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She said that Kim was acting up at church - making noise.

My stomach is acting up today. I don't feel well.
Parents should remember that actions speak louder than words. Kids imitate their parents.
After I learn the melody I like to ad lib. I play what I hear in my head.
He's angry. Telling him bad news will add fuel to the fire.
If you say his answer is wrong, and then say he can't understand, you've added insult to
"Did he spend all of our money?" "Yes, 'fraid so."
Will you help me with English? After all, I helped you with math.
Against all odds - poor weather, student pilot - we landed safely.
Some words go against the grain. Their spellings aren't natural.
"Age before beauty," she said as she opened the door for me.
Dad said that when I reach the age of majority I can buy my own car!
In sales, we're a little ahead of the curve. But in service, we suck!
With all these expenses, we can't seem to get ahead of the game.
"It ain't easy being green," said the frog.
Hey, this pizza ain't half-bad. I kinda like it.
The man struck one of the attendants. It was air rage.
Sell flying saucers to little gray people? That's too airy-fairy for me!
William O'Connor - a.k.a. Wil, Willie, Billy Boy - was born in Ireland.
When Celia is the driver, we go all around Robin Hood's barn!
When Dad mentioned hunting, I was all ears. I loved to hunt.
When the fire truck arrived, the children were all eyes.
Ian gets all fired up when he sees Kari. There's love in his eyes.
I hope all goes well for you at college. I hope you succeed.
If a man buys things he can't pay for, he's all hat and no cattle.
When the fire alarm sounded, all hell broke loose
Dan talks to the door. I wonder if he's got all his marbles.
After the marathon, she was all in - completely exhausted.
She said, "Thanks for the help." "All in a day's work," he replied.
All in all, it was a good holiday. We enjoyed our trip to Europe.
The new computer isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's not so hot.
We looked day and night for the lost girl. It was an all-out effort.
I left the gate open, and the cows are all over hell's half acre.
"All set?" he asked, as she closed her suitcase
Al gets all shook up when he sees Gina. He likes her a lot.
When he gets angry and yells at us, it's all show, just to scare us.
The young farmers got all spruced up for the dance.
He talks about doing everything, but doesn't accomplish anything. He's all talk and no action!
The parade is ready to begin. It's all teed up.
They were talking about UFO's and all that jazz.
When Horst sold his business he bought a motorhome with all the bells and whistles.
Our canary sings all the livelong day - from dawn to dusk.
How does it feel to be playing in the final - for all the marbles?

To get to the Halsteads, we have to go all the way to Egery and back!
The teacher asked Jason to explain the meaning of Shakespeare's words:
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."
All things being equal, we should sell all our bicycles by October.
Be yourself. Stop trying to be all things to all people.
As a salesperson, you will meet people from all walks of life.
Barry's all washed up. His business is bankrupt.
You're all wet! You can't grow bananas in Saskatchewan.
When I picked up my overtime check, Karen reminded me that All work and no play...
If you invest all your money in one hotel, you'll have all your eggs in one basket.
When your girlfriend leaves you for your best friend, remember, All's fair in love and war.
Although we argued and fought, we are happy with the result. All's well that ends well!
You've met the workers. This is my nephew - he's just along for the ride.
He wants a job in health care or nursing, along those lines.

To survive, one needs an ace up one's sleeve - a special talent.

Sally is such an airhead. She said that chicklets are baby chickens.
Mom gave me an apple, saying, "An apple a day... ."
If you don't do your work, they will think you have an attitude.
Jason had an axe to grind at the meeting - job security.
If Mom catches you smoking, you'll get an earful.
Ask Charlie for a loan. He's an easy mark.
We need a steady manager, one who can keep an even keel.
Canadian laws do not demand an eye for an eye.
The border guards invited me to stay for further questioning - it was an offer I couldn't refuse.
Tom's an old hand at cribbage. He's played since he was a boy.
The band played marches and overtures - the old warhorses.
Forest fires deserve an ounce of prevention: public education in campfire safety.
Amy is anal retentive. She writes down everything the teacher says.
When you have a crisis, your faith will anchor you.
The kids love pizza - and how!
We were watchin' TV an' stuff, just hangin' out.
You will be home by 10 p.m., and that's that!
We invited everybody in town - and then some!

Every cigarette he smoked was another nail in his coffin.

