driver can easily meet that need for you. He or she
could run errands while you are in the office. You can get them to do multiple tasks where
possible, etc. You may want to visit these sites for more help: and


Computers can certainly be something that can prove to be a real headache to some, or
something to tinker with and outsmart for others. Unless you are very familiar with them,
outsourcing your computer problems is certainly one of those things that could save you a
lot of time.
Whenever you get a new computer or need to add somesoftware, or make other changes,
this is a task that you can easily outsource to someone else. Downloading software or
other things can easily be relegated to one of your kids, in many cases, who already may
know more about computers than you do. And if they do not know about these things yet,
teach them and he or she would be glad to do these things in the future. It gives them
3 - Computer Repair
Instead of opening up your computer and spending hours trying to discover what is wrong,
have a computer-savvy friend or neighbor come and use their acquired computer
expertise. After all, you really did not want to blow an afternoon or evening doing
something you really know nothing about.
A knowledgeable friend could get it working rather quickly for you, and then you can get
back to doing those things that really matter. Sometimes, the problem could be something
that is very simple and it may only take him or her a matter of minutes to straighten the
problem out for you.
If you have no such friend, neighbor or family member, who is willing to help you out,
your only other alternative, may be to take it to a computer repair shop. Be sure you know
what it will cost up front for labor per hour, and learn how soon you can expect to get it
back. For some help with computer repair, take a look or!
4 - Desktop Publishing
Whenever you need to have a brochure, newsletter, business cards, or a flyer made for
some event or organization that you are involved with, it can be done with desktop
publishing software. Unless you feel that you need to learn how to do it, or already are
familiar with the software needed to produce quality products, you can let someone else
do it for you.
These days many young people already have the necessary software on their computers
and would be glad to do it for you - at a price. Others may be willing to do it for nothing -
if you would permit him or her to add a copy of it to their portfolio. This way, they help
you and vice versa. Try these sites for more help on desktop publishing: .
5 - Web Pages & Design
You are ready to create a Web page but you are not talented enough to make it look
professional. You want a top-notch job but do not know where to look. Fortunately, there
are many places to go online for this service. If you go to an independent contractor
online, you will have to pay top dollar for the service - which is probably more than you
can afford. A cheaper way to get the quality you want, along with the programming for it,
too, is to go to the freelance bid boards. This includes places likeElance, GetAFreelancer,
Guru, and many more. Once you post your project on one of these Web sites, freelancers
place their bid for the project. You can view their portfolios, and ask them questions online
- before you hire. Once satisfied with their ability, track record, and price, you then select
the one you want. This keeps their price lower, lets you see their ability, and could be very
good all the way around. If you want really cheap service - but often still good, many
foreigners can do the same service you simply need to keep your directions clear and
simple because of possible language difficulties.


Those special events that you love to have from time to time to bring family and friends
together are often so enjoyable - and memorable. The truth is, though, that they consume a
lot of time in the planning stages. A number of agencies specialize now in event planning,
and they can do a quality job - probably even better than you since they have a wider
range of experience and ideas to draw from.
This can give you a lot of extra hours if you put it into the hands of those whose specialty
lies in creating truly memorable events. Here are some tips about outsourcing your events
and other special needs.
6 - Anniversary Planning
If you are perhaps a little older and have had a number of anniversaries, then it may be
time to let someone else do the planning. Part of the fun of a special event like an
anniversary is always those things that are a little different and come with an element of
surprise. Your event planner can find some really unique things to do, as well as places to
stay and eat. Besides, they would love to make your arrangements and help you have a
good time. You can get some great help from or
7 - Gifts Wrapping
When you have gifts to wrap, this can easily be outsourced to a neighbor young person, or
one of your own children who needs the experience. All they will need is you to show
them how, and then let them do the rest. Provide them with the paper, the ribbons and
bows, and let them impress you with their new ability. You can find additional information
on this topic at: Seven Ways to Have a Wonderful Anniversary and .
8 - Order Gifts
When you need to provide a gift for someone for that special occasion, you can place it in
someone elses hands. Simply call up, or email, your outsourcing personal assistant with
this task, and let him or her know the details.
Tell the assistant whether it is for your wife, girlfriend, relative, child, etc. and how much
you want to spend. He or she could even make some suggestions, order it for you, and
have it delivered on the day you specify. Take a look for gift ordering help.
They are great at it. You might also want to .
9 - Party Organizer
When you are looking to host a party there are several things that you can outsource so
that it only stresses you a little. First, you can have someone come in and do the cleaning
for you. Then, after you have found the perfect hostess company to host the party for you
and provide all the materials, you simply need to let them in the front door and lay down a
few ground rules.
These companies can provide everything you need from the candy gifts (if it is for
children) to the food and table settings. And what is even better - they can even clean it all
up as they get ready to leave - or have your cleaner come back the next day. Get more
information from How To Choose the Right Event Planner or Party Planners.
10 - Send Cards
Every now and then you need to send a card to people for their birthdays, anniversaries, or
just to say Hi. Simply provide your personal assistant with a list of the dates, the event,
and the style of card you want to send and consider it done. Of course, you also will
need to provide the materials and the stamps.
This could work very well with sending out your yearly Christmas cards, too. Just provide
the details, the addresses and the materials and consider it taken care of. Talk to my
friends at for a special handwritten card. You can also try .
11 - Vacation Planning
Going on a vacation? Give it to someone who has experience setting up vacation plans. He
or she could probably amaze you with what they find for you in the way of events, fun
things to do and amazing places to see.
Let him or her present you with a list of things to choose from and you just need to select
those items that are most appealing to you. Once approved, let that same person make
your hotel and airline arrangements saving you even more time. In addition, let them
map out a schedule so that you can actually see those things that are most important to you
- and maybe even set up a golf game or two, as well. Two of the best in the business are and , or
12 - Wedding Planner
This is the big event why not place it in the hands of the experts? Planning weddings is
now a big thing and many companies are now doing it. You, however, do not have to pay
top dollar for it and can still get the same benefit. Outsource your wedding plans and let
your planner do the legwork for you. You will, of course, make the final decisions, but you
will probably be surprised at the resourcefulness and originality of some of these planners.
After you do the approval, let them do all the work for you. This includes sending out the
invitations, arranging for the wedding hall or church, flowers, decorations, and all other
details. Dont stop there, though, let them even make the honeymoon plans and set up all
your travel plans for you, too. Get some more help and .


