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Phylum Bryophyta

Non- Vascular PlantsMoss

Bryophyta means mosslike plant

Bryophytes is a collective term used for the three amphibious plant groups: mosses, liverworts and
hornworts. They are considered the first non-vascular land plants. They do not have the vascular tissues
or tubes that facilitate the transport of substances, which is the reason they are described as non-
vascular. This plant cannot grow tall due to the absence of vascular bundles. They are mostly prostrate
to the ground.
There are 3 Groups of Bryophytes
Mosses (12,000 species)
Liverworts (6,500 species)
Hornworts (100 species)
Most are 2-5 cm tall and less than 10 cm
have multicellular sex organs, i.e. the gametes are enclosed by a sterile jacket of cells
are parenchymatous, not filamentous
retain the zygote within the female sex organ and allow it to develop into an embryo there
have cutin (a cuticle) on the plant and spores
Reproduces asexually or vegetative
Stems, roots and leaves are found on the gametophore

Bryophytes, in contrast,
have no lignin usually
are small, low-lying, (generally) moisture-loving plants
have no roots, only filamentous rhizoids

The Relationship of Bryophytes to Other Groups

Transitional between the charophycean green algae (charophytes) and plants ( bryophytes and
vascular plants)
Both groups contain chloroplast and well developed grana
Both have motile cells that are asymmetrical with flagella that extend from the side rather than
the end of the cell
Like the rest of land Plants, bryophytes produce an embryo- embryophytes
Evolved from green algae ancestors
Related to charophytes
Group of simple land plants
Moist habitat
They are widely distributed throughout the world
Usually thrived in cold and moist habitat

Life Cycle of Moss

Alternation of Generations
Sporophyte Generation: produces spores (asexual)
Gametophyte Generation: produces gametes (sexual)
Gametophyte Generation
1. The top of the male gametophyte bears the antheridia which produces sperm
2. The top of the female gametophyte has one or more archegonia which contains the ova
3. Sperm swim from the antheridia to the archegonia and fertilizes an ovum (zygote)
Sporophyte Generation
4. Zygote grows into a stalk with a capsule which produces spores
5. When mature the cap comes off and spores disperse
6. Spore grows when environmental conditions are right
7. First grows into a cellular filament called a protonema
8. Protonema then forms the leafy shoots and rhizoids

Benefits of Mosses
Help to replenish the soil
Help to prevent soil erosion
Peat moss or Sphagnum is used by gardeners to pack plants for shipment and in Iceland and
other northern regions it is used as fuel
Has been used for surgical dressing
Parts of a moss plant

Rhizoids Leafy Shoot

Life Cycle of Moss

Examples of Bryophytes

Moss Liverworts Hornworts

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