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Anesthetic management of the illicit-substance-using patient

Marcelle Hernandeza, David J. Birnbachb and Andre A.J. Van Zundertc

Purpose of review Abbreviations

During the last few years, drug abuse has risen to the point CNS central nervous system
GHB g -hydroxybutyrate
that almost 20 million Americans are current abusers of IUGR intrauterine growth restriction
illicit substances. These patients present to us as LSD lysergic acid diethylamide
MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxmethamphetamine
anesthesiologists in a variety of circumstances: in obstetrics PSP phencyclidine
for labor and emergencies, in trauma for emergency THC D9-tetrahydrocannabinol
surgeries or life-saving (resuscitative) situations and in
everyday elective surgeries. Therefore it is important for 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
anesthesiologists to know about the most common illicit
drugs being used, to know their side effects and clinical
presentation if abused or intoxicated, and to know what Introduction
anesthetic options would be beneficial or detrimental. Through the years, abuse of illicit substances has been
Recent findings escalating despite efforts in health education, prevention
In this article we will review some of the most commonly and different detoxification or rehabilitation treatment
used illicit drugs, their effects on the organ systems and approaches. This is illustrated by the fact that in 2003 an
some tips to take into consideration when providing estimated 19.5 million Americans (8.2% of the popula-
anesthesia for these patients. We will discuss marijuana, tion) of ages 12 and older were current users of illicit
cocaine, opioids, hallucinogens, solvents and the newer drugs [1]. Even though as anesthesiologists we are gen-
so-called rave or club drugs. Newer treatment options for erally not the primary care physicians of these patients,
opioid detoxification will also be discussed. we encounter these patients as we administer anesthesia
Summary to them for emergency or trauma situations, obstetrics
Illicit substance abuse is a major health concern in the and even for regular elective surgeries. The latest find-
United States. Drug use, either acute or chronic, has ings from drug-abuse-related visits to the Emergency
potentially grave consequences which include changes Department reported by the Substance Abuse and Men-
affecting the pulmonary, cardiovascular, nervous, renal and tal Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in the
hepatic systems. Anesthesiologists come into contact with year 2000 are collected in the Drug Abuse Warning
these patients in emergency and everyday situations. Due to Network (DAWN), a national probability survey of 466
the diverse clinical presentations that may arise from single hospital Emergency Departments in 21 metropolitan
substance or polysubstance abuse, anesthetic areas of the USA. These findings include that there were
management should be tailored to each individual and 601 776 drug-related Emergency Department episodes.
universal precautions should always be followed when In decreasing order, the following drugs were mentioned
providing care. at the time of admission: alcohol in combination with
other drugs (204 524), cocaine (174 896), heroin/mor-
Keywords phine (97 287) and marijuana (96 446). On the other
anesthesia, illicit substance abuse hand, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
(NSDUH) has estimated that marijuana is the most
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 18:315324. 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. commonly used illicit drug (6.2% of the population or
14.6 million people), followed by cocaine (1% or 2.3 mil-
Jackson Memorial Hospital, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL,
USA, bDepartment of Anesthesiology, Miller School of Medicine of the University of lion people). An increase in the number of people aged 12
Miami, Chief, Womens Anesthesia, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL, USA or older abusing nonmedical pain relievers increased from
and cCatharina Hospital - Brabant Medical School, Department of Anesthesiology,
ICU and Pain Clinic, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 29.6 million to 31.2 million between 2002 and 2003.
Correspondence to Professor A.A.J. van Zundert, MD, PhD, FRCA, Catharina
Males were almost twice as likely to be classified with
Hospital - Brabant Medical School, Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain substance abuse or dependence when compared to
Clinic, Michelangelolaan 2, NL-5623 EJ, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 40 2399 111; e-mail:
females (12.2 versus 6.2%). However, in young people
(ages 1217) similar rates of drug abuse or dependence
Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2005, 18:315324
were reported in males and females (8.7 versus 9.1%).
Understanding the complexity of the problem of sub-
stance abuse is a challenge, since an interplay of
biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural, envir-
onmental and spiritual factors are involved.
