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B t e STEP

Kim Soyeong - Park Won - Lee Yun-u

Chuyen nguf phan chu giai Le Huy Lam

N H AX U A TBA N TO N G H 0P Cong ty TNH H

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Copyright @ 2008, 2012 YBM^Si-sa
Pubtished in Vietnam, 2013

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Hau nhu ai trong chung ta cung mong muon dat thanh tich cao de danh ducc mot vi
tri lam viec tot hon. Trong thdi dai ngay nay, diem so TOEtC co the la mot minh
chung ve thanh tich nhu vay, tuy nhien that khong de neu ban dat muc tieu cao ve
diem so nhung lai khong co du thol gian va cong sue de dau tu tuong xung.

Trong cac nha sach va tren mang Internet co rat nhieu tai lieu ve TOEtC nen chdc t
M n ban se khong gap kho khan nhieu trong viec tim kiem tai lieu hoc tap. Tuy
nhien, dieu quan trong la trong vo van tai lieu do, ban can phai chon ra giao trinh
nao phu hop vdi trinh do cung nhu kha nang cua ban than de giup cho viec hoc tap
dat duuc hieu qua.

Toi hien day T O E !C tai mot trung tam luyen thi TOEtC co uy tin ldn dat tru sd d
Jong No (Seoul, Han Quoc). Trong qua trinh giang day, toi nhan thay hoc vien rat
can mot giao trinh hay, d hoc, co phan luqug phu hop, thich ung vdi muc tieu diem
sd de ra cua moi ngudi.

Giao trinh nay duo*c bien soan nham giup hoc vien nang cao nang luc su dung ngon
ngu va cai thien diem sd TO EtC cua ho trong thdi gian ngdn nhat. Cac dac diem cua
giao trinh bao gom:

1. Gidi thieu cac cau hoi tu de thi TOEtC thuc te duoc to chuc hang thang.

2. Chi tap trung trinh bay nhung noi dung trong tam gan vdi bai thi TOEtC de
hoc vien co the ndm viing trong thdi gian ngdn.

3. Chon phuong phap truyen dat theo so do de van dung vao hoc tap, khong hoc
theo cach thuoc long.

Doi vdi cac hoc vien mdi b&t dau hoc TO EtC thi viec co duoc mot giao trinh phu hop
la rat quan trong. Neu ban la ngudi da chan ngay vdi nhung tai lieu qua kho so vdi
kha nang cua minh hay ban la ngudi mdi lam quen vdi TOEtC, hay vach ra ke
hoach hoc tap vdi BtG ST E P TOEtC cho rieng minh theo tung giai doan, ban se
thay duot hieu qua. Ban cung nen chu y vao cac trong tam cua bai hoc ma chung toi
da trinh bay, khi n&m duac cac trong tam nay, c M c chdn ban se tu tin va se dat
duoc diem sd cao hon trong mot thdi gian ngdn.

Chuc ban tien bo.

Kim Soyeong, Park Won va Lee Yun-u

- Vien nghien cuu trudng Nak Seong

\________________________________________________ 7
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Cautruccuasach.......................................5 Dacdiemnoibatcuasach..........-....................6
TOEtC la gi?.............................................. y Gidi thieu chung ve cac phan trong.................. s
bai thi TOEtC

Listening Comprehension
Cac dang cau hoi thuong gap trong bai thi

P a r ti. ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Part 2. ...................................... -...................................................................-........................... -.............. 18

Part 3. ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
Part 4. ........................................................................................................................................................... 37

Cac cach dien dat tinh huong thuong gap trong bai thi
P a rti. ...................................................... -................................................................................................... 50
Part 2. ....................................................................................................................... ...................................... 52
Part 3. .............................................................................................................................................................. 54
Part 4. .............................................................................................................................................................. 56

Reading Comprehension
Cac dang cau hoi thuong gap trong bai thi - T op 20 chu diem ngu phap quan trong thuong gap

Top 1 -5 ....... 60
Top 6-1 0 .......71
Top 11-15 ....... 79
Top 16-20 .......86

5 A ctua! T e sts

Actua) Test 1 ..............9 6

Actua! Test 2 ....... 142

Actua) Test 3 ..............1 8 8

Actua! Test 4 ....... 236

Actua) Test 5 ..............2 8 4

Script & Answ er Key

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Cau true cua sach <- \

Cac dang cau hoi thudng gap trong bai thi

1 . Phan tich chinh xac xu hudng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet
Trong cac bai thi TO EtC hang thang co su khac biet doi chut giua bai thi thang nay vdi
bai thi thang ke tiep. Vi vay, trong mdi part deu co su phan tich that ti mi xu hudng thay
doi cua bai thi. Ngoai ra, trong mdi part cung co hudng dan cach hoc va cung cap sd luong
cau hoi n M m giup ngudi hoc thich nghi vdi su da dang cua bai thi.

2 .N han biet dang cau hoi

Trudc tien, thong qua su giai thich don gian, ngudi hoc xac dinh duuc dang cau hoi; sau
do, ho se true tiep giai quyet nhung cau hoi tuong ung. Qua hai budc nay, ngudi hoc co
the hoc duoc trnig dang cau hoi mot cach day du.

3 Chon dap an cho tung dang cau hoi

Phan nay se cung cap nhung chien luoc ma ngudi hoc can phai nhd nhu: cach phan bo
thdi gian, cach chon dap an ... trong moi part nh^m giup ngudi hoc co the dat duoc diem
sd cao.

Cac cach dien dat tinh hudng thudng gap trong bai thi

Chung toi da tap hop va sdp xep cac bieu hien thudng duac dua ra trong bai thi thuc te
nh&m giup nguoi hoc co the quen vdi tat ca cac cach dien dat tinh hudng thudng gap.

Cac dang cau hoi thudng gap trong bai thi

Chung toi da phan tich chi tiet 20 dang cau hoi thudng duo*c ETS dua ra nhat n M m giup
ngudi hoc on lai nhung noi dung ngu phap trong tam. Tuong ung vdi cac diem ngu phap
do, chung toi con bo sung nhung cau hoi de hoc vien thuc hanh.

5 Actua! Tests
Sau khi phan tich chi tiet cac cau hoi thudng gap trong bai thi, chung toi dua vao sach 5
bai kiem tra co do kho tuong duong vdi bai thi thuc te.
Thong qua viec thuc hanh cac bai kiem tra trong Big Step 1 va 2, ngudi hoc co the tu
danh gia ket qua hoc tap cua minh, ddng thdi rut ra duo-c nhung phan minh con yeu de
hoan thien ket qua hoc tap.
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Bac diem noi bat cua sach

Big Step TOE!C 3 tap hop cac noi dung chu. yeu cua LC va RC nhpm giup nguoi hoc
chuan bi trudc cho ky thi thuc te.

(1) tNTRO giup ban kiem tra lai nhung diem da hoc trong Big Step 1 va 2.
(2) Actua) T ests se giup ban lam quen vdi bai thi thuc te.

(3) Viec phan bo thoi gian hop ly va lam nhung bai thi mo phong thuc te se giup ban
quen dan vdi cam giac trong phong thi.

!NTRO: S^p xep nhung diem trong yeu thuong gap trong LC va RC

LC : Phan 1: "Cac dang cau hoi thuong gap" duoc chia thanh 3 budc: budc 1: Phan
tich xu huong dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet; budc 2: Nhan biet dang
cau hoi; budc 3: Chon dap an dung nh^m giup cac ban nhan biet cac dang cau
hoi thuong gap va cach giai quyet.
Phdn 2: "Cac cach di^n dat tinh huong thuong gap" giup cac ban dat duoc diem
chuan trong LC.

*R C : Thong qua T op 2 0 chu diem ngu phap duoc trinh bay trong phan "Cac dang
cau hoi thuong gap trong bai thi", ban se duoc on lai cac noi dung ngu phap
trong tam. Sau do, b&ng cach giai quyet cac cau hoi tuong ung vdi tung pattern,
ban co the sdp xep duoc nhung noi dung chu yeu trudc khi du thi. Ngoai ra, con
co phan thiet lap cau hoi cho tung pattern trong T op 20 mo hinh cau hoi ETS
va phan tich chi tiet tim g cau hoi cung nhu cung cap cho ngudi hoc nhung
phuong phap giai quyet cac dang cau hoi cua ETS.

^ Actua) T ests

Vdi nen tang la noi dung hoc duoc he thong trong B)G ST E P 1 va B)G ST E P 2, cung
vdi nhung van de da d w c trinh bay trong ")N TRO " cua B)G ST E P 3 chung toi da dua
ra 5 Actua) T ests va cach giai quyet nh^m giup cac ban chuan bi trudc de dat duot
diem cao trong ky thi. B^ng cach giai quyet cac cau hoi co do kho tuong duong vdi cau
hoi trong ky thi thuc te, cac ban se trau doi duoc kha nang giai quyet cac cau hoi va
ndm b^t duoc cac xu huong dat cau hoi mdi nhat. Ngoai ra, thong qua viec giai quyet
cac Actua) T ests trong dieu kien tuong tu nhu thi thuc te, ban se quen vdi cam giac thi
that va co the phat huy den muc cao nhat kha n&ng cua minh trong phong thi.
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--------------------------------------------- * TOEtC la gi?

* Khai niem T O E tC
TOEtC la tu viet tdt cua Test of Engtish for tnternationat Com m unication, la ky thi quoc
te danh gia nang luc su dung tieng Anh thuc dung trong mdi truong cong viec do ETS
(Educationat Testing Service) to chuc va quan ly. Day la ky thi nh^m danh gia "kha nang
dung tieng Anh de giao tiep" cua nhung nguoi khong su dung tieng Anh nhu tieng me de,
va trong tam la tieng Anh thuc dung duot dung lam phuong tien giao tiep trong moi truong
cong viec.

w Cau true cua T O E tC

Cau true Part Hinh thuc cau hoi

Mieu ta hinh 10
Listening 2 Tra loi cau hoi 30
45 phut 495 diem
Comprehension 3 Doi thoai ngdn 30
4 Bai noi 30
5 Dien vao cho trong trong cau 40
Reading 6 Dien vao chd trong trong bai doc 12
75 phut 495 diem
Comprehension r Doc hieu bai doc don 28
- Doc hieu bai doc ghep 20
Totat 7 parts 200 120phut 990diem

-------------- ---------------- * New TOEtC co gi khac?

Phat am va giong dieu da dang hon.
Cac bai nghe duoc dua tren noi dung phu hop vdi tinh hudng thuc te, co do dai dai hon
phien ban cu va duo*c phat am theo nhieu giong khac nhau nhu: My, Anh, Canada, Uc,
New Zealand...

^ Cau hoi duoc doc qua bang.

Trong LC, cau hoi khong chi duoc in tren de thi ma ban con duoc nghe chung qua bang.

Cau hoi R C da dang hon.

Thu nhat, phan phat hien ldi sai trong cau da duoc bo di; thu hai, cac doan van trong
phan doc hieu dai hon va khong chi co cac cau hoi ve bai doc don ma con co ca cac cau hoi
cho bai doc ghep. Ngoai ra, trong New TOEtC, de danh gia kha nang doc hieu mach van,
mot nua so cau hoi du<yc xay dung dua tren cac doan van.
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Gioi thieu chung ve cac phan trong *
Part 1 (10 cau hoi)
Moi hinh co 4 dap an cho s^n, sau khi nghe 4 dap an cho s&n do, ban phai chon ra dap an
mieu ta buc hinh chinh xac nhat. Vi day la part de nhat trong mon nghe nen sau khi hoc
xong sach nay ban nen co gdng lam dung it nhat la 6 cau trong tong so 10 cau hoi.

(A) The man is fishing from the boat.

(B) The man is putting on a hat.

(C) The man is standing at the water front.

(D) The man is sitting on a chair.

Part 2 (30 cau hoi)

Moi cau hoi co 3 dap an cho s&n. Cau hoi thuong duoc bdt dau bdng nhung tu nghi van
nhu: What, W h ere, W hen, W hy, How. Tuy nhien, nhung cau hoi b&t dau b^ng Do, Have,
Be va cau hoi phu dinh, cau hoi duoi cung quan trong khong kem.

Q : Why don't you join us for a cup of coffee after work?

(A) t go to work by bus.

(B) That sounds good.
(C )! prefer btack coffee.
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Part 3 (30 cau hoi)

Ban nghe mot doan doi thoai ngdn roi tra 161 cau hoi. Vi day la part kho nen nhung nguoi
mdi b&t dau hoc hay tap doc doan doi thoai trudc khi bdt dau nghe no. Ban can phai lam
quen vdi "cac cach dien dat tinh hudng thudng gap" cung nhu nhung tu vung thudng duoc
dung de dat cau hoi.

Mark, the vice president has asked that at! new emptoyees be in the cafeteria
tounge on Friday at 6 P.M. for a meeting.
A meeting? What for?
!Vr ! think he wants to take everybody out for dinner. )'m not sure. !'m just instructed
to tet! everyone about the meeting.
W ett,! had ptans to take my famity to an amusement park for the weekend and we
were to teave right after work on Friday.) guess t'H have to reschedute.

Q : Who does the vice president want to meet on Friday?

(A) Managers
(B) New emptoyees
(C) Retiring emptoyees
(D) Mark's famity

Part 4 (30 cau hoi)

Cac bai nghe co dang: hudng ddn, dua tin, thong bao noi cong cong... M6i bai nghe co 3 cau
hoi, va ban phai chon dap an chinh xac nhat trong sd 4 dap an cho sdn dudi moi cau hoi. Vi
day la loai cau hoi xuat hien thudng xuyen va hinh thuc cua bai nghe hau nhu co dinh nen
ban can phai hoc that nhieu tu vung va cach dien dat cua moi chu de tuong ung vdi cac bai
nghe duot cho.

Attention, passengers. Can ! have your attention, ptease? This G train is going out of
service at the next stop, Grand Avenue. At) passengers must get off the train at Grand
Avenue. Due to a fire on the tracks between Battic Street and Mutberry Avenue, the G
tocat wit! not be running past Grand Avenue. To continue to at) stops on the way to
Center Station, take the H train at Grand Avenue. The H train wit) not, ) repeat, wit) not
be running express. The H train wit! be making att tocat stops between Grand Avenue
and Center Station. No passengers are to remain on the train once we stop at Grand
Avenue. Thank you, and we regret any inconvenience that this causes you.

Q : Who is speaking?
(A) A fireman
(B) A passenger
(C) The train's conductor
(D) A bus driver
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Gioi thieu chung ve cac phan trong .-------------------^
Part 5 (40 cau hoi)
Day la part yeu cAu chon tu thich hop de d i& vao cho trong trong cau, trong do khoang mot
nua so cau hoi la ve tu vung va so con lai la ve ngu phap. Dieu quan trong khi lam bai thi
TO EtC la phai tra 161 cac cau hoi mot cach nhanh chong trong khoang thoi gian duoc cho.

The two companies signed a n ---------- to share the semiconductor production technotogy.
(A) agrees (B) agreement (C) agreements (D) agreed

Part 6(12 cau hoi)

Day cung la part chon tu thich hop de dien vao cho trong nhu part 5 nhung vdi cac bai doc
co dang nhu: quang cao, e-mail, thu tu, thong bao... Phan nay co tat ca 4 bai doc, moi bai co
3 cau hoi. Cac cau hoi chu yeu la ve tu vung va mot phan (khoang 3 - 4 cau) hoi ve ngu
phap. Mac du part 6 la part co hinh thuc doc hieu bai doc, nhung cac yeu to can thiet de giai
quyet cau hoi lai tuong tu nhu part 5.

To : Martinez Perez, Accounting Manager

From: Todd Handter, Sa!es Manager
Date: September 29, 2007
Subject: Sates Totats

t regret t o -------you that it is impossibte fo r us to submit our sates totats by this coming Friday.
1 4 1 .(A)announce
(B) inform
(D) express

As you know, our sates staff has been v e ry ------ having ctearance sate for the tast few weeks.
142. (A) busy
(B) expensive
(C) exciting
(D) impressive

! heard that the Madrid branch atready submitted its sates totats, b u t! think we need more time
to catcutate --------.
143. (A) us
(B)o u rs

) woutd appreciate your patience.

7b;M Hand/cr

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_________ _____ _.................. ........................ BtG i

Part 7 (48 cau hoi)

Trong tong so 48 cau hoi thi co 28 cau hoi dang doc hieu bai doc don va 20 cau hoi dang doc
hieu bai doc ghep. Phan doc hieu bai doc don thuong co tu 2 - 4 cau hoi cho moi bai doc;
con phan doc hieu bai doc ghep thi thuong co 5 cau hoi cho moi cap bai doc. Doi khi trong
phan doc hieu bai doc don co 5 cau hoi, trong truong hop nay se co mot cau hoi ve tu vung.

/ 3 oc doc

Compufer DesAr Sa/e

Shop desks at Staptes.
Free detivery on orders over $50.

To ceiebrate our 10th anniversary, we've just reduced our prices on a wide setection
of furniture items.

Visit our website today and check out the savings now.

Q : How tong has the company been in business?

(A) One year (B) Five years (C) Ten years (D) Twenty years

/Doe (foe gAepj

To: A!t Emptoyees

From: Kevin Redford
Date: Aprit 25
Subject: Staff Meeting

There witt be a monthty staff meeting next Monday at 2 P.M. in room 101. The
meeting witt tast about an hour. At) emptoyees shoutd attend the meeting.

Agenda: (1) Dress Code (2) Vacation Poticy (3) Expense Reduction

To: Kevin Redford

From: Jason Kay
Subject: Staff Meeting
Date: Aprit 26

) am afraid that t have to miss the monthty meeting because ) have a previous
appointment with JD Drew Co. at n o o n .) witt ask one of my associates about the

J a son K ay

Q : Who shoutd attend the staff meeting?

(A) Managers (B) New emptoyees (C) Directors (D) At) emptoyees

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Part 1

Phan tich chinh xac xu htrdng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

Tong cong 10 cau hoi

Mieu ta nguoi Mieu ta su vat

75 - 80% (khoang 7 - 8 cau hoi) 20 - 25% (khoang 2 - 3 cau hoi)

O Chu ngu cua cac dap an cho sAn la nguoi. O Cau mieu ta trang thai cua su vat la cau dang
bi dong voi cau true don gian "b e + qua khu
phan tu", vi the, cau hoi yeu cau phan biet
"h ave been + qua khu phan tu" voi "b e being
+ qua khu phan tu".

@ Vi the can hoc thuoc cac tu vung mieu ta Q Vi co nhieu dap an cho sdn mieu ta phan phu
trang thai va dong tac cua con nguoi. cua buc anh nen can quan sat ti mi toan bo buc
anh de tim ra chi tiet duot dien dat trong dap
an cho sdn.

Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Dang O :Chu ngu trong cac dap an cho san la ngudi.^

Chon cac dap an voi trong tam mieu ta dong tac cua con nguoi, hay chu y cac tu ngu di^n ta dong tac co
ban. Bai thi New TOEtC thuong khong khai thac nhung cau hoi ve so luong hay gidi tinh cua nguoi
nen ban hay quyet dinh chon dap an dua vao trong tam la cac mieu ta dong tac. Thinh thoang, cung co
cau hoi yeu cau dap an dung la mieu ta ve nhung su vat o xung quanh con nguoi, vi vay ban cung nen
quan sat ca vi tri lan dac trung cua cac su vat do. Day la phan chung ta se xem xet lai trong dang 2.

1. Xac dinh the loai

Chien iaoc dat diem cao

Thd nhat, co nhieu khi dong dien ta hanh dong

trong dap an cho sn ro rang la khong dung, nhtRig
rat co the do la cai bay.

Thuf hai, hay nhd r^ng trong dap an cho s^n co

de cap den nd chon.

Thuf ba, hay nhd r&ng trong dap an cho s&n co

trinh bay diem giong va diem khac nhau ve vi
tri va noi chon cua nhuTng ngtfM trong hinh.

(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )
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P a rti 15

2. Tim hieu the loai

(A) Peopte are sitting in a circte.

(B) Peopte are sharing the working space.

(C) Peopte are arranging the tabtes.

(D) Peopte are entering the room.

Dang :Chu ngu trong cac dap an cho san la nguoi va vat. * :---- ----------------------- Hr

Actuat Test 1
Day la truong hop co m ot hoac nhieu nguoi trong hinh. Trong cac dap an cho s&n co chu ngu bao gom ca
nguoi lan vat. Tuy dong tac cua con nguoi la chi tiet quan trong, nhung vi trong cac dap an cho s^n
mieu ta cac d&c trung hoac bieu hien cua cac vat xung quanh nen can phai hoc cac tu vung co lien quan
den vat cung nhu can phai hieu can ke ve the bi dong.

1. Xac dinh the loai

Actua! Test 2
Chien ltroc dat diem cao

Thd nhat, phai tim xem ngtfdi trong hinh dang

thtR hien hanh dong gi vdi may moc, thiet bi.

Actua) Test 3
Thuf hai, xem xet muc dich stf dung co ban cua
may moc thiet bi thtldng dtfoc de cap trong dap
an cho s^n la gi.

Thuf ba, hay nhd r^ng nhQng ttf lien quan den
stj vat co nhieu kha nang la dap an sai.

Actua) Test 4

(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )

2. Tim hieu the loai

Actua) Test 5

(A) The man is fixing the machine.

(B) The car is being fueted up.

(C) The man is instating a car part.

(D) The car engine is being checked.
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Paft1 17
r *

Chon dap an dung

1. N a m d u o c d ie m c o t y e u

O Cac dap an cho s&n cua 3 - 4 cau hoi dau co chu ngu la ngudi. De chon dap andung, ban hay tap
trung quan sat dong tac cua nguoi trong hinh.

@ Trong cau 4 va 5, tren 90% truong hop se co mot cau co dap an duoc trinh bay d the bi dong vdi
chu ngu la vat.

@ Dap an dung thudng la dap an mieu ta tong the, con nhung dap an mieu ta trang thai hay dong

Actual Test 1
tac ma ta nhin thay ro trong hinh thudng khong phai la dap an dung.

O Nhung dap an cho sdn co dong tu duoc gdn them cac tiep dau ngu nhu: re-, un-, dis- thi ti le
dung cua chung la dudi 20%.

2. P h a n b o t h d i g ia n h o p ly

I ^
O Trudc khi bdt dau part 1, ban se co 1 phut 25 giay de nghe Directions va Sam pte question cua part
nay. Hay dung khoang thoi gian nay de doc cau hoi cua part 3 hoac giai quyet part 5.

Actual Test 2
@ Sau khi ban nghe xong 4 dap an cua moi cau hoi thi bang se dung khoang 5 giay. Luc nay ban nen
giai quyet cau hoi do trong vong 3 giay va dung 2 giay con lai vao viec phan tich buc anh tiep theo.
Hay dem 1, 2, 3, va ngay khi dem den 3, ban nen quyet dinh dap an cuoi cung. Neu 3 giay troi qua
ma ban van khong the chon ra duoc dap an nghia la ban khong nghe duoc dap an dung, dieu nay se

khien ban mat nhieu thol gian hon, lo ldng nhieu hon va khong nhd ra duot dap an dung. Dac biet,
trong truong hop phai lat sang trang khac, ban se bi cham di va bo mat thdi gian phan tich buc anh

Actual Test 3
ke tiep.

3. P h tio n g p h a p d a n h d a u d a p a n

O Khi xem hinh, ban nen dung but chi de danh dau dap an vao ben canh hinh do, dung nen danh dau
vao phieu dap an.

Gan day, de thi thudng co khuynh hudng dua ra nhung chi tiet nho nhat trong cac buc anh vao
cac dap an, neu khong quan sat buc hinh that ti mi, ban co the bi "m & bay". Dung de bi phan

Actual Test 4
tan tam nhin bdi phieu dap an.

@ Dung danh dau qua ldn vao de thi de tranh su chu y. Sau khi giai quyet xong phan LC, hay xoa di
nhung dau da the hien.

Du thdi gian danh cho viec danh dau vao dap an co ngdn den dau di nua thi cung dung de mat

di su tap trung vao cau hoi. Trong part 1, neu chi bo qua 1 tu thoi thi ban cung se khong the
phan doan duoc dau la dap an dung. Vi vay, hay tiet kiem tung giay mot.
Actual Test 5
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Part 2 _____

Phan tich chinh xac xu hudng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

T o n g c o n g 30 c a u

Cau tudng th u a t/ca u hoi phu din h /cau hoi duoi/

Cau nghi van W h-
cau hoi dung tro dong tu

Giam bdt muc do quan trong Tang muc do quan trong

O Can hoc co ban ve cau hoi W h- (co khoang O Yeu cau tap trung hoc ve cac kieu cau hoi Y e s /
tren 10 cau hoi bdt dau vdi cac tu: What, Where, No vi tarn quan trong cua chung cao hon.
W ho, W hen, Why).
Q So luong cau hoi duoi / phu dinh la tren ^ - 6 cau.
@ Khong the dat diem cao neu chi tap trung chu
Q Co khoang 2 - 4 cau ke (statem ent), vi vay cung
y vao cau hoi dung cac nghi van tu.
cdn phai thuc hanh vdi loai cau nay.

Trong tong so 30 cau hoi thi co khoang 10 cau co dap an dung khong phai la dap an true tiep tra ldi cho
tu nghi van ma la dap an gian tiep. Vi the, ban can phai hoc ve nhung cau tra ldi co tinh gian tiep.

* Nhan biet dang cau hoi

v w Dang O : Cau h o i v o i W h - #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cau hoi vdi W h- la nhung cau hoi bdt dau bdng cac tu nghi van: What, W here, W ho, W hen, Why.
Dang cau hoi nay duoc chia thanh 2 loai sau day:
(1) Cau hoi bdt dau bdng W hen, W h ere, W h o la loai cau hoi chi can nghe tu nghi van la co the doan ra
duoc dap an, nhung dap an dung cho loai nay thudng la nhung cau tra ldi co tinh gian tiep chu khong
true tiep tra ldi cho cac tu nghi van neu tren.
2) Cau hoi bdt dau b&ng W hy, How, W hat la loai cau hoi co the tra ldi b&ng nhieu cach khac nhau.
Muc tieu cua ETS la danh gia kha nang hieu cau hoi. Vi vay, neu ban hoc duoc cach su dung da dang
^ cua tu nghi van thi se d dang tim ra duoc dap an dung._______________ __

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C) (4) (A) (B) (C) (5) (A) (B) (C)
(6 ) (A) (B) (C) (7) (A) (B) (C) (8 ) (A) (B) (C) (9) (A) (B) (C) (10) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi vdi W h ere: Hoi ve noi mua ve va cau tra ldi dien hinh la cau noi ve noi chon.

Q : Where can ! buy tickets for tomorrow's performance?

(A) tt costs $200.

(B) At the theater.

(C) The performance was great.
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Pars 2 19

(2) Cau hoi vdi W h o: Hoi ve nguoi chiu trach nhiem va cau tra ldi dien hinh la cau noi ve chuc vu cua nguoi

: Who's in charge of maintenance for this buiiding?

(A) Sorry, but it's not in the main buiiding.

(B) The buitding m anager,! guess.

(C) They charge too much.

(3) Cau hoi vdi W hen: Hoi ve thoi han ket thuc (thi tuong lai) va kieu tra ldi dien hinh cho cau hoi nay la
cau noi vd thdi diem tuong ung.

Q : When is this report due?

(A) Due to the weekty report.

(B) By the end of this week.

(C) it's on your desk.

(4) Cau hoi vdi W hy: Hoi ve ly do lam viec trd va cau tra ldi lam sang to ly do ay la cau co dung tu "have to".

Q : Why did you work iate yesterday?

(A) Because i drive to work.

(B) Not untii tomorrow.

(C )! have to give a presentation for my ctients today.

(5) Cau hoi vdi W hy don 't you: Cau dd nghi cung tham gia va cau tra ldi la cau chap nhan ldi de nghi do.

Q : Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?

(A) Because the food was not that good.

(B) That sounds tike a good idea.

(C) t haven't joined yet.

(6) Cau hoi vdi What: Hoi ve thdi gian lam viec va cau tra ldi la cau noi ve thdi gian cu the.

Q : What are your hours at your restaurant?

(A) it's iocated at the intersection.

(B) We are open from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

(C) Two hours at most.
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Part 2

(7) Cau hoi voi W hat dong vai tro la m ot tinh tu: Cau hoi la ve mau sdcnhung dap an dung lai khong tra 161
true tiep vao mau sdc ma chi noi r&ng co ai khac biet dieu dd.

^ : What coior wit) the office be when renovations are finished?

(A) !t takes 3 months at teast.

(B) Yes, it's stii) under renovation.

(C) Tom may know about it.

(8) Cau hoi vdi How: Hoi ve so thich uong ca phe va cau tra ldi la cau dien ta that cu the so thich do.

^ : How wouid you !ike your coffee?

(A) 5 copies, piease.

(B )! prefer btack.
(C) Yes, it was very good.

(9) Cau hoi vdi How iong: Hoi ve do dai cua thdi gian va cau tra ldi lacau noicu the vd thdi gian.

^ : How !ong does it take to get to the airport?

(A)!')) take the bus.

(B) it's 5 meters iong.

(C) About 10 minutes or so.

(10) Cau hoi vdi H ow about: Cau hoi nay co tinh chat goi y va cau tra ldi la cau bieu lo su dong y.

Q : How about sending the contract by overnight deiivery?

(A) They wii) sign the contract tomorrow.

(B) By surface mai).

(C) That woutd be great.

Chien ltroc dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, vdi cau hoi Wh- thi mot ntia so cau hoi daudung tit nghi van d(?n gian,cautra ldicung se dan gian
va true tiep, nhufng cau tra ldi gian tiep se chiem ti te cao trong so cau hoi con lai.

Thtjf hai, can tap nghe va cau true hoa nhufng cau hoi co Why (ly do)/W hy don't you (de nghi)/H ow long (thdi
gian can thiet)/H ow about (goi y)/H ow often (tan suat).

Thuf ba, du cau de nghi bat dau bang tif nghi van Wh- nhung cau tra ldi co the bat
dau bang Y es/N o.
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Pan 2 21

Dang (5*: Cau h o i phu din h / cau h o i d u o i

Day la 2 loai cau hoi pho bien trong cau hoi Y e s / No ( 5 - 8 cau trong moi bai thi) va co hinh thuc da
dang: D o /B e /H a v e . Ban phai tra ldi la "Y e s" neu khang dinh va "N o" neu phu dinh bat ke cau hoi
phu d in h /ca u hoi duoi d dang phu dinh hay khAng dinh. Vi du, "Don't you tike ctassica) m u sic?" hoac
"You tike ctassica) m usic, don't y o u ?" Neu ban thich nhac co dien thi tra <di "Y es", con neu khong
thich thi tra ldi "No".

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi duoi: Hoi co thich mon an Trung Quoc hay khong va cau tra ldi la thich.

Q : You tike Chinese food, don't you?

(A )! tove it.
(B) No, t'm from Japan.
(C) t've studied atmost for 3 years.

2) Cau hoi phu dinh: Hoi co dudng nao di nhanh den nha ga khong va cau tra ldi la viec chi dudng mot
cach cu the.

Q : tsn't there a fast way to the station?

(A) Yes, it's faster than the otd one.

(B) You can go through the park.

(C) The train teaves at any minute.

Chien luroc dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, nghe ddoc dong tif trong cau hoi la ban da co ddoc key word de n&m bat noi dung cau hoi, vi the can
luyen nghe dong td chinh trong cau.
Thd hai, vdi cau hoi duoi, ban phai nghe dtMc thi va chu ngC cua tag theo sau cau hoi. Neu tag la "didn't she?"
thi dap an se la cau d thi qua khd va chu nguf la "she"; con neu la "don't you ?" thi dap an se co chu ngijf la ")"
hoac "W e" va dong td d thi hien tai.
Thuf ba, phai xem noi dung theo sau Y es/N o trong dap an cho sn co dong nhat vdi noi dung
cua cau hoi hay khong. Cac dap an cho sdn bat dau bang Y e s/N o thddng la cac dap an sai.
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Part 2

Dang Q : Cau h o i lu a ch on

Thong thudng co khoang 3 cau hoi loai nay trong bai thi. Ban phai nghe duoc tu "or" d giua cau hoi va
nhd rdng cau tra ldi khong bdt dau bdng Y e s / No. Hien nay, cau hoi co hinh thuc tra ldi don gian la
chon 1 trong 2 danh tu (vi du: tea or c o ffe e ) dang dan it di va thay vao dd la hinh thuc cau hoi yeu cdu
chon noi dung cua 1 trong 2 cau hoi duoc lien ket vdi nhau bdng "or" (vi du: Did you receive the report
or shouid [ fax you a g a in ?)

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C ) (2) (A) (B) (C )

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi chon danh tu: H oi se xem phim hay choi game va cau tra ldi la khong chon thu nao ca.

Q : Are you going to watch the movie or the game?

(A) No, i'm moving tomorrow.

(B) it's 5 o'ciock sharp.

(C ) Neither, i'm too tired.

(2) Cau hoi chon dong tu: Hoi ra ve bay gid hay du tiec va cau tra ldi la thich ra ve ngay bay gid.

Q : Do you need to ieave now or can you join tonight's party?

(A) Thanks, but i don't need any.

(B) Yes, i tive in the company housing.

(C ) i'd better go home soon.

Chien hmc dat di6m cao

Thuf nhat, nhufng dap an cho san co suf dung lai tif ma ban nghe dtMc trong cau hoi thudng la dap an sai.
Bap an dung th^cfng dM c trinh bay bhng cach chuyen cach dien dat trong cau hoi sang cach dien dat
khac (paraphrasing).

Thuf hai. co nhieu tnJcfng htfp dap an cho sn khong chon 1 trong 2 thuf d ^ c hoi ma lai chon thuf khac,
hoac chon thu; nao cung duMc, hoac khong chon ca 2 thuf co the la dap an dung.

(Vi du: Either is fine./W hichever one I can reach you./Neither./Anything com es first.
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^ * Uang uu ycm * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cau hoi gian tiep co 2 hinh thuc:

Hinh thuc 1: bdt dau vdi "D o you know w here .../C a n you tett m e w hen ...". Loai nay co the duoc tra
loi bdng Y e s /N o .
Hinh thuc 2: bdt dau bdng "W h o d o you think ... / W h ere d o you think ...". Loai nay khong duoc tra loi
bdng Y e s /N o .
Cau hoi gian tiep chiem khoang 2 - 3 cau trong moi de thi. Trong ca 2 hinh thuc tren, neu cau hoi vdi
W h ere thi dap an dung la cau noi ve noi chon, va neu cau hoi vdi W hen thi dap an dung la cau noi ve
thoi gian. Dieu nay co nghia la voi cau hoi gian tiep, ban chi can nghe duoc tu nghi van trong cau hoi
thi co the d6 dang tim ra duoc dap an dung.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi gian tiep: Hoi de biet thoi han va cau tra loi dien dat thoi diem cu the.

Q : Do you know when the deadiine is on the Thomson project?

(A) Yes, you can get one at the suppty room.

(B) Not unti) the end of next week.

(C) On this tine.

(2) Cau hoi gian tiep: Hoi de biet noi co the mua ca phe va cau tra loi mieu ta noi chon cu the.

Q : Can you teH me where ) can get a cup of coffee?

(A) There is a shop in the next buitding.

(B) it's out of order again.

(C) With cream, ptease.

(3) Cau hoi gian tiep: Hoi de biet ai se la nguoi duoc chon va cau tra loi la khong biet.

Q : Who do you think wi!) be setected as a manager?

(A ) ! have no idea.

(B)! think he is generous.

(C) He was seiected from among 100 candidates.

Chien luoc dat diem cao

Thtif nhat, "do you think" theo sau tif nghi van se khong anh InMng gi den y nghia cua cau: "W ho do you think
.../W h ere do you think .../W h en do you think .../H o w often do you think.

Thuf hai, khi co M nghi van theo sau "Do you know .../C a n you tel! me ..." thi ban phai nghe
dtMc do la M gi.
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Part 2

^ # Dang 0 : Cau h&i v o i dong tR khiem khuyet #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^

Day la dang cau hoi M t dau b&ng nhung dong tu khiem khuyet "C an you .../C o u t d you .../W o u id
you .../W it) y o u .../M a y t ..." va co muc dich khuyen bao, yeu cau, de nghi. Cau hoi dang nay chiem
khoang 3 cau trong moi de thi. Cau tra ldi dung co the bdt dau b&ng Y e s /N o nhung thudng thi nhung
cau tra ldi co dang "S u r e /C e r ta in ty /N o th a n k s/)'m a fra id /t can't" chmh la dap an dung va dieu nay
mang tinh co dinh. De dat duoc diem cao, ban hay hoc trudc cac loai dap an dung, dieu nay quan trong
^ hon viec hoc trudc cac !oai cau hoi.___________________________________

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C) *

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi vdi Coutd you: C&u tra ldi chap nhan se dat hang thay ngudi kia.

Q : Coutd you ptace the suppty order instead of me, Laura?

(A) Certainty,!')! do it right now.

(B) We need more copy paper.

(C) !'!t ptace it on your desk in a minute.

(2) Cau hoi vdi W outd you: Cau tra ldi chap nhan ldi khuyen mac thu cai ao.

0 : Woutd you tike to try on this shirt, sir?

(A) Sure, where is the fitting room?

(B) Actuatty, we re short-handed.

(C)) bought this shirt white on vacation tast year.

(3) Cau hoi vdi Can you: Hoi ve so va dap an khong noi th^ng vao van de duoc hoi.

Q : Can you tett me your software program's seriat number?

(A) Yes, they are very serious about it.

(B) tt's a very hard question to answer.

(C) Let me check where it is.

Chien luoc dat di6m cao

v* Thuf nhat, vi cau hoi vdi dong ti? khiem khuyet la loai cau hoi co noi dung: de nghi, khuyen bao, van xin ... nen
dap an luc nao cung la cau chufa noi dung dong y, chap nhan hoac tit choi tif phia nguoi nghe.
Thuf hai, dap an dung la dap an dien dat sR dong y cua ngtfcfi nghe (chiem tren 95%).
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- . i
Pan2 25

-+ Dang @ : Cau hoi bat dau bang tr o dong tu *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Day la dang cau hoi M t ddu b&ng "D o / Be / H ave" va co the tra 161 bang Y e s / No. Cau hoi loai nay
chiem khoang 2 cau trong mdi bai thi. Ban can phai xac dinh xem noi dung theo sau Y e s /N o trong cac
dap an cho sdn co phu hop vdi noi dung cua cau hoi hay khong. Thong thudng, nhung dap an cho s&n co
su dung lai tu da dung trong cau hoi la dap an sai, con nhung dap an cho s^n Ja chuyen nhung tu ngu
cua cau hoi sang cach dien dat khac hoac co noi dung tra ldi gian tiep la dap an dung.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi Did you: Cau hoi la co nghe tin hay khong va cau tra ldi la chua nghe.

Q : Did you hear that Mr. Kim is retiring next month?

(A) No, the retirement party wi!) be hetd next week.

(B) No, it's news to me.

(C) t met him iast month.

(2) Cau hoi H ave you: Cau hoi la da lien lac chua va cau tra ldi la khong co phan hdi.

Q : Have you contacted the London branch?

(A) Yes, but they haven't reptied yet.

(B) No, he was transferred to the Hong Kong branch.

(C)) enjoyed it a iot there.

Chien laoc dat di^m cao

Thuf nhat, hay nghe dong td chinh cua cau hoi va nam bat dM c y nghia cua cau hoi. Vi day la loai cau hoi
khong co td nghi van hay muc dich dac biet nao nen hay nAm bat noi dung va chon trong so cac dap an cho
s&n mot cau co noi dung phu hop nhat vdi noi dung cua cau da nghe.
Thuf hai, chu y den nhufng td co nghia tdtfng tu nhau hoac co cach phat am giong nhau. Cau hoi cang
don gian thi cang co nhieu bay d cac td phat am giong nhau hoac cac td co y nghia tdcfng td nhau^
(day chi la nhufng nhan dinh ddofc tong ket td viec nghien cufu cac cau hoi trong LC).
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Part 2

Chon dap an dung

1. P h a n b o t h d i g ia n h o p ly

O Trudc khi M t dau part 2, ban se nghe doc D irections va Sam pie question ve part 2 trong khoang
57 giay. Hay dung khoang thdi gian nay de doc cau hoi cua part 3 hoac giai quyet part 5.

Q Sau khi nghe cau hoi cung 3 dap an cho s&n cua cau hoi do, bang se dung khoang 5 giay. Hay
quyet dinh dap an trong vong 3 giay va dung 2 giay con lai vao viec chd nghe cau hoi tiep theo.
Neu bo qua tu nghi van dau tien thi ban khong the chon ra duoc dap an dung, vi the hay phan bo
thdi gian sao cho ban co the quyet dinh duoc dap an khi dem den 3. Sau 3 giay ma ban vdn tthong
the chon ra duoc dap an thi ban se vua mat thdi gian vua khong the nghe duoc cau hoi ke tiep.

2. C a ch d a n h d a u d a p a n

O Doi vdi part 2, trong d6 thi chi co cau "Mark your an sw er on your an sw er sh eet" lap lai cho tung
cau hoi nen ban khong can danh dau gi vao do.

@ Vua nghe dap an vua dung but chi ghi tam vao ngay ben canh nhung cau tuong ung trong phieu
dap an cac tu tuong ung vdi cau dd nhu W h en / W h ere; muc dich cua viec nay la de phong khi ban
khong nhd hoac ldn ion cau hoi. Sau khi hoan tat part 2 trong phieu dap an, hay dung tay xoa di
nhung ghi chu tam thdi dd.

3. C h u y

Can luu y la hau het cac dap an dung trong part 2 ddu la cac dap an mang tinh gian tiep. Sau day la
nhung dap an cho sdn co tinh chat gian tiep thudng duo*c cho trong bai thi.

) don't know.

! can't te!!.

! can't recat! the numbers.

) forgot the name.

They didn't mention the date,

i haven't been totd yet.
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! haven't decided yet.

!t hasn't been decided yet.

We are sti!) thinking about it.

Let me check the price.

)'!) have to ask Tom.

Go and ask Michae!.

Peter may know it.

tt's up to you.

it depends.
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Part 3

Phan tich chinh xac xu htrdng dat cau hoi va phuomg phap giai quyet

Tong cong 30 cau hoi

Cau hoi ve thong tin chi tiet Cau hoi ve thong tin tong hop

90% 10%
O Co the doan trudc thong tin can nghe co trong ldi O Dang cau hoi thudng gap
noi cua nhan vat nao. What are the speakers mainty tatking about?
@ Trong truong hop trong cau hoi hoac dap an cho (Chu de cuoc doi thoai)

sdn co de cap den ten cong ty hoac ten mot noi Where is the conversation probabty taking
ptace? (Noi di&t ra cuoc doi thoai) ^
nao dd thi ch&c chdn trong doan doi thoai se de
Who are the speakers? (Nghe nghiep cua ngudi
cap den nhung van de nhu vay nen hay ghi nhd
tham gia doi thoai)
trudc dieu nay.
^ Doc va n&m ro cau hoi trudc khi bdt dau nghe
doan doi thoai.

* Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Dang O : Boi th oai van phong

Trong tong so 10 doan doi thoai thi doi thoai lien quan den cong viec chiem tren 40%. Nhung doan doi
thoai nay thudng lien quan den nhung viec nhu: cong viec van phong, thay doi nhan su, nhu cau va
chuan bi van phong pham, thdi gian dien ra hoi nghi, thdi gian nop bao cao, chuan bi nhung cong viec
trong cong ty...

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What did the man receive from the w om an?

(A) A report (B) S om e statements (C) An e-m ai! m essa g e (D) A co p y of a docum ent

2. What wit! happen tom orrow ?

(A) The wom an wit! d iscu ss a probtem. (B) The man wit! make a presentation.
(C) The com p an y wit! announce a strategy. (D) The board wi!! review a decision.

What wi!) the wom an d o next?

(A) Prepare for a meeting (B) C heck sates figures
(C) P ass on a m essa g e to a co-w orker (D) Outtine a new business deat
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M: A n n e ,) g ot the statements, but coutd ) have 5 more c o p ie s ? They're for my presentation
tom orrow.
W : Certainty,!'!! get them ready straight away, is there anything etse you n eed ?

M: Ptease ask Tom from Sates to bring the tatest reports to the board meeting, t'tt need them for
the discussion on our business strategy.
W : i'm meeting him in 10 minutes. !'tt tett him then.

1.B 2.B 3.C

Chien tape dat diem cao

T M nhat, hay nghe doan doi thoai va chu y ve gidi tinh neu cau hoi co de cap den gidi tinh.

Thuf hai, sau khi doc cau hoi, ban can n^m dupe noi dung cua doan doi thoai. Vi du: neu cau hoi la "What did
the man receive from the w om an?" thi phai doan ra dPpc noi dung trong doan doi thoai se de cap den viec
ngtfdi dan ong nhan cai gi do ttf ngudi phu nd.

Thuf ba, hay hoc thuoc nhdng tit vpng thudng dupe dung trong doi thoai van
neu co td nao trong bai nghe ma ban khong biet, hay tim hieu va hoc thuoc nt
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Part 3

* Dang ^ : B o i th o a i lie n quan den mua sam * - ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^

Day la loai doi thoai cu cach 1 - 2 thang lai xuat hien mot Mn trong bai thi thuc te. Cau hoi nh^m danh
gia kha nang tim nhung thong tin can thiet trong doan doi thoai giong vdi doi thoai trong cuoc song
M n g ngay.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Where m ost tikety are the speakers?

(A) At a card disptay (B) At a ctothing store (C) At a gift shop (D) At a gattery

2. Why can the man not use his credit card?

(A) The store accepts onty cash payment. (B) The card has expired.
(C) The totat is not high enough. (D) A payment is stitt pending.

3. What d o e s the man request?

(A) Home detivery (B) Additionai discount (C) Free tria) (D) Specia) wrapping

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

W: )s there anything e!se you'd !ike to )ook at, sir? There's a discount on shirts.

M: No thanks, that'!! be a)!. Can ) pay by credit card?

W : W e a cce p t cards onty for purchases above $60. Your bitt is just $45.75.

M: Wett then, t't! pay cash, but ptease gift-wrap the tie. it's for a friend.

1. 2.C 3.D

Chien ltrpc dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, neu doan doi thoai lien quan den mua s^m thi can chu y nhan vat muon mua cai gi va mua cf dau.
Thuf hai, cau hoi lien quan den viec suf dung phieu hoac phM ng thufc thanh toan thucng xuat hien trong bai
thi TOEIC.

Thuf ba, can phai phan biet dtMc ai la khach hang va ai la ngtfji ban hang.

w w w .n h a n m
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Part 3 31

* Dang Q : B o i th o a i lie n quan den am th u c #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \

Day la loai doi thoai thudng xuyen xuat hien trong bai thi hang thang va lien quan den nhung noi dung:
doi thoai giua nhan vien phuc vu vdi thuc khach trong luc chon mon an; trao doi thong tin ve nha hang
mdi khai truong d gan cong ty; quyet dinh chon noi an trua...

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What d o e s the man want to know ?

(A) The best ptace to get chrysanthem um s (B) When to serve his guests
(C) A suitabte ptace to dine (D) What to order for the staff dinner

2. Why d o e s the man want the information?

(A) A friend wants to know. (B) He ptans to take ctients out.

(C) The wom an has asked for a treat. (D) He is new to the area.

3. A ccording to the wom an, how is Bindra's different?

(A) !t speciatizes in Asian cuisine. (B) The offerings are atways excettent.
(C) There's speciat service for visitors.(D) Custom ers can sampte fo o d before ordering.

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

M: ts there a g o o d ptace to eat nearby? t have ctients visiting and ! need to take them out to dinner.

W: Big J o e 's serves Mexican and Continentat fo o d . G o to Chrysanthemum for Asian cuisine.

M: Thanks, but t'm s o con fu sed now. M aybe !'tt just order from a ptace t know.

W: You shoutd try Bindra's then. They offer generous portions and the fo o d is fantastic.

Answers: 1.( 2. 3.B

Chien luge dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, neu cau hoi hoi ten nha hang thi can nghe dJpc ten nha hang do trong doan doi thoai.

Thuf hai, khi khen ngpi nha hang, ng^oi ta tlnl&ng noi den service, good food va khong noi nhieu
den gia ca.

w w w
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Part 3

^ Dang O : Boi th oai lien quan den dich vu bUu dien * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loai doi thoai nay xuat hien vdi tan suat kha cao (khoang 10 lan trong 1 nam). Nhung tinh huong doi
thoai thudng gap la: doi thoai lien quan den viec quyet dinh phuong tien gui buu pham; doi thoai lien
quan den viec giao buu kien...

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What are the speakers discu ssing?

(A ) Taking aftight (B ) Maiting a package
(C ) Renting a car (D) Paying for a ticket

2. What is the wom an con cern ed about?

(A ) Whether a specia) service is avaitabte (B ) What the man witt charge her
(C ) if a detivery wit) be made speedity (D ) Who witt hetp her with a job

3. What witt the man probabty d o next?

(A ) Put stam ps on a tetter (B ) Fit) in a form for the woman

(C ) Cat) the airport to confirm a schedute (D) Check the weight of an item

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

W : W hat's the fastest way to send this p a ck a g e? t want it to g et to Attanta by tom orrow.

M: Airmait is best, ma'am. But that woutd c o s t you a tittte extra.

W : That's at) right, tt's very important. How much witt that b e ?

. M: $10, ma'am. But tet m e just weigh it first, just to be sure.

\ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

1.8 2.C 3.D

Chien tape dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, neu doan doi thoai de cap den phM ng thufc gufi bJu pham thi cum tR thticfng xuat hien ia "airmail"
hoac "surface m aif.
Thuf hai, trong tnRfng hop ng^oi nhan bJu pham khong co mat thi ban phai nstm tntdc dtMc noi dung
ia nhan vien se phat bPu pham cho ngti&i khac va nho chuyen cho ngRcfi nhan.
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PaH3 33

r. Dang 0 : B o i th o a i lie n quan den du lic h , ky nghi * .............- ................. ..-.......................... -- -......
Cu 3 ky thi thi co khoang 2 ky co doan doi thoai lien quan den chu de du lich, ky nghi. Noi dung cua
doan doi thoai bao gom: du lich lien quan den cong viec (hoi thao, hoi nghi ...) va du lich nghi dudng.
Doi thoai thudng di^n ra giua khach hang vdi nhan vien cong ty du lich; giua khach hang vdi nhan vien
hang hang khong; doi thoai giua cac nhan vien ... Loai cau hoi lien quan den chu de nay nh^m danh gia
kha nang nghe thong tin chi tiet.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

Actua) Test 1
1. Why are the speakers traveting?
(A )T o m eeta ctien t (B )T ofinatizeadeat (C) To do a survey (D) To attend a seminar

2. What d o e s the man ptan to d o ?

(A) Leave the previous day (B) Take an earty ftight

Actual Test 2
(C) Meet the woman at the airport (D) Make a reservation

3. Why d o e s the man su ggest R osa tnn?

(A) !t is reasonabty priced. (B) tt is next to his brother's house.

(C) !t is near a particutar ptace. (D) !t is on the com pany's approved tist.

Actua) Test 3
2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

W: Have you m ade hotet reservations for Friday's con feren ce in S ao Pauto? t've yet to decid e

where t'm going to stay.

M: t'm taking an earty morning ftight on Friday, and t'tt be at my brother's white t'm there.

W : Can you su ggest a g o o d ptace to stay? You visited S ao Pauto severat times.

Actuat Test 4
M: R osa tnn is convenientty tocated. The convention center is just dow n the street.

Answers: 1.D 2.B 3.C


Chien tupc dat di6m cao

Thuf nhat, cau hoi lien quan den doan doi thoai noi ve du lich, ky nghi thucfng co noi dung: di dau, khi nao, va
Actua) Test 5

tai sao di du lich, vi the ban can phai nghe dticfc nhufng thong tin do trong doan doi thoai.
Thuf hai, co the biet dupe thong tin du licL d p a vao nhan vien cong ty du lich, vi the ban phai
nhd rang doan doi thoai giufa khach vdi nhan vien cong ty du lich la loai thu&ng xuat hien.

w w w
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Part 3

Dang 0 : Boi thoai lien quan den dich vu ngan hang ^

Noi dung cau hoi la nhung van de lien quan den dich vu ngan hang nhu: the tin dung, chuyen tien, gui
tiet kiem, md tai khoan moi...

1. X ac d in h th e loa i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What is the man catting about? ....................

(A) A card statement (B) A new a ccou n t (C) A deposit (D) A ch eck that was written

2. What information d o e s the man give?

(A) An amount (B) A date (C) An address (D) A con tact number

3. What d o e s the wom an offer to d o ?

(A) Send him a dupticate docum ent (B) Cat) when she has information

(C) C heck the records again (D) Wait for his instructions
2. T im h ieu th e loai

t'm catting to ask if a d ep osit tw o days a g o has posted to my account.

W: Sure, sir. Can t have your accou n t number, ptease?

M: That's 649-732. !t woutd b e a ch e ck deposit for $6950.

^ W: Sorry sir, w e haven't received it, b u t ) coutd tet you know as soon as it c o m e s in.
1.C 2.A 3.B

Chien !uoc dat diem cao

^ ^
Thuf nhat, doi vdi doi thoai lien quan den dich vu ngan hang, cau hoi chu yeu la: nhan vat lien lac hoac den
ngan hang nhhm muc dich gi, va dap an thtidng nhm trong cau doi thoai dau tien.
Thuf hai, ve phia ngan hang, cau hoi cM c chan se hoi ve dich vu ma ngan hang co the thuc hien cho khach.
Chu y can phan biet giufa khach hang va nhan vien.
Thuf ba, hoc thuoc nhufng ti? vUng lien quan den ngan hang. Neu nghe M sai thi chon cau cung
se sai.
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Parts j 35 I

Chon dap an dung

1. P h a n b o t h d i g ia n h a p ly

O Trudc khi bdt dau part 3, ban se nghe phan hudng dan trong 30 giay. Khong duoc lo dang, vi neu
mat tap trung thi ban se khong the ndm duoc y cua cuoc doi thoai ngay khi part 3 bdt dau.

@ Sau khi nghe het doan doi thoai, ban se nghe 3 cau hoi lien quan den doan doi thoai do. Thdi gian
doc 1 cau hoi la 1 giay va thdi gian ng&t quang giua cac cau hoi la 8 giay. Nghia la, sau khi ket
thuc doan doi thoai ban se co 27 giay de giai quyet cac cau hoi trudc khi budc sang doan doi thoai
tiep theo. N hu vay, khi nghe doc den cau hoi thu 3, ban phai nhanh chong giai quyet duoc het cac
cau hoi cua doan doi thoai do va dung khoang thdi gian con lai de doc nhung cau hoi tiep theo.

Q Trong 3 cau hoi tuong ung voi 1 doan doi thoai thi c M c ch^n se co 1 cau hoi ve thong tin cu the.
Khong danh qua nhieu thdi gian cho 1 cau hoi.

O Kho co the nhd het thong tin nghe duoc trong doan doi thoai da qua, do dd ban dung lang phi thdi
gian de tim dap an cho cau hoi da qua ma hay tap lam quen vdi viec phan bo thdi gian sao cho
ngay khi nghe cau hoi thu 3 la ban da bdt ddu doc den nhung cau hoi cua doan doi thoai tiep theo.

2. C h o n d a p a n c h o c a u h o i

O Ban vua phai nghe 10 doan doi thoai, vua phai doc nhung cau hoi va dap an cho s^n (tong cong
150 cau gom 30 cau hoi va 120 cau dap an) co trong de thi chi trong vong 1 0 - 1 1 phut. Neu ban
tap trung nghe ky thi se khong doc duoc cau hoi, con neu ban cham chu doc cau hoi va cac dap an
cho sdn thi se khong the nghe ky duoc. Vi the, de co the dat duoc diem cao can phai loai bo het
nhung yeu td gay trd ngai.

@ Neu ban danh dau dap an vao phieu dap an ngay khi tim ra cau tra ldi thi se mat tap trung va se
khong co thdi gian doc nhung cau hoi tiep theo trong phieu cau hoi. Ban nen danh dau cau tra ldi
dung vao de thi va tap trung toi da vao viec nghe doan doi thoai.

3. Lull y

Hay phan tich that nhanh nhung cau hoi co trong de thi (part 3) va doan xem doan doi thoai noi
ve van de gi. Hay tap lam quen vdi viec ndm bM duoc the loai cua nhung cau hoi duoc cho va
cach nghe moi the loai.

O C a u h o i lie n q u an d e n to a n b o d o a n d oi th o a i
Trong bo 3 cau hoi cua mdi doan doi thoai, cau hoi dau tien thudng hoi ve chu de doan doi thoai/
noi din ra doan doi thoai / nghe nghiep cua nhan vat. Vdi loai cau hoi nay thi 20% la ban phai
tim ra chu de b^ng cach tim xem tu khoa n&m d dau trong toan bo doan doi thoai va 80% la chu
de n&m d ngay cau thu nhat hoac thu hai cua doan doi thoai.

What are the speakers discussing?

Where d oes the conversation probabty take ptace?

Where most tikety are the speakers?

Who most tikety is the woman?
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Part 3
36 B !G S T E P T 0 E !C 3

@ C a u h o i co d a n h t u r ie n g
Vdi trudng hop ten rieng cong ty, ten ngudi, ten dia diem xuat hien trong cau hoi hoac cac dap an
cho s&n thi ch^c c M n tu dd se duoc lap lai trong doan doi thoai va nhung thong tin chi tiet se
n&m d trudc hoac sau tu dd. Dac biet, neu ten ngudi xuat hien trong cau hoi thi can phai tim ra
duoc moi lien he giua nhung thong tin can thiet vdi ten ngudi, vi co khi 2 ngudi trong doan doi
thoai dang noi ve mot ngudi thu ba nao dd. Chu y, trong cau hoi hoi la Mr. White nhung trong
doan doi thoai thi Mr. W hite co the duoc nhdc den vdi ten ho day du, ch&ng han: Peter White.
How many peopte wi!! Mr. Depau! meet with?

What does Mr. Atvarez want to know?

Who is visiting Kyoko?

What is stated about Ms. Endo?

What d oes Mark say about the Shanghai expenses?

@ C a u h o i v6 v ie c se lam
T ron g so 3 cau hoi thi dang cau hoi nay xuat hien cuoi cung, va dap an thudng duot cho d 2 cau
cuoi cua doan doi thoai. Neu cau hoi yeu cau phan biet gidi tinh thi ban chi can nghe duoc gidi
tinh tuong ung. Neu cau hoi lien quan den ke hoach hoac lich lam viec thi dap an luon n^m d 2
cau cuoi cua doan doi thoai. Luu y, neu no duo^ de cap d phan dau hoac giua doan doi thoai thi
muc dich la de gay nham Mn cho ban.

What wit! the woman probabty do next?

What is Ju!ie ptanning to do before her trip?

What wi!! the man d o in Apri!?

Where wi!) the woman be working?

O C au hoi vdi "Why"

Vdi dang cau hoi nay thi cau hoi n&m true tiep trong cau noi cua mot trong hai nhan vat doi
thoai. Dap an dung cho cau hoi nay duoc trinh bay d ngay trudc hoac sau phan de cap den noi
dung cau hoi trong doan doi thoai. Hay chu y ky vi day la mot trong nhung diem ban phai vuot
qua de dat diem cao.

Why is the woman coming in !ate?

Why is the woman unabte to com e at 10 o'ctock ?

Why did the man contact the woman?

Why must Ms. Lewis visit the human resources department?

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Phan tich chinh xac xu hudng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

Tong cong 30 cau hoi (10 bai Singte Taik)

Thong bao Tin nhan dien thoai Tham quan Du bao thdi tiet Thong tin giao thong Tin kinh te Quang cao

6 ^ 9 cau 6 cau 3 ^ 6 cau 3 cau 3 cau 3 ^ 6 cau 3 cau

O Ti le cac cau hoi trong part 4 gan nhu la co dinh va giong nhau qua cac bai thi nghe hang thang.

Q Trudc khi bat dau nghe ban can doc trudc cau hoi, va viec tu trang bi cho minh nhung tu vung lien
quan den cac bai nghe thudng gap la rat can thiet.

* Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Dang 0: Thong bao, huong dan

Cau hoi thudng lien quan den nhung thong bao va hudng dan d nhung noi cong cong hoac thong bao
duoc pho bien trong cong ty nhu: hudng dan lam thu tuc d san bay, thong bao hoan, huy bo chuyen bay,
thong bao nhung cong viec se lam trong ngay trong cong ty, thong bao thay doi thdi gian kinh doanh cua
trung tam mua sdm, hay thong bao danh muc cac san pham co gia dac biet...

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe thong bao sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

** What is the purpose of this announcem ent?

(A) To review preparations for an event (B) To announce a project for a shopping matt
(C) To say that the office witt be moving (D) To detait a revised travet poticy

2. How witt it affect so m e tisteners?

(A) They witt receive reduced benefits. (B) They witt have to travet farther to work.
(C) They witt be forced to rety on bu ses. (D) They witt be required to stay tater.

3. What d o e s the speaker h op e witt happen in six m onths?

(A) The ctient witt agree to their terms. (B) A tease witt be renewed.
(C) Staff witt m ove back into the area. (D) The com pan y witt com ptete an assignment.

w w w
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Part 4

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

The owners of this buitding have asked us to vacate because they want to buitd a shopping ma!)
here. W e're going to be moving into our downtown premises on Park Street next week. This means

that som e of you wi)! be traveting )onger distances to work. But the company is finatizing a tease on

office space in this neighborhood. Hopefutty, we witt be back in the area within the next six months.
Meanwhite, t urge you at) to prepare for the retocation.

Answers: 1.C 2.B 3.C

Chien lupc dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, van de duoc hoi nhieu nhat la muc dich va doi M png cua thong bao.
Thuf hai, trong tnldng hop thong bao, h^dng dan thi chinh sach mdi, dJdng l o i ... la nhufng noi dung luon duoc
de cap den.
Thuf ba, vdi tnfdng hop may bay hoac tau den tre thi nguyen nhan thudng la do thdi tiet xau.
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Part 4 39

Dang (3: Tham quan

r Noi dung cua loai bai noi nay thudng la: viec tham quan nhung noi nhu vien bao tang, vudn bach thao
hay cac cong xudng, chung cu mdi ... 0 nhung noi dd deu co nhan vien hudng dan va ho se pho bien
nhung thong tin can biet cung lich tham quan trong ngay. Cau hoi thudng xuyen duoc dat ra la xac
dinh xem ngudi noi trong nua phan dau tien la ai.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe thong bao sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Who is the speaker?

(A ) A museum emptoyee (B) A tour guide

(C) An artist (D) A photographer

2. What wit! happen at 1 p.m .?

(A ) An exhibit wit) ctose. (B) The bus witt arrive.

(C) The group wit) go to tunch. (D) The guided part of the trip witt end.

3. Why is a coupon mentioned?

(A) tt is for entry into the gattery. (B) Listeners can use it in the gift store.

(C) tt gives users a speciat discount. (D) The speaker witt cottect it tater.

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

Good m orning.! am Linda, and !'tt be your guide today. W e witt be reaching the museum shortty,

but t have a few announcements to make before we go in. Visitors are not permitted to take

pictures of the exhibits. Att photography equipment must be teft at the museum office. The tour witt
end at 1 p.m. You witt then get an hour to exptore on your own. The coupon on your ticket can be

used to buy items at the museum gift shop. Ptease be ready to board your bus at 2 p .m .! hope you

enjoy your visit.

iswers: 1.B 2.D 3.B

Chien luge dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, luon co cau hoi ve noi dung htfcfng dan of noi tham quan la do ai noi va dap an cho cau hoi nay
th^&ng n&m trong cau dau tien cua doan.
Thuf hai, cau hoi tlntdng tap trung vao noi vieng tham dau tien va cuoi cung trong lich tham quan.
Thuf ba, ddng nham lan giufa thdi han va thdi gian can co. Thdi gian dung vao viec tham
quan va gid an tnia duoc hoi nhieu nhat.
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Part 4

Dang &: Gidi thieu ngudi w------------- ---------------------------------------------

Bai noi loai nay chu yeu gidi thieu ve nguoi thang giai, dien gia duoc moi, va nhan vien m oi... Truong
hop nguoi duoc gidi thieu la dien gia noi tieng thi hay tim nghe chi tiet ho da co thanh tich nghien cuu
hoac xuat ban an pham gi; neu ngudi duot gidi thieu la nhan vien thi hay tim nghe cac chi tiet ve qua
trinh lam viec trudc day hay noi den nhung noi dung lien quan den cong viec cua ho.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe doan van sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Where most tikety are the tisteners?

(A) At a seminar (B) At an award function

(C)At a wetcome ceremony (D) At a conservation ratty

What witt Dr. Suri do?

(A) Conduct training (B) Open a facitity

(C) Address a gathering (D) introduce a speaker

3. What witt happen tast?

(A) An event witt be announced. (B) The speaker witt thank the audience.
(C) The guest witt answer questions. (D) Participants witt receive certificates.

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

Good morning, tt's an honor to introduce the guest speaker at this convention. Dr. Sanjay Suri is a

wett-known organic farmer and conservationist. He has recentty been chosen E n viron m ental of

the Year by Today, he witt speak on simpte but efficient ways to protect the

earth, maintain the fertitity of our soit and conserve naturat resources. After the presentation, there
witt be a short question and answer session. Ptease feet free to ask him questions.

