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Nama : Wafa Agil Kurnia

Kelas : XI IPS 2

1. Picture number 4 about traffic jams.

 Almost all of the world is experiencing traffic jams, Indonesia also experienced the same
thing, especially in big cities. congestion usually occurs because of
1. Dense vehicles
2. Facilities are not balanced with the number of vehicles that are there
3. Communities do not comply with traffic regulations
4. Lack of traffic facilities
5. The width of the road is not in accordance with the number of existing vehicles
6. Pedestrians crossing the road misplaced
7. Vehicles parked to the shoulder of the road
8. Markets that cover public roads
9. Many large vehicles are free to pass through congested roads
10. Transporting and unloading passengers at any place.

 As for how to overcome these bottlenecks by means of

1. Increased capacity
2. alignments to public transport
3. restrictions on private vehicles.

 As for my Sran as a citizen and as a road user who wants comfort in driving it has nothing
wrong with the order in traffic and discipline and obeying existing traffic rules. Especially
when traffic jams or traffic accidents that make trips stagnant, queued culture is highly
recommended to reduce the impact of congestion that is getting worse.

2. Picture number 1 about corruption

 corruption often occurs among political officials, usually the cause of corruption itself is due
to the wrong State Administration System, Low Civil Servants Compensation, Greedy
Officials, Law Enforcement Does Not Work, Mild Punishment Against Corruptors, No
Leadership Exemplary, Ineffective Oversight.

 Some steps to eradicate corruption: Building strong legal supremacy, intensive religious
education debriefing, creating real phones in all regions, creating anti-corruption education,
building moral education as early as possible.

 As we know this useful one problematika faced ini Indonesia. To make it less until zero, we
have to keep the culture for all Indonesian not to do this same action.

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