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Scale factor Practice

1. Cletus has a circular garden with a circumference of 12.56 m. His momma has a circular garden
three times the size of his.

a) What scale factor would be used to get momma's garden from Cletus' garden?

b) What will be the perimeter of momma's garden?

c) Both will fill their gardens with plants. How many times more plants will momma need than Cletus?

2. a) What scale factor is used to create shape B from Shape A?


14 cm 21 cm

b) How many times greater is the area of B than A?

3. a) Penny-Ellen has a photo of her art that has an area of 1200 cm 2. The original has an area of 48
cm2. What scale factor was used to create the photo?

b) Gary says that the scale factor was 25. What did he forget?

4. Billy-Joe Jim-Bob has a little model of a package to be wrapped with paper. The model has a surface
area of 60 cm2, and the actual package is a 400% enlargement of the model. How much paper will be
needed to wrap the actual package?

Assignment: p. 487 #2 4, 6 8, 13. p. 497 #1, 5 and p. 508 #1, 4, 6-8

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