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The art of prediction is undoubtedly the most difficult and intricate portion of Astrology and mastery in it can
obtained by constant study, methodical procedure, cool thinking and exercise of imagination. The student can
acquire much knowledge and experience, speedily enough, if he systematically follows the two processes
analysis and synthesis. The students should know that the rules given hereunder serve as guides but not enough
as infallible dictums and that they should cultivate their powers of judgment by intelligence and persevering
study and interpretations.

No Horoscope can be perfect in all aspects. Varily man’s lot in the life is not without some incongruencies of
even vicissitudes of some shape or other in a greater or lesser manner. Each planet disperses its own light from
a certain place in the heaven called sign and from certain angle with reference to the moment of birth (lagna)
called house and that light undergoes chemical changes before reaching us due to the distance of one planet
from another called aspects. The study of all these requires much care and intelligence if not patience and

The strength and nature of each of the following form the main considerations in judging the effects of a house:
the sign, the planet, or planets by sign, the same by house, the same by Lordship of house. The Lord of that
house the Chief governor of the affair indicated by the house. The aspect to and between all these.

Bhavakarakas: Each of the Bhavas has one or more karakas or significators who are permanent presidents.
They are in order (1) The Sun (2) Jupiter (3)Mars (4) The Moon and Mercury (5) Jupiter (6)Saturn and Mars
(7) Venus (8) Saturn (9) The Sun and Jupiter (10) The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn (11) Jupiter and (12)
Saturn. The Sun has three portfolios, of the 1st, 9th and 10th. The Moon and Venus have only one each viz. 4th
and 7th respectively. Mars has two, the 3rd and 6th, Mercury to has two viz. 4th and 10th. Jupiter has five and
Saturn four. From this it would be clear that Jupiter and Saturn hold extra-ordinary positions in the life of

Benefics in auspicious Bhavas– those except the Dustanas, 6, 8, 12, enhance their good effects while in evil
houses they tone down their bad effects. Similarly malefics in good houses, spoil their good effects, except when
they own such houses, and enhance the bad effects, of the evil houses they are in. The important point is the
karakas should not occupy the particular Bhavas. Though Jupiter the Karaka for five Bhavas, 2,5,9,10 and 11,
yet he ius bad only for the 5thBhava viz.issue, if he is posited in that Bhava. For intellectual acumen etc. he
must be good even there When we want to know all about a Bhava, consider that as the starting point i.e.Lagna
and the next house there from as it is house of wealth or family. If we want to know the all the details about a
subject father we should take the 9th house as the lagna and proceed further. The 9th house from this new
Lagna would give an idea about the subjetc’s paternal grandfather. Similarly the 4th house in the case of the
mother. This is not sufficient. The significator for father is the Sun. So to supplement the knowledge got
through the bhava we have to take the Sun as the Lagna and proceed as before. Even this will not give a correct
and the whole picture. We should start again with the lord of the particular Bhava as the Lagna and repeat the
above process. If we put together the knowledge of all these we will have a fairly accurate knowledge of the
Bhava and its relations. The strength of the Bhava, its Karaka and the lord, as well as aspects etc. should be
borne in mind while assessing the worth of a Bhava. There are five kinds of relationship or “Sambandha” viz.
(1) Exchange of positions between two planets or what is known as planets in mutual reception, (2) Conjunction
of the two, (3) Mutual aspect, (4) to be in mutual Kendras or quadrants, and (5) to be in mutual konas or trines.
This knowledge will help to ascertain if the lord and karaka of a Bhava are in good or bad relationship between
themselves. It is bad for the lord of a Bhava to be posited in a Dusthana, 6,8,12, from that Bhava.