1.A 2.C 3.C

Chien luoc dat diem cao

^' Thuf nhat, trong trddng hop bai noi gidi thieu mot ngddi nao do thi chac chan cau hoi se hoi ve nghe nghiep va
nhan than cua ho.
Thuf hai, vdi trddng hop bai noi gidi thieu khach mdi thi cau hoi se tap trung vao noi dung ma vi khach dd se
phat bieu.
Thuf ba, chac chan se co cau hoi: neu cuf toa co the dat cau hoi thi ho co the hoi nhd the
nao va vao luc nao.
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. .

Da so cac tin nhan deu nham muc dich truyen dat yeu cdu hoac thong bao cho doi tuong biet ve su thay
doi lich lam viec. Thinh thoang, nhung tin nhan co noi dung mang tinh ca nhan cung duoc dat cau hoi.
Vdi truong hop doan van ve tin nhan A R S (Autom atic Routing System - He thong chuyen cuoc goi tu
dong) cua co quan hoac cong ty thi noi dung chu yeu la nhan vao nut nao thi se nhan duoc thong tin gi,
va thong tin duoc hoi nhieu nhat la so dien thoai de tiep xuc vdi nhan vien huong dan. Cau hoi co noi
dung lien quan den ngudi goi dien thoai / muc dich goi dien thoai / ngudi nhan dien thoai / yeu cau cua
ngudi goi dien thoai chiem tren 95%.

1. Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe tin nhan dien thoai sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1 What is the purpose of this m essage?

(A ) To request a detivery (B ) To request photocopying

(C ) To request an instaitation (D ) To request maintenance

2 . Why is Fred worried?

(A ) He has to comptete a task on time. (B ) He has to make a presentation.
( C ) He has to contact a customer. (D ) He has to submit a proposat.

3 . What wi!) Natasha do soon?

(A ) Contact a supervisor (B ) Send staff to answer a request
(C ) Hire new workers (D ) Visit Fred's office

2. Tim hieu the loai

Hetto, Natasha, this is Fred from Chrysatis. W e need som eone from your office to repair our copy
m achines rather urgentty. There's a big project coming up tomorrow and we wit) need a!) the
machines in order to compiete the work in time. Ptease cat) me at 555-3214 as soon as you receive
this m essage and tet me know when you're sending your crew. ! wit) be avaitabie unti) 5 p.m this
even in g.!')) be waiting to hear from you.

Answers: 1 .D 2 .A 3 .B

Chien luoc dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, vdi dang bai tin nhan dien thoai thi chac chan se co cau hoi: tai sao ngticfi nay lai goi dien thoai cho
ngttcfi kia? Bap an cho cau hoi dang nay thJdng nam of cau dau va cau thuf hai cua bai noi.
Thuf hai, hau nhtl ky thi nao cung deu co cau hoi ngufcfi goi dien thoai co yeu cau gi doi vdi ngtfdi nhan dien thoai.

Thu! ba, noi dung yeu cau cuoi cung cua ngtfdi goi dien thoai chinh la viec ma ngtidi nhan dien thoai
se lam.

w w w

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-* Dang :Chuong trinh phat thanh

Ngudi ta thudng dat cau hoi ve phan gidi thieu cua mot chuong trinh hoac mot buoi phat thanh am
nhac ma ban co the nghe duoc tren radio. Nhung noi dung lien quan den chuong trinh phat thanh thong
bao tin tuc cua mot dia phuong nhu: thong bao ve viec xay mdi mot toa nha trong khu vuc hoac cung
cap tin tuc cho dan chung... thudng duoc dat cau hoi. Dac biet, khong duoc bo Id cau dau tien vi co
nhieu cau hoi yeu cau ban phai phan biet duoc ai la ngudi dan chuong trinh va ai la khach mdi mdi co
the tra ldi chinh xac cau hoi.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe phan gidi thieu cua chuong trinh phat thanh sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Who is Sam Myers?

(A) A banker (B) A specia! reporter (C ) A tistener (D) A news reader

2. What is NOT a feature of the program?

(A) investment advice (B) Financiai news

(C ) Stock updates (D) Business ioans

3. How often is Money W ise' broadcast?

(A) Everyday (B) Twice a week (C ) Once a week (D) Once in every two weeks

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

This is 'Money W ise', your weekty program on money matters on Radio 91. Today, we have senior
financiai correspondent Sam Myers speaking on safe investment options. W e aiso have a specia)
segment on stocks to watch out for this week. This wiii be foiiowed by our regutar news roundup
by Caro) Noh. And finaity, we report on unusuat business ventures that have becom e case studies
at famous business schoots!

A n sw e rs: 1 .B 2 .D 3 .C

Chien )trpc dat di^m cac

Thuf nhat, chu de cua chuMng trinh phat thanh dong vai tro giai thich dac diem cua chM ng trinh. Hay chu y
Mng nghe cau dau tien vi ten cua chtlcfng trinh se dM c de cap 8 do.
Thu! hai, can phan biet khach m&i va ngu&i dan clnMng trinh.
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Part 4 43

t "
Dang Du bao thoi tiet
Day la dang co noi dung du bao thoi tiet thudng phat tren radio. Dang cau hoi nay cu cach 1 - 3 thang
lai xuat hien mot lan trong bai thi thuc te va tan suat cao nhat la dang du bao thdi tiet ca tuan. Vi phai
nghe va phan biet tinh trang khi tuong tung khu vuc nen ban se kho tim ra dap an chinh xac neu
khong biet trudc cau hoi hoi ve thong tin khi tuong cua khu vuc nao. Loai cau hoi nay chu yeu hoi ve
thong tin chi tiet.

1. Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe doan van sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

< ^
1. Who is Maggie Carr?
(A) A music DJ (B) An airline emptoyee (C) A traffic controiter (D) A radio reporter

2. What d oes the speaker say about the next few days?

(A) Temperatures wi)) rise in the northern region.

(B) The weather wi)) remain cotder than norma).

(C) Ftights wi)) be detayed because of heavy snowfat).

(D) Listeners can expect a sudden change very soon.

3. What program wi)) fo))ow this announcement?

(A) A )ist of offerings for the day (B) A request show

(C) An update on traffic (D) An announcement of revised ftight schedutes

2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

Good morning, t'm Maggie Carr with the weather report on Radio 91. The co)d wave continues to
disrupt norma) )ife in the northern parts of the country. A)so, the unusua))y cotd weather affects
even the southern cities. Strong winds are tikety to keep temperatures at about 12 degrees for the
next few days. Weather experts say that heavy fog is expected to detay air services, particutarty in
the morning, so if you do ptan to fty, ch oose a ftight around mid-moming or noon. Up next is the
traffic update with Tim Brant.

Answers: 1.D 2.B 3.C

Chien luroc dat diem cao

Thti nhat, vdi dang dt^ bao thdi tiet thi ngtfdi ta thudng dat cau hoi ve chC so va dia danh, vi vay khi nghe ban
nen chu y den nhufng chi tiet nay. Dac biet, hay chu y den dia danh dtKfc de cap den trong cau hoi va dap an
cho san.
Thuf hai, trong bai thi TOEtC, dang dtl bao thdi tiet ve mufa, tuyet, gio thtldng xuat hien nhieu

w ww
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Part 4

Dang & Thong tin giao thong *------------------------------------------------------

Noi dung cua dang cau hoi nay lien quan den nhung van de nhu: thong bao cong trinh dang thi cong
cung nhu tai nan giao thong xay ra tren mot tuyen dudng nao dd va khuyen ngudi di dudng nen di
tuyen dudng khac de tranh tuyen dudng do. Ban nen hoc thuoc nhung tu ngu thudng duoc dung trong
chuong trinh phat thanh giao thong, vi chung se giup ban rat nhieu khi nghe bai noi cung nhu giai
quyet cau hoi.

1. Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe thong tin giao thong sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What time of day is it most tikety?

(A) Evening (B) Afternoon (C ) Mid-morning (D) Earty morning

2 . What has happened at Hudson Circte?

(A) Vehictes going west are being checked. (B) A van has overturned.
(C ) A traffic jam is ctearing. (D) A bus has statted.

3 . What can tisteners expect next?

(A) A m essage from sponsors (B) New updates
(C ) Business reports (D) A report on the weather
v J
2. Tim hieu the loai

The workday's over, so it's time to check out the weekend traffic in your city. S -8 teading to the
western suburbs is moving very stowty. You are advised to use )-6, where traffic is tight at this time.
An overturned detivery van at Hudson Circte is btocking the right tane and detaying commuters on
their way home. Avoid this area and use L-6 to reach the express highway. The next update witt
com e up in 15 minutes after the business news, so stay tuned.

A nsw ers: 1 .A 2 .B 3 .C

Chien tape dat diem cao

Thu! nhat, co 2 loai thong tin giao thong: thong tin lien quan den tai nan giao thong va thong tin lien quan
den stl kien dang dien ra tren dttctng. Loai tin Me lien quan den van de tai nan giao thong la nguyen nhan gay
ket xe co ty le xuat hien tren 80% va loai tin tufc lien quan den van de giao thong bi han che do co cong trinh
dang thi cong hoac cuoc dieu hanh tren dt%ng co ty le xuat hien khoang 20%.
Thuf hai, 100% noi dung yeu cau ngtfefi nghe radio phai thtlc hien la di vong sang dtlcfng khac
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Part 4 45

f )

Dang @ : Thong tin quang cao

Noi dung cua dang cau hoi nay chu yeu la nhung quang cao ve san pham hay dich vu. Day la loai cau hoi
co ty le xuat hien kha cao (trung binh khoang 1 - 2 thang 1 lan). Hai cau dau tien se gioi thieu ve ten
san pham, doi tuong de quang cao san pham va gidi thieu mot cach chi tiet ve dac tinh cua san pham,
chu yeu la de cap den van de khuyen mai hoac qua tang. Nua phan sau de cap den cach thuc dat hang.

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

* Nghe quang cao sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

Actua) Test 1
1. What is being advertised?
(A) A cooking ctass (B) A refrigerator

(C) Kitchen furniture (D) Food containers

2. What can users expect from the product?

(A) They can be assured of its high quatity.

Actua) Test 2
(B) The company wit! customize products.
(C) !t is now avaitabte at a discount.

(D) Users can return products if they are not satisfied.

3. How iong is the warranty on Kitchen Stuff products?
(A) One year (B) Two years (C) Three years (D) Lifetime

Actua) Test 3
2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

)s storing food a big chatienge? Try the new storage options from Kitchen Stuff. These inctude

bags, pouches and containers in different sizes to store every kind of food safety. Save on space in
your refrigerator or your kitchen shetves. Made of superior ptastic, these products are virtuatty
maintenance-free and com e with a 2-year warranty. Catt Kitchen Stuff now for free information and
easy payment ptans. Actua) Test 4

2 . 3.B

Chien tape dat diem cao

Thuf nhat, ten cua san pham va doi tM n g de quang cao san pham se ddoc de cap trong cau dau tien.
Actua) Test 5

Thuf hai, trong tnidng hop quang cao ban ha gia, se co nhCng cau hoi ve muc dich, thdi gian, ten san pham
dtMc ban ha gia nen ban phai n^m ro se nghe noi dung cua phan nao tnidc va can tap trung nghe
that ky.

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Part 4

# Chon dap an dung

1. P h a n b o t h d i g ia n h o p ly

O Trudc khi bat dau part 4, ban se nghe doc hudng dan trong 30 giay. Hay tap trung ldng
nghe, neu khong ban se bo Id mat cau hoi dau tien vi co the ngudi ta se bat dau doc cau hoi
trong luc ban dang mat tap trung.

@ Sau khi bai noi ket thuc, nguoi ta se doc tiep 3 cau hoi tuong ung vdi bai noi dd. Thdi gian
doc mdi cau hoi la 1 giay va sau khi doc xong mdi cau hoi se co 8 giay pau se. Nghia la th^i
gian ngan cach giua 2 doan la 27 giay. Ban chi nen dung 18 giay giai quyet cau hoi cua doan
dd va dung thdi gian con lai doc trudc nhung cau hoi cua doan tiep theo.

@ Trong luc dang giai quyet bo 3 cau hoi cua doan van, neu nghe doc den cau hoi thu 3 roi thi
hay dung lai, dung lam tiep bo cau hoi dd nua ma hay bat dau doc bo cau hoi tiep theo that

2.* C h o n d a p a n d u n g

O Danh dau dap an vao phieu dap an se mat thdi gian va su tap trung, vi the, trong phong thi,
khi giai quyet cau hoi, ban nen danh dau dap an vao ngay ben canh dap an cho san trong de

9 Sau khi nghe het toan bo 100 cau hoi, ban hay danh dau dap an dung cua part 1, part 3,
part 4 vao phieu dap an dua vao phan da danh dau trong phieu de thi. Neu co cau hoi nao
khong giai quyet duoc, hay danh dau vao mot dap an ngau nhien cua cau hoi do.

@ Trong thuc te, khong co thdi gian de kiem tra lai toan bo dap an nen khi danh dau dap an
cua LC, ban hay danh dau het tat ca, dung de cau nao trong. Lam vay se giup ban khong bi
tr gid. Neu ban co the ghi dap an vao phieu dap an chi trong vong 3 - 4 phut thi van kip
gid nop bai.
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Part 4 47

3. Lull y

O Neu danh gia tat ca cac part cua LC theo muc do kho thi ta se co: part 1 > part 2 > part 4 >
part 3. Da so thi sinh deu cam thay part 3 kho hon part 4.

@ Qua dd ta thay ty le dap an dung cua part 4 cao hon part 3. Tuy nhien, hau het thi sinh lai
m at kha nang tap trung cho part 4, vi sau khi trai qua 30 phut giai quyet nhung part trudc ho
da mat di rat nhieu nang luong va su tap trung cung giam di nhieu nen khi tiep xuc vdi part 4,
la part sau cung, ho giai quyet no vdi tam trang met mdi, nhat la sau khi tap trung qua nhieu
cho part 3. Ve mat thdi gian, trong vong 45 phut thi sinh chi nghe toan tieng Anh va tra ldi
cau hoi, di^u nay da khien ho khong the tap trung duoc nua.

@ Do do, neu muon dat duoc diem cao ma it cang th4ng thi ban nen thudng xuyen luyen nghe
tieng Anh trong 45 phut de quen vdi viec nghe va duy tri kha nang tap trung cua minh trong
45 phut d phong thi.

O Tuy ban co ky nang giai quyet cau hoi tot, va da hoc het cac cach dien dat thudng gap nhung
neu ban khong the duy tri duoc su tap trung toi da trong 45 phut thi nhung ky thuat va thong
tin dd cung chang co tac dung gi. Ngay tu bay gid, moi ngay ban nen luyen nghe tieng Anh
trong khoang 45 phut.
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Part 1

B o n u s!! Nghe dime taomg dtrong vdi nhan biet

Ban nen biet trudc nhung noi dung nao thudng duoc dat cau hoi trong cac ky thi gan day de chuan bi
cho bai thi cua minh. Khi do, ban se thay r^ng viec chuan bi trudc cho phan thi nghe vdi viec khong
chuan bi gi ca hoan toan khac nhau.

(1) Dong tac chung cua con ngudi (lau chui; d a t/d e ; treo/m an g; chat dong; ca m /g iu ...)

The man is wiping the window.

The woman is potishing the microscope.

He is picking up the chair.

A man is setting down som e bread.

He is stocking boxes.

He is laying som e bricks.

She is hanging decorations.

The man is holding an eiectrica! cord.

One woman is hotding the back of the chair.

She is taking a voiume from the shetf.

The man is putting up som e waiipaper.

(2) Dong tac cu the cua con ngudi (thiet lap; thanh lap; Mp dd y /k h oa chat; sdp xep ...)

The man is instating a car part.

He is watering the piants.

The boy is buttoning a coat.

Peopte are organizing the desks.

The woman is assem bling a desk.

He is shoveling the snow.

He is piloting a plane.

The man is directing traffic.

He is pinning up a chart.

A woman is adjusting a camera.
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(3) Trang thai cua con ngudi (co dang mac ...)

There is a work crew on the road.

The man is wearing a too) be!t.

They are turning away from each other.

She is comparing two computers.

(4) Su vat hoac boi canh

The prices are cteariy visibte.

Som e food items are disptayed for sate.

The fruit is !ying on the f!oor.

Som e books are spread out on the fioor.

Trees are being transported down the river.

Houses are overiooking the water.

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Part 2

Trong so cac part cua T O E !C thi day la part d^ bi mat diem nhat. Tuy part 2 tuong doi de hon part 3 va
4, nhung no lai la phan kho dat duoc diem cao. Sau day la nhung loai cau hoi co the gay kho khan cho
thi sinh:

1. H o i b a n g c a u t u u n g th u a t

E ! : ! hear the bookstore is having a big sa!e.

!t ended yesterday.

Q ^ This apartment was just finished recentty.

^ Yes, it tooks very new.

Q : ) thought you'd aiready teft for Taipei.

^ My trip was canceted.

Q : Ptease tet Ms. Cohen know that! came by white she was out.
* )'!) te!t her.

E ! : Thank you for coming in on such short notice, Ms. Lang.

* t'm g!ad that) coutd heip out.

E ! : The new accountant wi!) have the office next to yours.

* )'!! stop by to introduce mysetf.
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2. H o i b ^ n g c a u n g h i v a n

E ) : When is the shift scheduted to end?

* S o o n ,) think.

H : Where are the invoices for tast February?

* in the fite cabinet.

P ! : t've been trying to reach customers service at) morning.

* is the iine stiii busy?

Actuat Test 1
Q : Have you purchased a new house yet, or are you stiii iooking?

* ) can't decide on a tocation.

Q : Where is the fruit stored after it's been picked?

* )n a refrigerated storage container.

Actua) Test 2
E ) : Have we run out of foiders?
* No, there are some in the cabinet.

E ! : What's the projected budget for the trip to New York?

* i'd estimate it's about $3,000.

E ! : Doesn't the manager have to authorize this purchase?

Actua! Test 3
* Yes, you need her signature.

E ! : Why d o n 't) confirm the meeting time with Ms. Park?

* Thanks, that wouid be great.

Actuat Test 4
Actuat Test 5
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Part 3

Nhung cau trong part 3 co do dai gap 1,5 den 2 lan do dai cua nhung cau trong part 2. Hon nua, trong so 2
nhan vat doi thoai thi chAc ch^n co mot nguod khong noi giong My nen do kho cua part 3 vi the ma co phan
cao hon part 1, 2. B&ng cach xem trudc nhung cau kho thuong xuat hien trong bai thi, ban se thay do cang
th4ng khi buot vao ky thi that. Cung giong nhu choi mot game may tinh nhieu ian thi ban se thay game do
de choi hon, neu thuong xuyen !uyen nghe thi ban se dat duoc diem cao trong bai thi thuc te.

1. Trong van phong

O Dat hang v^n phong pham ^

We've just received the copiers we ordered tast week, but we're having probtems with both of them.

e Cong ty bao tri, sua chua

) just got a ca!) from a manager over in the research department. She's reporting that a heating unit
stopped working.

O Thue nhan vien

We have a few openings, and we'd tike to conduct interviews at the job fair next month.

O Chuan bi hoi nghi

! have some visitors here to !eam about our new products. And ! need to set up a projector in the room.

2. Du lich, mua sam

O Noi du lich

) went to Spain with a few friends. We stayed at a smat) hote) in Vatencia for one week.

O Hieu sach

i'm tooking for the newest book by Renee Smith. Can you tet) me where it might be?

O Dat ve may bay

i have to be in Washington D.C tomorrow morning. What is the eartiest fiight you can book me on?
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Part 3 55

f )

3. N hung van de khac

O The tin dung (doi thoai lien quan den cong viec ngan hang)

) just received a new bank card and my name is Sophia Kim.

) An trua (doi thoai lien quan den thuc an)

! heard the itatian restaurant in JJ buiiding has reatty good food. Woutd you iike to go for tunch today?

O Hop mat (doi thoai lien quan den thui gian ranh r6i)

! hadn't pianned to come b u t) coutdn't miss out ten year reunion.! have a iot of memories of my
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Nhung noi dung duoc hoi trong part 4 duoc co dinh va lap di lap lai hang thang, nghia la cau duoc chon lam
dap an co noi dung duoc lap lai trong bai thi hang thang. Duoi day la nhung cau thuong duoc chon lam dap
an dung.

1. Thong bao, huung dan

O Truyen dat thong tin

First of a!!, you must get your supervisor's approva! in advance for any business trip. To get this approvai,
you must compiete and submit Form A.

O Hoan chuyen bay

Attention Korean Airtines passengers. At this time gusty wind conditions are causing detays for both
incoming and outgoing ftights this evening.

2. Chmyng trinh phat thanh

O Thong tin thoi tiet (du bao thoi tiet)

Atthough spring is sti!) a month away, we wit! have more unseasonabty warm weather today.

O Tin tuc dia phuong

The construction wiii begin on June 1, and is expected to cost $1.5 mitiion. The project wit! take
approximate^ 2 months.

O Ke hoach xay dung

in nationat news, the Centra) Transportation Authority announced today that the new North Highway is
finatty scheduied to open next month after 4 years of construction.

O Thong bao trong cong ty

HTM incorporated, the weti-known manufacturer of premium candy products has announced that it's

aggressivety iooking for ways to cut energy use in its piants.
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Part 4 57

(* )

3. Tham quan, chuyen di thuc te

O Giol thieu hudng dan vien

Weicome to Morrison Nationai Park. My name is Sean and i wii) be your guide on the wa!k to the top of

the Morrison point today.

O Muc dich hudng dan

) wit) be showing you around the production part today and heiping you get settied into your new jobs.

Actua) Test 1
4. Nhung van de khac

O Thong tin cua nguoi goi dien thoai (tin nh&n dien thoai)

Heito, this is Maria Ortiz from Parker Square Bakery & Pastry.

O Gioi thieu khach mol (gioi thieu nguol)

Actuat Test 2
Now, iet me introduce our guest speaker, Sophia Kim, professor of Pubiic Retations at Nationai


O Quang cao cua cong ty du lich (quang cao)

Are you tooking for a travei agency with a soiid reputation and knowiedgeabie staff? Then took no further

than Benson's Trave) Agency tocated in Downtown Andover.

Actuat Test 3
Actuat Test 4
Actuat Test 5
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* * Hinh thac cua dong tif

Pattern 1 : Tim dong tu thich hop trong cau

The president of the First One Bank assured its customers that it---------- quaiity service despite the

ongoing restructuring ptan.

(A) maintain (B) to maintain (C) wiii maintain (D) maintaining

Phan tich Mot cau can phai cd dong tu, va trong trudng hop cd lien tu that lien ket giua 2 menh de thi chdc
ch^n menh de dd cung phai cd dong tu. Theo cau true "lien tu (that) + chu ngu (it) + ____ " thi chd
trong phai can mot dong tu. Trong 4 dap an cho sdn, (B) to maintain la mot dong tu nguyen mau
cd to, (D) maintaining la mot dong tu them -ing nen khong phu hop. Tuy (A) maintain cung la
mot dong tu nhung vi chu ngu la so it nen dong tu nay cung khong thich hop.

Dich nghia Giam doc ngan hang First One da tran an khach hang cua minh rang chat luong phuc vu vAn
tot nhu truoc cho du ke hoach tai cau true bo may cua ong ay dang duoc tien hanh.

Tu vung assure ^ quatity despite ongoing Jong M nA,' ra

restructuring pian AoacA con M

Bap an dung (C) wiH m aintain

Phttong phap giai quyet Khi giai quyet cau hoi thi viec dau tien can lam la xac dinh dong tu.

Pattern 2: Chia hinh thuc dung cua dong tu

Mr. Hoffman, the marketing director, h a s ............ that every department head works cottaborativeiy

to overcome the recent financiai difficuity.

(A) suggestion (B) suggest (C) suggesting (D) suggested

Phan tich Theo sau dong tu "h ave" thuong la danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu. Tuy nhien, neu theo sau "have"
la mot dong tu thi dong tu dd phai o dang qua khu phan tu. Trong cau nay, theo sau chd trong la
mot menh de danh tu cd vai tro tuc tu nen o cho trong dd can cd mot dong tu O' dang qua khu
phan tu, vi vay, trong 4 dap an cho sAn (D) su g g e ste d la phu hop nhat.

Djch nghia Ong Hoffman, giam doc tiep thi, da de nghi cac trudng phong cd gdng hop tac de kh&c phuc tinh
trang kho khan ve tai chinh trong thdi gian gan day.

Tit vvng 7
head frM Mg co!!aborative!y (wof c &A) Aop overcome ngM'

Bap an dung (D) su g gested
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Phuong phap giai quyet Tim dong tu cua cau va xac dinh xem dong tu dd da duoc chia d hinh thuc dung hay chua.

1. Dong tu khiem khuyet + dong tu nguyen mau khong to (cac dong tu khiem khuyet: c a n /c o u td /w itt/
woutd / shoutd / m ay / might / must)
2. have + qua khu phan tu: neu theo sau have la mot dong tu thi dong tu do phai duoc dung d dang qua
khu phan tu (p.p).
3. be + qua khu phan tu: khi b e duoc dung vdi nghia bi dong thi theo sau no phai la mot dong tu d dang
qua khu phan tu (p.p).
b e + V-ing: khi be duoc dung vdi nghia chu dong thi dong tu theo sau no phai la dong tu cd hinh thuc
tiep dien (V-ing).

Pattern 3: Dong tu trong cau menh lenh

P tease,------------- at! questions regarding this project to my secretary white t am away for the

business conference.

(A) forwards (B) forward (C) to forward (D) forwarding

Phan tich Doi vdi cau menh lenh thi chdc chan dong tu phai duoc dung d dang nguyen mau khong to. Dau
tien, ban can phai tim dong tu cho ca cau. Theo sau (C ) to forward cung cd the la danh tu (att
qu estion s) dong vai tro tuc tu nhung vi cau nay khong cd dong tu nen neu dat dong tu nguyen
mau cd to vao cho trong thi cau se bi sai.

Dich nghia Cac ban vui long gui tat ca cac cau hoi lien quan den du an nay cho thu ky cua toi trong thdi
gian toi di tham du hoi nghi cong viec.

Tirvtmg forward gM regarding be away

Bap an dung (B ) f o r w a r d

Phmmg phap giai quyet Xac dinh xem dong tu cd phai d dang nguyen mau khong to hay khong.
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Su hoa hop giiira chu ngu va dong tir

O Pattern 1 : Chon dong tu dung dua vao chu ngu

The governm ent's new p!an for hetping unem ptoyed young p e o p t e ............. intensive job trainings
for quatified appticants.

(A) inctusion (B) inctudes (C) to inctude (D) inctude

Phan tich De cau co nghia thi tu duot dat vao cho trong phai la mot dong tu. Giua chu ngu va dpng tu la
mot cum tu bo nghia (for hetping unem ptoyed young peopte) bo sung y nghia cho chu ngu
(ptan). Vi chu ngu so it nen dong tu cung phai duoc dung d dang so it: (B) inctudes. Chu y, danh
tu dung ngay trudc cho trong (peopte) khong phai la chu ngu cua cau. P eople duoc dung lam
tuc tu cua danh dong tu hetping.

Dich nghia Ke hoach mdi cua chinh phu nham giup do nhung ngudi tre tuoi that nghiep bao gom ca viec tap
trung dao tao nghe cho cac ung vien dat yeu cau.
Tu vtnig unemptoyed f/zaf intensive fop frtin g ; training Jdo fdo

Bap an dung (B) inctudes

Xac dinh cum tu bo nghia va ndm duoc dau la chu ngii va dong tu cua cau, sau do xac dinh
Phuong phap giai quyet
su hoa hop giua chu ngu va dong tu.

1. Gidi tu + danh tu: theo sau danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu dd.
The sales reports from the reqionat branches have been reviewed.

2. Menh de cd dai tu quan he theo sau danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu dd.
Our experts who have extensive experience are ready to assist our customers.
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TOP 2 63

? !

O Pattern 2: Chon chu ngu dung dua vao dong tu

T h e .............for the vacant position are advised to submit required documents prior to the deadtine.

(A) ap ptican ts (B) apptication (C) appticant (D) appty

Phan tich Vi chd trong la vi th cua chu ngu nen ta phai dien vao do mot danh tu. Vi dong tu trong cau
nay chia so nhieu (are) nen chu ngu phai la mot danh tu so nhieu. Loai cau hoithuong gap
trong New T O E )C chinh la tim chu ngu hoa hop vdi dong tu.

Dich nghia Cac ung cu vien cho vi tri con trong phai nop ho so theo yeu cAu trudc thdi han.

Actua) Test 1
Tir vong applicant CM* P i f MgMW JM* vacant con Zrong be advised to H<?H submit ?/op
required prior to

Bap an dung (A) appticants

Khi can dien danh tu vao vi tri chu ngu cua cau thi phai xac dinh xem so cua danh tu va so
Phuong phap giai quyet

Actual Test 2
cua dong tu co hoa hop vdi nhau khong.

W e are going to move our office to the new buitding which is scheduled to be completed by next month.

Dong tu is n&m trong menh de cd dai tu quan he which phai hoa hop vdi danh tu dung trudc no the new


Actua! Test 3
Actua! Test 4
Actua! Test 5
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Pattern 3: Chon dong tu trong cau cd chu ngu phuc tap

Retaining com peten t em ptoyees .......... the key to the s u c c e s s of your business.

(A) is (B) being (C) have (D) are

Phan tich Vi chu ngu la mot danh dong tu nen dong tu phai la dong tu so it is.Danh tu so nhieu
em p to y e e s khong phai la chu ngu ma la tuc tu cua danh dong tu retaining.

Dich nghia Giu chan nhung nhan vien cd nang luc chinh la chia khoa thanh cong cua cong ty cac ong.

Tir vung retain gn? competent ?;JMg /Me

Bap an dung (A) is

Phuong phap giai quyet Khi chu ngu la danh dong tu thi dong tu cua cau phai d so it.

1. Khi dong tu nguyen mau cd to hoac danh dong tu lam chu ngu thi dong tu cua cau phai d so it.
To improve sales is the most important job of the sales director.

2. Khi chu ngu la e v e r y o n e /e v e r y + noun (cd nghia la "m oi") thi dong tu cua cau phai d so it.
Everyone in the classroom is taking a test.

3. Khi chu ngu cd dang A and B thi dong tu phai chia d so nhieu.

My cotleague and ! are going to attend the annual seminar.

4. Nhung danh tu rieng (nhu ten cong ty) du cd hinh thuc so nhieu nhung dong tu van d so it.
ABC industries :s trying to expand its business into the European market.
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TOP3 _.
TO P3 65 :

3 !

## Su hoa hop ve thi

Pattern 1: Su hoa hop giua thi vdi trang tu chi thdi gian

The piant manager, Mr. Lee, recentiy...........a tour of the com pany's main production faciiities

for ctients.

(A) conduct (B) conducted (C) to conduct (0) wiii conduct

Phan tich Trang tu recentty (gan day) thuong duoc dung vdi thi qua khu ho$c hien tai hoan thanh. %

Dich nghia GAn day, ong Lee, ngudi quan ly nha may da tien hanh mot chuyen tham quan danh cho khach
hang tim hieu nhung trang thiet bi san xuat chinh cua cong ty.

Tuvung p tan t nAd conduct Aa/z/i faciiities

Bap an dung (B) con d u cted

Neu co trang tu chi thdi gian trong cau thi phai xac dinh xem thi cua dong tu cd hoa hop vdi
Phuong phap giai quyet
trang tu chi thdi gian dd hay khong.

Khi nhung trang tu u su aH y/a!w ays duoc dung trong cau de dien dat mot su that nao dd thi dong tu
duoc chia d thi hien tai.

2 . Khi trong cau cd cac trang tu y e s t e r d a y /!a s t/a g o /in thi dong tu duoc chia d thi qua khu.

Recentty duoc dung vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh hoac qua khu.

3. Khi trong cau cd to m o r r o w /n e x t/so o n thi dong tu duoc chia d thi tuong lai.

4. Khi trong cau cd fo r /o v e r /in the !ast [past] dien dat y nghia "trong khoang thdi gian ... da qua" thi
dong tu d thi hien tai hoan thanh.
Khi since duoc dung vdi nghia "tu qua khu den hien tai thi dong tu cua cau cung duoc chia d thi hien
tai hoan thanh.
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C Pattern 2: Trudng hop ngoai le cua su hoa hop ve thi

The technica! support department has requested that a!) network a c c e s s ------------ to perform the

regutar maintenance.

(A) suspend (B) be suspended (C) has suspended (D) suspending

Phan tich Dong tu trong menh de theo sau request phai la mot dong tu nguyen mdu khong to. Trong
trudng hop nay, cau mang y nghia bi dong nen dong tu phai d dang bi dong.

Dich nghia Bo phan ho tro ky thuat da yeu cau tam ngung cac ket noi mang de tien hanh viec bao &i dinh

Tu vimg access c a p s u s p e n d c#;,* perform reg u lar m a in te n a n c e ^<20 fri

Bap an dung (B) be su sp ended

Khi trong cau cd dong tu the hien su "giai q u y et/yeu c a u /r a len h /d e nghi" thi dong tu
Phuomg phap giai quy&
trong menh de theo sau nhung dong tu do phai la dong tu nguyen mau khong to.

1. Doi vdi cau dieu kien va menh de trang ngu chi thdi gian, thi hien tai duoc dung thay cho thi tuong lai.
!f you registe! early, you can g e t a 10 percent discount.

2. Dong tu trong menh de theo sau nhung dong tu: "kh&ng d in h /y eu c a u /r a len h /d e n ghi..." phai la dong
tu nguyen mau khong to.
The engineer has requ ested that the defective parts b e replaced as soon as possible.

3. Dong tu trong menh de theo sau nhung tinh tu the hien y nghia "viec ... la quan tron g/ca n th iet/thiet
yeu" phai la dong tu nguyen mAu khong to.
It is imperative that all site managers b e aware of the safety guidelines.
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T0P4 TOP 4 67

# The bi dong

O Pattern 1: Phan biet the bi dong va the chu dong

^ ........... ......... . - . .............. . w ^

To appty for the position, a!) the requested information shouid be ......... to the address betow.

(A) sen d in g (B) sen t (C) se n d (D) se n d e r

Phan tich Vi sen din g (V-ing) va sent (p.p) deu co the theo sau b e nen ta phai xem no mang nghia chu
dong hay bi dong. De phan biet duoc the chu dong va bi dong, chung ta phai duavao dong tu

Actua) Test 1
trong cau. Neu dong tu cd tuc tu theo sau thi no phai d hinh thai chu dong (be + V-ing), neu
dong tu khong cd tuc tu theo sau thi no phai d hinh thai bi dong (be + p.p).

Dich nghia Ung vien cho vi tri nay can gui thong tin can thiet den dia chi dudi day.

Tirvtmg a p p ly for x!?:,* J:/ p o sitio n rn r e q u e s te d can cJu

Bap an dung (B) sent

Actua) Test 2
De quyet dinh dung dong tu d hinh thai bi dong hay chu dong, chung ta phai xem cd tuc tu
theo sau dong tu hay khong.

1. Dong tu khiem khuyet + dong tu nguyen mau

can receive a new-m em ber discount

Actuat Test 3
can b e receiv ed by e-mail

2 have + qua khu phan tu

have a c c e p te d the offer

have been a c c e p te d by the committee

Actuat Test 4
3. be + V-ing / be + P.P

be design in g the new library

be d esig n ed by the architect

Actuat Test 5
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$ To-infinitive

O Pattern 1: Vai tro cua to-infinitive

................ the increasing customer demand, the company decided to expand its production tine.

(A) M eet (B) B e m eetin g (C) M eeting (D) T o m eet

Phan tich Theo sau cho trong la mot cum danh tu (the increasing cu stom er dem and), nen ta phai dien
vao cho trong mot dong tu nguyen m&u co to dong vai tro nhu mot trang tu. Tuy theo au danh
dong tu m eeting cung co the la danh tu nhung m eeting thuong dong vai tro cua chu ngu hoac
tuc tu nen ta khong the dung no de dien vao chd trong trong cau nay.

Dich nghia De dap ung duoc nhu cau ngay cang tang cua khach hang, cong ty da quyet dinh md rong day
chuyen san xuat.
Tit vtmg in c re a sin g caM g M n g d e m a n d ?;/??; r ex p an d w J ro n g

Bap an dung (D) To meet

Vdi cau de trong phan dau va ngay sau no la mot cum danh tu thi ta phai dien vao cho
trong mot to-infinitive cd vai tro lam trang ngu.

Vai tro cua to-infinitive

1. Dong vai tro lam chu ngu hoac tuc tu cua cau.

T o hire more sales representatives is needed.

2. Dong vai tro lam trang ngu.

staff productivity, the management introduced a new incentive program.

3. Dung vdi chu ngu gia it va cd vai tro la mot chu ngu that,

tt is up to you to d e c id e whether to request for a transfer or not.
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TOP 5 69

O Pattern 2 : Phan biet to-infinitive va gidi tu to

in addition t o with a thorough anaiysis, this business magazine has been designed to

becom e a heipfui business resource to you.

(A) providing (B) provided (C) provide (D) provides

Phan tich to trong cum in addition to (them vao do) la mot gidi tu nen theo sau no phai la mot dai tu hoac
danh tu. Can phan biet to (gidi tu) vdi to-infinitive, va nhd khong duoc chon provide (dong tu
nguyen mau) dat vao cho trong.

Actuat Test 1
Dich nghia Ngoai viec cung cap cho ban nhung bai phan tich chi tiet, tap chi thuong mai nay con duoc thiet
ke de tro thanh mot nguon tai nguyen rat huu ich cho ban ve linh vuc kinh doanh.
Tirvimg th o ro u g h c/;; ^ f , ' a n a ty sis SM*p/:an ffcA b e d e s ig n e d to ^ ((fa)

Dap an dung (A) providing

Actuat Test 2
Ban nen sdp xep rieng dang cau hoi yeu cau phan biet gidi tu to vdi to-infinitive va hoc
Phuomg phap giai quyet
thuoc no.

N him g cum tu thuoiig dung vdi gioi tu to

be committed to N / -ing (= be devoted to N /-in g )

took forward to N / -ing

Actuat Test 3
be subject to N / -ing

be accustomed to N / -ing (= be used to N /-in g )

in addition to N / -ing

Actuat Test 4
Actuat Test 5
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Pattern 3: Cum tu va dong tu di chung vdi to-infinitive

^ ** ' -.................... --------------- - ' "' % en su re timety detivery o f you r order, b e su re to th oroughiy c h e c k you r a d d re s s is

co rre ct.

(A) Thanks (B) A c co r d in g (C) H ow (D) )n ord er

Phan tich Cum tu co the di chung vdi to-infinitive (to en su re) la cum in order to. How to + dong tu
nguyen mAu duoc dung nhu mot danh tu vdi y nghia "cach lam ...", nen khong the dung no de
dien vao chd trong cd tinh chat trang ngu nhu d day duoc.

Djch nghia De dam bao viec giao hang dung thdi han theo don dat hang cua ban, hay nhd kiem tra that ky
dia chi ma ban ghi trong don.

Tu vung in o rd e r to e n s u re d J o tim ety th o ro u g h ty c h e c k

th a n k s to (p a o ) a c c o rd in g to f/zao

Bap an dung (D) tn o r d e r

Phmmg phap giai quyet Hay liet ke nhung cum tu thuong di chung vdi to-infinitive va hoc thuoc chung.

Nhung cum tu thuong su dung to-infinitive

1. Nhung dong tu dung chung vdi to-infinitive.

propose to do, intend to do, ptan to do
decide to do, need to do

in order to d o (- so as to do), have yet to do

* abitity / right / way / need to do

2. Nhung cum tu bao gom to-infinitive.

be going to d o (= be scheduled to do)

be likety to do
woutd like to do

be able to do
be pteased to d o (- be delighted to do)
in an effort to d o (= in an attempt to do)

be designed to do
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T 0P 6 .**:
TOP 6 71

* * Danh dong tir (V -in g )

Pattern 1: Phan biet danh tu va danh dong tu

To better serve our customers, we are in the process o f -----------a secure server for credit card


(A) estabiish (B) estabtishment (C) estabtished (D) estabtishing

Phan tich Theo sau gidi tu o f phai la danh tu hoac danh dong tu. Nhung ngay sau cho trong la mot tu^ tu
nen ta phai dien vao do danh dong tu co vai tro nhu mot dong tu.

Dich nghia De phuc vu khach hang tot hon, chung toi dang lap dat mot server co do an toan cao cho cac

khoan giao dich bang the tin dung.

Tu vung in the process of J an g; frong <7Ma estabiish /ap,* Mp Jay secure an foan

Dap an dung (D) e sta btishing

Neu sau chd trong la danh tu thi phai dien vao dd mot danh dong tu, con neu theo sau cho
Phtrong phap giai quyet
trong khong phai la danh tu thi phai dien vao dd mot danh tu.

1. Danh dong tu khong di cung mao tu.

* Ng?%yc /ai, JanA n/ cd c?! vd: nzao nh

2. Vi danh dong tu cd tinh chat cua dong tu nen danh tu theo sau no dong vai tro la tuc tu.
* Dan/? ;tr AAdng cd wdr JanA w AAac ^dng vai fro Me nir rAco $aa nd.
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Pattern 2: Cum tu va dong tu dung chung vdi danh dong tu

Som e anaiysts s u g g e s t.............desktop operating system s to tower security costs and issues.

(A) to diversify (B) diversifying (C) diversified (D) diversification

Phan tich Vi theo sau dong tu su g g e s t la mot danh dong tu dong vai tro tuc tu nen ta phai dien vao cho
trong tu diversifying.

Dich nghia M ot vai nha phan tich de nghi nen da dang hoa he dieu hanh may tinh de ban de cdt giam cac
chi phi va su co an ninh. ^
Tu vung anatyst nAd pAJn n'cA diversify J o Jong Aoo operating system Ad J/dn AdnA tower /dw gzdw
security on n:nA
Dap an dung (B) diversifying

Phuong phap giai quyet Liet ke nhung cum tu va dong tu theo sau la danh dong tu va hoc thuoc chung.

Cum tu va dong tu theo sau la danh dong tu

1. Nhung dong tu theo sau la danh dong tu.

suggest / discontinue / finish -ing

continue to do / -ing

2. Nhung cum tu theo sau la danh dong tu.

have difficutty -ing be capabte of -ing

succeed in -ing keep (on) -ing

upon -ing
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TOP 7 TOP 7 73

** Vai tro cua danh tu va dai tu

Pattern 1: Vai tro cua danh tu

Our company wit) submit a bid for the government contract, atthough......... for it wit) be fierce.

(A) competitivety (B) competitive (C) com petes (D) competition

- -
Phan tich Vi lien tu aithough n^m d dau menh de thu hai nen ta phai dien vao chd trong mot danh tu
(com petition).

Dich nghia Cong ty chung ta se tham gia dau thau hop dong cua chinh phu mac du su canh tranh cho goi

thau se khoc liet.

Tu vung submit nop; gni bid ng/:: Jan fAJn competition can/: fran/: fierce ac

Dap an dung (D) com petition

Sau khi ndm ro cau true co ban cua cau ban hay dien danh tu vao vi tri cua chu ngu hoac
Phuong phap giai quyet
tuc tu.

Vai tro cua danh tu

1. Danh tu dong vai tro chu ngu trong cau. *________ + V + N.

2. Danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu cho dong tu. *S + V +

3. Danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu cua gidi tu. *Gidi tu + ________

4. Sau mao tu hoac so huu cach, chung ta dung danh tu. *M ao t u /s d huu each +
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Pattern 2: Vai tro cua dai tu

W e are sorry to inform you th a t--------toan appiication cannot be accepted.

(A) you (B) yoursetf (C) your (D) yours

Phan tich Phai dien vao vi tri dung trudc danh tu mot tinh tu so huu bo nghia cho danh tu.

Dich nghia Chung toi lay lam tiec khi thong bao vdi ong rang don xin vay n o cua ong khong duoc chap
Tu vung inform ?/;ong M o toan (w , AAoo?:) pay appiication Jo?: accept <r/:op .

Dap an dung (C) your

Phuong phap giai quyet Ndm ro vi tri cua dai tu va phai chon hinh thuc phu hop cua dai tu.

Nhung diem trong tarn ma cac cau hoi ve dai tty thuong khai thac

1. Dai tu phai phu hop vdi danh tu chinh

Danh tii so it (st^ vat) ^ it

Danh tif so it (ngtldi) he (nam gidi)/s h e (nuf gidi)
Danh tti so nhieu (ngtfdi / vat) they

2. Phai chon cach cua dai tu tuy theo vi tri

Vi tri chu ng3 hinh thufc chu ngO - ! /y o u /h e /s h e /t h e y /i t
Vi tri tuc tif hinh thdc tuc t i i - m e /y o u /h im /h e r /t h e m /it

3. Dung tinh tu so huu d vi tri trudc danh tu - m y /y o u r /h is /h e r /t h e ir /it s
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TOP 8 TOP 8 75

* * Bai tu phan than

O Pattern 1 : Cach dung dai tu phan than

Because he has a tot of experience in managing personnet, Mr. Robert is effectivety running his

department b y ------------- .

(A) his (B) h e (C) him setf (D) him

Phan tich Chung ta phai su dung cau true ngu phap cua dai tu phan than: by on esetf vdi nghia "tu minh".

Actuat Test 1
Dich nghia Vi ong Robert cd nhieu kinh nghiem quan ly nhan su nen ong ta dang tu dieu hanh bo phan cua
minh mot cach hieu qua.

Tu vung manage /zozz/z; ^z/Jzz /y personnet zz/zJzz effectivety (wof rJf/z) /zz(?zz ^zvez run /zozz/z; pozz /zozz/z

Dap an dung (C) him setf

Actuat Test 2
Phuong phap giai quyet Ban phai dung dai tu phan than doi vdi nhung cach dien dat cd nghia "tu minh / chinh minh".

Vai tro cua dai tu phan than

1. Khi chu ngu va tuc tu la dong nhat thi ta phai dung dai tu phan than.

He introduced himsetf to the audience.

Actuat Test 3
2. Dung dai tu phan than vdi muc dich nhan manh (dai tu phan than trong trudng hop nay cd the dupe
lupc bo).
The president himsetf w etcom ed the detegates.

3. Dai tu phan than mang tinh dac ngu.

Actuat Test 4
by oneself w o; win/: (= alone) for onesetf vz/c/zoc/zzzz/z a;
Actuat Test 5
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Vai tro cua tinh tu

Pattern 1: Vai tro cua tinh tu

Approvat of at! fund raising requests must be given by the city counci) and a n y raising

activities must be submitted for approva!.

(A) addition (B) additions (C) additionat (D) additionatty

Phan tich Ta phai dien tinh tu vao vi tri dung trudc danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu. ^

Dich nghia Tat ca nhung yeu cau gay quy deu phai duoc su chap thuan cua hoi dong thanh pho, va bat ky
hoat dong gay quy bo sung nao cung phai xin phep.
Tuvimg approva! cMp 7
fundraising i:/*gov < My counci! /zo: JoNg submit Hop,* fnn/;

Dap an dung (C) additionat

Sau khi xac dinh duoc cau true cau, ban phai di^n tinh tu vao trudc danh tu de bo nghia cho
Phucmg phap giai quyet
danh tu dd.

Vai tro cua tinh tv

1. Tinh tu dung trudc danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu.

W e had to work harder to meet the tight deadtine.

2. Tinh tu dupe dung sau cac dong tu dien ta trang thai (b e /b e c o m e /r e m a in ) de lam bo ngu cho chu ngu.

To remain com petitive, you need to spend more time on career development.
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TOPIO .*:!
TOP io 77

* * Vai tro cua trang tu

Pattern 1: Trang tu dung trudc dong tu va bo nghia cho dong tu.

Anti-virus software i s ................ recommended to protect your computer and fites from viruses.

(A) stron g (B) stren gth en (C) stren gth enin g (D) strongty

Phan tich Ta phai dien trang tu vao giua dong tu chinh va tro dong tu (is ... recom m en d ed ) de bo nghia
cho dong tu.

Actua) Test 1
Dich nghia Ban dupe dac biet khuyen dung phan mem chong vi-rut de bao ve cho may tinh va cac tep tin
cua ban khoi bi vi-n it tan cong.
Tu vimg strongty WOM/: recommend A A w fn ; (nan /ow; protect pa

Dap an dung (D) stro ng ty

Neu co cho trong d giua dong tu chinh va tro dong tu thi ban nen dien trang tu vao do.

Actua) Test 2
Phtrong phap giai quyet

1. Dien trang tu vao cuoi cau de bo nghia cho dong tu.

As a business owner, you need to review the financial status of your business periodicatty.

2. Neu cd chd trong d cuoi cau ma no khong cd vai tro gi trong cau true cau thi dd phai ia vi tri cua trang tu.
Nghia ia ta cd the dien vao dd mot trang tu hoac to-infinitive.

Actua) Test 3
Actua) Test 4
Actua) Test 5
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Pattern 2: Trang tu dung sau noi dong tu va bo nghia cho noi dong tu.

A s a consuttant to businesses, Mr. Chris Evans travets---------- to various countries around the wortd.

(A) regutar (B) regutarty (C) regutarity (D) regutate

Phan tich Ta phai dat trang tu vao sau noi dong tu travet de bo nghia cho noi dong tu dd.

Dich nghia La m ot nha tu van cho cac doanh nghiep, ong Chris Evans thuong xuyen di cong tac den cac
quoc gia khac nhau tren the giol.
Tu vung trave! J : /a: regutarly fAMowg xoyaM various AAoc MAoM

Dap an dung (B) regutarty

Phuong phap giai quyet Hoc thuoc nhung trang tu va noi dong tu thuong gap trong bai thi.

Trang tu dung sau noi dong tu de bo nghia cho noi dong tu.

speak ctearty to the audience no; ro roMg p^A AAoM g:o

*speak to MO! po/

. respond promptly to complaints from customers MAoMA aAoMg pAoM Ac: MA:?MgpAoM Mow fMo AAocA AoMg
*respond to Jop /o:
3. meet frequently with g op (o:) ;AMOMg xwaM
*meet with gop g o

4 leave promptly for Singapore nAanA aAoMg roi (MO! Moo) Ja JaA ^:Mgopora
*)eave for roi (MO? Moo) Ja JaA

5. react catmty to delays pAon :/Mg ^azA a^A MAMMg ytr cAow fra
*react to pAoM z^Mg

6. rely rteavily on tourism JMo nA:aM poo MgoMA AcA

*re!y on JMo poo, fro Mg poo

7. communicate easily with Ja JoMg g!oo nap po;

*communicate with g/oo nap p<A

8 trave! extensively / regutariy J / MA/aM MOz7fA?/wzg xMyaM
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T0P11 .*:!
TOPn 79


Tinh tu* chi so luong

O Pattern 1: Su hoa hop giua danh tu va tinh tu chi so lupng

W e are very prou d to in trod u ce ou r n ew ca r w hich is d e s ig n e d to c o n s u m e tess fuet white emitting

f e w e r ------------- .

(A) pottutes (B) pottution (C) pottutants (D) pottuted

Phan tich Vi tinh tu chi so luong few duoc dung chung vdi danh tu so nhieu nen tu thich hop deidien
vao cho trong do chinh la pottutants (danh tu so nhieu).

Dich nghia Chung toi rat tu hao giol thieu chiec xe mdi duoc thiet ke cua chung toi: no vua tieu ton it
nhien lieu hon vua thai ra chat gay o nhiem it hon (so vdi cac san pham cung loai).
Tit vung introduce gzdz fAza z/ consumez/zzz emit r/zJz; p/zozzg ro pottutant c/zczz goy d zz/zzazzz

Dap an dung (C) pottutants

Neu trong cau cd tinh tu chi so luong thi ta phai tim danh tu di chung vdi no va phai xac
Phucmg phap giai quyet
dinh xem danh tu dd la so it hay so nhieu, cd hoa hop vdi tinh tu hay khong.

Su hoa hop giua danh tu va tinh tu so luong

1. Nhung tinh tu chi so luong dung chung vdi danh tu dem duoc so it

a /a n (mao tu bat dinh) + danh tu dem duoc so it

a n o th e r/e a ch /e v e ry + danh tu dem dupe so it

2. Tinh tu chi so luong dung chung vdi danh tu dem dupe so nhieu

t h e s e /t h o s e /s e v e r a !/fe w /a fe w /m a n y /a number of + danh tu so nhieu

3. Tinh tu chi so lupng dung chung vdi danh tu khong dem dupe
!itt!e/a !itt!e/m u ch + danh tu khong dem dupe

4. Tinh tu chi so lupng cd the dung cho ca 2 trudng hop

th is/th a t + danh tu so it (dem dupe)/danh tu khong dem dupe
a !!/m o s t /s o m e /o t h e r + danh tu so nhieu (dem dupe)/danh tu khong dem dupe

a !ot o f/t o t s o f/p !e n ty of + danh tu so nhieu (dem dupe)/danh tu khong dem dupe

w w w
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TOP 12

* # So sanh tuong doi va so sanh tuyet doi

Pattern 1: Hinh thuc cua so sanh tuong doi va so sanh tuyet doi

Last year, Dr. Kim and his team pubtished one of the most detaited studies ever into whether
dishwashers a r e .............. than hand-washing.

(A) m ore efficien t (B) s o e ffic ie n cy (C) a s efficien t (D) m ost efficien cy

Phan tich Phai dung m ore de ket hop vdi than tao thanh hinh thuc so sanh tuong doi. %

Dich nghia Nam ngoai tien si Kim va nhom cua ong ta da cong bo ket qua nghien cuu ti mi nhat tu trudc
den nay ve viec lieu may rua chen cd lam viec hieu qua hon la thao tac rua chen thu cong hay

Tu vimg pubtish cong M , detaited <r/n na? study cong Hg/naH efficient /naw

Dap an dung (A) m ore efficient

Vi phan ldn cac cau hoi ve so sanh tuong doi va so sanh tuyet doi deu tap trung vao hinh
Phuong phap giai quyet thuc co ban nen neu ban thay trong cau cd than thi nen chon m ore de tao thanh so sanh
tuong doi.

Trang tu nhan manh so sanh tmmg doi

Mot so trang tu duoc them vao trudc hinh thuc so sanh tuong doi de nhan manh su so sanh. Nhung
trang tu nhan manh so sanh tuong doi thuong gap la: m u c h /fa r /e v e n .

Our new data backup software is j c h faster than that of other competitors.
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O Pattern 2: Dong tinh tu dien ta cam xuc.

The sates report for the tast quarter was s o --------- that the sates director catted an urgent meeting.

(A) disappointing (B) disappointed (C) disappoint (D) disappointment

Phan tich Vi chu ngu la vat (sa ies report) nen ta phai chon disappointing. (B ) disappointed dupe dung
khi chu ngu hoac danh tu dupe bo nghia la ngudi.

Dich nghia Bao cao doanh so quy vua qua gay that vong den n6i giam doc kinh doanh da trieu tap mot
cuoc hop khan cap. *
Tit vimg quarter disappointing goy f/;<^ Jawg /A powg urgent Mow cop

Dap an dung (A) disappointing

Vdi cau hoi yeu cau lua chon dong tinh tu din ta cam xuc thi ban phai dua vao danh tu
Phtrtmg phap giai quyet dupe bo nghia hoac chu ngu de xem xet. Neu chu ngu la ngudi thi chon "-ed", neu chu ngu
la vat thi chon "-ing".

Dong tinh tu di^n ta cam xuc

1. Cac dong tinh tu thuong dung khi chu ngu la vat.

disturbing troubiing frustrating interesting exciting
disappointing encouraging satisfying fascinating

2. Cac dong tinh tu thuong dung khi chu ngu la ngudi.

disturbed troubted frustrated interested excited

disappointed encouraged satisfied fascinated
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TOP 14 TOP 14 83


Vai tro cua Hen tu va gidi tu

O Pattern 1: Vai tro cua lien tu va gidi tu

.............. you know the saiary you can demand, you can decide which jobs fat! into your desired range

and cou!d be right for you.

(A) O n c e (B) S o o n (C) Then (D) Later

Phan tich Vi day la vi tri lien ket hai menh de (cd chiia 2 dong tu: k n o w /c a n d e cid e ) nen ta phai din

Actua! Test 1
vao day mot lien tu.

Dich nghia Mot khi ban biet dupe muc luong ban cd the yeu cau, ban cd the quyet dinh dupe cong viec
nao n&m trong tam ng&m va phu hop vdi minh.

Tir vxng once w ef %/?; satary /MW!g demand fa!! into ro? wo,* p:

range fJ?n,* r:

Dap an dung (A) O n ce

Actua! Test 2
Khi cau cd 2 menh de (cd 2 dong tu) thi ban phai xac dinh xem da cd lien tu lien ket giua 2
Phucmg phap giai quyet
menh de hay chua.

Gidi tu lien ket danh tu, khac vdi lien tu lien ket menh de.

Actua) Test 3
He had to decline the invitation du e to his health problem.

Actua) Test 4
Actua) Test 5
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TOP 15

*9 Lien tu

Pattern 1: Chon lien tu thich hop

-----------the new sates representative is retativety inexperienced, he has atready outperformed

experienced sates personnet.

(A) H ow ev er (B) W hich (C) That (D) Th ough

Phan tich Dau tien ta phai xem tai vi tri lien ket hai menh de (2 dong tu is /h a s ) can cd loai lien tu nao.
Vi o cho trong can cd mot tu dong vai tro trang tu va khong cd vai tro gi trong cau true cau
nen ta phai chon though la lien tu cua menh d^ trang ngu. H ow ever la trang tu, which la dai
tu quan he va that duot dung nhu mot dai tu quan he va lien tu cua menh de danh tu.

Dich nghia Du ngudi dai dien ban hang moi van con kha non yeu kinh nghiem, doanh so cua anh ay da
vuot miic cua cac nhan vien ban hang cd kinh nghiem roi.
Tir vong retativety M a ; Jo; inexperienced ??OMya;; outperform2HRHfro;

Dap an dung (D) Though

Dau tien, ta phai xem can dien loai lien tu nao vao vi tri cua lien tu, roi sau dd chon lien tu
thich hop.

Cac loai lien tii

1. Lien tu b&t dau menh de trang tu (i f/s in c e /a s /w h e n /b e c a u s e /t h o u g h ...)

B e ca u se he w a s sick, Jason couldn't attend the meeting.

2. Lien tu bdt dau menh de danh tu (lam chu n g u /tu c tu trong cau) (that/w hat)
The mayor suggested that the construction o f the new bridge begin immediatety.

3. Dai tu quan he ddng thdi cd vai tro "lien tu va dai tu" (w h o /w h ich /th a t)
The information which y ou requ ested has been sent by express mail.

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TOP 15 85


O Pattern 2: Lien tu bdt ddu menh de danh tu

Every emptoyer shouid reatize.............emptoyee satisfaction is the most important key to success.

(A) w hat (B) that (C) w h o (D) sin ce

Phan tich Vi sau chd trong la mot menh de danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu cua dong tu realize nen ta phai
dien vao dd mot lien tu bdt dau menh de danh tu. Can phan biet what va that trong cac dap
an cho s^n: neu cau da ket thuc thi chon that, neu cau chua ket thuc thi chon what. Vi o' day,
menh de theo sau cho trong da ket thuc cau nen ta se chon that.

Dich nghia Moi ngudi quan ly nen hieu r^ng viec nhan vien cua minh hai long vdi cong viec chinh ^a
chia khoa quan trong nhat ddn den thanh cong.
Tit vung employer <y:ain /y; wgw/ reaiize A/aM satisfaction /:a: /owg

Bap an dung (B) that

Neu theo sau dong tu la mot menh de danh tu thi phai dien vao vi tri dd mot lien tu bat dau
Phucmg phap giai quyet
menh de danh tu.

Phan biet hai hen tv bdt dau menh de danh ttr: what va that

1. Theo sau that la mot cau hoan chinh.

Our invoice suggests that the shipment w as delivered to your office two weeks ago.

* Trong vi du tren ta thay theo sau that la mot cau hoan chinh.

2. Theo sau what la mot cau khong hoan chinh vi trong cau dd khong cd tuc tu cua dong tu want.
To improve sales, you must know what your potential customers want.

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TOP 16
f 8 6 [ B)GSTEPTOE)C3

Lien tif ket hop

C Pattern 1: Cau true song song cua lien tu ket hop

Our wett-trained speciaiists are ready to provide retiabte a n d ..................sotutions to corporate ctients.

(A) in novate (B) innovation (C) innovativety (D) innovative

Phan tich Lien tu ket hop and noi nhung tu cd cung tu loai.

Dich nghia Cac chuyen gia lanh nghe cua chung toi s^n sang cung cap cho cac khach hang doanh nghiep
nhung giai phap sang tao va dang tin cay.
Tu vung well-trained /a?;/; MgAa; for specialistcAavaw g:a reliable Ja?;g fw cay
innovative Jo: wzd;,* yawg fao solution g;a: p/zap corporate Joaw/; ?;g/;;ap

Dap an dung (D) innovative

Phuong ph&p giai quyet Phai xac dinh xem nhung tu duoc lien ket M n g lien tu ket hop cd cung tu loai hay khong.

N h vn g van d^ lien quan den lien tv ket hop

1. Lien tu ket hop noi cac tu cd cung tu loai.

The president has suggested an exten sive and a g g ressiv e marketing campaign.

2. Lien tu ket hop noi cac cau true giong nhau.

It is important to e n cou ra g e em ployees to work hard and reward them accordingly.
^ Lien tu ket hop and noi to e n co u ra g e vdi (to) reward.

3. Chon nghia cua lien tu ket hop.

All financial reports should be submitted before or on the deadline.

^ or: hoac (lua chon); and: va; but: tuy nhien

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Pattern 2: Lien tu theo cap

The city auditorium wit! be avaitabte fo r --------- private and business functions to tocat residents and

commercia! estabtishments.

(A) ev en (B) both (C) either (D) n ot onty

Phan tich De tao thanh cap hen tu di chung vdi and ta phai dien vao cho trong lien tu both.

Dich nghia Hoi trudng thanh pho se duoc dung cho ca muc dich ca nhan ldn cong viec cua cu dan trong
khu vuc va cac co quan thuong mai. ,
Tit vong auditorium function Mang,* WMC resident Jdr; commercia) ?A;%77:g
w a: estabtishment co fo cAw

Dap an dung (B) both

Phuong phap giai quvet Neu tim dupe tu tao thanh cap vdi lien tu thi co the giai quyet cau hoi mot cach d dang,

both A and B: ca A Mn B
The seminar is designed for both entry and management tevet emptoyees.

2 either A or B: hoac A hoac B

The reptacement parts witl arrive either today or tomorrow.

3. neither A nor B: ca A va B deu khong phai

Neither Ms. Brown nor t witl be able to attend the monthly business meeting.

4. not on)y A but a !so B: khong nhung A ma con B

Our new product is not onty innovative but atso affordable.
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TOP 17

Bai tu quan he

O Pattern 1: Chon dai tu quan he thich hop

At) new emptoyees are required to attend the orientation.............. wiit be heid in the conference room.

(A) w h o (B) w hich (C) w hat (D) b e c a u s e

Phan tich Ta phai dien vao cho trong mot tu vua dong vai tro chu ngu cua cum dong tu wit! be hetd
vua lam nhiem vu lien tu lien ket dong tu. Vi tu dung trudc cho trong la tu chi (su) igit (the
orientation) nen ta phai dien vao dd tu which hoac that. W h o dupe dung khi tu dung trudc no
chi ngudi. W hat la lien tu bdt dau menh de danh tu. Con b e c a u s e khong thich hop vi no la
lien tu bdt dau menh de trang ngu.

Dich nghia Tat ca cac nhan vien mdi d^u phai tham du buoi gidi thieu v cong ty dupe to chuc d phong
hoi nghi.

Ttmmg employee nAdf? require cd:/ attend r/?aw Jzr orientation J!??/? /n^zg/g/d;
be hetd jM&c rd cAmr

Dap an dung (B) w hich

Phtrong phap giai quyet Phai dua vao tu dung trudc do (danh tu) de tim ra dai tu quan he.

Nhung van de ve dai tu quan he thuong gap trong bai thi TOE!C

1. Chu ngu ( w h o /w h i c h /t h a t ) cd cau true: "chu ngu + lien tu"

Ms. Lim (w ho is in charge of the sales department) will be promoted.

2. Tuc tu ( w h o m /w h ic h /t h a t ) cd cau true: "tuc tu + lien tu"

Circte the name of the friend (whom) you tike.

3 S o huu cach (w h o s e ) cd cau true: "lien tu + danh tu"

Dr. Randolph (w h ose research received nationat recognition) witl give an opening speech.
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TOP 18 TOP 18 89


Cau dieu kien

Pattern 1: Hinh thuc ca ban cua cau dieu kien

!f their proposat---------- submitted before the deadtine, they wouid have gotten the contract.

(A) be (B) is (C) had been (D) wit! be

Phan tich Dua vao hinh thuc cua dong tu trong menh de chinh (wouid have gotten) ta cd the biet day
la cau dieu kien o qua khu. Do dd, dap an la (C) had b een . Vi day la cau dieu kien nen ^s"

Actua) Test 1
chi thich hop khi menh de chinh d thi tuong lai hoac thi hien tai.

Dich nghia Gia ma ban de an duoc nop trudc thdi han thi ho da cd dupe hop ddng dd roi.

Tu vung proposa! submit nop deadiine Aow cAo; contract JoHg

Dap an dung (C) h ad b e e n

Actua) Test 2
Dua vao hinh thuc cua dong tu trong menh d^ chinh de tim ra hinh thuc cua dong tu trong
Phutmg phap giai quyet
menh de theo sau menh de if.

1. Dieu kien qua khu (gia dinh ve su that d qua khu)

if + S + had + qua khu phan tu ..., S + wouid/couid/shouid + have + qua khu phan tu.
"(trong qua khu) neu da ... thi da ..."