316 Anaesthesia and medical disease

As anesthesiologists we need to be aware of the use of more frequent doses of analgesics to achieve expected
illicit drugs because of the long-term negative conse- effects, especially since most have cross-tolerance to
quences that it may have on health and how it impacts on opioid analgesics [4].
anesthetic care. Medical adverse effects range from
pulmonary and cardiovascular effects, to irreversible Anesthetizing pregnant women who use illicit drugs is
brain damage; these could manifest or worsen while particularly complex and difficult, especially when the
under anesthesia, when these substances interact with effects of drug abuse mimic disease such as preeclampsia.
the anesthetics provided. Illicit drugs may encourage Substance abuse during pregnancy has ranged from 0.4 to
reckless driving and thus increase the potential for 27% depending on the population being studied [5]. In one
motor-vehicle accidents and suicide attempts, often particular study, the prevalence of antepartum cocaine use
requiring anesthesia for emergency and trauma situa- among parturients without prenatal care in a New York
tions. In a study performed in Los Angeles County City hospital was reported to be 68% [6]. Drug-abusing
and the University of Southern California, an overall patients (especially when pregnant), due to social stigmas
53% of patients with gunshot wounds, 32.9% of victims and fear of punitive actions, usually deny their drug habit
of motor-vehicle accidents, 32.9% of patients with falls and receive no prenatal care. Drug users have more health
and 28.6% of pedestrians tested positive for illicit drugs or problems and more pregnancy complications but measur-
alcohol use. But in that study they made clear that the ing the impact of drug exposure on the fetus has proven to
prevalence of illicit drug use by trauma victims, although be difficult and only animal studies provide information
high, is associated with several factors, including: the regarding toxic or teratogenic effects of some of these
mechanism of injury; age, gender and ethnicity of the drugs. Pregnant women and women of child-bearing age
patient; and geographic location of the trauma center may place the fetus at risk for developmental disabilities,
[2]. In another study, the risk for motor-vehicle low birth weight and prematurity [5].
accidents was increased for drivers using alcohol,
benzodiazepines, amphetamines, cocaine and opiates. In this article we will be discussing some of the most
Exposure to cannabis alone did not affect driving per- frequently used illicit substances, their effects and impor-
formance, while the combination of cannabis with alcohol tance for anesthesiologists. We will also discuss why it is
had serious effects on this activity [3]. However, due to important to know a patients history of substance abuse
conflicting reports, the effects of substance abuse on prior to administering anesthesia or analgesia, allowing us
trauma victims are unknown [2]. to predict adverse drug interactions, predict tolerance to
some anesthetic agents and recognize drug-withdrawal
Injected drugs and high-risk sexual behaviors are key risk signs and symptoms.
factors for the transmission of blood-borne diseases such
as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. Numerous reports have Marijuana
also described the involvement of skeletal structures in One of the most popular recreational drugs of abuse
injection-drug users with infections. These patients are among millions of people is the hallucinogenic agent
usually young and the entry of pathogens into the body is marijuana, also referred to as pot, hash, grass, weed
allowed after injecting narcotics by nonsterile tech- and THC. It is obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa,
niques, including licking the needle or skin before injec- which contains chemicals also known as cannabinoids,
tion (needle lickers osteomyelitis) [4]. These infecting including its active ingredient D9-tetrahydrocannabinol
organisms may produce local disease at the site of (THC) and the tobacco carcinogen benzopyrene [7].
injection or involvement of bone or joint by hematogen- Marijuana can be smoked as a cigarette (a joint), using
ous spread (e.g. septic arthritis). Since some of these a water pipe or using a hollow cigar filled with marijuana
patients may have HIV, they may have concomitant (a blunt); it can also be taken orally. Its users experience
tuberculosis which, if disseminated, may produce extra- an intense feeling of relaxation within minutes and a
pulmonary tuberculosis involving the vertebral bodies. pleasant euphoria that last several hours. Marijuana com-
Of note, vertebral osteomyelitis is most commonly bined with drugs like alcohol or diazepam increases the
caused by bacterial pathogens after hematogenous sedative effect, while when combined with ampheta-
spread. In 5360% of patients the most common site mines or cocaine increases the stimulatory effects [7].
of involvement is the lumbar spine and these patients will Other effects of acute marijuana ingestion include
present with chronic low back pain and permanent tachycardia, conjunctival congestion and anxiety [8].
neurologic signs (in about 15%) [4]. Infection from bone Although acute toxicity or major anesthesia interactions
can extend into the epidural or subdural space forming an from this drug are rare, every system is affected by its use
abscess, which may lead to spinal-cord compression and and its clinical picture is unpredictable.
neurological deficits. It is important to remember that
patients using illicit substances are frequently under- Cannabinoids have a high fat solubility which leads to
medicated for pain since they may require higher and rapid accumulation in adipose tissue, from which it is
Anesthetic in illicit-substance-using patients Hernandez et al. 317

then released to the brain. Its elimination half-life in heart rate (such as ketamine, pancuronium, atropine
occasional users is approximately 56 h, while it is approxi- and epinephrine) should be avoided.