Young people in the family can sometimes take up a lot of time. While you certainly do
want to spend some quality time with him or her, or both, you sometimes need to provide
someone to care for them while you do some other activities.
13 - Baby Sitters
Every now and then you need to get away and let someone else take care of the children
for you. This will allow you to relax and enjoy some time to yourself.
Having a baby-sitter come over, or drop them off over at his or her house, can certainly be
considerably cheaper than a day care. You definitely need to be careful these days,
however, about who you get to watch your precious children. It is not a good idea to get
someone no matter how young without some kind of reference. You can easily get
relatives, neighborhood teens, and others to watch them for you - at a low price. Find a
baby sitter near you from or .
14 Caregiver
Taking care of a sick or elderly individual can take a lot out of you - emotionally and
physically. It is certainly good to be able to get away for some refreshment. This will
mean, of course, that someone must replace you for those hours that you are gone. One
thing that you can do is to contact a local caregivers association and see what services
they have available. These services can range from a visit for a couple of hours to a live-in
individual who may also do some house cleaning, too. You can also use their services for
meal preparation for your loved one that will help to ensure that he or she is getting
balanced nutrition. Or, you may be able to use their services for weekends only, once-
inawhile, mornings only, etc. Get some caring and compassionate help from or .
15 Cook
Taking care of the daily matters of cooking for the family is often a chore that is made
more complex because someone must do it as soon as he or she comes home from work.
This is especially true if both couples work. Letting someone else do the cooking is even
made easier if you already have someone there who is watching your children through the
day and knows how to cook, too. Of course, it could be just as easy as going to a fast food
restaurant, if you dont mind the calories or the cost.
Another alternative could be to order (or let yourpersonal assistant do it for you) complete
and nutritious meals through online places that offer just about any kind of food you want.
These are balanced meals precooked, that come frozen and only take between 20 to 30
minutes to prepare. Besides staying away from the rather unhealthy fast food choices,
these foods are much better for you and will provide you with an excellent balance and
wide variety including steak and lobster. Find cooking help near you or .
16 - Day Care
When you have children then you know that sometimes he or she (or both) can get in the
way of things that must be done. There are a number of options for taking care of your
children for a few hours to a regular service that takes care of them weekdays. Here are a
few options:
* Daycare
* Nannies
* Baby-sitters
* Relatives
* Camps
* Tutors
Another possibility would be to take your child to the home of a stay-at-home parent that
would enjoy watching your child for a few hours at a time. If it does not need to be every
day, you might even agree to watch her children for a few hours each week, too. Get some
help on this topic at: or .
17 - Grocery Delivery
One of those things that constantly takes time out of your week is the matter of bringing
home the groceries. Somebody has to do it but that someone does not have to be you.
There are people that would be glad to do this service for you. Although this particular
service is rather new in most areas, you still may be able to find a neighbor or relative or
teenager that you could outsource it to. It may even be possible that an elderly person may
be willing, too. This gives them a sense of being needed and useful as well as an
opportunity to bring in a little income. One of the best connections for home grocery
delivery can be found or .
18 Tutors
Tutoring your own child does have its benefits, because you will always know where the
problems, as well as their strengths, lie. However, modern time constraints may make this
very difficult as you try to juggle the daily affairs between work and your childs
education. Finding just the right tutor for your child may take a little time, but there
certainly are many qualified tutors available. Tutoring does not even need to take place in
your home, but the Internet can also be used, too. In fact, some very good students are
now offering tutoring services to those who need a little help. All the parent needs to do is
to make sure that the tutor, whether a teacher, a student, or someone familiar with the
subject, is knowledgeable and can really help your child. Check out or for more help on finding good

Many of your personal financial needs could be outsourced, too. Plenty of financial
services are available - both online and off-line. This could even work better for you if you
use the same person or company to do more than one of these tasks for you saving you
even more time.
19 - Make Purchases
When you need to make a number of purchases for some reason, you can outsource this
project, too. This may even include your Christmas shopping. Generally, you may want to
give this task to someone like a personal assistant that you have already hired to handle
other projects you also want outsourced. This allows you to have someone on call that
becomes familiar with your personality, your tastes, and your needs, making it more likely
that you will end up with what you want.
Having him or her make purchases for you simply requires that you let them know what
you want, your budget for it, and when you want it. Of course, you will also need to give
him or her a credit card number to use, and where the product is to be delivered. Get more
information on this topic: Give Yourself a Raise - Get an Assistant orBenefits of A
Personal Assistant.
20 - Pay Bills
Bill paying is one of those things that can take some time each month. It also has to be
performed on a regular and timely basis. By outsourcing this task to someone you trust,
you can free up more personal time. This task could be combined with someone who can
also do your taxes since they already know all about your finances, anyway. By
combining these two tasks and letting the same person do both, he or she can easily be
separating those taxable items into categories that would make it very easy to write up
your tax forms on top of organizing it for you.
An alternative bill-paying solution, of course, is to have all of your regularly scheduled
payments automatically taken care of by your bank. You simply need to make sure that the
money is there on time for this to happen. This will leave you, however, having to do your
taxes yourself. Talk or for some good help
with online bill management services.
21 - Tax Preparation
This is something that many people already outsource especially if he or she is already
doing their taxes. If you are not already doing this, then you have a good idea how much
time for other things might be saved.
You could combine your tax preparation needs, however, with some of your other
financial needs by hiring an accountant. Because an accountant is often expensive, you
could hire one overseas who could perform the same services for much less. Take your
time to learn about the individual before you trust all your financial matters to him or her.
Once you decide that he or she can be trusted, many of your other financial outsourcing
needs could also be met, too.
Another alternative would be to find a college student that is majoring in accounting.
Since they would like to have some credentials and experience, this could work well for
both of you. The key, though, is if you think you can trust them with your financial
information. This would also work best if your tax forms are not all that complicated so
there is a smaller chance of mistakes. The college student may also like the idea that he or
she has a possible client for the future - if you are satisfied with the services. Go to or for more information on tax preparation.


Here is where a lot of your everyday tasks could be outsourced giving you a lot more time
to focus on the aspects of your home business that only you can do. There are many
people available now who make a business of handling the outsourcing needs of others -
freelancers. Their prices range from standard pay for that type of task in America - to next
to nothing for similar tasks from countries like India, Asia, Philippines and more. The
Internet gives you the option to find people from anywhere who can do your outsourcing
jobs with the quality you want.
If you are looking for home business ideas, or ways to create multiple streams of income,
be sure to visit my Website at Rivers Of Income.
22 - Secretarial Services (Virtual Personal Assistant)
This area can take on quite a large variety of tasks. Personal assistants also called virtual
assistants are multi-talented people waiting at your beck and call. You can find them
online as individuals by searching, or go to the project boards like Elance if you simply
want a particular task done.
After you test his or her abilities, you simply need to ask him or her if they can handle, or
are willing to handle similar tasks as needed. You can use their services as needed, or on a
daily basis. You do not need to hire them full-time, but it will mean that he or she needs to
balance your work load with that of others, too. They are able to do their projects
professionally, at a lower price - just give them a try.
There is almost no limit to what a personal assistant can do. There are many stories online
about how some people have almost pushed their personal service to the limit. This
includes using a personal assistant to order hot meals so that it is waiting for them when he
or she wants it, to finding a date, and even apologizing to the wife for forgetting her
birthday and so much more. Get more information on this topic or .
23 - Make Appointments
Making appointments is a part of everyday business needs. Simply give the key
information to your personal assistant, and then consider it done. He or she will simply
send you an email
and an email to remind you about it if you want, when the time gets closer.
Note: In order to find more types of tasks you can outsource for your home business, be
sure to look under the second section of this book under Business Outsourcing. Just find
the type of task that you are looking for there. You will also want to look at more ideas
atRivers Of Income.

