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The Senses - Hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting

The eye and sight
The ear and hearing
Sense of taste
Sense of smell
Cutaneous receptors
Our senses continually provide us with information about our surroundings.
Sense organs are complex organs like the eye or specialized receptors in areas such as the nasal mucosa or tongue.
Conversion of a stimulus to a sensation:
Stimuli (light, sound, temperature, etc. are changed into an electrical signal or nerve impulse.
The signal is then transmitted over a ? neuron to the ?
The signal is interpreted and we become consciously aware of a sensation.
The Eye
Contains receptors for vision and a refracting system that focuses light rays on the receptors in the retina.
The eye sits in the orbit formed by the maxilla, zygomatic, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid bones. Extrinsic muscles attach the surface of
the eyeball to bones.
Eyelids contain skeletal muscle that allow us to close them and totally cover the exterior eyeball.
Eyelashes help to keep dust out of our eyes.
Tears - they lubricate the eye, and help to keep it clear of dust.
Cranial Nerves
Optic vision
Oculomotor, abducens and trochlear eye movment
The eye contains 3 layers
Structure of the eyeball
Sclera tough fibrous tissue.
Front surface is the white of our eyes and the cornea. The cornea is transparent, receives no blood supply and is
nourished by the aqueous humor.
Sclera is covered by the conjunctiva in the front of the eyeball.
Structure of the eyeball
Choroid - contains a dark pigment to prevent scattering of light that enters the eyeball. Also contains blood vessels and 2
involuntary muscles.
Iris (plural: irides or irises) is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of
the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina
Ciliary body (muscle) is the structure in the eye that releases a transparent liquid (called the aqueous humor) within
the eye.
Structure of the eyeball
Lens composed of transparent, elastic protein; no blood supply, nourished by the aqueous humor.
Retina contains microscopic receptor cells called rods and cones.
Rods are photoreceptors located near the edges of the retina that are responsible for peripheral and night vision.
Cones are photoreceptors located near the center of your retina that are responsible for your ability to see during the
day, in color, and in detail.
Fovea this tiny area is responsible for our central, sharpest vision. A healthy fovea is key for reading, watching
television, driving, and other activities that require the ability to see detail.
Layer of the eye
Ganglionic neurons carry impulses generated by the rods and cones until they converge at the optic disc. From the
optic disc they form the optic nerve and pass through the wall of the eyeball to the occipital nerve.
Optic disc also known as the blind spot, no rods or cones; exit to the optic nerve.
Occipital lobe of the cerebrum visual interpretation.
Structure - fluids of the eyeball 2 types:
Aqueous humor watery fluid in front of the lens (anterior cavity) nourishes the lens and cornea.
Continually formed by the capillaries in the ciliary body, flow through the pupil and is reabsorbed in the canal of
If drainage is blocked, the internal pressure in the eye increases and may damage the eye and lead to blindness =
Vitreous humor jelly-like fluid behind the lens (posterior cavity). Literally holds the retina in place and gives structure to the
Focusing Problems
Presbyopia old sightedness or short arm syndrome. Ciliary bodies lose their elasticity and can no longer change the
shape of the lens to bring near objects into focus.
Myopia nearsightedness, image focuses in front of the retina rather than on it, eyeball is elongated. Corrected by glasses,
contacts or radial keratotomy (Lasix).
Hyperopia farsightedness, image focuses behind the retina, produces a fuzzy image. Corrected by lenses.
Astigmatism refraction error fuzzy image, irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, requires special lenses to correct (Toric
lenses) or contacts.
The Ear
Sense organ associated with hearing and equilibrium and balance.
3 main parts
External ear it gathers sound energy and focuses it on the eardrum
The outer ear includes:
auricle (cartilage covered by skin placed on opposite sides of the head)
auditory canal (also called the ear canal)
eardrum outer layer (also called the tympanic membrane)
External Auditory canal a curving tube about one inch long; extends into the temporal bone and end at the tympanic membrane
Middle ear tiny epithelium lined cavity which is hollowed out of the temporal bone.