mately 28 h in chronic users. Nonetheless, cannabinoids
can be sequestered in adipose tissue, extending its tissue As with tobacco, cannabis inhalation affects lung func-
half-life to approximately a week [8]. Complete elim- tion as it is smoked unfiltered, exposing the user to
ination of a single dose may require up to 30 days, as carcinogens and contaminants. Its association with
THC can remain in the body a long time after being upper-airway irritability, in addition to impairment on
smoked [7,9]. Metabolism of cannabinoids occurs in the airway epithelial function and damage to bronchial tissue,
liver, into more than 20 metabolites, most with psycho- predisposes to chronic cough, bronchitis, emphysema
active properties [7]. and bronchospasm [11,12]. There have been reports of
oropharyngitis, acute upper-airway edema and obstruc-
Smoking marijuana on a frequent basis can lead to the tion in cannabis-smoking patients who have undergone
development of cognitive impairment, shortened mem- general anesthesia. Some even recommend administer-
ory span, confusion, altered time perception and dulled ing dexamethasone as prophylaxis to these patients if
reflexes, making it difficult to maintain normal daily undergoing general anesthesia [12].
activities at home or work. Some of the adverse reactions
mostly seen in smokers include anxiety, fear, depression, In pregnant patients it seems that chronic use of mari-
delusions, violent behavior and hallucinations. This juana may reduce uteroplacental perfusion and may thus
makes the smoker enjoy the so-called high while being result in fetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) [13].
unaware of the behavioral disabilities or how dysfunc- Although it is not a proven teratogen, some research
tional he or she has become. Abstinence following expo- suggests that cannabis is associated to low neonatal birth
sure to four or five cigarettes a day, even for a short period weight, increased risk of complications during labor and
of 3 days, has been associated with a withdrawal syn- delayed cognitive development in infants [13,14].
drome where there is increased latency to fall asleep,
negative mood and behavioral symptoms [10]. Attempts to legalize this drug are controversial and
complex. Its promoters enhance its antiemetic, analgesic
Anesthetic considerations and anticonvulsant properties in addition to its potential
As previously mentioned, cannabis can affect numerous to increase appetite. In addition it may improve glau-
body systems. On the autonomic nervous system, if low or coma. Others, however, discourage its therapeutic use
moderate doses are taken, an increase in sympathetic because of its potential for tolerance and abuse and its
activity occurs with a reduction of parasympathetic activ- psychoactive properties.
ity; this results in tachycardia and increased cardiac out-
put. If high doses are ingested, there is inhibition of the Cocaine
sympathetic activity but not of the parasympathetic Cocaine abuse has become a serious health concern
activity, leading to possible hypotension and bradycardia throughout the world. In the USA almost 5 million people
[8]. Life-threatening arrhythmias have not been use it regularly [15]. Cocaine is extracted from the leaves
reported, but an increase in supraventricular or ventri- of Erythroxylon coca, a plant indigenous to South America.
cular ectopic activity can occur as well as reversible The drug was first introduced as a local anesthetic due to
ST-segment and T-wave abnormalities [8]. The com- its topical anesthetic properties, commercially available
bination of marijuana with other sedative hypnotic drugs in a hydrochloride form as powder, granules or crystals.
may enhance depression of the central nervous system But the hydrochloride form can be converted back to its
(CNS). Cross-tolerance has been seen with cannabis alkalinized form by the addition of baking soda or ammo-
and alcohol, barbiturates, opioids, benzodiazepines and nia plus water followed by heating; the alkalinized form is
phenothiazines. widely smoked and known as crack or free base. This
crack cocaine (also called rock) is highly addictive and
Marijuanas effect on the cardiovascular system includes smoked in a base pipe, injected, snorted or ingested orally.
