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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Loss of Words

By: Pure Sakura Haruno
Summary: Naruto X-over. When Naruto lends the new, hit graphic
novel of Fullmetal Alchemist to Sakura, the book soon takes a new
spin and sweeps Sakura away to a world full of Alchemy! Will she
ever go home? Or would she even want to?
Timeline: In Naruto, after the Chuunin Exams. In Fullmetal
Alchemist, manga-verse, before Hughes' was killed.
Pairings: Edward/Sakura, Naruto/Hinata, Roy/Riza, One-Side:

Author's Notes: I had rewritten Chapter One to a better chapter and

thank you for the reviews! I'd appreciate it but I would still love
more, please. By the way, I decided to make the chapter easier to
follow and everything. And if you must know, Gracia Hughes is Maes
Hughes' wife while Elycia is Maes' daughter.

Oh and the one who wrote 'Fullmetal Ninja', inspired me to write this
chapter. I credit the original idea to be hers.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist. Naruto

Masashi Kishimoto / Fullmetal Alchemist Hiromu Arakawa.

No flames but nice, acceptable, and constructive criticism is allowed.

Chapter TwoLoss of Words

They would rather shoulder their pain themselves,

Than cause their loved ones to worry.
That's why they won't say anything.
Maes Hughes, Fullmetal Alchemist Volume Four
Central Streets, Amestris;

"Mama, mama!" A little girl had shouted that beautiful morning as

she tugged a woman's shirt, "Mama, when do you think daddy will
come home?"

The woman, who was her mother, smiled as she nodded her head,
"Oh, I don't know, he still might be at the hospital, visiting the Elric
Brothers. Do you remember them Elycia? They visited our house once
to see daddy."

Elycia Hughes blinked, scratching her light brown hair. She was a
little confused and tried to recall some of her memories when the
Elric Brothers had visited. To no avail, she could not remember. All
she could know in her small little head is that her birthday party was
going to arrive soon! She would get all her presents and some
decorations and get the cake that her daddy had bought her!

"No, I don't know, mama" Little Elycia frowned but then smiled,
changing the subject, "Do you think Winry would come?"

Her mother, who's name we finally reveal as Gracia Hughes, nodded,

"Of course she will! She even said so herself, remember Elycia?"

"But why isn't she staying at our house again, Mama?" Elycia asked,
trying to reach up playfully from the ground, trying to touch her
mother's light brown hair. "I mean, why she go?" She was only two-
years-old, going to be three-years-oldher sentences are still
incomplete. Gracia sighed; her daughter loved asking so many

"Well, she's staying to a hotel close to the hospital right now for the
sake of her friends," Gracia replied, holding the groceries. She and
her daughter, Elycia, had just went grocery shopping that morning,
"You know how Winry worries about Ed and Al but she promises to be
there for your third birthday party."
Elycia cheered happily, "Yay! I can't wait to get all my presents and
all the cake and see all my friends, Mama! I hope they all come!"

Gracia patted Elycia's head, "Yes they will Elycia, it will be very

Nodding, Elycia grabbed her mother's free hand as the two proceeded
to go home. As they were walking, Elycia starts to examine her
surroundings, curious to see if she would see anything interesting.
She was a child, very surprised to see the way of life in the outside.
She wanted to run around and discover new things. She was a very
energetic little girl.

Finally, after wishing Elycia would see something, her wish had finally
been granted.

"Mama, there someone with pink hair!" She said, tugging her
mother's hand to signal her, "There a girl! She has pink hair!"

"Oh what are you talking about, Elycia?" Gracia asked, looking up at
the sky. Her little girl was having illusions again or she's making up
stories to get attention. Besides, pink hair? Gracia didn't think that
kind of hair would actually exist. I mean, who has pink hair? "Elycia,
come on, stop playing around."

"No, I serious, Mama!" Shouted Elycia, jumping up and down, "There

a pink girl!" She soon pulled her mother to have a closer inspection,
however, Gracia started to think that maybe what Elycia was
describing is an abandoned doll with pink hair or something like that.
She just couldn't believe the nonsense her own daughter was pulling.

