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Mr. Yange Emmanuel Senjo
has successfully completed the e-Learning Course on
18 February 24 March 2015
UNITAR e-Learning Course on Conflict Resolution
Objectives and Expected Outcomes
The course explores traditional and alternative techniques in conflict resolution with a narrow focus on activities which directly aim at resolving international conflicts through communication. The course explores
existing conflict and conflict resolution theories, methods and practices relevant for the resolution of conflicts in which United Nations peace operations are deployed.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Relate different options for conflict resolution to a specific conflict;
Examine the use of the main diplomatic tracks in a specific conflict;
Propose mediation or negotiation startegy to a specific conflict;
Recommend on the involvement of international and regional orgnaizations in conflict resolution intiiatives.
Duration and Workload
The course is composed of five modules that will be covered over six weeks:
Module 1: Introduction to conflict resolution
Module 2: Diplomatic tracks in conflict resolution
Module 3: Methods in conflict resolution
Module 4: The United Nations and regional actors in conflict resolution
The course takes place over 5 weeks with an average of 8 hours workload per week.
In this e-learning course, in each module, the interactive learning components introduce the key points and provide background information. Activities such as research, reflection and case studies allow participants to
apply the knowledge acquired through the lessons. Discussions are organized for participants in order to facilitate collective knowledge construction and sharing of experiences.
Facilitators guide participants through this process, delivering and conveying information, clarifying doubts and supporting participants through different activities.
UNITAR attests that the bearer of this certificate has successfully completed this e-Learning course and has fulfilled all course requirements, passing each graded module with a mark of at least 12/20 and 24/40 for
module 3.
Gradebook Conflict resolution UNITAR

Conflict resolution
Yange Emmanuel Senjo

The whole course is graded based on 100 points, whereby each module corresponds to 20 points with
the exception of module 3 which is graded over 40 points. The minimum required to pass a module is 12
points for all modules except for module 3 where the pass mark is of 24 points.

Assessment points
Module 1 Assessment Points
Introduction to conflict resolution Scenario-based activity 1: 9/15
Applying conflict resolution tools and theories
Forum 1: 4/5
Evaluating the conflict mapping technique
Total 13/20

Assessment points
Module 2 Assessment Points
Diplomatic tracks in conflict resolution Scenario-based activity 2: 9/15
Diplomatic tracks in current conflicts
Forum 2: 5/5
Strenghts and weakness of diplomatic tracks
Total 14/20

Assessment points
Module 3 Assessment Points
Methods in conflict resolution Scenario-based activity 3a: 10/15
Preparing for negotiation and mediation
Scenario-based activity 3b: 9/15
Generating solutions to resolve a conflict
Forum 3a: 5/5
Challenges in the preparation of negotiation
and mediation
Forum 3b: 4/5
Challenges in the generation of solutions to
Total 28/40

Assessment points
Module 4 Assessment Points
The United Nations and the regionalisation of Scenario-based activity 4: 13/15
conflict resolution Regionalising conflict resolution
Forum 4: 5/5
Advantages and limits of regionalising conflict
Total 18/20

Assessment points
Course Total 73/100

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