There are some more ideas about the Bhava, their lord etc.: A Bhava will be capable of yielding its full effects if
it is aspected by or conjoined with benefics or its own lord, provided there is neither the aspect of, nor
conjunction with malefics. In this connection it is also necessary for all the concerned planets to be free from
combustion, debilitation and position in an inimical house. Secondly, a Bhava is considered to bed strong and
beneficent when the trines (5th and 9th), 2nd, 4th, 7th and 10th houses counted from that Bhava are occupied
by benefics or by the lord of the Bhava, and are unoccupied and unaspected by malefics. If malefics are in these
positions, or if they aspect them, the Bhava will be spoiled. Similarly if the lord of any Bhava is posited in the
8th house counted from the Lagna, then too the effects of that Bhava will be bad. Likewise if the lord of an evil
house should occupy a Bhava, the latter would suffer unless aspected by a benefic. A Bhava is also destroyed if
the Bhava, ots lord and its Karaka are all weak, are hemmed in betwixt malefics, are aspected by or conjoined
with malefics or enemies only and if malefics occupy the 4th,8th and 12th houses or Konas counted from that
Bhava. The possible time of destruction of any Bhava can be found out thus: Note the lord of the 8th house
counted from the Bhava, the lord of the 22nd decanate from that Bhava and planets posited in the 6th, 7th and
8th places counted also from the Bhava. If these planets are weak, they may bring about the destruction of the
Bhava during their Dasa periods. On the other hand the following planets will bring success and prosperity in
their dasas to the Bhava: Malefics in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses from it and benefics in its Kendras and
Konas, if these are strong, as well as those planets that are friendly to the lord of that Bhava, Similarly that
Bhava wherein the lord of the Lagna is posited will generally prosper. If theLagna Lord is conjoined with the
lord of any Bhava, the former will promote the effects of the latter house. If the lord of a house is weak and
posited in an evil house, the harm done to that house will be indescribable. On the other hand if the said lord is
strong, the harm will be meager. The presence of lagna lord in a Bhava, if the lord were a malefic planet he
would promote the effects of that Bhava. There is a difficulty again here. A planet may own the Lagna and an
evil house, 6th, 8th or 12th. For instance, Mars is the lord of Aries Lagna as well as of the 8th; or lord of
Scorpio-Lagna and of the 6th. In such cases he should be considered as the lord of the Lagna alone, and not of
the other too. The idea is that not much importance could be attached to his ownership of the evil house. So the
presence of Mars in the 5th house viz. Leo or Pisces will not harm to issue. If there is also benefic aspect on
Mars, the birth of a son will bemuch quicker. Suppose a planet owns two houses, say 9th and 12, in the case of
Aries Lagna and Jupiter, then the effects of the planet’s Mulatrikona i.e. Sagittarius, will be felt in full, where
as those of the 12th viz. Pisces, which is only his Svaksetra (own house) will be only half. In the Dasa of such a
planet the effects of both the Bhavas will be felt in their order. In this case Jupiter’s Dasa will give in the first
half the effects of the 9th and in the latter half those of the 12 house. There is difference of opinion among the
authorities about this. They say that if the concerned planet is posited in an odd house, then it will first produce
the effects of the odd house and then of the even house, and vice versa. Similarly find out the the kind of
relationship, whether friend, intimate friend, enemy etc. that subsists between the lord of a particular Bhava
and the lord of the current Dasa. If the latter were the bitter foe of that Bhava, we may expect great harm
coming to that Bhava during that Dasa.

Good & Bad Aspects of planets over Bhavas: The aspect plays a vital role when examining the influences over a
bhava. Normally, There has been an opinion that the aspect of the Jupiter is good and that of Mars and Saturn
are not good. But, above all there still more important points are to be examined thoroughly.

1. Whether the aspecting planet is an auspiciousplanet?

2. The planet is a friendly planet or enemy one to the lord of the Ascendant.

3. The planet which aspects a sign is a friendly or enemy sign

4. The nature of the aspecting panet is favourable or not?

5. Whether the aspecting planet has enough strength or not?

If the aspecting is not an auspicious the reverse results will come out. Also if that happens to be in enemy place
to the lord of the ascendant satisfactory results cannot be achieved. Jupiter when stationed in scorpio sign
aspects his own house Pieces. Enemy sign Taurus and exalted sign Cancer. Very good results come from cancer
and Piseces and unfavourable results for Taurus.

Keeping in view all the above points it is also to be examined whether the planets stationed on either side of a
bhava or beneficial or malicious. This is called good or bad situation. If planets situated on both sides of bhava
are auspicious, than the bhava is fully good. If not bad. That is to say if the inauspicious planets are situated on
both sides, the bhava becomes weak.

The aspects to a planet indicate the nature of assistance or hinderance that it receives. When there are no
aspects to a planet the matters governed by it will be isolated and un-influenced by others. Thus, if the Lord of
the ascendant is un-aspected, the native is also left to his own resources and receives little or no assistance from

General principles for Finance, Ranking Etc.: A planet in a favourable sign and in unfavourable house indicaes
a well developed character struggling in bad environment(Robson). When there is no planet in a house,
consider its Lord and also its aspect to the cuspal degree of the house and that degree as if it were a planet.
The Lord of the 1st house10this a powerful indication to raise the man to eminence and fame and gives him
capacity for self-earning. Since the Lord of the ascendant deserving primordial consideration is elevated in the

Benefics more elevated than the Malefics denote prosperity, general welfare, and good luck. (Aplanet in the
11th) is more elevated than one in the 12th, the Most elevated planet shows generally thenature of profession
and income derived thereby.