Tympanic membrane separates the external and middle ear and vibrates when sound waves strike it.
3 tiny bones called ossicles (bones) transmit sound waves.
Middle Ear
Malleus transmit sound from the tympanic membrane (ear drum) to the inner ear
Incus receives vibrations from the malleus, to which it is connected laterally, and transmits these to the stapes,
Stapes transmits sound vibrations from the incus, another little bone in the middle ear, to the oval window adjacent
to the inner ear. The stapes is the smallest bone in the body.
Middle Ear
Oval Window separates the middle ear from the inner ear.
Eustachian tube connects the throat with the middle ear; allows air to enter and leave the middle ear which equalizes
pressure. Why do throat and ear infections occur together?
Middle Ear - Hearing Sequence
Sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, and this movement is transmitted and amplified by the ear ossicles.
Movement of the stapes against the oval window causes movement of fluid in the inner ear which generates electrical impulses.
Inner Ear contains mechanoreceptors that are activated by vibration and generate nerve impulses that result in hearing and
equilibrium. The 3 spaces are called the bony labyrinth and contain fluids called perilymph and endolymph.
Vestibule membranous sacs (utricle and saccule) adjacent to the oval window and between the semicircular canals. Contains
receptors for equilibrium.
Inner Ear
Cochlea snail shell; contains the Organ of Corti which holds the receptors for hearing (hair cells). As the hairs bend
(vibration) they generate an electrical impulse.
Semicircular Canals contain the crista ampularis which is a specialized receptor that generates a nerve impulse when you
move your head. Receptors for equilibrium.
Sense of Taste
Taste buds chemical receptors that generate nervous impulses resulting in the sense of taste. There are about 10,000 microscopic taste
buds located on the papillae of the tongue.
Gustatory cells allows humans to distinguish between safe and harmful food. Bitter and sour foods we find unpleasant,
while salty, sweet, and meaty tasting foods.
an epithelial cell in a taste bud that activates sensory fibers of the facial nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve or the vagus nerve
Taste Sensations
Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and Umami (=savory).
Other flavors results from a combination of taste bud stimulations and olfactory receptor stimulation. i.e. our taste sensations
include odors as well.
Sense of Smell
Olfactory receptors chemical receptors responsible for the sense of smell are located in the upper part of the nasal cavity.
Olfactory receptors are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in the watery mucus that lines the nasal cavity. We detect about 10,000
different scents.
Olfactory receptors are easily fatigued many odors are not noticeable after a time.
Hunger and Thirst
Visceral sensations receptors are located in the hypothalamus; the stimulus is a change in the bodys water/salt content and levels of
nutrients in the blood.
Cutaneous Sensations
Receptors of the general sense organs are found in almost every part of the body.
Encapsulated nerve endings located in the dermis; touch and pressure.
Free nerve endings mainly in the dermis of the skin, mucosa, internal organs. They sense pain or crude touch. *Referred
Meissners corpuscles skin, fingertips and lips; sens of fine touch and vibration.
Ruffinis corpuscles skin and sq tissue of the fingers; touch and pressure.
Pacinian corpuscles subcutaneous; deep pressure and vibration.
Krause end bulbs skin and sq; touch and maybe cold.
Muscle spindles skeletal muscle; proprioception. Proprioception is the sense of position and movement in various parts of
the body.
Characteristics of Sensations
Projection sensation seems to come from the area where the receptors were stimulated; in reality they are being felt via the cerebral
Phantom pain receptors are removed with amputated limbs but severed nerve endings continue to send impulses to the brain.
Characteristics of Sensations
Intensity the intensity of a sensation is related to the strength of the stimulus and/or number of receptors stimulated.
Contrast effect of a previous sensation on a current sensation; brain compares a new sensation to a previous one.
Characteristics of Sensations
Adaptation you become unaware of a continuous stimulus.
After image sensation remains in the consciousness even after the stimulus is gone flash from a camera.
Hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting
The eye and sight
The ear and hearing
Sense of taste
Sense of smell
Cutaneous receptors