increased myocardial depression and tachycardia. There- Its low molecular weight and high lipid solubility allow
fore it is not surprising that its use may potentiate the easy diffusion across lipid membranes. Oral and snorted
effect of anesthetic drugs that affect blood pressure and cocaine, due to slower rates of absorption, yields lower
heart rate [8]. This can be seen when a patient is plasma levels. It has a biological half-life of 0.51.5 h as it is
receiving general anesthesia and the effects of marijuana metabolized by plasma and liver cholinesterases to water-
are added to the ones from potent inhalational agents soluble metabolites that are excreted in the urine. Only
resulting in profound myocardial depression. Adverse 15% of the ingested drug is cleared unmetabolized in the
reactions such as this may interfere with a safe induction urine, allowing its detection only 36 h after its use. On the
of anesthesia. Because of the tachycardia which occurs in other hand, two of cocaines metabolites (ecgonine methyl
patients with acute marijuana abuse, drugs increasing ester and benzoylecgonine) account for 7590% of
318 Anaesthesia and medical disease

its metabolism and can be detected in urine for Cocaine-abusing patients under general anesthesia may
1560 min after intake [16,17]. also exhibit hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias, with
their subsequent complications. As mentioned pre-
Cocaine interferes with presynaptic uptake of sympatho- viously, the pathogenesis of cocaine-related myocardial
mimetic neurotransmitters (e.g. norepinephrine, seroto- ischemia is due to increased myocardium oxygen
nin and dopamine) [17]. A powerful euphoria (lasting demand, the result of the vasoconstriction of the coronary
510 min if smoked and 1030 min if snorted) is pro- arteries and/or because of enhanced platelet aggregation,
duced as a result of free catecholamines stimulating the leading to thrombus formation [21]. The latter is the
sympathoadrenal axis and the prolongation of dopami- reason why sometimes these patients are placed in throm-
nergic activity in the limbic system and adrenal cortex. bolytic therapy during an acute infarction thought to be
Blood flow to arteries in areas like the heart and brain may related to cocaine use [16]. Severe hypertension may
be compromised as these vessels vasoconstrict or vasos- also occur as a result of direct laryngoscopy in cocaine-
pasm temporarily, severely compromising oxygenation intoxicated patients undergoing general anesthesia. To
and supply; this may lead to irreversible brain damage, reduce this complication, it is recommended that blood
stroke and myocardial infarction or depression [16]. At pressure be controlled with medications prior to induc-
higher doses, cocaine can depress ventricular function tion. b-Blockers, such as propanolol, are contraindicated
and slow electrical conduction of the heart; pathologic in these patients because of the potential for unopposed
changes of contraction-band necrosis and ventricular a-adrenergic stimulation [22]. Although some may con-
hypertrophy also contribute to the potentially lethal sider that the short elimination half-life of esmolol is
sequelae of this drug [18]. Although quite rare, acute advantageous, its b-blockade may also enhance cocaine-
aortic dissection can occur in these patients, perhaps a induced coronary vasoconstriction. Intravenous hydrala-
consequence of abrupt, severe hypertension and catecho- zine has also been used for the treatment of hypertension
lamine release [19]. Other adverse effects, many of which in these patients because of its beneficial vasodilatation
have implications to the anesthesiologist, include infec- and decrease in systemic vascular resistance. However, a
tion or perforation of the nasal septum, anxiety, rest- suboptimal aspect of this medication would be the occur-
lessness, irritability, confusion, papillary dilatation, rence of reflex tachycardia, in a patient already tachycar-
seizures, tachycardia, peripheral blood vessel constric- dic [23]. Labetalol has been another medication
tion, hypertension, angina or myocardial infarction, recommended, but its use is also controversial. Its non-
ventricular arrhythmias and death [7]. Pulmonary com- selective b- and a-adrenergic blockade which acts fast
plications associated with cocaine range from simple and restores blood pressure without changes in heart
asthma to pulmonary hemorrhage [20]. Cocaine addiction rate, seems useful in cardiovascular changes resulting
is the result of tolerance, both psychological and physio- from cocaine toxicity [16]. However, unopposed
logical. Sudden discontinuation leads to craving for the a-stimulation may occur. Other drugs mentioned include
drug, mental depression and fatigue. nitroglycerin, nitroprusside and calcium-channel block-
ers. Cocaine-related chest pain has been treated with
Anesthetic considerations phentolamine (a-adrenergic blocker), nitroglycerin,
Serious complications are associated with both regional verapamil, benzodiazepines and aspirin.
and general anesthesia when administered to cocaine
abusers. Although it is controversial if a platelet count The potent volatile anesthetics may also produce cardiac
is required for an otherwise healthy cocaine abuser, arrhythmias and increase the systemic vascular resistance
cocaine-induced thrombocytopenia can occur. Many in patients acutely intoxicated with cocaine. Halothane is
theories for this have been proposed, including that an example of a volatile agent best avoided, because of its
this is the result of platelet activation due to arterial vaso- sensitizing effects on the myocardium to catecholamines
spasm or part of an autoimmune response [16]. When [22]. Ketamine should be used with caution or avoided
regional anesthesia is provided, the hemodynamic con- since it may stimulate the CNS and increase catechola-
sequences of cocaine use should be taken into considera- mine levels, potentiating cardiac effects, or alternatively
tion: hypertension may occur (a result of the peripheral it may cause myocardial depression in the absence of
vasoconstriction); as well as hypotension, which may catecholamines [24]. Etomidate administration should
lead to cardiac arrhythmias or myocardial dysfunction. also be used with caution because of possible myoclonus,
Ephedrine-resistant hypotension may be encountered; seizures and hyperreflexia. Induction with propofol and
however, it appears that low doses of phenylephrine, thiopental has proven to be safe in cocaine-abusing
titrated to effect, usually restore blood pressure. patients. It is controversial whether or not succinylcho-
Patients under regional anesthesia may also show com- line produces prolonged blockade because of depletion of
bative behavior and altered pain perception, perhaps cholinesterase by cocaine metabolism or a competition
due to changes in m- and k-opioid receptor densities between cocaine and succinylcholine for plasma cho-
and abnormal endorphin levels [16]. linesterases [25]. Dexmedetomidine a highly selective
Anesthetic in illicit-substance-using patients Hernandez et al. 319

a2-adrenoreceptor agonist, recently introduced into parturients. Chronic cocaine abuse produces permanent
anesthesia practice for its sedative and analgesic proper- biochemical and functional changes in the fetus, affecting
ties, has demonstrated in rats that it delays the onset of brain structures (e.g. manifested as low IQ scores), and it
cocaine-induced seizure activity and consequently is still controversial if there is also an increased risk of
increases the cumulative doses of cocaine necessary to congenital anomalies [34].