Jupiter, Venus,SunMercury and Moon in the 2nd house with benefic aspects from other planets are very potent
factors for making the man rich and giving much earning capacity. The nearer, they are to the 2nd cusp, the
greater is the wealth. The majority of the planets in movable signs and if in them are included. The Lords of 1st
and 2nd give decent earnings in a short time. In fixed signs it is by a steady and slow process but gives the
power to hoard up. In common signs it is by partnerships, service or agencies but often denote lack of

Planets in 4th house with good aspects and the Lord of the 4th house strong,give much maternal property,
Saturn and Mars in the 4th denote much landed property only when strong. Jupiter gives lands, palatial
buildings and gardens, Venus gives luxurious vehicles, artistic buildings and much contentment. The aspect of
the Lord of the 4th to the Lord of the 1st or to the ruling planets in the ascendants enable the natives to
improve his property by talents and virtues. When planets are strong in the 8th, Native inherits many legacies
specially through his wife as the 8th denotes the money of the wife. If in the 10th, he earns through independent
exertion and personal merit, if in 11th through trade, money lending, friends and associations but indications
are stronger when the Lord of 1st and 2nd are among those when in such positions. The mutual reception or in
conjunction of the Lords of the 4th and 9th or 9th and 10th or 1stand 10th or the 1st and 9th or the 1st and 2nd,
or the 2nd and the 11th tends to increase the earning capacity and gives riches.

Conversely the 1st and 8th or 1st and 6th or 8th and 12th or 6th and 8th or 2nd and 6th tends to produced ill
health, enemies quarrels, unforeseen difficulties and increases debts expenditure far out-weighing the income.
If Mercury in 2nd house is strong it increases solid cash and Jupiter all round property. Saturn adds caution,
frugality and thrift but gives dire want only if afflicted and weak. If strong, Saturn in 2nd is not harmful for
material welfare as is commonly supposed.

Mars gives much competence for self-earning but inclines to free and lavish expenditure. The good aspects to
the second cusp are highly favourable for promoting material welfare. If the Lord is of the 1st aspects, money is
got by one’s own merits, if by 11th by trade, if by investments, enterprise and speculation, if 9th, by foreign
voyage, dealings and publications.

A benefic aspect to the cusp of M.C is very powerful, almost quick to the position of the planet on M.C. good
aspects from benifics are stronger than those of malefics.

Fortune in an angle preferably in the superior ones or in the 2nd, in conjunction with or in good aspects with
benefics is a strong indication of great riches. Western Astrologers have attached much significance to it and
have given many examples of famous horoscopes to substantiate its inclusion in each judgement.

Conjuction of benefics with fortune has much significance while the aspects to do are secondary.

Fortune in conjunction with or in good aspect to the malefics promotes good luck and riches like benefics but
such planets should be well fortified or in good aspect to M.C. or its sign. The Lord should be strong.

The Lord of the sign containing fortune being strong by sign and aspects to Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus makes
the man rich. If fortune is in succeedent house with adverse rays from planets, the fortune that is probably
obtained is not likely to continue.

The Strength of the Lord of Bhava (Sixteen Divisions) The Aspects on the Bhava Lord: While examining a
bhava some norms are to be observed. For instance, (1) the bhava, the lord of the bhava, the bhava signifiator –
respective strength. (2) Either the lord of the bhava or the bhava significator had sufficient strength or not
according to 16 divisions. (3) The strength of the lord of the bhava is also an important factor, in the ascendant
Aries, if Jupiter is stationed and the lord of the house occupies an enemy’s place, though is strength attained to
the ascendant on account of Jupiter, the person acquires honours but he will not be independent. The
independent status shall give signification. (4) If the bhava lord possesses strength and has the aspects of
friendly planets or inimical planets, the aspects of friendly planet gives support to that bhava and the inimical
planets do not.

Union of other Planets with the Lord of the Bhava – Its influence: Any planet with sun gets combusted,
Samagaa while conjunction with the Moon, War with Mars. The combusted planet even though have srength is
of no use.

If united with Moon it is Samagama. With this conjunction the strength of the planet gets increased. Even with
Mars it is Planetary War. If Mars and the present bhava lord are equal Mars moves forward the second planet
is declared to be defeated and this defeated planet cannot give good results to the bhava.