Our senses continually provide us with information about our surroundings.
Sense organs are complex organs like the eye or specialized receptors in areas such as the nasal mucosa or tongue.

Conversion of a stimulus to a sensation:
Stimuli (light, sound, temperature, etc. are changed into an electrical signal or nerve impulse.
The signal is then transmitted over a ? neuron to the ?
The signal is interpreted and we become consciously aware of a sensation.
The Eye
Contains receptors for vision and a refracting system that focuses light rays on the receptors in the retina.
The eye sits in the orbit formed by the maxilla, zygomatic, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid bones. Extrinsic muscles
attach the surface of the eyeball to bones.

The Eye
Eyelids contain skeletal muscle that allow us to close them and totally cover the exterior eyeball.

Eyelashes help to keep dust out of our eyes.

Tears - they lubricate the eye, and help to keep it clear of dust.
The Eye
Cranial Nerves
Optic vision
Oculomotor, abducens and trochlear eye movment
The eye contains 3 layers
The Eye
Structure of the eyeball
Sclera tough fibrous tissue.
Front surface is the white of our eyes and the cornea. The cornea is transparent, receives no blood supply and is
nourished by the aqueous humor.
Sclera is covered by the conjunctiva in the front of the eyeball.
The Eye
Structure of the eyeball
Choroid - contains a dark pigment to prevent scattering of light that enters the eyeball. Also contains blood vessels and 2
involuntary muscles.
Iris (plural: irides or irises) is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of
the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina

Ciliary body (muscle) is the structure in the eye that releases a transparent liquid (called the aqueous humor) within
the eye.
The Eye
Structure of the eyeball
Lens composed of transparent, elastic protein; no blood supply, nourished by the aqueous humor.
Retina contains microscopic receptor cells called rods and cones.
Rods are photoreceptors located near the edges of the retina that are responsible for peripheral and night vision.
Cones are photoreceptors located near the center of your retina that are responsible for your ability to see during the
day, in color, and in detail.
Fovea this tiny area is responsible for our central, sharpest vision. A healthy fovea is key for reading, watching
television, driving, and other activities that require the ability to see detail.
The Eye
Layer of the eye
Ganglionic neurons carry impulses generated by the rods and cones until they converge at the optic disc. From the optic
disc they form the optic nerve and pass through the wall of the eyeball to the occipital nerve.
Optic disc also know as the blind spot, no rods or cones; exit to the optic nerve.
Occipital lobe of the cerebrum visual interpretation.
The Eye
Structure - fluids of the eyeball 2 types:
Aqueous humor watery fluid in front of the lens (anterior cavity) nourishes the lens and cornea.
Continually formed by the capillaries in the ciliary body, flow through the pupil and is reabsorbed in the canal of
If drainage is blocked, the internal pressure in the eye increases and may damage the eye and lead to blindness =
The Eye
Structure - fluids of the eyeball 2 types:
Vitreous humor jelly-like fluid behind the lens (posterior cavity). Literally holds the retina in place and gives structure
to the eyeball.
The Eye
Focusing Problems
Presbyopia old sightedness or short arm syndrome. Ciliary bodies lose their elasticity and can no longer change
the shape of the lens to bring near objects into focus.
Myopia nearsightedness, image focuses in front of the retina rather than on it, eyeball is elongated. Corrected by
glasses, contacts or radial keratotomy (Lasix).
The Eye
Focusing Problems
Hyperopia farsightedness, image focuses behind the retina, produces a fuzzy image. Corrected by lenses.
Astigmatism refraction error fuzzy image, irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, requires special lenses to correct
(Toric lenses) or contacts.
The Ear
Sense organ associated with hearing and equilibrium and balance.
3 main parts
The Ear
External ear it gathers sound energy and focuses it on the eardrum
The outer ear includes:
auricle (cartilage covered by skin placed on opposite sides of the head)
auditory canal (also called the ear canal)
eardrum outer layer (also called the tympanic membrane)