produce seizures [26]. In addition, this may be related to
dexmedetomidine-induced attenuation in the nucleus In the future it is possible the administration of ondanse-
accumbens dopamine concentrations in the brain. tron (0.2 mg/kg, subcutaneous), given during the acute
cocaine-withdrawal period, may attenuate intake the
Research still continues on how cocaine affects other following day, proving to be an effective cocaine-abuse
organ systems. Some authors emphasize that cardiovas- therapy [35] and help in the perioperative period. This
cular consequences persist after cessation of long-term requires further research.
cocaine use, and insist that asymptomatic patients may
have subclinical cardiovascular pathology that should be Opioids
assumed as an important cardiac risk factor [27]. Others The analgesic and/or euphoric effects of this class of
show that even without acute intoxication, severe cardi- medication is what attracts people to start using them;
ovascular problems are still possible if there is chronic unfortunately, it leads rapidly to tolerance, physical
cocaine abuse and recommend a cocaine-free interval of addiction, psychological dependence and narcotic absti-
at least 1 week before elective surgical procedures [28]. nence syndrome [7]. Addiction to opioids occurs rapidly if
The powerful vasospasm caused by cocaine may also the drug is administered daily in increasing doses. These
contribute to the acute renal insufficiency sometimes drugs may be abused orally, subcutaneously or intraven-
seen in these patients, although this could also be sec- ously. Codeine, oxycodeine, meperidine, pentazocine,
ondary to rhabdomyolisis [29]. Brazilian researchers have fentanyl, propoxyphene, methadone, morphine and her-
warned about the various effects this drug has on the oin are all opioids that have been abused. Approximately
respiratory system and stress those related to long-term 30% of adolescents who smoke heroin end up as adult
use. Some of these pulmonary complications include heroin addicts and the younger the addict and the greater
infections (pulmonary tuberculosis, AIDS, Staphylococcus the number of years of addiction, the greater the risk for
aureus), aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess, septic embo- relapse after discontinuation [7]. Heroin abuse may lead
lism, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, barotraumas, to tetanus, botulism, multiple skin infections, hepatitis (B
pneumonias, lung infiltrates, vasculitis, pulmonary infarc- and C), HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, endocarditis (by S.
tion, pulmonary hypertension and alterations in gas aureus), osteomyelitis, fat necrosis, lipodystrophy, skin
exchange [30]. atrophy, peptic ulcer disease, amenorrhea, false-positive
VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory) and many
The prevalence of cocaine abuse in young adults has other complications, all which can be encountered in a
increased markedly and nearly 90% of cocaine-abusing patient requiring surgery [7]. Clinical manifestations of
women are of child-bearing age [31]. Lack of prenatal opioid overdose include slow respiratory rate with an
care, history of premature labor and cigarette smoking occasional increase in tidal volume and miotic pupils
are associated risk factors that may arouse suspicion of [31]. When symptoms of restlessness, insomnia, mydria-
cocaine use in pregnancy [31]. Careful and non- sis, tachycardia, tachypnea and hypertension are mani-
judgmental history-taking, physical examination and fested, acute opioid withdrawal may be occurring [31].
