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The life span can be assessed by examining the longevity determinants in any given chart. After
doing that, the planetary periods that can cause death (in conjunction with the use of the transit
chart) are:

(1) The sub-periods of the functional malefics in the main periods of the
determinants of longevity.
(2) The sub-periods of weak and afflicted determinants in the main period of the functional
(3) The weak and afflicted planets placed in the 8th and the 12th houses.
These are indications for the benefit of the astrologers knowledge only, and should not be used
as part of the reading done for the client. We always leave the final say up to God.

The primary determinant of longevity is a strong ascendant if containing a mooltrikona sign. If

the ascendant does not contain a mooltrikona
sign, then the lord of the eighth house functions as primary determinant
of longevity. If both the ascendant and the lord of the eighth house
do not contain a mooltrikona sign, then the lord of the twelfth house
acts as a primary determinant for the longevity. The supplementary
determinants of longevity are the Sun, the Moon and the ayushkaraka,
Saturn. The operating main/sub period of planets play a key role.

In case the primary determinant and the secondary determinant(s) are strongly well placed, the
native enjoys a full life span. In case the planets signifying health are weak, but the primary
determinant and ayushkaraka are strong/well placed and unafflicted, the native enjoys a
medium life span. Full life span is beyond 65 while medium life span is between 32 to 65 years.
If primary and secondary determinants are weak, then the native may have a short life span i.e.
between 8th to 32nd year. Death in infancy is given by weak and afflicted primary and secondary
determinants, besides the operating planetary periods of the functional malefic
planets at birth.

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