If you own your own home, then much of your time is probably devoted to taking care of
your property. From the simple things like mowing the lawn to painting the house, each of
these things can be outsourced to someone else who possibly could even do it better and
more regularly than you can. Being better, however, is not necessarily the name of the
game, but finding more time for those things that are more important is. Here are a
number of these common tasks and how you can place them on someone elses shoulders
to let you do those things that only you can do.
24 Handyman
Every home needs to have a handyman around somewhere. There are always those little
things that need to be done. It often is not that those jobs are difficult, it is just that you
would rather be doing something else.
There are many people now that are willing to do those handy man tasks around your
home. Find several jobs that can be done while he (or she) is there, and let them tackle
more than one on the same day. High school young people, or college students, may be a
good place to look when you want simple tasks done in the yard or house. Be sure that if it
is a larger job that you get a recommendation first and know what the total costs are up
front. Get yourself some good help at or .
25 - Hook up Electronics
Here is one thing that a high school or college person can probably do. They learn fast. It
usually does not take long unless he or she does not have a clue. While they are there
they may even be able to show you how to operate it, too. Get some more help from or .
26 - House Keeping
Finding someone to clean your house on a regular basis should not be hard. Just about
every city or town has several people willing to do this service. Combine it with some
other tasks like those listed below for the best and simplest way to accomplish this. One
reason for getting the same person to do more than one thing is so that you do not need to
keep answering the door to let someone else in or to give your house key to.
Be careful about signing lengthy contracts in case you do not like the quality of service.
You also want to get someone who is insured and comes with recommendations from
people you know. In order to get the best price, get several estimates for this service. At
the same time, see what other services they may be willing (or able) to perform. Be sure to
know in advance how many hours it actually takes to perform the services that you want
done. An alternative is to look for a college student who is willing and wants to earn extra
money each month. Try or .
27 - House Sitters
Going away on a trip? Want someone to watch your house for you while you are gone? A
house sitter can do this for you. This way your house is not left alone for the duration, and
it can help you feel more secure and relaxed on your trip or vacation. A college student
can do this for you, or a friend. Get a recommendation from someone you trust. Just lay
down a few rules before you agree and go away. If you are paying this person, you may
even promise a bonus for a clean house on your return.
Ideally, though, you may not need to pay anything -since there is a mutual service being
performed. It is not a good idea to let strangers do this for you. One great alternative,
however, is to swap homes with someone who is willing during that time. Some online
companies can arrange it for you and will also vouch for the people, too. You can check
out or for some more information.
28 - Interior Decorator
When you get ready to think about redesigning your kitchen, living room, or anything
else, you can leave the overall details to professionals. Give them the basic details, and
they can fill them in and get your approval before any work is performed. Their expertise
will also enable decisions to be made faster and your house to sparkle when they are
Some professional software programs will actually enable you to see what your new
design or style will look like once it is in place. A professional interior designer can
provide you with this service if you ask. Let them do all the work you just need to see it
and approve or disapprove. Take a look at: or for more help.
29 Landscaping
This is an ongoing assignment for someone else. The tasks can be almost endless if you
have a large yard. There are so many things that you can let someone else do to save you
time. This could include mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, edging the sidewalks and
driveways, removing dead tree branches, planting flower bulbs or a whole garden to
laying down walkways or putting in ornamental solar lighting, etc.
You can hire a professional landscaping company, or save money by hiring a high school
or college student. Some training may be needed if you use a student. Seasonally, this
same person could also rake leaves or shovel snow. Get more help or .
30 - Laundry Services
The same person who does your house cleaning can do your laundry. This saves time for
you and it can rather easily be done while the house cleaner is busy doing something else,
too. Then on her way out, any dry cleaning can easily be taken to the dry cleaners and
picked up in a day or two. You can explore this topic further at or .
31 Movers
Moving your household from one place to another is a real time-killer. It can often take
weeks of preparation and weeks to get unpacked again. You can save time by using others
to help you at both ends. Because they will need some guidance that will probably require
your presence, someone else can do much of the work. Your guidance will be needed to
direct where everything goes, so that you will not need to empty every box before you can
find what you are looking for when you get to your new home.
In general, you want to use either high school or college students to help you with this
task. Professional movers can do it, but they will charge top dollar and that may be much
more than necessary. Get more information or .
32 Painting
Painting is one of those things that many people do not like to do themselves or, are just
not that good at it. Painting contractors come with different abilities, however, and some
are more willing to perform other services with the painting. A good painter can repair
plaster damage, seal spots or stains on the walls or ceiling, caulk, remove an put up new
wallpaper, finish new sheetrock, and more. Even better, they can do the job while you take
a few days off allowing you to come back to a new look.
One thing that you do need to be careful of with painters is that you do often get the level
of service you pay for. This means you do not necessarily want to go for the guy or
company that is the cheapest especially if they are much lower than the next guy. In
order to give yourself even more free time, most painters are willing to move furniture and
wall pictures for you for an extra fee. Look for qualified painters
or .
33 - Pool Cleaning
Here is one way to make sure that your pool stays clean and is always ready to take a
refreshing swim. A pool service can come by and take care of those essential pool care
things that you may be doing yourself. Their services would also include checking your
filters and other equipment to make sure that it is operating properly.
In addition, they would make sure that you had all the chemicals needed, and could warn
you about any problems that they think you can expect soon. This enables it to be always
ready, clean, and in the best of shape so that you are not caught by surprise with potential
pool problems. Get more information or .
34 - Remove Large Trash Items
When you have a number of large items that need to go to the trash dump or at least to
the curb so it can be picked up, you do not have to do it yourself. Get that friendly
neighbor with the pick up truck and a few others to do it for you. They would enjoy
making a few dollars, and you may not even need to get your hands dirty.
Better yet, if you have someone already doing your yard work, and they have a pickup,
they may have enough room to place a couple of large items on their truck when they
leave. This would make it simple for both you and them as long as the dump is not too
far away. You can get some more information or .
35 - Sell Items On Ebay
When you have some items you need to sell on Ebay, simply let your personal assistant, or
a friend handle this for you or even a teenager like one of your children. With some
experience, he or she can begin to handle this for you on a regular basis or whenever you
have need of their services.
Ideally, get someone who already knows how to write an attractive product description so
that you can get top dollar for your items. Make sure that he or she knows which category
to place the item in, too, so other people can easily find it. You can find great help for this
at or .