Actuat Test 3
2. Dieu kien hien tai (gia dinh ve su that d hien tai)
if + S + dong tu chia d thi qua k h u /w e r e ..., S + w o u id /c o u id /s h o u id + dong tu nguyen mdu.
"(d hien tai) gia su ... thi se ..."

3. Dieu kien tuong lai (kha nang khong ldn Mm d hien tai hoac tuong lai)
if + S + shouid + dong tu nguyen mdu ..., S + dong tu (hien ta i/tu o n g lai).

Actua) Test 4
Actua) Test 5
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Pattern 2: Cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien

-----------you experience any difficutty, do not hesitate to contact one of my staff members.

(A) Having (B )S h o u )d (C )H a d (D) T o have

Phan tich Trong cau dieu kien, lien tu if thuong dupe lupc bo de tao cau true dao ngu. Trong cau dieu
kien tuong lai "if you shoutd e x p erien ce any difficuity" thi lien tu if dupe lupc bo va lam
phat sinh cau true dao ngu nen ta phai dien dong tu khiem khuyet "shoutd" vao chd trong.

Dich nghia Neu ban cd bat ky kho khan gi, dung ngan ngai lien lac voi mot trong cac nhan vien c&a toi.

Tii vung difficutty M o AAoM hesitate Jo Jtr contact nap XMC, /o c

Dap an dung (B) Shoutd

Ndm ro cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien va hoc thuoc long nhung hinh thuc da dang cua
Phvong phap giai quvet
no sau khi dao ngu.

1. Cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien tuong lai

,^Jfy ou Q ;h ou ld )have any problem with this product, contact our customer service department.
Shoutd you have probtem with this product, contact our customer service department.

2. Cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien qua khu

the parts (h a d )arrived earlier, w e could have met the deadline.

Had the parts arrived earlier, w e could have met the deadline.
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TOP 19 _____________________ TOP 19 91 :

Cau true rut gon

Pattern 1: Rut gon menh de trang ngu

W h e n --------- your appiication, be sure to check the repty address is correct.

(A)se n d (B) s e n d s (C) sen d in g (D) sen t

Phan tich Khi rut gon chu ngu theo sau lien tu w hen cua menh de trang ngu thi chdc chdn dong tu cua
menh de se thay doi hinh thuc. Do dd ta khong the chon (A) va (B) didn vao chd trong. Cau
goc W hen you sen d your appiication la mot cau chu dong, trong dd, you la chu ngu va aa
dupe rut gon trong menh de trang ngu, vi the dong tu phai dupe chuyen thanh sending. Neu
cau goc cd dang chu dong thi dong tu dupe chuyen thanh dang V-ing, neu cau goc cd dang bi
dong thi dong tu se dupe chuyen thanh qua khu phan tu.

Dich nghia Khi gui ho so xin viec, ban hay kiem tra lai xem dia chi hoi dap cd dung hay khong.

Tit vmng appiication Jow x??; repty address cAt Ao: Jap correct xar

Dap an dung (C) sending

Khi khong cd chu ngu theo sau lien tu thi ta phai xem xet hinh thuc dong tu cua cau rut gon
Phuong phap giai quyet
can cu vao danh tu (tuc tu) theo sau cho trong.

Cau true rut gon cua menh de trang ngu

Viec rut gon m enh de trang ngu chinh la viec rut gon chu ngu cua menh de dd khi chu ngu cua no va
chu ngu cua menh de chinh dong nhat vdi nhau. Trong trudng hop rut gon, hinh thuc cua dong tu
trong menh de trang ngu se cd thay doi.

1. when y0ti mail your payment, when mailing your payment, (cau true rut gon d the chu dong)

2. o n c e /E m e r g e d , &o n c e m erged, (cau true rut gon d the bi dong)

3. a l t h o u g h p o s i t i v e , - att lou gh positive, (vai tro bo ngu cua tinh tu)

white t% y pr6 on duty, white on duty, (vai tro bo ngu cua "gidi tu + danh tu")

white in operation, w m e m operation,
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O Pattern 2: Rut gon dai tu quan he

A n otice.............. today's speciat events is posted on the buttetin board.

(A) sh ow n (B) s h o w e d (C) sh ow in g (D) s h o w s

Phan tich Vi cau da co dong tu chinh is p osted nen (B) va (D) khong the la dap an. Day la cau true rut
gon chuyen doi hinh thuc dong tu. Vi dai tu quan he which cua cau goc d the chu dong "A
notice which sh o w s tod a y's sp ecia ! events" nen dang rut gon cua no trong cau nay phai la
show ing.

Dich nghia M ot to thong bao ve nhung su kien dac biet cua ngay hom nay da duoc dang len bang hn.

Tif vtmg notice ;o i/zowg M o p ost Jd7?g buttetin board AJng nn

Dap an dung (C) showing

Phuong phap giai quyet

Cau true rut gon cua dai tu quan he

Neu dai tu quan he dupe rut gon thi chdc chdn dong tu cung phai thay doi hinh thuc.

1 Emptoyees .who agree to transfer to the new branch wit! receive financial assistance.
Employees agreeing to transfer to the new branch will receive financial assistance.

Noi dong tu d hinh thai chu dong phai dupe chuyen sang dang V-ing.

You can send it back to us in the envelope provided.

You can send it back to us in the envelope provided.

Trong the bi dong, ta can rut gon ca dong tu b e va chi giu lai dong tu d dang qua khu phan tu.
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TOP 20 TOP 20 ! 93

Cau true dao ngu

Pattern 1: Cau true dao ngu

................ is a !ist of potentia! investors who have shown their interest in the joint project.

(A) A ttach m en t (B) A ttach ed (C) Attaching (D) A tta ch es

Phan tich Chu ngu cua cau nay la "a tist o f potentia! investors". De nhan manh y nghia dac biet cua bo
ngu, ngudi ta dat bo ngu d dau cau va hinh thanh cau true dao ngu. Trong cau "a tist of

Actua! Test 1
potentia! investors is attached" thi attached la bo ngu; neu dat attached vao vi tri dau (giu
thi cau se cd cau true dao ngu.
Dich nghia Kem theo day la danh sach cac nha ddu tu tiem nang, nhung ngudi the hien su quan tarn
cua minh ve du an hop tac.

Tuvung attach t/fnA Aaw potentia! naw; zmug investor interest

Dap an dung (B) Attached

Actua) Test 2
Hay hoc ky cac cau true dao ngu thuong dupe kiem tra va dua vao cau cu the de biet khi nao
phai dung cac cau true nay.

1. Khi bo ngu dupe dat o dau cau vdi muc dich nhan manh thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

Actuat Test 3
2. Khi lien tu if trong cau dieu kien dupe n it gon thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

3. Khi tu phu dinh dupe dat d dau cau thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.
Never d o w e u se your persona) information for business purposes.

4. Khi cd menh de trang ngu hoac trang ngu theo sau onty thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

Onty after w e placed an ad in tocat newspapers coutd w e receive som e applications.

Actual Test 4
Actua) Test 5

w w w

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ActuaHest 1
96 BtG STEP T O B C 3

Listening Test
!n the Listening test, you wit! be asked to demonstrate how wet! you understand spoken
Engtish. The entire Listening test wit! tast approximate^ 45 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate
answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you wit! hear four statements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must seiect the one statement that
best describes what you see in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your
answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements wit) not be printed in your test book
and wi!! be spoken onty one time.

Look at the exampte item beiow.

Now tisten to the four statements.

Sampte Answer

(A) (B) * (D)

Statement (C), "They're standing near the tabie," is the best description of the picture, so
you shoutd seiect answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.
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ActuaL Test 1
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introduction Actua) Test 2

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Actua) Test 3 Actuat Test 4 Actuat Test 5

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Actuat Test 1


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Actua! Test 3 Actua! Test 4 Actua) Test 5

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ActuaHest 1

Part 2
Directions: You wi!) hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in Engtish.
They wit! not be printed in your test book and wit! be spoken onty one time. Setect the best
response to the question or statement and mark the tetter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer

You wit! hear: Where is the meeting room?

You wit) a!so hear: (A) To meet the new director.

(B) it's the first room on the right.
(C) Yes, at two o'ctock.

The best response to the question "Where is the meeting room?" is choice (B), "it's the first
room on the right." so (B) is the correct answer. You shoutd mark answer (B) on your
answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
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Part 3
Directions: You wit! hear s o m e conversations betw een two peopte. You wit) be asked to
answ er three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Seiect the best
resp on se to each question and mark the tetter ( A) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D) on your answ er sheet.
The conversations witt not be printed in your test book and witt be spoken onty one time.

41. What does the woman want?

(A) A rush detivery for a customer
(B) Pictures for a pubtication
(C) Votunteers for a survey
(D) Suggestions for a campaign

42. What witt happen tomorrow?

(A) A staff ptan witt be announced.
(B) A project witt be compteted.
(C) A speciat program witt take ptace.
(D) A new office witt be inaugurated.

43. What witt the man probabty do next?

(A) Cat) a meeting
(B) Ask an assistant for information
(C) Give instructions to co-workers
(D) Take the woman's advice

44. What is the woman tooking for?

(A) Sportswear
(B) Dresses
(C) A cce sso rie s
(D) Footwear

45. What probtem does the man mention?

(A) Custom ers cannot make purchases ontine.
(B) The store d o e s not a cce p t credit cards.
(C) S om e sh o e s are currentty out o f stock.
(D) Suppties witt be detayed.

46. What does the man suggest?

(A) Paying in advance
(B) Ptacing an order
(C) Coming back after a week
(D) C hoosing another pattern
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ActuaHest 1
104 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

47. Where is this conversation taking ptace?

(A) At a hotiday resort
(B) At a seminar
(C) At a workptace
(D) At a meeting

48. Why is Amy unavaitabte?

(A) She is at a project site.
(B) She is preparing a report.
(C) She is with guests.
(D) She is away on business.

49. What wit! probabty happen next?

(A) An event wi!! begin.
(B) The woman wi!) take Kim's hetp.
(C) The man wit! pass on a m essage.
(D) New work wi!) be assigned.

50. What d o e s the w om an want to know?

(A) Whether she has any tetters
(B) !f she has used enough postage
(C) How soon a parcet witt be detivered
(D) Where to find a mait box

51. What is said about express mait?

(A) !t is very retiabte.
(B) it is quick.
(C) )t costs tess.
(D) )t guarantees safe detivery.

52. What witt the man probabty d o next?

(A) Accept a payment
(B) Get a package
(C) Bring some stamps
(D) Confirm a price

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(* )

53. What does the woman want the man to do?

(A) Send out the invitations
(B) Arrange for accommodations
(C) Wetcome guests to a show

(D) Supervise preparations for an event

54. What happened tast week?

(A) A program got detayed.
(B) Some equipment did not work.

(C) There were many extra visitors.
(D) The woman arrived iate for a presentation.
55. Who most iikety is Hari?
(A) An invitee
(B) The host for the evening
(C) A maintenance worker
(D) A performer

Actua) Test 2
56. Why did the man go to France?
(A) For business
(B) For a hotiday
(C) To meet famity

(D) To attend a conference

57. When did the woman visit France?

Actua) Test 3
(A) Last month
(B) Three months ago
(C) Six months ago
(D) Last year

58. What does the man offer to do?
(A) Hetp the woman ptan a trip

(B) Make a reservation
(C) Provide information
(D) Arrange for tickets
Actua) Test 5
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Actua). Test 1

59. What is the woman doing?

(A) Preparing a report
(B) Fixing the printer
(C) Using e-mait
(D) Tatking to Mary

60. Who most tikety is the man?

(A) A doctor
(B) A nurse
(C) A ftight attendant
(D) A technicat assistant

61 . Why does the woman need to e-mai) Mary?

(A) To ask about the meeting
(B) To tocate a technician
(C) To test her computer
(D) To get her report printed

62. What system is being changed?

(A) Payment
(B) Retiring
(C) Hiring
(D) E-mai t

63. When does the new system go into effect?

(A) !mmediate!y
(B) From next week
(C) From next month
(D) After management decides

64. What department wit! she send a copy to?

(A) Personne)
(B) Sates
(C) Accounting
(D) Production
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65. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A new store
(B) A meeting
(C) A ctient
(D) A restaurant

66. What is the woman ptanning to do tater this week?

(A) Trave! abroad
(B) invite a cotteague home
(C) Take guests out to eat
(D) Start a project

67. What does the man give the woman?

(A) A trave! schedute
(B) A phone number
(C) A !ist of staff
(D) A report

68. Who is waiting for the man?

(A) A receptionist
(B) A new emptoyee
(C) An office assistant
(D) A ctient

69. Where does the man want Amy to be taken?

(A) The main office
(B) Accounts
(C) Human Resources
(D) The conference room

70. What witt happen over the next 15 days?

(A) Amy witt work with Mary.
(B) New systems witt be instatted.
(C) A project witt begin.
(D) Staff witt have revised schedutes.

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Actua H est 1

Part 4
Directions: You wi!! hear som e tatks given by a sing!e speaker. You wi!) be asked to answer
three questions about what the speaker says in each ta!k. Setect the best response to each
question and mark the tetter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The tatks witt not be
printed in your test book and wit) be spoken onty one time.

71. Where is the announcement being made?

(A) At a train station
(B) At a bus station
(C) At an airport
(D) On a cruise ship

72. When shoutd the authorities be contacted?

(A) After ctaiming one's baggage
(B) When searching for tost tuggage
(C) When tooking for a ptace to smoke
(D) Upon seeing unattended tuggage

73. Where shoutd peopte meet incoming passengers?

(A) At the arrivat gates
(B) At the east end of the terminat
(C) !n the baggage ctaim areas
(D) Next to the arrivat board

74. Who is this tatk intended for?

(A) Doctors
(B) Potiticians
(C) Students
(D) Critics

75. What are the audience members requested to do?

(A) Leave the theatre at the end of the performance
(B) Take pictures of actors during the interview
(C) Speak ctearty into the microphone
(D) Attow others to ask questions

76. What witt happen next?

(A) The audience witt watch a show.
(B) A cetebrity witt address the audience.
(C) The festivat witt be inaugurated.
(D) The actors wi)) sign autographs.
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77. What is the purpose of this announcement?

(A) To announce expansion ptans
(B) To inform customers of attractive offers
(C) To taunch a new pension scheme

(D) To announce a new tocation for the office

78. How wit! it most tikety affect tisteners?

(A) They wit) have to travet farther to work.
(B) They cannot reach office on time.

(C) They witt have to pay more rent.
(D) They might tose their jobs.

79. What does the speaker say woutd happen within a year?
(A) The demotition of the hote) wit) be compteted.
(B) The office wi!) be repaired.
(C) The p)an for the buitding wit) be approved.
(D) The city counci) wi)) sanction compensation.

Actua) Test 2
80. Why is Terry A))en catting Mr. Schuttz?
(A) To reserve a hotet room
(B) To confirm a travet ptan
(C) To announce a contest resutt

(D) To cancet a ftight ticket

81. Where is the address information provided?

Actua) Test 3
(A) On a form
(B) )n a tetter
(C) tn an e-mait
(D) tn an invoice

82. What can be inferred about the gift certificate?
(A) tt is vatid for three months.

Actua) Test 4
(B) tt is accepted by a specific airtine.
(C) tt can be exchanged for a cash prize.
(D) tt witt be maited within one week.
Actua) Test 5
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ActuaL Test 1
1 1 0 BIG STEP TOEtC 3

83. What is the View-R?

(A) A ce!t phone
(C) A radio
(D) A computer

84. What benefit wi!) buyers get this month?

(A) Comptimentary gifts
(B) Discounted prices
(C) Updates on new products
(D) Free tocai catts

85. How can buyers get a discount?

(A) By purchasing ontine
(B) By going to a department store
(C) By catting a speciat number
(D) By using a speciat coupon

86. What witt the weather be tike in Seattte?

(A) Sunny
(B) Ctoudy
(C) Cotd
(D) Rainy

87. What area is predicted to have sunshine?

(A) The north
(B) The south
(C) The east
(D) The west

88. What does the speaker say about Georgia?

(A) tt may be hot.
(B) tt may be coot.
(C) tt may be dry.
(D) tt may have hurricanes.
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89. Who is the message for?
(A) Web designers
(B) Customers
(C) Security personne!
(D) Bitting cterks

90. What is suggested about the staff?

(A) They witt take catts soon.
(B) They are getting ready to teave.
(C) They are not working currentty.
(D) They are accepting bitts at a speciat counter.

91. What information is avaitabte ontine?

(A) A tist of office tocations
(B) Detaits of services
(C) Easy payment options
(D) New ptans

92. What is the main topic of the report?

(A) A new attraction for visitors
(B) A proposat to reduce traffic congestion
(C) A construction project ptanned in a park
(D) A town hatt meeting

93. What are residents reported to be doing?

(A) Arranging a signature campaign
(B) Participating in a protest
(C) Cetebrating a hotiday
(D) Demanding better roads

94. What report witt fottow this news item?

(A) A Forest Department announcement
(B) An update on the weather
(C) Locat business news
(D) A report on an environmentat issue
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ActuaL Test 1
11 2 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

95. How can iisteners avoid being detayed on Highway 18?

(A) By turning in to Langford Garden
(B) By taking the S-8
(C) By switching to the right )ane
(D) By going through the Bay area

96. Why is Trafford Bridge mentioned?

(A) An accident has occurred at one end.
(B) A vehicie has broken down on it.
(C) Urgent repair work is going on there.
(D) Residents of the area are staging a protest.

97. What are some iisteners asked to do?

(A) inform traffic potice of a situation
(B) Cat) the radio station for detaits
(C) Wait for directions
(D) Listen to the next update

98. Who most iikety is the speaker?

(A) An architect
(B) A city counciior
(C) A museum empioyee
(D) A raiiway officiat

99. What is specia! about Latong station?

(A) !t uses the iatest technotogy.
(B) !t is designed by Branson and Javier.
(C) it is the oidest raiiway station in the country.
(D) it is near the City Museum.

100. What has the speaker done?

(A) To make an inquiry
(B) To design a train
(C) To buy a site
(D) To deiiver a pian

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ActuaL Test 1
114 B)G STEP TOE)C 3

Reading Test
!n the Reading test, you wiii read a variety of texts and answer severai different types of
reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test wiii iast 75 minutes. There are
three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many
questions as possibie within the time aiiowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the
test book.

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences beiow. Four answer choices
are given beiow each sentence. Seiect the best answer to compiete the sentence. Then mark
the tetter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. We apoiogize for the deiay in processing 104. According to a new study, the United States
-----------ioan appiication. wiii face ever increasing---------in the giobai
(A) you economy over the next decade.
(B) your (A) competes
(C) yourseif (B) competition
(D) yours (C) competitiveiy
(D) competitive
102. Every team member shouid meet with their
immediate supervisor----------the annua! 105. By using the search function, you can search
performance evaiuation. for words or sets of w ords----------a specific
(A) behind articie.
(B) about (A) where
(C) toward (B) whiie
(D) into (C) within
(D) wherever
103. Over the past few years, there has been
tremendous----------- in the intemationai 106. ---------our team shouid compiete the project
marriage business. quickty, the manager wiii have to hire
(A) growth additionai programming experts.
(B) grows (A) Because
(C) grown (B) Moreover
(D) grower (C) Therefore
(D) Neverthetess
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P a rts } 115 H .'.

107. During the busy season, the ski resort wit! 113. Even though there a re .....................avaitabte, the
----------reservations on!y for parties of five monthty commuter pass is the most
peopte or more. economicat way to commute.
(A) accept (A) other
(B) accepts (B) others 3
(C) accepting (C) the other c

(D) accepted (D) another

108. As part of the trade conference, there wi!! be 114. Ptease visit our website to team more about
a discussion -------------------- intemationa! trade the innovative a n d ------------------ priced marketing -------

poticy. services we offer.

(A) by (A) virtuatty ^
(B) to (B) gratefutty Cr
(C) with (C) thoroughty
(D) on (D) reasonabty

109. A!most everyone who prepares to start a 115. The hotet i s --------------- tocated in London's
business finds that the financia! projections downtown within watking distance from
and market anatysis are ------------- than they banks, post office and stores.
expected. (A) convenience

(B) convenient m
(A) difficutt
(B) difficutty (C) conveniences $
(C) more difficutt (D) convenientty
(D) much difficutty
116. The New Products Devetopment Department
110. Attached is a ---------- of the main agenda has been under th e ------- of Mr. Harmon for
which shoutd be addressed in the annuat the past five years.
cooperate strategy meeting. (A) attendance
(A) summary (B) supervision 1
(B) totat (C) sight
(C) product (D) provision
(D) registration
117. The conference organizer expressed their
111. An traqi industriat detegation --------- due to sincere thanks to Dr. Raymond,--------- gave
arrive yesterday to Washington to discuss an insightfut speech at the opening session. >
with American counterparts ways of (A) if
cooperation and trade exchange. (B) anyone
(A) is (C) he
(B) are (D) who
(C) was
(D) were 118. if any parts manufactured by Brown Machine
tnc. shoutd prove defective within one year
112. One benefit of renting a house -------- buying from the date it is detivered new to the >
is that you do not have to do any purchaser, the product witt b e ---------- c
maintenance. immediatety. a?
(A) according to (A) prepared
(B) when (B) reptaced
(C) instead of (C) consumed
(D) however (D) revised
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Actua). Test 1
116 i BIG STEP TOEtC 3

119. The city counci! has proposed four 125. tf you have........... received an incorrect
municipa! markets into modem shopping order or your shipment has arrived damaged,
comptexes and a!so five mu!ti-!eve) parking ptease see our Customer Service section for
comptexes. our Return Poticy.
(A) to revise (A) mistook
(B) to achieve (B) mistake
(C) to devetop (C) mistaken
(D) to contribute (D) mistakenty

1 20. Due to th e ----------nature of medica! 126. Large numbers of peopte are in need of
information, it shoutd on!y be avaitabte to emergency assistance in Eastern Africa
persons activety engaged in the treatment of .............months of heavy rains associated
the patient or in retated administrative work. with Et Nino.
(A) confidentiat (A) at
(B) timited (B) fottowing
(C) former (C) upon
(D) mandatory (D) except

121. Teachers shoutd focus on teaching history 12 . To ensure the accuracy of the survey resutts,
property because history is vitat a s --------- as att respondents must comptete the questions
enjoyabte. by -----------.

(A) wet! (A) itsetf

(B) far (B) themsetves
(C) good (C) hersetf
(D) near (D) himsetf

122. Once your answer has been verified, you witt 128. The Tokyo branch of the investment bank has
be prompted t o .......... your account number taunched an interna) inquiry into the
and create a new PtN. disappearance of a computer disk thought to
(A) ptace contain highty----------ctient information.
(B) offer (A) courteous
(C) impose (B) sensitive
(D) enter (C) affordabte
(D) competitive
123. Over the years we have earned th e --------
trust and confidence of hundreds of students 129. tn order to use these materiats for profit, you
worldwide through our unmatched must gain format--------- from our company
performance in Engtish education. in writing.
(A) comptete (A) approving
(B) comptetety (B) approvat
(C) compteted (C) approved
(D) compteting (D) approves

124. Our M BA Schoot is making it easy for 130. Language Bridge Co. provides--------
emptoyers to access our tatents by --------- structured and intensive Japanese tanguage
on-site interviews and recruiting sessions. training programs through the tntemet.
(A) hotding (A) highty
(B) dosing (B) hopefutty
(C) waiting (C) probabty
(D) meeting (D) rarety
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131 tn an effort......... the needs of students who 136. Because company websites which contain
have both the potentiat and the desire to too much information are usuatty ignored by
comptete curricutum more demanding than peopte, it is important to keep the information
that offered in the regutar ctassroom, the short and to the -------.
Board of Education witt provide Advance (A) grade
Ptacement Programs. (B) point
(A) to meet (C) tevet
(B) meeting (D) spot
(C) has met
(D) meets 137. A rapidty growing beverage company is
seeking quatified a n d -------- regionat and
132. Upon comptetion, the -.........parking garage district sates managers to work with tocat
witt offer convenient parking for both patients distributors.
visiting the hospitat and physicians in the (A) motivate
medicat office buitding. (B) motivator
(A) infrequent (C) motivated
(B) additionat (D) motivation
(C) ongoing
(D) incidentat 138. More than hatf of the companies surveyed
indicated that they have no ptans for new
133. The government officiats and economists witt investment----------- the gtobat economy is
meet together to discuss the ways to recovering from the recent downturn.
effectivety imptement the economic -------- (A) in spite of
proposed by the president. (B) so as
(A) reformed (C) despite
(B) reformer (D) though
(C) reforms
(D) reformatory 139. According to a report, gtobat oit demand is
----------to be higher in 2007 and 2008 than
134. The management of WatMex Etectronics has initiat forecast.
decided to withdraw its business due to (A) expected
----------- market conditions in the country. (B) expecting
(A) unfavorabte (C) expects
(B) unwitting (D) expect
(C) opposing
(D) retuctant 140. To raise awareness of your company and
products, we m ay.......... ask you to provide
135. By the time the FDA discovered its ittegat information to participate in certain votuntary
production, the tobacco com pany................ promotions, surveys, or contests.
severat years to devetop new narcotic (A) prematurety
tobacco products. (B) marginatty
(A) are spending (C) occasionatty
(B) witt have spent (D) uncommonty
(D) had spent
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ActuaL Test 1
11 8 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the fottowing pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given beiow each of these sentences. Seiect the best
answer to comptete the text. Then mark the tetter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141 - 143 refer to the foiiowing information.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1---------

Our organization has deveioped over 15,000 intemationai Standards on a ------------of subjects.
141. (A) varying
(B) vary
(C) various
(D) variety

The futi range of technicai fieids can be seen from the iisting of intemationai Standards.

Users can browse that iisting to find bibiiographic information on each standard and, in many
cases, a brief-----------------.
142. (A) advance
(B) abstract
(C) aitemative
(D) progress

The foiiowing iinks iead to further information about specific standards or famiiies of standards.

The iisting, which refiects the standards users most often ask about, wiii be further deveioped
and ex ten d ed ---------------- user demand.
143. (A) in response to
(B) incombination with
(C) by means of
(D) in observance of
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Questions 144 - 146 refer to the foiiowing advertisement.

W eicome to Get That Job!

-------------- a job can be a compiicated and tiring process.

144. (A) Find
(B) Found
(C) Finding
(D) Finds

Sometimes you just don't know where to start iooking, iet aione how to persuade a company
that you are the best person for the job!

This site is fuii of activities and quizzes to buiid on your knowtedge of career-reiated
vocabuiary and offer som e tips on things iike............... put together a good C.V. or do weii in
an interview. 14 5 . to
(B) when
(C) that
(D) how to

You can work your way through this site step by step, from 'Job Search' to 'interviews' - just
ctick on 'What's next?' on the right of the page each time you have compieted an activity.
Or you can go straight to whichever units are of most interest to y o u --------- using the iinks at
146. (A) in
(B) forward
(C) by
(D) upon

the top of the page.

Happy job hunting!
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Actua H est 1
120 B )G S T E P T O E tC 3

Questions 147 - 149 refer to the foiiowing advertisement.


Due to the continuai su ccess of their business, our ciient is iooking for an Architecturai CAD
Technoiogist to join their existing team of architects in Newcastie.

The roie wiii inciude ensuring tim eiy..............of the design to the contractor for a $200 miiiion
147. (A) reminders %
(B) deiivery
(C) cieaning
(D) advice

schoois project in Newcastie.

W orking............ with the architects, you wiii be expected to deiiver ciient expectations and
148. (A) severeiy
(B) cioseiy
(C) dramaticaiiy
(D) neariy

other responsibiiities inciude preparing drawings to the direction of the project team in a
timeiy manner, maintaining the project fiiing of drawings and ..............cotiection of data for
149. (A) impiemented
(B) impiements
(C) to imptement
(D) impiementing

drawings as provided and other services as appropriate to deiiver the project within the
specific time iimits.

We, Best Head Search, wetcome apptications from a!) and do not discriminate on grounds of
race, nationaiity, reiigion or physicai disabiiity.

We operate as both an empioyment agency and empioyment business.
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: :
Part6 ) 121

f )

Questions 150 - 152 refer to the foiiowing advertisement.

Protect Your Network, and Your Business!

A security breach can resuit in iost productivity and compromised data, it can damage your
reputation and have a negative im p act............. profitabiiity.
150. (A) about
(B) on
(C) for
(D) behind

------------your smaii business from extemai or intemai threats with security integrated in the
151. (A) Protect
(B) Prevent
(C) Proceed
(D) Prociaim


integration aiiows you to safeguard your assets without diverting resources.

152. (A) active
(B) consecutive
(C) impressed
(D) vaiuabie

A Ceitic Setf-Defending Network can heip a smaii business and medium-sized business:

*Protect company resources

*Secure customer information
identify both intemai and extemai threats
*Prevent threats before they spread
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Actua). Test 1
122 i 8 t G S T E P T O E tC 3

Part 7
Directions: !n this part, you wit! read a setection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
artictes, tetters, and advertisements. Each text is fottowed by severat questions. Setect the
best answer for each question and mark the tetter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153 - 154 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Otvr B/ggesf C/earance Sa/e Ever/

How tow can we go?

How about 2 0 % * 8 0 % OFF books, toys, and ctothing?

For a timited time, get ENORMOUS SAVINGS on att kinds of name-brand kids stuff!

153. What is the advertisement about?

(A) A car sate
(B) A furniture sate
(C) A property sate
(D) A ctothing sate

154. Which item is NOT inctuded in the event?

(A) Toys
(B) Books
(C) Apptiances
(D) Kid's ctothing
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Pat7 123

Questions 155 - 157 refer to the fotiowing notice.

Spring Art Exhibition: W ork of Tampa Artists with Disabiiities

USC CoHege of Pubtic Heatth

2007 -0 7 -1 4 at 13301 Bruce B Downs Btvd, MHC 1129, Tampa.

inctuded in the exhibit are severa! pieces from USC Fine Arts Student Jessica Joy Goidberg.

Now in her tast sem ester at USC, Jessica was recentty setected as a winner of the nationai art

competition, "Destination Anyw here," which setected works from 15 award-winning young

artists with disabitities. tt was sponsored by American Art Association and MK of America tnc.

Her winning work is part of a touring exhibit that has been on disptay at The Smithsonian

tnstitution, and now on at the Ohio Art Museum of the Miami University.

Actua! Test 2
155. What can be inferred about the event?
(A) !t is for cottege students.

Actual Test 3
(B) Many renowned artists witt attend.
(C) it is sponsored by the Coiiege of Pubtic Heatth.
(D) Artists with disabitities witt disptay their work.

156. What is true about Jessica?

(A) She graduated the cottege tast year.
(B) She won a nationai award.

Actua! Test 4
(C) She wiii be teaching an art ciass.
(D) She was hired by MK of America inc.

157. Where is Jessica's work now on dispiay?

(A) At the USC Cottege of Pubtic Heatth
(B) At the Ohio Art Museum

(C) At the American Art Association

(D) At the company iounge
Actua! Test 5
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ActuaHest 1
124 ! 8 IG S T E P T O E IC 3

Q uestions 1 5 8 - 1 6 0 refer to the foiiowing articie.

Historic Bedford Springs Hote! to reopen in May

BEDFORD, Pa. - The historic Bedford Springs Hotei is set to reopen on Memoriat Day after

undergoing neariy two years of renovations costing $100 miiiion.

Owners are instaiiing modern conveniences such as ftat-screen TVs, wiretess internet

a cce ss and a state-of-the-art business center, white preserving the originat character of the
facitity's 10 buitdings. "it witt be an unusuat btend of the giories of days gone by and uttra-
m odem conveniences," said Mr. Winston, generai manager. "That's the chattenge - when

the property was constructed, the requirements of eiectricity and heating/ventitation were
very different. There was no air conditioning."

Dr. John Anderson bought the property in 1796 after discovering naturat minerat springs on
the grounds. He buiit bath houses for his patients and the resort's popuiarity soared in the

The Springs served as the summer White House for James Buchanan, and other presidents

atso stayed there. Owners say rooms of the 2 1 6 - room witi start at $250 a night. They hope
to garner a 4.5- to 5-diamond rating from the American Automobiie Association.

1 5 8 . What is NOT mentioned as new conveniences?

(A) Videoconference faciiities

(B) Ftat-screen TV
(C) Business center
(D) Wireiess internet a ccess

1 5 9 . What is the reason for Dr. John Anderson to have bought the iand?

(A) The iand was poputar.

(B) The previous owner offered a discounted rate.
(C) He found minerat springs.
(D) The government offered a tax incentive.

1 6 0 . What is NOT true about the hotei?

(A) it has 2 1 6 rooms.

(B) it served as a temporary presidentiai office.
(C) it inciudes bath houses for patients.
(D) it is a 5-diamond rated hotei.
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3 )

Q uestions 161 - 1 6 3 refer to the foiiowing notice.

Price Terms
Important Price !nformation

Untess otherwise expressty noted, ait prices are per person, based on doubie occupancy of

the stateroom and are quoted in U.S. doiiars and inciude meais and beverages.

Atiiance Cruises inc. reserves the right to increase its prices without prior notice; however, if
you have confirmed your booking with a deposit, or if you have atready m ade your finat

payment, your price wiii be protected.

Atiiance Cruises separatety a sse sse s airport faciiity charges and certain departure taxes and

other ta x e s /fe e s that are im piem ented by various governm ents or quasi-governmentai


161. What is NOT true about the prices?

(A) Prices are per person.
(B) Prices are based on singie occupancy.
(C) Prices are subject to change by the company.
(D) Prices are quoted in U.S. doiiars.

162. in which case can the company not change the price?
(A) When a customer aiready confirmed a reservation.
(B) When a customer aiready paid the price in fuii.
(C) When a customer paid government taxes.
(D) When a customer paid the price in U.S. doiiars.

163. Which of the foiiowing is inciuded in the price?

(A) Airport faciiity charges

(B) Government taxes
(C) Departure taxes
(D) Meais and beverages

w w w
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Actua H est 1

Questions 164 - 165 refer to the foiiowing fax.

Easy Communications Company
8 1 0 7th Avenue, New York
Tei: 9 1 7 -2 8 6 -3 1 0 0 F a x :9 1 7 -2 8 6 -3 1 0 2
Mike Hoiiand
Fax: 5 0 2 -3 2 7 -4 4 0 0
Totai: 1 page August 20, 2006

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your fax.

i am sorry to hear that your c u sto m er h as exp erien ced a probiem with our wireiess
m icrophone.
W e d o our b e st to en su re that aii products w e p rodu ce ieave our factory in perfect
condition, but unfortunateiy d efects so m etim es occur. Through thorough investigation,
w e found a probiem with the transmitter. W e aiready sent a repiacement to you with a
free w ireiess h e a d se t for you to c o m p e n s a te your cu sto m e r for the incon ven ien ce.
Ptease return the defective modei with the courier.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your b u sin ess with E*Com.

R egards,

164. Which of the foiiowing is true?

(A) Mike Hoiiand previousiy sent a fax to E*Com.
(B) Mike Hoiiand has bought the defective modei.
(C) James Hennessey is working for Mike Hoiiand.
(D) A customer compiained a probiem to E*Com.

1 65. What has been sent with a repiacement?

(A) A gift certificate
(B) A discount coupon
(C) A headset
(D) A tetter
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: :
Part? ) 1 2 7

Questions 166 - 168 refer to the foiiowing articie.

Pasadena Driver Exam Station Announces Schedule Change

O fficials with the state's M o to r V eh icle D ivision to d a y a n n o u n c e d a ch a n g e in hours at
th e P a s a d e n a d riv er e x a m station . T h e P a s a d e n a station is ty p ica lly o p e n T u e sd a y s ,
T h u rsdays a n d Fridays.

Effective immediately, until further notice, it will be open Thursdays and Fridays oniy.

* T h u rsd a y s wiH b e d e d ic a te d to r o a d testing, s o o th e r serv ices will n o t b e
available at the office.

* C u stom ers n e e d to sch ed u le ap p oin tm en ts for ro a d testing, m otorcy cle skills

testing a n d com m ercia l tests. T h e n u m b er to call is 4 5 4 - 3 1 4 9 .

* T h e office will b e o p e n o n Fridays from 8 : 1 5 - 1 2 :3 0 for all oth er services on

a d rop -in basis.

D e a n R oberts. M V D adm inistrator, said the ch a n g e is tem porary.

"W e a p o lo g iz e for an y in co n v e n ie n c e ," R oberts said, "a n d w e ap preciate the patien ce o f

ou r cu stom ers."

F or o th e r in fo r m a tio n a b o u t d riv er testin g, in clu d in g a full s c h e d u le fo r driv er e x a m

stations, drivers ca n visit the D epartm ent o f T ransportation w ebsite.

1 6 6 . On which day is the test center usuaiiy open?

(A) Thursdays and Fridays oniy

(B) Thursdays oniy
(C) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
(D) Fridays oniy

167. Which service is avaiiabie on Thursdays?

(A) Medicai checkup
(B) License renewats
(C) Written tests
(D) Road testing

168. What is advised for customers wanting road testing to do?

(A) They shouid contact Mr. Dean Roberts.
(B) They shouid visit the station first.
(C) They shoutd make appointments.
(D) They shoutd submit a request form.
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ActuaL Test 1
128 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 6 9 - 171 refer to the foiiowing form.

Easy-Bake Ovens
C om pany: E asy-B ake, a division of Hasbro inc.

M/hy? Young chiidren can insert their hands into the o v en 's opening and get their hands
or fingers caught, posing an entrapment and bum hazard.

Mf/iaf mode/s? The purpie and pink piastic oven resem b ies a kitchen range with four
burners on top and a front-ioading oven. "E a sy -B a k e " is printed on the front of the oven.
M odei n u m ber 6 5 8 0 5 and "H a s b r o " are sta m p e d into the piastic on the back of the
o v e n . T h e E a s y -B a k e O v en is an eiectric toy and is not r e c o m m e n d e d for chiidren
younger than 8 . O vens soid before M ay are not inciuded.

MTiere so/d? Toys R Us, W ai-M art, Target, KB T o y s and other retaiiers.

W hat to do? C ontact E asy-B ake betw een 8 :3 0 a.m . and 4 :3 0 p.m . w eekdays for a free
retrofit kit with con su m er warning.

For information: Tott-free 1 -8 0 0 -6 0 1 -8 4 1 8 ; w w w .ea syb a k m .

1 6 9 . Why is the product being recaiied?

(A) it has manufacturing defect.

(B) it can cause harm to users.
(C) it has not been recommended for chiidren.
(D) it contains harmfui components.

1 7 0 . What is true about the product?

(A) it is a home appiiance.

(B) it is not recommended up to seven-year-oid chiidren.
(C) it has been heaviiy discounted.
(D) it can be oniy bought at franchise stores.

1 7 1 . Why are customers advised to contact the company?

(A) To verify eiigibiiity for the recaii

(B) To get a refund
(C) To report any injury by the product
(D) To receive a free kit
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f )

Q u e s t io n s 1 7 2 - 1 7 5 refer to the foiiowing m em o.

To: AH staff

F rom : D aniel H offm an, P r o v o s t's O ffice

S u b ject: P rom otion A n n o u n ce m e n t

The P r o v o s t's O ffice is p le a s e d to a n n o u n ce th e p rom otion o f J e ffr e y M organ to the n ew

position o f P r o je c ts M an ager. J e ffr e y b e g a n his c a r e e r at o u r c o lle g e in M arch o f 2004 as

A dm in istrative A ssista n t to th e A s s o c ia te P rovost.

in this capa city, he d e s ig n e d and im p le m e n te d sign ifican t im p ro v e m e n ts to ou r

a d m in istra tive a c a d e m ic c a le n d a r and con trib u ted to th e d esig n and integrity o f o u r faculty

d a ta b a se.

in addition, J e ffr e y h as facilitated th e w o rk of the Faculty H an db ook c o m m itte e , an ad h oc

c o m m itte e on e m e r itu s statu s, and n u m e ro u s o th e r initiatives and task fo r c e s o f A ca d em ic

A ffairs.

His r e sp o n sib ilitie s a s P r o je c ts M an ager w ill in clu d e r e se a rch in g n ew initiatives p r o p o s e d to

th e O ffice o f th e P rov ost, facilitating d is cu ss io n b e tw e e n e x p e rts and p a rties with v ested

in terest, crea tin g stra te g ic p la n s fo r im p lem en ta tion and in tegration o f p r o je c ts into the

C o lle g e . J e ffr e y b eg a n his n ew r o le on T u esd a y, S e p te m b e r 2.

P le a se join th e sp e c ia l lu n ch eon to co n g ra tu la te him on his p rom otion .

172. What is the purpose of the m em o?

(A) To announce retirement (B) To appreciate exceiient work
(C) To recognize contributions (D) To pubiicize promotion

1 73. What was Jeffrey Morgan's first position at the coiiege?

(A) Associate Provost (B) Projects Manager
(C) Assistant Professor (D) Administrative Assistant

1 7 4 . What is NOT a stated responsibiiity of the job?

(A) Supervising assistants (B) Researching new initiatives
(C) Organizing discussion (D) Devetoping strategic pians

1 75. What are the recipients asked to do?

(A) To propose strategic plans (B) To voiuntarily join task forces of Academic Affairs
(C) To heip the Facuity Handbook committee (D) To attend the iuncheon

w w w
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Actua i. Test 1
130 B)G STEP T O B C 3

Q uestions 1 7 6 - 180 refer to the foiiowing articie.

Unemptoyment rate drops to 5-month tow

America's empioyers increased hiring in March, driving the unemptoyment rate

down to a five-month iow of 4.4%. it was a surprisingiy strong performance in an
economy that has otherwise shown signs of siuggishness recentty.

The new snapshot, reteased by the Labor Department today, aiso showed that
companies expanded their payrotis by i 80,000 emptoyees in March, the most
since December. Workers aiso saw their paychecks get bigger. The fresh figures
suggested that companies are not feeiing a need to dramaticaiiy decrease hiring in
the face of the siower overait economic activity and the deep housing stump.

The report was stronger than economists were expecting. They were catting for
the economy to add around i 35,000 jobs in Narch and for the unemptoyment
rate to actuaiiy edge up to 4.6%. The 4.4% unemptoyment rate, which dropped
down a notch from 4.5% in February, matched the rate in October.

Jobs gains in March were fairiy widespread, except for the struggiing
manufacturing sector, which continued to cut jobs for the ninth month in a row;
factories cut ) 6,000 in March atone. Some business services aiso trimmed jobs, by
7,000 tast month.

Construction companies, after suffering heavy job tosses in February in part due
to unfavorabte winter weather, buiked up in March. They added 56,000 positions
iast month, the most in just over a year. Retaiters added neariy 36,000 jobs iast
month. Education and heaith-care services expanded empioyment by 54,000.
Leisure and hospitaiity picked up 2i,000 jobs, white the government added 23,000.
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1 76. Why is the recent drop in unemptoyment rate surprising?
(A) Because it's the towest tevet in a year
(B) Because it's above the government's expectations
(C) Because the centra) bank raised interest rates
(D) Because the economy is sti)) struggting

1 77. What can be inferred about the economists?

(A) They worked cottaborativety in the survey.
(B) They prepared the snapshot.
(C) They were skeptica) about emptoyment prospects.
(D) They proposed an economic stimutus p)an to the government.

1 7 8 . Which industry is having difficutty in terms of emptoyment?

(A) Manufacturing industry
(B) Retait industry
(C) Hospitatity industry
(D) Education industry

179. What is true about construction industry?

(A) They cut many jobs in February.

(B) They have cut jobs for the ninth month in a row.
(C) They are stitt expecting more job tosses.
(D) They created 546,000 positions tast month.

180. The word "su gg ested " in paragraph 2, tine 4, is ctoset in meaning to

(A) proposed
(B) indicated
(C) offered
(D) supptemented
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ActuaL Test 1
132 BtG STEP T O B C 3

Q uestions 181 - 1 8 5 refer to the fottowing information and notice.

Open An Account

Our apptication form s m ake it easier for you to appty for severa) of our
products and services at your convenience.
Ptease fottow th ese ste p s to he!p us expedite your apptication:

1. S etect the apptication - Ctick your desired product or service betow.

2. Print the apptication - Print or type the information ctearty in btue or btack
ink to hetp us correctty read the information. S o m e o f the information
marked with "fittabte" m ean s you can type directty on the form via your
com puter.

3. R eview and sign the apptication - Review the apptication to ensure that att
n ecessa ry information has been inctuded. Then, sign and date the

4. A p p ty -A fte r compteting the apptication, ptease bring it into any of our

convenientty tocated branches.


American Savings Bank

American Savings Bank has nearly 65 branches ready to serve you. We're open as tate

as 7:00 p.m. on weekdays, untit 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays, weekends and hotidays at

setect branches. You can use over 160 ATMs throughout Hawaii, open 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, tt's never been more convenient to bank with us!
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181. Who is most tikety to be interested in the information?

(A) Peopte apptying for a toan

(B) Peopte wishing to open an account
(C) Peopte tooking for the branches
(0) Peopte seeking a job

1 8 2 . What d oes the "fittabte" information mean?

(A) tt's confidential

(B) tt shoutd be submitted in person.
(C) tt can be fitted on the computer.
(D) tt's printabte.

1 8 3 . What shoutd an appticant do with a compteted apptication?

(A) Take it to the bank

(B) Send it by mait
(C) Sign and date the apptication
(D) Review the apptication

1 8 4 . What time does the bank ctose on Saturdays?

(A) 4:00 p.m.

(B) 5:00 p.m.
(C) 6:00 p.m.
(D) 7:00 p.m.

1 8 5 . What is NOT true about the bank?

(A) They have 65 branches.

(B) Att branches are open untit 7:00 p.m. on weekdays.
(C) They have more than 160 ATMs in Hawaii.
(D) Som e branches are open on hotidays.
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Actuat Test 1
134 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Questions 186 - 190 refer to the fottowing tetters.

The Fidetity Bank

5 6 6 5 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
Attanta, Georgia 3 034 8
Mr. Johnny Serm on
Office Furnishing C o. June 7

Dear Mr. Serm on,

Order 1 4 7 9

!'m writing in connection with your emai) concerning the a bove order for office furniture.
Unfortunatety, w e have not yet received the fiting cabinets which were a part of the
!t witt be appreciated if you detiver th ose cabinets a s so on a s possibte or refund our
m oney.
W e took forward to hearing from you so on . Since the error has ca u sed too much
troubte, w e have no ch oice but to take tegat action if w e are unabte to get the g o o d s
within seven days.


*Ms. JctMK

Office M anager

Office Furnishing Co.

1001 Johnson Ferry Road NE
Attanta, GA 30342-1600

Ms. Jonas Magee

Office Manager
The Fidetity Bank June 10

Dear Jonas,

Thank you for your tetter enquiring about the fiting cabinets. We apotogize for the detay in
detivering the cabinets. As t said in my emait, there has been a probtem at our supptier's factory.
Because this kind of probtem is comptetety out of our controt, we are not responsibte for the
detay and, therefore, it is impossibte to refund the money. Ptease refer to our Terms of Sate t
enctosed with this tetter.
As we expect to receive the cabinets within a coupte of days, you witt get them soon.

Yours sincerety,

Sates Executive
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Part7 j 1 3 5

7 ?

186. Why was the first tetter written?

(A) To comptain a damage of shipment
(B) To ptace an order
(C) To respond to an emait

(D) To comptain the tate detivery of shipment

1 8 7 . What witt happen if the furniture company faits to detiver the cabinets in seven days?

(A) The suppty contract witt be terminated.

(B) The money witt be a u to m a tic a l refunded.

(C) Ms. Jonas Magee witt sue the furniture company.
(D) Mr. Johnny Sermon witt have to visit Ms. Jonas Magee.
1 8 8 . When is Jonas Magee tikety to receive the goo d s?

(A) Before June 7

(B) Before June 10
(C) Before June 17
(D) After June 17

1 89. What can be inferred about Mr. Johnny Sermon?

Actua) Test 2
(A) He met Jonas M agee to resotve the probtem.
(B) He terminated a contract with the supptier.
(C) He is in charge of supervising supptiers.
(D) He exptained the probtem in his prior emait to Jonas Magee.

190. What is the second tetter accompanied with?

(A) A bitting statement
(B) A tegat document

Actuat Test 3
(C) A copy of the invoice
(D) A free cabinet

Actual Test 4
Actuat Test 5
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Actuat Test 1
136 ! BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 191 - 1 9 5 refer to the foiiowing advertisement and articte.

Cost Reduction Programs

M arketing Exclusive Inc. provides customized cost reduction plans w hich are
improve profitability. These plans are very structured and will cover a wide range o f cost
related areas o f your organization. Follow ing an initial consultation, w e will clarify the
short-term and longer-term objectives o f your cost reduction plan and then w ork with you
to develop and im plem ent accordingly.

W h ile a cost reduction plan can be im plemented successfully in isolation from other *
business im provem ent activities, w e suggest that you also review our productivity
im provem ent service along with the business planning services and software that we offer.

Please contact us for further inform ation.

STC Semiconductor Announced Cost Reduction P!an

The Company P!ans to Reduce its W orkforce for the First Time After 2003's

STC Sem iconductor Ltd. today announced that it is imptementing a series of co st

reduction m easu res to adjust its capita! and operating expenditures to existing and short
term market conditions. STC pians an a cro ss-th e-b o a rd workforce cutback of
approximatety 1 7 0 positions, representing approxim ate^ 12 percent of S T C 's em ptoyee
b a se.

The actions announced today are exp ected to be impiemented by the end of the year
and produce net annuatized savings of approximateiy $ 2 0 miiiion.

"tn order to respond to the existing and short-term market conditions, our recent financia)
resutts and recent econ o m ic siow dow n, w e have m ade so m e tough decisions to reduce
our workforce and cut c o s t s ." said Carme) Vernia, chairman and chief executive officer of

"A t the sa m e time, w e remain prepared to respond to cu stom ers' n eeds, and committed
to our m o st important strategy of estabtishing STC a s a ieading sem iconductor
manufacturer," a dded Vernia. "!n tine with our strategic roadm ap, w e expect to continue
our tevet of investment in key p ro cess devetopm ent initiatives that woutd improve our
unique technoiogies, which are iess affected by market conditions. W e are confident that
w e witt continue to provide the highest tevet of award winning custom er service and
detiver exceptionat cu stom er vatue."
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(* )

191. What wit) be done after an initiat consuttation?

(A) Anatyzing existing financia! conditions
(B) tnterviewing department heads
(C) Devetoping specific guidetines

(D) Estabtishing goats of cost cutting ptan

192. What can be true about Marketing Exctusive tnc.?

(A) !t works for government agencies.
(B) !t setts software.

(C) !t offers training.
(D) tt provides corporate restructuring ptans.
193. What can be inferred about STC Semiconductor?
(A) !t went through downsizing before.
(B) tt's the biggest semiconductor manufacturer.
(C) !t ptans to expand into overseas markets.
(D) it has recentty reptaced the CEO.

1 94. How many emptoyees witt be affected by the cost reduction ptan?

Actuat Test 2
(A) More than 170 positions
(B) About 10 percent of att emptoyees
(C) Less than 12 percent of att emptoyees
(D) About 170 positions

195. What is tikety to be the most important business goat of the CEO?

(A) To position the company as an industry teader
(B) To improve its unique technotogies

Actuat Test 3
(C) To increase investment in devetoping new products
(D) To consistentty provide quatity customer service

Actual Test 4
Actuat Test 5
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Actuat Test 1
138 : B )G S T E P T 0 E )C 3

Questions 196 - 200 refer to the fottowing tetters.

To Nancy Parrot

I j o i n e d A c t F it n e s s C l u b in St. P e t e r s b u r g m o r e t h a n a y e a r a g o . T h e s a le s m a n
c o n v i n c e d m e I h a d n o t h in g to lo s e in p u r c h a s i n g a m e m b e r s h ip , as I c o u l d g e t m y

m o n e y b a c k d u r in g the first m o n th .
O n e w e e k a fter jo in in g , m y h u s b a n d w a s s u d d e n ly a d m itte d to the in te n siv e ca re u nit

a n d d ie d fiv e w e e k s later. I k e p t A c t F itness C lu b in fo r m e d o f this a n d w a s to ld b y .th e

s a le s m a n to k e e p m a k in g m y m o n th ly p a y m e n ts as I w o u l d g e t a fu ll re fu n d .

I h a v e c a lle d n u m e r o u s tim es a n d sen t a letter a n d c o p y o f the d e a th certificate.

A c t F itness C lu b h as re tu rn e d n o n e o f m y fo u r m o n th s ' c re d it ca rd ch a rg e s o f $25 each
a n d m y m e m b e r s h ip fe e o f $100.

I n e e d y o u r h e lp .

Gym gave fu!i refund; check the credit card statement

By Nancy Parrot

Response: John Masters, membership services manager for Act Fitness Ctub in St.
Petersburg, said you signed a month-to-month membership with the ctub, and
agreed to at) the terms and conditions, which inctuded the four-week comfort

This guarantee specificaHy states that a member may cancet at any time during
the first four-week membership period if certain conditions are met, inctuding
utitizing the ctub three times during each of the initiat weeks.

You did not meet the requirements, Masters said, but Act Fitness Club
understood your situation and as a courtesy issued a futt refund to your credit
card June 12.

We are forwarding a copy of the credit stip Masters sent us and suggest you
take a took at your credit card statements from this period to make sure the
credit posted. Let us know if it did not.
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1 9 6 . Why did Arson Mackey write the ietter to Nancy Parrot?

(A) To comptain about poor faciiity

(B) To ask for heip
(C) To join the fitness ciub
(D) To participate in a survey

1 9 7 . How much money does the ctub owe to Arson Mackey in totai?

(A) $25
(B )$100
(C) $125
(D) $200

1 9 8 . Why is Arson Mackey's request unacceptabte in principte?

(A) Because she didn't meet the requirements

(B) Because she didn't request in writing
(C) Because she didn't send required documents
(D) Because she didn't make a deposit

1 9 9 . Why did the ciub decide to give a futt refund to Arson Mackey?

(A) !t wanted to compensate her for their mistakes.

(B) !t fett sympathy for her.
(C) !t wanted her to rejoin the ciub tater.
(D) !t didn't want to tose their reputation.

200. What is the response ietter accompanied with?

(A) A credit card statement
(B) A cancetiation form
(C) A copy of the credit stip
(D) A confirmation tetter of the gym
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Actuat Test 2
j 142 ! 8K5 STEP TOEtC 3

Listening Test

!n the Listening test, you wi)! b e asked to dem onstrate how wet! you understand spoken
Engtish. The entire Listening test wi!) !ast approxim ate^ 4 5 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate
answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in your test book.

Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you wit) hear four statem ents about a picture in
your test book. W hen you hear the statem ents, you m ust setect the one statem ent that
best d escribes what you s e e in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your
answ er sh eet and mark your answer. The statem ents witt not be printed in your test book
and witt be spoken onty on e time.

Look at the exam pte item betow.

N ow tisten to the four statem ents.

Sam pte Answ er

(A ) (B ) * (D )

Statem ent ( C ) , "They're standing near the tabte," is the b est description of the picture, so
you shoutd setect answ er (C ) and mark it on your answ er sheet.
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Actuat Test 2
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Actuat Test 2
146 B )G S T E P T O B C 3
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introduction Actuai Test 1


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Actua) Test 3 Actuat Test 4 Actuat Test 5

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Actuat Test 2
148 & G STE PT0& C 3

Part 2
Directions: You wi!) hear a question or statem ent and three resp o n se s spoken in Engtish.
They wit) not b e printed in your test book and wit! be spoken oniy one time. Setect the best
resp on se to the question or statem ent and mark the tetter ( A) , ( B ) , or (C) on your answer

You witt hear: W here is the meeting room ?

You witt atso hear: (A) To m eet the new director. ^

(B) tt's the first room on the right.
(C) Y e s, at two o'ctock.

The b est resp on se to the question "W h ere is the meeting r o o m ?" is ch oice ( B ) , "it's the first
room on the right." s o (B ) is the correct answer. You shoutd mark answ er (B ) on your
answ er sheet.

1 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 6 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

1 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 7 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

1 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 8 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

1 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 9 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 6 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

1 7 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

1 8 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 3 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 9 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 4 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 0 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 5 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 6 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

2 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 8 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 9 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet.

2 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 4 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

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Part 3
Directions: You wi!) hear so m e conversations betw een two peopte. You wi)) be asked to
answ er three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Setect the best
resp on se to each question and mark the tetter ( A) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D) on your answer sheet.
The conversations witt not be printed in your test book and witt b e spoken onty one time.

41. Where most tikety are the speakers?

(A) At a restaurant
(B) At a convention center
(C) At an office
(D) At a hotet

42. What does Mr. Smith want to do?

(A) Work at Gtobat Artwortd

(B) Eat dinner with Ms. Arnett
(C) Network with Gtobat Artworld
(D) Merge with Gtoba) Artworld

43. What is the probtem?

(A) Tabte 12 is futt.
(B) The seating is fixed.
(C) Ms. Arnett is tate.
(D) Att seminar seats are taken.

44. Where is the conversation taking ptace?

(A) On the street
(B) !n a car
(C) At the airport
(D) On the phone

45. How witt the woman get to the airport?

(A) By bus
(B) By ptane
(C) By taxi
(D) By train

46. What probtem does the woman have?

(A) She is stuck in traffic.
(B) She did not make a reservation.
(C) There are no taxis avaitabte.
(D) The taxi is arriving tate.

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Actuat Test 2

47. What is the m an's probiem ?

(A) He has a stomachache.
(B) He is aiiergic to spinach.
(C) He cannot eat dairy foods.
(D) He needs a doctor.

48. Where m ost iikety are the speakers?

(A) !n a conference
(B) !n a retreat
(C) !n a store
(D) !n an office party

49. What d o e s the wom an su ggest the man d o ?

(A) Tatk to her sister
(B) Speak with Chery)
(C) See a doctor
(D) Try new medicine

50. What is Cart's probiem?

(A) He is not prepared for an interview.
(B) He needs to book some time-off.
(C) He is not feeting weii.
(D) He needs a report for a meeting.

51. When is the meeting scheduied for?

(A) Today
(B) Tomorrow
(C) Next week
(D) in ten days

52. Who shouid the woman give the report to?

(A) Mr. Sitver
(B) Car!
(C) Bryan
(D) A partner
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53. W h o most tikety are the speakers?
(A) Cotteagues
(B) Cooks
(C) Servers
(D) Customers

54. What event is the man ptanning for?

(A) A retirement party
(B) A hotiday party
(C) A business tunch
(D) A product taunch

55. What wit! the man probabty do?

(A) Cat) another caterer
(B) Retire from his company
(C) Make a tunch reservation
(D) Go to a dinner party

56. Why is the man catting?

(A) To sett the woman tntemet service
(B) To ask for a technician
(C) To ask for som e documents
(D) To fix the woman's tntemet connection

57. Where witt the wom an g o ?

(A) To the office
(B) To her house
(C) To the tntemet company
(D) To an tntemet cafe

58. What witt the man d o next?

(A) Go to the woman's office
(B) Cat) the technician
(C) Catt the tntemet cafe
(D) Meet the woman
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Actuat Test 2

59. What is the main purpose of the discussion?

(A) To ptan a vacation
(B) To compare hotet and ftight packages
(C) To finatize business trip detaits
(D) To arrange a business meeting

60. Who witt the man be with during the trip?

(A) Rotand Headty
(B) The Singhs
(C) His famity
(D) Penny

61. Why does the man want the red-eye ftight?

(A) He wants to timit the number of stops.
(B) He wants to stop by severat ptaces.
(C) He needs to stop in Los Angetes.
(D) He needs to have dinner with Penny.

62. What are the speakers preparing for?

(A) A graphic design course
(B) A presentation
(C) A press conference
(D) Office renovations

63. What is the probtem ?

(A) The woman forgot an item.
(B) The presentation isn't ready.
(C) The man didn't prepare his notes.
(D) The woman has another meeting.

64. What d o e s the wom an su ggest that the man d o ?

(A) Take her ptace in the next meeting
(B) Postpone the presentation
(C) Do the meeting without the hardware
(D) Go to her house to get the hardware

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65. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) An annua) report
(B) The tatest designs in winter wear
(C) Going to a store
(D) An upcoming cetebration

66. What d o e s the man ask the wom an to d o ?

(A) Look for an item
(B) Stay to finish a project
(C) Check arrangements for tomorrow's program
(D) Make a shopping iist

67. What d o e s the wom an offer to d o ?

(A) Exchange a product
(B) Make a purchase
(C) Take the man's daughter out
(D) Discuss an offer

68. What is the purpose of the man's cat)?

(A) To set! subscriptions for a fashion magazine
(B) To sett commerciat time for TV
(C) To raise money for a pubtic broadcaster
(D) To promote British tetevision

69. When is this conversation tikety taking ptace?

(A) tn the morning
(B) tn the afternoon
(C) tn the evening
(D) Late at night

70. What witt the man probabty do?

(A) Offer a discount on the woman's subscription
(B) Cat) the woman back tater
(C) Cancet the woman's programming
(D) Watch a mystery program
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ActuaHest 2
1 5 4 j BK3STEPIOE)C3

Part 4
Directions: You wi!) hear so m e tatks given by a singte speaker. You witt be asked to answer
three questions about what the speaker sa y s in each tatk. Setect the best response to each
question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , (C ), or (D ) on your answ er sheet. The tatks witt not be
printed in your test book and witt be spoken onty on e time.

7 1. What is the purpose of the m essage?

(A) To order additionat furniture

(B) To set up an appointment
(C) To ask for an estimate
(D) To ask when the renovation woutd begin

72. What does the catter need to know?

(A) The number of workers required

(B) The size of the kitchen window
(C) The type of wood to be used
(D) The tocation of the kitchen

73. Why does the speaker intend to visit Mr. Luis Pertin?

(A) To give an estimate on the renovation

(B) To renovate otd kitchen cupboards
(C) To sign a contract with Weston Homes
(D) To have dinner together

74. What is the main purpose of the tatk?

(A) To showcase the new products

(B) To raise money for charity
(C) To instruct how to repair a front door
(D) To offer information to find missing keys

75. What does the speaker say about Safesensor?

(A) !t is perfect for keeping bicyctes safe and secure.
(B) tt autom atical tocks your door each evening.
(C) tt makes car trunks harder to open.
(D) tt fits perfectty on the back of a mobite phone.

76. Where is the Keyvautt designed to be?

(A) inside of a car door
(B) At the front of a bicycte
(C) At the back of a mobite phone
(D) On the side of a computer
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Part 4 155

7 7. What does the speaker say is the first thing to do?

(A) Try to compiete at ieast 20 tasks each day

(B) Set houriy goais during the working day
(C) Taik to other emptoyees about goats
(D) Avoid becoming depressed and sad

7 8. Why shoutd emptoyees NOT rush to finish tasks?

(A) They witt spend more time being tatking to others.
(B) They witt become very bored at the office.
(C) They coutd cause costiy errors for the company.
(D) They coutd get easity distracted from their goats.

Actua) Test 1
79. What does the speaker say about achieving goats?
(A) !t teaves the worker with a feeting of satisfaction.
(B) it gives the company greater productivity each day.
(C) tt attows emptoyees to prepare for the next task.
(D) tt enabies emptoyers and emptoyees to communicate.

80. What is the main reason for the growth in forestry?

(A) The shortage of workers in the industry

(B) The etimination of forestry regutations
(C) The increase in home construction
(D) The addition of new technotogies

81. What does the speaker say about tumber companies?

Actua) Test 3
(A) There wiit be a shortage of tumber within 4 months.
(B) Their revenues dropped by 21 percent in the tast 1 2 months.
(C) They are being supported by new research methods.
(D) There witt be heatthy competition for the next two years.

82. What is the oniy foreseeabie threat to the tumber industry?
(A) The cost of cutting down targe trees
The threat of the spruce budworm

Actuat Test 4
(C) The rising number of imported workers
(D) The tack of physicatiy fit emptoyees
Actuat Test 5

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Actuat Test 2
156 i B )G S T E P T 0 E )C 3

83. What is the purpose of the announcement?

(A) To announce the cancettation of a program
(B) To revea) three new ctasses being offered
(C) To give senior citizens a discount on ctasses
(D) To introduce a new community center.

84. How often witt the Arts and Crafts ctass be hetd?
(A) Five times a week
(B) Three times a week
(C) One time a week
(D) Two times a week

85. According to the speaker, why shoutd peopte register earty for the Business ctass?
(A) The ctass begins on September 1.
(B) There witt be a $25 discount for the ctass.
(C) The enrolment is for onty 30 peopte.
(D) A free textbook witt be handed out.

86. What is being advertised?

(A) House keeping services
(B) Aidine booking services
(C) Package tour services
(D) Catering services

87. What is a stated advantage of the service being advertised?

(A) !t offers severat free services.
(B) tt gives ctients a wide choice of ptaces to visit.
(C) tt has severat years of experience in the fietd.
(D) tt provides discounted ftight tickets.

88. What can customers do to get more information?

(A) Catt a number
(B) Visit a website
(C) Meet other ctients
(D) Visit the Far East tocation
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89. What wiH Faisa Azbat speak about?
(A) The future job openings in the company
(B) The direction the company is heading
(C) The outtook for the fourth quarter
(D) The growth in the intemationai branch

90. What wi!) the Financia) Director do in the meeting?

(A) He wi)) discuss where Optra can exce) in thecurrent business ctimate.
(B) He wi)) take questions from the board.
(C) He wi)) speak on the upcoming job openingwithinOptra.
(D) He wi)) give a dosing address.