"Elycia, what you probably see is just a doll, let's go now before
daddy gets a bit worried." Gracia insisted but then notices that her
daughter was no longer holding her hand and was going in an
alleyway of where she thinks she had seen the girl with pink hair.
"Elycia! Where are you going?! You know its dangerous for you to run
around by yourself!" Shouted Gracia, coming after her daughter,

In the alleyway, little Elycia saw herthe mysterious pink-haired girl,

lying against the muddy-brick wall. Green eyes widening with
excitement, she approached the pink-haired girl and knelt down,
curious. She examined her and Elycia noticed that the pink-haired girl
was wearing a white dress with pretty pink patterns, weird styled-
sandals that were white, and had a headband over her pink hair. As a
child, Elycia never saw something this weird.

"Elycia! Elycia!" called Gracia, worried, "Elycia, where are you?"

"Mama, here!" The small Hughes called, waving her hand. Gracia had
saw this and exhaled a breath of relief and ran to her.

"Never do that again, Elycia, you scared me half to death!" Gracia

chided, "You know what how your father will react if he finds out that
you're missing"

"I know, Mama!" pouted Elycia, "Here the pink-haired girl!"

"For the last time, Elycia, there is no," Finally, Gracia was aware of
her surroundings in the alleyway and when she looked to where
Elycia was kneeling down, she now had seen the pink-haired girl that
Elycia was pointing at and oh, how Gracia was shocked that her eyes
widened. "Pink-haired girl"

Stepping forward, Gracia knelt down to examine the poor girl and
saw that there were a few bruises in her arms but all and all, she
looked like she was at perfect health. What Gracia noticed the most is
that the girl was wearing a headband with a strange sign upon it that
she had never seen. It wasn't like the crest she had seen in the State
Alchemist pocket-watch or anything like that

"Oh Elycia, stay here, I'll get some help from Mr. Barnes the baker,
maybe he can carry her to our house." Gracia said, standing up,
"Stay here and if she wakes up, tell her to stay there. Someone will
help her."

"Okay, mama." Elycia grinned; she wanted to protect the pink-haired


"Good girl," Gracia kissed Elycia and ran off to find Mr. Barnes.

"It's worthless, Sakura, and I'm getting annoyed by it."

"We are ninjas, we don't have time for this. You have to deal with

"You are a ninja, focus on your studies, not me."

"It's beginning to get foolish, now get out"

"Before you annoy the hell out of me."

"Sasuke" I spoke, crying my eyes out, "Why do you think of me that

way? I had loved you for such a long time can't you ever expect

"Sasuke" I mumbled from my sleep, rustling around on wherever I

was lying on. I knew that I would never look at Sasuke the same ever
again but thisthis event kept repeating in my mind. It makes me
ask myself: 'Was he really this cruel and cold?'. I had always
expected more from SasukeI really did and now, it just made me
wonder of why he was like this.

As I kept rustling around, I felt something soft under mesoft and

comfortable. Was it a bed? I continued to feel the surroundings of
where I was laying. I felt sheets over medefinitely a blanket and I
felt something under my headit was definitely a pillow. Okay, so I
was in a bed. Joy.
I was probably in my room and wait, was it all a dream? A dream
that a large mark came from the book and sucked me in there? Oh
it has to be a dream. It better be, or else I'll be lost and everything!
Please let me be in my room please let me be in my

My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was a ceiling with a wooden
ceiling fan attached at the top. Error, I had no ceiling fan so obviously
I wasn't in my room.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up from the bed to see what else was in my
new surroundings. I was in a bedbut it wasn't mine because I had
pink sheets and my pillows had cherry blossom decorations on it and
this bed just had white everywhere. Whit sheets, white pillows, and
white covers. Was this person obsessed with the color white or they
just couldn't afford decorated bed sheets? I will never know.

I continued to look around and noticed there was a side table at my

left and on that side table there was a vase full of yellow flowers, a
glass of water, and some gingerbread cookies. Well, whoever put me
in this room was very kind to give me something to eat and
something to drinkI was incredibly hungry right now. Also, my
headband was there! They must have taken it off for me for it might
be hard for me to sleep in.

Then, I noticed windowsone at my right and left. They had

transparent white curtains with decorated flowers on it. Now there's
something decorated. Sunlight was emanating from outsidedoes
that mean its morning already? Had I been asleep? I tried to examine
the room to see if there was a clock there but to no avail, there was
none. Darn, I really need to know what time it was.