As the dealer shuffled the cards, he said, "Ante up, boys."
When the teacher asks him a question, he says any old thing.
Any word from Dale? He should have called us by now.
Anything goes during Stampede week. People do crazy things!
"Is your room in apple-pie order?" "Yes, Mom. It is."
By the time the trial began, the lawyer was armed to the teeth.
If I had to listen to that noise all the time, I'd go around the bend.
Julie worked around the clock to finish her sewing project.
The burrowing owl is a protected species. As a matter of fact, it's an endangered species.
Tracy is not only beautiful. She's as talented as all get-out.
Jeans and T-shirts are American, as American as apple pie!
When the teacher returned, the students were as busy as beavers.
The hen squeezed, and out popped an egg as clean as a whistle.
You don't remember the party because you were as drunk as a skunk!
If your dog doesn't learn your tricks, who is as dumb as a sack of hammers?
As far as I know, the company will pay your travel expenses.
As if we'd leave for Banff without you. We'd never do that!
By the time we arrived, as luck would have it, the fight was over.
For Sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, red, all options, low km, as new.
I saw it, as plain as day - Bigfoot - not twenty feet away!
We have photos of the earth from outer space that prove the earth is round. It's as plain as
the nose on your face!
How can they refuse to help her? She's as poor as a church mouse.
Country doctors are as scarce as hen's teeth.
Barry can't come to practice. He's sick as a dog!
Samuel's voice sounds weird because he's as sick as a parrot.
He writes as slow as a dead snail, only a word or two per day!
The tortoise is very slow - as slow as molasses in January.
"What is the foundation made of?" "Concrete - it's as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar!"
Robert will come, sure as shit. He comes every day.
The farm is about ten miles northeast of town, as the crow flies.
I sat there watching the four of them play bridge, and feeling as useless as a fifth wheel.
Our toenails are useless - as useless as tits on a boar.
When you called him a thief, you asked for it. You made him mad.
When we negotiate our salary let's try this strategy: Ask for the moon and hope for a 10%
The asking price for the lot was $29,500. It sold for $28,000.
If you're asleep at the switch, you won't learn much in class.
Don't be an ass, Duddy. Stay in school and get your diploma.
Those jeans fit you, but they're a little tight around the ass.
After holidays, I'll get my ass into gear and paint the house.
I sent the package Overnight Air Mail, because my ass is on the line if it arrives late.
The cowboy knocked him off his feet - ass over teakettle!
I could see at a glance that the car was unsafe. A wheel was loose.
When you passed us you were going at a pretty good clip.
When he asked why I wanted the vase, I was at a loss for words.
We may call you at a moment's notice - whenever we need help.
"Are you sleepy?" "No. Not at all."
The smoke keeps the mosquitoes at bay. They don't like smoke.
Poor Sarah! She has lung cancer and I fear she's at death's door.
The lieutenant said, "At ease, soldier. We're not on duty."
At face value, this car appears to be in good condition.
The judge will decide who's at fault - who caused the crash.
At first glance, it looked like a cat - a large cat.
At first light, the ducks would fly to the grainfields to feed.
Believe me, she has your needs at heart. She cares about you.
That dog is at it again - barking in the middle of the night.
At least he could have phoned. He could have done that.
Are you at liberty to tell us who won? Can you tell us?
They're at loggerheads over who owns the farm. They don't agree.
I was at loose ends when the kids were fighting. I couldn't think.
After a wedding and a funeral she was at her wits' end.
Your testimony in court is at odds with the statement you gave to the police. Why are they
You can't do two things at once. You can eat or talk, but not both.
Your mother said you should come in at once - immediately.
At one time, the sun didn't seem so hot. We didn't need sunscreen when we worked or
played in the sun.
After talking about his problem he was at peace with himself.
Tie these ropes while the boat is at rest - before it moves.
Parents and teachers are at sixes and sevens over sex education.
If you're involved in a crime, your career may be at stake.
At the crack of dawn he would rise, wash and go for a walk.
He'll argue at the drop of a hat. He likes to argue.
Babysitting five kids, I was at the end of my rope.
It was at the hands of his former student that he was defeated.
He could still play checkers at the ripe old age of ninety-eight.
If Val's at the top of her game she can defeat Olga.
Ben called for help at the top of his voice. "Help!" he shouted.
Who was at the wheel when the car went off the road?
At this point in time, ten cases of AIDS have been reported.
He shared his feelings, speaking at will about his problems.
You don't have to be at his beck and call, doing whatever he asks.
When I repair a car, I like to have all my tools at my fingertips.
Whenever I win, Don says, "Attaboy! Good game!"
When Judy gets good grades, her mom says, "Attagirl, Judy!"

When they approve our business loan, we'll be away to the races.
We had an awesome time in Rome! It was a great trip!

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