toxicology screening are necessary to confirm the diag- These symptoms may occur 46 h after the last opioid
nosis [32]. Pregnancy enhances the cardiovascular toxi- intake, with a peak between 48 and 72 h. Dysphoria,
city of cocaine and its complications worsen due to the bizarre behavior and unconsciousness are some of the
increased oxygen demand and limited or decreased sup- CNS manifestations that can be seen; the risk of aspira-
ply, due to the increases in heart rate, blood pressure and tion may also be increased since the patient may lose his
left-ventricular contractility [16]. As mentioned above, or her ability to protect the airway. Pulmonary edema and
due to its solubility there is rapid transplacental diffusion death may result from heroin overdose. Studies on rats
and high fetal-blood and -tissue cocaine levels, which have shown that heroin can injure the myocardium by
may affect fetal blood vessels and uterine blood flow changing its myocardial ultrastructure, thought to be a
[16]. Decreased uteroplacental blood flow may lead to result of myocardial apoptosis [36]. Craving for the drug
uteroplacental insufficiency, acidosis, hypoxia and fetal is associated with lacrimation, rhinorrhea, yawning and
distress [33]. Acute effects from cocaine intake in piloerection [31].
parturients include fetal distress, placental abruption,
preterm delivery, fetal tachycardia, hypertension and In parturients, intravenous opioid abuse may affect the
intrauterine fetal death [34]. There is also a 4-fold fetus indirectly, as a result of maternal malnutrition or
increase in emergency abdominal delivery in these infection, or directly, by transplacental opioid transfer
320 Anaesthesia and medical disease

and its direct effect on the fetus [31]. Consequences from the patients rights and concerns for safety and abuse,
intrauterine drug exposure include fetal IUGR, fetal raising ethical issues [41].
distress and neonatal opioid withdrawal. Although metha-
done administration has its risks, its maintenance poses While many opioid addicts want to undergo detoxifica-
fewer hazards to mother and fetus [31]. tion, most go through unpleasant and sometimes fatal
detoxification processes. Often these prove to be unsuc-
Anesthetic considerations cessful. Newer methods are being studied for detoxifica-
Various medications have been beneficial in helping tion [42]. Ultrarapid detoxification allows the individual
heroin addicts stay off this drug. Methadone is one of to withdraw from the opioid without suffering from with-
these alternatives that serves as a substitute blocking the drawal syndrome and, if done properly, with few adverse
narcotic effects, prevents withdrawal symptoms and events. This is done in a controlled setting, like an
reduces the addicts craving for more drugs. It still intensive-care unit. The patient is not allowed to eat
provides the classic euphoric state of heroin but allows the night before and given a clonidine patch of 0.2 mg
the user to re-enter society [7]. (12 h before the procedure). Aspiration prophylaxis,
ondansetron and an anticholinergic are administered
Opioid antagonists or agonistantagonists administered before the procedure. Once the patient is monitored,
via any route must be avoided in these addicts since they clonidine is administered to lower the heart rate to 60
can precipitate acute withdrawal syndrome. For example, beats per minute and systolic blood pressure is kept be-
this occurs minutes after naloxone administration. These low 100 mmHg. Rapid sequence induction is performed
symptoms can be treated with clonidine, which replaces and anesthesia is maintained with propofol, methohexital
opioid-mediated inhibition with a2-agonist-mediated or inhalational agents. Patients are not maintained para-
inhibition of the CNS [37]. Diphenhydramine and dox- lyzed after the induction dose of succinylcholine to
epine have also been used. The withdrawal syndrome observe the signs of withdrawal (mentioned above).
may also be reversed by administration of an opioid or by Withdrawal is then precipitated by an antagonist (intra-
substituting methadone. venous naloxone being one of the preferred choices).
After the procedure is finished and extubation is accom-
Regional anesthesia can be administered safely to these plished, the patient is monitored and maintained on
patients. An increased tendency for hypotension, how- naltrexone (50 mg by mouth) for at least 6 months of
ever, should be anticipated. It has been reported that the detoxification process. There is continued debate
these patients have an increased incidence of spinal, regarding new treatments like this, the use of naltrexone
epidural and disc-space infection [38]. Since these implants and the use of gabapentin after rapid opioid
patients may have HIV as part of their medical history, detoxification (ROD), and still more research has to be
it is important to know that regional anesthesia is not done.
contraindicated [39]. HIV is a neurotropic virus, which
means that the CNS is infected early in the course of the Hallucinogens and other so-called club drugs
disease [40]. However, if any of the patients has AIDS The hallucinogen group of drugs includes lysergic acid
with CNS HIV infection, progressive demyelination and diethylamide (LSD), phencyclidine (PCP), psilocybin
neurologic deficits, regional anesthesia may be contra- and mescaline. All are ingested orally and cause auditory,
indicated [31]. visual and tactile hallucinations with distortions of body
image, surroundings and reality, anxiety, panic attacks
Opioid addicts may have difficult peripheral and central and a fear of going crazy [31]. These drugs are not
venous access. Sepsis, coagulopathy and hemodynamic associated with physical dependence or withdrawal
instability may increase the risk associated with general symptoms but do cause psychological dependence and
anesthesia. These patients may have concomitant liver tolerance. They activate the sympathetic nervous system
disease, malnutrition and reduced intravascular fluid by causing hypertension and tachycardia, increase body
volume which may require adjustments in anesthetic temperature and dilate pupils. The effects of acute
drug doses. Acute administration of opioids decrease ingestion develop over 12 h and last for approximately
minimal alveolar concentration or anesthetic require- 12 h. Unrecognized injuries can occur while intoxicated
ments [31]. Chronic opioid abuse leads to cross-tolerance because of intrinsic analgesic properties (a2-agonist) [31].