Scratching my head, I felt a little bit of back pain to whatever that

had happened. All I could remember was Naruto lending me five
volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist and then, me, turning to the first
page and seeing that mark that became so big that it wanted to suck
me in and that was it that was all I could remember.
Blinking, I decided to get out of the bed and as I got out, I found my
white sandals were right next to the bed. Quickly grabbing it, I put it
on and adjusted the soft buckles to make it more tight and
manageable. Smiling, I decided to see the person who was kind
enough to place my things to where they are. I knew it was a
womanbecause what kind of man would have flowery curtains
unless if it was a gay guy.

I opened the door gently and found a hallway with other doors in it
and at the middle, there were stairs that led downstairs. Carefully
closing the door behind me, I decided to walk down the stairs. I had
to be careful on meeting the person too, what if it was an enemy
shinobi or something? I had to knowbut wait, I don't have my
weapons! Argh oh well, I'll have some Taijutsu techniques right?

Finally, I reached down the steps and when I did, I sniffed the aroma
of something that was freshly bake. Was it cake? Cookies? Or
something delicious? I didn't know but my stomach was calling me
towards it. No! I mustn't! What if this was all a trick so then, I
quietly walked towards the doorway that led to the living room, I

Coming in, I never saw a living room with such a different style. It
seemed conservative but it was huge too. The fireplace had a
different style, the couches, the tables, and everything! Where was I?
Then, something caught my eye at the other side of the oddly styled
living room.

A small girl was playing with her dolls on the carpet.

I walked closer to her she was wearing otherworldly clothing. It was

a dress but in a different order. Plus, the dolls were differently styled
too! More artistic and realistic. Okay, this was a bit weird However,
the girl was adorable. She had cute pigtails tied in her hair and bright
green eyes. She was humming a nice little tune.
Then, she had taken notice of my presence and turned around to me.
Oh, I was expecting her to be freaked but then, she had smiled.

Suddenly, she shouted somethingwords coming out of her lips

In a language I could not understand.

Where was I truly?

(Author's Notes: Sakura speaks a language different from the people

in the Fullmetal Alchemist Universe because she does not know

Elycia played with her dolls that day. She was excited inside for she
was hoping that the pink-haired girl would wake up and maybe play
with her. She wasn't aware of the fact that maybe the girl was bad or
goodfor she was a child, she did not know what was between bad
or good and Elycia was a very innocent child.

"La la" She sang an unknown song while she played with the dolls.
Her mother, Gracia, was in the kitchen, baking her special birthday
cake and other assortment of foods for her partywhich was two
days away. "La laaa"

Then, little Elycia felt an uneasy presence and small footsteps coming
near her and when she turned around, it was the pink-haired girl!
She scrutinized her a little and Elycia noticed the girl had green
eyesjust like hers, except it was prettier! Then, she smiled.

"Mama! Mama! The Pink-haired girl awake!" She screamed, waving

her hands together. But what she had not noticed is that the girl had
a confused expression on her faceand that she could not
understand what she was saying, "Hi! What's your name?"

The girl could not respond; she was clearly confused at what she was
sayingand still, Elycia could not see this.
"No need to shy! What is your name?"

I saw that the girl's lips kept moving yet I could not understand what
she was saying when the words would come out of her small mouth.
Her voice was adorable yet the adorable words she might be saying I
could not comprehend with. I was truly in a different placeor maybe
in a different country that says such a different language! How will I
survive? I need a Translation Book

But, I don't know what language they're speakingit sounds firm and
a bit fast but firm? I don't know. Firm-an?

"I don't know what you're saying, sweetheart," I said, smiling sadly.

The little girl looked at me, confused. She, too, could not understand
what I was saying. I was worried. How can I associate with herand
she was just a small girl. Oh, think Sakura, think! I bit my lip.

"?" She said somethingwith a tone of question. Was she asking

who was I? What was I? Or something like that? I wouldn't know! I
bit my lip a little harder this time as I noticed her hand was gesturing
someone to come in. Looking around, I saw a woman coming in the
room with a worried face but when she looked at me, she gave me a
welcoming smile.

Like the girl, she was wearing an odd styled dresssomething I'd
never see before but yet it has beautiful decors around it. I guess
dresses like that are popular here in wherever I am. I looked at my
own dress, it was almost a similar so I guess I would fit in.

The woman had smiled at me and approached me. Then, her lips
started to part and moveand the words that were coming up, I
couldn't understand. It was the same firm and careful accent, like
how the little girl was speaking. I could not understand this so all I
could do was body gestures.
I shook my head, meaning a 'no' and then I pointed to my lips and
pretended to talk. I tried to signal the woman that I couldn't
understand what she was saying. I had to do a bit of body language
for now until someone could show me properly on how to talk this
strange language

Then, it quickly dawned me was I in the book? To think that the

styles and the language was differentwas I truly in the Fullmetal
Alchemist Book? I didn't know because I didn't even read the book
yet until I would know that there is some proof that I am indeed in
the book.