External Auditory canal a curving tube about one inch long; extends into the temporal bone and end at the tympanic
membrane (eardrum).
The ear
Middle ear tiny epithelium lined cavity which is hollowed out of the temporal bone.
Tympanic membrane separates the external and middle ear and vibrates when sound waves strike it.
3 tiny bones called ossicles (bones) transmit sound waves.
The Ear
Middle Ear
Malleus transmit sound from the tympanic membrane (ear drum) to the inner ear
Incus receives vibrations from the malleus, to which it is connected laterally, and transmits these to the stapes,
Stapes transmits sound vibrations from the incus, another little bone in the middle ear, to the oval window adjacent to
the inner ear. The stapes is the smallest bone in the body.
The Ear
Middle Ear
Oval Window separates the middle ear from the inner ear.
Eustachian tube connects the throat with the middle ear; allows air to enter and leave the middle ear which equalizes
pressure. Why do throat and ear infections occur together?
The Ear
Middle Ear - Hearing Sequence
Sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, and this movement is transmitted and amplified by the ear ossicles.
Movement of the stapes against the oval window causes movement of fluid in the inner ear which generates electrical
The Ear
Inner Ear contains mechanoreceptors that are activated by vibration and generate nerve impulses that result in hearing
and equilibrium. The 3 spaces are called the bony labyrinth and contain fluids called perilymph and endolymph.
Vestibule membranous sacs (utricle and saccule) adjacent to the oval window and between the semicircular canals.
Contains receptors for equilibrium.
The Ear
Inner Ear
Cochlea snail shell; contains the Organ of Corti which holds the receptors for hearing (hair cells). As the hairs bend
(vibration) they generate an electrical impulse.
Semicircular Canals contain the crista ampularis which is a specialized receptor that generates a nerve impulse when
you move your head. Receptors for equilibrium.
Sense of Taste
Taste buds chemical receptors that generate nervous impulses resulting in the sense of taste. There are about 10,000
microscopic taste buds located on the papillae of the tongue.
Gustatory cells allows humans to distinguish between safe and harmful food. Bitter and sour foods we find unpleasant,
while salty, sweet, and meaty tasting foods.
an epithelial cell in a taste bud that activates sensory fibers of the facial nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve or
the vagus nerve
Sense of Taste
Taste Sensations
Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and Umami (=savory).
Other flavors results from a combination of taste bud stimulations and olfactory receptor stimulation. i.e. our taste
sensations include odors as well.
Sense of Smell
Olfactory receptors chemical receptors responsible for the sense of smell are located in the upper part of the nasal
Olfactory receptors are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in the watery mucus that lines the nasal cavity. We detect
about 10,000 different scents.
Olfactory receptors are easily fatigued many odors are not noticeable after a time.
Hunger and Thirst
Visceral sensations receptors are located in the hypothalamus; the stimulus is a change in the bodys water/salt content
and levels of nutrients in the blood.
Cutaneous Sensations
Receptors of the general sense organs are found in almost every part of the body.
Encapsulated nerve endings located in the dermis; touch and pressure.
Free nerve endings mainly in the dermis of the skin, mucosa, internal organs. They sense pain or crude touch.
*Referred pain.
Cutaneous Sensations
Meissners corpuscles skin, fingertips and lips; sens of fine touch and vibration.
Ruffinis corpuscles skin and sq tissue of the fingers; touch and pressure.
Pacinian corpuscles subcutaneous; deep pressure and vibration.
Cutaneous Sensations
Krause end bulbs skin and sq; touch and maybe cold.
Muscle spindles skeletal muscle; proprioception. Proprioception is the sense of position and movement in various
parts of the body.

Characteristics of Sensations
Projection sensation seems to come from the area where the receptors were stimulated; in reality they are being felt
via the cerebral cortex.
Phantom pain receptors are removed with amputated limbs but severed nerve endings continue to send impulses to the
Characteristics of Sensations
Intensity the intensity of a sensation is related to the strength of the stimulus and/or number of receptors stimulated.
Contrast effect of a previous sensation on a current sensation; brain compares a new sensation to a previous one.
Characteristics of Sensations
Adaptation you become unaware of a continuous stimulus.
After image sensation remains in the consciousness even after the stimulus is gone flash from a camera.

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