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In some countries the government promotes public transport as the primary means of transportation
and discourages private vehicle ownership. Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the

In some regions the establishment encourages public transportation as the main means of
transportation and demotivates the population about having private vehicles. This essay will
demonstrate that this policy helps to control the traffic jams in the cities, but in some places people fear
this policy because public transport is damaged and unsafe. Although the problem is a significant one,
this essay argues that the advantages do outweigh the disadvantages.

One of the main advantages is that this policy stimulates the regulation and decreasing of traffic jams as
there are less cars in the streets and traffic accidents are reduced when people travel by public
transportation. For example, a study done in the city of Medellin, Colombia , which reported that
when citizens travel by public transport such as the subway , 40% of the traffic jams decrease.

However, this policy can lead some people to get worried because in several cities, public vehicles are
broken and dangerous. Most civilians feel unsafe travelling by these kinds of transport. As a case in
point, in the city of Bogotá, authorities encourage people to travel by "Transmilenio", which are the
public buses for the average population, but this public transport is common to find broken windows
and seats. Besides most of people feel unsafe because there is a high risk of being robbed inside this
means of transportation.

In conclusion, although this policy creates worry in people due to the fact that in some cities public
buses are damaged and unsafe, it enhances the traffic jams. Hence, the positive effects of this policy
definitely outweigh the drawbacks.

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