91. Who is the Human Resources Manager?

(A) Witma Seacress

(B) Eric Went)
(C) Faisa Azba)
(D) Fred Penget

92. What is the main topic of the news?

(A) A brand new sports car wi)) be taunched.
(B) A new mayor wit) be etected.
(C) A sports comptex wi)) be created.
(D) The Ptainsview Bridge is being repaired.

93. How many jobs wit! be created?

(A) 300 part-time jobs
(B) 500 fu!!-time jobs
(C) 650 part-time jobs
(D) 11,000 part-time jobs

94. Why is the sports comptex being bui!t?

(A) To improve the quatity of )ife for a)) city residents
(B) To give chitdren a ptace to exercise and ptay gam es
(C) To ensure the city gets a professionat sports team
(D) To hetp the city host the Commonweatth Games

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ActuaHest 2
158 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

95. What is the purpose of the m essage?

(A) To offer a new summer fashion catatogue
(B) To offer a job interview
(C) To renew membership to the department store
(D) To offer a hotiday sate

96. According to the speaker, what is Bethany MacKay scheduted to do in the afternoon?
(A) Pose for two different photo shoots
(B) Meet with directors at Magno Modets, tnc.
(C) Have tunch with friends of Lars Vensin
(D) Go shopping at Breedz Department Store

97. What woutd Bethany MacKay receive if she gets the job?
(A) A new automobite
(B) Free ctothes for a year
(C) A chauffeur for six months
(D) A $4,000 signing bonus

98. What is the report about?

(A) A highway dosing
(B) Renewing a driver's ticense
(C) A weather update
(D) A new pubtic transportation system

99. What does the speaker say about Highway 10?

(A) tt witt be under repairs.
(B) Drivers are attowed travet from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m.
(C) The construction costs onty $400.
(D) A car poot tane is being created.

100. How tong is the project expected to take?

(A) Four nights
(B) Four weeks
(C) Ten days
(D) Two weeks
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Actuat Test 2
160 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

Reading Test
tn the Reading test, you wit! read a variety of texts and answ er severat different types of
reading com prehension questions. The entire Reading test wit! tast 75 minutes. There are
three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer a s many
questions a s possibte within the time attowed.

You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in the
test book.

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sen ten ces betow. Four answ er choices
are given betow each sen ten ce. Setect the b est answ er to com ptete the sentence. Then mark
the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , (C ), or (D ) on your answ er sheet.

101. F o r or existing buitdings, sotar 104. A new study h a s ..............that depression in
water heating is the most cost-effective way etderty peopte coutd resutt in eartier mortatity.
to reduce your fuet bitts. (A) suggest
(A) neither (B) suggestion
(B) nor (C) suggested
(C) or (D) suggesting
(D) either
105. Design Toots Monthty, a monthty newstetter
102. Before submitting your essay, ptease be sure and software update service for graphic
to inctude y o u r ---------at the end of it. design professional, has been pubtished
(A) signing since 1995 w ith------------in 41 countries.
(B) signed (A) subscribers
(C) to sign (B) spectators
(D) signature (C) witnesses
(D) participants
103. Every three years, the board of directors
sh ou td ............ a new independent auditor to 106. Our university has one of the m o s t -----------
review financiat reports. financiat support programs in the US to
(A) deposit ensure that students can meet the cost of
(B) appoint their cottege education, regardtess of
(C) predict background.
(D) operate (A) extend
(B) extent
(C) extensive
(D) extending
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107. According to a recent study, Ginseng, one of 1 13. The company is trying to diversify its
the most ------ used herbs in traditiona! business b y ------------in renewabte energy
Chinese medicine, may improve surviva) and resources.
quatity of tife after a diagnosis of breast (A) invest
cancer. (B) investing
(A) convenientty (C) invested
(B) correctty (D) invests
(C) greatty
(D) widety 1 1 4 . This guidebook is designed to hetp y o u ---------
the process of instating the operating system.
108. Because it wouid generate a tot of money, (A) behind
the .... to win the contract witt tikety be (B) above ^
aggressive and fierce. (C) except
(A) competitivety (D) through
(B) competitive
(C) com petes 1 15. The software co m p a n y ------------sent out e-
(D) competition maits containing a virus to about 50,000
members on an e-mait discussion tist.
109. tf y o u ----- tickets for any two games in (A) accident
this season, you can get a third game of your (B) accidentat
choice free. (C) accidents
(A) support (D) accidentatty
(B) purchase
(C) achieve 116. The president woutd tike att sta ff..............
(D) reptace cottaborativety and comptete the ongoing
renovation as soon as possibte.
110. This book witt teach you how to get .... (A) works
out of debt inctuding your mortgage. (B) working
(A) totat (C) worked
(B) totating (D) to work
(C) totatty
(D) totated 117. To memorize names of peopte is not onty an
important sociat skit) but atso a highty
111. ..... your order form has been received, it recom m en ded------------.
witt be processed and your books witt be sent (A) reference
to you. (B) ptot
(A) Untess (C) resource
(B) Despite (D) practice
(C) Like
(D) Once 118. Ptease be aware that Sky Airlines reserves the
right to deny boarding to pa ssen gers............
112. Mr. Richmond had to go through att the proper documentation.
financiat difficutties by ...... to manage his (A) upon
own business. (B) untit
(A) his (C) without
(B) him (D) atong
(C) he
(D) himsetf
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Actua LTest 2
162 j BtG STEP TOEtC 3

119 W e have added some new, futt-of-tife 125. A recent survey indicated that more and more
postcards and message temptates for you consumers have becom e accustomed to
----- that you can enhance your marketing purchasing------------- groceries on the internet.
campaigns and ptease your subscribers with (A) ours
fresh and attractive content. (B) theirs
(A) so (C) their
(B) concerning (D) oursetves
(C) over
(D) since 126. Ptease be advised that you shoutd provide
exact bitting addresses in order t o ----------- att
120. Guided tours of Music Library are avaitabte to orders.
individual and groups----- the year. (A) affect *
(A) from (B) contain
(B) about (C) futfitt
(C) between (D) mention
(D) throughout
127. Library supervisors and staff have been
121. tt is the responsibitity of the proposing authorized to enforce security regutations and
organization to thoroughty review each to a s k ---------- who do not compty to teave the
prior to submission. tibrary premises.
(A) proposing (A) patronage
(B) propose (B) patron
(C) proposes (C) to patron
(D) proposat (D) patrons

122. The information you requested is currentty 128. A confirmation screen witt appear once
------due to the upgrade work for our uptoad or downtoad i s ------------.
existing system and we apotogize for any (A) totat
inconvenience caused. (B) comptete
(A) retated (C) entire
(B) stytish (D) whote
(C) disinterested
(D) unavaitabte 129. Most anti-virus programs are scheduted to
perform a background c h e c k -----------
123. The Bank of Citizens assured its customers throughout the day on a set schedute.
that it----- current tevets of quatity service (A) periodicatty
despite the proposed merger. (B) periodic
(A) maintaining (C) periodica)
(B) maintain (D) period
(C) witt maintain
(D) to maintain 130. Houses and condominiums in the downtown
area usuatty stay on t h e ---------- for an
124. When a supptier's shipments start arriving average of 90 days before they are sotd.
----- tate, incomptete or damaged, it's time (A) sate
to consider tooking for a new one. (B) ptace
(A) steadity (C) market
(B) sensibty (D) advertisement
(C) exactty
(D) consistency

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131. The interior of the high-speed trains is----- 137 Before signing a contract, you need to
and abte to carry more than 500 passengers. exercise extreme caution because there are
many ctauses which coutd b e ----------- by the
(A) space
parties invotved.
(B) spacious
(C) spacing (A) misinterpret
(D) spaciousness (B) misinterpreted
(C) misinterpreting
132 .----- to ensure that their ctaims are received (D) misinterpretation
on time, ctaimants are encouraged to fite their
ctaims etectronicatty or by fax, utitizing the 138. By using this software, you can buitd a private
speciat procedures described in this notice. network of friends or famity or co-workers
a n d ---------- attow them a ccess to specific
(A) Whether
fotders on your computer which you've
(B) !n order
chosen to share.
(C) According
(D) How (A) now that
(B) in case
133. W e are very pteased to make a partnership (C) therefore
with your company and took forward to a (D) otherwise
..... beneficiat retationship.
(A) mutuatty
139. City teaders oppose ptans ............ the
extension of the South Lawrence Expressway.
(B) punctuatty
(C) respectivety (A) next
(D) precisety (B) white
(C )by
134. Your request for a refund or......must be (D) for
sent by e-mait to us with a comptete, detaited
description of the reason for the request. 140. The su ccess and continued improvement of
the education program is dependent upon
(A) comptaint
..................evatuation inctuding the feedback
(B) reptacement
from the evatuation data.
(C) receipt
(D) promotion (A) opportune
(B) etigibte
135. tn a recent survey, peopte appear to (C) intemationat
consider changing their job when they find (D) appropriate
their current work too------ .
(A) repeat
(B) repetitive
(C) repeating
(D) repetition

1 3 6 Mortgage apptications fett for the first time in

three w e e k s ---------- mortgage rates dropped
to their towest tevet since January.

(A) as if
(B) during
(C) because
(D) even though
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Actuat Test 2
16 4 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the foiiowing pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given betow each of these sentences. Setect the best
answer to comptete the text. Then mark the tetter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141 - 143 refer to the fottowing notice.

Wetcome, and thanks for taking our survey!

Your opinions are important, -.... this is your first time visiting. This survey shoutd take
141. (A) more
(B) white
( C ) then
(D) even if

tess than 10 minutes to comptete.

W e witt not retease any of your personai information cottected in this survey or use it to
advertise or sett to you. This survey is being conducted by Brook !nc.--------- our
142. (A) in accordance with
(B) on behatf of
(C) in tine with
(D) in comparison with


Any personai information cottected in this survey witt not be reteased, but may be used in
aggregate for research purposes. Ptease read the Privacy Poticy to team how w e use the
persona) information cottected.
To participate in this survey, you must affirm that you are at ieast 13 years of age.

Ptease comptete att of the questions appearing on each page. Aiways scrott down to make sure
you have answered att of the questions-------- .
143. (A) providing
(B) provide
(C) provided
(D) to provide

W h e n you are ready to move on to the next page, ctick the arrow button tocated at the bottom
of the screen.
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Q uestions 1 4 4 - 1 4 6 refer to the foiiowing information.

H o m e Fire Safety Precautions

tt's a good idea for every h o m e to have at teast one mutti-purpose fire extinguisher.

Keep one in piain sight in the kitchen, and consider others for the garage and for the workshop
- piaces where firefighters say fire is most ------ to occur.
1 4 4 . (A) tike ^
(B) tikeiihood
(C) tikeness
(D) tikety

Buy a dry chemicai extinguisher rated for Type A, B and C fires.

This A B C rating....... wood, paper and fiber fires, fiammabie tiquids such as grease and
1 4 5 . (A) covers
(B) acquires
(C) co m p e n sa te s
(D) expires

petroieum products and eiectrica) fires. (Type D is for chemicat fires, iess iikeiy in the home.)

The gauge near the spout indicates h o w many pounds of chemicai and pressure are !eft for
use. Get the extinguisher recharged after a n y ......... use.
146. (A) attentive
(B) constructive
(C) tentative
(D) significant
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Actuat Test 2
166 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

Questions 147 - 149 refer to the fottowing information.

Free Subscription information

Thank you for your interest in Megawires, the teading etectronic puotication providing daity news
and information for enterprise and decision makers around the gtobe. To register for a free 90-
day tria! subscription simpiy comptete the form above.

After--------- the form, ptease check your e-mait box for a confirmation message from
147. (A) submit ,
(B) submission
(C) submitted
(D) submitting


By accepting this free 90-day that subscription there is n o --------- to become a paid
148. (A) consensus
(B) obtigation
(C) detegation
(D) warranty

subscriber at the end of 90 days nor witt you be bitted tater.

This that subscription is issued to onty you. Megawires reserves the right to revoke
subscriptions in.......... of our copyright.
149. (A) reimbursement
(B) requirement
(C) viotation
(D) penatty

tf you woutd tike to subscribe to Megawires for one futt year (50 weekty issues) ptease comptete
an order form here.
More eBooks with high quality here
: ;

Questions 150 - 152 refer to the fottowing information.

Undergraduate Student Loan: Student Loans for CoHege

The Future Vatue Loan is design ed for undergraduate students needing cottege student toans to
bridge the financiat gap betw een cottege c o s ts and traditionat funding sou rces such a s federat
education toans, grants, and schotarships.

*No apptication fe e and no additionat fe e s

*Make no p a y m e n ts ...................... six m onths of graduation

1 5 0 . (A) by
(B) therefore *
(C) within
(D) toward

*Easy annua) renewat p ro cess

Before You Appty

You witt need the fottowing information t o -------------------- com ptete the apptication p ro cess for any

1 5 1 . (A) approximatety
(B) previousty
(C) particutarty
(D) successfutty

education toan.

Appticant information: N am e and a ddress

Date of birth
Sociat Security Number
Am ount you want to borrow

Schoot tnformation: N am e of the schoot

A ca d em ic period covered by the toan
E xpected program comptetion date

*You may borrow up to the c o st of education minus any other financiat aid received,
tf you need a ssista n ce determining the am ount you need to borrow, p t e a s e ------------ the

152. (A) speak

(B) contact
(C) tatk
(D) say

financiat aid office at your schoot.
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Actuat Test 2
168 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

Part 7
Directions: !n this part, you wit) read a seiection of texts, such a s m agazine and newspaper
artictes, tetters, and advertisem ents. Each text is fo!!ow ed by severat questions. Setect the
best answ er for each question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 1 5 3 - 1 5 4 refer to the fottowing notice.

[W orkshop]
H o w T o Start A B u sin e ss

0 2 -1 4 -2 0 0 7

Ettiot Center (in the tT B usiness Center)

at noon to 2 p.m .
Price: Free

This introductory workshop offers an overview of the information you need to start a

bu sin ess. Learn how to conduct feasibitity studies and devetop bu sin ess ptans; and
how to obtain the n ecessary ticenses and permits to b e a tegat bu sin ess in Pinettas

153. Who is most tikety to be interested in the workshop?

(A) A person interested in retait business
(B) A person interested in teaming business taw
(C) A person interested in tT business center
(D) A person interested in starting a business

154. What cannot be teamed from the workshop?

(A) How to conduct feasibitity studies

(B) How to deat with tegat issues
(C) How to devetop business ptans
(D) How to get business permits
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Questions 155 - 157 refer to the fottowing notice.

S O L t D W A S T E D !V !S !O N
Supervisor: Gtenn Santos

Tetephone: 5 0 8 -42 0-2258

Fax: 5 0 8 -42 8-9139

Office Hours: Sun thru Sat 7:30 to 3:30

Press Re!ease [June 15]

BarnesviHe Transfer Station and Recycting C enter

Effective Juty 1 st we witt be accepting #1 thru #7 Ptastics.

tn our continued effort to make recycting easier for residents of the Town of Bamesvitte, att

ptastics, tin cans and atuminum foit witt be put into one container.
Att paper and cardboard witt be put into another container. Gtass witt continue to be separated

into two containers. (Ctear and Mixed)

Ptease visit our recycting area and see our new setup.

1 5 5 . What is the main purpose of the notice?

(A) To announce the opening of the community center

(B) To recruit votunteers
(C) To announce a schedute change
(D) To inform residents of a change

1 5 6 . Which of the fottowing cannot be put together?

(A) Ptastics and atuminum

(B) Paper and cardboard
(C) Cardboard and gtass
(D) Tin cans and atuminum

1 5 7 . What can be teamed from the notice?

(A) The center received an award for its recycting effort.

(B) Gtenn Santos is in charge of the recycting office.
(C) The change witt be effective June 15.
(D) tt is the first time for the residents to imptement a recycting ptan.
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A ctuaH est2
1 7 0 i BIG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 5 8 - 160 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Membership has its advantages

Join now and get instant a cce ss to:

*Over one hundred downtoadabte manuats, handbooks, forms & more

*How-to artictes & speciat reports

*Searchabte database to find what you need quickty & easity

*Our members-onty discussion forum
*Knowtedge-buitding ontine seminars

*Audio programs with top industry experts

*Searchabte archives of Restaurant Startup & Growth magazine artictes

"Videotaped interviews with industry experts on a variety of topics

'Various industry surveys which reveat successfut practices of thousands of other restaurants

SPECtAL OFFER: Join now & receive a FREE subscription to Restaurant Startup & Growth
magazine. Join today to get att this and more. Just $12.99 a month. Cancet anytime.
Join now using our secure ontine order form.

158. To whom is this advertisement intended?

(A) Peopte who want a job
(B) Peopte who need medicat hetp
(C) Peopte who ptan business travet
(D) Peopte who are preparing for a restaurant business

159. Which is NOT avaitabte from

(A) Business forms
(B) Artictes
(C) Live interviews
(D) Survey resutts

160. What is an advertised advantage of joining earty?

(A) New membership discounts
(B) Free tectures
(C) Free audio programs
(D) A free magazine
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Q u e stio ns 161 - 163 refer to the foiiow ing notice.

C ontribute To Us

Today - You Can Make a Difference
Our mission is to em power every person to assist their communities in protecting the heatth of

their environment and the world. Whether you recycte at your curb every morning, cottect cans,

reuse materiats, attend events - everyone can contribute to our world. No effort is too smatt.

Donations to PLANET 911 are used to edu cate the genera) pubtic about the pubtic services

Actuat Test 1
provided by PLANET 9 1 1 . They are u sed for outreach to m ore environmentat service^ to

encom pass more peopte, to update and maintain recycting tistings, and to empower individual

with what they need to know to make a difference.

Your contribution witt hetp bring us ctoser to our goat of bringing communities and wortd together

into an environm ental conscious and heatthy future.

161. What is the goat of the organization?

(A) To raise pubtic awareness of the environment
(B) To improve pubtic services
(C) To encourage donations

Actuat Test 3
(D) To recruit environmentat activists

1 62. What is NOT mentioned as a way of contributing to the protection of the environment?

(A) Cottecting cans

(B) Educating peopte

(C) Attending events
(D) Recycting materiats

Actuat Test 4
163. What is NOT mentioned as a use of the donations?
(A) To update recycting tists
(B) To teach ordinary peopte
(C) To expand environmentat services
(D) To support environmentat activists
Actuat Test 5
More eBooks with high quality here
Actuat Test 2

Q uestions 1 6 4 - 1 6 6 refer to the fottowing notice.

Road Construction Notice for Kerry Wood Drive

Construction on Kerry Wood Drive betw een Taylor Drive and 58A Street wiH result in a
combination of road e n s u r e s and ).ocat detours over the next few w eeks.

The road closu re is required to allow contractors to instaH underground services, the
reconstruction of the 55, 56 and 57 Street intersections and the instaHation of traffic
relieving features on Kerry W ood Drive.

Construction begins today, S ep tem b er 20, and is expected to be com p lete by October
22. Motorists are advised to use atternate routes to get to their destinations.
W e thank you for your patience and cooperation.

For m ore information, please contact:

The City of North Dom
Engineering Services Department
(403) 3 4 2 -8 1 5 8

1 6 4 . Why is the road ctosure needed?

(A) To instatt traffic retieving features

(B) To pave Kerry W ood Drive
(C) To instatt traffic signats
(D) To instatt detour signs

1 6 5 . What witt happen on October 2 2 ?

(A) The road witt be d o sed .

(B) New traffic signats witt be instatted.
(C) The reconstruction of som e streets witt begin.
(D) The construction witt be comptete.

1 6 6 . What are drivers advised to do?

(A) To advise their cotteagues

(B) To take detours
(C) To report any probtems
(D) To use new roads
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Questions 167 - 169 refer to the fottowing jo b advertisement.

ChaHenging Career fo r the Career-Minded Person

R ea d y to a d v a n c e your c a r e e r ? A m erican Life tn suran ce is a 4 5 -y e a r -o t d , Fortune 5 0 0
com p an y currentty expanding into W ashington. )f you are highty motivated, peopte-oriented,
and hardworking, you m ay b e a great fit for our Brooks County branch.


"paid training
"com petitive w a g e s
"an exciting, professionat atm osphere to work in
"a chattenging career for the career-m inded person

Minimum quatifications: High sch oot d egree, m ore than 2 years futt-time work experience,
g o o d com m unications skitts. Driver's ticense is preferabte.

tdeat Characteristics:
- Dedicated to s u c c e s s
- tndependent
- Confident

- Sates Oriented
- D edicated to providing top quatity products and services to their custom ers

1 6 7 . What is true about the company?

(A) tt was estabtished 30 years ago.

(B) tt witt open a new branch.
(C) its sates have dectined.
(D) tt is seeking a new CEO.

1 6 8 . Which is offered by the company?

(A) Moving expenses

(B) Training
(C) Company housing
(D) Retirement package

1 6 9 . What is not indicated as a requirement for the position?

(A) Prior experience

(B) High schoot degree
(C) Driver's ticense
(D) Communications skitts
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Actuat Test 2
17 4 ; B )G S T E P T 0 E !C 3

Q uestions 1 7 0 - 172 refer to the fottowing announcem ent.

23rd Annua! State Fair

At Ftorida State Fairgrounds

tn cetebration of the extraordinary sights and so u n d s of the Fair, "N ow here But the Fair"
is the them e for this year's event.

tt is the onty ptace where famities and friends can gather to enjoy such a distinctive mix
of free entertainment, midway fo o d s, thritting rides, music concerts and shopping.

Atong with ctassic fair favorites such a s Ferris wheets and g a m es, there witt be ptenty of
n ew and d iv erse activities to entertain att, inctuding th e H ottyw ood C ircu s and the
Giraffic Park Exotic Petting Z o o . $ 1 0 for adutts, $ 5 for chitdren eteven and younger, and
free adm ission for kids five and younger.

A dvan ce discount tickets are avaitabte at ww starting next week. Parking
on the Fairgrounds is free. Cat) 1 -8 0 0 -3 4 5 -3 2 4 5 for m ore information.

170. What is speciat about the Fairgrounds?

(A) tt is the onty community park.
(B) tt is newty opened.
(C) tt is free for residents.
(D) tt is a good ptace for a famity gathering.

171. Which was NOT a part of the tast year's event?

(A) Hottywood Circus
(B) Ferris wheets
(C) Concerts
(D) Shopping

172. What is true about the fair?

(A) The mayor witt give an opening speech.
(B) Peopte can buy discount tickets on site.
(C) Five dottars witt be charged for att chitdren.
(D) Parking is free.
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Questions 173 - 176 refer to the fottowing articte.

On!ine shoppers count on free shipping

Expect m ore prom otions this hotiday season than ever before

This month, Kristen Roswett is ptanning to buy m ost o f her Christmas presents ontine at her

computer. She says one thing that reatty impresses her is : free shipping. "Free shipping is a huge
bonus," said the 35-year-otd mother. " t witt atways choose a retaiter that has free shipping when buying

something." ^

According to a study reteased by, an association of ontine retaiters, this hotiday

season 83 percent o f ontine retaiters surveyed ptan to provide free shipping promotions.

T w o years ago, onty 64 percent o f ontine retaiters offered free shipping.

Three-fourths of shoppers surveyed said free shipping offers are one of the most important factors
when they decide where to buy ontine. Consumers are expected to spend as much as $32 bittion

ontine this hotiday season, up ) 8 percent from 2005.

"O n tin e retaiters see free shipping as a necessary evit during the hotidays," said Etten Davis,
spokeswoman for "They know it motivates customers." Retaiters atso justify free shipping by

imposing conditions for the deats, requiring customers to meet certain minimums to get the offer.

Consequentty peopte tend to spend more and make unptanned purchases to quatify for free shipping.
H o st free shipping offers end in mid-December, so peopte who want to take advantage o f the

discounts need to shop earty, she said.

1 7 3 What is one of Kristen Roswett's reasons to buy items ontine?

(A) Free gifts (B) Discount offers
(C) Convenience (D) Free shipping

174. How many businesses offered free shipping two years ago?
(A) Nearly hatf of ontine retaiters (B) 83 percent of ontine retaiters
(C) 18 percent of ontine retaiters (D) 64 percent of ontine retaiters

175. What is cited as a consequence of free shipping offers?

(A) More discount offers (B) tmputse buying
(C) Decreasing customers purchasing ontine (D) Quick purchase

1 76. What is Etten Davis's recommendation for shoppers?

(A) Take quick action (B) Take advantage of discounts
(C) Spend more to quatify for free shipping (D) Ask for free shipping
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Actua [Test 2
176 j S )G S T E P T 0 E IC 3

Q uestions 1 7 7 - 1 8 0 refer to the fottowing manuat.

Basic Electrica! Safety

Precautions and Procedures:
Safety is att abou t preventing accidents. Persona) injury typicatty occurs because safety
precautions are either not teamed, or they are not practiced. This safety manuat is offering
some basic safety procedures and precautions to hetp ensure your safety when servicing your

tf you cannot operate basic toots, you shoutd not attempt to maintain or repair any of y6ur
major apptiances. Cat) an apptiance repair technician if any repair or maintenance procedure is

not understood. Keep a first aid kit near by. Be aware of and know how to use the contents
of the first aid kit. tt is atso a good idea to have a fire extinguisher handy just in case of an


Safety precautions are retativety simitar for att of the major apptiances. Make sure to pay dose

attention to any and att safety cautions and warnings posted on the apptiance being serviced.
Understanding and adhering to these safety tips can greatty reduce the risk of persona) injury.

tndividua! Safety Precautions:

Protecting yoursetf from injury and harm is absotutety imperative. W e strongtysuggest that

before you begin to maintain, instatt or service any of your apptiances, you strictty adhere to

each of the fottowing:

*A!ways wear gtoves. A sharp edge on an apptiance can hurt and/or cut your hands.
*Be sure to wear safety boots. You can cause serious injury to unprotected feet by dropping

any heavy apptiances or toots.

*Refrain from wearing toose ctothing. Loose ctothes can get caught in an operating apptiance.

*Remember to remove any jewetry when servicing an apptiance.

*W ear safety gtasses to guard your eyes from any dust or ftying debris.

*Make sure you use the correct toots and that they are ctean and in good condition.
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f )

1 7 7 . When does persona! injury usuaiiy happen?

(A) When a person does not refer to a safety manuai

(B) When a person is not aware of safety precautions
(C) When a person tries to fix home apptiances atone
(D) When a person doesn't have a first aid kit

1 7 8 . What is advised for peopte who are not famitiar with using basic toots?

(A) To ask for professionat hetp
(B) To see user guidetines

Actuai Test 1
(C) To cati a customer support desk
(D) To prepare a fire extinguisher

1 7 9 . What is suggested as a way of reducing the risk of persona) injury?

(A) Keep a first aid kit near by
(B) Use extreme caution when servicing apptiances

(C) Atways cat) an apptiance repair technician
(D) Read and fottow safety precautions posted on apptiances

180. What is recommended to prevent injuries caused by dropping heavy toots?

(A) Refrain from wearing toose ctothing
(B) Wear gioves
(C) Remove any jewetry
(D) Wear safety boots

Actuat Test 3
Actuai Test 4
Actuat Test 5
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Actua [Test 2
17 8 BIG STEP T O B C 3

Q uestions 181 - 1 8 5 refer to the fottowing notice and articte.

Welcome to The Georgian Terrace Hotel

Since 1 9 1 2 , The G eorgian Terrace Hotel has been the ven u e of choice for A tlan ta's most
prom inen t events, in clu d in g h ostin g the w o rld prem iere reception for "G o n e W ith the
W in d " in 1939.
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the hotel has linked its storied past with
and 30 7 spacious and elegant suites along w ith state-of-the-art conference facilities.

The hotel offers the latest technology in 16,000 square feet of elegant function space, as well
as bilingual world-class staff to assist with both intemationai business meetings and special
social events.

The Georgian Terrace Hotel. Historic, yet ahead of its time.

Georgian Terrace Historic Renovation

Attanta, Georgia

The renovation of this historic Attanta tandmark hotet, buitt in 1912 , inciuded the creation
o f 8 0 units within the origina) structure, the design of a new 19-sto ry, 214-u n it tower,
5 3 ,0 0 0 SF of retait and entertainment sp a c e , a renovation of the originat pubtic sp a c e s
and banquet facitities, a roof top swimming poot and a nine-tevet, 7 0 0 -s p a c e parking

The project received an award from the Attanta Urban Design C om m ission, in 1992.
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181. What kind of event was hetd in the Georgian Terrace Hotet?
(A) A reception for a famous movie
(B) A summit meeting
(C) A music concert

(D) An intemationai conference

1 82. What can be inferred about the hote) emptoyees?

(A) They receive intensive training.

(B) They speak foreign tanguages.

(C) They att have certificates.
(D) They received many awards.

Actuai Test 1
1 83. What is NOT true about the hotet?
(A) !t is tisted on the Nationat Register of Historic Ptaces.
(B) !t has state-of-the-art conference facitities.
(C) tt has recentty opened a new branch.
(D) it has 307 suites.

1 8 4 . Which was NOT inctuded in the renovation work?
(A) A swimming poot
(B) Entertainment space
(C) A business center
(D) Banquet facitities

1 85. What is true about the renovation project?

(A) tt took more than 5 years.
(B) tt was finished in 1992.

Actuai Test 3
(C) it faced opposition from tocat residents.
(D) it received an award.

Actuai Test 4
Actuai Test 5

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Actuat Test 2
180 s t e STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 8 6 - 190 refer to the fottowing advertisement and notice.

P!ay Jazz Festiva! Tickets

To buy Ptay Jazz Festiva) tickets ontine, ptease setect the sh ow from the Ptay
Jazz Festiva) schedute betow. On C oastT oC oastT you'tt find premium

Ptay Jazz Festiva) concert tickets for att Ptay Jazz Festiva) concerts a s we)) a s

com prehensive concert sch edu tes and information. W e're happy to he)p you find

so)d-out tickets to Ptay Jazz Festiva) con certs ontine or by phone at 1 -8 6 6 -3 5 3 -

516 7 .

Availability & Shipping

Coast to Coast Tickets provides the most comprehensive inventory of Ptay Jazz Festiva) tickets
avaitabte on the market.

)f the Ptay Jazz Festiva) tickets you are tooking for are not avaitabte, ptease check back as our
inventory is constancy updated. Orders for Ptay jazz Festiva) tickets that are no tonger avaitabte
witt be cancetted or substituted at the customer's discretion.
At) Ptay Jazz Festiva) tickets are shipped by Express Mai).
)f you woutd tike to attend a Ptay Jazz Festiva) show )ive in person, is your source. provides schedutes and
information for tive performances featuring Ptay Jazz Festiva).
Whether you just want tickets that wit) get you into the show or you prefer premium seats right
up front, we make it easy to buy Ptay Jazz Festiva) tickets ontine or by phone.
White we are proud to offer our customers an industry-teading setection of Ptay Jazz Festivat
Concert tickets at competitive prices, we are equatty committed to providing extensive Ptay Jazz
Festivat information. O ur site inctudes Ptay Jazz Festivat schedutes, Venue seating charts, Venue
directions, and Ptay Jazz Festivat background and history.

Ptease Note: Ptay Jazz Festivat tickets may be sotd for more than the price tisted on the ticket.

Untess specificatty stated, we are not affitiated with any officia) Ptay Jazz Festivat
website, any Ptay Jazz Festivat box office or any Ptay Jazz Festivat fan ctubs,
partners, or sponsors.
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1 8 6 . What can customers get from

(A) Concert schedutes

(B) Sponsor's information
(C) Discount tickets
(D) Locations of box offices

1 8 7 . Why does the company advise customers to check back to its website?

(A) To find atready sotd-out tickets

(B) To receive speciat discounts
(C) To becom e a regutar member
(D) To be etigibte for free tickets

1 8 8 . Why is the site a good source for a person ptanning to attend a show in person?

(A) They offer discounted tickets.

(B) They give brochures for free.
(C) They provide schedutes and information for tive performances.
(D) They guarantee front seats.

1 8 9 . How can customers get a ticket?

(A) By mait
(B) At a concert hat)
(C) tn person
(D) At the office

1 9 0 . What can be inferred from the notice?

(A) is operated by Ptay Jazz Festivat sponsors.

(B) is owned by a Ptay Jazz Festivat fan ctub.
(C) offers onty concert tickets.
(D) is not retated to the officiat Ptay Jazz Festivat site.
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Actuat Test 2

Q uestions 191 - 1 9 5 refer to the foiiowing notice and articie.

Purchasing Guideiines

F o r tab use: Suppiies m ust be ordered th ro u g h standard procedure using the standard
officiai form , and charged to an active un ive rsity account num ber.

F o r office use: Certain sup plies are kept in stock in the department and can be picked
up on an as-needed basis fro m the su p p ly office. Th e standard officia! fo rm is not
required fo r these items untess they are intended fo r lab use.
The se are the in-stock items:
'p e n s, penciis
*paper clips/binding d ip s
* Post-it notes, yellow , severat size s
'tin e d note pads, ye iio w o r w hite , tw o sizes: 5 "x 8 " and 8 .5 " x l l "
'h a n g in g fiie foiders, dark green
*ro its of scotch tape (dispenser refiils)
'overhead projector m arkers
'co rre c tio n ftuid

if w h a t yo u need is not on th is iist, o th e r su p p lie s can be ordered fro m Corporate

Exp re ss Co.
As N o rth e rn U n iv e rsity 's preferred office sup p iy vendor. Corporate Exp re ss Co. stocks
an extensive iist of items fo r next-day o r second-day deiivery.
To find the items you need, b o rro w th e ir cataiog from Carol Sera in the sup ply office.
Th e prices listed in the catalog are usually discounted up to 4 5 % .

F o r item s that are not in stock o r are not avaiiabie from Corporate Expre ss, catalogs
from other recommended N U Supply V end ors are avaiiabie. Th e ordering procedure is
the same as above.

Att purchases m ade for NU purposes are tax-exem pt; most vendors witt not charge sates
tax if you present them with a co p y of the State Tax Exemption Letter at the time of
purchase. !f you do pay saies tax, it is not reimbursabte in most cases.

The State Tax Exemption Letter must be obtained from Denies Brian.
/Vo/e; 77i/s /efter m ay b e u sed on/y for p u rch ases /n /en d ed for un/vers/fy use. ML/'s fax
exempt/on /s not /or persona/ use by /nd/v/dua/s, /acu//y, sfa% or sfudenfs.
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191. When shouid the standard officiai form be submitted?
(A) When facuity members want to purchase office suppiies
(B) When staff members need suppiies for tab use
(C) When emptoyees need penciis for their offices

(D) When stocks are tow

1 92. What is an advantage of ordering items from Corporate Express C o.'s cataiog?
(A) Empioyees can choose from an extensive iist of items.
(B) items wiii be directiy deiivered to the requester.

(C) Substantiai discounts wiii be given for buik orders.
(D) Suppiies wiii be deiivered on the sam e day.

Actual Test 1
193. What is Denies Brian's responsibiiity?
(A) She is in charge of the suppiy office.
(B) She provides cataiogs from vendors.
(C) She represents Corporate Express Co.
(D) She distributes the State Tax Exemption Letter.

194. What shouid be done to get tax-exemption?
(A) An officiai document shouid be presented.
(B) An authorized request form shouid be sent to the vendor after the purchase.
(C) An officiai approvai from a supervisor shouid be gained first.
(D) Suppiies shouid be ordered using the standard officiai form.

1 95. What is true about tax-exemption?

(A) it can be used for personai purposes.
(B) tt is appiied to ait purchases from the recommended NU Suppiy Vendors.

Actua) Test 3
(C) if a person pays sates tax, it can be reimbursed iater.
(D) Students can enjoy the tax benefits when purchasing for office use.

Actuai Test 4
Actuai Test 5
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Actuat Test 2
184 ! BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 9 6 - 2 0 0 refer to the fottowing articte and information.

Ohio Workp!aces Are Smoke Free As Of December 7, 2006

Ohio employees are breathing easier since December 7, 2006, when Issue 5, a
statewide ban on smoking in public ptaces, took effect. The smoking ban affects
atl Ohio employers, public and private. The effects of this ban are significant. As
of December 7, 2006, it is iltegal to smoke not only inside Ohio buildings but atso
in areas immediately adjacent to any entrances or exits. The law specifically bans
smoking in the fottowing areas: restrooms, storage areas, stairwetts, garages an<j
emptoyer-owned vehicles. Smoking is prohibited in these areas at all times. Fines
for employers who violate this taw range from $100 to $2,500 per violation.

L o catio n s W here Sm oking !s Permitted

White the ban is w idespread, it d o e s not comptetety etiminate smoking in Ohio.

Emptoyers can stitt permit sm oking on their outdoor prem ises, s o tong a s there is a
sufficient distance betw een the sm oking area and the entrances, w indow s and

ventitation sy ste m s to the buitding s o that sm o k e cannot migrate inside. White the

Department of Heatth has not yet estabtished a set distance, Jackson Lewis
reco m m en d s at teast 2 5 to 30 feet betw een the sm oking area and any entrances,

w indow s or ventitation sy ste m s.

Emptoyers can atso permit sm oking on outdoor patios, s o tong a s the patio either (a)
has no roof; or (b) has a roof but no m ore than two sides. The outdoor patio must atso

be of a sufficient distance aw ay from entrances, w indow s and ventitation sy stem s so

that sm o k e d o e s not migrate inside.

Sm oking is atso permitted in the fottowing areas:

*Private residences untess the private residence operates a chitdcare or adutt care

center for com pensation.

*Hotets, m otets and other steeping todges. The taw timits the number of smoking room s
to 2 0 % of the totat steeping room s. Hotets can further timit smoking in their facitities or

c h o o s e to b e sm oke-free.
*Nursing h o m es but onty for residents who are attowed to sm o k e in designated areas.

Such designated areas m ust be separatety enctosed s o that sm oke d o e s not enter

entrances, window s or ventitation sy ste m s. Ptease note that nursing hom e em ptoyees
are within their rights to refuse to enter and/or perform services in the smoking areas.

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1 96. What wit! happen if emptoyers fai! to compty with the !aw?

(A) They wit) be put into a prison.

(B) They wi!) have to designate a smoking room.
(C) They wit) have to ctose their businesses.

(D) They wit) be fined.

197. Which ptace is NOT inctuded in the non-smoking areas?

(A) Restrooms
(B) Warehouses

(C) Outdoor parking tots
(D) Garages

Actua! Test 1
198. What can be true about the smoking ban?
(A) Att buitdings are smoke-free inctuding outdoor premises.
(B) The Department of Heatth is in charge of enforcing the taw.
(C) Many companies have strongty opposed the taw.
(D) it has received strong support from residents.

1 99. tn which case is smoking not attowed in a private residence?
(A) !f it has no ventitation system s
(B) !f it has a chitdcare faciiity
(C) !f it has no designated areas
(D) tf it is ctose to pubtic areas

2 0 0 . What can be inferred about nursing home emptoyees?

(A) They are non-smokers.
(B) They are not aitowed to smoke white on duty.

Actua! Test 3
(C) They have the right to refuse to work in the smoking areas.
(D) They receive compensation for working with smoking patients.

Actua! Test 4
Actua! Test 5
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Actual Test 3
188 } BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Listening Test
!n the Listening test, you wit! be asked to dem onstrate how we!) you understand spoken
Engtish. The entire Listening test wit! tast approxim ate^ 4 5 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate
answ er sh eet. Do not write your answ ers in your test book.

Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you witt hear four statem ents about a picture in
your test book. W hen you hear the statem ents, you must setect the one statem ent that
b est d escribes what you s e e in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your
answ er sh eet and mark your answer. The statem ents witt not be printed in your test book
and witt be spoken onty one time.

Look at the exam pte item betow.

Now tisten to the four statem ents.

Sam pte Answ er

(A ) (B ) * (D )

Statem ent ( C ) , "They're standing near the tabte," is the best description of the picture, so
you shoutd setect answ er (C ) and mark it on your answ er sheet.
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Actua! Test 4 Actua) Test 5


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Actuat Test 3



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Actuat Test 2
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Actuat Test 3
192 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

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Actua) Test 2


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Actual Test 4 Actua) Test 5

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Actuat Test 3
194 ! BIG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 2
Directions: You wit! hear a question or statem ent and three resp o n ses spoken in Engtish.
They wi!) not b e printed in your test book and wiH be spoken onty one time. Setect the best
resp o n se to the question or statem ent and mark the tetter ( A ) , ( B ) , or (C) on your answer


You witt hear: W here is the meeting room ?

You witt atso hear: (A) To m eet the new director. *

(B) tt's the first room on the right.
(C) Y e s, at tw o o'ctock.

The b est resp o n se to the question "W h ere is the meeting r o o m ?" is choice ( B ) , "tt's the first
room on the right." so (B ) is the correct answer. You shoutd mark answ er (B ) on your
answ er sheet.

1 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 6 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

1 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 8 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

1 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 9 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 6 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 1 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 7 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 2 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 8 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 3 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 9 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 4 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

2 0 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 5 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

2 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 6 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 8 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 9 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 4 0 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
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Directions: You wit) hear so m e conversations betw een tw o peopte. You wi!! be asked to
answ er three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Setect the best
resp o n se to each question and mark the tetter ( A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D) on your answ er sheet.
The conversations witt not be printed in your test book and wit! be spoken onty one time.

41. What did the woman ptan to do?

(A) Take Chinese tessons

(B) Give a tecture
(C) Listen to a tatk
(0) Have tunch

42. What is the woman's probtem?

(A) Att the seats are taken.
(B) She cannot find the room.
(C) She has arrived tate.
(D) She doesn't know the time.

43. What does the man suggest that the woman do?

(A) Go to another speech

(B) Have tunch next door
(C) Arrive for the seminar eartier
(D) Wait untit the speech is done

44. Who does the woman want to speak to?

(A) Mrs. Btake

(B) The shipping manager
(C) The receptionist
(D) The assistant manager

45. Why does the woman feet anxious?

(A) She is going on a business trip.
(B) There is an emergency.
(C) She doesn't know the manager.
(D) Her shipment has not arrived.

46. What witt the man probabty do next?

(A) Speak to Mr. Btake's ctients directty
(B) Transfer the catt to Mr. Btake's mobite phone
(C) Transfer the catt to the assistant manager
(D) Change his business trip arrangements
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A ctuaH est3
196 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

47. Where most tikety are the speakers?

(A) At a schoot
(B) At a banquet
(C) At a business meeting
(D) At a party

48. What did Joe) bring for the chitdren?

(A) Coats
(B) Toys
(C) A bag
(D) Books

49. What does Phyttis say about Joet's gift?

(A) tt is a good idea.
(B) tt is too expensive.
(C) !t is boring.
(D) tt is inappropriate.

50. Why does the woman want a card?

(A) There's a speciat offer for account hotders.
(B) She betieves it witt be convenient on trips.
(C) The bank is waiving annua) fees.
(D) An otd card has expired.

51. What does the man ask the woman to do?

(A) Leave detaits at the front desk
(B) Wait white he checks a record
(C) Fit) out som e forms
(D) Verify an amount

52. When can the woman expect her card?

(A) By evening
(B) Within two days
(C) After five days
(D) tn ten days
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53. What is the woman's probtem?
(A) She was overcharged.
(B) She did not send payment.
(C) She did not receive the bit).
(D) She paid the wrong amount.

5 4. Why is the woman's bit) more expensive than it shoutd be?

(A) She spent a tot of time on the tntemet.
(B) She made many overseas catts.
(C) She didn't pay her tast phone bit).
(D) She found catts that she didn't make.

55. What d oes the man recommend the woman to do?

(A) Contact the phone company
(B) Catt a company in the U.S.
(C) Change to a monthty service
(D) Make fewer tong distance catts

56. Who is the order for?

(A) A new emptoyee
(B) A ctient
(C) Paut
(D) The president

57. What is the probtem with the order?

(A) tt was not shipped right away.
(B) tt was canCeted.
(C) tt is too expensive.
(D) tt did not arrive on time.

58. What witt Paut do next?

(A) Separate the orders
(B) Ptace one big order
(C) Cancet both orders
(D) Ask for free shipping

w w w .n h a n triv ie t.c o m

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Actuat Test 3

59. What does Mark want to do for his vacation?

(A) Fty to Europe

(B) Visit Liz
(C) Work out at the gym
(D) Stay home

60. Why is the ftight price expensive?

(A) The booking was made tate.
(B) tt is a busy time of year.
(C) The sate has ended.
(D) The man is traveting first-ctass.

61. What does the woman suggest that the man do?
(A) Find a new travet agent
(B) Go to a different tocation
(C) Stay with his famity
(D) Check prices on the tntemet

62. What is the woman scheduted to do the next day?

(A) A tunch meeting
(B) A dinner meeting
(C) A conference catt
(D) A ptanning session

63. When is the woman's appointment?

(A) 9:30 a.m.
(B) 11:00 a.m.
(C) 12:00 p.m.
(D) 6:00 p.m.

64. How does Brian feet about the woman's request?

(A) Happy
(B) Satisfied
(C) Excited
(D) Stressed

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65. Who is David Jones?

(A) A ctient
(B) A new boss
(C) A friend of Ms. Garcia
(D) A job seeker

66. What is the man catting about?

(A) His apptication

(B) His interview
(C) A meeting
(D) An advertisement

67. What witt the man probabty do next?

(A) Tatk to Ms. Garcia directty
(B) Catt Ms. Garcia's assistant
(C) Submit a new apptication form
(D) Check his resume

68. Where are the speakers?

(A) At a bus station
(B) On a train
(C) On a ptane
(D) tn a restaurant

69. What time witt they arrive at the station?

(A) 8 a.m.
(B) 10 a.m.
(C) 1 p.m.
(D) 3:45 p.m.

70. Where did the man study?

(A) tn New York

(B) tn London
(C) At Cotumbia
(D) At Oxford
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Actuat Test 3

Part 4
Directions: You wi!) hear so m e tatks given by a singte speaker. You witt be asked to answer
three questions about what the speaker sa y s in each tatk. Setect the best response to each
question and mark the tetter ( A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D) on your answer sheet. The tatks witt not be
printed in your test book and witt be spoken onty one time.

7 1. What is the purpose of this m essage?

(A) To cottect a bit)
(B) To return a product
(C) To reserve a tabte
(D) To get a ctarification

72. What probtem is mentioned?

(A) Too much money has been wasted.

(B) The amount figures do not match.
(C) The company is canceting a payment.
(D) A new request has to be made.

73. What is Vinay asked to do?

(A) Fit) out another sheet
(B) Confirm a date
(C) Catt back soon
(D) Contact his supervisor

74. What is the purpose of this announcement?

(A) tt is going out of business on June 21.
(B) tt is changing its name to the Cartingview Castte.
(C) tt is retocating to a targer venue downtown.
(D) tt is dosing for two weeks for renovations.

75. When is The Charter Bar reopening?

(A) June 7
(B) June 15
(C) June 21
(D) June 16

76. Where is the Cartingview Castte?

(A) Two btocks north of The Charter Bar
(B) Three btocks east of Unger's Video Shop
(C) One btock south of The Charter Bar
(D) Four btocks west of Unger's Video Shop
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7 7. Who is Tex Fritzwater?
(A) A high schoot graduate
(B) A timousine driver
(C) The owner of the rentat company
(D) A sates agent

7 8. According to the advertisement, why woutd teenagers need a timousine?

(A) For shopping with friends
(B) For high schoot graduation prom
(C) For visiting the tocat airport
(D) For hotding birthday parties

7 9. What is being offered for free?

(A) A timousine rentat for teenagers
(B) A return trip to Lewis Mattard Airport
(C) A high schoot graduation party
(D) A $300 coupon for regutar customers

80. What does the study mainty say?

(A) Men with dogs tead heatthier tives.
(B) Dogs need to be treated property.
(C) Men without d ogs have tess stress.
(D) Dogs are harmfut to senior citizens.

81. What age were the participants in the study?

(A) Over 55 years of age
(B) Over 63 years of age
(C) Over 75 years of age
(D) Over 80 years of age

82. What magazine witt show the findings of the study?

(A) Seniors Heatth Monthty

(B) Dog Discoveries Magazine
(C) Animat Exercise Magazine
(D) The Heart Disease Joumat
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Actuat Test 3

83. Who is this tatk for?

(A) Engineers
(B) Actors
(C) Tourists
(D) Lawyers

84. Where can the tisteners see the water pipes?

(A) On a hittside
(B) tnside a pavition
(C) At the gateway
(D) Under a dome
85. What witt happen next?
(A) An announcement witt be made.
(B) A guided tour witt begin.
(C) A handout witt be given.
(D) A speciat event witt start.

86. According to the speaker, in which of the fottowing countries does Omnicraft, tnc. NOT have its

(A) Japan
(B) France
(C) Argentina
(D) Engtand

87. When did Mr. Robert Crownwatd becom e a mittionaire?

(A) 1967
(B) 1988
(C) 1995
(D) 1998

88. What is Mr. Robert Crownwatd the co-owner of?

(A) Omnicraft, tnc.
(B) Cannington Canes
(C) Leathertee Crafts
(D) Schtichter and Sons

w w w .n h a n m
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. * i
Part 4 j 2 0 3

< -

8 9. What is the purpose of this tatk?

(A) To show emptoyees how to use Lifemait
(B) To show emptoyees how to a cce ss Financetext
(C) To show emptoyees how to repair computers 3
(D) To show emptoyees how to register for an ontine course o

90. What witt Ariet Johnson show emptoyees first? o


(A) How to a cce ss the company's database

(B) How to com p ose and send e-mait
(C) How to send attachments and fites
(D) How to downtoad Lifemait on their computers

9 1. What is the Lifemait program famous for? % s

(A) The simptest design V)

(B) Being immune to computer viruses

(C) 1GB of ontine data storage for each user
(D) tts capacity to btock junk mait

9 2. Who most tikety is the speaker?
(A) A news reporter
(B) A motorist
(C) A car sates person
(D) A mayor

93. What happened near Servo Street and Dante Avenue?

(A) A targe detivery van broke down.
(B) A smatt schoot bus hit a pote.
(C) A motorcycte had a ftat tire.
(D) A smatt pickup truck ftipped over.

94. Where did the group of 14 ducks cross safety?

(A) French Lane

(B) Dante Avenue a
(C) Garbo Crescent
(D) Servo Street

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Actuat Test 3
204 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

95. Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(A) Government officiais
(B) Regionat residents
(C) Garbage cottectors
(D) Book readers

96. When wi!) the recycting program begin?

(A) May 8
(B) June 1
(C)June 8
(D) May 1

97. What is NOT permitted in the btue recycting box?

(A) Cardboard
(B) Newspaper
(C) Pop cans
(D) Books

98. Where is the tecture taking ptace?

(A) At the Stein way Historicat Society
(B) At the Margo Yettowfoot Theater
(C) At the Herman Muntz Auditorium
(D) At the Jocetyn Rom wet t Center

99. What is the topic of the tecture?

(A) The rote of technotogy throughout history
(B) How mobite phones have changed business
(C) The tife and times of Hermann Muntz
(D) The importance of gtobat communication

1 00. What is the audience asked to do?

(A) Listen intentty to the tecture
(B) Turn off their mobite phones
(C) Stay seated during the tecture
(D) Ask questions near the end

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Actuat Test 3

Reading Test

)n the Reading test, you witt read a variety of texts and answ er severat different types of
reading com prehension questions. The entire Reading test witt tast 75 minutes. There are
three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answ er a s many
questions a s possibte within the time attowed.

You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in the
test book.

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sen ten ces betow. Four answer choices
are given betow each sen ten ce. Setect the b est answ er to com ptete the sentence. Then mark
the tetter ( A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D) on your answ er sheet.

1 0 1 . The existing taw which appties to every case 104. Today a )ot of manufacturing firms have been
requires equat treatment for att,---------- race, t o o --------about investment, opting to amass
retigion, or sex. cash reserves instead.
(A) in spite of (A) caution
(B) due to (B) cautiousness
(C) regardtess of (C) cautious
(D) on behatf of (D) cautiousty

1 0 2 . Emptoyees sh ou td--------trust nor betieve 105. There are many fotk cuttures on the istand,
other emptoyees, since peopte are onty out which are ........ distinct from the maintand.
for themsetves. (A) dearer
(A) or (B) ctearty
(B) and (C) ctearest
(C) both (D) cteared
(D) neither
1 06. t - a summer camp in New York tast
1 0 3 . The first month of the c o u r s e --------particip summer and enjoyed supervising a group of
ants with an overatt understanding of criticism four chitdren.
in genera). (A) have worked
(A) provides (B) have been working
(B) protest (C) witt have worked
(C) approach (D) worked
(D) offer

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107. tt was the first time James fett that he had 113. A targe number of peopte tiving in the country
achieved something, which is pretty difficutt side depend directty or indirectty the
b y ---------- . tobacco business.

(A) him (A) for

(B) his (B) on
(C) himsetf (C)in
(D) he (D) with

1 0 8 . tn recent years there has been a continuousty 1 14. The recent scandat, which is ctosety retated
to the potiticat corruption, definitety............ to

growing concern over the effects of the
use o f --------- fertitizers. their defeat in the tast etection.

Actuat Test 1
(A) tender (A) expected ^
(B) obstinate (B) contributed
(C) deticious (C) reached
(D) artificiat (D) organized

109. for the extra positions at StO company 115. Onty a few government ministers reached a

are required to p o ssess at teast ten years of 24-month agreement which was newty
experience in the fietd. revised,---------- from January 1.

Actuai Test 2
(A) Apptication (A) arrogant
(B) An appticant (B) competitive
(C) Appty (C) efficient
(D) Appticants (D) effective

1 1 0 . During the war, a tot of companies in Japan 116. YP tntemationat i s ---------carrying out projects

were abte to a d d ---------- to their weatth by to devetop gas mines in Oman, Vietnam and
setting deadty weapons. Myanmar.

(A) consider (A) currentty

(B) consideration (B) quickty
(C) consideratety (C) significantty
(D) considerabty (D) promptty

1 1 7 . tn order t o ....... cutting-edge stem cett break

111. The issue regarding the Automated tnstant
Debit program witt be d isc u sse d ------detait at throughs to humans, they shoutd be inexpensive
the upcoming conference. and provide consistent resutts.

Actuai Test 4
(A) on (A) apptied
(B) in (B) appty
(C) during (C) apptication
(D) for (D) apptying

112. --------- minor it is, you shoutd report any car 118. The friendship and cooperation in vast fietds
accident to the headquarters as soon as it witt enabte both s i d e s --------further and team
happens. the wider world.
Actuat Test 5

(A) Atthough (A) to see

(B) Despite (B) seeing
(C) As (C )seen
(D) However (D) sees
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Actuat Test 3

1 1 9 . Grace Airlines ptans to spend $60 mittion 1 2 5 . MK, one of the promising car manufacturers,
seats on 12 of their medium- and targe is becoming extremety---------in the U.S.
sized aircraft by the end of 2008. market, expanding their budgets for tobbying.
(A) upgrade (A) aggressor
(B) to upgrade (B) aggressiveness
(C) upgrading (C) aggressivety
(D) upgraded (D) aggressive

1 2 0 . The other banks are going to be very eager to 1 2 6 . The M W C K ,--------- in 2004, is the country's
h etp ,--------- they see that he has a specific first state-funded center for migrant workers
ptan. atthough it is not so powerfut as to advocate
(A) otherwise their right.
(B) in spite of (A) to find *
(C) provided that (B) finding
(D) that (C) founded
(D) found
1 2 1 . The report written by the marketing depart
ment showed that overatt prices are up 7 .5 % 1 2 7 . From 2008, a femate worker witt b e ---------for
--------- the previous quarter. the chitdcare teave white her chitd is under
(A) white three years of age.
(B) since (A) tikety
(C) during (B) etigibte
(D) within (C) responsibte
(D) retiabte
1 22. ---------att those apptying for the new opening
position, Ms. Etizabeth was the most 1 2 8 . Chinatown is known as the center of com
experienced candidate. merce and cutture for Chinese immigrants, as
(A)tn wett as a ptace t o --------- them of their
(B) For hometand.
(C) Against (A) recatt
(D)Of (B) remind
(C) remember
1 23. My strict supervisor tends to atways tock our (D) memorize
desk before he is teaving his o ffic e --------- that
nobody can steat anything. 1 2 9 . --------- the bad apptes and throwing them out

(A) such witt prevent the whote barret from rotting.

(B) so (A) Setecting
(C) because (B) Setect
(D) as (C) Setected
(D) Setection
1 24. tt has a major im p act--------- the production of
banana cuttivators and is widespread in Asia, 1 3 0 . Cadets have t o --------- 1 9 9 credits for
Africa, Austratia, South America and many graduation, compared to the average of 1 3 0
other regions. credits at most tocat universities.
(A) that (A) compteted
(B) to (B) compteting
(C )o f (C) comptetion
(D) on (D) comptete

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131 T h e --------of these ancient buria! grounds has 136 Att the detaits on the recent project shoutd be
given us a tot of usefut information about their com p teted ---------to the departure of our
cutture. detegation on Aprit 8, 2007.

(A) survive (A) before

(B) survivor (B) advance
(C) survivat (C) prior
(D) survey (D) tate

1 3 2 . As m entioned------------in the annua) genera) 137 The board of directors decided to take -.........
meeting, these observations raised many action to minimize the damage caused by the
questions on the causes of insomnia. cancettation of the upcoming convention.

(A) previous (A) short

(B) previousty (B) immediate %
(C) preview (C) remote
(D) prevention (D) stow

1 3 3 . W e are tooking .......... tourist guides who have 1 3 8 . Att peopte who want to make intemationat
broad knowtedge of the European history to catts by using the pay phone need to diat the
work in Engtand in the summer months. --------- code first.

(A) to (A) dress

(B) after (B) security
(C) for (C) country
(D)at (D) secret

1 3 4 . The new committee estabtished by many 1 3 9 . The money is among the highest ever paid for
speciat prosecutors unanimousty------ to a first novet, and i s ---------more unusuat when
accept the offers and futfitt them immediatety. the writer's background is considered.

(A) approached (A) extremety

(B) decided (B) so
(C) received (C) very
(D) postponed (D) even

1 3 5 . Att emptoyees in our factory are going to 1 4 0 . The nation's economic growth ra te...........
receive a speciat bonus this month because sharpty over the next five years if there is no
s a t e s ---------- the third quarter reached a speciat obstacte.
record high. (A) increase
(A) on (B) has increased
(B) with (C) witt increase
(C) off (D) increases

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Actuat Test 3

Part 6

Directions: Read the texts on the fottowing p a g es. A word or phrase is missing in so m e of the
sen ten ces. Four answ er ch o ices are given betow each of th ese sen ten ces. Setect the best
answ er to com ptete the text. Then mark the tetter (A ), (B ), ( C ) , or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 141 - 1 4 3 refer to the fottowing bu sin ess tetter.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 --------------------------------------

T h om as R. Smith Drivers C o.
3 4 8 9 Greene Ave.
Otympia, W A 9 8 5 0 2

Dear Mr. Smith,

t w a s v e r y ----------- to read your tetter of A ugust 17 deating with the issue of incorrectty produced

141. (A) disappointing

(B) disappointment
(C) disappointed
(D) disappoints

pubticity teaftets. A s so m e o n e who vatues your bu sin ess, t have atready begun to find a --------------

1 4 2 . (A) evotution
(B) sotution
(C) revotution
(D) accomptishment

to resotve this probtem.

My top photographer witt catt you to arrange an appointment at your eartiest possibte
convenience to retake photos in futt cotor. Atso, w e witt deduct another 15 percent of the bit) for
the misunderstanding. Thank you for y o u r ----------- .

143. (A) patient

(B) patientty
(C) patience
(D) practice


Richard Brown
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Part6 j 211

Q uestions 1 4 4 - 1 4 6 refer to the fottowing information.

C om pan ies are con stan cy downsizing and offering early retirement to em ptoyees are

1 4 4 . (A) what
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) which

near retirement a ge. You can m ake this tess traumatic if you do so m e ptanning before it
h a p p e n s .-------------at your financiat situation and ctear up any major debts, put back m oney for

145. (A) Looking

(B) Looked
(C) Look
(D) To took

em ergencies, don't fatt victim to credit card debt, and tive ------- your m eans.

1 4 6 . (A) on
(B) with
(C) within
(D) out

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Actuat Test 3
212 BtG ST E P TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 4 7 - 1 4 9 refer to the fottowing information.

A s the Hotidays wind dow n, many peopte witt b e ..........................what to do with their Christmas

1 4 7 . (A) wondered
(B) w onders
(C) wonder
(D) wondering

Tree, tf you have a reat Tannenbaum , you can sen d back to the earth from which it cam e
----------recycting it.

1 4 8 . (A) in
(B) on
(C) by
(D) to

M ore and m ore com m unities are operating program s to recycte reat Christmas Trees for a
specific purpose, tn a r e c e n t -------------, 6 9 % of con su m ers reported recycting their reat
1 4 9 . (A) convey
(B) survey
(C) accident
(D) product

Christmas Tree in such a tocat program.

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P art6 213

Questions 150 - 152 refer to the foiiowing advertisement.

/M r & C a r g o is a ----------------- o n e -sto p shopping giobat transport togistics service that

1 5 0 . (A) com p tetes
(B) com ptete
(C) compieting
(D) com pteted

provides everything you need from freight forwarding, c u s t o m s -------------- and third party

Actuai Test 1
1 5 1 . (A) arrivat
(B) accep tan ce
(C) ctearance
(D) examination

Actuai Test 2
togistics through to brokerage, suppty chain m anagem ent and Letter of Credit services.

Gtobaiiy, from the Am ericas to China, w e import and export product around the wortd, from a
singte d o or-to -d oo r p a r c e t-------- container toads of dangerous g o o d s.

1 5 2 . (A) with

(B) on
(C) off
(D) to

Actuai Test 4
Actual Test 5

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Actuat Test 3
214 } B)G STEP TOEtC 3

Part 7
Directions: !n this part, you wi!) read a setection o f texts, such a s m agazine and newspaper
artictes, tetters, and advertisem ents. Each text is fottowed by severat questions. Setect the
b est answ er for each question and mark the tetter (A ) , (B ), (C ), or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 1 5 3 - 154 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Eugene's Pizza House (3% sates tax for at! orders)

Smatt Medium Large
E u gen e's S a u sa g e C o m b o $10.20 $14.50 $18.90
Sw eet Potato & B eef Speciat $8.00 $ 9.50 $12.50
Vegetarian Speciat $ 7.50 $11.40 $16.50
Super M eat C o m b o Speciat $11.50 $15.30 $19.70
* T ake-outs w etcom e

- Catt 230-3745 untit 10 p.m . for free detivery.

1 5 3 . Which smatt size pizza is the cheapest?

(A) Eugene's S a u sa g e Com bo
(B) Sweet Potato & B eef Speciat
(C) Vegetarian Speciat
(D) Super M eat Com bo Speciat

1 5 4 . Which pizza is intended for peopte who can't eat meat?

(A) Eugene's Sausage Com bo
(B) Sweet Potato & Beef Speciat
(C) Vegetarian Speciat
(D) Super Meat Com bo Speciat

15 5 . Which of the fottowing is NOT shown on the menu?

(A) The contact number
(B) How much tax witt be apptied to orders
(C) The detivery hours
(D) The tocation of the pizza house

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Q uestions 1 5 6 - 1 5 8 refer to the fottowing notice.

10"i Annuat Motor Show

Aprit 5 -3 0

Spettman Convention Center

Otympia City, Washington

More than 200 domestic and imported car manufacturers witt disptay their 2007 product tines.

For exhibitor & sponsor information: http//

156. How many days witt this show tast?

(A) 5 days
(B) 30 days
(C) 26 days
(D) 10 days

157. How often does this convention take ptace?

(A) Once a month
(B) Once a year
(C) Every four years
(D) Every two years

1 5 8 . What can be teamed from the event website?

(A) The manufacturers' phone number
(B) Free tickets
(C) Free brochures
(D) A tist of exhibitors and sponsors

w w w

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Actuat Test 3
216 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Questions 1 5 9 - 1 6 2 refer to the fottowing notice.

Christie's Auction

An auction of Christie is supposed to open on Friday, 13 October 2007, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in

the Michigan Convention Center. The doors witt open to pubtic for une-hour auction preview in

ttems for the auction inctude the fottowing:

- 1973 red BMW coupe ,

* 1998 Hartey Davidson motorcycte

* Various Betgium carpets

- Leather jackets
* Chinese sitver utensits
* Tea cup cottection

tf you want to know further information, ptease contact the Association of Christie's Auction at


1 5 9 . What is the purpose of this notice?

(A) The party for Christie's promotion

(B) Cancettation of the ptanned party
(C) Notice of an auction event
(D) Notice of an athtetic event

1 6 0 . Which of the fottowing is NOT inctuded in the items tist?

(A) Apptiances
(B) Ctothing
(C) Cars
(D) Carpets

1 6 1 . Where witt this event take ptace?

(A) At the Christie's house

(B) At the Michigan Convention Center
(C) At the Michigan's city hat)
(D) At the Community Center

1 6 2 . Why witt the doors open to the pubtic before the auction?

(A) For peopte to buy tickets

(B) For peopte to reserve their seats
(C) For peopte to take a took
(D) For peopte to have dinner

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Q u e stio ns 1 6 3 - 1 6 4 refer to the foiiow ing notice.

Our quarteriy company picnic wiii be heid at Lincoin Park on this coming Saturday,

Aprii 15th. Ait emptoyees are encouraged to bring their famiiy.

The board of directors decided that Lincoin Park is the appropriate iocation for this

picnic. W e wiii have a barbecue party there.

After tunch, we wiii enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as canoeing aiong the

Jefferson River, swimming in the river, and piaying soccer on the ptayground. You

can enjoy w hatever you want. W e atso witi prepare a range of even ts such as

musicai chairs, batioon to sse s and singing and dancing contests.

