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What Karma Is Assigned To You?

Lord In 12 Houses
1. The significance of the 10th house in astrology and its relation to one's
profession and assigned karma. The 10th lord plays a crucial role in
determining how well one completes their karmas and where they exert
their hard work. The video explains the effects of different planets in the
10th house and highlights the need for practicality and support from other
planets for the 10th lord in the 10th house to thrive. The speaker
emphasizes the importance of understanding one's karma and how it is
reflected in the placement of the 10th lord in different houses of the birth
chart. Various examples and interpretations are provided for the
placement of the 10th lord in all 12 houses, emphasizing the need for
diligent work and humility.

2. The significance of the 10th house in astrology. The 10th house

represents one's profession, status, and the karmas assigned to them. It is
emphasized that the 10th house is not solely about one's career, but
encompasses various karmas one has in life. The 10th lord plays a crucial
role in determining how well one completes these karmas and where they
will exert their hard work. The speaker mentions that certain planets work
well in the 10th house, as it is a cold house compared to the opposing 4th
house, which represents free time and peace. Those who embrace their
karmas and find contentment in fulfilling them are considered the
happiest individuals. The speaker also discusses the unique attributes of
Rahu and Ketu in the 10th house and gives examples of notable
individuals with Rahu or Ketu in their 10th house. Mars, being exalted in
the 10th house, signifies karmas related to bloodline and lineage. It is
noted that Mars thrives on challenges and seeks to solve them, thereby
finding satisfaction in fulfilling its karmas in the 10th house.

3. The karma assigned to the 10th house in a birth chart. The 10th house
represents management and the ability to establish a kingdom for others.
People with a strong 10th house sun and Mars tend to be problem solvers,
constantly active and working on various tasks. However, it is important
for them to set boundaries and know when to stop working, as the sun
and Mars have a tendency to push themselves relentlessly. Saturn, the
third planet discussed, brings stability and a long-term vision to the
equation. Saturn takes time to plan things thoroughly and gather
resources before executing tasks. The astrologer explains that the sun
prioritizes quality and visibility, wanting to show off their
accomplishments. Saturn, on the other hand, emphasizes teamwork,
listening to others, and distributing work. The placement of Jupiter in the
10th house can bring health issues, as it is debilitated in this practical and
earthy house. Jupiter's overly optimistic nature may clash with the
realistic demands of the 10th house, making it necessary for Jupiter to be
influenced by malefic aspects.

4. The impact of the 10th lord in the 12 houses of a birth chart. It explains
that when Jupiter, the 10th lord, is in the 10th house, it is ineffective
unless it is conducted or aspected by Saturn, Rahu, or Mars. Jupiter is
known for its optimism and expansive nature, but its advice is often
disregarded due to its debilitated state in this house. The video
emphasizes the importance of Saturn's influence, as it adds a necessary
bitterness and harshness to Jupiter's advice. Without the support of Mars,
Saturn, or Rahu, the native may struggle, especially if Jupiter is alone in
the 10th house. It is advised to not pursue business in this case but rather
focus on teaching or jobs where Jupiter's ability to expand can be utilized
effectively. The video also highlights the need for practicality and
scientific reasoning for this native, as they seek results and effects in
everything. Overall, the support of other planets like Saturn, Mars, or
Rahu is essential for the 10th lord in the 10th house to thrive.

a. The effects of different planets in the 10th house. It is explained that

Mercury acts as a catalyst, providing hyperactivity and organization in
the native's actions. Venus, on the other hand, refines the significations of
whoever it sits with and works as a filter. The presence of Jupiter can
help expand the opportunities and work of the native, while Mars and
Mercury ensure continuous work and productivity. The involvement of
Venus in the 10th house brings a focus on perfection and no compromises
in work. Rahu in the 10th house pushes the native to do something unique
and innovative, with a special emphasis on detailed work. Ketu in the
10th house seeks liberation and usually resists following a routine or
doing repetitive work. The Moon in the 10th house seeks to bring
happiness and peace to the world but may have an unstable job. Overall,
the presence of multiple planets in the 10th house influences the native's
approach to work and the type of karma they are assigned.

5. The importance of understanding one's karma and how it is reflected in

the placement of the 10th lord in different houses. The speaker explains
that the primary significator is Saturn, followed by the lord of the sign, or
a planet that is particularly powerful. Dashas, or planetary periods, are
also highlighted as significant factors in determining one's experience of
karma. The speaker gives examples of individuals who have faced
significant challenges or falls due to their dashas, emphasizing the need to
bear the consequences of one's actions. The speaker also mentions the
significance of remedies and daily actions in shaping one's karma, noting
that good deeds and treatment of others can positively influence one's
planetary alignments. The mantra "Karma is the best remedy" is
mentioned, suggesting that understanding and addressing one's karma can
lead to a greater sense of humility and awareness of one's troubles.

6. The influence of the 10th lord in various houses of an individual's

horoscope. They explain that if the 10th lord is placed in the 1st house,
the person may have karma related to their siblings and may be involved
in industries that impact human lives. If there is Venus in this placement,
their work may be related to beauty and clothing. The speaker emphasizes
the importance of realizing that there is always someone doing better than
you to break down any confusion or ego. Moving on to the 2nd house,
they explain that karma may be related to family and religion, and the
person may need to focus on helping others by feeding them or giving
gifts. In the 3rd house, hobbies and self-expression are highlighted, but
the speaker warns against negative expressions and encourages sharing
positive news to spread good karma. They also suggest maintaining a
routine of visiting the temple and engaging in activities like reading or

7. the potential karmic implications of having the 10th lord in different

houses. They explain that the 10th lord in the 4th house signifies working
extensively for society, with the specific type of work determined by the
planetary influences. However, they caution that the 4th house is
unstable, potentially leading to instability in one's business. The
astrologer goes on to describe various combinations, such as the 10th lord
in the 5th house, which is seen as a powerful combination resulting from
past virtuous actions. They also mention the significance of hard work in
earning one's status, with the 10th lord in the 6th house indicating the
need for extensive effort. Additionally, they discuss the potential for
humility and the importance of not identifying too strongly with one's
ego, particularly when the 10th lord is in the 8th house. Overall, the
astrologer emphasizes the importance of personal karma and the need for
diligent work in various life domains.

8. The placement of the 10th lord in the 9th house, which suggests that the
individual may have a tendency to prioritize guidelines over strict rules.
This could make it difficult for them to commit to a job or career in a
consistent manner. They may excel as advisors or teachers, as they have a
natural ability to guide others and bring about positive changes in their
lives. The video also briefly mentions the importance of mantra recitation
as a means of gaining knowledge and learning important life lessons.
Additionally, the placement of the 10th lord in the 12th house indicates
that the individual may face challenges and losses in their professional
endeavours. They may have to work hard and take risks without any
recognition or support, leading to isolation. To progress and achieve
success, it is recommended that they consider working in a different city
or place.

9. when the 10th lord is in the 12th house, it represents a period of

confinement and lack of resources. This placement can lead to frustration
and difficulty in finding a job, which may prompt the individual to
consider starting their own business. However, the 12th house is also
associated with wisdom, and over time, these individuals may gain
valuable insights. The astrologer mentions that changes related to this
placement can occur around the age of 37, specifically in the sign of
Pisces. This was just one of the interpretations provided for the placement
of the 10th lord in all 12 houses, and the astrologer provides a free course
link in the video description for those who want to learn more.

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