36 - College Applications and Scholarships

When you have a son or a daughter getting ready to go to college, you may need to do a
lot of research and paperwork especially if you are looking for financing. In order to
save time, a personal assistant can scour the Internet looking for financing possibilities
that meet your criteria. Then, he or she can simply send you a list with Web addresses for
those sites that are most likely to be what you need.
Other papers may need to be written or other forms filled out if your student (or yourself)
is looking for graduate work of some kind. While thiscould be technical, a personal
assistant, or professional writer can also do this for you. Check out or .
37 Resume
You could always write your own resume, but unless you know the latest way to do it, you
may not be using the proper technique. For instance, many large companies now scan
resumes and then perform searches using keywords that are related to the industry. If you
do not use the right keywords then your resume may not even be seen by the person that
must see it in order for you to get hired.
Dont forget about the cover letter, too. It needs to be dynamically written so that the
reader would say to himself or herself Id be crazy not to hire this person. They are better
than perfect for the job. Unless you are a resume writer, then you will probably spend a
lot of time trying to get it just right. Save time by outsourcing it and make the
impression you need the first time. Some of the best in the business or .
38 - Finish Your Book
You have heard it said that everyone has a good book in them somewhere. If you are
looking to have that book completed and put in print, then outsourcing it may be your key
to seeing it done. A number of people on Elance have already posted similar posted after
they realized that if their book was ever to be written then they needed someone else to
do it for them.
You simply need to sit down first and provide the details on computer or audio
recordings of the information you want in the book. The professional writer can then take
your notes transcribe them if necessary, and write your book for you. A ghostwriter will
even let you put your name on it if that is what you want (he or she would not mind
some credit for it, though).
If you have already written part of it that will work, too. A professional writer can match
your tone and complete the book for you. Get some great help to finish your book at or .
39 - Edit Your Manuscript
If you already have written your book, or play, but simply need the finishing touches put
on it, you can find a professional to make it what it needs to be to get the eye of a
publisher. All you need to do is put your project on Elance (or a similar one), and let an
editor or proofreader bid on your project. You get to see his or her qualifications,
experience on Elance, and more. You can also ask him or her questions to see if he or she
is a match for your project and you. You can also find more help or .
40 - Find A Publisher
If everything is ready for your book to be published, then you are ready to find a publisher.
However, since you know that there are some publishers that are less than honest, you
would like a professional writer to help you. Go to Elance, or online, and look for a writer
that has published a couple of books, and his or her experience will help you through the
He or she can help you with a lot of the things you need including on more edit to make
sure it is really of good quality. He or she can also write your material for the editor so that
your book stands out and makes the editor want to publish it. Other alternatives could be
available too, that an experienced and published writer can help you with. You might want
to check out or for more help.
41 - Find Services
When you need to have some kind of service performed but are not sure who to go to,
you can actually outsource the task to someone else. Give him or her the task of finding
the right professional for you. If he or she is knowledgeable enough to tell if they are good
or not, you might even let him or her choose the one that appears the most qualified and
convenient for your needs then make the arrangements. This could include just about
anything from needing a plumber to finding someone to put a new roof on your home. Or,
if could be special services like video filming or editing, copying videos to DVDs,
building a shed, etc. Whatever kind of job you need, you can outsource the task and let
someone else take the time for it. Get more information on this from
or .
42 - Garage Sale
Here is something that is a real time killer garage sales. Everybody has it, though, the
stuff you need to get rid of. Although you need to decide what goes and what stays, you
can let someone else handle it while you do something more pleasurable. Of course, you
will also need to determine the prices, too.
You can start out by going to a new online service called Here you will
find similar listings for people needing someone to do garage sales, etc. Then you can
outsource it and let someone else do it for you. An alternative would be some of the new
auction sites
similar to Ebay (or Ebay), where you can simply have someone else upload the pictures
and enter the description. While they are doing that for you, you can have some fun
somewhere else maybe the golf course, or a theme park. You can get more help, and
more ideas at or .
43 - Home Organizer
Home organizing is now a professional service. There are a lot of people that can now
perform this service for you. After you have that garage sale, then you can outsource the
task of having someone else show you how to organize what is left. They can organize for
you any room that you want, including a basement, attic, or garage or even the while
house or your home business office.
This service can be from putting things in different totes kind of service to designing new
rooms and storage space in your home. You choose the type and extent of service you
want. He or she could even give you a number of great ideas, too, on what to do with
hobby rooms and collections. Get some more information on this subject or .
44 Videos
Getting that great event on film is a must. You want others to see what happened because
it was such a memorable event whether it is a wedding, party, celebration, family
or whatever. Instead of getting a run-of-the-mill friend, or relative, why not outsource it
to a professional who can make sure that you have all the great shots and will do it right
the first time! If you do it any other way, the only thing you may have are regrets.
Professional video people come with excellent equipment and can tell you about lighting,
set up special photo shoots, and make it memorable for all who attend. Afterwards, they
could even put it on DVDs that you can disperse to thosewho want one. Get some
connections for video help at or .

45 - Personal Secretary
A personal secretary, or personal assistant, could work from most anywhere and yet still
help you with the organizational stuff you need. If you simply need someone to organize
your day, or remind you of upcoming appointments or calls you need to make, a personal
secretary can help you. Get some great help at or .
46 - Personal Trainer
When it comes to just about anything in the way of health or exercise you can now get
someone else to help you with it. What is even better is that he or she does not even need
to come to your home. Your personal trainer can help you online and you interact with him
or her in that way.
Your personal trainer creates a special program foryour needs and then encourages you to
keep on going. Adjustments are made throughout the program as well as the personal
coaching services of a professional coach to help you lost that weight, get in shape, or
develop your own personal exercise program. Get more information or .
47 - Phone Answering Service
Cut your phone time by letting a professional phone service help your home business. It
does not need to be said that you can hire people from about anywhere you have
probably talked to some already, and know this. By using a service, you can keep down
those annoying calls, and just handle those that you need to handle. Some of them may
have a foreign accent, but they usually speak well enough to get the job done. They also
may be more courteous, too. Get some great help at or


While dogs may be one of mans best friends, they still do require your time. It may not be
a lot of it, but it could be time that comes at a wrong moment. Or, you may need to have
someone take care of your pets while you take a business trip, a vacation, or just get away.
Here are some things that you can outsource concerning your pets.
48 - Dog Training
Who says you have to be the one to train your own dog? Let someone who really likes
dogs handle it for you. Possibly even someone who can do a really good job of it, too. Not
only can a well-trained animal behave better, but it will also require less of your time, too.
It is too bad that they cannot learn to run a can opener, as well. Get more information at or .
49 - Dog Walkers
If you cannot be home evenings, or at specified times of the day, but your dog needs to go
for a walk, you can let someone else take care of it for you. He or she almost needs no
training to do it just as long as he or she is responsible. Of course, your kids can take
care of it if you have them. Otherwise find someone you trust since you may need to
give them your house key. Get more help at or .
50 - Pet Grooming
Here is another chore that you can outsource. Ideally, simply teach your children how to
groom the pets and take care of them. If you have none, there is usually a neighbor kid
that loves animals nearby. He or she may not even mind giving it some extra TLC. You
can have him or her come over for this task each day and take the pet for a walk, clean a
cage, or whatever. Get some more information or . __________________
It almost seems that there is no end to the possibilities when it comes to what you can
outsource. The only known limit is for those things for which you absolutely must be there
When you consider that one guy even outsourced his dating life to a few companies
around the world, this shows that the potential may not have even yet really been
considered to its fullest. He claimed he ended up with a higher success rate and better
dates than what he would have obtained for himself - almost unbelievable.
So, if you are looking for some ways to outsource more of your business and life, find
some things that these topics give you ideas for, and then experiment - and have fun. Here
is a good place to start and learn more about using that free time to createRivers Of
Income for yourself and the family.
Section III: Business Outsourcing