1 63. What is the purpose of this notice?

(A) To attract customers to a sates event
(B) To notify company quarteriy picnic
(C) To notify aii emptoyees of saies deciine
(D) To encourage empioyees to join a meeting

1 64. Which of the foiiowing activities is NOT mentioned as being avaitabte at the picnic?

(A) Swimming
(B) Ptaying chess
(C) Ptaying soccer
(D) Canoeing

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A ctuaH est3

Questions 165 - 1 6 6 refer to the fottowing notice.


W e are an intemationa) trading com p an y and are now tooking for bitinguat

native German speakers to hetp us. !f you are em ptoyed, you can work as

a c u sto m s docu m en t cterk. University deg ree is a must, a tot of previous

experience wiH b e preferred. Position inctudes 2-m onth em ptoyee training

period. Ptease, sen d your resum e right now to German Trading Com pany,

3 5 6 M onica St. W ashington. For further information, catt Steve at 5 6 0 -4 5 7 6

or emait us at germ antc@Germ

165. Which of the fottowing is NOT true?

(A) This position offers 2-month training.
(B) Peopte with no experience may not appty for this position.
(C) More than one appticant witt be emptoyed.
(D) This ad requires a resume to be sent.

166. What kind of candidate does this company took for?

(A) Peopte who majored in German history
(B) Peopte who can speak German onty
(C) Peopte who can speak two tanguages
(D) Peopte who can train emptoyees

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Questions 1 6 7 -1 6 8 refer to the fottowing memorandum.

To: AH. company em ptoyees

From: Personnet Department
Subject: Retirement of CEO

After thirty five years with our firm, our CEO, Jack Wattace wiH retire from his position. We

absotutety know that Jack's tiretess work, creative ideas and excettent Leadership abitities

which ptayed an extremety important rote in making our company, S&J one of the Leading

companies in the industry.

He witt stitt work as a m em ber of the board of directors after his retirement. His tast day is next

Friday. So we witt have a retirement party for him. Ptease, join

m ost cherished m em ber. W e wish Jack the best of tuck.

1 67. What did Jack do at S& J?

(A) He contributed to making S&J one of the teading companies.
(B) He headed the personnet department.
(C) He was responsibte for finance.
(D) He fired many emptoyees.

168. What witt Jack do after his retirement?

(A) Move to another city

(B) Start his own business
(C) Serve as a member of the board of directors
(D) Join a computer company

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Actuat Test 3
220 StG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 6 9 - 1 7 1 refer to the fottowing tetter.

Mr. Samuet A d am s
1 3 4 Oak Street
Concord NH 3 2 4 8 7 -1 3 6

Dear Mr. Samuet,

W e are very happy to receive your tetter of apptication for a position with First Trading.
Unfortunatety, w e witt not open in the Concord area at this time, but w e definitety need a
sates m anager ba sed in the B oston area who can be in charge of that part of area% tf you
want to b e con sidered for this position, ptease fit) in the apptication which is enctosed
and return it to us. Atso, ptease tet us know if you witt be abte to m eet with us 2:00 on
Tuesday or W ed n e sd a y of the first w eek of February.

t took forward to your repty.


Richard Anderson
First Trading Personnet M anager

169. Why isn't Samuet being hired to work in Concord?

(A) He is not quatified for the position.
(B) tt is too far away for him.
(C) There is not a position avaitabte.
(D) He is a foreigner.

1 70. Where does the personnet manager want Samuet to work?

(A) tn Ctevetand
(B) tn Concord
(C) Somewhere downtown
(D) tn Boston

171. What does Samuet need to do first if he wants to work in Boston?

(A) Comptete a survey
(B) Catt an office
(C) Drop by an office
(D) Comptete the apptication

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3 )

Questions 172 -1 7 5 refer to the fottowing e-mait.

Dear Mrs. Sophia Lauren,

Hi, t received your e-mait of today March 7, requesting a change in reservation ptans.

Because your ftight was overbooked, you want to change your current reservations from Wednesday,

March 20 - Friday, March 22 to Friday, March 22 - Sunday, March 24.

Although t definitety changed your reservation as you wished, your confirmation number has not


tf you need to make any further changes, you don't need to send me e-mait any more. You can just visit

our website at and change whatever you want by cticking the Reservation' tink.

You can access reservation information by entering your confirmation number. No additionat fees witt

be added if your changes are made 36 hours before the check-in date,

tt witt be very easy to check if your changes are correct, because confirmation witt be e-maited

automaticatty to you immediatety.

Thanks for choosing Hotet Shett. We are tooking forward to serving you soon.

Jim Morris


172. Why does Sophia need to change her reservation?

(A) Due to bad weather (B) Due to her heatth probtem
(C) Due to her ftight schedute (D) Due to financiat probtem

173. What is the purpose of this e-mait?

(A) To confirm woman's reservation (B) To refund woman's money
(C) To repty to woman's request of a change in a reservation (D) To cancet woman's reservation

174. What is necessary when confirming reservation changes ontine?

(A) Entering the date of arrivat (B) Entering the day of arrivat
(C) Entering a confirmation number (D) Entering the name

175. What shoutd Sophia do if she doesn't want to pay for extra fees?
(A) She has to catt Hotet Shett.
(B) She has to make changes 3 6 hours before the check-in date.
(C) She has to sign a speciat contract.
(D) She has to keep in touch with the manager.

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Actuat Test 3
222 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 7 6 - 1 8 0 refer to the fottowing information.


WAY !0 -!3 , 2007

The Reno Festivat is set for another year o f wortd-ctass kayaking on the Truckee
River in downtown Reno, N V , Nay t0 -t 3 , 2007. N o w in its 4th year, the festiva!

has quickty evotved into one of the nation top kayaking competitions, drawing pros

from around the wortd. The festivat showcases kayaking, dem os, dinics, tive music
and an expo featuring the hottest products on the market.

At! o f the action wit! unfotd in the heart of downtown Reno at the Truckee River

W h it e w a t e r Park and a River W a tk d istrict th at is brim m ing with hip new

restaurants, cafes, tounges, bars, shops and gatteries.

The Truckee River offers a dynamic water experience year-round and the Reno-

Tahoe region provides many other adventure attractions inctuding gotf, skiing, hiking

and biking traits, takes and a setection of art museums and gatteries, just minutes
from downtown and the Reno-Tahoe tnternationa) Airport.

The 20 0 7 Festiva! wi!) indude:

* O pen Freestyte
* tnstructiona! dinics with the pros

* Barbecue Food & Beer Party

* Live "ptay by ptay" announcers, DJs and music

* tndustry Expo and Product D em o

The Reno River Festiva! was featured on Nationat Pubtic Radio on Nay ! 2, 2006.

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3 !
f )

176. What is the purpose of this information?

(A) To change the ptans
(B) To notify peopte a festivat
(C) To attract customers
(D) To promote sates

177. What can not be seen in this festivat?

(A) Demos
(B) Competitions
(C) Expos
(D) Magic shows

178. How many times has the festivat been hetd atready?
(A) 3
(B )4
(C )5
(D )6

179. How tong does this festivat tast?

(A) 3 days
(B) 4 days
(C) 6 days
(D) 8 days

180. What information is NOT inctuded in the information?

(A) The dates of the festivat
(B) The tocation of the festivat
(C) The type of activities peopte can join
(D) The type of transportation peopte can use

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Actuat. Test 3

Q uestions 181 - 1 8 3 refer to the fottowing e-m aits.

To: Trevor Lennon

Subject: Digitat cam era repair

Dear Mr. Trevor,

W e g ot your digitat cam era and found that it has s o m e mechanicat probtem s s o we

think it n e e d s s o m e repairs. B e c a u se your ca m era is stitt under warranty, you don't

need pay for parts. However, you m ust cover the tabor.

The totat witt c o m e to $ 2 4 .9 0 , inctuding $ 3 .4 0 tax. Absotutety, the shipping co st witt be

inctuded. tf you confirm that you agree with us, w e witt proceed with the work. You
may pay by credit card, m oney order, or bank wire.

W e appreciate for using our service. W e are tooking forward to hearing from you soon.


From: Trevor Lennon


Subject: Re: Digitat cam era repair

T h ank you fo r y ou r e -m a it. C ou td y ou m a k e th e n e c e s s a r y repairs to m y digitat

ca m era ? ! woutd tike to pay by credit card s o t'tt drop by your service center on this
Thursday afternoon.

Ptease just tet m e know if my cam era repair has been sent out.


Trevor Lennon

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181. What is the purpose of Mr. Trevor's e-mait?
(A) To get more information
(B) To ask for a 2 0 % discount
(C) To ask for free service
(D) To authorize the repairs

1 8 2 . What can be covered by the warranty?

(A) Labor
(B) Monitor
(C) Parts
(D) Keyboard

1 8 3 . When witt Mr. Trevor pay?

(A) Next Thursday

(B) This Thursday
(C) Over the weekend
(D) Tonight

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Actuat Test 3

Q uestions 1 8 4 - 1 8 8 refer to the fottowing warranties.

S n o w sh o e W arranty
Lim ited Lifetim e W arranty

M SR S n o w sh o e s are guaranteed against d efects in materiats and workmanship

without time timit. Return shipping ch arges to the con su m er for repaired

products are covered. Shoutd a product be found defective under this warranty,
w e witt repair it or reptace it at our option.

This warranty appties onty to the originat purchaser. Proof of purchase is

required. Products purchased from an independent deater shoutd be returned to

the deater for forwarding to M SR . Shipping c o st to M SR is the responsibitity of

the purchaser.

Snowshoe Repairs
Before Sending !n Your Repair?

Atways contact us p rio r to sending anything in for service.

* tnctude yo ur name, comptete address, phone num ber and a brief note or
packing iist w ith your gear.

Faitures occuring due to a manufacturing defect, w ith in the warranty period of

respective items, witt be repaired/ reptaced at no charge. Parts witt be charged at
current retait prices. Att repairs carry a 90-day warranty against defects in materiats
or w orkm anship. Return shipping and handting charge is an additionat $5 for most

M S R Product Service Center

2 0 6 -5 0 5 -9 5 0 0
1 -8 0 0 -5 3 1 -9 5 3 1
H o u rs: M -F 8 :0 0 a.m. - 4 :0 0 p.m.

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18 4 . Which of the fottowing is NOT the reason MSR guarantees against defects for?

(A) Damage caused by fire

(B) Materiats
(C) Wear due to time

(D) Workmanship

1 8 5 . What shoutd the purchaser do if a damaged product was purchased from an independent deater?

(A) The purchaser shoutd seek reimbursement from that independent deater.
(B) The purchaser shoutd report the independent deater to the authorities.

(C) The purchaser shoutd stitt forward the product directty to the MSR Product Service Center.
(D) The purchaser shoutd return the product to the deater for forwarding to MSR.

Actuat Test 1
1 86. Which one of the fottowing does NOT need to be inctuded with the returned product?

(A) Name
(B) Packing tist
(C) Phone number
(D) Reason for return

1 8 7 . How much witt the repair parts cost?

Actuat Test 2
(A) The price can be negotiated with the deater.
(B) Depends on the current retait price
(C) Depends on the whotesate price
(D) The price can be found on the company webpage.

1 88. Which of the fottowing company information is NOT inctuded in this warranty?

(A) Company name
(B) Company address
(C) Company phone number
(D) Company hours of operation

Actuat Test 4
Actuat Test 5

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Actuat Test 3
228 8tG STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 8 9 - 1 9 2 refer to the fottowing information.

Wetcome to the Kingsbridge tnformation Center

W e are your officiat hotiday guide for accom m odation , restaurants, bea ch es, shopping,
bu sin ess and attractions in and around Kingsbridge and the South Ham s.
W e can hetp you ptan your next hotiday or short break in this beautifut area of South
P tease ctick on the tinks to your teft to view our exten sive range o f accom m odation
and information about the area and tocat events.

W h a te v e r your interest - beautifut b e a c h e s , stunning sc e n e r y , fine fo o d , charm ing
tow n s and vittages, gotf, watking, saiting - Kingsbridge in Southernm ost Devon has it att
and s o much more.

Want to know who we are and what we do?

W e are the accredited tnformation Centre for the town, are setf financing and non-profit

W e work a s a tea m o f 5 - R o s e Stainton, and four part-tim e m e m b ers, Karen W itts,

Anne Lowe, Jinx Martin and Fiona Edm onds.

Our aim is to provide a com prehen sive and accurate service to our residents and the
visitors w ho c o m e to our area from att over the world.

tf w e can b e of any a ssista n ce ptease contact us by tetephone 0 1 5 -4 8 8 5 -3 1 9 5 or e-mait

The office is open throughout the y ea r- 7 days in the sum m er and 6 days in the winter
a w eek and our opening tim es are:

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189. What kind of an officiai guide is Kingsbridge tnformation Center for?
(A) Tourism
(B) Manufacturing
(C) Government
(D) Education

1 9 0 . )f you want to visit the information center on a Monday during winter, which of the foiiowing times
wii) the office NOT be open?
(A) 9:30 a.m.
(B) 1 :00 p.m.
(C) 4:10 p.m. ^
(D) 5:10 p.m.

1 9 1 . Who is the fuit-time team member?

(A) Rose Stainton

(B) Karen Witts
(C) Anne Lowe
(D) Jinx Martin

1 9 2 . Where is Kingsbridge?

(A) Northernmost Devon

(B) Southernmost Devon
(C) Easternmost Devon
(D) Westernmost Devon

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Actuat Test 3

Q uestions 1 9 3 - 1 9 6 refer to the fottowing information.


The govern m en t w a tch d o g, The Food Standards A g e n cy , has announced targets for
reducing satt in a range of food products.

The m ove is design ed to cut average daity satt intake in the diet, a s too much satt is
tinked to high btood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

What shouid we do?

Dr. Wynnie Chan, a nutrition scientist for the British Nutrition Foundation, says that
everybody shoutd took to reduce the amount of satt in their diet.

"tt woutd have a significant effect on those peopte who need to reduce their satt
tevets because they are susceptibte to hypertension, but it woutd atso do no
harm for the whote poputation to reduce its satt intake," she said.
Dr. Chan said there were four main ways to reduce satt intake:

* Stop adding tabte satt to food once it is served

* Choose items with a reduced sodium content
* Carefutty monitor the satt content of processed food
* Eat more fruit and vegetables - they contain potassium which balances
the effect of salt on the body

Reading food labets can be confusing as they often give the sodium, rather than
the satt content of food. To catcutate the amount of satt in a product, multipty
the sodium content by two and a hatf times.

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Patt7 ] 231

1 9 3 . What is the target of the Food Standards A gency's announcement?

(A) Reducing fat in your diet

(B) increasing protein in your diet
(C) increasing sodium content in your diet
(D) Reducing satt in your diet

1 94. Why did the Food Standards Agency design this ptan?

(A) To reduce the risk of high btood pressure

(B) To reduce the risk of cancer
(C) To reduce the risk of birth defects
(D) To reduce the risk of food poisoning

195. Who is Dr. Wynnie Chan?

(A) A researcher for the Food Standards Agency
(B) A nutrition scientist for the British Nutrition Foundation
(C) A cancer speciatist at the British Cancer Foundation
(D) A government officiat for the Food Standards Agency

1 96. What shoutd peopte do to catcutate the amount of satt in a product?

(A) To muttipty the sodium content by one and a hatf times

(B) To muttipty the sodium content by two and a hatf times
(C) To muttipty the sodium content by three and a hatf times
(D) To muttipty the sodium content by four and a hatf times

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Actuat Test 3

Questions 197 - 200 refer to the fottowing artictes.

Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any singte disease, says
the Wortd Heatth Organization.

A c c o r d in g to their fig u r e s, it is r e sp o n sib te for a p p r o x im a te d five mittion d e a th s

wortdwide every year.

T o b a c c o sm oking is a known or probabte c a u s e o f approxim atety 25 d ise a s e s , and

even the W H O sa y s that its impact on wortd heatth is not futty a ss e s s e d .

Heart A ttack and Stroke

UK studies sh ow that sm okers in their 4 0 s and 5 0 s are five tim es more tikety to
have a heart attack than n on-sm okers.

T o b a c c o contributes to the hardening o f the arteries, which can then b e c o m e

btocked and starve the heart of btood ftow, causing the attack.

O ften, sm o k ers w h o d evetop this wit) require co m p tex and risky heart b y p a ss

tf you sm o k e for a tifetime, there is a 5 0 % ch a n ce that your eventuat death witt

be sm oking-retated-h atf of att th ese deaths witt be in middte age.

Sm oking atso increases the risk of having a stroke.

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Part 7 233

1 97. According to this report, what does the Wortd Heatth Organization say?

(A) Smoking is the greatest cause of death worldwide every year.

(B) Smoking is the second greatest cause of death worldwide every year.
(C) Smoking is responsibte for three mittion deaths wortdwide every year.

(D) Smoking is responsibte for more than hatf of att deaths to middte-aged peopte.

198. How many diseases is tobacco smoking responsibte for?

(A) 25
(B) 30

(C) 45
(D) 50

Actuat Test 1
1 99. According to the articte, how does tobacco smoking contribute to a heart attack?
(A) it makes peopte iess tikeiy to exercise.
(B) it hardens arteries and biocks the btood ftow.
(C) it increases the rate of aicohot consumption.
(D) it poisons the iungs and btocks oxygen intake.

2 0 0 . Which country's studies showed that middie-aged smokers have more heart attacks than non-

Actual Test 2
(A) UK

Actuat Test 4
Actua) Test 5
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Actua H est 4
236 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Listening Test
in the Listening test, you wiii b e asked to dem onstrate how weii you understand spoken
Engiish. The entire Listening test wiii iast approximateiy 4 5 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate
answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in your test book.

Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you wiii hear four statem ents about a picture in
your test book. W hen you hear the statem ents, you m ust seiect the one statem ent that
best d escribes what you s e e in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your
answ er sh eet and mark your answer. The statem ents wiii not be printed in your test book
and wiii be spoken oniy one time.

Look at the exam pie item beiow .

Now iisten to the four statem ents.

Sam pie Answer

(A ) (B ) * (D )

Statem ent ( C ) , "They're standing near the tab ie," is the b est description of the picture, so
you shouid seiect answ er (C ) and mark it on your answ er sheet.

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LC tntroduction Actuat Test 1 Actuat Test 2

j 237

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Actual Test 3 ] ] Actual Test 5

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Actua LTest 4
238 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

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Actuat Test 4
2 4 0 ' BIG STEP TOEtC 3



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Actua) Test 3 Actua) Test 5

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Actuat Test 4
2 4 2 ! BIG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 2
Directions: You wit) hear a question or statem ent and three resp o n ses spoken in Engtish.
They wi!) not b e printed in your test book and witt be spoken onty one time. Setect the best
resp on se to the question or statem ent and mark the tetter (A ), (B ), or (C ) on your answer


You witt hear: W here is the meeting room ?

You witt atso hear: (A) To m eet the new director.

(B) tt's the first room on the right.
(C) Y e s, at two o'ctock.

The best resp o n se to the question "W h ere is the meeting r o o m ?" is choice (B ), "tt's the first
room on the right." s o (B ) is the correct answer. You shoutd mark answ er (B ) on your
answ er sheet.

1 1. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 6 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 2. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 3. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 8 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 4. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 2 9 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

1 5. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 6. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 1 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 7. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 2 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 3 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

1 9. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 4 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 0 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 5 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 6 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

2 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 8 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

2 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 3 9 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

2 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 4 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

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Part 3
Directions: You wit) hear so m e conversations betw een tw o peopte. You witt be asked to
answ er three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Setect the best
resp o n se to each question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answer sheet.
The conversations wit! not be printed in your test book and witt be spoken onty one time.

41. What are the speakers mainty discussing?

(A) A revised teave poticy
(B) Rutes for new workers
(C) An important company procedure
(D) Schedutes for staff training

42. Who witt meet the woman tater in the day?

(A) Ctients
(B) Auditors
(C) Service personnet
(D) Department heads

43. What witt the man do next?

(A) Put up a notice
(B) Ask for votunteers
(C) Announce a schem e
(D) Hetp the woman finish her work

44. What has the woman ordered?

(A) Lasagna
(B) Spaghetti
(C) A beverage
(D) A steak

45. What is served with the main course?

(A) Satad
(B) Gartic bread
(C) Boited vegetabtes
(D) Dessert

46. What does the woman request?

(A) Extra sauce
(B) Quick service
(C) A reservation
(D) Speciat stuffing

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Actuat Test 4
244 StG STEP TOEtC 3

47. Who most tikety is the woman?

(A) A cottage owner
(B) A resort emptoyee
(C) A company executive
(D) An office assistant

48. Why is the man catting?

(A) To register for a workshop
(B) To confirm a schedute
(C) To request a reservation
(D) To gather information

49. What does the woman suggest?

(A) Contacting a company directty
(B) Writing down detaits
(C) Catting back tater
(D) Making an attemative reservation

5 0. Who is Nadia Versova?

(A) A fitness trainer
(B) A diet expert
(C) An athtete
(D) An investor

51. What is the theme of the seminar?

(A) Heatth and dieting
(B) Food and nutrition
(C) Work and stress
(D) Leisure and travet

52. What is said about Nadia's presentations?

(A) They are easy to understand.
(B) They are expensive.
(C) They are been rescheduted.
(D) They inctude visuat aids.

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. : i
i Part 3 } 245

t *

53. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) Estimates for a project ----
(B) A cost cutting measure
(C) The tocation of som e documents -

(D) The outcome of a meeting 3


54. Why is the man concerned? o'

(A) He has to prepare for a meeting.
(B) He is unabie to contact Annie.
(C) His printer is not working.
(D) He has not had time to read the estimates yet.
5 5. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Give the man detaiis of a case
(B) Find som eone to hetp out
(C) Keep information ready
(D) Make a set of printouts -----

56. Why is the man caiting?

(A) To request a speciai service
(B) To report a toss
(C) To confirm an investment
(D) To ask for a verification

57. Which detai! is NOT asked for?

(A) The address of the man
(B) The name of the catier
(C) The card number
(D) The iast time a card was used

58. What wiii happen within seven days?

(A) A repiacement wiii be made.
(B) The woman wiii caii to confirm the detivery.
(C) An offer witt ctose.
(D) Speciat cards witt be avaitabte.

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Actuat Test 4
246 B)G STEP T O & C 3

59. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) A new apartment
(B) An afterwork activity
(C) A new emptoyee
(D) A medica! conference

60. What benefit does the woman mention?

(A) Greater abiiity to handte tension
(B) Superior reasoning power
(C) increased stamina
(D) Better concentration

61. What does the man say he wants to do?

(A) Take time off
(B) Give directions
(C) Join a course
(D) Meet a trainer

62. Who most tikety are the speakers?

(A) Students
(B) Co-workers
(C) Retatives
(D) Visitors

63. Why is Cynthia needed?

(A) She has to finatize a design.
(B) Ctients are asking to meet her.
(C) A co-worker needs information from her.
(D) The office staff is waiting for her decision.

64. What does the woman offer to do?

(A) Pass on a m essage
(B) Meet Michaet at the research center
(C) Check where Cynthia is
(D) Escort the guests out

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65. Why is the man concerned?

(A) invitations have not been sent out.
(B) A detivery has not been received.
(C) Many staff members have been fired.
(D) A new dea! may be rejected.

66. What wi!! happen tomorrow?

(A) An annua! gathering
(B) A board meeting
(C) A seminar
(D) A store opening

67. What wi!! the woman probabty do?

(A) Contact a new supptier
(B) Make an ontine purchase
(C) Find information on the tntemet
(D) Speak with Metissa

68. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) Brand image

(B) Customer response
(C) Marketing strategy
(D) Sates figures

69. What does the woman tett the man?

(A) They shoutd taunch a new product.
(B) He shoutd conduct a survey.
(C) She witt give him a report.
(D) They shoutd reconsider prices.

70. What does the man suggest?

(A) Waiting untit next week
(B) Getting expert advice
(C) Making an announcement
(D) Catting a meeting in Aprit

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Actuat. Test 4
248 8IG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 4
Directions: You witt hear s o m e tatks given by a singte speaker. You witt be asked to answer
three questions about what the speaker sa y s in each tatk. Setect the best response to each
question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answ er sheet. The tatks witt not be
printed in your test book and witt b e spoken onty on e time.

71. What is the purpose of the announcement?

(A) To exptain a change in schedute

(B) To advertise items at the food stands
(C) To announce a winner
(D) To inform tisteners of a change of tocation

72. Where is the announcement being made?

(A) At a reservation office
(B) At an eatery
(C) At a conference hat)
(D) At a stadium

7 3. When witt the event begin?

(A) At 5 p.m.
(B) At 5.30 p.m.
(C) At 6 p.m.
(D) At 7 p.m.

74. Who is Yumiko Watanabe?

(A) A doctor
(B) A show host
(C) A viewer
(D) A writer

75. Where witt the interview take ptace?

(A) London
(B) Osaka
(C) Sydney
(D) Singapore

76. What does the speaker suggest about Ms. Watanabe?

(A) She witt sign copies of her book.

(B) She witt take questions from the audience.
(C) She witt speak about future projects.
(D) She witt advise young authors.

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77. Who is the speaker?

(A) An animat trainer
(B) A witdtife photographer
(C) A tourist
(D) A nature guide

7 8. Which of these is NOT an attraction of the tour?

(A) A ride on an etephant's back

(B) Seeing unique animats
(C) An overnight stay
(D) Taking pictures in the park

7 9. What are tisteners advised to do?

(A) Leave their equipment behind
(B) Speak in tow voices
(C) Go exptoring by themsetves
(D) Watk atong the marked trait

80. Who most tikety are the tisteners?

(A) Tourists
(B) Readers
(C) Joumatists
(D) Pubtishers

81. How tong has the speaker been in the profession?

(A) Ten years

(B) Twenty years
(C) Thirty years
(D) Forty years

82. What does the speaker suggest that tisteners do?

(A) Watch regionat tetevision programs
(B) Read tocat newspapers
(C) Take tots of pictures
(D) Study tocat customs

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ActuaHest A
250 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

83. What is the main purpose of the m essage?

(A) To ptan for a party
(B) To exptain a change in schedute
(C) To tatk about a book now avaitabte
(D) To offer a free membership

84. When does the book ctub generatty meet?

(A) 8 a.m.
(B) 9 a.m.
(C) 10 a.m.
(D) 11 a.m.

85. Who shoutd be totd if a member is not attending?

(A) Joan
(B) Carmen
(C) Monica
(D) Corinne

86. Where most tikety d oes the speaker work?

(A) At a paint store
(B) At a dry cteaner's
(C) At an automobite shop
(D) At a factory

87. When was the work supposed to be compteted?

(A) Last week
(B) Two days ago
(C) Yesterday
(D) This morning

88. When witt the business ctose tomorrow?

(A) 6 p.m.
(B) 7 p.m.
(C) 8 p.m.
(D) 9 p.m.

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89. What is the main topic of this report?

(A) A crisis in the automobiie industry

(B) The iatest export figures of a company
(C) A new production faciiity
(D) An upcoming motor race

90. What is said about the 'Zenith'?

(A) it won an award for design.

(B) it is one of Nova's oidest modeis.
(C) it topped a nationwide survey.
(D) it is a iuxury car.

91. What is the company reported to be doing next week?

(A) improving harbor faciiities
(B) Pianning a promotionai campaign
(C) Constructing warehouses for its goods
(D) Recruiting workers for a project

92. What is being announced?

(A) A revised pay schem e
(B) An update in travei poiicy
(C) A modified work schedute
(D) An intemationai tour

93. What wiii empioyees receive?

(A) New iD cards

(B) information on exchange rates
(C) A foider for travei documents
(D) Company credit cards

94. What is provided to em pioyees?

(A) Names of hoteis
(B) Faciiities at banks
(C) Personnei changes
(D) Empioyee benefit schem es

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Actuat Test 4
252 } S tG S T E P T 0 )C 3

95. What time of day is it now?

(A) Morning
(B) Afternoon
(C) Evening
(D) Night

96. What news has just been received?

(A) A statted truck has been removed.
(B) There is going to be weak fog.
(C) Construction work is beginning in an area.
(D) A route is now open for drivers.

97. How can tisteners avoid heavy traffic?

(A) By turning into Mattson Road
(B) By going onto Jackson Expressway
(C) By taking Crawford Cross
(D) By going on Grant Road

98. Who is this advertisement for?

(A) Car insurance agents
(B) Ctassroom assistants
(C) Student-drivers
(D) Driving instructors

99. What speciat quatity does Aston have?

(A) A new vehicte for [earners
(B) A discount on tessons
(C) An exctusive program on maintenance
(D) A speciat session on safety procedures

100. How can a tistener get more information?

(A) By meeting an instructor
(B) By fitting in an apptication
(C) By attending a demonstration ctass
(D) By catting a number

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Actuat Test 4
254 : B)G STEP TOEtC 3

Reading Test
tn the Reading test, you witt read a variety of texts and answ er severat different types of
reading com prehension questions. The entire Reading test witt tast 7 5 minutes. There are
three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer a s many
questions a s possibte within the time attowed.

You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in the
test book.

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sen ten ces betow. Four answer choices
are given betow each sen ten ce. Setect the b est answ er to com ptete the sentence. Then mark
the tetter (A ), ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answ er sheet.

1 01. Companies producing commodities such as 104. They are criticized for making m o n e y ----------
digitat watches and c a m e r a s ---------- tike to do by charging high tending rates and excessive
many things their own way. service fees.

(A) ctear (A) easy

(B) ctearty (B) easity
(C) ctearance (C) ease
(D) ctearing (D) easiness

1 02. Usuatty many gyms where peopte go to 105. Mr. Eugene has comptetety---------- into a
exercise and get f i t ---------- to get very busy happy, setf-confident man since he recovered
around six o'ctock in the evening. from heart surgery.

(A) want (A) suffered

(B)tend (B) differed
(C) fait (C) expected
(D) encourage (D)changed

1 03. Most novetists use their---------- experience as 1 06. A variety of pictures are scanned into a form
the basis for their novet, so sometimes they of proper---------- that computers can
try to visit the town where they grew up. recognize.

(A) persona) (A) informat

(B) personne) (B) informative
(C) personatity (C) information
(D) persona! ty (D) informing

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107. tncheon tntemationa) Airport Potice arrested 1 13. tn order t o ---------- the intemat market, exports
the suspect n e a r ---------- house in southern were controtted, and foreign exchange and
Seout. issuance of permissions were used as foreign
(A) him trade poticies.
(B) his (A) regutate
(C) himsetf (B) regutating
(D) he (C) regutation
(D) regutar
1 0 8 . Peopte who put emphasis on the positive
aspects of schoots say that university is a 114. Among other things, Mr. Lee has a deep
ptace where we can team a ---------- range of ---------- of Turkey and Turkish cutture,
subjects. because he majored in Turkish titerature.

(A) big (A) idea

(B) broad (B) opinion
(C) targe (C) knowtedge
(D) whote (D) abitity

1 09. tt focuses o n ---------- merger and acquisition 115. The tife insurance industry suggested that
activities to create bigger ptayers in the they coutd contribute to a pubtic fund to
market and to improve their competitiveness. return a part o f ---------- profits to society.

(A) promote (A) them

(B) promoting (B) their
(C) promotion (C) themsetves
(D) promotionat (D) they

1 10. Most insurance companies do business 116. According to the recent survey, growth of
in the domestic market. facitity investment tends to fatt---------- there is

(A) primarity a presidentiat etection.

(B) initiatty (A) which

(C) heavity (B) in order that
(D) significantty (C) on behatf of
(D) when
111. Buying reat estate invotves the kind o f ----------
decision-making that happens onty a few 1 17. One hundred potentiat vaccines a r e ----------
times in a tifetime. being tested on human votunteers to cure an

(A) criticize incurabte disease in the future.

(B) critic (A) commonty

(C) criticism (B) currentty
(D) criticat (C) accidentatty
(D) suspiciousty
1 12. ---------- the government didn't announce the
specific number of emptoyees to be taid off, 118. Those wanting to charter the airptane for an
the number is estimated to range from 30 to aerobatic ftight shoutd absotutety make a
50. reservation at teast one month i n ---------- .

(A) Neverthetess (A) advertisement

(B) Atthough (B) advance
(C) Despite (C) advantage
(D) Either (D) adventure

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Actuat Test 4
256 8tG STEP TOEtC 3

1 19. Many tocat --------- have objected to the new 1 25. t have seen many cases i n ---------- hospitats
road which can be harmfut to the ecosystem . maniputate charts of medicat records in the
(A) residents process of tegat batttes.
(B) resident (A) who
(C) residence (B) what
(D) residentiat (C) that
(D) which
1 2 0 . W e took forward to the expansion of our
c u sto m e r ----------and product distribution 1 26. Seven out of 10 t e a m s ............ for Attanta
c a p a citie s in that region. Dragons submitted written documents on the
(A) supporting promotion to the major teague.
(B) support (A) untit
(C) supporter (B) except
(D) supported (C) next
(D) responsibte
1 2 1 . The - - use of medicine coutd tead to
serious adverse reactions and even heart 127. ---------- the istand is barren and barety
attacks. habitabte, it has been drawing speciat
(A) promising attention from the peopte of the two
(B) tender countries.
(C) improper (A) Otherwise
(D) appropriate (B) Despite
(C) Atthough
1 2 2 . A bunch of books t borrowed from the tocat (D) !f
tibrary were pited---------- on the desk.
(A) higher 128. Domestic financiat firms have had n o ............
(B) high but to attract foreign capita) in the wake of
(C) highty the financia) crisis.
(D) highest (A) choice
(B) choose
1 2 3 . You may need to change your eating and (C )chosen
- habits or take pitts to keep your btood (D) choices
fats at heatthy tevets.
(A) exercises 129. M a n y ---------- businessmen in this area
(B) exercising contribute to potitica) parties that have a
(C) exercised strong power to affect business toan.
(D) exercise (A) weatthy
(B) weatth
1 2 4 . The president shoutd exptain to the (C) weatthier
emptoyees about the speciat ---------- the (D) weatthiest
company witt get through this contract.
(A) factors 130. The two sides shoutd resotve the remaining
(B) benefits 10 percent in tess than 72 hours if they want
(C) interests to reach a finat---------- before the 7 a.m.
(D) regutations deadtine March 31.
(A) agreement
(B) agree
(C) agreements
(D) agreed

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131. Peopie seek m o r e ---------- ventitation faciiities 1 3 6 . Korean firms are attracted to the project
which can operate very quietiy in houses and which is worth approximated 500 miiiion
buiidings. doiiars because they provide---------- cheap
(A) com pact !abor.
(B) exceptiona) (A) e x c e p tio n a l
(C) effective (B) exception
(D) considerate (C) except
(D) exceptiona)
132. Our company, which is in an urgent need for
money, decided to push back the trip unti) 1 37. The number of peopte suffering from
conditions were m o r e ---------- . respiratory iiiness in the countryside was
(A) favorite --------------iower in the past than it is today.
(B) favor (A) significantiy
(C) favorabty (B) repeatedty
(D) favorabte (C) enthusiasticatty
(D) randomiy
1 33. The prison has been turned to a museum to
---------- visitors of the spirit of independence. 1 38. Mr. Rob is stiii having difficuities----------- the
(A recat! computer started and wouid tike to send one
iB) memorize technicians to his house to fix it.
(C) remember (A) get
(D) remind (B) to get
(C) getting
1 34. According to existing British and U.S. drug (D) gotten
---------- , despite the negative inftuence,
atcohot and tobacco are stiii iegat. 139. Probtems c a n ---------- when peopie try to
(A) manuat defend themsetves in court without hetp from
(B) pot icy 3 iawyer.
(C) procedure (A) raise
(D) process (B) rise
(C) arise
135. W e often tend to overtook the importance of it (D) rose
even though water is a n ---------- eiement for
iiving as weii as heatth. 140. The panda which has btack and white fur and
(A) artificiat in the bamboo forests of China is
(B) eccentric ctassed as a n ------------ specie^.
(C) essentia) (A) economic
(D) compticated (B) endangered
(C) edibie
(D) exaggerated

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Actuat Test 4
258 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 6
Directions: Read the texts on the fottowing p a g es. A word or phrase is missing in so m e of the
sen ten ces. Four answ er ch o ices are given betow each of th ese sen ten ces. Setect the best
answ er to com ptete the text. Then mark the tetter (A ), (B ), ( C ) , or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 141 - 1 4 3 refer to the fottowing b u sin ess tetter.

[ TRichard Brown, President

Docum ent Makers
Satem , MA 3 4 5 8 8

Dear Mr. Brown:

A s so m e o n e w h o ----------- with your com p an y for over 3 years, w e were very disappointed to
141. (A) are working
(B) witt work
(C) worked
(D) has worked

s e e the d ocu m en ts you produced for our tatest Drivers C o. pubticity cam paign.

A s our written agreem ent stiputated, w e expected futt cotor teaftets with exptanatory texts, but
instead, w e found that btack and white ph otos had been inctuded in the prepared teaftets. t
think you witt agree that a ----------- probtem exists.

142. (A) unemptoyment

(B) sociat
(C) comm unication
(D) paym ent

W e woutd tike you to sen d out a ----------- to provide us with the promised cotor coverage, or

143. (A) photography

(B) photograph
(C) photographer
(D) photographic

provide us with a refund.

Yours truty,
T h om as R. Smith,

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Q uestions 1 4 4 - 1 4 6 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

W e are a network of auto repair experts working to hetp you charge of your auto

1 4 4 . (A) takes
(B )taken
(D) taking

repair c o sts. With d e c a d e s of experience, c r e d e n tia l, and certifications, we'tt hetp you avoid
----------------- even a penny m ore than absotutety n ecessary on your car repairs.

1 4 5 . (A) spending
(B) spent
(C) to spen d
(D) sp e n d s

The car repair industry is co n tin u ity at the top of con su m er comptaint tists every year, and it

has robbed con su m ers' bittions dottars annuatty; yet, nothing ch an ges!

W e want to EM POW ER you, the car repair custom er, sa v e you m oney, a n d --------------- att
1 4 6 . (A) increase
(B) remove
(C) raise
(D) advocate

anxiety from car repair with our SECRET W EAPON !

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Actuat Test 4

Q uestions 1 4 7 - 1 4 9 refer to the fottowing information.

Your safety and security is a priority for the Dubtin Airport A uthority.--------------------- you travet by

1 4 7 . (A) Wherever
(B) W hatever
(C) W henever
(D) Whichever

ptane you witt be su bjected to a number of ch ecks. T h ese security ch ecks are

1 4 8 . (A) sound
(B) random
(C) strict
(D) simpte

mainty retated to what you are attowed to take with you on board the aircraft. Both your carry-
on tuggage and check-in b a g g a g e witt b e c h e c k e d ,----------- by hand or by m eans of detection

1 4 9 . (A) both
(B) either
(C) neither
(D) atso

equipm ent, to ensure that you are not carrying any potentiatty dangerous su b stan ces or items
that coutd p o se a risk to the p a ssen g ers and crew or to the security and safety of the aircraft.

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X )

Q uestions 1 5 0 - 1 5 2 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Each w eek C am p u s Human R e s o u r c e s ...................... Current Job O penings which gives

1 5 0 . (A) prescribes
(B) expires
(C) pubtishes
(D) estabtishes

the nam e, tocation and description of each new job opening. A s an em ptoyee, you

1 5 1 . (A) diverse
(B) naive
(C) greedy
(D) etigibte

m a y -------------directty for a tisted job opening by maiting the Staff Emptoyee Transfer

152. (A) appty

(B) contribute
(C) accep t
(D) request

Apptication to the hiring department. Att em ptoyees, inctuding those seeking transfer within
their own department, shoutd use this procedure.

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262 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 7
Directions: tn this part, you wi!) read a setection of texts, such a s m agazine and newspaper
artictes, tetters, and advertisem ents. Each text is fottowed by severat questions. Setect the
b est answ er for each question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 1 5 3 - 1 5 4 refer to the fottowing menu.

Lunch Specials

Onty avaitabte 1 1 :0 0 A .M . to 3 :0 0 P.M.

A pptebee Lunch Speciat m eats $ 6 .2 5 per person

C heesebu rger Chicken satad Soft drink of your choice
M ushroom so u p French fries Soft drink of your choice
Gartic bread Onion so u p Soft drink of your choice

Big Lunch Speciat m eats $ 1 1 .9 5 per person

Soft drink of Strawberry ice

R oast b eef M ushroom so u p Gartic bread
your choice cream
A gtass of Soft drink of
Lasagna Onion so u p C h e e se cake
red wine your choice
Soft drink of Vanitta ice
Satmon satad French fries Appte pie
your choice cream

Sou p and Satad Speciat $ 5 .5 0 per p erso n

ttatian satad: pastrami,

ttatian ctam so u p many fresh vegetabtes with Soft drink of your choice
h o m e -m a d e kiwi dressing

153. How much woutd it cost for a group of four to have Big Lunch Speciat meats' each?
(A) $39.85 (B) $47.80
(C) $55.45 (D) $66.36

154. How much woutd it cost for one person to have gartic bread, a cup of onion soup, and a soft drink?
(A) $5.50 ^ (B) $6.25
(C) $11.95 (D) $23.20

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Questions 155 - 1 5 7 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Job opening beginning March 3

jo b requirements:

Knowtedge of Microsoft Excet and Microsoft PowerPoint software

At teast five years' experience in the fietd of financiat affairs

Punctuatity is very important.

A professionat attitude is needed.

Ftuency in Engtish is preferred.

tf you are interested in this position, ptease comptete your resume and send it by e-mai! to Bob

Moore( by March 1.

Remember that sending faxes is not attowed.

1 5 5 . When shoutd appticants who are interested in that position appty?

(A) By March 1
(B) By March 5
(C) By this month
(D) By this weekend

1 5 6 . What quatifications shoutd appticants have?

(A) Software knowtedge of Microsoft Word

(B) A resume
(C) A computer set
(D) Experience and knowtedge of Microsoft Excet

1 5 7 . How shoutd appticants send their resumes?

(A) They shoutd be sent by fax.

(B) They shoutd be detivered by courier.
(C) They shoutd be e-maited.
(D) Att appticants shoutd catt Bob.

w w w

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Actuat Test 4
264 B)G ST E P TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 5 8 - 1 5 9 refer to the foiiowing recipe.


3 cups tom ato sauce

1 1 /4 cups ftavored crou ton s
1 /3 cup g ra te d Parmesan
2 eggs
1 tabiespoon chopped fr e s h parstey
1 tabiespoon chopped fr e s h oregano
1 teaspoon finety chopped rosem ary
1 teaspoon finety chopped thym e
1 d o v e gartic
1 pound f tank stea k , pounded to 1/4 -in ch thick
Otive oit, f o r brushing
5 a )t and pepper
V egetabte oit, f o r searing

P reheat th e oven to 3 5 0 d e g re e s P. Ptace th e tom ato sauce in a 9 by 13-inch baking dish and
ptace in th e oven t o heat.
In a fo o d p r o c e s s o r bow) mix th e crou ton s, ch e e s e , eggs, h erb s and gartic unti) it form s a
Brush th e pounded ftank stea k with th e otive oi) and season generousty with satt and pepper.
S pread th e fitting eventy over th e meat. Rott tightty and tie with b u tch er's twine.
In a targe sau te pan heat 1 to 2 tabtespoons o f vegetabte oit and sear att sides o f th e rotted
meat. Remove fro m th e pan.
A dd to th e h ot tom ato sauce, cov er with a tin foit te n t so th a t th e foit is not touching th e
meat. Braise f o r 3 5 minutes or, up t o 3 hours.

1 58. How many cups of tomato sauce shoutd be used, according to this recipe?
(A) 1/4
(B )2
(C )3
(D )4

159. What is not inciuded in this recipe?

(A) Satt
(B) Pepper
(C) Otive oit
(D) Sesam e oii

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Q uestions 1 6 0 - 1 6 2 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

tntem et marketing tips you can't afford to miss!

E-Marketing News brings you the inside scoop on the search engines industry, inctuding
exctusive interviews with top search engine insiders.
Downtoaded more than 9,000 times - get your copy of Fitthy Linking Rich'

tn depth interviews inctude:

* Feature tength audio interview with G oogte's Matt Cutts. Part 1 - Part 2
* Jim Lanzone & Apostotos Gerasoutis. Ask Jeeves. Googte doesn't use PageRank!
* Yahoo Senior Manager Search Jon Gtick covers the new Yahoo! in a very in-depth
* Gooate engineer Daniet Dutitz exptains about the tootbar, crawting, tinking, ctoaking, spamming,
and more.
* tnside the Teom a Search Atgorithm. an interview with Paut Gardi, Teom a's Senior Vice
President of Search.
* Googte's Senior Research Scientist, Craig Nevitt-Manning tatks about the Ftorida Update.

E-Marketing News is a free newstetter edited by Mike Grehan, author of Search Engine
Marketing: The essentia) best practice guide and Christine Churchitt, President of KeyRetevance.

Each month Mike, Christine, and the Search Marketing Dream Team bring you the tatest news
covering every aspect of tntemet marketing, e-com m erce sotutions and web site devetopment
and design. Make sure you're on the maiting tist for the newstetter ontine marketing professional
prefer - it's wry, not dry!

1 60. What does E-Marketing News bring you the inside scoop on?
(A) The automotive industry
(B) The search engines industry
(C) The marketing industry
(D) The etectricat engineering industry

1 61. Which articte has been downtoaded more than 9,000 times?
(A) Ask Jeeves
(B) tnside the Teoma Search Atgorithm
(C) Search Engine Marketing
(D) Fitthy Linking Rich

1 62. Who is Teom a's Senior Vice President of Search?

(A) Paut Gardi

(B) Jim Lanzone
(C) Mike Grehan
(D) Daniet Dutitz

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Actuat Test 4
266 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

Questions 1 6 3 - 1 6 5 refer to the fottowing written protest.

t bou gh t a $ 6 0 0 digitat cam era in M ay o f 2 0 0 3 at Future S h op in Kitchener, O N . tn

December of that same year, white using the camera, the screen went totatty btank. ! went

directty to the store where t bought the camera. They connected it to an outside power

source and determined that the camera wasn't getting any power but coutd not exptain why.
They then offered to send it to somewhere in BC for me but woutd not tatk to me about the

fact that the camera was barety 7 months otd and that they had never seen this particutar

modet have this probtem. Nor did they offer any type of compensation by way of a toaner.

The camera was sent on Dec 2 1 , 2 0 0 3 . In Feb of 2 0 0 4 ! began catting the store to find out
how tong it woutd be. t was given a run-around every time, "tit catt you back", "t don't
have that information for y o u ", etc. t never got any catts back, t finatty spoke to a young

man on the tast day of March 2 0 0 4 , who ! bothered enough to give me the number of the

ptace they had sent my camera to. t had been totd severat times that they were not attowed

to give this num ber out. t catted mysetf on March 3 0 and was totd that they had just

received my bitt of sate for proof of warranty 6 days before I catted. The camera is now
fixed and on it's way back to me. Future Shop is essentiaUy at fautt for me having to wait
over 3 months for a camera that onty took 1 week to fix. They witt not tatk to me about this

163. When did the customer send the camera for repair?
(A) May, 2003
(B) December, 2003
(C) February, 2004
(D) March, 2004

1 6 4 . What was wrong with the camera?

(A) The pictures were not dear.
(B) The ftash did not work.
(C) The screen went totatty btank.
(D) The zoom function did not work.

165. Who does the customer btame for the tong detay?
(A) Himsetf for being disorganized
(B) Future Shop for making him wait
(C) The repair shop for taking too tong
(D) The detivery service for the wrong address

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3 !
(* )

Questions 166 - 1 6 8 refer to the fottowing information.


Untimited park-to-park admission to both Universat Stu d ios Ftorida AND Universat
tstands o f Adventure th em e parks for up to sev e n (7) co n secu tiv e d a y s
FREE adm ission to setect tive entertainm ent ven ues* at Universat CityWatk entertainment

co m p tex.
This offer is o n !y a va i!a b !e ontine and is n ot a v a i!ab !e at th e front g a te o f either th em e

Actuat Test 1


* Tickets expire six (6) days after first day of use at either them e park or CityWatk.

* Photo tD m ust be presented at the front gate turnstite and CityWatk.

Actuai Test 2
* Signature may be required on tickets.

* Limit of six (6) tickets per person.

* Parking not inctuded.

* Tickets do not inctude adm ission to W et n' Witd.

*Not vatid for separatety ticketed concerts and speciat events. Som e venues require 21 or
otder for adm ission. Proof of tD required. Additionat restrictions may appty. Prices do not

Actuat Test 3
inctude tax and are subject to change without notice.

166. Where do you receive free admission to setect tive entertainmentvenues?
(A) Universat Studios theme park (B) tstands of Adventure theme park

T jF F flS fflfP
(C) Wet n' Witd (D) CityWatk

167. After first using the ticket, for how many more days is it vatid?
(A )1 (B )3
(C )5 (D )6

1 6 8 . What is the maximum timit of tickets one individuat can purchase?

Actuat Test 5

( A )1 (B )3
(C)5 (D )6

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Actuat Test 4

Questions 1 6 9 - 1 7 0 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Fite Your State Return, Too

O n ce you com ptete your federat return, simpty c h o o se to transfer your data to your

state return from within any of the TurboTax Ontine products. TurboTax Ontine State
products are avaitabte for an additionat charge.

Free Edition S ta te : Your Price: $ 3 0 .9 5

B a sic S ta te : Your Price: $ 3 4 .9 5

D eiuxe S ta te : Your Price: $ 3 4 .9 5

P rem ier S ta te : Your Price: $ 3 4 .9 5

H o m e & B u s in e s s S ta te : Your Price: $ 3 4 .9 5

1 6 9 Which company is this advertisement for?

(A) Free Edition State Fire tnsurance
(B) TurboTax Ontine State Return
(C) Premier State Travet Agency
(D) H o m e & Business State Life tnsurance

1 7 0 . Which product costs the teast money?

(A) Free Edition State
(B) Detuxe State
(C) Basic State
(D) Premier State

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Questions 171 - 1 7 3 refer to the fottowing articte.

How wiH climate change affect global security?

Are governments doing enough to tackle ciimate change?

T h e British Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett, has warned that ciimate change will have
implications more fundamental and serious for the security o f nations than any single conflict in
the future.

Speaking ahead o f a U N Security Council debate on climate change, Margaret Beckett said the
resources available to mankind were already stretched, and that an unstable climate threatened to
make things worse.

W h a t im pact do you think clim ate change will have on global security? Is there enough political
will to tackle the problem? W h a t should the U N be doing? Has ciimate change affected you?

Send us your views by clicking on the button below. You can also send photos by email to
or by text message to + 4 4 7 7 2 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 .

171. W h o is Margaret Beckett?

(A) The UN Secretary Genera)
(B) The UN High Commissioner for the Environment
(C) The British tnterior Secretary
(D) The British Foreign Secretary

172. Aside from a tack of resources, what is threatening to make things worse?
(A) An unstabte potiticat environment
(B) An unstabte ctimate
(C) Too many arguments in the United Nations
(D) Not enough pubtic support for poticy initiatives

173. Which of the questions is N O T asked in the articte?

(A) Are governments doing enough to tackte ctimate change?
(B) What impact do you think ctimate change witt have on gtobat security?
(C) What shoutd the UN be doing?
(D) Have you been doing enough to prevent ctimate change?

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Actuat Test 4

Questions 174 - 1 7 7 refer to the fottowing information.

Learn to be a smarter consumer

Today w e continue the theme o f this year's Nationat Consumer Protection W eek, 'Reach Up and
Reach Out: Be an tnformed Consumer,' with a repeat o f Action's '! 0 Commandments for being a
wise consumer.' Heeding them can go a tong way to making the consumer wortd tess risky and
easier to navigate:

t. Atways read any document o r contract, especiatty the fine print, before you sign it. O nce you
sign a proposat o r buy a product, you have entered into a contract. Untess it gives you a way
ou t o r the courts dectare you incompetent, it is untikety you witt be abte to get out o f it by
pteading poverty, otd age, ittness o r tapse o f reason.

2. G et and keep copies o f anything you sign, as wett as receipts, etc.

3. Send any cancettations by certified mait, return receipt requested, so you have p roof that it was

4. G et any orat prom ises in writing. W ith ou t a cop y o f the written agreement, you have no

5. Ask questions, tf you don't understand something, ask questions untit you d o or seek outside
advice from a friend, retative o r tawyer.

6. Steep on it. Before committing to any major purchase o r investment, think about it The deat
may not took as good once you have watked away from it.

7. D o n o t assum e you have th ree days t o cancet an a greem en t. T hough th ere are som e
exceptions (such as contracts for rea! estate, insurance, securities, heatth ctub memberships
and sates o f $25 o r m ore made within your home that you did not initiate),most times you
witt not be abte to cancet. Some car deaterships witt offer customers three days to make a ftnat
decision, but this is not required by taw in Ftorida.

8. Be particutarty carefut on the tntemet, where you may not know with whom you are deating.
Learn to differentiate bogus from tegitimate W e b sites and took for the symbots that a site is
secure before transmitting any persona) information. A tock at the bottom o f the page or an 's'
after http generatty indicate that the site is encrypted.

9. C heck the comptaint history o f a business with the Better Business Bureau and your tocat
consumer protection agencies before, not after, your transaction with it.

tO. Learn your rights as a consumer.

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1 74. What is the purpose of this articte?

(A) To advertise poputar products

(B) To educate the consumer
(C) To protect the satesman
(D) To support new taws against over-priced goods

1 7 5 . According to the articte, what shoutd customers be asked to do before signing a document?

(A) To read the fine print

(B) To catt your tawyer for advice
(C) To have your parent or spouse sign with you
(D) To ask the satesman for their signature too

1 76. When shoutd orat promises onty be accepted?

(A) When your tawyer confirms the honesty of the satesperson
(B) When you know the satesperson personaity and betieve their words
(C) When money is not invotved
(D) When they are accompanied by a written agreement

177. How can you know if a W eb site is secure?

(A) !f the web address ends in '.gov'
(B) )f there is an 's' after http
(C) tf your computer virus scanner says it's safe
(D) tf there is a key at the top of the webpage

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Actuat Test A

Q uestions 1 7 8 - 1 8 0 refer to the fottowing articte.

O besity is a major issue around the wortd, and a s more and more peopte
put on e x c e s s weight it is a probtem that is onty tikety to get worse.

!n the UK it is estim ated that on e in five men and a quarter of wom en are

o b e s e , and that a s m any a s 3 0 ,0 0 0 p eo p te die prematurety every year

from obesity-retated conditions.

W h y is o b esity a probtem ?

Experts betieve that o b esity is responsibte for m ore it) heatth even than
sm oking.

B e in g s ig n ific a n tty o v e r w e ig h t is tinked to a w id e r a n g e o f heatth

probtems, inctuding:

* Heart d isea se

* High btood pressure

* Arthritis

* D iabetes

* tndigestion

* Gattstones

- S o m e can cers (e.g. breast, prostate)

* Snoring, stress, anxiety, and depression

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178. in the UK, how many men are estimated to be o b ese?

(A) One in five

(B) One in ten
(C) One in fifteen
(D) One in twenty

1 7 9 . According to the articie, which of the foiiowing heatth probtems is NOT tinked to obesity?

(A) Weak anktes

(B) Diabetes
(C) tndigestion
(D) Stress

1 80. What is responsibte for more iti heatth than smoking?

(A) Cancer
(B) Obesity
(C) Atcohot
(D) Narcotics

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Actuat Test 4

Q uestions 181 - 1 8 5 refer to the foiiowing information.

Emptoyee & Retiree Voiunteers

Throughout the year, you'ti find Aiiiant Energy em p io yees and retirees voiunteering
their time and taients in their iocai sch o ois, churches and community groups.
Aiiiant Energy voiunteers are active in numerous fund-raising cam paigns, inciuding:

* March of D im es W aikAmerica
* Susan B. Kom en Foundation R ace for the Cure
* American Cancer Society Reiay for Life
* Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bow i-a-Thon
* Variety Ciub of !ow a Teiethon
* Juveniie D iabetes Research Foundation W aik-a-Thon
* Habitat for Humanity buiiding projects

To m ake their efforts even more meaningfui, the Aiiiant Energy Foundation's
Voiunteer Program recognizes and supports th ese dedicated voiunteers by providing
$ 1 0 0 grants for non-profit organizations in the voiunteer's nam e.

The program set a new record in 2 0 0 5 , with 3 8 7 em p io yees and retirees tracking
7 6 ,6 4 6 voiunteer hoursthe equivaient of more than $ 1 .3 miiiion in iabor c o sts. The
Aiiiant Energy Foundation directed nearly $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 in their n am es to hundreds of
non-profit organizations.
The Aiiiant Energy Foundation atso offers em p io yees and retirees a Matching Gifts
Program, providing doiiar-for-doi!ar m atch es to donations for quaiifying non-profit

Voiunteer Program

Through its Voiunteer Program, the Aiiiant Energy Foundation recognizes and
rewards personai invoivement by current em p io yees and retirees of Aiiiant Energy
and its famiiy of com pan ies.
Program participants w ho give their own time to support a wide array of ca u se s and
events in their com m unities may provide grants of up to $ 4 0 0 annuaiiy to eiigibie
charitabte organizations of their choosing.
Grants are awarded o n c e per year for a s few a s 5 0 hours of voiunteer work per 1 2 -
month period.

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3 !

1 81. How much does this voiunteer program provide to non-profit organizations to recognize and support
the dedicated voiunteers?
(A) $50
(B )$100 -
(C) $400
(D) $100,000 ^
182. The word "awarded" in passage 2, paragraph 3, tine 1 is ciosest in meaning to

(A) repeated
(B) given
(C) taken
(D) sorted g;
1 83. Which of the foiiowing fund-raising campaigns is NOT inciuded? o

(A) The Democratic Eiection Committee

(B) American Cancer Society Reiay for Life
(C) Juvenite Diabetes Research Foundation Waik-a-Thon ___
(D) Habitat for Humanity buiiding projects

1 84. What does the Matching Gifts Program do? a

(A) Match a person in need with a person who can donate money i;
(B) Heip you match the right gift to the interests of the receiver %
(C) Create a computer program to organize aii gift-giving activities
(D) Provide doiiar-for-doiiar matches to donations

185. Who may receive and provide grants of up to $400 annuatiy?

(A) Program participants who have voiunteered for more than 50 hours per year >
(B) Chiidren's sports teams that are buiiding community teagues <=
(C) Handicapped chitdren who want to go to cottege
(D) Corporations that have donated more than $100,000 ^

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Actuat Test 4

Questions 186 - 1 9 0 refer to the foiiowing e-maiis.

D A TE: Apri) 2.2.

FRO M : Andrew Kim
TO : Robert Dawson
SU B JEC T: Grand Opening Ceremonies

Hetio Mr. Dawson,

tt was reatly pleased to tatk to you on the phone earlier today. As I hope i made clear to you, it
is absoiutely essential that we have the sound system package we ordered set up on time, as
per the contract signed tast week. Ceremonies begin on April 27 at 6 :0 0 p.m. sharp. Your set
up schedule is to inctude a complete sound check. W e don't need a repeat of iast time.
Ptease note that due to construction, it is impossibte to use Gate i . So please have your trucks
arrive at Gate 4, by I 1:00 A.M. O ur staff wilt calt a construction foreman to escort you to the
toading bays tn keeptng w ith safety requirem ents, ensure yo u r crew is equipped w ith safety
vests and safety hetmets, or o ur staff witt ask them to teave the site.
tf you have any speciat etectricat needs, please contact Philip Jackson, our ptant manager. H is cett
phone number is 6 0 4 .5 5 5 .4 J 23.

Andrew Kim
Event Coordinator
St. Paut Recreationat Center

DATE: jartuary 22
FROM: Robert Dawson
TO : Mr. Andrew Kim
SUBJECT: Re: Grand Opening Ceremonies

Dear Mr. Kim,

tt was good to have spoken to you yesterday in person, t wish to assure you that in my new position
here at Perfect Sound t witt try to provide you with as seamtess a process as possibte.
O ur sound expert, Michaet Johnson, is currentty scheduted to arrive at 3 :00 P.M. to run the sound
check, which we think witt give us ptenty of time to ensure everything witt be up and running by the
7:00 P.M. start time.
t note that our instattation personnet witt be required to wear safety vests and safety hetmets. t think this
requirement does not appty to Michaet because he is not invotved in the actuat physicat set-up.
As regards etectricat needs, t have atready e-maited Mr. Jackson att the necessary information. Ptease
feet free to catt me at 556 -7 65 8 with any concerns you may have. Thank you for setecting Perfect

Robert Dawson
Vice president

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1 86. Why does Mr. Kim write this e-mai!?

(A) To arrange a phone meeting
(B) To negotiate a time that works for everybody
(C) To ptace an order for sound system services
(D) To provide instructions about a sound system instattation

1 87. W ho is Mr. Michaet Johnson?

(A) A construction foreman
(B) A sound expert
(C) An event coordinator
(D) An instattation crew person

188. The word "sharp" in passage 1, paragraph 1, tine 3 is ctosest in meaning to

(A) acute
(B) btunt
(C) punctuatty
(D) fierce

1 89. When can Phitip Jackson expect to be notified regarding etectricat needs?

(A) By 10:00 A.M. Aprit 25

(B) He atready has the information.
(C) By 10:00 A.M. Aprit 26
(D) He doesn't need to receive any information.

190. When did Mr. Kim and Mr. Dawson meet?

(A) The day of the first e-mait

(B) The day before the first e-mait
(C) The day of the second e-mait
(D) They haven't met before.

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Actuat Test 4

Q uestions 191 - 1 9 5 refer to the foiiowing ietter and docum ent.

D ea r S tu d e n t A c c o u n t s

H i, I'm H a r r is o n S m ith . I'm m a jo r in g in B io ch e m is tr y . I a m w r itin g to let y o u k n o w that

as o f S p rin g 2007, I 'v e b e e n p u t o n a c a d e m ic p r o b a tio n , a n d as a resu lt it is im p o s s ib le fo r
m e to jo in a n y b o w li n g tea m a ctiv ities at the State U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk at P lattsbu rgh .
T h e r e fo r e , I w a n t y o u to era se IA B 50 - "I n te r c o lle g ia te A th le tic s, B o w lin g " fr o m this
s p r in g c o u r s e s c h e d u le .
A c c o r d in g to th e D e a n 's O ffic e , I w ill b e a b le to p a rticip a te in all b o w li n g team a ctivities
in the fall, if m y g r a d e s im p r o v e this sem ester. T h u s I e a g e r ly w a n t to r eq u est that y o u
c o n t in u e to a w a r d m y B o w lin g T e a m S c h o la r s h ip o f $1,800 p e r sem ester. I w ill d e fin ite ly
d o m y b e s t to g e t g o o d g ra d e s . If I c a n 't k e e p th e sc h o la r s h ip , I w ill h a v e a h ard tim e
c o v e r in g m y tu ition . P lea se a n s w e r m y r e q u e st as s o o n as p o s s ib le . I w ill e n c lo s e the
sta tem en t o f A c c o u n ts .

S in ce re ly ,
H a r r iso n S m ith

University of New York at Plattsburgh Statement of Accounts

Students Accounts
101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Name: Harrison Smith Student ID number: 2985721 Semester: Spring 2007

We do not receive cash
Credit Card: Master Number: 3044 5678 **** ****

We are forwarding a copy of the credit slip Masters sent us and suggest you take a
look at your credit card statements from this period to make sure the credit posted.

If you want to avoid $50.00 late fee, please pay before the due date.
Payment due date 02/20/07

Item C h arges P aym en t Received ! in ancial A id and A w ard

_____________ ______________ B o w lin g Team Scholarship
Tuition SP 07 3*750.00
Technology Fee j 120.00 I
Health Fee 90000 ____________
Parking Fee 80.00
Total 4,850.000.00 ISOO.OO
Total comes to $3,050.00

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1 9 1 . What is the purpose of Mr. Smith's ietter?

(A) To request that Student Accounts continue his schoiarship

(B) To request that Student Accounts register him for a speciai course
(C) To request that Student Accounts remove him from academic probation
(D) To request that Student Accounts give him a chance to work there

1 9 2 . Why does Mr. Smith receive a schoiarship from the schooi?

(A) He is teaching a bowting ciass.

(B) He is working at the university as a facutty member.
(C) He is ieaving the university this fait.
(D) He is a student athiete at the university.

1 9 3 . How much wouid Mr. Smith pay if he did not receive his schoiarship?

(A) $900
(B) $1800
(C) $3050
(D) $4850

1 9 4 . What wiii take piace if Mr. Smith does not pay his fees by the due date?

(A) He wiii iose his chance to get a schoiarship.

(B) He shouid pay a $50 tate fee.
(C) He wiit have to improve his grades.
(D) He wiit have to ieave the schooi.

1 9 5 . What wiit Mr. Smith have to do if he wants to rejoin his bowting team activities this fait?

(A) He has to join voiunteer programs.

(B) He has to improve his grades.
(C) He has to take additionai courses.
(D) He has to do a tot of assignments.

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Actuat Test 4
280 ; BtG STE P TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 9 6 - 2 0 0 refer to the foiiowing warranty and ietter.

W arranty P oiicy for S& S D urable S n e a k e rs

Attention cu stom ers! W e guarantee that our sneakers have the best quatity. tn
particutar, they are durabie enough to endure extrem e weather conditions, tf there

are any d efects in the materiai and workmanship, ptease sen d them back

immediatety with the originat receipt and packaging. Att our products can be
exch anged within 1 0 0 d ays of the date of purchase, tn addition, a fuit refund can be
given if preferred. Ptease ch eck the instructions beiow.

1. tf you u se your sneakers outdoors, they cannot b e returned for sizing probiems.
2. tf d a m a g e is ca u sed by your mistake, this warranty witt not appty.