of anesthetic drugs and other depressants, usually a result Overdose with these medications can cause respiratory
of chronic receptor stimulation. Postoperatively, due to depression, seizures, coma (without respiratory depres-
decreased pain tolerance secondary to decreased produc- sion) and death.
tion of endogenous opioids, these patients may experi-
ence exaggerated pain. Perioperative management of the LSD is a chemical found in morning glory seeds and
opioid-dependent patient poses a challenge to anesthe- ergot, a rye fungus. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless.
siologists and pain specialists due to the conflict between Its action is thought to involve an interaction with
Anesthetic in illicit-substance-using patients Hernandez et al. 321

serotonin neurotransporters. PCP, or angel dust, leads to noted within 1020 min, can last for up to 4 h. Because
adrenergic potentiation by inhibiting catecholamine it is cleared so rapidly from the body, is metabolized into
reuptake in the neurons. It is found in liquid, tablet or carbon dioxide and water, and has no residue of toxic
powder forms and is manufactured easily. Helpful med- metabolites, it is very difficult to detect by drug testing
ications used to treat agitation produced by these drugs [7]. An overdose of GHB (which generally requires large
include diazepam or haloperidol. PCP coma may present doses) can result in respiratory depression, coma and death.
with nystagmus, muscle rigidity and increased deep-
tendon reflexes [7]. Ketamine is a PCP derivative with sedative, anesthetic,
amnesic and analgesic properties. It can be given orally,
Another drug that has the properties of both a hallucino- intravenously or intramuscularly; when used illicitly, its
gen and a stimulant is 3,4-methylenedioxmethampheta- common form is a white powder that can be snorted,
mine (MDMA), otherwise known as ecstasy. Other street smoked or used intravenously, intramuscularly or orally
names for this drug are X, E, XTC, the love drug, clarity [43]. Its attraction to users comes from its out-of-body
and Adam, to name just a few. It was first synthesized and experience and its dissociative effects. Delirium, amne-
used as an appetite suppressant but its euphoric and sia, depression and long-term memory and cognitive
energizing effects made it popular on college campuses problems are some of its common effects. In high doses
and dance parties [7]. It has also been used as a date-rape respiratory arrest can occur, the sympathetic nervous
pill. It is swallowed or inserted rectally, being absorbed system is upregulated and increases in systemic and
readily by the gastrointestinal tract [43]. Its effects pulmonary artery pressures can occur, along with
usually last 36 h but it can last as long as several days. increases in cardiac output and heart rate that could result
Some of its effects include memory dysfunction, cogni- in coronary ischemia in predisposed patients [7].
tive disabilities and behavioral problems, a result of the
damage done to serotonergic neurons in the CNS [7]. Fry is an altered form of marijuana that is smoked in
High doses of MDMA may induce malignant hyperther- PCP-laced, formaldehyde-soaked marijuana cigarettes
mia, cause breakdown of muscle tissue which may pro- [43]. The primary effect of smoking these cigarettes is
gress to kidney and heart failure [7,44]. Fulminant liver toxic psychosis. Other effects include hallucinations,
damage and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy delusions, panic, paranoia and loss of consciousness. Side
have also been documented [45]. Several cases of seizures effects are associated with embalming fluid, which
have been attributed to the severe hyponatremia and include disorganized thoughts, decreased attention span,
cerebral edema that results from profound sweating and psychomotor agitation and upregulation of the sympa-
increased water consumption (water intoxication) [43]. thetic nervous system. Exposure to the embalming fluid
formaldehyde can cause bronchitis, brain and lung
Rohypnol or flunitrazepam is a CNS depressant from the damage, inflammation, impaired coordination and sores
same family as diazepam and midazolam. It has anxio- in the throat, nose and esophagus [43].