Advertising is one of those things that can definitely consume a lot of time yet almost
every bit of it can be outsourced. By working closely with an advertising company, and
defining your objectives carefully, your business can grow by placing this important task
in the hands of professionals.
51 Advertising
When you want to get the word out about your company, or a new product, why not let the
experts provide that service for you? Your marketing dollars will receive a better ROI and
you will soon see new customers. All phases of your marketing projects can be
outsourced, including market research, finding keywords, and even the development of
your product. Both online and off-line advertising methods can be outsourced, as well as
using it to develop a strategic marketing plan for your company.
Advertising comes in many forms, and you will needto outsource your advertising projects
according to the experience of the company. Calculate a budget first, and then outsource it
to a company with proven experience. This can be done through places like Elance, or find
a freelance marketing company on the Web. Select one that is familiar with the country
you are targeting, as well as the age group for the best results. Be sure to consider more
ideas Rivers Of Income. Get more information from or .
52 Branding
Making your name stand out in everything you do is something that should be relegated to
the experts. After all, what is your companys name worth to your business? It is
undoubtedly very important to the success and longevity of your company. Outsourcing
this task is not something that you have to do - not a core project - but by doing so, you
can get the best results.
Marketing experts are trained, and experienced in the techniques of best practices for
branding. This greatly reduces the need for trial and error - as well as marketing dollars.
They can work closely with any team that they need to - as long as it does not choke out
their originality. The only thing left is for you to contact them right away. Get more help at or .
53 - Call Center
When you need people to operate a call center for you, that task can be outsourced. You
can get specialized services to handle your inbound calls, order taking, your customer
service and answering services, as well as any outbound services you want. You can even
get special services like online chat, too, making it highly flexible for your business and as
high tech and modern as you want to go.
Some of these groups can also handle credit card processing, tracking of your ads, add
shipping costs, and so much more. If you are going to have a special seminar and need to
handle calls for information and registration - that can also be arranged for you. Even
better, though, is that you may even find that some of these outsourcing companies can
even up sell or cross-sell your catalog products making them the ideal way to go with
professional call center services. Get more information at or .
54 Commercials
Promoting your business through the use of radio or TV is a sure way to reach the masses.
The problem, though, is that if your commercials are not professional, your company may
end up throwing your advertising dollars away. While not every commercial will be a
guaranteed success, you can eliminate more possible flops if you outsource your radio and
TV spots to professional companies.
These companies are experienced and knowledgeable of techniques for reaching large
audiences through your media of choice. You can run your marketing ideas by him or her,
and then get it fine-tuned to reach your targeted audience. They can also ensure that your
brand is successfully and positively implanted in the commercial, leading to greater brand
recognition and sales. Get help building your next commercial from or .
55 - Lead Generation
Very few businesses have the problem of having too many customers wanting their
products or services. Generating possible leads is something that needs the professional
touch of those who are experienced in it. This will increase your results per dollar spent
and can lead to a higher ROI than what you may now be receiving.
A lead generation service can put leads into your email box each week. You can then begin
sending your newsletter to each of them and start increasing your sales right away. By
outsourcing this task to a lead generation company, you can quickly increase your sales
and bottom dollar. This type of service will usually have a monthly, or annual fee, as well
as a price per lead generated. Get more information from or .
56 - Off-line Marketing
Your company needs to get the word out both online and off-line for the greatest amount
of impact and profit. You can outsource your off-line promotions to marketing
companies, or at least work with them on developing a successful marketing strategy.
This company can help you know what methods work best in your area, as well as what
will work best for the age group you are targeting. They will also handle any mail outs you
need, too. Get more information from or www.chapman- .
57 - Web Promotions
Promoting your business on the Web is something that could probably benefit from
outsourcing unless you really know what you are doing. With the tools and focus of the
Web constantly changing, you want someone who is aware of the latest technology and
marketing trends. The new social marketing involves places like Facebook, MySpace,
YouTube, and more, and if you are ready to go there with your business there are experts
ready to launch your business into new dimensions.
Outsourcing your Web or online promotions can freeyou up to handle more important
business matters. A team of individuals could literally run your whole campaign from
beginning to end including writing sales letters, Web content, PPC campaigns, preparing
videos and so much more. Much more can be learned from my Web site at Rivers Of
Income. Get some great additional information or .


Here is one thing you really have little time for, since others can readily do it for you.
They also would have time to do it right and keep it that way.
58 - Janitorial Services
The daily cleaning of your place of work can be outsourced to a cleaning company. You
can make arrangements with them to clean your offices, work spaces, or warehouses on a
daily basis, or have them come by once or twice a week for that extra special cleaning.
Professional cleaning services know what it takes to get that stain out of your carpet from
that party the other day. Their expertise allows them to do an excellent job and make your
offices, workspaces, and rest rooms shine. This makes each room ready to receive your
clients and visitors allowing them to come away with a good impression. You can find
more information or . 59 -
Landscaping & Landscape Design
When you want to make an impression on people with your landscape you do not need
to do it yourself. Unless you are experienced in landscaping, or even if you are, it probably
is not the focus of your business. It is something that certainly takes a lot of time and eats
up a lot of man-hours. Outsourcing it can put you in touch with people that can make your
property beautiful and balanced with flowers, bushes, trees, and even fountains, lighting,
and more.
You can have them show you proposals for your property by using software for landscape
design. This can give you a good idea of what it will look like before a single blade of
grass is moved. If your property is brand new, a landscape company can even bring in sod,
too, and have it looking great in just a short time. Someone else, however, will need to
take care of the mowing and general yard care, since landscapers usually do not handle
that type of work. You can great some more information at or .


Getting ready for business should not be performed in a haphazard way or left up to a lot
of guesswork. By working with a knowledgeable person or agency, you can get started on
a more solid footing making it that much surer for success.
60 - Business Plans
When you get ready to start a new business, you will need to have a business plan created.
This document will help you get organized, know where you are going, show how to get
there, and just about anything else you will need. Besides this, of course, is the fact that if
you need a lender you will be expected to provide them with a professional business
plan. This can easily be outsourced through Elance, or a similar entity, where you can find
experienced business plan writers. You may also be surprised to know that a number of
people there have their own businesses, too. Get some great help at or .
61 - Marketing Plans
While you are getting your business plan written, you might as well consider outsourcing
your marketing plan, too. Expert marketers can easily be found online or with Elance, etc.,
which will give you a solid foundation from the start rather than having to guess what
will work to bring your message to your target audience.
Experienced marketers also know what will work and what may not. This could easily
save you many dollars in trial and error marketing campaigns. They could also show you
some of the current latest techniques that still may be new but are also hot in their impact.
Including things like social marketing can help you get an early foothold into some of
these markets that you do not want to overlook. Get additional help or .


Much of your day-to-day activities can be outsourced to others who can do the job just as
well and maybe even more efficiently. Here are some tips to help you really get down to
your business streamlining it for greater success.
62 Consultants
At every phase of your business, it is important that you get professional advice in order to
ensure that the actions you take are the best possible ones for you. Although it is not
exactly outsourcing, still you can receive input, guidance, and counsel from others who
have had (or still have) their own businesses. The benefits from such a service should be
obvious, and you can access their counsel for your planning, expansion, projections,
marketing plans, and tips on how to be more effective in your day-to-day business
processes. Find more useful information or .
63 Inventory
Every so many months, or at least once a year, you may need to perform an inventory of
some kind. This inventory could include inventory by date, SKU numbers, retail,
reconciliation, or more. This time consuming process can be outsourced to another
company allowing you to keep your hands free to do business. Inventory teams are
professionals who know how to organize the data you need, as well as get the results that
you want quickly. Get some help or .


Every business today uses computers in some capacity, and this makes it necessary to have
someone on hand that can handle these not quite perfect machines. As you know by know,
fixing or programming one could take many hours or even days if you are not using a
professional. Outsourcing the special computer tasks and possibly even the maintenance
could free up many hours of precious work time that could be put to better use.
64 - Computer Operations
Small businesses can easily get the computer help you need by outsourcing those needs to
a computer-consulting firm. These firms come in various sizes and offer various levels of
services so that your computing needs are met. They can also ensure that you are provided
with the best security, anti-virus software, and anti-spam technology. They could also help
you set up quality back-up systems that make sure you are protected from problems like
power outages, component failure, shorts, and so much more.
Outsourcing your computer needs to a computer-consulting firm can reduce your need of
full-time programmers and operators, by running your operations when needed. They can
perform regular maintenance and upkeep on your systems and will work with your budget
and needs. Web site changes can also be made smoothly, as well as data management, and
other operations - keeping your hands free to do business. Get additional information from or .
65 - Computer Security
Government regulations require that your business put certain amounts of security in place
to protect your customers personal data from being compromised. You, of course, do not
have all the time you need to ensure that each of the new requirements are met let alone
know what they are. By outsourcing your computer network security requirements to
professionals, you put your computer systems into the safest of hands. Besides that,
breaches of security then become their fault and not yours.
Computer security companies will help you to detectpossible security breaches, potential
weaknesses, and can even monitor your computer systems for intrusion 24 hours a day.
This provides you with the security you need against hackers, employee tampering and
other computer problems to help your customers have greater confidence in you. Get
additional information from or .
66 - Software Development and Programming
Every now and then you may need to develop your own software or programming in order
to make your programs more efficient. Computer programmers are costly, but you can still
get one at a good price. Since, in many cases, programming can be performed off location,
your programmer can often be just about anywhere in the world.
This enables you to outsource for reasonable prices, and will enable you to find one rather
quickly, too. To place your project and have programmers or software developers bid on
your project, you can go to places like RentACoder, Guru, Elance, or oDesk. Outsourcing
your computer needs makes a lot of sense and places your work into the hands of
professionals. Get further information from or .