3. tf d a m a g e takes ptace over 1 0 0 days past the date of purchase b eca u se of

proven defect in the workmanship, you wiit be given 3 0 % credit tow ards the
purchase of a new pair.


C ustom er Service

4 7 5 Green Ave.
Princeton, NJ

Hi, t'm Eugene Lee. t'm writing you to return my sneakers purchased iast week.

Actuatty, t bought my sneakers on the internet tast Saturday. Seemingty they were

reatty nice and strong, but the heets appeared to be cracked when t wore them
today. Thus, t'm returning th ese sneakers with the originai receipt. Sorry for not

returning the box. t threw it away. ! h ope this witt not have an effect on my refund,

t w a s very disappointed with your products b ec a u se t had heard that your brand has
a pretty g o o d reputation. Anyway t woutd tike to get a fuit refund, but if that's not

possibte, ! woutd tike to exch an ge this pair for another.

Eugene Lee

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Part 7 i 281

3 !
196. What is Mr. Lee doing with his sneakers purchased iast week?

(A) He is bringing them to the store.

(B) He is putting them on the sheif.
(C) He is washing them.

(D) He is sending them back to the manufacturer.

197. What wiit happen if Mr. Lee wears the sneakers outdoors?

(A) The sneakers wiii fait apart.

(B) The maker cannot exchange them for a different size.

(C) He can get a fuit refund.
(D) He can get 3 0 % off the next purchase.

Actuat Test 1
198. When can the purchaser get 3 0 % credit toward a new pair of sneakers?

(A) One month after purchase

(B) When the guaranty expires and the manufacturer admits there is a defect in the workmanship
(C) Two years after purchase
(D) Before the guaranty expires oniy

1 99. What is Mr. Lee concerned about?

Actual Test 2
(A) The coior for the sneakers
(B) The cracks in the heeis of the sneakers
(C) His chances of getting a refund
(D) The durabiiity of the sneakers

2 0 0 . What does Mr. Lee want to receive?

(A) A traveier's check
(B) A refund or a new pair of sneakers

Actuat Test 3
(C) Just an exchange
(D) A written apoiogy

Actual Test 5

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Actuat Test 5

Listening Test
in the Listening test, you wit) b e asked to dem onstrate how weti you understand spoken
Engiish. The entire Listening test wiit iast approximatety 4 5 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate
answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in your test book.

Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you witt hear four statem ents about a picture in
your test book. W hen you hear the statem ents, you m ust seiect the one statem ent that
b est d escrib es what you s e e in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your
answ er sh eet and mark your answer. The statem ents witt not be printed in your test book
and witt be spoken onty one time.

Look at the exam pte item betow.

Now iisten to the four statem ents.

Sam pie Answ er

(A ) (B ) * (D )

Statem ent ( C ) , "They're standing near the tabte," is the b est description of the picture, so
you shoutd setect answ er (C ) and mark it on your answ er sheet.

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LC tntroduction Actuat Test 1 Actuat Test 2


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Actuat Test 3 [ Actuat Test 4


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Actua). Test 5
286 B)G STEP TOEtC 3

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introduction Actuai Test 1 Actual Test 2


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Actua LTest 5
288 8)G STEP TOEtC 3



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Actual Test 3 Actua) Test 4

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Actuat Test 5

Part 2
Directions: You wiit hear a question or statem ent and three resp o n se s spoken in Engiish.
They witt not b e printed in your test book and wit) be spoken oniy one time. Seiect the best
resp o n se to the question or statem ent and mark the ietter (A ), (B ), or (C ) on your answer


You wiit hear: W here is the meeting room ?

You witi atso hear: (A) To m eet the new director.

(B) tt's the first room on the right.
(C) Y e s, at tw o o'ctock.

The best resp o n se to the question "W h ere is the meeting r o o m ?" is choice (B ), "tt's the first
room on the right." s o (B ) is the correct answer. You shoutd mark answ er (B ) on your
answ er sheet.

1 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 6 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 8 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

1 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 2 9 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 6 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 1 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

17. Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 2 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 8 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 3 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

1 9 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 4 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 0 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 5 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

2 1 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 6 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 2 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 7 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 3 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 8 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet,

2 4 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet, 3 9 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet,

2 5 . Mark your answ er on your answ er sheet. 4 0 . Mark your answ er on your answer sheet.

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Part 3
Directions: You wit) hear so m e conversations betw een tw o peopie. You wiii b e asked to
answ er three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Seiect the best
resp o n se to each question and mark the ietter (A ) , ( B ) , (C ), or (D ) on your answer sheet.
The conversations wiit not b e printed in your test book and wiii be spoken oniy one time.

41. What probiem does the woman mention?

(A) Som e office fiies are missing.

(B) A meeting has to be arranged.
(C) She can't a cce ss som e information.
(D) A detivery is deiayed.

42. What does the man suggest?

(A) Taking a break
(B) Caiiing Maintenance
(C) Using a different machine
(D) Making a new presentation

43. Who most iikeiy is Max?

(A) A security staff

(B) A software expert
(C) A customer
(D) A suppiier

44. What are the speakers mainiy discussing?

(A) Work bonuses

(B) Marketing poticies
(C) Production figures
(D) Hiring new staff

45. What probtem does the woman mention?

(A) Lack of experience

(B) Limited openings
(C) High costs
(D) Low saiaries

46. What does the man suggest?

(A) Speaking to a supervisor
(B) Hotding a meeting
(C) Using an agency
(D) Responding to an advertisement

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Actuat Test 5

47. Why wiit the woman arrive !ate?

(A) Her car has broken down.
(B) She is caught in heavy traffic.
(C) A meeting took tonger than expected.
(D) She is waiting for a detivery.

48. What wit) the man discuss with Mr. Ramesh?

(A) A new order from a ciient
(B) The reason why the woman is iate
(C) Repiacing oid phones
(D) A m essage from a car renta! company

49. Why is the woman unabte to contact a coiieague?

(A) He is at the office on Fatcon Street.
(B) He is out of town.
(C) He has switched off his ceU phone.
(D) He is in a discussion.

5 0. What is the woman iooking for?

(A) A shopping cataiog
(B) A store web site
(C) Designs for paper
(D) Directions to a friend's house

5 1. According to the man, why is Papyrus popuiar?

(A) tt is convenientty tocated.
(B) tt has a wide variety of goods.
(C) tt is a budget store.
(D) There are discounts for ontine purchases.

52. What does the woman decide to do?

(A) Bring a cotteague atong
(B) Order a sampte
(C) Meet the manager
(D) Visit the store

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53. What are the speakers mainty discussing?
(A) A memo from Sam
(B) Staying back to finish work
(C) A meeting tater in the day
(D) A new eating ptace

54. When does this conversation take ptace?

(A) Morning
(B) Noon
(C) Afternoon
(D) Evening

5 5. Who are the speakers?

(A) Participants at a seminar
(B) Students at a tecture
(C) Cotteagues at a workptace
(D) Visitors on a tour

56. Where most tikety does the woman work?

(A) At an office
(B) At an eatery
(C) At a theater
(D) At a sports ground

57. What does the man want to know?

(A) tf tickets are avaitabte

(B) How tong a performance witt be
(C) Directions to a tocation
(D) Where to get entry passes

58. What is the man asked to do?

(A) Remain sitent
(B) Catt the woman
(C) Speak to Mike
(D) Be seated on time

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Actuat Test 5
294 BiG ST E P TOEtC 3

5 9. What does the man want to do?

(A) Check a date
(B) Make an inquiry
(C) Cottect a parce)
(D) Buy stamps

60. Why was the detivery not made?

(A) tt was a hotiday.
(B) The man was not at home.
(C) An address was incorrect.
(D) The woman didn't com e to work.

61. What d oes the woman ask the man to do?

(A) Show a bit)
(B) Give her an order number
(C) Sign a receipt
(D) Meet the supervisor

62. Why witt the man be in London?

(A) To meet ctients
(B) To organize an event
(C) To attend a meeting
(D) To make a presentation

63. What is happening on Friday?

(A) A training program
(B) A farewett for a cotteague
(C) The woman's birthday
(D) A weekend outing

64. What does the man offer to do?

(A) Send out som e invitations
(B) Meet Afzat in New York
(C) Hetp the woman with preparations
(D) Bring something for the occasion

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6 5. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) Movement of office suppties

(B) Designs for a new tine of products
(C) A recent sate

(D) Arrangements for a party

66. What does the man want to do?

(A) Take suggestions from ctients
(B) Sett remaining stock

(C) Ptan for an event
(D) Check on a detivery

Actuat Test 1
67. What does the woman recommend?

(A) Ordering more tamps

(B) Announcing free gifts in purchases
(C) Promoting a tocat brand
(D) Offering a speciat price

Actuat Test 2
68. What does the man want to know?
(A) When a meeting witt start
(B) Whether there are enough chairs
(C) How to go to the second ftoor

(D) Where an event is being hetd

69. Who is Professor Ferguson?

Actuat Test 3
(A) A guest
(B )A speaker
(C) A nominee
(D) An advisor

7 0. What does the woman suggest that the man do?

(A) Speak to a votunteer

Actuat Test 4
(B) Use an etevator
(C) Catt a co-worker
(D) Register right now

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Actua). Test 5
296 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Part 4

Directions: You wi!) hear so m e tatks given by a singte speaker. You witt be asked to answer
three questions about what the speaker sa y s in each tatk. Setect the best response to each
question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answ er sheet. The tatks witt not be
printed in your test book and witt be spoken onty one time.

7 1. What is the purpose of the announcement?

(A) To introduce a main guest
(B) To inform tisteners of a schedute change
(C) To say that a speciat disptay has opened
(D) To thank performers at a show

72. Where most tikety is the announcement being made?

(A) At a seminar
(B) At an exhibition
(C) At a concert hatt
(D) tn an office

7 3. Why are passes mentioned by the speaker?

(A) They can be used for a tater show.
(B) They are needed to gain entry to an area.
(C) They are vatid at the cafeteria.
(D) They can be exchanged at a speciat counter.

74. Who most tikety is the speaker?

(A) A park attendant
(B) A performer
(C) A visitor
(D) A tour guide

75. According to the speaker, what is NOT a feature at this ptace?

(A) A ftower d o ck
(B) A musicat fountain
(C) A tive band
(D) A boat ride

76. What witt happen at 3 p.m.?

(A) The park witt ctose.
(B) A speciat show witt begin.
(C) The visitors witt teave.
(D) A famous poet witt arrive.

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7 7. What is the show mainty about?

(A) How to stay heatthy

(B) Where to buy heatth foods
(C) What to eat when fatigued
(D) How to conserve water

78. Who has been invited to the show?

(A) A cetebrity
(B) A heatth ctub owner
(C) A diet expert
(D) A store owner

79. What witt Nina Jose do?

(A) Announce the programs for the day

(B) Report on fitness equipment
(C) Give advice on weight toss
(D) Teach simpte exercises

80. Who most tikety are the tisteners?

(A) Traveters
(B) News reporters
(C) Joumatists
(D) Researchers

81. How tong has the speaker been in his profession?

(A) Ten years
(B) Fifteen years
(C) Twenty years
(D) Thirty years

82. What are tisteners asked to do?

(A) Work hard

(B) Speak with buyers
(C) Reduce costs
(D) Hire more workers

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Actuat Test 5

83. Who is this m essage for?

(A) Empioyees
(B) Software programmers
(C) Customers
(D) Tetephone operators

84. What wi!) happen when tisteners diat 013?

(A) A tist of services wit! be made avaitabte.
(B) tnformation on payments can be received.
(C) The m essage witt repeat.
(D) Requests witt be registered.

85. Why is a web site mentioned?

(A) To promote the use of ontine services
(B) As a source of information
(C) For speedier ordering
(D) To settte comptaints

86. Who is this tatk for?

(A) Students
(B) Viewers
(C) Supptiers
(D) tnvestors

87. What can tisteners receive at the end of the tatk?

(A) Free samptes
(B) Usefut recipes
(C) Exctusive offers
(D) Speciat memberships

88. What witt the speaker do next?

(A) Conduct a survey
(B) Accept orders
(C) Demonstrate products
(D) Ask questions

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89. Why is this speech being made?
(A) To announce a research project
(B) To honor som eone who is retiring
(C) To choose a teader for a company
(D) To request participation in a program

90. What is Ms. Ling's job at Axion Etectronics?

(A) She is in charge of research.

(B) She is a recruitment officer.
(C) She is the president.
(D) She is a board member.

91. What has been Ms. Ling's contribution to the company?

(A) A training program for new workers

(B) A modem research center
(C) A manuat for Axion products
(D) A heatth schem e for staff

92. Who most tikety are the tisteners?

(A) Security personnet
(B) Visitors to a city
(C) New emptoyees
(D) Ctients

9 3. Why is Human Resources mentioned?

(A) The speaker has been hired there.
(B) A manager witt address the group there.
(C) The tour began at that department.
(D) The tisteners witt receive badges there.

94. Where witt the group go tast?

(A) Detivery
(B) Production
(C) Accounting
(D) The cafeteria

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Actuat Test 5
300 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

95. What is the m essage mainty about?

(A) A new product to be taunched
(B) An upcoming presentation
(C) A date for comptetion of work
(D) A bid for a project

96. What does the speaker say about Ms. Lee's presentation?
(A) !t teft a few questions unanswered.
(B) )t was very impressive.
(C) He woutd tike a copy of it for reference.
(D) He had doubts on som e points.

97. What is mentioned about the 10th of June?

(A) tt is the day a decision witt be made.

(B) tt is when an event witt be hetd.
(C) tt is the tast date for submitting a proposat.
(D) tt is the finat day of a speciat offer from Axis.

98. What is the report mainty about?

(A) Work ptanned on a city street
(B) Traffic restrictions at night
(C) A decision to ctose a buitding
(D) A citizens' initiative for an area

99. According to the report, how tong witt the project take?
(A) A week
(B) A month
(C) Two months
(D) Six months

1 00. Where can tisteners get additionat information?

(A) At a project office
(B) At a web site
(C) On 25th Street
(D) At the Town Hatt

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Actua LTest 5

Reading Test

!n the Reading test, you wit) read a variety of texts and answ er severai different types of
reading com prehension questions. The entire Reading test wit) tast 75 minutes. There are
three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answ er as many
question s a s possibte within the time attowed.

You m ust mark your answ ers on the separate answ er sheet. Do not write your answ ers in the
test book.

Part 5

D irections: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sen ten ces betow. Four answer choices
are given betow each sen ten ce. Setect the b est answ er to com ptete the sen ten ce. Then mark
the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answ er sheet.

1 0 1 . The new route witt--------to further devetoping 104. The contract between our company and Star
trade retations between the countries in the company i s --------approximate^ $300 mittion
region. over the next ten years.
(A) conduct (A) profitabte
(B) contribute (B) painfut
(C) expect (C) worth
(D) intend (D) quatified

1 0 2 . ---------- on the Caribbean Sea, Cancun is 1 0 5 . ---------- Mr. Shane can't find the magazines he
famous among European and American wants at the tocat tibrary, he is going to order
traveters as a dream hotiday destination. them himsetf through the internet.
(A) Locate (A) Whereas
(B) Locating (B) Atthough
(C) Located (C) So that
(D) Location (D)tf

1 0 3 . tmprovements to the factory's manufacturing 1 0 6 . Having consecutivety won their tast three
facitities--------- in savings of more than $7 gam es, the Attanta Braves go into the finat
mittion so far this year. round with a tot o f --------- .
(A) resutted (A) concern
(B) have resutted (B) confidence
(C) resutting (C) concept
(D) has resutted (D) confrontation

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1 07. tf you get any products at a ---------price, 1 1 3 . As a member of the tntemationat Otympic
ptease make use of the Universe Shopping Committee, Mr. Franktin's fares and hotet
Cyber Matt. --------were paid for by the tOC.

(A) distinct (A) vatues

(B) definite (B) customs
(C) approachabte (C) refunds
(D) reasonabte (D) expenses

1 0 8 . For business retations to continue between 114. Som e European products tose their price
our two companies, a satisfactory---------must competitiveness due to the h igh------ costs to
be reached and signed. Asia and the United States of America.

(A) assignment (A) exchange

(B) appointment (B) purchase
(C) prescription (C) transfer
(D) agreement (D) shipping

1 0 9 . The countries in the Middte East with 1 1 5 . There are no firm figures on the number of
abundant oit money have com m enced to traqi civitians kitted since the war b e g a n -------
e x p a n d --------- industriat investment, boosting many estimates put the figure at more than
the overseas ptant orders. 60 , 000.
(A) they (A) but
(B) theirs (B) beyond
(C) their (C) far
(D) them (D) otherwise

1 1 0 . More than ever before, the food industry in 1 1 6 . The movie, My Piano, didn't reatty win the
America is p ayin g-----------to young hearts of the audience due to its ptain and
consumers interested in their heatth. rather------------storytine.

(A) attendant (A) predictabte

(B) attention (B) prediction
(C) attends (C) predict
(D) attending (D) predictabty

1 1 1 . The coupon can be exchanged into an event 1 17. Manufacturers woutd g a in ---------trade status
admission ticket when submitted to t h e -------- in the United States versus their main
information center at JFK tntemationat competitors, China and Japan.
Airport. (A) favor
(A) visit (B) favorabty
(B) visitor (C) favorite
(C) visiting (D) favorabte
(D) visited
1 1 8 . Effective Juty 1st, att suppty requests must be
112. Therefore, today's outcome i s ------------for us approved by a supervisor a n d ---------- in
and for the hundreds of other companies who writing to the suppty officer.
have ticensed MP3 technotogy. (A) advised
(A) disappoints (B) submitted
(B) disappointing (C) urged
(C) disappointed (D) comptied
(D) disappointment

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Actuat Test 5

119. !f you have any questions or suggestions for 125. The conference focuses on the question of
improvement, ptease do n o t --------- to contact ---------the EU may re-estabtish direct contact
our customer service center. with the government of the Patestinian
(A) provide Authority.
(B) comptain (A) atthough
(C) compromise (B) when
(D) hesitate (C) because
(D) whether
120. The existing matt contains three department
stores, nine restaurants, more than fifty--------- 126. The session was crowded with directors and
shops, and a movie theater. managers i n ------- of human resources
(A) retaited departments from targe companies such as
(B) retaiter Samsung, POSCO and Maxon.
(C) retaiting (A) responsibitity
(D) retait (B) charge
(C) chance
121. The average price of mitk products is expected (D) duty
to rise considerabty in the next month due to
t h e ---------costs associated with dairy 1 2 7 . Peopte who tove animats atways insist that
farming. the rights of animats acknowtedged and
(A) decreased respected.
(B) increased (A) witt be
(C) approach (B) be
(D) impress (C) are
(D) have been
122. Our contract for the ink cartridge detivery
---------- in 60 days, and our company needs to 1 2 8 . The work of a r t,--------is titted Cosmic
decide whether to renew or change vendors. Magnet', witt be exhibited for severat days in
(A) exists the centra) square of Mitan.
(B) remodets (A) who
(C) expires (B) which
(D) invotves (C) what
(D) whose
123. Before the game, the ptayers asked me to
betieve i n ....... , promising not to make the 129. We're teaming how t o .............. fitm in the
sam e mistake again. darkroom and we're atso teaming how to set
(A) they up tights in the studio.
(B) them (A) reveat
(C) their (B) devetop
(D) theirs (C) store
(D) handte
1 24. JR company has three new pieces of
equipment in the prototype stage th a t-------- 130. There was no heavy industry, onty agricutture,
the TX-3 series atready in production. arts and crafts, a n d ------- of these things
(A) prevent damaged our environment.
(B) comptement (A) no
(C) encourage (B) not
(D) etevate (C) none
(D) much

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131. Ptease make sure that att of your sates 136. Mr. Smith's study found th a t---------- one-third
representatives understand and fottow our of att e-mait written or answered by
poticies--------this urgent matter. emptoyees is not retevant to their jobs.

(A) regard (A) nears

(B) regarding (B) nearing
(C) regard tess (C) neared
(D) regards (D) nearty

1 3 2 . Beginning next month, students who receive 137. The payment is a sum of 550 mittion won in
high scores on international authorized benefits and 50 mittion won in retirement
Engtish tests, such as TOEtC and TOEFL, witt gra n ts,--------- he tives to the age of 74.
be exempt from taking---------- Engtish (A) whereas
courses. (B) so as to
(A) mandatory (C) whether
(B) additionat (D) assuming that
(C) comptex
(D) manageabte 1 38. tf any part of the product proves to b e ---------
within one year of the date of purchase, it witt
133. The appticants who meet t h e ---------- for the be repaired free of charge, or reptaced if
position witt be contracted in order to necessary.
schedute an on-site interview. (A) defective
(A) requirements (B) defects
(B) requires (C) defect
(C) required (D) defectivety
(D) requiring
139. My team atso took advantage of the resort's
1 3 4 . tt witt be difficutt for SKO company t o -------- tocat--------- tours of the area, inctuding a
advance into American or European markets shopping trip to a vittage market.
because of the tanguage barrier. (A) exercise
(A) repeatedty (B) excursion
(B) randomty (C) incident
(C) fairty (D) setection
(D) promptty
1 40. Pubtic transportation to the construction area
1 3 5 . tf the comptex reat estate tax made by the --------- because of concern for passenger
NTS is deem ed correct, it can be paid safety.
through the bank with t h e ---------- tax papers. (A) was discontinuing
(A) enctose (B) discontinues
(B) enctosure (C) discontinue
(C) enctosed (D) was discontinued
(D) enctosing

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Actuat Test 5

Part 6

D irections: Read the texts on the foiiowing p a g e s. A word or phrase is missing in so m e of the
sen ten ces. Four answ er ch o ic es are given betow each of th ese sen ten ces. Setect the best
answ er to com ptete the text. Then mark the tetter (A ), ( B ) , (C ), or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 141 - 1 4 3 refer to the fottowing tetter.

Dear Mr. Jeff,

The purpose of this resignation tetter is to inform you that t witt be teaving my position with QB
C o m p a n y ----------O ctober 1. t witt be retocating to the New York City area in the near future.

1 4 1 . (A) efficient
(B) effective
(C) competitive
(D) etigibte

t have appreciated both being part of the QB team and the opportunities that have been
provided to m e during the tast severat years. Ptease tet m e k n o w ----------! can be of assistance

1 4 2 . (A) b ecau se of
(B) despite
(C) therefore
(D) if

during the transition.

You c a n ----------m e at (919) 2 3 3 -1 5 5 2 if you have any questions or need any further information.

1 4 3 . (A) iean
(B) borrow
(C) bewitder
(D) reach


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Q uestions 1 4 4 - 1 4 6 refer to the fottowing information.

B usin ess w ritin g----------- from the chatty, conversationat styte often found in emait m e ssa g e s

1 4 4 . (A) d on ates
(B) varies
(C) suffers
(D) affects

to a famitiar co-w orker, to the m ore format, tegatistic styte found in contracts, tn t h e --------of

1 4 5 . (A) major
(B) majority
(C) minor
(D) atmost

m e m o s, emait m e s s a g e s , and tetters, a styte betw een th ese two extrem es is appropriate.

Atways rem em ber, writing that is too format can atienate readers, and an overty obvious
attem pt to b e causat and informat may strike the reader a s insincere or unprofessional !n
b u sin ess writing, a s in att writing, k n o w in g -------- audience is criticat.

1 4 6 . (A) you
(B) yoursetf
(C) yours
(D) your

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Actuat Test 5

Q uestions 1 4 7 - 1 4 9 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

Car and Driver is pubtished monthty by H achette tnc. This m agazine is written for readers
................. in dom estic and imported autos.

1 4 7 . (A) excited
(B) inevitabte
(C) productive
(D) interested

E a c h -------------- presents the n ew est cars, SU V s, trucks and mini vans with information on

148. (A) issue

(B) host
(C) reputation
(D) con sen t

features and reviews o f perform ance, inctuding com parison tests, tn Car and Driver, you'tt find
n e w s -------intemationat races, a s wet) a s cham pionship car events. The m agazine atso inctudes

149. (A) off

(B) with
(C) on

extensive reports on road tests and technicat performance, a s wett a s car acce ssory product
reviews and fascinating interviews with noteworthy personatities.

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Q uestions 1 5 0 - 1 5 2 refer to the foiiowing information.

!n modern W estern cutture, the o b e s e body sh ap e i s -------- regarded a s unattractive. Many

150. (A) wide

(B) widety
(C) width
(D) widest

negative stereotypes are com m onty a s s o c ia t e d -------- o b e s e peopte, such a s the betief that
1 5 1 . (A) with
(B) on
(C) to
(D) under

they are iazy and stupid.

O b e s e chitdren, teen agers and adutts fa ce a heavy sociat stigm a. O b e se chitdren are
frequency the targets of butties and are often shunned by their peers. M ost o b e se peopte have
experienced negative thoughts about their body image, and many t a k e ........... step s to try to

1 5 2 . (A) drastic
(B) comfortabte
(C) absotute
(D) positive

ch an ge their sh ape, inctuding dieting, the u se of diet pitts, and even surgery.

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Actuat Test 5

Part 7

Directions: !n this part, you wi!) read a setection of texts, such a s m agazine and newspaper
artictes, tetters, and advertisem ents. Each text is fottowed by severat questions. Setect the
best answ er for each question and mark the tetter (A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , or (D ) on your answer sheet.

Q uestions 1 5 3 - 1 5 4 refer to the fottowing advertisement.

AD Watcher

A d W a tc h e r is our new e-mait atert service. Hundreds of new tistings are

added daity to the Bargain N ew s. With Ad W atcher, you witt b e informed
daity when new tistings that match your search criteria arrive.

B e s t o f A !!'s e a s y ! Simpty perform your search and ctick on Ad Watcher.

You witt b e notified daity of new tistings and weekty status updates every

Ad W atcher is an advan ced feature avaitabte to att r e g * ^ ' " ------- " ----------- ----------

153. What is Ad Watcher?

(A) A home security system

(B) An e-mait atert service
(C) A diet and exercise program
(D) An environmentat protection group

154. On what day witt you be notified of new tistings?

(A) Tuesday
(B) Thursday
(C) Saturday
(D) Sunday

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Questions 155 - 156 refer to the foiiowing notice.

Detroit Annua! M otor Show

H Admission Fee

Ctassification Group Remarks
On-site Advance

Adutts $9.00 $7.00 - Group ticketing is timited to a

group of more than 30 students
Cottege Students $9.00 $7.00 $7.00
and the tickets shoutd be

Primary, middte, & purchased by a teacher in

$6.00 $4.00 $4.00 charge.
high schoot students

. Apri! 6 (Fri) : 12:00 - 1 8 :0 0

* Aprit 7 (Sat) - Aprit 15 (Sun) : 10:00 - 18:00

xCtosing Time of Admission : 17:00

155. How many peopte must join a group to receive a group discount?

(A) 10
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 40

1 56. How many days witt the auto show be open?

(A) 3
(B )5
(C )7
(D )10

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Actuat Test 5
312 ; 8 )G STEP TOEtC 3

Q uestions 1 5 7 - 1 5 9 refer to the fottowing written protest.

I ordered a box spring and mattress from the Boscovs store in Camp Hill, PA. I
needed to exchange the box spring for a lower one. The sales people at the store
were helpful, but it took almost three weeks for it to come in. They called to set
up an appointment for delivery. Someone else took the call and told them I was
working and that it would be better for us if it was delivered on the following
Saturday. I called to confirm this and the lady who took my call was NOT very
helpful. It would have probably been less frustrating if I had talked to a machine.
She checked my account, and said I had to set up a delivery time. I thought 1had
a delivery day, but she said I didn't. I was so frustrated while talking to her,
because she was the most unresponsive person I have dealt with in years. In
frustration, I told her the earliest I could be there for a delivery was the following
Thursday! I thought I had a Saturday delivery! The people who initially delivered
the bed were prompt and nice, but I will never order another thing from Boscovs
where I have to set up a delivery. The person who set up the delivery was not
Customer Focused AT ALL!

1 5 7 . What did the customer order from the B oscovs store?

(A) A box spring and mattress

(B) An office desk and tamp
(C) A phone and answering machine
(D) A service representative training manuat

1 5 8 . How tong did it take for the order to com e in?

(A) One week

(B) Three weeks
(C) Thursday
(D) Saturday

1 5 9 . Why is this customer so frustrated?

(A) The detivery took too much time.

(B) The customer had to pay extra money for the detivery.
(C) The customer service representative was not responsive.
(D) When the detivery arrived, the product was damaged.

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Q u e stio n s 160 - 162 refer to the fottowing information.

Weight Requirement
At each attraction, signs are posted to indicate specific height requirements and warnings for
certain medicat conditions. Listed betow are att the attractions at both Universat Studios Ftorida@
and tstands of Adventure that have a height restriction, tf a show or attraction is not tisted then
this show or attraction d oes not have a height restriction and is open to att guests.

NOTE: Chitdren under 4 8 " (1.22 meters) must be accompanied by an adutt at att times and on att

Universa! Studios Ftorida

Revenge of the MummyS" - Must be at teast 4 8 "

Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Btast - Must be at teast 4 0 " (Persons under 4 0 " can experience this
attraction from an adjacent stationary tocation.)

Back to the Future the Ride@ - Must be at teast 4 0 "

MEN tN BLACK"*, Atien Attack"* - Must be at teast 4 2 "

W oody W oodpecker's Nuthouse Coaster@ - Must be at teast 3 6 "

1 6 0 . Which theme park has these height requirements?

(A) Great Ftags Great Adventure

(B) Revenge of the Mummy
(C) Universat Studios Ftorida
(D) W oody W oodpecker's Nuthouse Coaster

1 6 1 . When must chitdren be atways accompanied by an adutt?

(A) When the ride is inside a dark buitding

(B) When the chitd is younger than 10 years otd
(C) When the ride show s adutt content and viotent themes
(D) When the chitd is under 48 inches tatt

1 6 2 . Which attraction attows the shortest chitdren to ride it?

(A) W oody W oodpecker's Nuthouse Coaster

(B) Revenge of the Mummy
(C) Back to the Future the Ride
(D) Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Btast
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Actuat Test 5

Q uestions 1 6 3 - 1 6 5 refer to the foiiowing fax.

Loan Ca!cu!ator

U se our Loan Caicuiator to hetp you determine the financing and payment options that
are b est for you. The Loan Catcutator witt disptay the resutts atong with an optionat
paym ent schedute if you c h o o se to do so .

interest Rate %

Term of Loan : ] O M onths (*^ Years

Payment Frequency

(*) Monthty C Sem i-m onthty C Bi-weekty O Weekty

Payment A m o u n t:
(if unknown, teave btank)

Totat Loan A m o u n t: $}

Down P a y m en t: Percentage C Dottar

Payment Schedute
Show the dottar am ounts apportioned to principat and interest?
(?) Y e s O No

Note: The Loan Catcutator is intended to provide approximate information about your toan payments. Your actuat
payment information may vary.

163. Why shoutd you use the toan catcutator?

(A) To soive difficutt math probtems for homework
(B) To determine your best financing and payment options
(C) To schedute appointments on the catendar
(D) To keep records of att your phone numbers

164. Which of the fottowing information can NOT be input?

(A) tnterest rate
(B) Term of toan
(C) Payment amount
(D) Your name

165. tn this advertisement, "frequency" means

(A) The amount of money you borrowed
(B) How often you make payments
(C) Your tevet of credit
(D) How tong it takes to pay off the toan

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Questions 166 - 168 refer to the fottowing articte.

Scientists say they've made a coo) discovery about !iving

Mice geneticatty engineered to have tower body temperatures tive su b sta n tia l tonger
than normat mice, researchers say in tomorrow's issue of the journa) Science.

Th e newfangted mice are onty stightty cooter than standard - just 0.5 to 0 .9 degrees
Fahrenheit (0.3 to 0.5 degrees Cetsius), an effect that occurs onty during waking hours.

But the temperature drop significantty increases the rodents' tife spans, scientists say.
Attered mate mice tive 12 percent tonger on average, white femates tive 20 percent
tonger than regutar mice.

"W e 'v e d e m o n stra te d that a m o d e st but protonged re d u c tio n o f core body

temperature can contribute to increased tongevity," said tead study author Bruno
Conti, a biotogist and neuroscientist at the Scripps Research tnstitute in La jotta,

166. Which animat did the scientists use for their experiments?

(A) Mice
(B) Monkeys
(C) Dogs
(D) Pigs

1 67. What did the scientists find increases tife span?

(A) Eating tess fatty foods

(B) Lowering the body temperature
(C) Living at higher attitudes with cteaner air
(D) Exercising for 30 minutes every day

168. What percent did the femate test animats tive tonger than normat animats?

(A) 0.5
(B) 0.9
(C )1 2
(D) 20

w w w

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Actuat Test 5
316 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Questions 169 - 171 refer to the fottowing information.

One in three of us will be diagnosed

with cancer during our lifetime.

T h e disease tends to aHect older people - but can strike at any time.

Excludin g certain skin cancers, there were more than 2 7 0 ,0 0 0 new cases o f the

disease in 2 0 0 1 - and the rate is increasing by about 1 % a year.

Som e cancers, such as breast, are becom ing m ore com m on, while new cases o f

lung cancer fall aw ay due to the drop in the num ber o f smokers.

However, while the overall num ber o f new cancers is not falling, the good news

is th at su ccessfu l tre a tm e n t rates fo r m a n y o f the m o st co m m o n typ es are

im proving rapidly.

B B C N e w s O nline, in con jun ction w ith C an cer Research U K , has produced a

guide to some o f the m ost com m on form s o f cancer and

tackle them.

169. How many peopte witt be diagnosed with cancer during their tifetime?
(A) One in three
(B) One in five
(C) One in ten
(D) One in twenty

170. Which type of cancer is especiatty becoming more com m on?

(A) Breast cancer
(B) Lung cancer
(C) Stomach cancer
(D) Bone cancer

1 7 1 . What did BBC ontine produce?

(A) A tist of doctors who speciatize in cancer treatment
(B) A report of the increasing rate of cancer in the wortd
(C) A manuat that teaches how to tive a more heatthy tife
(D) A guide to the most common forms of cancer

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PM17 317 !
! ............ .... ... ..... . . 3

Q uestions 1 7 2 - 1 7 6 refer to the foiiowing articie.

Hum ans aren 't the on!y ones to ta k e a sum m er hotiday, a new
study has revea!ed.

Creepy-craw ties, fties, and ptants atso join the vacation rush by hitching tong-haut

rides inside airtine b a g g a g e .

The research reveats th at-tike peopte in many cou n tries-Ju n e, Juty, and August

are the peak m onths for tong-distance travet.

Jet-Setting Beetles

Previous studies have show n that international flights are a significant factor in

unwelcom e insect invasion. Som e 7 3 percent o f recorded pest interceptions in the

U .S ., in fact, occur at airports.

Curious to determ ine w hen insects pack their bags and where the bugs are most

likely to go, A n d re w Tatem and Sim on H a y o f the U niversity o f O xford in England

studied global flight patterns for the 1 2 -m o n th period from M a y 1, 2 0 0 5 to April

30, 2006.
Pest travel between fa r-flu n g locations is more likely when the weather is similar

in both regions, m aking it easy for the pests to settle into their new home.
T h e researchers used rainfall, temperature, and hum idity data from each region to

w ork out w hich places linked b y the global flight netw ork had the most similar

climates at various times o f the year.

"H a w a ii, w ith its m oderate year-round climate, is a hot spot for pest invasions,"

Tatem said. "I t is linked to a similar climate in Central A m erica in A pril, Asia in

July, and the Caribbean in October.

In general, though, June, July, and August are the peak m onths for insect travel.
"T h e re are more airports in the N orthern Hem isphere, and the m ajor Southern

Hem isphere airports tend to be closer to the Equator, Tatem said. "T h e June-to-

A ugust period stood out as the tim e w hen, overall, the busiest ftight routes connect

geographically distant but clim atically similar locations.

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Actuat Test 5

172. According to the articte, what is the main cause of insect invasions?
(A) Changing wind patterns
(B) Unusuatty hot temperatures
(C) tntemationat ftights
(D) Changes in agricutturat chemicats

1 7 3 . For how tong did Andrew Tatem and Simon Hay study gtobat ftight patterns?
(A) 6 months
(B )1 year
(C) 18 months
(D) 2 years

174. According to the articte, where are more airports?

(A) Asia
(B) North America
(C) Northern Hemisphere
(D) Southern Hemisphere

175. Which period stood out as the time when most ftights connect ptaces with simitar environments?
(A) From March to May
(B) From June to August
(C) From September to November
(D) From December to February

176. When are pests most tikety to travet?

(A) When the airports are next to jungtes

(B) When there is a tot of food being transported by the airptane
(C) When the insects can mate in the new region
(D) When the weather is simitar in both regions
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Pan 7 319

f )

Questions 177 - 180 refer to the fottowing articte.

tn som nia is characterized by the inabitity to steep o r the inabitity to remain asteep for a

reasonabte period, tnsomniacs typicatty comptain o f being unabte to ctose their eyes or "rest their
mind" for m ore than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and nonorganic insomnia constitute a
steep disorder, tt is often caused by fear, stress, anxiety, medications, herbs, caffeine, depression
o r sometimes for no apparent reason. An overactive mind o r physicat pain may atso be causes.
Finding the undertying cause o f insomnia is usuatty necessary to cure it.

Types o f insomnia

Actua! Test 1
t. Transient insomnia tasts from one night to a few weeks, but it seems tonger to sufferers. Host
peopte occasionatty suffer from transient insomnia due to such causes as jet tag or short-term
anxiety, tf this form o f insomnia con tin u es to o c c u r from time to time, the insomnia is
ctassified as intermittent.

2. Acute insomnia is the inabitity to consistency steep wett for a period o f between three weeks
to six months.

Actua! Test 2
3. C hronic insomnia is regarded as the m ost serious, tt persists atmost nightty fo r at teast a

1 77. How many types of insomnia are tisted in the articte?


Actua! Test 3
(B )2
(C )3

1 7 8 . According to the articte, which of the fottowing is a cause of insomnia?

(A) Caffeine
(B) Stress

Actua! Test 4
(C) No apparent reason
(D) Att of the above

179. Which type of insomnia is regarded as the most serious?

(A) Organic insomnia

(B) Chronic insomnia
(C) Acute insomnia
(D) Transient insomnia

180. Which type of insomnia is regarded as the cause of jet tag?

(A) Organic insomnia

(B) Chronic insomnia
(C) Acute insomnia
(D) Transient insomnia

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Actuat Test 5

Q uestions 181 - 1 8 5 refer to the fottowing advertisement and tetter.

K in g Te c h : G R E A T C H A N C E FO R G RO W TH W )TH EX C !T)N G DO W NTO W N

The country's top devetopm ent a gen cy tocated in the center of the city. W e are tooking for
appticants for the fottowing job openings:

Administrative A ssista n t:

H Duties: W ork 3 0 -4 0 hrs. a w eek; reception, typing, m eet deadtines.

H Requirements: 3 years experience; p o st-se co n d a ry education; serious career

orientation; proficiency in W ord, Excet, PowerPoint programs.
M ust atso be witting to work w eeken ds.

A d m issio n s A dvisor:

H Duties: R espon d to enquiries from potentiat students; conduct a sse ssm e n ts, facitity
tours and provide a ssista n ce with apptications; academ ic guidance counseting.

a Requirements: Ftuent in Engtish; excettent verbat and comm unication skitts


H Duties: M an age requisition p ro cess; recruitment for portfotio of avaitabte positions.

a Requirements: 6 years experience in Human Resources(HR); abte to devetop project

ptans; fantastic sociat skitts and a positive outtook to bring energy to the
team .

A c c o u n ts Payabie:

H Duties: Preparing and reconciting accou n ts, batances, transfers; updating

sp readsh eets.

H Requirements: Retevant Accounting quatifications; 4 years direct experience in

A ccou n ts Payabte.

Ptease e-mait your resum e and cover tetter to J a m es Jo yce (kingtech@hotm ).

T o: J a m e s J o y c e (k in atech @ h otm )

Date: S e p te m b e r 10

From: B ruce M o ore

Su b ject: A d m issio n s A dvisor position

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Dear Mr. Joyce,

) appreciate being given a ch a n ce to submit my resum e and cover tetter for the position
of A dm ission s Advisor, t have worked in education a s a tanguage teacher and schoot
administrator for 3 years, t am ftuent in Engtish and have acted a s a guide for many new
students. ! have been responsibte for conducting interviews atong with administering
a sse ssm e n t tests to ptace new students.

Ptease find my resum e and cover tetter attached to this emait.


1 8 1 . Which position requires post-secondary education?

(A) Administrative Assistant

(B) Admissions Advisor
(C) Recruiter
(D) Accounts Payabte

1 8 2 . What are candidates not expected to have?

(A) Ftuency in Engtish

(B) Post-secondary degree
(C) Certificate of Citizenship
(D) Basic office computer skitts

1 8 3 . What must the appticant provide in addition to a resume?

(A) Cover tetter

(B) Compteted apptication forms
(C) Assessm ent test resutts
(D) Expected satary

1 8 4 . Which fietd did Bruce work in?

(A) Human Resources

(B) Accounts
(C) Language teaching and schoot administration
(D) Advertising

1 8 5 . What does Bruce send as an attachment in his emait?

(A) Copy of apptication form

(B) Emptoyment contract
(C) Education certificate
(D) A resume and cover tetter

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Actuat Test 5

Q uestions 1 8 6 - 1 9 0 refer to the fottowing bit) statem ent and e-mait.


Bit! statem ent

C ustom er nam e and number: Tom Morris / 3 6 5 4 4
Date: March 10

O verdue
Totat $ 6 6 0 .0 0

You have to pay this e x p en se within fifteen days of the bitting date.
You can pay by personat ch eck s and credit cards, if preferred,
tf paying by check, m ake it out to W ORLD CONSTRUCTtON.

PO Box 3 2 0 0 0 Amherst, M A 0 1 0 0 2 -5 0 0 0 (413) 5 4 3 -2 0 4 5

Subject: Payment for construction work

To: Tom Morris (tm 12 3 @ y a h o o .co m )

From: AHan Cooper, accounting manager (a co op @ yah )

Dear Mr. Morris,

t'm writing to inform y ou that ou r construction c o m p a n y , W O R L D C O N S T R U C T tO N ,

hasn't yet receiv ed pa ym en t for the w ork d o n e o n your drivew ay in the first w e e k o f

January. Y ou w e re su p p osed to pay this by the e n d o f February. O u r firm poticy is to

begin tegat p roceed in g s tw o m onths after the w ork has b een d o n e if your paym en t is

n ot m a d e. W e h aven 't receiv ed pa ym en t for tw o m onths,

tf y ou d o n 't sen d p a ym en t to ou r a c c o u n t by the e n d o f this m onth M arch 31,

y ou witt b e persecu ted.

Attan C o o p e r

A ccou n tin g M anager

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186. What is the purpose of this e-mait?

(A) To attract customers

(B) To inform a customer of an overdue statement
(C) To inform a customer about a big sate
(D) To apotogize to a customer for a mistake

187. The word "persecuted" in passage 2, paragraph 2, tine 2 is ctosest in meaning to

(A) described
(B) advantaged
(C) identified
(0) bothered

1 88. When was the driveway buitt?

(A) About two weeks ago
(B) About two months ago
(C) About five months ago
(D) About three weeks ago

1 89. What does WORLD CONSTRUCTtON want Mr. Morris to do by the end of March?

(A) Send payment

(B) Buy a new product
(C) Sett his otd house
(D) Contact the tocat tawyer

190. When was payment originatty due?

(A) January 10
(B) March 28
(C) February 28
(D) February 10

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A ctuaH est5
324 8 tG STEP T O B C 3

Q uestions 191 - 1 9 5 refer to the fottowing schedute and memorandum.

Schedute for com pany picnic Sunday, Septem ber 17

9 :0 0 - At) em p toyees and their famities wit) arrive at W ashington Park.

1 0 :0 0 - New em ptoyees wit! be introduced by the personnet m anager.
1 0 :3 0 - Our CEO, Wittiam Turner witt m ake a sp eech .
1 1 :00 - The new em ptoyees witt introduce them setves to us briefty.
1 2 :0 0 - Lunch
1 :30 - Outdoor activities inctuding various g a m e s
4 :0 0 - Prizes witt b e awarded.

At) em ptoyees are encouraged to bring their famities.



PAT6:56PT6M56R 7


IT 56 A V6RV 6 0 0 P ^HAM^6 FOR 6\/6RVOM6 TO M66T TH6 M6HJ 3TAFF


\/AR)0U5 OUTPOOR A^T!VtT!63 tM^UUPtM^ !UT6R63T!M6 ^AM65. IF /OU




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191. What is the purpose of this me m o ?
(A) To ask Mr. Hanks to pick up the newest emptoyees
(B) To tett Mr. Hanks to transfer to another office
(C) To greet Mr. Hanks
(D) To inform Mr. Hanks of the detaits of the company picnic

192. W h y does the C E O of the company want to host a company picnic?

(A) To introduce the newest emptoyees to everyone
(B) To exptain the com pany's new project
(C) To have tunch with att emptoyees
(D) To have a great time with his famity

193. The word "whether" in passage 2, paragraph 4, tine 1 is ctosest in meaning to

(A) because
(C) what
(D) which

194. W h o is Wittiam Turner?

(A) Personnet manager
(B) Vice president
(D) Marketing manager

195. What shoutd Mr. Hanks do by tomorrow?

(A) He shoutd attend the urgent meeting.
(B) He shoutd meet the CEO.
(C) He shoutd inform Mr. Damon whether att his members of staff can attend the picnic.
(D) He shoutd tett his staff that the picnic witt be postponed.
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A ctuaH est5

Q uestions 1 9 6 - 2 0 0 refer to the foitowing m em orandum and catendar.

To: AH members of staff in the advertising department

From: Jackie Jackson (
Subject: Advertising Campaign Attendance

Please be aware of the calendar of our main customers' events for June through
I hope that every staff member will be participating in at least one of these events.
Report about each event you attend to the Head of your department.
I will be joining the symposium in June. Due to budgetting requirements, let me
know which events you will attend by the end of this month.

Customer Events Schedute

June Ju!y August September


10-13 1-10 5-15

Sao Pauio, Brazi! Seou!, Korea Rome, itaiv
international international Fitm internationai Culture
Trade Symposium Festival Fair
Detroit USA
Detroit Motor Show
Tokyo, Japan
international Food
and Drug
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Part 7 j 327

196. What is Mr. Jackson asking the staff to do by the end of this month?
(A) Make a report
(B) Budget their expenses
(C) Finish their assignments
(D) Decide which event they witt attend

197. According to the caiendar, which event wit! take ptace in South America?
(A) The tntemationa! Trade Symposium
(B) The tntemationa) Fitm Festivat
(C) The Detroit Motor Show
(D) The tntemationa) Cutture Fair

198. W h o witt participate in the symposium in Sao Pauto?

(A) Jason Jackson
(B) Jackie Myer
(C) Jackie Jackson
(D) Henry Bond

199. What must the staff do after they attend at teast one event?
(A) Ptace an order
(B) Make a report
(C) Join a meeting
(D) Conduct a survey

200. Which of the fottowing products is most tikety to appear at the Tokyo event?
(A) Furniture
(B) Fitms
(C) Medicine
(D) Cars

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A ctua! T e s t 1 Script & Answer Key
P a rt i

1 .(A ) 2 .(C ) 3 .( C ) 4 .(0 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (B) 8 (A)

9. (B) 1 0 .(0

(A) T h e o ffic e ta b te s a re b e in g w ip e d off.

(B) N o m an is w ork in g in th e o ffic e .
(C) T h e p ip e s h a v e b e e n h u n g from th e ceiting.
(D) T h e c o m p u te r s are b e in g raised o n to th e ta b ies.


(A) H e is w ork in g o n a m a ch in e .
(B) H e is cu ttin g th e p a p e r in p ie c e s .
(C) H e is fiting th e d o c u m e n ts . (A) T h ec u s t o m e r s are d r e s s e d up.
(D) H e is writing s o m e th in g o n th e p a p e r. (B) T h e c u s to m e r s are sta n d in g in front o f th e co u n ter.
(C) O n e o f th e cterk s is p ia cin g an item into th e disptay c a s e .
2. (D) O n e o f th e cterk s is h a n din g so m e th in g t o th e c u s to m e rs .


(A) T h e w o m a n is ioo k in g th ro u g h th e m ic r o s c o p e .
(B) T h e w o m a n is putting o n th e p r o te ctiv e g ta s s e s .
(C) T h e w o m a n is u sin g ia b ora tory e q u ip m en t. (A) T h e y a re p a vin g th e roa d .
(D) T h e w o m a n is p ou rin g iiquid in to a gta ss. (B) T h e y are w atking a c r o s s th e street.
(C) T h e y are stu ck in th e m iddte o f traffic.
3. (D) T h e y are m o v in g a lo n g th e road .


(A) P e o p te a re teaving th e sta diu m .

(B) T h e s p o r ts g a m e h a s b e g u n .
(C) S o m e p e o p ie are fa cin g a fietd. (A) T h ere a re s o m e ch a irs a rou n d th e roun d tabte.
(0 ) T h e sta d iu m is co m p te te ty em p ty . (B) T h ere are g ta s s e s a n d ptates o n th e tabte.
(C) S o m e d in ers are o rd erin g in a restaurant.
(D) T h e g ta s s e s are b e in g fitted. 331

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12 W h e n did y o u b u y this ja c k e t?
(A) A b o u t tw o w e e k s a g o .
(B) A n y tim e n ow .
(C) Y e s , it's a tittte e x p e n s iv e .

13 W h a t did th e d o c t o r s a y ?
(A) tt's o n th e s e c o n d ftoor.
(A) T h e c o n s tru ctio n site is o p e n .
(B )) think s o t o o .
(B) T h e c o n s tru ctio n v e h icte s are d ig g in g in th e g ro u n d .
(C) H e n e e d s to run s o m e te sts.
(C) T h e m an is s to p p in g traffic.
(D) T h e m an is sta ck in g u p s o m e c o n s tru ctio n m ateriats.
14 D o y o u h a v e c h a n g e fo r five dottars?
(A) W ett, tet m e ju st c h e c k .
(B) A t th e ba n k , next d o o r .
(C) it's fine either w ay.

15 ts th e re a g y m in this n e ig h b o r h o o d ?
(A) Y e s , h e tives o n this street.
(B) T h e y u s e d t o b e s o c h e a p .
(C) T h e r e 's o n e a rou n d th e c o m e r .
* -
(A) P e o p te are s w e e p in g th e path . 16 W h ere d o t park m y c a r ?
(B) T h e g ro u n d is c o v e r e d w ith teaves. (A) t tike to g o th ere fo r a watk.
(C) T h e te a v e s a re b e in g raked . (B) !n th e b a s e m e n t right o v e r there.
(D) T h e tre e s a re b e in g cu t d o w n . (C) tt's a n e w m o d e !,! think.

10. 17 C ou td y o u exptain this tabte to m e ?

(A) t'tt try, bu t it to o k s co m p tica te d .
(B) t'tt a s k B o b if h e 's free.
(C) W o o d an d gta ss, t think.

18 W h o r e q u e s te d th e dentat r e c o r d s ?
(A) S h e is th e b e s t den tist.
(A) T h e aircraft is tanding o n to th e g ro u n d . (B) T h e d a ta is r e c o r d e d accu ratety.
(B) T h e p a s s e n g e r s are exitin g th e ptan e. (C) O n e o f o u r pa tien ts.
(C) T h e sk y is d e a r .
(D) T h e ptan e is p a rk e d at th e airport. 19 Y o u 'r e s c h e d u te d fo r th e night shift next w e e k , right?
(A) Y e s ,t'tt b e w ork in g untit 10.
(B) it's n ex t t o th e rest roo m .
(C) i'm teaving n ex t w e e k to L o n d o n .

20 W h a t's this m e e tin g a b o u t?

11. (A) 12. (A) 13. ( 0 14. (A) 16. (B) 18. ( O
(A) T en -th irtysharp .
19. (A) 2 0 .(C ) 21. (B) 22. (B) 23. (B^ 24. (A) 25. ( 0 26. (B)
(B) in th e sem in a r ro o m .
27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (A) 3 0 . (B) 32. (A) 33. (B) 3 4 . ( 0
(C) Detivery s c h e d u ie s .
35. (B) 36 . (A) 37. ( O 38 . (B) 39. (C) 4 0 . (B)
21 W h y is Kevin a tw ays tate?
11. W h e r e 's th e n e a re s t d r u g s to r e ? (A) ) atw a ys k n e w t h e s e m a ch in e s w e re stow .
(A) T h e r e 's o n e a c r o s s th e street. (B) i h a v e n o id ea. S o m e o n e sh ou td s p e a k to him.
(B) tt's o n y o u r d e s k , t think. (C) H e sa id h e 'd finish it s o o n .
(C) Untit e teven , m o s t o f th e tim e.


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22. W o u !d y o u !ike t o th row th e b o x e s a w a y o r k e e p th e m ? 32. W h o 's r e s p o n s ib te fo r th e m arketing d ep a rtm en t currentty?
(A) T h e y a re k ep t in th e su p p ty ro o m . (A) T h e fo rm e r sa te s d ire cto r is in ch a rg e .
(B) i think w e 'd b e tte r h o !d o n to th em . (B) T h e m arket is very co m p e titiv e .
(C) it's on ty t w o b to c k s a w a y. (C) t'm currentty w ork in g in th e a c c o u n tin g dep artm en t.

23. D idn't y o u tike Mr. K im 's p re s e n ta tio n ? 3 3 . H o w m a n y c o p ie s sh ou td w e ta k e ?

(A) Y e s , it's a gift fo r m y w ife. (A) N ot t o o wett, i'm sorry.
(B) A ctuaity, it w a s a bit borin g. (B) A b o u t t w e n t y ,! think.
(C) N o, C raig is m akin g a p re se n ta tio n this tim e. (C) t t o o k o n e y e ste rd a y .

24. H ave th e y a g r e e d to o u r c o n d itio n s ? 3 4 . tsn 't it tim e w e teave fo r th e c o n fe r e n c e ?

(A) Y e s , i b e tie v e s o . (A) it's in th e hat) o n th e teft.
(B) t'ti s p e a k t o him . (B) tt witt g o o n fo r s o m e tim e.
(C) T h e y find it c o !d here. (C) Y e s , ju st g iv e m e a m inute.

25. D o y o u k n o w w h ich b u s g o e s d o w n to w n ? 35. D o n 't y o u w an t t o visit th e city hat) w hite y o u 'r e in to w n ?

(A) it's t w o b u s s t o p s a w a y . (A) Y e s , t't) visit th e m u se u m n ex t w e ek .
(B) tt onty ta k e s 3 0 m in u tes fro m here. (B) t d o , bu t t d o n 't think t h a v e e n o u g h tim e to d o it.
(C) S o r r y ,! a m a visitor here. (C) N o, it's to ca te d at th e in tersection .

26 C an ! tea ve a m e s s a g e fo r h im ? 36. W ou td y o u p re fe r a w in d o w tabte o r a tabte in the ce n te r?

(A) H e s h o u id b e b a c k b y S atu rday. (A) W h a te v e r c o m e s first.
(B) C e rta in ty ,!')! p a s s it on . (B) i p ta c e d it b y th e w in d o w this m orn ing.
(C) H e h a d t o teave in a hurry. (C) T h e y sa id th e y w ou td s e n d o u t th e mai).

27. H o w m an y p e o p te c a m e to th e sh a re h o td er m e e tin g ? 37. D o y o u w an t m e to ta k e y o u to th e airport, Mr. B u m s?

(A) tt wit) b e n ex t w e e k . (A) B e c a u s e th e ftight h a s b e e n d eta yed .
(B) F e w e r than 100. (B) T o Berlin at 7 p.m .
(C) tt w a s pretty p ositiv e . (C) T h an k s. T hat w ou td b e great.

28. Did h e exptain th e p r o c e d u r e t o y o u ? 38 . C ou td y o u tett m e h o w t c a n c a n ce t m y reservation

(A) H e sa id it is t w o b to c k s a w a y. to m o r r o w ?
(B) W e'tt g iv e detaits tater. (A) S orry,w e re futty b o o k e d .
(C) O h y e s , q u ite ctearty. (B) M ay t h a v e y o u r n a m e, p te a s e ?
(C) t c a n g e t th ere b y 3 p.m . tom o rro w .
29. Y o u are g o in g t o b e fr e e in th e a fte rn o o n , a ren 't y o u ?
(A) Y e s , d o y o u n e e d a n y h etp ? 39 . S h ou td t h a v e s o m e o n e bring y o u th e fite o r witt y o u pick it
(B) Y e s , t'm g o in g t o T o k y o to m o rro w . u p y o u rsetf?
(C) tt c o s t s 2 0 dottars. (A) Y e s , M ichaet b ro u g h t it in this m orn ing.
(B) t think t m is p ta ce d th e fite s o m e w h e r e in the o ffice.
30. tf th e sh ip m e n t a n iv e s tate, t think w e sh o u td ta k e th e rest o f ( C ) ! witt c o m e o v e r after tunch.
th e d a y off.
(A) Y e s , t w o rk e d v ery tate y e ste rd a y . 4 0 . t h a v e n 't o r d e r e d re fre s h m e n ts fo r T o m 's retirem ent party
(B) T hat s o u n d s tike a b e tte r id ea. yet.
(C) S h ip p in g c o s t s a re gettin g high. (A) tt w a s a tovety party.
(B) t c a n hetp y o u with it if y o u w ant.
31 . C ou td y o u r e c o m m e n d an y g o o d p ta c e t o e a t a rou n d h e r e ? (C) T h e f o o d th ere is s o fresh .
(A) T h e r e 's o n e a c r o s s th e street.
(B) Y o u n e e d at teast o n e re co m m e n d a tio n .
(C) Y e s , t atready o r d e r e d m y tunch. 333

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\A D o ! n e e d to put m o re s ta m p s o n this tetter? !t h a s to g o

42. (C) 43. (D) 44 . (D) 45. (C) 46 . (B) 47. (C) 48. (D) t o L o s A n g e te s.

49. (B) 50. (B) 51. (B) 52. (C) 53. (D) 54. (B) N o, if it's se n t b y ordin ary mait. E xp ress mait is faster,
56. (B)
b u t m o re e x p e n s iv e .
57. (D) 58. (C) 59. (A) 6 0 . (D) 61. (D) 62. (A) 63 . (A) 64. (C)
W : W et), t'd tike it t o g o a s s o o n a s p o s s ib te . H ow m u ch
65. (D) 66. (C) 67. (B) 68. (B) 69. (C) 70. (A)
m o re w ou td e x p r e s s mait b e ?
M : That')) b e S 4.75 , m j'a m . t'tt ju st g e t y o u th e extra
[4 1-43 ] s ta m p s, if y o u 'd tike.

W e n e e d p ictu re s o f o u r e m p to y e e s fo r o u r sitver ju bitee

[5 3-55 ]
b ro ch u re . C an y o u arran g e t o g e t th em b y this e v e n in g ?
)')) s e e w h at t c a n d o . M o s t o f o u r sta ff is b u s y with
a rra n g e m e n ts fo r t o m o r r o w 's an n iversary fu n ction . W C ou td y o u c h e c k o n th e arra n g em en ts in th e c o n fe r e n c e
M a y b e y o u c o u !d ta k e th e p h o to g r a p h e r to th e ca fe te ria r o o m fo r this e v e n in g 's p r o g r a m ? W e m ay h a ve m ore
g u e s t s than e x p e c t e d .
du ring iu nch h ou r. H e c a n g e t at! th e p ictu re s h e w a n ts.
T h a t's a very g o o d id ea , t h a n k s .) w a s w o n d e rin g h o w to S ure, a n d t'tt arran g e fo r extra ch airs, ts th ere anything
o rg a n iz e it. e tse y o u w an t m e t o d o ?
P te a se g e t Hari to e n su re that at) th e s o u n d eq u ip m en t
is w ork in g fine. Last w e e k w e had a prob tem with the
[4 4-46 ] m ic ro p h o n e s .
fv Y e s , w e n e e d t o b e extra carefut this tim e. B ut i'm sure
t'd tike t o s e e s o m e form a) s h o e s , p te a s e . S o m e th in g in Hari s at his jo b atready.
b !a ck o r tan w ou td b e fine.
S ure, w e 'v e ju st g o t in s o m e n e w d e s ig n s that are b o th
[5 6-58 ]
c o m fo rta b te a n d etegan t. W h a t a b o u t this b ia c k pair?
) tike th e d e s ig n o f t h o s e b ro w n s h o e s m o re . C o u id t ju st
'.-V: H ow w a s y o u r v a ca tio n , D a v e ? t hea rd y o u w en t to
try th em o n ?
E urope.
M i'm sorry, bu t w e d o n 't h a v e y o u r s iz e in that d e s ig n . But
M : tt w a s ju st great. A ctu atty,i s p e n t tw o w e e k s touring
if y o u o r d e r a pair, w e c o u id g e t th em fo r y o u within a
F ra n ce w ith m y fam ity.
w eek.
W t'v e b e e n to Paris, bu t that w a s o n b u s in e s s iast year. !'d
tove t o g o to th e F ren ch co u n try sid e.
[4 7-49 ] M: Y o u sh ou td g o so m e tim e , t c a n tett y o u th e b e s t p ta ce s
t o sta y, visit a n d e a t at.
is A m y b a c k from th e sem in a r in S p a in ? ) w an t h er t o g o
th rou gh this report.
[5 9-61 ]
N o, s h e 's e x p e c t e d b y T h u rsd a y at th e eartiest. Her
a ssista n t Kim m igh t b e a b te t o h e)p o u t th o u g h . A m y
sa id s h e 's k n o w le d g e a b le . V S o y o u 'v e re-in stalted th e printer driver an d r e b o o te d
th e co m p u te r, bu t it's stitt n ot printing?
M a y b e )'!) g e t h er o p in io n o n it s in c e it's urgent.
T h a t's right, A n d y, t d o n 't k n o w w h at t'm g o in g to d o .
t'tt ca!) a n d a s k h er t o m e e t y o u im m ediatety. G o o d tuck
w ith it. t h a v e t o print ou t this report fo r th e 2 o 'c t o c k m eetin g,
a n d it's atready o n e . E veryth in g's w orkin g e x c e p t the
iv': tt m u st h a v e so m e th in g t o d o with y ou r co m p u te r
b e c a u s e e v e r y o n e e tse c a n print. L ook , s in ce y o u h ave
th e internet a c c e s s , w h y d o n 't y o u e-m ait th e report to
M ary a n d th en print it from M ary's c o m p u te r ? W hite
y o u 'r e printing, i'it tak e a c io s e r took at you r c o m p u te r
a n d s e e if i c a n fix it.
W : T h a t's a g re a t idea.


