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Eyes are important parts of our bodies.

Yet, not many of us know how to protect our eyes and

use them properly. Some people do not pay attention to their postures when reading or writing.
Some work on a computer for hours and do not stop to rest. These habits cause bad effects on our
How do we protect our eyes? First of all, our eyes need enough rest. When we read or watch
television, after a period of time, our eyes will become tired. We can close our eyes for a while or
look at the greenery outside the window.
Secondly, we should not read in the sun, in dim light or on a moving vehicle. Always remember
that reading on bed is a bad habit and ifs harmful to ouf eyesight. Besides, when we read or write,
we have to keep an appropriate distance from our eyes to the book.
Lastly, vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed to maintain good vision. Therefore, to protect
our eyes, we have to consume more food that is rich in vitamin A such as carrot, tomato and
The eyes are important assets to us. Thus, we must take good care of our eyes and practise good
habits to protect our eyes since young.

postures greenery appropriate essential

nutrient assets
Advantages of Using Public Transport
All around Kuala Lumpur, we will notice a variety of public transport available. We have the public
buses and taxis, not forgetting the Light Rail Transit and monorail.
By using public transport, we can minimise the number of vehicles on the road. This can reduce traffic
jams on the road and also minimise toxic gases emitted by the vehicles.
By using public transport, we can save a lot on petrol and parking expenses. Most public transport
companies have monthly tickets, which offer the passengers cheaper fares at discounted rates.
For working adults, driving is a tiring task because they have to stay alert and pay attention to the
directions and road conditions while driving. If they take public transport instead of driving, they can make
use of the travelling time to rest or read on their way to or from work.

Public transport is provided for the convenience of the public. Therefore, we must make good use of it.

Light Rail Transit monorail -minimise toxic convenience

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