When you need some kind of designing done whether it be in the form of drafting,
computer-generated graphics, Web graphics, layout, sketch, etc., you will find many
qualified people available to outsource your work to. Get some additional help from or .
67 Drafting
Many experienced drafters are available for you to outsource your drafting needs to, and
provide you with the services you need. Whether you are looking for CAD drawings,
paper, blueprints, 3-D, you can easily create more time for yourself or your business by
outsourcing it.
One place to find these services would be to go to Elance, where you can receive bids on
your projects. You choose the person you want after reviewing his or her qualifications
and experience. Then, once you have one or two projects completed and like the results,
you have a draftsman available to do work for you in the future that you can rely on for
quality drawings. Get more information from or .
68 - Graphics Design
When you need quality graphics for your applications, outsource it for great results. The
nice thing is that you do not need to personally know any graphics design artist though
you might start with him or her if you do. Check to see if he or she is interested in working
on your projects for pay, and you may have the person you need to do the job. Otherwise,
find a freelance graphics artist on the Internet or at Elance.
You will need to provide some rather detailed descriptions about what you want in the way
of your design needs. One of the best ways to do this is to direct the person to similar
graphics online. Prices vary but so will the quality of the work you receive. Be sure to
see graphic samples that the individual has in his or her portfolio before you hire. Get
some more information or .
69 - Presentation Design
Putting professionalism into your presentations is not something that you have to do
yourself. You can outsource the project to experienced people and make your presentation
dynamic and a real success. Whether you intend to make it a PowerPoint presentation, a
slide presentation, video, or any other kind, you can have professionals take yours to the
next level. You no longer have to tweak them for hours on end or put people to sleep
with presentations that just do not cut it. Get some additional information from or .
70 - Web Development and Design
Making your Web site appear unique and professional can be done by using outsourced
talent anywhere in the world. Instead of struggling to find that just-right appearance and
organization for your Web pages, a team of professionals, or an individual, can provide
you with the services you need. There are many qualified people online that can provide
you with the services you need.
After you contact a couple of them, ask to see their portfolios, or sample Web pages that
he or she has already done and see if it is the quality you want. If you need any special
coding for your Web site, just ask as he or she may be able to provide you with that, too
or have someone else on the team that can do it for you.
When you have a business of any kind, you certainly want to have a Website so the public
can find you. There are many ways to increase your visibility of the Web for your
business. Learn more at Rivers Of Income. For more information, check out or .


All of your companys financial matters can be outsourced. Before you trust it all to an
outsourced individual or company, however, let him or her prove their trustworthiness, or
at least have some strong references. Here are some specific ideas that you can use
outsourcing for in your business.
71 Billing
Billing is one thing that is commonly outsourced today by many businesses. When you
use a company or individual that is set up to handle your billing needs, it can save you
time and money. Their specialized expertise allows you to get the best dollar per hour
investment on your money.
Whether you do your billing through email, regular mail, faxes, online billing, or any
other means, you can find a company prepared to help you. Even better, though, is the fact
that their expertise may be able to show your company how to reduce billing costs by
using better methods. Not only that, but they may know some tips that can help your
company get better results, too, with a higher rate of payments than what you currently
receive. Reports may also be available that confirm when the bills are sent, as well as
offering full color printing services for your brand. Get some additional help at or .
72 Bookkeeping
Outsourcing your bookkeeping is a great way to reduce some of your clerical costs. This
way, you are only paying for the hours that you actually use a bookkeeper - instead of
having to offer a weekly salary.
Professional bookkeepers can keep your company informed about the latest tax
information you need to know, and help you prepare for new developments. He or she (or
a bookkeeping company) can also do your taxes as a third party. Any accounting software
that you prefer can also be incorporated in your selection of accounting professionals. This
can reduce your accounting costs and still enable you to keep the same or even greater
level of professionalism that you would expect from in-house accountants. Reports can
also be prepared as desired in your contract arrangements. Some more information on this
subject is available or
73 - Financial Reports
When it comes to having accurate financial reports for either monthly, quarterly, or annual
meetings, you want them to be accurate - and on time. These reports can be outsourced,
keeping your costs down, as well as simplified if you have your bookkeeper or accountant
do them. Of course, it just makes sense that the ones you outsourced your accounting to
should prepare the reports, it does not have to be. You could outsource annual reports to a
third company just as easily, and let them do your tax reports, too. Get some more help at or .
74 - Payroll
Outsourcing payroll is another way to reduce your overhead and salaries. This enables
your employees (or yourself) to focus on those things that are more important to your
business. An experienced payroll company is also able to keep up with the latest tax
information and make sure that you avoid various tax penalties. Besides, you really did
not want to have to keep with the latest IRS developments anyway - did you? Insurance,
maternity, and other payroll deductions are calculated for you - giving you greater
freedom to do just business. Allowing a professional company to handle this part of your
work will ensure accurate records, less complications, and on time service - without the
headaches. When it comes to year-end tax forms, like W-2s and 1099s, it will not even
cause you to break out in a sweat if you outsource it. If there should be any errors, many
times the payroll company absorbs that cost, too. For more information, check out or .


Taking all of that data and putting it into a form that is usable by your company in its
various offices and departments consume many hours often that of many people. Yet
many of these mundane tasks can be accomplished by outsourcing it and possibly more
efficiently than your own company employees.
75 - Content Management Systems
If you are placing large amounts of information on your Web site and need to keep it easy
to find and navigable, then you need a content management system. Such a system may be
easy to find, but you still need someone to run it. This means man-hours hours that you
do not need an employee to use. Instead, simply outsource the task to someone who can
run it through the week. This is easily done, as there are many people that can do it from
his or her home. He or she can also use time not needed on your system for other projects,
too, meaning that you are not paying a full-time employee.
If there should be any questions about what to do with certain content, simply stay in
touch with this outsourced agent. You can easily use email, Skype, Instant Messenger, cell
phones, and so much more. Check out or .
76 - Data Entry
This is a process that your business can easily outsource because there are many people
available in this field. Companies exist on the Internet just waiting to employ their
contacts. You simply need to contact the companies, and let them choose the right
employees and you can leave it with them. Many data entry employees also work at
It really does not matter what industry you are in, there are data entry workers that you can
use. Some of these companies are industry specific and may focus on real estate, medical,
insurance, etc., so that you receive experienced workers knowledgeable of the type of data
you need and where to get it. You can get some great additional information from or .
77 - Document Scanning & Management
When you have an occasional need, or a regular need, for document scanning and filing
into your information management system, you can outsource that task, as well. These
outsourcing companies have the high-tech equipment necessary, as well as the manpower
to handle large volumes or small amounts of document processing that you need to
have scanned. Some companies will come to your place of business, with the personnel
and equipment needed, and do it for you onsite.
This type of service can enable you to clear out those storage rooms of old records,
transactions, drawings, pictures, microfiche, etc. Document scanning companies can take
your scanned documents and turn them into any kind of digital file you want making
them accessible through your information management system. Your files can also be
placed on CDs, DVDs or any other instrument you want for a backup. You can get
some more information from or .
78 - Research & Data Analysis
A team outside of your own company can analyze your data. You can have experts look
over your information and provide you with data mining, data analysis, or data
interpretation. Targeted analysis will analyze your data and provide you with the
specialized information you are looking for. Whether it is statistical data, financial or trend
data, or anything else, you can outsource it to the experts.
Once you have discovered the information you are looking for, you could even have a
white paper written about it. This can be outsourced, too. Get some more information at or .