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[6 2-64 ] [7 1-73 ]

N W e n d y , c o u id y o u s e n d a m e m o t o ati o f o u r c o n tra ct W e w ou td iike t o rem ind p a s s e n g e r s that this is a n o n

e m p to y e e s ? sm o k in g faciiity. P te a se timit s m o k in g to th e d e s ig n a te d
A b so lu te ly . W h a t's it a b o u t ? a r e a s io c a te d o u ts id e th e term inai buitding. U n der federat
M M a n a g e m e n t h a s d e c id e d o n a n e w p a y m e n t s y s te m . s a fe ty regu iation s, ait b a g s are s u b je c t to s e a r c h by
P rom n o w o n , i'd tike e v e r y o n e t o s e n d u s an in v o ice fo r se cu rity p e r s o n net. P teas^ d o n ot teave ca rry -o n b a g g a g e
their w ork b a s e d o n th e s a m e form at, i'ii s e n d y o u th e u n a tte n d e d in th e term inai buitding. if y o u s e e any
in v o ic e te m p ia te t o a tta ch t o th e e-m aii. T his w a y , u n a tte n d e d b a g g a g e , p ie a s e report it to secu rity o r an
e v e r y o n e 's p a y s ta te m e n ts wiii io o k th e s a m e . airiine s e r v ic e officiai im m ediateiy. T h e g a te a re a s are for
W : T h a t's a g re a t id ea , i k n o w th e r e 's b e e n s o m e c o n fu s io n tick e te d p a s s e n g e r s onty. T h o s e aw aiting arrivats m ay m eet
w ith that, i'ii s e n d a c o p y t o th e a c c o u n tin g d e p a rtm e n t th em at th e shu ttie train exit, io c a te d at th e e a s t e n d o f the
a s w eii, ju st s o th e y k n o w that th e m e m o 's b e e n sen t. term inai, o r at their ftigh t's d e s ig n a te d b a g g a g e ctaim area.
S e e th e arrivai b o a rd fo r fiight n u m b e rs a n d c o rr e s p o n d in g
c a r o u s e ) d e s ig n a tio n s.
[6 5-67 ]

W : S arah to id m e y o u w e n t t o th e n e w restau rant o n Miiier [7 4-76 ]

S treet. H ow w a s it?
M T h e f o o d th e re is ju st great, a n d th e s e r v ic e is e x ce iie n t, W e 'r e p ro u d t o w e t c o m e y o u aii to this T h eatre Festivai. A s
too. y o u k n o w , it is d e d ic a te d t o th e m e m o ry o f aw a rd w inning
T hat s o u n d s p rom isin g . M a y b e i'ii ta k e o u r o v e r s e a s piayw righ t tm m anuei P areto. T his w e e k y o u wiii g e t t o s e e
ctien ts th ere this w e e k . H o w a re th e p r ic e s ? s o m e o f Mr. P a r e to 's fin est w o rk s b rou g h t aiive o n s ta g e b y
M : V ery r e a s o n a b ie . H e re 's their p h o n e n u m b e r if y o u n e e d th e m o s t taien ted th eatre g r o u p s in th e cou n try. A s
t o m a k e a reserva tion . stu d e n ts o f th eatre, y o u wiii a iso g e t an opp ortu n ity to
in teract w ith th e c a s t a n d c r e w o f e a c h ptay at a sp ecia i
[6 8-70 ] gath erin g after th e d a y 's p e rfo rm a n ce . P ie a s e restrict
y o u rs e if to o n e q u e s tio n , s o that e v e r y o n e in th e a u d ie n ce
g e t s a c h a n c e to s p e a k . W e re q u e s t y o u to turn o ff you r
W : J o h n , th e r e 's a ia dy w aiting fo r y o u in r e ce p tio n . S h e 's
m o b iie p h o n e s du ring th e q u e s tio n s e s s io n . H ow ev er, y ou
b e e n th ere fo r s o m e tim e n o w .
are w e ic o m e t o ta k e p ictu re s o f you r fa vorite theatre stars
M: S h e 's A m y G rant, th e a c c o u n ta n t w e hired iast w e e k .
at th e e n d o f th e s e s s io n . A n d n o w , M s. M anueta P areto,
C o u id y o u ta k e h er o v e r t o H um an R e s o u r c e s ? T h e y
w h o is h e rse if an a c c ia im e d a ctre s s , wiii sh a re s o m e
c a n start p r o c e s s in g her. i'ii b e th ere in 1 5 m in u tes.
m e m o r ie s o f her fa m o u s piayw right fath er with y o u .
W : S ure, i'ii d o that. T h e sta ff wiii b e thankfui fo r th e extra
h eip . Wiii s h e start w o rk right a w a y ?
M : Y e s , bu t sh e'ii a s s is t M ary fo r 1 5 d a y s first, in o r d e r t o [7 7-79 ]
u n d e rsta n d o u r s y s te m s a n d p r o c e d u r e s . A fter that,
s h e 'ii w o rk in d ep en d en tty. T his is g o in g t o b e a brief m eetin g. Y ou are aii aw a re o f the
d a m a g e c a u s e d b y iast w e e k 's hurricane. M any bu iidings
in this a re a h a v e b e e n serio u siy d a m a g e d . O ur p re m ise s
h a v e a is o b e e n d e c ia re d u n sa fe . S o , w e wiit n o w h a ve to
m o v e to th e o ffic e o n 21 st S treet. F or m an y o f y o u this witt
m ea n a rather io n g d is ta n ce to travei e v ery d a y. i k n ow w e
71. (C) 72. (D) 73. (B) 74. (C) 75. (D) 76. (B) 77. (D) 78. (A) witt ati m iss b e in g n ea r th e h arbor. H ow ev er, th e city
79. (B) 80. (C) 81. (A) 82. (B) 83. (A) 84. (D) 85. (A) 86. (D) c o u n c ii h a s a p p r o v e d o u r restoration p ian s a n d w ork has
87. (C) 88. (D) 89. (B) 90. (C) 91. (B) 92. (C) 93. (B) 94. (D) atready b e g u n , tf ait g o e s w eii, w e m ay b e b a c k h ere b y th e
95. (B) 96. (B) 97. (C) 98. (A) 99.(C) 100. (D) e n d o f th e year. 335

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Mr. S ch uttz, con gra tu ta tion s! T h is is T erry Atten catting from C o m in g u p at n o o n is o u r s p e cia t report o n pottuted air
S k y w a y s Travet A g e n c y . Y o u 'v e w o n a $ 2 5 0 ce rtifica te in s p r e a d in g th rou gh th e city. B ut first, tocat resid en ts are
th e "Aw ay from H o m e " H otida ys S w e e p s ta k e s ! Y o u c a n p rote stin g a ga in st th e e x p a n s io n o f r o a d s in Leigh Nationat
u s e this d is c o u n t th e n ex t tim e y o u b o o k y o u r travet o n a Park. F orestry officiats think this witt hetp bring m ore
JK ftight to a d estin a tion o f y o u r c h o ic e a n y w h e re in th e visitors, bu t c o n c e r n e d citiz e n s s a y th e c o n stru ctio n and
U n ited S ta te s. T h e gift witt b e m aited t o th e a d d r e s s y o u th e in cr e a s e d traffic witt p r o v e harmfut t o th e environm ent
p r o v id e d o n th e registration form . P te a se cat) o u r tott-free an d a ffe c t anim ats badty. T h e citiz en s are currentty taking
n u m b e r 1 -8 0 0 -8 7 6 -2 1 3 4 fo r further detaits rega rd in g this part in a ratty in front o f th e F orestry D epartm en t buitding.
o ffer. W ish y o u a w on d erfu t hotiday!

[9 5-97 ]
[8 3-85 ]
tt's Friday e v e n in g a n d tim e fo r th e tatest n e w s o n the
T h e V iew -R h a s arrived: th e uttim ate m ob ite p h o n e . This traffic situation in y o u r city, tf y o u a re traveting north bou n d ,
h a n d h etd d e v ic e c a n n o t on ty m a k e p h o n e catts bu t a tso traffic is very h e a v y o n H ighw ay 18, esp eciatty near
r e c e iv e TV sign ats o f b u s in e s s , s p o r ts a n d n e w s ch a n n ets. L a n g ford G a rd en . T raffic is b a c k e d u p in b o th d irection s
Y o u c a n e v e n r e co r d TV p r o g r a m s o n th e V iew -R a n d s e n d d u e t o an a c c id e n t, s o turn o n to th e S -8 o r H ighw ay 10 to
th em t o y o u r frien d s. T h e V iew -R is avaitabte at th e M ervin a v o id b e in g d e ta y e d . in a n o th e r area, a b re a k d o w n on
D ep a rtm en t S tore , tt c o s t s ju st $ 1 2 0 . in o u r s p e c ia l o ffe r T rafford B rid ge h a s b ro u g h t v e h icte s to a hatt in the B ay
vatid fo r this m on th onty, y o u ca n m a k e fre e tocat catts o n area. P o tice are arranging to t o w th e b ro k e n -d o w n truck
y o u r V ie w -R a n d s u b s c r ib e fre e t o a n y tw o ch a n n e ts o f you r a n d re sto re th e norm at ftow o f traffic. P tea se w ait for
c h o ic e . S o rush t o th e n e a re st M erv in 's a n d g e t th e V iew -R . d ire c tio n s from th em if y o u are in this area.
Cat) 1 -2 3 4 -1 2 3 4 fo r m o re in form ation . T o g e t a d isc o u n t,
o r d e r ontin e at w w w .v ie w -r .c o m .
[9 8-10 0]

[86-88] T h e city co u n cii is seriou siy co n s id e rin g rebuitding th e

L a ton g Raitw ay S tation , tt h a s a p p r o a c h e d o u r c o m p a n y ,
T h e n ex t tw o d a y s witl s h o w a c o td front m o v in g to w a rd th e B ra n son an d Javier, to su b m it an estim a te fo r th e w ork. A s
c e n te r o f th e cou n try, brin gin g c o o t te m p e ra tu res to y o u k n o w , o u r n a tio n 's very first p a s s e n g e r train ste a m e d
K en tu ck y a n d O k tah om a . T e x a s witt rem ain dry fo r th e next o u t o f this sta tion a b o u t 1 5 0 y e a rs a g o , m aking it th e otdest
w e e k , w hite a n e w storm is atready buitding u p o ff th e c o a s t sta tion in th e cou n try, it is u s e d b y o v e r 5 0 ,0 0 0 co m m u ters
o f S eattte. T h e city witt b e hit b y a th u n d erstorm within th e e v e n to d a y . H o w e v e r, it c a n n o t m e e t th e rising d e m a n d s o f
n ex t 6 h o u rs o r s o . G e o r g ia a n d L ou isian a are o n hu rricane raii travet. W e h a v e p r o p o s e d that a n e w term inai b e buitt
atert. tn th e e a s t, e x p e c t su n a n d high te m p e ra tu re s a n d th e p re s e n t sta tion b e c o n v e r te d into a Raitway
every w h e re . M u se u m . T his witi e n su re that co m m u te r s g e t th e ben efit o f
th e tatest te c h n o io g y an d c o n v e n ie n c e s white preserving
[8 9-91 ] an im portan t part o f o u r c ity 's history. O ur firm h a s atready
s u b m itte d a p r o p o s a i to th e co u n cit an d is w aiting fo r it to
b e ap proved.
Y o u 'v e r e a c h e d th e m ain o ffic e o f S y n e rg y T e te c o m m u n ic a -
tio n s, th e first w o rd in c o m m u n ic a tio n s . O ur o ffic e is c to s e d
t o d a y d u e to th e nationat hotiday. P te a se catt b e tw e e n 9 a.m .
a n d 5 p .m . M o n d a y th rou gh Friday if y o u n e e d to s p e a k to
o u r c u s t o m e r s e r v ic e sta ff. O ur ontin e s e r v ic e p r o v id e s
in form ation regard in g bitts, additionat s e r v ic e s a n d tariffs.
C u s to m e r s c a n a tso r e c e iv e in form ation o n o u r w e b site for
s p e cia t o ffe rs . T han k y o u fo r catting a n d h a v e a n ice d a y.


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Part 5

101. (B) 102. (B) 103. (A) 104. (B) 105. (C) 106. (A) 107. (A)
108. (D) 109. (C) 110. (A) 111. (C) 112. (C) 113. (B) 114. (0)
115. (D) 116. (B) 117. (D) 118. (B) 119. (C) 120. (A) 121. (A)
122. (D) 123. (A) 124. (A) 125. (D) 126. (B) 127. (B) 128. (B)
129. (B) 130. (A) 131. (A) 132. (B) 133. (C) 134. (A) 135. (D)
136. (B) 137. (C) 138. (D) 139. (A) 140. (C)

141. (D) 142. (B) 143. (A) 144. (C) 145. (D) 146. (C) 147. (B)
148. (B) 149. (D) 150. (B) 151. (A) 152 (D)

Part 7

153. (D) 154. (C) 155. (D) 156. (B) 157. (B) 158. (A) 159. (C)
160. (D) 161. (B) 162 (B) 163. (D) 164. (A) 165. (C) 166. (C)
167. (D) 168. (C) 169. (B) 170. (B) 171. (D) 172. (D) 173. (D)
174. (A) 175. (D) 176. (D) 177. (C) 178. (A) 179. (A) 180. (B)
181. (B) 182. (C) 183. (A) 184. (A) 185. (B) 186. (D) 187. (C)
188. (C) 189. (D) 190. (B) 191. (D) 192. (D) 193. (A) 194. (D)
195. (A) 196. (B) 197. (D) 198. (A) 199. (B) 200 (C) 337

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A ctua! T e s t 2 Script & Answer Key

Part 1

1. (D) 2.(C) 3. (B) 4.(0) 5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (B)

9. (D) 10. (B)

(A) T w o m en a re w atking p a st a b e n ch .
(B) P e o p ie are m o v in g th e ch a irs n ear th e trees.
(C) O n e m an is leanin g o n th e other.
(D) S o m e p e o p le a re restin g o u td o o r s .

(A) H e is w aikin g d o w n th e co rrid o r.

(B) H e is en terin g th e r o o m .
(C) H e is w ip in g th e hatiw ay with a m o p .
(D) H e is sitting o n th e fioor.

(A) T h e ATM is o u t o f order.
(B) T h e m a ch in e is aga in st a wait.
(C) P e o p ie are w ithdraw in g m o n e y from th e m ach in e.
(D) T h e m a ch in e is b e in g in s p e c te d .

(A) T h e y are w a tch in g th e ra ce.

(B) T h e y a re park ing their b ik es.
(C) T h e y are riding b ik e s o v e r r o ck s .
(D) T h e y a re gettin g o n b ic y c ie s .

(A) P e o p ie are p a ck in g their b a g s .

(B) P e o p ie are b o a rd in g th e b u s.
(C) T h e w in d o w s are o p e n w idety.
(D) T h e tires are b e in g re p ia ce d .

(A) T h e m an is typ in g a d o c u m e n t.
(B) T h e c u p is sitting o n th e tabie.
(C) T h e w o m a n is fa cin g th e m an.
(D) T h e piant is b e in g w a te re d .

(A) T h e p e o p ie a re gettin g into b o a ts .

(B) T h e b o a ts are fioatin g o n th e w ater.
(C) T h e b o a ts are d o c k e d n ea r th e trees.
(D) T h e p e o p ie are taking th e b o a ts o u t o n th e w ater.


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8. 12. C an w e p o s t p o n e o u r din n er m eetin g untii T h u rsd a y?
(A) T h e y m ainty se r v e s e a fo o d .
(B) Y e s , i p o s t p o n e d it m yseif.
(C) N o, i'm alrea d y b o o k e d o n T hu rsday.

13. D o y o u think w e c a n finish th e p r o je c t this w e e k ?

(A) if w e w ork o n n othing e is e .
(A) T h e p e o p ie are gettin g o ff th e b u s e s .
(B) N o, i'm n ot w ork in g o n a p ro je ct.
(B) T h e b u s e s a re o n a city street.
(C) T h e p r o je c to r is ou t o f o rd e r again.
(C) T h e p e o p ie a re w aiting fo r th e b u s t o c o m e .
(D) T h e b u s e s are a p p r o a c h in g th e b u s s to p . ^^
H ow ion g h a v e y o u b e e n w aitin g?
(A) L e s s than an hour.
(B) i'v e w o rk e d h e re s in c e m y gradu ation .
(C) i d o n 't m ind w aiting.

15. W h a t d o e s A u d re y d o fo r a iiving?
(A) S h e 's rea d in g a m ystery b o o k .
(B) S h e iikes to piay goif.
(A) T h e d e s s e r t is b e in g m a d e . (C) i b e iie v e s h e 's a te a ch e r.
(B) T h e m an is stirring s o m e th in g in th e p ot.
(C) T h e m eat is b e in g s e r v e d at th e ta b ie . 16. W h ich restau rant d o y o u w an t t o g o t o ?
(D) T h e f o o d is b e in g s p o o n e d o n to a piate. (A) T h e o n e right a c r o s s th e street.
(B) i'm aiiergic t o s e a fo o d .
10 . (C) i iike c o ffe e in th e m orn ing.

17. D o y o u k n o w w h e re th e co n v e n tio n wiii b e h e id ?

(A) S h e 's h oid in g o n to it fo r m e.
(B) t'm took in g fo rw a rd t o it.
(C) W h y d o n 't y o u a s k Mr. E d m o n d s ?
(A) T h e p e o p ie are b o a rd in g th e airpian e. ^^
P a y d a y is e v e ry tw o w e e k s , isn 't it?
(B) T h e airpian e is sitting in d o o rs.
(A) Y e s , i a iw a y s took forw a rd to that.
(C) T h e airp lan e is o n th e runw ay.
(B) Y o u c a n find it e v eryw h ere.
(D) T h e tru ck is m o v in g to w a rd th e airpiane.
(C) P eter is in c h a r g e o f payroit.

Part 2 19. M ay i a s k y o u a q u e s tio n ?

(A) it's hard t o a n sw er.
(B) Y e s , g o a h e a d .
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15. (C) 16. (A) 17. (C) 18. (A) (C) Last M arch .
19. (B) 20. (A) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (B) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (C)
27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30 . (B) 3 1 .(C ) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (A) Witt y o u m e e t y o u r dea d tin e this tim e ?
(A) fit d o m y b e s t.
35. (B) 36. (C) 37. (A) 38. (A) 39. (A) 40 . (B)
(B) t h a v e n 't s e e n him fo r a white.
(C) M eetin g s o m e o n e is tiring.
11. H o w d o y o u g e t t o y o u r o ffic e ?
(A) i drive m yseif. 21 W h en d o e s th e iibrary c io s e t o d a y ?
( B )) w a s h e re a b o u t fo rty -fiv e m in u tes a g o . (A) Y o u c a n c h e c k it at th e en tra n ce.
(C ) ) w o rk d o w n to w n . (B) Y o u c a n c h e c k th em o u t at th e circutation d e sk .
(C) it's c io s e d fo r th e hotiday. 339

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22. D o n 't y o u h a v e a n y p la n s fo r th e w e e k e n d ? 32 D o y o u k n o w h o w lo n g th is fa x m a ch in e h a s b e e n ou t o f
(A) Y e s , th a t's m y plan. order?
(B) N o rm a lty ! d o , bu t n o t this w e e k e n d . (A) Y e s , it w a s 5 p a g e s a ltogeth er.
( C ) ! h a d s o m u ch fun last w e e k e n d . (B) tt'it b e fix e d an y m inute n ow .
(C) O nly C in d y k n o w s fo r sure.
23. W o u id y o u b re a k this ten doitar biti fo r m e ?
(A) B e c a u s e m y c a r b r o k e d o w n . 3 3 H o w w o u ld y o u like y ou r m e a t?
(B) S u re, h o w d o y o u w an t it? (A) t'm n o t a b ig fan o f m eat.
(C) H ere is y o u r bill. (B) M ediu m , p te a se.
(C) O f c o u r s e ,) tiked it a tot.
24. W h e n are th e c o n fe r e n c e p r o p o s a ls d u e ?
(A) O n J a n u a ry 25th. 34 . H ave y o u fo u n d a n e w p ta ce to tive o r are y o u stitt tookin g?
(B) T h re e d a y s a g o . (A) t c a n 't d e c id e o n a loca tion .
(C) H e wi!) p r o p o s e it at th e c o n fe r e n c e . (B) t think t m is p ta ce d it.
(C) Y e s , t tive d o w n to w n .
25. M y c a r h a s b e e n m aking stra n g e n o is e s recen tly.
(A) Y e s , ) ju st n e e d e d a n e w ca r. 35. W h y d o n 't y o u c o m e with u s to dinner o n F riday?
(B) Y o u s h o u ld g e t a c a r in s p e ctio n . (A) t d id n 't bring a n y o n e aton g.
(C) t h a v e re ce n tly w o r k e d o n a p ro je ct. (B) T hat w ou td b e great.
(C) t s a w o n e o n th e dining tabte.
26. D o y o u h a p p e n to k n o w w h e re K aren will b e r e lo c a t e d ?
(A) tt's p e rfe ctly lo c a te d . 36. D o y o u tive d o w n b y th e river?
(B) S h e a iw a y s k n o w s th e a n sw e r. (A) T h e ferry term inat is o n th e river.
(C ) ! w ish I kn ew . (B) T h e river runs north t o sou th .
(C) Y e s , th a t's w h e re t resid e.
27. Y o u d id n 't fo r g e t t o p ick u p th e c o p y p a p e r, did y o u ?
(A )!')] p ick y o u u p o n th e w a y t o th e o ffic e . 37 . t'tt s e n d y o u a tisting with s o m e u p d a ted p rice s.
(B) A ctu aliy, it c o m p le te ly s lip p e d m y m ind. (A) t h o p e p r ic e s h a ven 't in cr e a s e d t o o m u ch .
(C) t'm afraid w e 'r e ou t o f p a p er. (B) M y c o m p u te r w a s u p d a te d ye ste rd a y .
(C) T h e s e c o n d prize.
28. C o u ld y o u c h e c k th e in ven tory this a fte r n o o n ?
(A) !'m s h o r t-h a n d e d . 38. Did y o u te st-d riv e th e n e w c a r b e fo r e y o u b o u g h t it?
(B) M in e is a c h e c k in g a c c o u n t. (A) Y o u b e t t did.
(C) HI ta k e a rain c h e c k . (B) t p a s s e d th e test.
(C) t b o u g h t it y e ste rd a y .
29. D o n 't w e n e e d t o le a v e fo r th e airport right n o w ?
(A) A t th e port. 39. A re y o u g o in g t o B o b 's retirem ent party o r d o y o u h a ve to
(B) Y e s , in a fe w m in u tes. w o rk o n th e p r o je c t?
(C) N o, it's o n y o u r left. (A) t'd b e tter s ta y in th e o ffic e .
(B) Y e s , t h ea rd a b o u t his retirem ent from m y b o s s .
3 0 H o w c a n I rea ch Dr. S h a w n ? (C) N o, i'm t o o tired.
(A) B y e x p r e s s b u s .
(B) Y o u c a n try his cell p h o n e . 40. T his n e w n etw ork s y s te m is m u ch e a s ie r to u se, d o n 't you
(C) tt'it b e a lo n g jou rn ey. think?
(A )) think it's a n e w sy ste m .
31. Isn't this c o p ie r w o rk in g ? (B) Y e s , it's qu ite an im p rovem en t.
(A) Y e s , m orn in g c o f f e e b o o s t s m e. (C) tt's a b r a n d -n e w co m p u te r.
(B) )t t o o k m e 3 0 m in u tes to g e t t o w ork.
(C) Y e s , it's w ork in g fine.


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very e ffe ctiv e . Y o u c a n b u y s o m e from th e d ru g store
d o w n sta irs.

41. (B) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (D) 4 5 . (C) 46 . (D) 47. (C) 48 . (D) [5 0-52 ]
49 . (D) 5 0 . (C) 51. (A) 5 2 (C) 53. (A) 54. (B) 55. (A) 56. (D)
57. (D) 58. (B) 59. (C) 6 0 . (A) 61. (A) 62. (B) 63 . (A) 64. (D) W Mr. Sitver, t finatty tra ck e d d o w n Cart. H e c a m e d o w n
65. (C ) 6 6 . (A) 67. (8 ) 68. (C) 69. (C) 70. (B) w ith a s u d d e n c a s e o f th e ftu this m orn in g an d w o n 't b e
ab te to m a k e th e o n e o 'c t o c k m eetin g.
M W ett, ok a y , t stitt n e e d th e report that h e w a s g o in g to
[4 1-43 ]
p re sen t at th e m eetin g, an d o u r partners are g o in g to
start arriving in ten m in u tes.
fv Hetto, is this th e right p ta c e t o sign u p fo r th e c rea tiv e
W Cart totd m e t o g e t th e rep ort a n d g iv e it to you .
p r o c e s s se m in a r?
M G o o d . G e t it t o B ryan a s s o o n a s p o s s ib te , an d tett him
Y e s , it is. C a n t h a v e y o u r n a m e a n d th e c o m p a n y to
that h e 's g o in g t o h a v e to p re sen t C art's report, t'tt m eet
w h ich y o u b e to n g s o that t c a n w rite u p y o u r n a m e ta g
th e pa rtn ers a n d try t o g iv e B ryan e n o u g h tim e s o that
a n d a s s ig n y o u a s e a t?
h e c a n fam itiarize him setf w ith th e k ey poin ts.
M y n a m e is G ary S m ith a n d t'm w ith B e a n p o te M edia .
W ou td y o u b e a b te t o s e a t m e w ith th e rep resen ta tive
fro m G tobat A rtw ortd? [5 3-55 ]
W : W et), tet's s e e . M s. A rnett fro m G tobat is at tabte 12, bu t
t'm afraid h er tabte is futt. W ou td y o u tike t o sit at tabte W . tt w a s s o n ice ca tch in g u p with y o u o v e r tunch. Listen,
1 0 ? T h ere a re m an y re p re se n ta tiv e s fro m in tem ationat b e fo r e w e g o , tett m e quickty h o w th e retirem ent party
firm s at that tabte. fo r y o u r otd b o s s w en t.
M : tt w a s at) right, bu t t'v e n o w g o t to find a different
[4 4-46 ] ca terer. T h e party w a s s u p p o s e d to start at 4 :3 0 p.m .,
a n d th e c a te re rs did n 't arrive untit 4 p.m . T h ey w eren 't
co m p te te ty s e t u p b y th e tim e e v e r y o n e started arriving.
W H etto? t b o o k e d a c a b tast night u n d e r th e n a m e
W ' H ave y o u tried U rban C a te re rs? t u s e d th em fo r the
W in stow to p ick m e u p fo r an earty ftight to d a y , tt's n o w
annuat gen era ) m e e tin g at m y c o m p a n y tast m onth, and
7 :1 0 a .m . a n d a c a b h a s n 't arrived yet.
t w a s reatty p te a s e d .
A h, y e s , M s. W in stow , t fo u n d y o u r b o o k in g . Y o u 'r e at
t've onty h ea rd a b o u t th em . T h ey 're a n e w c o m p a n y , s o
1 2 1 6 Q u e e n S treet W e s t, right?
t h a v e n 't h a d a c h a n c e t o c h e c k th em out. D o y o u h ave
W N o, t'm at 1 2 1 6 Q u e e n S treet E ast. W h a t a m t g o in g to
a c o n t a c t n u m b e r fo r t h e m ? t atready h a ve to start
d o ? t'v e g o t t o g e t to th e airport.
ptanning fo r th e annuat C h ristm a s party.
M D o n 't w orry, M s. W in stow . t'v e atready d is p a tc h e d
a n o th er c a b driver t o y o u r a d d r e s s , a n d h e witt b e th ere
in tw o m in u tes. W e 'r e very sorry a b o u t th e c o n fu s io n . [5 6-58 ]

[4 7-49 ] M Hetto, M iss J o n e s . T his is tan from W i-Fi N eigh b ors, t've
fo tto w e d u p o n th e trou bte y o u 'v e b e e n having
a c c e s s in g o u r tn tem et s e r v ic e provid er, a n d basicatty, t
M: M etanie, this d ip is reatty g o o d . T han k y o u fo r brin gin g a
think th e p ro b te m is at y o u r en d .
d a iry -free v e rsio n . At th e tast o ffic e p ottu ck party, t
B ut t'v e atready b e e n w ithou t m y tntem et se r v ic e fo r the
a ccid en ta tty a te s o m e that h a d c h e e s e in it, a n d ) h a d a
w h o te m orn in g n o w . t'm g o in g to h a v e to find tntem et
s to m a c h a c h e fo r th e rest o f th e a fte rn o o n .
a c c e s s s o o n t o m a k e a dea dtin e.
W M att, t'm afraid that th e d ip t m a d e h a s n 't b e e n pu t o u t
M t h a v e atready put in a re q u e s t fo r a tech n icia n to visit
yet. Cheryt pu t it in th e frid g e b e c a u s e s h e th o u g h t that
y o u r o ffic e , bu t t'm afraid t c a n 't tett y o u exa ctty w h en he
th ere w a s e n o u g h f o o d o u t atready, a n d m o re p e o p te
from a c c o u n tin g witt b e c o m in g tater. witt arrive.
W Att right. C an y o u g iv e th e te ch n icia n m y cett p h o n e
O k ay, t witt s to p eatin g this o n e . P e rh a p s it w o n 't b e s o
n u m b e r? t'm g o in g to an tn tem et c a fe ju st d o w n th e
b a d . t onty a te a b o u t tw o o r th ree m outhfu ts.
ro a d to e-m ait t h e s e d o c u m e n ts . P te a se h a v e him cat)
W H a ve y o u tried that n e w m e d ic in e fo r p e o p te w h o c a n 't
d ig e s t dairy f o o d s ? M y siste r t a k e s it, an d s h e s a y s it's m e a s s o o n a s h e r e a c h e s m y o ffic e . 341

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W : Mr. Sm ith, y o u 'r e g o in g to b e sta yin g at th e D h aka P taza e n d e d . A s y o u k n ow , w e d e p e n d greatty o n the

H ote! fo r th e first t w o n igh ts o f y o u r trip, th en you ')) b e su p p o r t o f g e n e r o u s d o n o r s tike you rsetf s o that w e ca n
g o in g u p t o B o g ra , w h e re you ')) b e sta yin g with th e field p r o v id e high quatity tetevision p rogra m m in g w ithout
c o m m e rcia ts .
o ffic e r R ola n d H eadty, fo r th ree nights. T h en , you ')) b e
h e a d in g b a c k to D h aka P laza fo r th e tast night. W Y e s , th a t's right! t reatty e n jo y th e British m ysteries you
M : T han k y o u , P en n y. H a ve y o u h a d a c h a n c e t o find a im port, t w a s m ea n in g to ren ew m y su b scrip tio n but t
differen t trave) r o u te ? T h o s e s to p o v e r s wit) c o n s u m e a fo r g o t. T han k y o u fo r rem inding m e. But w ou td y ou
tot o f tim e. m ind catting tater?
W : Y e s , Mr. S m it h ,! fo u n d y o u a r e d -e y e ftight from T o ro n to
to L o n d o n w ith ju st o n e s to p o v e r o f tw o h o u rs a n d then
directty o n t o D haka. Part 4
M : V ery g o o d . )f t'm teaving o n th e r e d -e y e , it wi)l m ea n )
c a n m a k e that fam ity din n er w ith th e S in g h s, t'tt m o s t
71. (B) 72. (C) 73. (A) 74. (A) 75. (B) 76. (C) 77. (B) 78. (C)
tikety s te e p du ring th e trip, w h ich witt hetp with ad ju stin g
79. (A) 8 0 . (C) 81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (B) 84. (D) 8 5 .(C ) 86. (C)
t o th e tim e d iffe re n ce .
87. (B) 88. (B) 89. (C) 9 0 . (A) 91. (D) 9 2 (C) 93. (B) 94. (D)
95. (B) 96. (A) 97. (D) 98. (A) 99. (A) 10C .(D )
[6 2-64 ]

[7 1-73 ]
M : A fter y o u c o m p te te y o u r p rese n ta tio n p oin ts, t c a n g o
o v e r th e detaits o f th e n e w h a rd w a re fe a tu re s u sin g th e
p r o to ty p e b ten d er. T his m e s s a g e is fo r Luis Pertin. M y n a m e is B arney
W : ! t o o k th e h a rd w a re h o m e fast night s o t h a t ) c o u td d o F etdm an, a n d t am a buitding co n tra cto r with W e s to n
m o re g r a p h ic s fo r th e p re se n ta tion , tt's stitt there. H o m e s , t u n d ersta n d that y o u w ou td tike an estim a te o n a
M: Alt right, tt's on ty 1 0 a.m . W e stit) h a v e tim e t o brin g it p o s s ib te ren ova tion to y o u r k itc h e n .! b etieve y o u w ant to
b a c k t o th e o ffic e . H ow ton g wi)) it tak e y o u t o g o h o m e ? h a v e a n e w s e t o f c u p b o a r d s instatted a s wet) a s a targer
W : A ctu a tty ,! d o n 't think t h a v e tim e fo r that, t h a v e a kitch en w in d o w buitt. A lth ou gh t d o n ot k n o w e x a ctly w hat
m e etin g right after t finish reh earsin g this w ith y o u . tf t ty p e o f w o o d o r o th e r m ateriats y o u w ou td tike to u se,
g iv e y o u m y h o u s e k e y s, c a n y o u brin g it b a c k t o th e generatty s u c h a ren ova tion w ou td tak e a p p r o x im a te ^ tw o
o ffic e ? w e e k s t o c o m p le te . O ur c u p b o a r d s ca n b e buitt usin g oak ,
m apte, o r birch , tf y o u c a n tet m e k n ow w h at ty p e o f w o o d
y o u w ou td p refer t o u s e , w e c a n d eterm in e a better
[6 5-67 ]
e stim a te fo r th e ren ova tion , t wit) b e avai)ab)e M o n d a y and
T u e s d a y e v e n in g to d r o p b y y o u r h o m e a n d s e e w hat the
Did y o u g o t o th e annua) sate at M a n d a t's ? ! h ea r th e
jo b entaits. P te a se cat) m e at 6 4 7 -2 6 8 7 to d eterm in e w hich
o ffe rs are reatty g o o d .
e v e n in g is b e s t fo r y ou . T han k you .
W : N ot yet, bu t t ptan o n g o in g this e v e n in g after w ork , t
n e e d t o finish s h o p p in g fo r C hristm as.
M: G o o d , c a n y o u c h e c k o u t th e k id s' w e a r s e c t io n ? t h a ve [7 4-76 ]
t o b u y s o m e th in g fo r m y d a u gh ter.
W : S u re, t c a n e v e n b u y s o m e th in g fo r her if it's reatty n ice, W e tc o m e t o th e tntettiverse exh ibit h ere at th e Nationat
tt m a y n o t b e th e re to m o r r o w , y o u k n ow . S a fe ty a n d S ecu rity E x p o . M y n a m e is Sheryt L on d on , and )
w ou td tike to s h o w y o u w h at p r o d u cts tntettiverse is
[6 8-70 ] crea tin g to m a k e y o u r h o m e s a fe a n d s e c u r e . First, w e
h a v e a tiny g a d g e t catted th e S a fe s e n s o r , w h ich witt
M: Hetto, is this M rs. J o n e s ? a u t o m a t ic a l tock th e front d o o r o f y o u r h o m e , tf y o u g o to
W : Y e s , this is s h e . H o w m ay t hetp y o u ? b e d a n d teave th e d o o r a cciden ta tty u n to ck ed , S a fe s e n s o r
M : M y n a m e is Brett, a n d t'm catting from th e N ationa) is p r o g r a m m e d to a u t o m a t ic a l tock th e d o o r at a certain
P ubtic T etevision s e r v ic e , t h o p e t'm n o t interrupting tim e o f y o u r c h o o s in g e a c h e ven in g. A n oth er n e w p ro d u ct
y o u r d inner, t n o tic e that y o u r s u b scrip tio n w ith u s h a s tntettiverse is qu ite p ro u d o f is th e Q u ick tock . D esig n ed for


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b icy c te s , th e Q u ick to ck a )!o w s u s e rs to k e e p their b icy c te s T h e W e a v e r C om m u n ity C e n te r is p te a s e d to a n n o u n ce

s a fe w hite at w o rk o r in s c h o o ). T h e third p r o d u ct is th e that w e witt b e a d d in g th ree n e w c ta s s e s fo r s e n io r citizen s
K eyvautt. T h e Keyvautt is a sm all d e v ic e w h ich s to r e s this su m m e r. W e are a d d in g a n e w E x e rcise c ta ss d e s ig n e d
h o u s e a n d c a r k e y s o n th e b a c k o f a p e r s o n 's m o b ile t o g iv e p a rticipa n ts a tight a e r o b ic s w ork ou t. T h e c ta ss witt
p h o n e . T h e k e y ch a in will b e s o o n o b s o t e te th an k s t o th e b e hetd th ree tim e s a w e e k fo r o n e h ou r e a c h da y. A nother
K eyvautt. n e w c ta s s is o u r A rts a n d C rafts c ta s s that witt in trod u ce
s e n io rs t o painting a s wet) a s te a c h th em h o w to e tch gtass.
[7 7-79 ] T his c ta s s witt b e hetd tw ic e a w e e k fo r 9 0 m inu tes per
cta ss . T h e third c ta s s is a B u s in e s s c ta ss . T h e B u sin e ss
W e tc o m e to T h e Daity M on e y M inute, t'm you r h ost B e n son c ta s s witt b e hetd o n c e a w e e k w ith th e c ta ss b ein g tw o
Hottinger, an d to d a y w e re tatking a b o u t tim e m an a gem en t. h o u rs in tength. T h e B u s in e s s c ta ss a tso h a s a timited
C o m p a n ie s strive t o d o thin gs m o re e fficien cy an d quickty e n r o lm e n t o f 3 0 p e o p te , s o p te a s e register fo r this cta ss as
e a c h an d every da y. First, s e t hourty g o a ts during you r s o o n a s p o s s ib te . R egistra tion fe e s fo r th e E x e rcise c ta ss
w orkin g day. D o not attow you rsetf t o w a ste tim e through idte a n d th e A rts a n d C rafts c ta s s are $ 7 5 p er cta ss, or y o u ca n
chatting o r b ein g d istra cted b y oth ers. S e co n d ty , b e register fo r b o th fo r $ 1 2 5 . T h e B u s in e s s cta ss h a s a
rea son a b te in ptotting you r w ork sch e d u te . Ptanning t o d o 20 registration fe e o f $8 0.
thin gs in o n e d a y w h en p erh a p s onty 10 thin gs ca n b e futty
a c c o m p tis h e d teaves e m p lo y e e s feeting h etptess and [86-88]
d e p r e s s e d . A tso, rushing to finish th o s e 20 task s co u td often
resutt in errors that cou td c o s t th e c o m p a n y m o n e y an d tim e. if y o u 'r e ptanning a hotiday bu t c a n 't d e c id e w h ere to g o ,
R em em b e r, it is atw ays a g o o d id e a t o set g o a ts through out visit Sterting H otidays to d a y . W e o ffe r y o u th e w id est
the d a y. R ea ch in g th o s e g o a ls witt resutt in a feeling o f c h o ic e o f d e stin a tio n s. O ur sp e cia tty is hotid ays in th e Far
satisfaction an d s e tf-c o n fid e n c e after a p rod u ctiv e w ork day. E ast, bu t we'tt g iv e y o u th e b e s t b a rga in s fo r hotidays
F or T h e Daity M o n e y M inute, t'm B e n son Hottinger. a n y w h e re in th e w o rld . T o k n o w m o re a b o u t o u r se r v ic e s
a n d b e s t o ffe rs , m e e t o u r travet sp e cia tists to d a y o r visit
[8 0-82 ] o u r w e b s ite - w w w .s te rtin g .co m .

T h e nationat fo re stry industry h a s s e e n a targe in cr e a s e in [8 9-91 ]

th e d e m a n d fo r tum ber o v e r th e tast 1 2 m o n th s. A c c o r d in g
t o fo re stry sta tistics, re v e n u e s in cr e a s e d b y 21 p e r c e n t to G o o d a fte rn o o n a n d w e t c o m e to o u r m onthty b u s in e s s
$ 1 .2 bittion. T h e m ain re a s o n fo r this in cr e a s e h a s b e e n d u e m eetin g. Let m e first exptain th e o rd e r o f th e m eetin g. Our
to th e rise in h o m e co n s tru ctio n . T his h a s resutted in a T rea su rer F aisa A zbat witt reveal th e o u tto o k fo r th e fourth
sh o r ta g e o f w o rk e rs in th e fo re stry s e c to r . H o w e v e r, this qu arter o f this fiscat year. S h e witt a n s w e r q u e s tio n s th e
s h o r ta g e o f w o rk e rs sh ou td b e re s o tv e d within th e n ex t fou r b o a rd o f d ire cto rs m ay h a v e regard in g her findin gs. This
m o n th s. E m p to y e e s are earn in g m o re p a y fo r their w ork sh ou td ta k e a p p roxim atety 10 t o 15 m in u tes. F ottow ing that,
c o m p a r e d t o tast year. T h e a m o u n t o f t re e s ptan ted tast o u r Financiat D irector Eric W ent) witt d is c u s s w h e re Optra
y e a r w a s a r e co r d fo r th e cou n try. T h ere is a tso heatthy c a n e x c e t in th e current b u s in e s s ctim ate, specifica tty in our
c o m p e titio n a m o n g tum ber c o m p a n ie s within th e cou n try te c h n o to g y s e c to r , w h ich h a s s e e n im p ro v e d grow th . Our
that is e x p e c t e d t o c o n tin u e fo r th e n ex t tw o y e a rs. T h e H um an R e s o u r c e s M a n a g e r F red P e n g e t witt then s p e a k on
onty fo r e s e e a b t e threat t o th e tum ber industry is th e th e u p c o m in g jo b o p e n in g s within O ptra an d w h ere h e s e e s
possib itity o f th e s p r u c e b u d w o rm in fectin g targe fo r e s ts t h o s e p o s itio n s ben efitin g th e c o m p a n y . T h ere are tw o
a n d d e s tro y in g tre e s . Fortunatety, s c ie n tis ts an d o p e n in g s s e t fo r this fat), a n d d e p e n d in g o n h o w quickty the
re s e a r ch e rs b e tie v e th e risk is m inim a). c o m p a n y g r o w s , th ere c o u td b e tw o additionat o p e n in g s
c re a te d . F ottow ing F re d 's tatk, ou r E xecu tive D irector
W ilm a S e a c r e s s witt m a k e a sp e cia t a n n o u n ce m e n t that
in votv es O ptra join in g fo r c e s with a targe m uttinationat
co rp o ra tio n . 343

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to P ie d m o n t C re sce n t. D rivers witt h a v e to tak e attem ate

T his is Wittiam M arsha!) w ith this h o u r 's t o p story. T h e City
h ig h w a y s a n d s tre ets during this tim e p eriod . W e s u g g e s t
o f P ta sb u rg t o d a y h a s a n n o u n c e d p )a n s t o c re a te a bran d
n e w s p o r ts c o m p te x in d o w n to w n P ta sb u rg. A c c o r d in g to that y o u tak e th e Exit 8 R a m p W e s t to a c c e s s Creedmitt
M a yor J a c k s o n Tuttte, th e $ 5 0 mittion p r o je c t wi!) b e g in L ane. D rivers c a n a tso u s e th e Exit 9 R a m p W e s t to
P ie d m o n t C re sc e n t. D rivers w h o attem p t to travet atong
n ex t A u g u st a n d sh o u td b e c o m p te te d in 3 0 m o n th s. T h e
H igh w a y 10 during roa d c to s u re s witt b e fin ed a m inim um o f
s p o r ts c o m p te x witt fea tu re an 1 1 ,0 0 0 s e a t h o c k e y aren a, a
S 400 a n d c o u td to se their d river's tice n se fo r six m on th s.
3 0 ,0 0 0 s q u a r e fo o t g y m n a siu m a n d fo u r additionat fitn e ss
T h e repairs an d im p rov e m e n ts are e x p e c t e d to take
facitities. L o ca te d n ea r th e P tainsview B ridge, th e c o m p te x
a p p roxim a tety t w o w e e k s . W e witt k e e p y o u u p d a te d if
witt c o m p te m e n t th e n e w footbatt a n d s o c c e r fietd that
th ere are an y d e ta y s o r c h a n g e s .
o p e n e d tast M ay. T h e c o m p te x is e x p e c t e d to b e catted th e
W atd en C e n te r after P ta sb u rg 's first m a y o r H enry W atden .
A n e s tim a te d 5 0 0 futt-tim e jo b s are e x p e c t e d t o b e c re a te d
fro m th e n e w c o m p te x . T h e c o m p te x is a tso sa id to b e a Part 5
n e c e s s ity sh ou td th e city h o p e t o h o s t th e C o m m on w e a tth
G a m e s six y e a r s from n o w . T h is is Wittiam M arshatt fo r
1 0 9 0 A M N ew s.
101. (D) 102. (D) 103. (B) 104. (C) 105. (A) 106. (C) 107. (D)
108. (D) 109. (B) 110. (C) 111. (D) 112. (D) 113. (B) 114. (D)
[9 5-97 ] 115. (D) 116. (D) 117. (D) 118. (C) 119. (A) 120. (D) 121. (D)
122 (D) 123. (O 125. (C) 126. (C) 127. (D) 128. (B)
T h is m e s s a g e is fo r B eth a n y M a cK a y. T his is Lars V ensin 129. (A) 130. (C) 131. (B) 132. (B) 133. (A) 134. (B) 135. (B)
catting w ith M a g n o M o d e ts, tn co rp o ra te d . t am catting with 136. (D) 137. (B) 138. (O 139. (D) 140. (D)
regard t o th e d o c u m e n t s a n d p h o to g r a p h s y o u s e n t us
c o n c e r n in g o u r n e e d fo r fa sh io n m o d e ts . W e are presen tty
sign in g c o n tr a c ts w ith B r e e d z D ep a rtm en t S to r e fo r their
sp rin g a n d s u m m e r p r o d u ct c a t a to g u e s . A s y o u p ro b a b ty
k n ow , B re e d z is th e teadin g d e p a rtm e n t s to r e in th e
cou n try , a n d th e c a ta to g u e is d istribu ted to m o re than
4 0 0 ,0 0 0 h o m e s in th e region . W e n o tic e d that y o u h a ve 141. (D) 142. (B) 143. (C) 144. (D) 145. (A) 146. (D) 147. (D)
p re v io u s e x p e r ie n c e p o s in g fo r c a ta to g u e p h o to s , a n d w e 148. (B) 149. (C)150. (C)151. (D) 152. (B)
w ou td tike to invite y o u t o o u r o ffic e s fo r an interview . Y ou
witt first m e e t with o u r d ire c to rs a n d o u r stytists fo r a brief
d is c u s s io n in th e m orn in g . T h en , in th e a fte rn oo n , y o u witt Part 7
b e p o s in g fo r t w o d ifferen t p h o to s h o o t s fo r ou r sprin g
fa s h io n s a n d s u m m e r fa sh io n s, tf o u r c o m p a n y fe e ts y o u
h a v e w h a t it ta k e s, w e witt o ffe r y o u a c o n tra ct w ith a
$ 4 ,0 0 0 sig n in g b o n u s . P te a se cat) m e at 42 9 -0 0 3 1 b e fo r e 153. (D) 154. (B) 155. (D) 156. (C) 157. (B) 158. (D) 159. (C)
Friday at n o o n if y o u are in terested in this op p ortu n ity. 160. (D) 161. (A) 162. (B) 163. (D) 164. (A) 165. (D) 166. (B)
T han k y o u . 167. (B) 168. (B) 169. (C) 170. (D) 171. (A) 172. (D) 173. (D)
174. (D) 175. (B) 176. (A) 177. (B) 178. (A) 179. (D) 180. (D)
181. (A) 182. (B) 183. (C) 184. (C) 185. (D) 186. (A) 187. (A)
[9 8-10 0]
188. (C) 189. (A) 190. (D) 191. (B) 192(A) 193. (D) 194. (A)
195. (D) 196. (D) 197. (C) 198. (B) 199. (B) 200 (C)
T h e tnver Vittage T ra n sp ortation C o m m is s io n is aterting
drivers t o th e c h a n g e s that witt b e taking e ffe c t b egin n in g
J u n e 1. A p ortion o f H ighw ay 10, th e m ain h igh w a y g o in g
th rou gh tnver Vittage, witt b e c to s in g e a c h night from th e
h o u rs o f 1 a.m . to 6 a .m . t o attow p o th o te s to b e repaired .
T his portion witt e x te n d so u th to Creedm itt L ane a n d north


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A ctua! T e s t 3 Script & Answer Key

P a rti

1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (A) 6 (D) 7 .(C ) 8. (B)

9 .(0 10. (B)

(A) T h ey a re greetin g e a c h other.

(B) T h e y are leaving th e o ffic e .
(C) B oth m en are rolling u p their s le e v e s .
(D) T h e y are b o th h old in g so m e th in g .

(A) T h e m an is loo k in g d o w n .
(B) T h e m an is callin g from a p a y p h o n e .
(C) T h e m an is putting o n a tie.
(D) T h e m an is sm ilin g at a n o th e r p e r s o n .
(A) P e o p le are sta n d in g n ear th e street.
(B) T h e ro a d h a s recen tly b e e n p a v e d .
(C) P e o p le are w alking a c r o s s th e street.
(D) C a rs a re p a rk ed a lo n g th e cu rb .

(A) S h e is p e e rin g th ro u g h th e m ic r o s c o p e .
(B) S h e is w ea rin g th e e y e w e a r.
(C) S h e is taking o ff her g lo v e s . (A) T h e sh ip is d o c k e d at th e harbor.
(D) S h e is la belin g a sa m p le . (B) T h e c a r g o is b e in g lo a d e d o n t o th e ship.
(C) T h e sh ip is taking g o o d s o v e r s e a s .
3. (D) T h e w ater is very ca lm .


(A) T h e y a re sitting n ex t t o e a c h other.

(B) T h e d o c u m e n t s a re s p r e a d o v e r th e table.
(C) T h e y are lo o k in g o u t th e w in d o w .
(D) T h e ftoor is partially s h a d e d .
(A) T h e w o m a n is exam in in g th e m enu.
(B) T h e m an is servin g fo o d .
(C) T h e y are h old in g fork s.
(D) T h e y are finishing their m eats. 345

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12 W h en witt y o u b e m aking th e p re sen ta tio n ?
(A) !n th e c o n fe r e n c e hatt, upstairs.
(B) A s s o o n a s th e ctients are s e a te d .
(C) A rou n d tw o w e e k s , apparentty.

13 W h o is g o in g to th e party to n ig h t?
(A) A t ten o 'c t o c k ,' w a s totd.
(A) H e is taying p ip e s ort th e g ro u n d .
(B) tt's at th e n e w restaurant.
(B) H e is w ork in g with a h a n d to o ).
(C) W ett, w e att are.
(C) H e is c h e c k in g his hard hat.
(D) H e is cu ttin g th e p ip e in to p ie c e s .
14. ts th ere a p o s t o ffic e n e a rb y ?
(A) Y e s , in th e n ex t buitding.
(B) N o, n o t fo r a n o th e r m on th .
(C) S ure, !'tt w ait at th e o ffice .

1 5 C an t h a v e a took at th e s a te s re p o rt?
(A) Y e s , at th e sate tast w e e k .
(B) t'tt took in th e directory.
(A) T h e y are w aterin g piants. (C) O f c o u r s e . H ere it is.
(B) T h e g ro u n d is c o v e r e d with fatten teaves.
(C) S o m e o f th em a re w e a rin g sh o rts. 16. D o y o u think th e ca fete ria witt b e o p e n s o early?
(D) T h e tre e s h a v e th ick teaves. (A) M a y b e not. L e t's try th e c o ffe e s h o p d ow n sta irs.
(B) t think w e 'r e ju st in tim e.
10 . (C) Untit 9 p .m . o n w e e k d a y s , t betieve.

17 W hat d id y o u think o f th e s h o w ?
(A) Q u ite w o n d e r fu t,) m u st sa y .
(B) t s h o w e d it to y o u tast w e e k .
(C) N ot fo r a w h ite ,) s u p p o s e .
(A) T h e tire h a s b e e n re p ta ce d .
18 W h e re ca n ! g e t a g o o d pair o f g to v e s ?
(B) T h e c a r is d a m a g e d .
(A) ft! s e a r c h fo r th em .
(C) T h e c a r is b e in g t o w e d a w a y.
(B) A t th e s to r e d o w n th e street.
(D) T h e c a r h a s b e e n raised fo r repair.
(C) T h e w h ite o n e s , p tea se.

Part 2 1 9 S h ou td ! inform th e m a n a g e r a b o u t th e n e w o rd e r?
(A) N ot m u ch , t a g re e .
(B) Y e s , a s s o o n a s p o s s ib te .
11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (C) 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (B) (C) T his w a y , if y o u d o n 't m ind.
19. (B) 2 0 . (C) 21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (A) 26. (B)
27. (B) 28. (A) 29. (C) 30. (C) 31. (B) 3 2 (A) 33 . (B) 34. (A) 20. D o y o u m ind hetping m e with this fo r m ?
35 . (A) 36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (A) 4 0 . (B) (A) B y a b o u t n o o n , t'd say.
(B) t ju st h a d s o m e , thank you .
(C) N ot at att, t'd b e gtad to.
11. H ow w a s th e c o n fe r e n c e ?
(A) N ot at at), it's a p teasu re. 21. D idn't y o u visit th e m u se u m white y o u sta y e d in S y d n e y ?
(B) V ery in teresting. Y o u s h o u td 'v e c o m e . (A) T a k e a b u s from that c o m e r .
(C ) ! c a n h ea r y o u , g o a h e a d . (B) Y e s , h e 's a g o o d gu id e .
(C) N o, t d id n 't h a v e an y c h a n c e .


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22. W h ich is th e b e s t w a y t o g e t t o th e n e w s h o p p in g m att? 32 C ou td y o u turn d o w n th e m u s ic p te a s e ?
H am ilton R o a d o r th e h ig h w a y ? (A) S orry, t'tt d o that right aw a y.
(A) Y e s , th e p r ic e s a re q u ite re a s o n a b te . (B) Turn right, a n d g o straight d o w n .
(B) T h e traffic is terribte th ere. (C) Y o u c a n b o r r o w it, anytim e.

(C) T h e y 'r e b o th a b o u t th e s a m e .
3 3 W h ich s o u n d s better, a c o n c e r t o r a m o v ie ?
23. H o w m u ch is a tick et to M on trea l? (A) T hat s o u n d s tike a grea t idea.
(A) T e n m ites from th e airport. (B) t h a v e n 't s e e n a fitm fo r a white. L et's d o that.
(B) A h u n d red dottars o n e w ay. (C) tt's n o t certain w h e th e r h e is c o m in g .
(C) Y o u c a n p a y b y c a r d .
34 . Mr. P acitto catted to a sk a b o u t th e sta tu s o f th e detivery.
24. isn 't th e P ubtic Library o p e n in th e e v e n in g ? (A) it w e n t o u t 1 0 m in u tes a g o .
(A) tt's a pu btic p e r fo r m a n c e . (B) D u e to th e w r o n g a d d r e s s .
(B) N o, a n o th e r d a y p e rh a p s. (C) H e catted o ff th e m eetin g fo r to m o rro w .

(C) Y e s , untit 8 p .m .
35. W h y did y o u put in th e r e q u e s t fo r a transfer t o L o n d o n ?
2 5 W h o is re s p o n s ib te fo r th e L o u g h e e d a c c o u n t ? (A) S o t c a n iive w ith m y d a u gh ter.
(A) M r. B a m s is takin g c a r e o f it. (B) Y o u c a n tra n sfer t o G ray Line at th e next s to p .
(B) A s a v in g s a c c o u n t, p te a se. (C) B e c a u s e t c o u id n 't a n s w e r th e q u estio n .

(C) Y e s , h e is in ch a r g e .
36 . A ren 't th e s a te s fig u re s high e n o u g h fo r this qu arter?
2 6 Witt o u r su p p tie s g e t d etivered o n tim e ? (A) Y e s , h e 's th e sa te s d e p a rtm e n t h ea d .
(A) A sh ort w hite a g o . (B) N o, th e n u m b e rs are te ss than w h at th ey sh ou td b e .
(B) L e t's h o p e s o . (C) in th e s a ie s r o o m .
(C) A t th e w a r e h o u s e .
37 . T h e b o s s a s k e d u s to atten d th e ati-staff m eetin g tom orrow ,
27. W e 'r e g o in g to b e v ery tate fo r th e m eetin g. right?
(A) T h e y ju st teft, t think. (A) Y e s , th e m e e tin g n e e d s t o b e re sch ed u te d .
(B) P e rh a p s w e sh o u td in form th e ctien ts. (B) A ctuatty, w e a re u n d ersta ffed .
(C) t k n o w w h e re t o g e t fa ste r detivery. (C) Y e s , bu t t w o n 't b e ab te to m a k e it b e c a u s e o f th e trip to
28 . D o y o u k n o w o u r o ffic e a d d r e s s o r sh o u td t tett y o u a g a in ?
38. W h y d o n 't i con firm th e m eetin g with Mr. M a ck a y ?
(A) t h a v e it here.
(A) i h a v e to g iv e a p resen ta tion to d a y .
(B) A ctuatty, th e o ffic e is v ery s p a c io u s .
(B) T h an k s, that w o u id b e heipfui.
(C) S orry, t h a v e n 't totd him yet.
(C) A fter iu nch tim e, p te a se .

29. W h a t's th e e a s ie s t w a y t o g e t to th e b a n k ?
39. W ou td y o u p refer to p a y you r bit) in instalim ents o r a yearly
(A) E xactty, th e r e 's n o o th e r w a y ou t.
(B) Y e s , t'tt g e t th em right a w a y. b a s is ?
(C) T h rou gh th e park at th e e n d o f th e street. (A) i'it p a y it att right aw a y.
(B) Y o u sh ou td instaii th e p rogra m first.
30. H a ven 't y o u totd M atth ew a b o u t th e c h a n g e ? (C) T h e biit is o v e r d u e .
(A) H e s p o k e a b o u t it.
4 0 . t h a v e to ta k e th e training c o u r s e next w e e k .
(B) Y e s , t'tt tett e v e r y o n e .
(A) it ie a v e s at 10 at th e ptatform A.
(C) D o n 't w orry, t atready totd him y e ste rd a y .
(B) S o d o i.
31. W e are c t o s e t o th e art gattery, a ren 't w e ? (C) N o, it wiii b e hetd at th e M arriot Hotet.

(A) tt is c to s e d n o w .
(B) N o, it's t w o b to c k s aw a y.
(C )T a k e B u s # 2 0 1 .

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i'm h e re to ap pty fo r a cre d it ca rd , i e x p e c t to travet a !ot

41. (C) 42 (C) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (C) 47. (D) 48. (B) this y e a r a n d a c a r d wiit b e usefui.
49. (A) 50.(B) 51. (C) 52. (C) 53. (A) 54. (D) 55. (A) 56, (A) M: Certainty. P te a se fiii in this ap ptica tion . W e n e e d a fe w
57. (C )'58. (B) 59. (A) 60. (B) 61. (D) 62. (A) 63. (C) 64. (D) d e ta iis fo r o u r r e co r d s .
65. (D) 66.(A) 67. (B) 68. (B) 69. (O 70. (D) W : t airea d y h a ve an a c c o u n t with y o u . i'm su re y ou ca n
verify ait th e d etaiis straight aw a y,
i'ii d o that. W e s h o u id b e ab te to s e n d y o u th e ca rd
[4 1-43 ]
within th e n ex t 5 w ork in g d a y s .

W : Hi, th ere. !s this w h e re Mr. M artin's s p e e c h o n C h in e s e

b u s in e s s cuttu re is taking p t a c e ? [5 3-55 ]
M: Y e s , bu t i'm afraid th e y 'v e a irea d y sta rted.
W O h , t s e e . i g u e s s i h a d a s io w start to d a y . W h a t's W : You'D n e v e r b e iie v e w h at h a p p e n e d to m e to d a y , t g o t
h a p p e n in g n ex t d o o r ? m y p h o n e bit! fo r this m on th , an d it's o v e r $100! T h e
M: M s. Pitiai wiii b e taiking a b o u t e n v ir o n m e n t a l friendiy w o rs t part is, i d id n 't m a k e ati o f th e caits. T h e re 's a
initiatives in th e w o r k p ia c e , a n d th en th ere wiii b e a b u n c h o f extra io n g d is ta n ce caits.
sh o rt q u e s tio n a n d a n s w e r s e s s io n . T h e y sh o u td b e T h a t's unusuai. Did y o u r e m e m b e r t o p a y y o u r tast bit)?
d o n e in tim e fo r tunch. T h ere are stiti a fe w s e a ts ieft if Y e s , i a iw a y s p a y o n tim e. A n d th e oniy tim e i m ak e tong
y o u 'd iike to g o in. d is ta n ce ca iis is to s p e a k t o m y sister in A m erica, t'm on
th e tn tem et a tot, bu t th a t's a ftat rate e v e ry m onth.
[4 4-46 ] M: Y o u sh ou td cati th e s e r v ic e p ro v id e r to d a y an d s e e if
th ey c a n s o rt o u t th e p rob tem . T h ey ca n p roba bty
r e m o v e t h o s e c h a r g e s from y o u r biii.
W: Hetto, m a y t s p e a k to Mr. B iak e in S h ip p in g, p ie a s e ?
M: i'm afraid Mr. B take is o n a b u s in e s s trip untii th e first.
W : W eii, it's v ery urgen t that i s p e a k w ith him . tt's a b o u t th e [5 6-58 ]
o r d e r that w a s s u p p o s e d t o arrive o n T h u rsd a y, is th ere
an yth in g y o u c a n d o ? W : Paui, d id y o u p ia c e that o rd e r fo r Mr. T rem b ia y? W e
M: i'ii put y o u th rou gh to Mr. B ia k e 's a ssista n t m a n a ger, w an t to g e t his o ffic e s e t u p a s s o o n a s p o s s ib ie .
M s. M edtine. S h e is h andiing ati o f his ciie n ts untii h e M : Y e s . i m a n a g e d t o find ait o f th e d e s k eq u ip m en t with
returns, if it's an e m e r g e n c y , s h e c a n c o n t a c t him ou r usuat su p piier, bu t fo r s o m e o f th e sp ecia t p e n s and
directiy o n his ceii p h o n e . P te a se hotd ju st a m o m e n t. th e c a ie n d a r h e w a n ted , i h a d to caii th e oth er p iace.
i'm afraid it's g o in g to b e t o o e x p e n s iv e to d o tw o smaii
[4 7-49 ] o rd e rs . T h e c o m p a n y that h a s th e p e n s an d the
ca ie n d a r s h o u id h a v e aii o f th e d e s k eq u ip m en t, to o .
M : Hi, Phyitis. tt's grea t t o s e e y o u ! W h e re sh o u td t put m y S e e if y o u c a n c a n c e i th e first order, a n d b u y everything
coa t? from o n e p ta ce . if th e o r d e r is b ig e n o u g h , th ey shou td
W : W e tc o m e , J o e i. Y o u c a n ju st th row it o n th e b e d in th e g iv e u s fre e sh ip p in g.
g u e s t b e d r o o m w ith ai! th e rest. W h a t's in th e b a g ? M: O k ay, i'ii cati th em a s s o o n a s p o s s ib ie a n d sort that out.
M : O h , t b ro u g h t s o m e b io c k s a n d p u z z ie s fo r th e kids. T h e y usuaiiy d o n 't sh ip th em right a w a y an yw ay.
T h e y w e r e m y s o n 's fa v o rite s w h e n h e w a s iittte.
W : Y o u d id n 't h a v e t o d o that. B ut t'm su re that they'ii io v e [5 9-61 ]
th em . T h e y 're a iw a y s s o b o r e d w h e n t h a v e c o -w o r k e r s
o v e r. T han k y o u . A H ave y o u d e c id e d w h at y o u 'r e d o in g fo r y ou r su m m er
v a ca tio n , M ark?
M W ei), Liz a n d i w o u id tike to g o to itaiy tog e th er, but the
p h c e s that o u r travet a g e n t h a s giv en u s are w a y ou t o f
o u r b u d g e t, tt's p ro b a b ty b e c a u s e it's th e b u s y s e a s o n .


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W Wett h a v e y o u th o u g h t a b o u t trying o n e o f t h o s e tast- W : S o that w ou td put u s in at a b o u t o n e , t g u e s s . G reat, t
m inu te d e a is ? tf y o u d o n 't c a r e a b o u t ftying first-cta ss, ju st g o t in from N e w Y ork o n th e 8 a.m . ftight. t'm g o in g
s o m e t im e s ftights are c h e a p e r w h en y o u b o o k tate. Y o u to b e givin g tectu res o n intem ationat d e v e to p m e n t at
m ight w an t t o try a s e a r c h o n th e tn tem et. T h ere are O x fo rd fo r a year.
a tso d is c o u n t s with s o m e c o m p a n ie s if y o u o r d e r ontine. M : t think you'tt e n jo y you rsetf there, t g ra d u a te d from
M T h an k s, t'tt g iv e that a try. t h o p e it w o r k s ou t. t d o n 't O x fo rd m ysetf y e a rs a g o . t'm o n m y w a y b a c k fo r a
w an t t o b e stu ck at h o m e ! b u s in e s s m eetin g.