The woman saw my body language and finally understood what I

meant and bowed her head and repeated what I did except at the
end, she did a nod. Ah! Finally she could understand.

Soon, she did another gesture. She pointed to herself:

"Gracia. Hughes. Gra-Ci-A. Hu-hes." She spoke. The must be her

name! The woman's name was Gracia Hughes.

I repeated, saying the name by the syllable correctly, "Gra-Ci-A. Hu-

hes? Gracia Hughes?"

She nodded, smiling wider this time. She soon pointed to the little girl
and spoke, "Elycia. Hughes. E-Ly-Ci-A. Hu-Hes."

Oh! That's the little girl's name and then I repeated, "E-Ly-Ci-A. Hu-
Hes? Elycia Hughes?"

She smiled again and the little girl clapped her hands and jumped up.
Okay, so the little girl, Elycia, was the daughter of the woman,
Gracia. Now I understood. Elycia is the little girl and Gracia is her
mother. Okay Sakura, you're on the roll now! Cha!

I looked back at Gracia who soon pointed to me and started to

gesture her hands in a circular movementmeaning she wants my
name. I nodded and pointed to myself:
"Sakura. Haruno. Sa-Ku-Ra. Ha-Ru-No."

Gracia blinked and soon repeated, "Sa-Ku-Ra. Ha-Ru-No? Sakura


I nodded my head and grinned and she grinned back. Soon, the little
girl Elycia grabbed my arm and repeated what her mother had said,
"Sakura! Haruno!"

I nodded my head againbody language is the only thing I could do

for now until I could fully understand of what the language is.

Suddenly, I had an idea popped in my head. Maybe if I pointed to

the objects I don't know, I could find out the word. That could be
great idea! I need to know some basic objects and understand of
what they mean in their language. This could get me closer to what
they meant before I can know what's 'What', 'Who' 'How', 'When',
and 'Where', in their language.

"Gracia." I called her and she looked at me.

When I got her attention, I pointed to the table and shrugged,

meaning I needed to know the word.

And then, she understood and said, "Table." Except that was in her

I pointed to another object and she said it in her language.


Another time.


And another.




And then, stopping for a moment. I tried to remember how she said
all the objects in that language and repeated it, "Chair, window,
curtain, couch, carpetdolls?"

I seemed to pronounce them clearer with a tint of my accent because

when I looked at Gracia and Elycia, they clapped their hands again. I
smiled and clapped my hands also. Then, we continuedI pointed to
another object.







I repeated the words in that language, "Fireplace. Ceiling. Wall. Door.

Wood. Cement." They clapped again. Okay, one more time. I pointed
to more objects and did some gestures. I tried the harder and specific
objects this time







I followed the words through my lips, "Stairs. Railings. Steps.

Doorknob. Windowsill. Glass. Mirror." They clapped again and
approved of it this was going to be a long day.

Gracia smiled at this and enjoyed it. She loved to teach new things
especially the language to the new guest. And Elycia seemed to be
having some fun too. Though, Gracia was quite curious of the
newcomer, Sakura Haruno. Her name seemed pretty distant and it
was closely related to the names of people who lived in Xing. Her
accent seemed like the people of Xing, except it flows higher and
clearer, unlike the people of Xing, who had a rough accent.

And plus, Sakura had pink-hair and most Xing people had black hair
and those 'shifty eyes' that her husband had spoke of once. Sakura's
facial appearance can fit an Amestrian, especially with the wide green
eyes she had but how could she be closely related to the Xing
Culture? That was what Gracia was thinking. However, she decided to
shrug that off for a while and continued to teach Sakura of how to
speak their language.

She had already showed Sakura the many basic objects in their
language and Sakura had memorized it quickly. Gracia thought that
Sakura was indeed intelligent and the look of Sakura's face, she was
eager to know so much more.

Okay, since she had learned some objects, she has to use words to
describe it, use it, and everything else in between. Gracia soon saw
Sakura gestured the feeling of wood.