You want your publications to be top notch so that people will want to read them. Creating
the right impression requires more than just good graphics, however, as the message must
match the same quality and know how to bring that person to want what your company is
79 - Brochure Development
Face it - your brochure should say it all about your company and products. A brochure is
part of your brand. This means that it should not be put into the hands of those who are
only guessing at what should be in it and how it should look.
Your marketing dollars do not come cheaply and you want to be sure that it is targeting the
right audience for the greatest returns on your investment (ROI). Outsourcing this task to
the experts is sure to please you, your accountant, and your potential customers. Right
design techniques, coupled with carefully crafted words, can say it all and lead people to
act - with their wallets. What more can be said. For more information, check out or .
80 Blogs
Companies today are finding that it is necessary, and very cost effective, to have a blog.
Even the large companies are getting in on it, and many have had blogs for years. Coming
up with new material may be a little difficult after a while, or just time-consuming, but this
is something that you can easily outsource to a blog writer. All you need to do is to tell
him or her how many entries you want per week and about how long you want each piece
to be. Be sure to contract for a short period first to test the writer. Once tested, you can
then sign him or her up for longer periods.
Writers can also be hired to make entries on other blogs, too, to increase the number of
inbound links. With a combination of the two, you can soon have the quality traffic to
your blogs that you want.
Blogs are a good way to add some serious income to your business. By doing it right, you
can add some income and promote your business in a large way. See more information
atRivers Of Income. Get additional help at or .
81 Catalogs
Catalogs take a lot of time to develop whether they are in print or online or both. You
can reduce your time involvement by outsourcing this task to professionals. You should
also, however, have one person keep in touch with each phase of the catalog development
to ensure that they stay on target and give you the quality you want. Outsourcing this
project may require more than one team or person, however. Several things need to be
coordinated, like the photography, the writing, the layout, and the printing or Web site
development. Ideally, you want a team that can handle all phases of it. For additional
information, go or .
82 - Grant Writing
Applying for a grant is certainly something that you want done right the first time. This
would, of course, greatly reduce your seek time and could get you the grant you want
quickly. After all, why waste time if you do not need to. You can outsource the writing of
your grant to an experienced grant writer. You can find many experienced grant writers at
Elance, or on the Internet, and come away with the winning grant proposal you need. It is
important, with grant proposals that you not only have in it the necessary information, but
also that is appealing to the reader and makes good business sense. This is an additional
reason why you should use a professional grant writer. Get some great help on this topic at or .
83 - Mail-outs
You can outsource your mail-outs by combining them with your printing services. While
not every printer will do this many will. Find one that will give you good rates and some
guarantees in order to ensure that it is sent out on time. This will help you not to need so
many employees around your office, and enable the ones you do have to focus on more
important things.
You may be able to save a lot of time and money if you work to build up your email list.
This will allow you to send emails with your promotions and ads, as well as keep your
contacts informed and in touch with your business. Avoid spamming by letting people opt-
in (sign-up) for it on your Web site. You can also outsource the making and sending of
your weekly newsletter which you may also get to email it for you. Additional
information is available at or .
84 Newsletter
Your business needs to stay in touch with your customers or contacts, and you can use an
email newsletter to do it. By providing them with relevant news and information, along
with your ads, you can greatly increase your sales and get repeat business from them, too.
Outsource your newsletter to a writer, or at least the main content of it, and you can come
up with a winning situation that saves you time and brings in profit.
Additional time can be saved if you also outsource the emailing of your newsletter, too.
This can be either no cost or cost very little. In most cases it will not cost but a few
pennies each. You can even provide this provider with more than one email list and then
simply choose which list you want your information sent to and when. For additional
information, go to or .
85 Printing
Printing is one thing that takes a lot of time and money. Unless your company has a need
to have this equipment in-house, then you should consider letting someone else a
professional handle it. You may need to experiment some before you find the printer that
works best with your needs, but they can be found. In fact, your printing projects can be
ordered online and then you can receive your printed results by express shipment if you
need it in a hurry. Be sure to have the printer allow you to preview it before printing. For
even faster service, however, outsource both the printing and the mail-outs at the same
time. Some printers will gladly provide you with both services enabling your business to
not have to touch it at all. Dont forget about advertising on postcards, too, which could
even save you more money because no envelope stuffing is needed, or multiple products.
Check out the following sites for more information; or .
86 Proofreading
Anytime that a manual or any other type of publication is developed, it is a very good idea
to have it proofread. Even an expert writer will have someone else proofread his or her
material before publication. This is simply one more step to ensure that you are putting
quality material before the public and ensuring that your brand continues to represent
If you want more than just proofreading, such as having someone proofread and edit your
text to have it convey your message in the best possible way, then you need copyediting.
Either one of these professional services can be obtained through Elance. Get additional
information at or .
87 - Press Release Writing
Companies need to use press releases often in order to keep their business in the news
either in the off-line media or just online or both. Either way, though, it will take a
special newsworthy item in order for your press release to get noticed. Editors that receive
them usually get hundreds each day so he or she will only spend a few seconds making
that all important decision to either go with it or trash it.
Professional press release writers can be contracted to provide your company with a press
release that is much more likely to get the results you want. He or she also knows how to
use keywords in it so that people can find it through online searches even after your press
release is posted on your Web site and elsewhere. While no one can absolutely guarantee
it will work, by outsourcing it to someone who is experienced and has some success, your
business can most likely gain a higher level of visibility. A press release writer may also
submit it, too, to the right places for an additional fee. Some quality information is
available or .
88 - Speech Writing
Every now and then, business leaders will find it necessary to make speeches. Your speech
could be in front of company employees, in front of clients, or at promotional functions in
front of the public. A speech could be outsourced to speechwriters who could make you
look like an expert speaker. Knowing that you have a quality speech can also help you to
relax if you are not accustomed to public speaking.
Letting a professional speechwriter put your speech together can free up your time for
something more important. You can actually relax knowing that it will be there when you
need it. For more information go to or www.speech- .
89 - Technical Manual Writing
Every business that employs several people needs to have technical manuals ready to
explain to someone how to do each of your daily business processes. The obvious reason
is for those days when an employee becomes sick, hospitalized, or even passes away
someone must fill in for him or her and perform tasks that may be totally foreign to him or
her. Having clearly written manuals are essential so that it does not take two or three
people to do the task of one as the new task is learned from the manual.
Many people, although they mean well and understand the process thoroughly, simply
cannot put it into language easy to be understood, or clear enough so that someone who
does not have a clue can understand. You can outsource the writing of this manual to
people who are expert in writing technical manuals. He orshe could work with your
experts and produce a manual that is current with your business processes or equipment.
These manuals will provide your business with an insurance that the business wont
collapse and put everything on hold until that missing person is either returns or is
replaced. Get some additional information atwww.innodata- or .
90 - Web Content Writing
If your business is on the Web as it ought to be then you need your Web pages able to
convert your readers. This means that the writing needs to be focused, hot, and capable
of moving them to buy otherwise it is just so much traffic. What may be even more
important, however, is that your Web page writing needs to be search engine optimized
(SEO) so that Google and other search engines will direct traffic your way.
You can outsource all of it so that a Web content writer produces it all for you. You can
find many qualified writers at places like Elance, GetAFreelancer, Guru, and others. You
simply post your project, let writers bid on it, and you will receive bids from all over the
world. You then pick the writer and price range you want. You can even go with low bids -
if you want to use writers from places like India but there might be a problem with the
quality of English. Each writer has a portfolio with writing samples, ratings from other
projects, and will provide you with details of their price and services on your project.
Every Web site even if it is on autopilot will need to provide some content for your
readers. Learn more about Web sites and how to use them to your advantage for multiple
streams of income, and more atRivers Of Income. Additional information is available at or .
91 - White Paper Writing
When your company wants a white paper written on some subject related to your business,
you can outsource it. This leaves your hands free to do business as usual. You can find
many experienced white paper writers either online or at places like Elance. In advance,
you can gather together any special information the writer needs for your white paper.
This way all you need to do is to email it once a writer is selected. The paper will focus on
the material of your choice and can be used to highlight your company or product if
desired. One specific advantage of outsourcing a white paper is the speed at which you
can receive it. If you use someone in-house, then he or she may need to split time with
other projects which means it takes longer to get a finished paper. A professional writer,
however, can provide you with an advance completion date and deliver it for you when
you want it. Get additional information from or .