Conjunction between planets other than the Sun it is regarded as union. If the united two planets happened to
be friends there is no problems, if not these planets reduce the strength that bhava for which they are

Dwigraha Yogas (Combination of Two planets); If the Sun conjoins with the Moon, the person will be skilled in
machinery and masonry; if with Mars fond of sinful deeds; if with Mercury, skilful, intelligent, renowned and
happy; if with Jupiter, he will be cruel and always doing other’s work; if with Venus, he will make money on
stage and weapons; a d if with Saturn, he will be skillful in working ores or earthenware.

The Moon in conjunction with Mars makes a man a counterfeit, a seller of women, wives and pots and doing
mischief to mother, the Moon with mercury makes a person polite in speech, clever in interpretation, popular
and renowned; the Moon with Jupiter makes a person successful against enemies, chief of that sect or family,
capricious and wealthy; the Moon with Venus makes a man skilful in weaving; and the Moon with Saturn
makes a person the son of a second marriage.

When Mars joins Mercury the person will be a dealer in roots, etc., oils imitation articles and versed in boxing.
Mars with Jupiter produces a ruler of a city or Raja or a rich Brahmin. Mars with Venus produces cowherds,
wrestler, skilful, fond of other women and gambler. Mars with Saturn makes the man sorrowful, untruthful,
and disgraced or blamed.

When Mercury and Jupiter join, they produce a man who figures constantly on the stage, when Mercury joins
with Venus the man will be fond of music, dancing, eloquence and protection of lands and assemblies. Mercury
with Saturn makes a man a cheat and disobedient. Jupiter with Venus produces good education, wife, wealth
and men of many virtues. Jupiter with Saturn produces barber, potter or cook.

Venus with Saturn gives a man small eyes, wealth from depending upon some females, artistic capacity,
ordinary writing and painting. Similarly results of combinations of more than two planets must be made out.

There is a general rule to the effect that Rahu produces effects similar to those of Saturn, and Ketu similar to
those of Mars. In predicting the effects of Rahu and Ketu it is also necessary t note the planets in whole houses
they are posited as well as those whom they are conjoined. Generally these two planets become beneficial if they
are posited in Kendras or Konas and are connected (this connection is of five kinds viz. being in mutual
reception or Parivarthana. conjunction, aspect, mutual kendras positions and mutual Kona positions) with the
lords of either. Their presence in the house of benefics too is good.

When Mandi is associated with one or the other of the planets, different effects are produced. If Mandi is
conjoined with the Sun, the native will murder his own father; with the Moon, he will give trouble to his
mother; with Mars he will lose his brother; with Mercury, he will be a lunatic; with Jupiter he will be a heretic;
with Venus, he will have liaison with base women; with Saturn he be leprous and short lived; with Rahu he will
be afflicted with poisonous disease; and lastly with Ketu he will have a fire accident. If the period of rising of
Mandi coincides with the Tyajyakala or Visaghati on the day in question, and if one is born at that time, the
person born though a king will be reduced to beggary. In the matter of effects Mandi is similar to Saturn.
Mandi is the planet that has special capacity to bring about death. But Mandi cannot be rejected out right as a
perpetrator of bad things. At times he does good things also. If the lord of the house occupied by Mandi is
strong and posited in his exaltation, own or friendly house identical with Kendra or Kona, the subject will be
very handsome, owner of chariots, horses and elephants, very famous and ruler of a vast kingdom. There are 8
more Upagrahas viz. Yamakantaka, Ardhaprahara, `Kala, Dhooma, Pata, Paridhi, Indra-Dhanus or Kodanda
and Upaketu. Their position, nature and effects are explained below.

The upagras of the nine planets beginning with the Sun are in order (1) Kala (2) Paridhi (3) Dhuma (4)
Ardhaprahara (5) Yamakantaka (6) Kodanda (7) Mandi or Gulika (8) Pata or Vyatipata and (9) Upaketu. The
rising times of Kala during daytime on weekdays are in order at the end of ghatis 2, 26, 22, 18, 14,10, and 6.
Those of Yamakantaka are at the end of ghatis 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22; Those of Ardha prahara, at the end
of ghatis 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18. Dhuma is got by adding 4signs-13 degrees-20seconds to the suns longitude.
Vyatipata is got by subtracting the figures for Dhuma from 12 signs. Paridhi is obtained adding 6 signs to the
figures for Vytipata. Kodanda is obtained by subtracting Paridhi from 12 signs. Lastly Upaketu is got by
adding 16 degrees-40 to Kodanda.

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