"Hard." Gracia spoke in her language and the pink-haired girl blinked.
Then, her lips parted to repeat what she had said, "Hard. Wood

Gracia nodded her head and then continued, "The. Wood. Is. Hard.
The wood is hard." She wanted to put the connecting words so
Sakura could understand it clearer. Crossing her fingers, Gracia
hoped Sakura can understand it and repeat.

At first, Sakura's face went a little confused and then, she grinned,
nodding her head and repeated, "The. Wood. Is. Hard The wood is
hard! Gracia, the wood is hard!" She had said her first complete
sentence in their language. Gracia laughed loudly and hugged Sakura
while Elycia was cheering on behind them.

"Sakura." Gracia did a body language and shook her hand, signaling
the word 'Good' in her language, "Good. Good. Job. Sakura. Good
job, Sakura."

Sakura had tilted her head and then smiled.

Later, they did more word tricks

I had learned so much of the language in one dayit seemed so

much easier to comprehend and learning this language was quick and
easy. It was already almost evening and Gracia, Elysia, and I were at
the table with a book. Gracia showed me the letters and words and it
had 'A' and 'B' and letters of the alphabet and now I can understand
it a little bit more. We began to read it one by one

When I didn't understand a word, I would do a gesture of asking what

it means. Gracia would point it out if she had it in her house or
something like that. The connecting words were the hardest for me to
understand. I just couldn't do that. I know what 'is' and 'the' in their
language but I needed to know more of it.
Hours had passed and I finally could grasp some connecting words
and they're combinations like 'don't' and 'wasn't' in their language.
Finally, I was able to speak a bit more to them.

"Any more, Gracia?" I asked in their language.

"Yes, you must learn more." She answered and I was pretty sure that
is what she had said because she had nodded her head. I smiled and
gestured her to continue.

Gracia did not gave up on me and so did Elycia. They wanted to help
me get used to the cultures hereand I was thankful that they had
found me from wherever I had come from. We soon learned past
tense, present tense, and future tense. It was hard for me to
understand and we had to repeat and wrote some on paper for me to
study. Soon, Gracia wrote me a worksheet of simple praises and
things for me that I can remember.

I hugged her and thanked her in their language. "Thank. You." I


Gracia nodded, "No problem, Sakura."

I also hugged Elycia, "Thank. You, Elycia."

"Uh-Huh!" She said with her cute voice.

Finally, we had stood up from the table and Gracia said, "It is time to
eat." She gestured a sign that we were going to eat. I nodded.

"Eat?" I repeated, "What you have?"

"What do you have." Corrected Gracia; I had missed a word in the

sentence and blushed embarrassingly and laughed. Gracia soon
showed me we're going to have a nice soup dinner and my hungry
wanted it right now, for it started to growl.

Then, we got seated and started to eat dinner. The soup was very
nice and wonderful that I started to eat faster than I thought. Elycia
was giggling because of the sight of my eating and Gracia just
laughed along. I looked up at them and laughed also as I grabbed the
napkin next to me and wiped it with my mouth.

Dinner proceeded in silence as I finished my plate and decided to

take it up to the sink, knowing it was quite rude for me to leave it on
the table and let Gracia take it herself then, it reminded me of
something. The night beforebefore that book had sucked me in, my
mother and I just had dinner and I was helping her clean the plates.
My mother Nadeshiko Haruno I really missed her and her smile

And I remembered, the last words I said to her was, "Good night, I
love you."

"Mother" I spoke, trembling a bit. I was homesick a littlethe

thought of my mother and everything around here. I wondered if she
had missed meand I wondered if my friends had missed me.
Naruto Hinata Shikamaru Kiba Shino Choji Kakashi-sensei
even both Sasuke and Ino I even missed. Just the thought of them
made me want to just cry now.

Then, Gracia had noticed me and came up to me, placing a hand on

my shoulder, "Sakura?"

I turned to her, a tear slipping out. I wiped it clearly, "Gracia."

She smiled warmly at me and patted my head, "Are you okay,


I understood fully of what she meant and I answered back in her

language, "I. Am. Good."

Gracia nodded her head in full understanding that I did not want to
talk about it. She soon took my dish and said that I should take a
rest for nowshe'll do the dishes. She also told Elycia should get
some sleep too. I smiled, finally comprehending with the language
though I still need to learn more.
Elycia held my hand and we both walked out of the kitchen to
proceed upstairs.

Knock. Knock.

I jumped up and I heard someone knocking at the door. Elycia had

immediately let go of my hand to run to the door and when she had
opened it, she shouted


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