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NOTAR : 2202100





TP 2022/2023
Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good morning and best wishes to all of us.
With all due respect Mr. Endriyo's supervisor and the happy audience.
With all due respect because we have been given the blessing of health and the opportunity to
attend this event. As is well known, this morning we will attend activity on the importance of
transportation hot issues. Welcome to today's presentation. Proverb says, If you don't know
me, then, you would not know who I am so let me introduce myself, My name is Fahrul Sidiq
Bastian, I live in Kotabumi, North Lampung district and I am now studying for transportation
management 1.5 , henceforth I will be your moderator for this event.
World education figures say "If you don't go after what you want, then you won't get it. If you
don't ask then the answer is no. If you don't step forward, you will still be in the same place.” –
Nora Roberts
The purpose of the presentation is intended to help deliver information to road transport
management cadets regarding current transportation problems. Besides that the moderator
hopes through this presentation can be a chain effect in solving problems transportation like
traffic jams and encourage people to more use public transport rather than private vehicles.
I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce our speakers and guide us through this
exciting presentation.
Today's topic is knowing about Indonesia's transportation hot issues, and we have an amazing
team of presenters who will share their results and discuss with us. Before we get started, let
me cover a few housekeeping rules.
First, make sure your phone is on silent mode. Second, we have scheduled time for questions
after each team's presentation.
Third, the presenter is given 10 minutes to give his presentation and after that please refute the
answers given by the audience
Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Lastly, we encourage everyone to engage in
respectful and professional behavior during the event. Immediately, we will give Limen Levi
Silaban a chance, time and place are welcome
The holiday season is synonymous with congested street conditions because many people
want to go on sightseeing trips. So, so that you avoid these conditions, see how to deal with
traffic jams on the following streets.
1. Contra flow
The first way to overcome traffic jams is to apply traffic engineering called contra flow.
Generally, contra flow traffic engineering will change the normal direction of vehicle flow on
a road to be against the flow.
2. One way
One-way traffic engineering is also often used to overcome traffic jams on the streets. This
traffic engineering will change the traffic lane which was two-way to one-way. Unlike the
contra flow which will only use part of the highway lane, this one way system will utilize all
lanes to become one one-way lane to reduce traffic jams.
3. Odd even
Odd-even is traffic engineering which refers to the number behind the car's license plate. On
days with odd dates, only vehicles with odd number plates are allowed to pass through an
area/road and on even days, only vehicles with even number plates are allowed to pass.
In everyday driving, emotional factors are one of the negative effects resulting from
increasingly chaotic traffic conditions. Emotions that arise can spur a domino effect that
endangers us or other road users. One form of trigger that is commonly encountered every day,
is the unconsciousness of someone using other people's lanes, breaking through traffic lights,
and making sudden turns without giving a signal.
Nevertheless, there are many ways that can be done so that we are able to reduce emotions
when driving on the highway. One way to overcome the chaos on the highway, is that
someone must use empathy when driving. Here are some tips so you can keep your emotions
in check while driving on the road.
1. Change your mindset. From now on, always think that roads are shared property, so we
must be able to share them with drivers or other road users.
2. One of the triggers for aggressive actions or emotions on the road is traffic jams. And traffic
jams are common in all major cities. So, from now on, think of traffic jams as a normal thing
that you have to go through to reach your destination.
3. Invite friends. The assumption "even if it gets stuck, as long as there is someone to talk to"
is true. But we also have to control ourselves and avoid sensitive topics of conversation. Find
light topics or joke around while driving.
Now, we're going to have a short question and answer session. If you have any questions,
please raise your hand. Don't forget to mention your name and team before asking a question.
Thank you, everyone, for following today's presentation. I hope you found the presentations
informative and insightful. Please join me in thanking our presenters for their valuable
contributions. Lastly, I would like to extend my appreciation to all of us for learning together
on this occasion. have a great day.

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