92 Quality Assurance
Making sure that your product or software is up to specifications or compliance standards
is something that does not need any guesswork. If your own team may not be up to the
highest standards or if your labs do not have the ability to perform such testing or analysis,
you can outsource it to companies that will do it for you. By using a third party quality
assurance team, you can be assured of the quality of the product at each level, or, be able
to know where the product or software needs further development. In situations where
there are problems, a good quality assurance company can also provide you with product
development techniques that will ensure that the finished product meets all standards.
Additional information is available from or .


93 - Fund Raising
When you need to raise some money and want to host a special event for it, you can
outsource the event to professional fund-raisers. These companies know the techniques
you need in order to be able to successfully promote it and bring in the money you want
from the event. Their experience will enable them to eliminate things that simply will not
work and make their program a much-talked about event.
Since money is on the line, it will not do to have anyone conduct your fundraising event.
A professional company can select the right promotional items, tools, people, and
equipment needed for it to be a success. You can choose from an auction type of event, an
online event, entertainment event, or make plans according to the type of group you have.
Outsourcing it to professionals means you can receive top dollar amounts for the event
and even create a desire for a similar event soon or in the following year. For more
information go to or .
94 Catering
When you need to host that special event, you can outsource it to a catering service and
leave the details with them. A catered service enables you to provide the high quality food
and service your business needs to make your event go smoothly, or impress those
important clients or business associates. You can also bring in special entertainment if you
want, just be sure to let the caterer know how many are coming besides your own people.
Caterers can provide you with different level of services from a buffet style, to a full sit-
down dinner or luncheon. They usually provide the decorations, eating utensils, and
anything else you want to make it a special event. To ensure that their service is what you
are looking for, be sure to ask for a taste of their food in advance and see what quality of
utensils, plates, glasses, etc. that they are going to use. Additional information is available
at or .


Keeping your company up with the latest laws in hiring practices could put your company
at fault simply because you do not have time for it. Outsourcing it can save you time and
make the process go much smoother possibly for you and the employee candidates.
95 Hiring
When you are looking for employees whether for full-time or part-time positions, you
can outsource that task to an employment agency. Since that agency is obviously
experienced, you can avoid any legal issues and problems that you may not even be
familiar with. You also will not need to worry about the time needed to review resumes,
interview applicants, and then make the final choice of who to hire. You simply tell the
agency what your requirements are and let them do all the work. You can also use an
employment agency to find personnel for you even if you want to hire a new group
everyday on a temp basis. Get some additional information
or .
96 - Personal Assistant
If you have a small business, or a home business, then much of your routine office work
can be performed by personal assistants. You could have for instance, one or more
personal assistants as needed to get the work done around the office. Your personal
assistant could also coordinate the outsourcing of other work to other freelance
professionals keeping your office staff small and outsourcing the rest. Personal assistants
can be hired on a by hour basis, or sometimes a flat monthly rate will give you so many
hours of service. As you have need of different services that a personal assistant might
perform, you can line up ones with different talents to cover all your bases. You can even
hire one in other parts of the world, and find that their services are still just as good. You
can find more information at or .
97 - Phone and Messenger Service
This can easily be outsourced to another company that will handle your calls and forward
your messages anywhere you want. Your calls can also be screened to eliminate
unimportant calls or notify you immediately when an important call comes in. Since
phone time can take up a lot of your important time, having this kind of service could
prove to be a real time saver. You can also outsource to companies your specific needs
such as customer service, tech support, billing questions, and so much more.
Dont forget the advantage you can also add to your message service when you can place
up to date ads on your service while a person is put on hold. Professionals can design your
message for the greatest impact and then even record it using professional voices that
make your message pleasant to listen to. For additional information go to www.prompt- or .
98 Transcripts
Transcripts can be easily outsourced as long as you have it in a digital format. All you
need to do is upload it to your computer, hire a transcriptionist, and email him or her your
material. You can find this service for an excellent price at places like Elance, which
enable you to receive bids and review portfolios before you select a candidate. If you
want, you can even place a notice in your bid that lets the person know that if you like the
work, then you have more work in the future. This could put you in touch with someone
who can do this work on a regular or semi-regular basis. Additional information is
available at or .
99 - Trip Arrangements
Trips can easily be arranged through a personal assistant. You may not even need one in
the office, but have one accessible through email or Instant Messenger. He or she could
live anywhere, and online phone service or Internet connections can enable them to make
your arrangements for you. Since most airlines and hotels are accessible by computer,
there are no distance limitations. For more information go or .


100 Training
Bringing your employees up to the next level can be done by outsourcing that work, too.
This is not something that someone in your office needs to be involved with for long.
Many freelancers are available that are well-experienced in providing training materials
or offering training courses for most types of businesses. Their experience can provide you
with the quality materials you need to bring your employees up to higher performance
levels. Through outsourcing, you probably could get just about any type of service you
need to accomplish your training objectives. Your options are to bring in speakers to
present the material you want, have online courses designed for your employees, or get the
materials made that will enable one or more of your staff members to handle the task. Any
of these options allows you to use outsourced workers to either prepare the materials or to
actually present the material as well. Get more information at or .


101 - What Else Is Left Outsource It, Too!
Although this Ebook does not claim to be exhaustive, enough of a variety has been
mentioned so that you can see that you can outsource just about everything. This means
that it is only left up to your watchfulness and imagination. As you learn to outsource
more you will soon see even more things that you can outsource. There is a learning
curve of which no one yet knows the limits!
Like the title of this Ebook suggests, you can just about outsource your life. The potential
is there for you to go to new lengths and dimensions of life through outsourcing the things
of everyday living.
Start looking now for things to outsource in your life. Find good people and contacts to
outsource your needs to and build up your resource list. Then, with more free time created,
you may want to begin thinking about making multiple streams of income and outsource
that, too.
For more information about outsourcing, please visit my Web site at
Rivers Of Income.

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