[6 2-64 ]

W : Brian, c a n t tatk t o y o u ? t n e e d y o u t o g e t that d a ta to

m e b y 11 o 'c t o c k to m o rro w .
71. (D) 72. (B)73. (C) 74. (D) 75. (C) 76. (A) 77. (C) 78. (B)
M : t th ou g h t y o u d id n 't n e e d it untit five, t h a v e a
79. <B) 80. (A)81. (A) 82. (B) 83. (C) 84. (A) 85. (D) 86. (D)
c o n fe r e n c e catt at 9 :3 0 that t c a n 't ca n ce t.
87. (C) 88. (B)89. (A) 90. (B) 91. (B) 92 (A) 93. (D) 94. (A)
W : W ett, m y d in n er m e e tin g w ith th e ctien ts w a s
95. (B) 96. (D)97. (C) 98. (B) 99. (A) 100. (B) .
r e s ch e d u te d to a tunch m e e tin g at n o o n , a n d t n e e d tim e
to review everyth in g b e fo r e t g o . t'v e a s k e d J a s o n to
g iv e y o u a hand.
M : O K , t'tt try to k e e p m y catt sh ort, a n d t m ight sta y a bit [7 1-73 ]
tate tonigh t.
Vinay, this is N isha. t h a v e y o u r reim bu rsem en t form an d
re ce ip ts fo r th e b u s in e s s din n er y o u paid fo r tast w e e k . T he
[6 5-67 ] a m o u n t o n y o u r form is $ 1 7 5 .5 5 , bu t th e r e ce ip ts' totat is
$ 1 5 7 .2 5 . H a ve y o u written th e w ro n g a m ou n t o n th e form ?
W : A B C C o m p u te rs , this is Lara. H o w m a y t hetp y o u O r h a v e y o u fo r g o tte n to in ctu d e o n e o f you r r e ce ip ts ?
tod a y ? P te a se catt a n d tet m e k n ow , s o that th e a c c o u n ts c a n
M: Hi, Lara, m y n a m e is D avid J o n e s , a n d t'm w o n d e r in g if p r o c e s s y o u r r e q u e s t fo r reim bu rsem en t, t'm avaitabte o n
y o u c o u td tett m e th e n a m e o f th e m a n a g e r in c h a r g e o f E xten sion 0 9 titt 5 p .m . T hanks.
th e hu m a n r e s o u r c e s d e p a rtm e n t in y o u r L.A. o ffic e , t
s e n t th em m y re s u m e recen tty, a n d !'d ju st tike t o s e e if
[7 4-76 ]
th ey r e c e iv e d it.
W : O ur p e rso n n e t m a n a g e r th ere is M s. Lori G arcia, bu t t
sh o u td w arn y o u that s h e p refe rs n o t to ta k e catts a b o u t W e at T h e C harter Bar a re s a d to a n n o u n c e that w e witt b e
jo b p o s tin g s . S h e witt c o n t a c t y o u if s h e w is h e s to c to s in g o u r d o o r s fo r tw o w e e k s in o rd er t o d o s o m e
s c h e d u te an interview . H o w e v er, if y o u are c o n c e r n e d re n o v a tio n s t o o u r air co n d itio n in g unit. W e h o p e to h a ve
that y o u r a p p tica tion h a s b e e n tost, t ca n g iv e y o u the th e unit in p r o p e r w ork in g o r d e r w h en w e re o p e n o n J u n e
n u m b e r o f her re ce p tion ist. 21. A s a resutt, w e are a tso inform ing o u r p a tro n s that w e
M: O h, than k y o u . t w a s n 't a w a re that p h o n e catts w e r e witt b e c a n ce tin g an u p co m in g c o n c e r t o n J u n e 15 with the
d is c o u r a g e d , tf th e re ce p tio n is t w o u td n 't m ind sp e a k in g T e x a s Trio. T h ere is n o possibitity o f th e b a n d resch edu tin g
t o m e, that w ou td b e great. C ou td t h a v e that n u m b e r? th e s h o w s o re fu n d s witt b e avaitabte at T h e C harter Bar or
at p o in ts o f p u rch a s e . H o w ev er, w e are p te a s e d to
a n n o u n c e that th e J u n e 16 c o n c e r t featuring, T h e Brazit
[6 8-70 ] B o ffo B an d witt g o a h e a d a s s c h e d u te d bu t witt n o w take
p ta c e at th e C artingview C astte. T h e C arlingview C astte is
W : E x c u s e m e. D o y o u k n o w h o w m a n y s t o p s w e h a v e untit to ca te d ju st tw o b to c k s north o f T h e C harter Bar a c r o s s the
w e re a ch O x fo rd ? street from U n g e r's V id e o S h o p , tf y o u h a v e an y q u e stion s,
h' Ju st th ree m o re s to p s . W e teft L o n d o n at 1 0 :0 0 s o it witt p te a s e p h o n e u s at 9 3 2 -1 5 3 2 . W e thank y o u an d took
ta k e a b o u t 4 5 m in u tes b e fo r e w e putt into th e train forw a rd to s e e in g y o u o n J u n e 21 .
sta tion . Ju st e n o u g h tim e to h a v e a b ite o f tunch. 349

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Hetto, frien d s! t'm T e x Fritzw ater a n d t'm th e o w n e r o f than a m ite aw a y! T h e p ip e s th ere o n th e hittside w e re part
F ritzw ater L im ou sin e R entats. M y w ife W e n d y a n d t w ou td o f an efficie n t w a ter su p p ty s y s te m that carried w ater from
tike to thank att o f y o u fo r u sin g o u r fa b u to u s tim ou sin es th e take b e to w t o th e fo r t's resid en ts. W e'tt n o w s e e a
o v e r th e tast 20 y e a rs, a n d w e took forw a rd t o serv in g y ou sp e cia t s h o w that retates s o m e o f th e m ajor e v e n ts that
fo r th e n ex t 2 0 y e a rs. W e w ou td tike t o tett y o u o f a sp e cia t o c c u r r e d h ere.
o ffe r F ritzw ater L im ou sin e R entats is offe rin g fo r a timited
tim e. W ith high s c h o o t g ra d u a tio n s o n th e h orizon , w e
[86 -88 ]
k n o w y o u witt w an t y o u r t e e n a g e r s g o in g to their high
s c h o o t p ro m in styte in o n e o f o u r tim ou sin es. W e c a n o ffe r
Hetto, m y n a m e is M ike S ch tich ter a n d t witt b e you r M C for
an e ig h t-h o u r tim ou sin e rentat fo r th e tow p r ic e o f $ 3 0 0 ,
th e ev e n in g . O ur first g u e s t s p e a k e r this e ven in g w a s b o m
b e g in n in g at 6 p .m . a n d c o n c tu d in g at 2 a.m . W e c a n a tso
an d ra ised h ere in C an n in gton Vittage. H e w a s b o m h ere in
p r o v id e th e s a m e s e r v ic e fo r six h o u rs fo r $ 2 5 0 . tf y o u tak e
1 9 6 7 a n d o p e n e d his first sto r e in 19 88 o n L eathertee
a d v a n ta g e o f th is sp e cia t sate, w e witt a tso o ffe r a fre e
B ou tevard. S in c e then, his O m nicraft, tn corp ora ted , has
return trip to L ew is M attard A irport th e n ex t tim e y o u n e e d
g r o w n co n tin u o u sty a n d n o w h a s s to r e s in five c o u n tr ie s :
to fty s o m e w h e r e . J u st catt F ritzw ater L im ou sin e R entats
C a n a d a , K orea, J a p a n , A rgentina, an d F rance. H e b e c a m e
tw o w e e k s in a d v a n c e , a n d w e witt p ick y o u u p a n d tak e
a m ittionaire in 1 9 9 5 a n d h a s b e c o m e a best-settin g author
y o u b a c k totatty fre e . S o catt F ritzw ater L im ou sin e R entats
a n d m otivationat s p e a k e r. H e is a tso th e p rou d c o -o w n e r o f
n o w to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f this fa n ta stic offer. Catt o u r sa te s
th e C a n n in gton C a n e s o f th e W estern B asebatt L eagu e. Yet
a g e n t S h erm a n F atong o r m e person atty to d a y . O u r n u m b e r
w ith att o f t h e s e a c c o t a d e s a n d a ch ie v e m e n ts , h e is stitt
is 8 4 2 -3 6 8 5 .
p ro u d to catt C a n n in gton Vattey h o m e . L ad ies and
gen ttem en , w ou td y o u p te a s e w e tc o m e Mr. R ob ert
[8 0-82 ] C row n w a td .

D o g s h a v e o fte n b e e n referred to a s a m a n 's b e s t friend.

[8 9-91 ]
B ut m e d ica t s tu d ie s a re n o w p rovin g that d o g s o fte n
im p ro v e a n d e x te n d th e quatity o f p e o p t e 's tives. A re ce n t
Hetto. M y n a m e is Ariet J o h n s o n , a n d t'm the inform ation
stu d y c o n d u c t e d b y th e A s s o c ia tio n F or H um an A n d
te c h n o to g y sp e cia tist h ere at O verton F in a n ce, t reatize that
Anim at R eta tion s s a y s that p e o p te w h o o w n at teast o n e
s o m e o f y o u are n o t famitiar with th e n e w co m p u te r
d o g h a v e an 8 0 % c h a n c e o f tiving b e y o n d 7 5 y e a r s o f a g e .
p rog ra m w e h a v e instatted o n y o u r c o m p u te rs , su t witt
T h o s e w h o d o n ot o w n a d o g w e r e fo u n d t o h a v e onty a
d e m o n s tra te h o w e a s y an d sim pte th e Lifemait program is.
6 3 % c h a n c e o f tiving b e y o n d 7 5 y e a rs o f a g e . D o g o w n e rs
T h e d ire ctor, Laine M o n tro ss, h a s u s e d th e p rogram an d is
a tso h a v e a tow er s tr e s s o r an xiety tevet than n o n -d o g
very e x c ite d a b o u t h o w efficien t it is. O ur v ice -p re s id e n t
o w n e rs . D o g o w n e rs a re a ts o c o n s id e r e d m o re o u tg o in g
M au reen D o n a td so n h a s sa id it is tw ic e a s better a s ou r otd
an d m o re ph ysicatty a c tiv e than t h o s e w h o d o n o t o w n a
fin a n ce text p ro g ra m , t witt s h o w y o u first h o w to c o m p o s e
d o g . T h e resutts c o m e from a s tu d y invotving 2 ,0 0 0 m en
an d s e n d e-m ait, a n d then h o w to s e n d a tta ch m e n ts an d
o v e r th e a g e o f 55. T h e stu d y witt a p p e a r in n ex t m o n th 's
fites. Finatty, t witt s h o w y o u h o w t o a c c e s s th e c o m p a n y 's
is s u e o f D o g D is c o v e r ie s M a g a zin e .
d a ta b a s e from y ou r o w n c o m p u te r. Lifemait is fa m o u s for
b e in g th e onty ba n k in g-retated p ro g ra m in th e w orld
[8 3-85 ] im m u n e to c o m p u te r viru ses. T h e sem in ar sh ou td onty take
a b o u t t w o h ou rs s o tet's g e t started.
Hetto, m y n a m e is Jen n ifer W hite, a n d t witt b e y o u r tour
g u id e h e re at th is 1 3 th -ce n tu ry fort, tf y o u h a v e an y
q u e s tio n s or c o m m e n t s , p te a s e feet fr e e to a s k m e a n d t
witt b e m o re than h a p p y t o a n sw e r. W e a re n o w at th e
fa m o u s g a te w a y teadin g t o th e fort. T h is te a d s to th e gran d
pavition at th e t o p that s e r v e d a s a royat co u rt. C tap y o u r
h a n d s u n d e r th e d o m e h e re a n d p e o p te c a n h ea r y o u m o re


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T h is is V a n e s s a G a r b o w ith th e traffic report. Att o f th e c a r s p rese n ta tio n that su m m a riz e s differen t te ch n o to g ica t
o n th e th ree m a jo r fr e e w a y s a re m o v in g swiftty this a d v a n c e s s u c h a s th e te te p h o n e , fa x m a ch in e, an d o f
m orn in g , a s t o d a y is T h an k sgiv in g hotiday. O n th e w e ste rn c o u r s e m ob ite p h o n e s . M y tecture witt a tso fea tu re s o m e
s id e o f th e city, traffic o n th e D o n n e r F reew a y a n d th e v id e o d i p s tak en from a brief interview t had with H erm ann
O p p e n h e im E x p re s s w a y is very tight. O n th e e a ste rn s id e o f M untz, o n e o f th e b e s t k n ow n te ch n o to g y e x p e rts in the
th e city, c a r s o n th e B e a u m o n t O v e r p a s s a re m o v in g w orld . W hite this tecture d ea ts with te ch n o to g y tike m obite
w ith ou t an y p ro b te m s. D o w n to w n , th e re s e e m s to b e a p h o n e s , t w ou td b e very gratefut if th e a u d ie n ce c o u ld turn
traffic ja m o n th e c o m e r o f B is h o p a n d M o n tg o m e ry , o ff their m ob ite p h o n e s during th e lectu re, t h o p e that t witt
tt a p p e a r s th ere h a s b e e n a m in or traffic a c c id e n t w ith n o n o t b o r e y o u with t o o m an y detaits. H ow ev er, t think it is
s e r io u s injuries. E tsew h ere n e a r S e rv o S treet a n d D an te im portant to p ro v id e a b a c k d r o p o f th e p a st in o rd e r to
A v e n u e , a smatt p ick u p tru ck h a s ftip p ed o v e r a n d h a s exptain current te c h n o lo g ie s .
c a u s e d o n e e a s tb o u n d tane t o b e c to s e d . Finatty, th e smatt
g r o u p o f 1 4 d u c k s w e r e p o rte d o n eartier this m orn in g h a s
c r o s s e d F ren ch L ane safety. T w o c a r s s t o p p e d fo r tw o Part 5
m in u tes t o attow th e anim ats a s a fe c r o s s in g . F or C h ic a g o
T his M orn in g, t'm traffic rep orter V a n e s s a G a rb o .

101. (C) 102. (D) 103. (A) 104. (C) 105. (B) 106. (D) 107. (C)
[9 5-97 ] 108. (D) 109. (D) 110. (D) 111. (B) 112. (D) 113. (B) 114. (8)
115. (D) 116. (A) 117. (B) 118. (A) 119. (C) 120. (C) 121. (C)
T h e T o w n o f S k ib bte is p r o u d t o b e o n th e teadin g e d g e o f 122. (D) 123. (B) 124. (D) 125. (D) 126. (C) 127. (B) 128. (B)
im p rovin g th e c it y 's b e a u ty a n d quatity o f tife fo r its 129. (A) 130. (D) 131. (D) 132. (B) 133. (C) 134. (B) 135. (D)
re sid e n ts. W e tove to k e e p o u r t o w n fre e o f titter a n d o u r 136. (C) 137. (B) 138. (C) 139. (D) 140. (C)
stre e ts a s ctea n a s p o s s ib te . A s a resutt, w e h a v e d e c id e d
to im ptem en t a n e w re cy ctin g p o ticy . Starting o n M ay 1, w e
witt b e g in detiverin g a btue ptastic re cy ctin g b o x a n d an
o r a n g e ptastic re cy ctin g b o x t o h o m e s fo r p e o p te t o u se .
T h e btue re cy ctin g b o x witt h o ld v a riou s item s that w e re
p reviou sty th row n in y o u r regular g a r b a g e b a g . T h e item s
that sh o u td n o w b e p ta c e d in th e btu e b o x a re th e 141. (C) 142. (B) 143. (C) 144. (B) 145. (C) 146. (C) 147. (D)
fottow ing: n e w s p a p e r , p a p e r, m a g a z in e s , b o o k s , an d 148. (C) 149. (B) 150. (B) 151. (C) 152 (D)
ca r d b o a rd . T h e o r a n g e recy ctin g b o x witt b e u s e d fo r
hea vier o b je c t s m a d e o f m etat a n d gta ss. ttem s that sh ou td
n o w b e p ta c e d in th e o r a n g e b o x a re th e fottow in g: g ta s s Part 7
b otttes, p o p c a n s , b e e r c a n s , b e e r b o ttte s, tin foit, ptastic
b a g s , a n d tin c a n s . B oth b o x e s witt b e p ick e d u p e v e ry
W e d n e s d a y , th e s a m e d a y a s y o u r regutar g a r b a g e is
p ick e d up. W e h o p e this re cy ctin g p ro g ra m witt e n s u re 153. (C) 154. (C) 155. (D) 156. (C) 157. (B) 158. (D) 159. (C)
S k ib b te rem a in s a beautifut, s c e n ic to w n . 160. (A) 161. (B) 162 (C) 163. (B) 164. (B) 165. (B) 166. (C)
167. (A) 168. (C) 169. (C) 170. (D) 171. (D) 172. (C) 173. (C)
174. (C) 175. (B) 176. (B) 177. (D) 178. (A) 179. (B) 180. (D)
[9 8 -1 0 0 ]
181. (D) 182 (C) 183. (B) 184. (A) 185. (D) 186. (D) 187. r.
188. (B) 189. (A) 190. (D) 191. (A) 192. (B) 193. (D) 194. (A)
G o o d m orn in g. M y n a m e is J o c e ty n R om w ett, a n d t wit! b e
195. (B) 196. (8) 197. (A) 198. (A) 199. (B) 200 (A)
pre se n tin g this tectu re a s part o f th e S tein w a y H istoricat
S o c ie ty L ectu re S e rie s h ere at th e M a rg o Y ettow fq ot
T h eater. T o d a y t witt b e tatking a b o u t th e rote o f te c h n o to g y
th ro u g h o u t history, particutarty s in c e 1 9 5 0 untit th e p re s e n t
d a y . t witt b e g in m y 7 5 -m in u te tectu re w ith a sh ort stide 351

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Actua! T e s t 4 Script & Answer Key

P a rti

1.(C) 2.(B) 3. (B) 4 .(0 5 .(0 6. (A) 7 .(0 8. (D)

(A) T h e y are sitting with their tegs c r o s s e d .

(B) T h e y are putting th e m a ts aw a y.
(C) T h e y a re s ta n d in g in a circte.
(D) T h e y are w av in g their h a n d s to o n e an oth er.


(A) T h e w o m a n is m aking c o ffe e .

(B) T h e w in d o w is b e in g d o s e d .
(C) T h e w o m a n is took in g o u ts id e .
(D) T h e w o m a n is drinking c o ffe e .
(A) T h e c ta s s r o o m is nearty em p ty .
(B) T h e m an is h a n d in g o u t s o m e p a p e rs.
(C) T h e b o a rd h a s b e e n written on .
(D) T h e m an is fa cin g a g r o u p o f p e o p te .


(A) T h e y a re raising th e p ip e s .
(B) T h e y are tying d o w n o n th e g rou n d .
(C) T h e y are d ig g in g in th e g rou n d .
(D) T h e y a re repairing a p o w e r c a b te .
(A) T h e b o x e s are o n a c o n v e y o r bett.
(B) W o rk ers are tap in g th e b o x e s .
(C) W o rk e rs are m o v in g g o o d s .
(D) T h e b o x e s are s ta c k e d in th e c o m e r o f th e room .


(A) H e is putting o n s o m e p ro te ctiv e c to th e s .

(B) H e is s ta n d in g n ea r eq u ip m e n t.
(C) H e is fixing s o m e m ach in ery .
(D) H e is turning th e m a ch in e on .
(A) T h e w o m a n is h avin g her p ictu re taken.
(B) T h e c a m e ra tens is b e in g fo c u s e d .
(C) T h e w o m a n is hotdin g a c a m e ra .
(D) T h e w o m a n is a d ju stin g th e ca m e ra sta n d.


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13 H ow m an y p e o p te h a v e r e s p o n d e d to ou r a d vertisem en t?
(A) F or th e n e w a d , o n p a g e 3.
(B) H e 's h ea rd it atready.
(C) At teast 25, t hear.

14 W h y is th e s h o w d e la y e d ?
(A) T h e m ain g u e s t h a sn 't arrived.
(A) T h e p r e s e n te r is en terin g th e ro o m .
(B) S u re, it witt b e g in s o o n .
(B) S o m e b o o k le t s h a v e b e e n p a s s e d o u t t o th e p e o p te .
(C) Y o u c a n s h o w it to m e, right aw a y.
(C) T h e ch a irs are b e in g s e t u p in a ro o m .
(D) S o m e p e o p te a re sitting in ch airs. 15. C an w e s p e a k n o w o r sh ou td t catt tater?
(A) Late tast night, at a rou n d 11.
(B) N o, t'm n ot tate.
(C) W h ich e v e r 's b e s t fo r y o u .

16. C ou td y o u g o b a c k to th e hotet, p te a s e ?
(A) H e 's a g re a t h ost.
(B) S ure, d id y o u fo r g e t s o m e th in g ?
(A) T h e c a r is in a g a ra g e . (C) Certainty, in R o o m # 401.
(B) T h e driver is gettin g in th e car.
(C) T h e c a r is o n th e roa d . 17. W h o c a n exptain this tabte to m e ?
(D) T h e driver is c h e c k in g th e e n g in e . (A) O f c o u r s e , sir, it's $ 3 64.
(B) At th e furniture s to re , tast year.
10 . (C) F io n a 's th e b e s t p e r s o n to ask .

M s. S u m m e rs is in th e c u s t o m e r s e r v ic e d ep artm en t, isn't
(A) N o, s h e is in th e m arketing d ep a rtm en t.
(B) O K , t'tt tett h er tater.
(C) Y e s , it's o n sate.
(A) T h e fruit is d isp ta y e d fo r sate.
(B) Att th e p e o p te a re u n d e r th e c a n o p y .
19. W h en c a n t p ick u p t h o s e s a m p le s ?
(C) T h e w o m a n is prep a rin g s o m e fo o d .
(A) F ree s a m p le s onty with this p a ck .
(D) S o m e p e o p te a re p ick in g a p p te s from th e tre e s.
(B) T his a fte rn o o n , in m y o ffice .
(C) i'tt d o that, o n m y w a y to w ork.
Part 2
20. J a c k w o rk s from h o m e , d o e s n 't h e ?
(A) Y e s , a n d his w ife h etp s him.
11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (C) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (A) (B) N ot untit 7, generatty.
19. (B) 20. (A) 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (A) (C) H e w a s th ere 2 m o n th s a g o .
27. (C) 28. (B) 2 9 .(C ) 30. (A) 31. (B) 3 2 (B) 33. (C) 34. (B)
21. W h ich ro o m sh ou td t r e se rv e fo r th e m e etin g ?
35. (C) 36. (A) 37. (C) 38. (C) 39. (B) 4 0 . (B)
(A) tt's at 8, to m o rro w .
(B) F or a w e e k , p te a se .
11 W h e re d o y o u w an t m e t o detiver this p a c k a g e ?
(C) T h e o n e fa cin g th e park.
(A) A t 2 o 'c t o c k , if p o s s ib te .
(B) R ight h ere. T h an k s. 22. W h y d id n 't y o u c o m e to th e party tast F riday?
(C) B y e v en in g , t p ro m ise . (A) tt w a s S atu rday, actuatty.
(B) t ju st d id n 't re m e m b e r.
1 2 W h e n 's th e d e a d lin e fo r th e p r o je c t?
(C) R ight, t'm a m e m b e r.
(A) O h n o , this tine is b u sy .
(B) Y e s , if y o u d o n 't m ind.
(C) N ext w e e k , t b etieve. 353

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23. t'd tike t o w a tch a c o m e d y ton igh t. 33 . W h o 's in c h a r g e o f s u p p iie s ?
(A) G o o d id ea , ie t's s e e w h a t's ptaying. (A) A b o u t $ 7 0 , J a n e said .
(B) Y e s , it w a s v ery funny. (B) t'm su re w e h a v e e n o u g h su p pties.
(C) T w o tick ets, p ie a s e . (C) i think it's G reg , bu t i'm n o t sure.

24. T h e p r o g r a m 's d e ia y e d an h ou r, d id y o u k n o w ? 34 . W h a t's P a d m a d o in g in th e o ffic e s o ia te?

(A) N o, ju st fifteen m in u tes b y taxi. (A) F or th e tate night s h o w , with Beiia.
(B) R eaity? i w o n d e r w h y. (B) C h e ck in g h er mait, t e x p e c t .
(C) N ot at ati, y o u 'r e ju st in tim e. (C) F rom her m oth er, s h e said .

25. D o y o u k n o w w h e n th e s to r e c i o s e s ? 35. H o w d o i a p p iy fo r a io a n ?
(A) B y Friday, i b e iie v e . (A) Y e s , th e rates are tow.
(B) O n w e e k e n d s , m ostty. (B) i d id, at th e bank.
(C) A t 8, usuaity. (C) Fiit in this form , p ie a s e .

26. A re y o u g o in g to th e taik this e v e n in g ? 36 W h a t tim e is th e iast b u s t o K en sin g to n ?

(A) t h a v e n 't d e c id e d yet. (A) tn five m in u tes. Y o u 'd b e tte r hurry.
(B) Y e s , h e tatked t o m e a b o u t it. (B) A n h ou r a n d a haif, if y o u 'r e qu ick .
(C) t'd iike to , s o m e d a y. (C) A b o u t ten d a y s , i im agine.

27. W h o is th e m an w ith th e io n g b e a r d ? 37. H a ven 't y o u s e e n t o d a y 's n e w s p a p e r a b o u t th e BTL

(A) Hat h a d his cu t. com p an y?
(B) S e a n wiit m a n a g e th e ctient. (A) i h a v e e n o u g h fo r to d a y , thanks.
(C) T h a t's D an, th e n e w m a n a ger. (B) Y e s , t'm ask in g a b o u t th e n e w o n e .
(C) W h y d o y o u a s k ?
28 . T his s u itc a s e is h ea vy, w h a t's in it?
(A) tn that c a s e , g iv e m e th e red o n e s . 3 8 W h e r e 's th e annua) gath erin g b e in g h e id ?
(B) J u s t s o m e o id b o o k s o f m ine. (A) At y e a r en d , tike aiw ays.
(C) !n th e c u p b o a r d , p te a se. (B) O n th e 25th, m o s t iikeiy.
(C) A t th e n e w resort, t hea rd .
29 . D o e s a n y o n e h ere k n o w M ark 's n e w n u m b e r?
(A) S u re, i'v e m a rk ed it fo r him . 3 9 W h en did Mr. Dyian hire th e n e w a ssista n t?
(B) N o, th a t's th e o id o n e . (A) B e c a u s e h e n e e d s h eip o n th e a ssign m en t.
(C) N o, bu t Satiy m ight. (B) L ast m on th , w hite y o u w e r e aw a y.
(C) A fter th e m e etin g , i p ro m ise.
30 . ts th ere a d r u g sto r e n e a rb y ?
(A) O f c o u r s e , ju st d o w n th e street. 4 0 T his is M e tissa 's first p resen tation .
(B) S ure, w ou td y o u iike a rid e ? (A) tt's a p re s e n t fo r a friend.
(C) A b o u t fiv e m iies, t'd sa y . (B) i k n ow , a n d s h e h a s w o r k e d hard o n it.
(C) A t th e c o n fe r e n c e hatt, in ten m inu tes.
31 . D o n 't y o u think w e n e e d m o re tim e t o c o m p ie te this re p o rt?
(A) B e c a u s e it's a irea d y tate.
(B) N ot reaity, w e 'r e a im o s t d o n e .
Part 3
(C) T o m o r r o w , if y o u iike.

32. W o u id y o u tike this ja c k e t o r a sm a iier o n e ? 4 1 .(C ) 42. (D) 43. (A) 44. (D) 45. (C) 46. (B) 47. (B) 48. (C)

(A) tt io o k s g o o d o n y o u . 49 . (D) 50. (B) 51. (C) 52. (A) 53. (C) 54. (A) 55. (D) 56. (B)
(B) W hat s iz e d o y o u h a v e ? 57. (A) 58. (A) 59. (B) 60 . (A) 61. (C) 6 2 (B) 63. (C) 64. (C)
(C) Y e s , a b ig g e r o n e , p te a se . 65. (B) 66. (C) 67. (D) 68. (B) 69. (D) 70. (A)


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W : W e 'r e g o in g to h a v e o u r quality au dit next w e e k . P le a s e W : W ett, in that c a s e , t'tt ju st print ou t an oth er s e t fo r y ou

a s k th e h e a d s o f att d e p a rtm e n ts to m e e t m e this right n o w .
e v e n in g .
M : t'tt inform th em right a w a y. A re th ere an y sp e cia t
[5 6-58 ]
in stru ction s fo r th e sta ff?
W : Y e s , e m p to y e e s witt n ot b e g ra n te d teave w hite th e audit
M: T his is urgent, t'v e tost m y ATM ca rd . W hat sh ou td t d o ?
is o n . t'tt a n n o u n c e th e s c h e d u te s tater.
W : Sir, t'd tike y o u r n a m e a n d ca rd nu m ber, p le a s e . W hen
M : t'tt g e t a n o tic e re a d y a n d disp ta y it o n th e m ain buttetin
d id y o u tast u s e th e c a r d ?
b o a rd b y this a fte rn o o n .
M : T h e n a m e 's J o e J o n e s . M y ca rd n u m b er is 16 04-3 21 -
2 3 0 2 -5 4 8 5 . t u s e d it ju st ten m in u tes b a ck .
[4 4-46 ]
W : T han k y o u fo r catting s o prom ptty. t'tt d e a ctiv a te the
ca rd im m ediatety. Y o u r n e w c a rd witt b e se n t in a w eek .
M: W e tc o m e t o D a n n y 's, t w ou td e sp e cia tty r e c o m m e n d o u r
sizzters a n d th e tasagn a. T h e y c o m e w ith b oited
v e g e ta b te s o n th e s id e . [5 9-61 ]
W : T han k y o u , t'tt h a v e th e c o t t a g e c h e e s e a n d m u s h ro o m
sizzter ste a k . W h a t s a u c e d o y o u s e r v e it w ith ? M : Kim totd m e y o u w e r e g o in g to y o g a c ta ss after w ork.
M: T o d a y w e h a v e a c r e a m y s a u c e with gartic a n d h e rb s. A re y o u finding it u sefu t?
W ou td y o u tike a b e v e r a g e w hite y o u w a it? W : tt h a s reatty h e tp e d m e c o p e with s tre ss, t'm far m ore
W : N o, t m igh t c h o o s e a d e s s e r t tater. C an y o u m a k e it fast, reta xed n o w , b o th at h o m e an d in th e o ffice .
p te a s e ? M : t think t sh ou td try it t o o . t'v e hea rd it a tso h etps im prove
co n ce n tra tio n .
[4 7-49 ] W : W h y d o n 't y o u c o m e a n d m e e t m y in stru ctor? S h e 's the
b e s t p e r s o n to s p e a k to.
W : G o o d m orn in g , T o p a z R e s o rts . H o w m a y t hetp y o u ?
M : t'd tike to b o o k a c o t t a g e fo r this S atu rday. [6 2-64 ]
W t'm sorry, bu t att c o t t a g e s h a v e atready b e e n b o o k e d fo r
a b u s in e s s w o r k s h o p . W e c a n g iv e y o u a reserva tion fo r
M: ts C ynthia in her o ffic e ? M ichaet w an ts s o m e
th e n ex t w e e k e n d , th o u g h .
in form ation o n th e n e w p r o je c t right aw a y.
M: P te a se d o that, th en . M y n a m e is J o h n B axter.
W : t s a w her taking th e g u e s t s to th e re se a rch cen ter.
S h ou td t catt t o find o u t if s h e 's stitt th e re ?
[5 0-52 ] M: t'm g o in g th ere m ysetf. t'tt ju st s e n d M ichaet d o w n to
m e e t C ynthia.
W : D o y o u k n o w w h o th e n ex t s p e a k e r is in th e W ork an d W : O h , h ere s h e is n o w . That s a v e s y o u a tot o f troubte.
S tre s s S e m in a r? t h o p e it's N adia V e rso v a , th e nutrition
exp ert. [6 5-67 ]
M : M e, t o o . S h e k n o w s a tot a b o u t ea tin g habits.
W : Y e s , a n d s h e 's e a s y t o u n d e rsta n d a s wet). S h e ju st M: W e n e e d sta tion ery fo r th e sem in ar tom o rro w , an d the
s p e a k s freety, w ith ou t an y visuat aid s. su p ptier h a s n 't d etivered o u r o rd e r yet.
W : H e 's b e e n qu ite unretiabte tatety. W e 'd better n ot deat
[5 3-55 ] with him a n y m o re .
M: Y e s , bu t w h at a b o u t to m o r r o w ? D o y o u k n ow s o m e o n e
w h o c a n hetp u s o u t o n s u c h a sh ort n o tic e ?
M W h e re are th e e s tim a te s fo r th e P arker p r o je c t? t c a n 't
W : M etissa tetts m e her broth e r h a s a s to re nea rb y, t'tt
find them .
W : A n n ie 's ta k en th em . W h y ? D o y o u n e e d th em urgen tty? s p e a k t o her right a w a y.

M: t h a v e to m a k e a p re se n ta tion to m o r r o w o n c o s t cutting,
t n e e d t h o s e e s tim a te s fo r that. 355

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68- 70]

W h a t's th e fe e d b a c k o n o u r n e w tine o f w o m e n 's w e a r ? ta k e u s o n this tour. P tea se fottow th e d irectio n s o f th e

! h o p e o u r c u s t o m e r s a re h a p p y with it. o th er g u id e s to ciim b u p a n d g e t o ff o f th e s e a ts o n the
W W ei), th e s u rv e y s a y s that o u r b ra n d is c o n s id e r e d e te p h a n t's b a ck , t witt p oin t o u t th e o th er distin ctive witdtife
e x p e n s iv e .) think w e h a v e t o review o u r pricin g. in this a re a a s w e g o a ton g. P le a s e s p e a k softty an d a void
H m m , tet's d o that n ex t w e e k , after th e s a ie s fig u re s fo r s u d d e n m o v e m e n ts s o that w e d o n ot disturb o r p ro v o k e
Aprit arrive. th e anim ats. Y ou m ay, h o w e v e r, tak e p ictu res.

[8 0-82 ]

A s jou m atists, y o u m u st b e p re p a re d to travet arou n d the

w ortd in s e a r c h o f s to rie s. Y ou n e e d to team att y o u ca n
71. (A) 72.(0) 73. (C) 74. (D) 75. (C) 76. (B) 77. (D) 78. (C) a b o u t th e p ta c e y o u a re reportin g from , t've b e e n reporting
79. (B) 80.(C) 81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (B) 34. (D) 85. (C) 86. (C) fo r m y n e w s p a p e r fo r th e p a st forty y ea rs, an d t stitt find it
87. (C) 88.(A) 89. (C) 90. (C) 91. (D) 92. (B) 93. (D) 94. (A) difficutt t o g e t sta rted o n m y sto ry in a n ew cou n try, ev en
95. (C) 96.(D) 97. (A) 98. (C) 99. (B) 100. (D) after att this tim e, tf this e v e r h a p p e n s to y o u , t strongty
r e c o m m e n d a visit t o th e n ea rest tocat n e w sp a p e r o ffic e or
n e w s p a p e r sta n d . S p e a k with tocat rep orters an d ed itors
[7 1-73 ] fo r im porta n t b a ck g r o u n d m ateria) to u s e in you r s tories.
Y o u r c o tte a g u e s th ere are th e m o s t retiabte s o u r c e o f
L a d ie s a n d G en ttem en , w e a re sorry t o a n n o u n c e that in form ation o n toca) is s u e s .
to n ig h t's b a se b a ll g a m e witt b e d e ta y e d d u e to rain. W e
h o p e t o b e g in at 6 p .m . tn th e m ean tim e, p le a s e visit th e [8 3-85 ]
fo o d s ta n d s w h ich a re n o w o p e n . S orry, th ere a re n o
refu n d s, but if y o u w ish t o e x c h a n g e y o u r tick et fo r a future
Hi, J o a n . T his is C arm en from th e b o o k ctu b. t'm catting to
g a m e , p te a s e c o n t a c t th e reserva tion m a n a g e r at th e o ffic e
sa y that th e w eek ty gath erin g o f th e ctu b h a s b e e n
n ea r th e m ain g a te .
re s ch e d u te d . tn stea d o f 10 o 'c t o c k o n T u e s d a y m orning, w e
witt n o w m e e t at M o n ic a 's h o u s e at 11 a.m . o n W e d n e sd a y ,
[7 4-76 ] o u r usuat tim e. T his w e e k w e are readin g from "M a verick "
b y C orin n e T a o . P te a se catt M o n ic a if y o u are un abte to
G o o d e v e n in g a n d than k y o u fo r tuning in t o an oth er c o m e fo r th e m e etin g s o that s h e k n o w s h o w m any
e p is o d e o f S a y M o re h e re in S y d n e y . T o d a y w e witt h a v e an m e m b e r s to e x p e c t . W e att h o p e y o u witt c o m e . S e e y ou
interview w ith Y u m ik o W a ta n a b e , w h o s e tatest n ovet, soon .
"F o r b id d e n ", w o n her th e L ascette P rize. T his n ovet h a s
g tim p s e s o f h er tife a s th e onty chitd o f th e fa m o u s d o c t o r s [86-88]
w h o traveted att o v e r th e w orld . M s. W a ta n a b e w a s b o m in
O sa k a , bu t h a s tived in p ta c e s a s far apart a s S in g a p o re G o o d e v en in g , Mr. R yan. T his is Terry J o n e s catting to say
an d L o n d o n . S h e is h e re o n a p rom otion a t tour. V iew ers witt that th e w o rk o n y o u r v an is n o w co m p te te . tt's atm ost
r e m e m b e r h er tast a p p e a r a n c e o n o u r s h o w w h e re s h e totd cto s in g tim e n o w , bu t w e are o p e n from 7 a.m . to m o rro w titt
u s rem a rk abte s to rie s o f her tife a s a y o u n g girt. T his 6 p .m . P te a se p ick u p y ou r veh icte an y tim e to m o rro w , t'm
ev e n in g t invite o u r stu d io a u d ie n c e t o a s k her m o re a b o u t sorry th e van w a s n 't re a d y y e s te rd a y a s p ro m ised , but the
th e e x p e r ie n c e s that s h a p e d h er ca re e r. paint jo b to o k t w o d a y s m o re than w e e x p e c t e d , t
a p o to g iz e fo r th e in co n v e n ie n c e .
[7 7-79 ]

W e tc o m e to K aziran ga N ationat Park, t am D ev, y o u r g u id e

fo r t o d a y . Y o u witt s e e th e u n iq u e o n e h o m e d rhino in its
naturat habitat further o n . T h e trained ete p h a n ts h e re witt


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Last w e e k N o v a M o to r s a n n o u n c e d ptan s to o p e n a n e w
unit in th e h a rb o r to w n o f C restville. S p o k e s p e r s o n S am
W e in b e rg e r sa id this fa cto r y w ou td p r o d u c e N o v a 's sm a)! 101. (B) 103. (A) 104. (B) 105. (D) 106. (C) 107. (B)
c a r Z en ith ' e x ciu siv e ty fo r e x p o rt. Z en ith ' w a s v o te d 'C ar 109. (B) 110. (A^111. (D) 112. (B) 113. (A) 114. (C)
o f th e Year* in a r e ce n t pot! that in clu d e d u se rs, a u to m o b ile 115. (B) 116. (D) 117. (B) 118. (B) 119. (A) 120. (B) 121. (C)
e x p e r ts a n d m o to r racin g re p o rte rs from a ro u n d th e 122. (C) 123. (B) 124 (D) 125. (D) 126. (B) 127. (C) 128. (A)
co u n try . T h e c o m p a n y is plann ing to hire a n u m b e r o f sta ff 129. (A) 130. (A) 131. (C) 132. (D) 133. (D) 134. (B) 135. (C)
fo r this p r o je c t from n ex t w e e k . P ro d u ctio n is e x p e c t e d to 136. (A) 137. (A) 138. (C) <39. (C) 140. (B)
b e g in b y M arch n ex t year.

[9 2-94 ]

T h e first item o n th e a g e n d a fo r to d a y c o n c e r n s th e
c o m p a n y 's n e w travel p o licy . T h ere are t w o m a jo r p o lic y
141. (D) 142. (C) 143. (B) 145. (A) 146. (B) 147. (A)
c h a n g e s . T h e first o f t h e s e rela tes t o o v e r s e a s e x p e n s e s .
148. (C) 149. (B) 150. (C) 152. (A)
Y o u will n o lo n g e r b e is s u e d tra v e ler's c h e c k s fo r
international trips. In stea d, y o u will s o o n b e g iv e n c o m p a n y
cre d it c a r d s fo r u s e at a u to m a te d b a n k in g m a ch in e s .
S e c o n d ly , y o u will n o w sta y onty at c o m p a n y -a p p r o v e d
Part 7
h otets w h e n y o u travet a b ro a d . A c o m p r e h e n s iv e list o f
th e s e h otets is in clu d e d in th e fo td e r y o u r e c e iv e d a s y o u
c a m e in fo r w o rk this m orn in g. 153. (B) 154. (B) 155. (A) 156. (D) 157. (C) 158. (C) 159. -
160. (B) 161. (D) 162. (A) 163. (B) 164. (C) 165. (B) 166. (D)
[9 5-97 ] 167. (D) 168. (D) 169. (B) 170. (A) 171. (D) 172. (B) 173. D'
174. (B) 175. (A) 176. (D) 177. (B) 178. (A) 179. (A) 180. (B)
T h is n e w s h a s ju st c o m e in. T h e b rok e n pipetin e o n G rant 181. (B) 182. (B) 183. (A) 184. (D) 185. (A) 186. (01 187.
R o a d h a s b e e n rep a ired a n d th e ro a d is n o w o p e n to traffic, 188. (C) 189. (B) 190. (D) 191. (A) 192. (D) 193. (D) 194. (B)
tf y o u are s o u th b o u n d , ta k e M a ttson R o a d t o a v o id th e rush 195. (B) 196. (D) 197. (B) 198. (B) 199. (C) 200 (B)
o n J a c k s o n E x p re ssw a y . T h e co n s tru ctio n w o rk at
C ra w ford C r o s s is stow in g v e h ic le s , s o e x p e c t a ton g w ait if
y o u are in th e a rea . T h ick fo g is e x p e c t e d later this ev e n in g ,
s o it's a g o o d id e a t o turn o n y o u r tights earty. T his is Carot
W in ters w ish in g y o u a s a fe jo u rn e y b a c k h o m e .

[9 8 -1 0 0 ]

A re y o u loo k in g fo r a driving s c h o o t that o ffe r s quatity

s e r v ic e at r e a s o n a b le r a te s? L o o k n o further! T h e A sto n
Driving S c h o o l n o w o ffe r s a s p e c ia l p ro g ra m t o n e w
learn ers. Y o u will r e ce iv e a 1 5 % d is c o u n t if y o u sign u p fo r
a 4 -w e e k c la s s an y tim e this m on th . O u r in stru ctors are
patien t, e x p e r ie n c e d a n d d e p e n d a b le . W e u s e v e h ic le s that
are w ell m ain tain ed a n d fulty in su red. O ur 4 -w e e k c o u r s e
fo r b e g in n e rs in clu d e s c la s s r o o m s e s s io n s that deat with
traffic law , sa fe ty a n d b a s ic c a r m a in te n a n ce , a s welt a s
b eh in d th e w h eet training. F or m o re d eta ils o r t o register fo r
a c o u r s e , call u s at 1 2 3 -4 4 8 8 . 357

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A ctual T e s t 5 Script & Answer Key

P a rt i

1. (B) 2. (A) 3 .( C ) 4. (B) 5 .( C ) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8 .(0

9. (B) . 1 0 . ( 0

(A) T h e m an is s te p p in g to w a rd th e co p ie r.
(B) T h e m an is carrying a b a ck p a c k .
(C) T h e c o p ie r is u n p tu gged .
(D) T h e m an is toadin g p a p e r into th e m ach in e.


(A) T h e girls a re re a ch in g fo r th e n o t e b o o k s .
(B) T h e girts are took in g at a ta p top c o m p u te r.
(C) T h e girls are m o v in g th e m on itor to th e s id e .
(D) T h e girls are gettin g u p from th e ch airs.
(A) T h e w o m a n is to u ch in g th e c o m p u te r s cre e n .
2. (B) T h e y are sta n d in g s id e b y sid e .
(C) T h e y a re tookin g at th e m onitor.
(D) T h e m an is trying o n s o m e cto th e s.


(A) T h e m an is driving a m a ch in e.
(B) T h e tra cto r is putting b a c k to w a rd c o n s tru ctio n m ateriats.
(C) T h e tra cto r is m o v in g eq u ip m e n t. (A) T h e train is carrying con ta in e rs.
(D) T h e m an is u sin g a h a n d toot to fix th e m a ch in e . (B) T h e train is teaving th e station.
(C) T h e tre e s are b e in g c u t d o w n .
3. (D) C on ta in ers a re b e in g put o n th e train.


(A) S o m e p e o p te are putting ta b te s aw a y.

(A) T h e m an is s p e a k in g t o th e chitdren.
(B) O n e m an is w atking into th e buitding.
(B) T h e m an is h otdin g b o th chitdren in his arm s.
(C) Att th e ch a irs a re o c c u p ie d .
(C) S o m e p e o p te a re w atking o u ts id e .
(D) T h e ta b te s a n d ch a irs are in a hattway.
(D) S o m e p e o p te a re ctim bin g th e m ountain.


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8. 12. H ow d o y o u r e co r d a m e s s a g e ?
(A) )'tt certainty p a s s it o n to him .
(B) G o to th e m en u a n d c h e c k .
(C) T h e r e 's a stu d io here, if y o u tike.

13. W hat tim e is y o u r ftight?

(A) W e'tt b e th ere in tw o h ou rs.
(B) tt g o t h ere at 7 :4 0 in th e m orn ing.
(C) tt's at 5:3 0, this ev en in g .
(A) T h e c o m p u te r h a s b e e n tu rn ed o ff.
(B) T h e m an is s e a te d a ro u n d a rou n d tabte.
14 . W ou td y o u c a r e fo r a c u p o f c o ffe e n o w ?
(C) T h e c o m p u t e r is o n th e tabte.
(A) N ot m ine, t'm su re.
(D) T h e m an is hotdin g a c u p o f c o ffe e .
(B) P te a se try s o m e .
(C) t'd tove that.

15. D o y o u h a v e s o m e tim e t o h e tp m e w ith th e D o u g h s o n

c a m p a ig n ?
(A) t'm afraid, t'm a bit b u s y n ow .
(B) t'v e h a d e n o u g h , than k you .
(C) tt's eight-thirty.

1 6 W h y a ren 't th e c o m p u te r s w o rk in g ?
(A) T h e y are took in g in th e s a m e d irection . (A) B y n ex t w e e k , t s u p p o s e .
(B) T h e y are w earin g w ork in g cto th e s . (B) T h e r e 's b e e n a p o w e r sh u td o w n .
(C) T h e y are restin g at th e e d g e o f th e sidew atk . (C) N ot untit th e a fte rn o o n , t'm sure.
(D) T h e y a re w aiting fo r th e tight t o c h a n g e .
17 W h o witt r e p r e s e n t t h e c o m p a n y a t t h e a n n u a t s t o c k
10 . h o l e r 's m e e tin g ?
(A) t think h e witt.
(B) t am in terested in th e s to c k m arket.
(C) Att th e se n io r m e m b e r s witt b e there.

18. D o y o u h a v e an a c c o u n t at that b a n k ?
(A) Y e s , this o n e p te a se .
(A) T h e p e o p te h a v e teft th e buitding.
(B) O f c o u r s e , a n d s o d o e s M aya.
(B) T h e tights a re b e in g instatted.
(C) N o, th e r e 's o n e at th e matt.
(C) T h e s e a t s h a v e b e e n arra n g ed in row s.
(D) S o m e o f th e s e a t s are o c c u p ie d .
19. W h o witt b e v ic e -p re s id e n t after Mr. Giutiani retires?
(A) W e d o n 't k n o w yet.
Part 2 (B) Y e s , h e certainty witt.
(C) H e retires n ex t year.

11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (O 14. (C) 15. (A) 1b. (B) 17. (A) 18. (B) 20. H a sn 't th e b o s s a p p r o v e d th e p r o p o s a ts y e t?
19. (A) 20. (A) 21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (O 24. (O 25. (A) 26. (B) (A) N ot yet, bu t h e sa id h e w ou td.
27.(C) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (O 34. (B) (B) t'tt g o w ith him , tater.
35. (C) 36. (A) 37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (O 40. (O (C) T h e b o a t 's at th e d o c k , t think.

21. W h e n d o e s h e return from H on g K o n g ?

11 . W h e re are th e a tte n d e e s ?
(A) A t h o m e , m ostty.
(A) !n th e c o n fe r e n c e ro o m , t b etieve. (B) T o m o rro w , a s t k n o w o f.
(B) tt's a b o u t t w o m ites from here. (C) Actuatty, h e h a d to g o .
(C) At th e registration d e s k , in ten m in u tes. 359

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22. D o y o u h a v e a pair o f s c is s o r s ) c a n b o r r o w ? 32. C ou td y o u rem ind th e sta ff o f o u r n e w c o m p a n y p oticy?
(A) Y e s , bu t th ey 're n o t v ery g o o d . (A) t'tt b e a c c o m p a n ie d with J a so n .
(B) A nytim e, y o u 'r e w e tco m e . (B) A bsotu tety, t'tt d o it to d a y .
(C) L ast w e e k , at th e sate. (C) N o, t d o n 't think they')) m ind.

23. W h e r e 's th e re s tro o m , p te a s e ? 33. W h y h a sn 't h e c o m e to th e ga th erin g?

(A) At th e hotet, b e fo r e dinner. (A) N ot untit to m o rro w , t g u e s s .
(B) tn th e tou n g e, w aiting fo r y o u . (B) t k n ow , h e sh ou td h a v e catted.
(C) D o w n th e hat), t o y o u r teft. (C) H e sa id h e w a s b u sy.

24. Y o u w e r e a w a y o n v a ca tio n tast w e e k , w e re n 't y o u ? 34. H e is witting t o g o to th e L o n d o n b ran ch , right?

(A) tt's a beautifut p ta ce. (A) H e teft, ju st n ow .
(B) t d id , a fe w y e a r s a g o . (B) Y e s , h e sa id h e 'd b e detigh ted .
(C) N o, t w a s o n an a s sig n m e n t. (C) H e 's g o in g t o th e b e a ch .

25. H a ve th e c o m p u te r p a rts b e e n s h ip p e d from C h ic a g o ? S h e s e e m s t o b e a qu ite c to s e d -m in d e d p e rso n .

(A) N o, t'm stit) w aiting fo r th e e x p o r t tice n se t o c o m e (A) O f c o u r s e , s h e 's p e r fe c t fo r that position .
th rou gh . (B) Q u ite w e tt-b e h a v e d , to b e h o n e st.
(B) N o, it h a s b e e n se n t b y sh ip. (C) Actuatty, s h e 's o p e n to n e w id ea s.
(C) tt ta k e s at teast 5 d a y s b y air.
36. S h ou td w e co m p ta in to th e m a n a g e r?
26. W h y is th e ctient s o u p s e t? (A) N o, tet's ju st w ait fo r a bit.
(A) P e rh a p s, bu t t d o n 't h a v e th e tim e. (B) He'tt m a n a g e it very s o o n .
(B) H e d o e s n 't tike o u r s u g g e s tio n s . (C) W e sh ou td certainty find it out.
(C) T h e y 'v e c tim b e d it b y n ow , t think.
37 . Witt o u r s u p p tie s g e t detivered o n tim e ?
27. S h ou td t s e n d item s b y overn igh t mait o r b y detivery (A) A sh ort w hite a g o .
s e r v ic e ? (B) L e t's h o p e s o .
(A) N o, it sh o u td b e s e n t b y to m o r r o w . (C) At th e w a r e h o u s e .
(B) t'tt s e n d th em right n o w .
(C) W h ich e v e r is fa ster. ^ * ts a n y o n e e tse w ork in g ove rtim e o r h a ve th ey att g o n e
hom e?
28. W h e n d o w e d is c u s s this p r o je c t w ith h im ? (A) N o, t'm w ork in g part tim e.
(A) O n M o n d a y , m o s t tikety. (B) E ve ry o n e p u n c h e d o u t e x c e p t us.
(B) W h y n ot, h e 's v ery hetpfut. (C) t w o rk e d tate y e s te rd a y .
(C) O h , t d o n 't p r o te ct him .
39. D idn't y o u s a y y o u w e re qu ittin g?
29. S h e w e n t t o s e e th e p a ra d e y e s te rd a y , d id n 't s h e ? (A) O f c o u r s e , t'tt join s o o n .
(A )! reatty d o n 't k n ow . (B) t'tt s a y it tater, after t tatk to B o b .
(B) Atright, if y o u insist. (C) t d id , bu t t c h a n g e d m y m ind.
(C) N o, t h a v e n 't s e e n h er fo r a white.
40 . Mr. C arter s e e m s s o b u s y tatety.
30. H a ve y o u b e e n t o th e n e w c a fe n ex t t o th e g y m ? (A) tt w a s detivered tate.
(A) N ot yet, tet's m e e t th ere after w ork. (B) tt s e e m s qu ite big fo r him.
(B) D eticiou s, t m u st sa y . (C) W h y is th at?
(C) L inda g o e s th ere regutarfy.

31. W e n e e d to start im m ediatety, d o n 't w e ?

(A) Y e s , if w e w an t t o b e o n tim e.
(B) T w en ty m in u tes, t s u p p o s e .
(C) W ork sta rts at 9 o 'c t o c k , usuatty.


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M: tsn't that a n e w restau ran t? R ight a c r o s s from o u r o ffice ,
41. (C) 42. (C) 43 . (8 ) 44. (D) 45 . (A) 46. (C) 47. (B) 48. (A) t o o ! t w o n d e r h o w it is!
49 . (C) 5 0 . (C) 51. (B) 52. (0 ) 53. (D) 54. (A) 55. (C ) 56. (C) W : S a m sa id th e fo o d w a s ju st great. Shatt w e h a ve tunch
57. (D) 58. (D) 59. (C) 6 0 . (B) 61. (C) 62 . (C) 63. (B) 64 . (D) th ere this a fte r n o o n ?
M : S orry, bu t t h a v e a m e etin g at n o o n a n d t'm su re it's
65. (C) 66. (B) 67. (D) 68. (D) 69 . (B) 70. (A)
g o in g t o b e a ton g o n e .
W : Wett th en , m a y b e w e c o u td g o an d g e t a s n a ck after
[4 1-43 ]
w ork this ev en in g .
W D a n ,) n e e d s o m e o n e t o fix m y c o m p u te r im m ediatety.
T h e r e 's im portant d a ta o n it t h a t ) n e e d fo r m y [5 6-58 ]
p re se n ta tion to m o rro w .
M t it a rra n g e it right a w a y . A iso , M ax c a n hetp y o u a c c e s s W : Hetto, Mr. Lim. t'm catting to con firm you r b o o k in g for
th e fites o n m y s y s te m if it's very urgent. th e 7 o 'c t o c k s h o w at th e G ran d City T heater.
W T h an k s. T hat witt b e reatty usefut. H ow s o o n c a n M ax M : T han k y o u , w h e re ca n t c o tte ct th e p a s s e s ? W e re quite
com e? a targe g ro u p , y o u k n ow .
M W et), h e sh o u td b e h e re in five m in u tes, t'tt s e n d him o v e r W : Y e s , M ike at C o u n te r #1 witt h a n d th em ov e r. P tea se
im m ediatety. re m e m b e r t o ta k e y o u r s e a t s b y 6 :5 0 p.m .
M : t'tt d o that. W e'tt att c o m e in straight from w ork.
[4 4-46 ]

M: H o w 's th e r e s p o n s e to o u r a d v e rtise m e n t fo r [5 9-61 ]

su p e rv is o rs ?
W W ett, w e h a v e a b o u t forty a p p tica tion s, bu t th e r e 's M : t'd tike to p ick u p a p a c k a g e that arrived y esterd a y. M y
hardty a n y o n e w ith e x p e r ie n c e . n a m e 's W atter C rane.
M t think w e sh o u td c o n t a c t an a g e n c y to hetp u s find th e W : P te a se w ait w hite t c h e c k . A pparentty th ere w a s n o o n e
right p e o p te . at y ou r a d d r e s s w h en it w a s detivered y e sterd a y.
M : T h a t's right, t w a s a w a y o n a hotiday a n d co u td n 't
[4 7-49 ] arran g e fo r it t o b e c o tte c te d either.
W : H ere y o u are, sir. P te a se sign this re ce ip t b e fo r e y ou
W P rakash , t am stu ck in h e a v y traffic o n F atcon S treet an d teave.
witt b e tate fo r th e m eetin g. C ou td y o u d o m e a fa v o r?
M Certainty. W h a t w ou td y o u tike m e t o d o ? [6 2-64 ]
W P te a se tett Mr. R a m e s h a b o u t th e ctie n t's n ew
req u irem en ts. His cett p h o n e is s w itc h e d off. W : Viren, witt y o u b e b a c k from L o n d o n b y F riday?
M Y e s , t'tt p a s s o n y o u r m e s s a g e . Mr. R a m e s h d o e s n 't M : t sh ou td b e , u n tess so m e th in g urgen t turns u p after the
ta k e catts w h e n h e is driving.
m eetin g o n T h u rsda y. W h y d o y o u a s k ?
W : t'v e ptan n ed a party fo r Afzat that night. H e 's g o in g o ff to
[5 0-52 ] N ew Y ork o n training n ex t w e e k .
M : T h an k s fo r rem inding m e. t'd tove to c o m e . W hat c a n t
M: T his is P ap yru s, th e p a p e r s h o p . H ow m ay t hetp y o u ? brin g fo r th e p a rty?
W t s a w s o m e o f y o u r h a n d m a d e p a p e r at a frie n d 's p ta ce .
C ou td t s e e m o re d e s ig n s , m a y b e , o n y o u r w e b site o r
y o u r c a ta to g ?
tt w ou td b e b e s t t o c o m e o v e r a n d to o k at o u r w id e
ra n g e o f p a p e r t o suit differen t b u d g e ts . You'tt s e e w h y
o u r p r o d u c ts a re s o poputar.
W : ) think t'tt d o that. W h e re are y o u t o c a te d ? 361

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[6 5-67 ] [7 7-79 ]

M: T h e w e e k e n d s a fe w e n t very w e)!, d o n 't y o u think? W e tc o m e to th e G o o d Health S h o w . W e 're p te a se d to have

W Y e s , o u r n e w !ine o f ch a irs a n d c o ffe e ta b tes h a s s o id w ett-kn ow n dietician Pautina C ruz o n th e s h o w to d a y . S he
o u t com p tetety . witt tett u s h o w drinking a fe w extra g ta s s e s o f w ater can
M W e sti!) n e e d to se!) th e a c c e s s o r ie s , th o u g h . D o y o u hetp u s to se w eig h t a n d k e e p fit. tn o u r regutar e x e r c is e
h a v e an y s u g g e s t io n s ? s e g m e n t with Nina J o s e , w e witt team sim pte e x e r c is e s to
W W e c o u td a n n o u n c e a s p e cia t d is c o u n t fo r th e tabte fight fa tig u e at w ork. A tso, sta y tu n ed fo r inform ation o n the
tam p s a n d m irrors, p e r h a p s ? tatest heatth f o o d s in th e m arket.

[6 8-70 ] [8 0-82 ]

M : Hi, c o u td y o u tett m e w h e re th e c o n fe r e n c e is b e in g
O ur c o m p a n y c a n onty profit w h e n w e are ab te to d e v e to p
h e td ? t've atready re g iste re d fo r it.
entirety n e w p r o d u cts , tn y o u r e ffo rts t o d e v e to p n ew
W : tn th e C o n v e n tio n Hat) o n th e s e c o n d ftoor, sir.
p r o d u c ts y o u witt h a ve to u s e m an y s o u r c e s . Y ou witt atso
'Ti; T han ks. A tso, d o y o u k n o w w h e n P r o fe s s o r F e rg u s o n 's
h a v e to k n o w att a b o u t th e potentiat c u s to m e r s . A fter m ore
p re se n ta tion is g o in g t o b e ? t h o p e t h a v e n 't m is s e d it!
than 3 0 y e a r s in this industry, t c a n tett y o u that the b est
O n e o f th e votu n teers at that d e s k witt b e ab te t o tett
w a y to g e t id e a s a b o u t n e w p r o d u cts is c u s to m e r surveys.
you .
They'tt g iv e y o u an id e a o f w h at kinds o f p r o d u cts
c u s t o m e r s are in terested in. A tso, take th e tim e to s p e a k to
c u s to m e r s . B e fo r e y o u g o into th e r e se a rch tab, m a k e sure
Part 4 y o u a re d e v e to p in g p r o d u cts that c u s to m e r s reatty n e e d .

71. (B) 72. (C) 73; (B) 74. (D) 75. (C) 76. (C) 77. (A) 78. (C) [8 3-85 ]
79. (D) 8 0 . (D) 81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (C) 84. (B) 85. (B) 86 . (B)
87. (B) 88. (C) 89. (B) 9 0 . (C) 91. (B) 92. (C) 93. (D) 94. (D) Y o u h a v e r e a c h e d th e inquiry sy s te m o f P a rs o n 's
9 5 (D) 96. (B) 97. (C) 98. (A) 99 . (B) 10C . (B) T e te co m m u n ica tio n s. Diat 011 fottow ed by th e exten sion
n u m b er if y o u w ish to s p e a k t o an e m p to y e e . For
in form ation regardin g o u r s e r v ic e s an d o ffe rs, diat 012. T o
[7 1-73 ]
en q u ire a b o u t bitts o r p a ym en t o p tio n s, diat 01 3 an d wait
L a d ies a n d ge n tte m e n , t'm sorry to a n n o u n c e that to n ig h t's fo r further in stru ction s. P re s s th e star bu tton to hear this
c o n c e r t witt b e d e ta y e d b y an h ou r d u e to te ch n ica ) m e s s a g e aga in . Y ou m ay atso visit ou r w e b site fo r m ore
difficutties. T h e p rog ra m witt n o w b e g in at 7 p .m . W e detaits. T han k y o u fo r catting an d h a ve a n ice day.
e n c o u r a g e y o u t o visit th e ca fe te ria in th e b a se m e n t, a n d
o u r d isp ta y o f vin ta g e p h o to g r a p h s o n th e first ftoor. P tea se 86-88]
b e su re t o carry y o u r p a s s e s with y o u w h e n y o u teave the
hat). Y o u witt n e e d t o s h o w th em at th e e n tra n ce w h e n y o u Hetto, t'm J a n e t Hitt, S e n io r C h e f with W o n d e rfo o d s . W e
c o m e b a c k fo r th e p e r fo r m a n c e . b e tie v e that w hite g o o d fo o d is an im portant part o f our
tives, m aking it sh ou td n o t b e tireso m e . A t t o d a y 's
[7 4-76 ] d e m o n stra tio n , t witt s h o w y o u h o w to m a k e w h o te s o m e
a n d tasty trea ts fo r y ou r chitdren using W o n d e r fo o d s
T h e next s to p o n o u r tou r is J a c o b y Park. T his is o n e o f th e p r o d u cts . T h e first is a d e s s e r t that is heatthy but deticiou s.
o td e s t p a rk s in th e to w n , buitt in m e m o ry o f T rev o r J a c o b y , T h e s e c o n d r e cip e is a s n a ck that y o u c a n m ak e quickty to
a fa m o u s p o e t a n d sta te sm a n . T h e ftow er d o c k y o u s e e to s e n d to s c h o o t. P te a se feet fre e to a s k q u e stio n s, an d
y ou r right d a te s b a c k t o th e n in eteen th cen tu ry. T h e park p te a s e re m e m b e r t o co tte ct th e o rd e r fo rm s an d free recip e
a tso h a s a m u sicat fou n tain , with a s p e c ta cu ta r s o u n d an d b o o k te ts b e fo r e y o u teave.
tight s h o w hetd e v e ry e v e n in g . B oa tin g facitities are
avaitabte at th e take fo r a smatt fe e . E n joy y o u r visit an d
p te a s e b e b a c k h e re at 3 p .m . fo r th e trip b a c k t o th e hotet.


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T han k y o u at) fo r b e in g h e re to d a y . A s y o u k n ow , w e 'r e

h e re to s a y g o o d b y e to M s. Ling, w h o 's retiring a s
p re sid e n t after 3 5 y e a rs o f s e r v ic e w ith A xion E tectron ics. 101. (B) 102. (C) 103. (B) 104. (C) 105. (D) 106. (B) 107. (D)
W ith her hard w o rk a n d co m m itm e n t, s h e h a s b e c o m e an 108. (D) 109. (C) 110. (B) 111. (B) 112. (B) 113. (D) 114. (D)
inspiration t o a!) sta ff, from n e w recru its t o th e b o a rd 115. (A) 116. (A) 117. (Q).. 118. (B) 119. (D) 120. (D) 121. (B)
m e m b e r s . H er in terest in in n ova tion h a s ted to th e cre a tio n 122. (C) 123. (B) 124. (B; 125. (D) 126. (B) 127. (B) 128. (B)
o f th e A xion fu n d fo r m arket r e s e a r ch a n d th e c o m m is s io n 129. (B) 130.(C) 131. (B) 132. (A) 133. (A) 134. (D) 135. (C)
ing o f th e n e w r e s e a r ch c e n te r. W e witt att m is s her 136. (D) 137. (D) 138. (A) 139. (B) 140. (D)
o u tsta n d in g tead ersh ip . L e t's w ish h er att th e b e s t.

[9 2-94 ] Part 6

Hi, t'm M ark S p e n d e r from H um an R e s o u r c e s , t witt b e

taking y o u o n a to u r o f o u r facitities, starting at th e s h o p
141. (B) 142. (D) 143. (D) 144. (B) 145. (B) 146. (D) 147. (D)
ftoo r in this buitding. A s y o u c a n s e e , this is w h e re ou r
148. (A) 149. (C) 150. (B) 151. (A) 152. (A)
c o m p a n y 's p r o d u c ts are m a d e . U p a h e a d is th e Detivery
s e c tio n from w h e re o u r p r o d u c ts g o o u t into th e m arket. O n
th e first ftoor w e h a v e th e A c co u n tin g s e c tio n . L e t's n o w g o
into H um an R e s o u r c e s to c o tte c t y o u r e m p to y e e Part 7
iden tification b a d g e s . O n c e y o u 'v e r e ce iv e d th e b a d g e s
we'tt g o into th e ca fe te ria fo r a c u p o f c o ffe e , a n d t'tt b e
h a p p y t o a n s w e r a n y q u e s tio n s that y o u m a y h a ve.
153. (B) 154. (B) 155. (C) 156. (D) 157. (A) 158. (B) 159. (C)
160. (C) 161. (D) 162. (A) 163. (B) 164. (D) 165. (B) 166. (A)
[9 5-97 ] 167. (B) 168. (D) 169. (A) 170. (A) 171. (D) 172. (C) 173. (B)
174. (C) 175. (B) 176. (D) 177. (C) 178. (D) 179. (B) 180. (D)
Hetto, M s. L ee. T his is A aron P arks from A xis C o rp o ra tio n , 181. (A) 182. (C) 183. (A) 184. (C) 185. (D) 186. (B) 187. (D)
t'm catting to tet y o u k n o w that y ou r p re se n ta tio n y e s te rd a y 188. (B) 189. (A) 190. (C) 191. (D) 192. (A) 193. (B) 194. (C)
im p r e s s e d u s att. W e 'd tike y o u t o s e n d u s a p rice q u o te for 195. (C) 196. (D) 197. (A) 198. (C) 199. (B) 200 (C)
th e B ran d en p ro je ct. P te a se r e s p o n d b y th e 1 0th o f J u n e at
th e tatest. t m u st rem ind y o u that w e c a n n o t a c c e p t an y bid
su b m itte d after that d a te , tf y o u h a v e a n y q u e s tio n s , p te a se
c o n t a c t m e at 5 5 5 -9 8 0 2 . W e to ok fo rw a rd t o hearing from
you .

[9 8 -1 0 0 ]

T h e City C ou n cit h a s ju st a p p r o v e d a ptan t o instatt a n e w

pipetin e o n M a d ison A v e n u e b e tw e e n 25th S treet a n d the
T o w n Hatt. T h e w o rk witt b e g in o n Juty 7th a n d is e x p e c t e d
to ta k e a m on th . T h o u g h m u ch o f th e w o rk is s c h e d u te d fo r
th e night, s o m e r o a d s in th e a re a m ay b e c to s e d to traffic in
th e d a ytim e. C o m m u te rs a re a d v is e d t o u s e o th e r ro u te s
w hite w o rk is g o in g o n . Visit th e co u n cit w e b site fo r
u p d a te s a n d a s s o c ia t e d n e w s. 363

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