lytic, anticonvulsant and sedative/hypnotic properties. It
can be snorted or taken orally; if used on a regular basis, in Parturients abusing hallucinogenic drugs have a higher
order to get a high, increasingly larger doses need to be risk of premature labor and delivery, fetal IUGR,
taken. It is also another of the date-rape drugs and is meconium-stained fluid and neonatal withdrawal syn-
administered as a pill or dissolved in liquids. Anterograde drome. The hyperthermia induced by these drugs is
amnesia occurs with blackouts of short-term memory loss thought to increase maternal and fetal oxygen consump-
or suppression of events happening while under the tion, leading to possible fetal heat-induced neurological
drugs influence. Effects are observed within 30 min of injury [46]. If MDMA is taken during pregnancy, the risk
ingestion, peak within 12 h and last as long as 810 h for congenital effects is increased (cardiac anomalies,
[43]. cleft lip and palate, biliary atresia, fetal IUGR, intrauter-
ine fetal demise and cerebral hemorrhage) [7,47,48].
g-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), or liquid ecstasy, is another
popular club drug which acts as a CNS depressant, It is important to be aware that these illicit drugs are often
leading to euphoria and the reduction of ones inhibitions used in combination with other drugs and alcohol. This
[7]. Its usefulness as an anesthetic declined after the may potentiate most of their side effects and intoxication
development of newer anesthetic agents and because of would be more harmful. There are no known antidotes
its side effects (severe nausea and vomiting, seizures, for intoxication with rave or club drugs and treatment
and lack of analgesic properties) [43]. It is a so-called would be supportive if such a case arises.
designer drug, easy to make at home, and is often abused
by being placed in party drinks to produce sedation Anesthetic considerations
and amnesia. GHB addicts undergo a withdrawal During anesthesia and surgery, some issues can be
syndrome when stopping the drug [7]. Its effects are anticipated in these patients. The risk of autonomic
322 Anaesthesia and medical disease

dysregulation is high and wide swings in blood pressure with an increased risk of preterm delivery, prenatal
and tachycardia should be prevented since there is an mortality and fetal IUGR [55,56].
increased risk of cardiomyopathy, coronary and cerebral
vasospasm [43]. There have been reports of arterial Anesthetic considerations
vasospasm leading to nonhemorrhagic cerebral vascular As mentioned previously, these patients are at an
accidents, myocardial ischemia and infarction [49,50]. increased risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias due to
Due to its sympathomimetic stimulation effects, extreme autonomic cardiac dysfunction caused by the abuse of
caution should be taken when using vasopressors such these solvents. Myocardial infarction and labile blood
as ephedrine, even if regional anesthesia produces pressures might also be encountered. In acutely intoxi-
sympathectomy-induced hypotension [31]. These patients cated patients, general anesthesia is sometimes the best
exhibit an exaggerated response to sympathomimetic option due to their respiratory compromise and increased
drugs and arrhythmias are likely. It is also thought that incidence of nausea and vomiting. Pulmonary complica-
hallucinogens may prolong the analgesic and ventilatory- tions may reflect increased airway resistance. When
depressant effects of opioids. The overzealous consump- regional anesthesia is considered, it is important to con-
tion of water by ecstasy users may not only bring us a sider the patients altered perception and combative
patient with water intoxication and cerebral edema, as behavior. Distal and proximal acidosis could be of con-
mentioned above, but also a patient with pulmonary cern in these patients.
edema [51,52]. Fluids and electrolytes must be evaluated
closely while in the operating room [43]. It has also been Conclusion
suggested that LSD and PCP may cause prolongation of Substance abuse remains one of the biggest societal
succinylcholine effects, a result of presumed inhibition of problems around the world despite education on preven-
plasma cholinesterase activity [44]; but most important in tion and rehabilitation of illicit drugs. Anesthesiologists
patients with a history of MDMA-related hyperthermia is should be aware of this problem and the most likely
the avoidance of volatile agents and succinylcholine. effects and potential risks associated with the abuse of
Anesthetics metabolized through liver and eliminated illicit substances. Some of these patients may present at
through the kidneys may have a prolonged effect that preadmission testing, emergency situations (even critical
may be due to fatty liver changes and acute renal failure care) or in the obstetric suite for anesthesia or analgesia. It
in MDMA abusers. is very important to enquire in a nonjudgmental way
about addiction and substance abuse, obtain toxicology
In parturients, these amphetamine-like medications may screens, and identify these patients in order to minimize
pose a problem from their initial presentation to an the adverse effects of anesthetic agents and other drugs
anesthesiologist. The combination of hypertension and provided while in care. It is equally important to mini-
proteinuria with or without seizures from their acute mize postoperative risks from inadequate analgesia. Due
intake may be mistaken for preeclampsia or eclampsia. to the diverse clinical presentations that may arise from
Routine laboratory studies (liver- and kidney-function substance or polysubstance abuse, the anesthetic
tests) along with urine toxicology screening may help rule management should be tailored to each individual and
out one or another of the diagnoses. universal precautions should always be followed when
providing care.
Inhalants include a variety of substances, such as organic
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