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W h o i s t h e Wu m bo Wat son ?

W h o i s t h i s beau t i f u l
cr eat u r e? W h er e i s h e f r om ? W h at does h e l i k e? We
deci ded t o f i n d ou t
By Stephen Fitzpatr ick and Calvin Kocher

Q: W here did the name Wumbo Watson come from?

A: It w as the fir st day of cam p. RIGHT? We w er e
planning a nam e gam e, and you had to pick an
adjective that star ted w ith the sam e letter as your
nam e. I consider myself to be lar ge and w um bo is the
opposite of sm all.

Q:W hat are your thoughts on bagels?

A: Bagels ar e pr etty nice. Bagels or iginates in Poland.
You can liter ally eat bagels at ever y m eal and I str ongly
Volu m e 48A | Issu e 16 r ecom m end it.
Weds, 7/ 19/ 17 Q: W hat is your favorite bagel
A: M y favor ite flavor is br ow n.
Som e Good New s
By Kaia
Q:How many Timbs do you have?
A: Well I gained about 40 people, about 16 of them
Today?s new s can be ver y depr essing, w ith
have Tim bs. So I got about 2 Tim bs per per son.
headlines about politics, death, cr im e, etc..
Her e ar e som e good new s headlines for
y?all. Enjoy! Q: W ho is the M ayonnaise M an?
A: It is classified, but like I can te- * inter r upted and lost
focus* the ancient Japanese pr ophesied that the
1. Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee?s song,
M ayonnaise M an w ould r eappear in the apocalypse of
Despacito, is now the m ost str eam ed song of
2017 and change all of your household objects into
all tim e. Believe it or not, it only took six
m ayo.
m onths for this hit song to br eak global
r ecor ds. (Billboar d)
Q: How did you get your beautiful facial features
A: I got hit by a baseball bat in gr ade 5. The facial
2. On August 21, the United States w ill get a
r econstr uction doctor w as like ?you'r e pr etty ugly. Let's
full solar eclipse for the fir st tim e in 99
change that.? W hen she finally let m e out of her
year s. A full solar eclipse happens w hen the
basem ent, I looked in a m ir r or and r ealized that I w as
m oon cr osses in fr ont of the sun and
destined to becom e Am er ica's top m odel. Ever since
appear s to block it out. Sadly, you w ill only
that day I have been tr ying to gr ow facial hair , but it
be able to see it fr om cer tain places, and it
doesn?t w or k .
lasts 2-3 m inutes. ( )

3. 500 cam er as w er e given to r efugee READ THI S OR ELSE! YOUR LI FE I S AT STAKE!

childr en in Lebanon and their photos ar e By Hazel Bar zilay
inspir ing people all over to pr ovide asylum
for them . (Huffpost) Alr ight ever ybody, your life IS ENDING! Do you
w ant to know w hy? BECAUSE IT IS THE LAST W EEK OF
4. Taylor Sw ift sur pr ised a 96 year old fan SESSION ONE OF CRCAP!!! I AM GOING TO EXPLODE!
w ith a special per for m ance. The young HELP M E! Okay Hazel calm dow n ther e is still Festival
m usical ar tist popped in on a fam ily Day! BUT I WANT ANOTHER W EEK!
celebr ation, visiting Cyr us Por ter , W W II W W W WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!
Veter an and big fan of Taylor Sw ift. I AM GOING TO DIE! Sor r y, obviously that is not
(Huffpost) going to happen I am just going to get SEVERELY HURT.
5. A dog fr om Suffolk County saves a faw n YOU READING THIS? GO, SAVE YOUR SELVES! SIGN UP
fr om dr ow ning in a Long Island Har bor , and FOR SECOND SESSION SO YOU DON?T DIE! I have said
m akes headlines ever yw her e. (Fox New s) w hat I needed to. Thank you. Bye.
W ith Zoe Labadie - by Photojour nalism

How long have you had this slime?

Less than 12 hour s

W hat are the ingredients of Slime?

Saline Solution (Contact Cleaner ), Shaving
Cr eam and Elm er s Glue

W hat is the hardest part about making slime?

Getting the consistency r ight

How long have you been making slime?

Tw o days

W hat is annoying about slime?

If you play w ith it too m uch it dr ies out and
like, it?s just the slim e dr ies out and w hen
you m ess up the r ecipe you have to buy m or e

W hat?s the best thing about slime?

The textur e of it

Do you recommend other people to make

Yes but don't m ake a m ess and clean up!
DI Y An Aw esom e Non sen se!
By Roxanne ?Cthulhu Gir l? Glassenber g

Ever ybody loves a good nicknam e! I?ve been called ever ything fr om ?Feces Butt? to
?Insane-icor n? to ?Rotton Ralph the Rutebega?. Gr anted, those all cam e fr om my sister s. But, if you?ve
ever w anted a nicknam e but didn?t r eally have one, I?ve solved that pr oblem ! Her e you go, kiddos.
Her e?s how it w or ks: each fir st and last letter of your fir st, m iddle, and last nam es gets a syllable.
Com bine then in or der (fir st, m iddle, last) and get your new nicknam e!

Fir st & last letter of fir st nam e Fir st & last letter of m iddle nam e Fir st & last letter of last nam e
A- Sm ap O- Soy A- Ay O- Fr ay A- M an O- Nor m
B- Oke P- Hoop B- Sku P- Vite B- Sith P- Causer
C- Sha Q- Laze C- Eye Q- Coh C- Haps Q- Tench
E- Loo R- Har E- Han R- Yi E- Glo R- Lindle
F- Zeck S- Plup F- Wau S- Tay F- Egler S- Pair
G- Ra T- Shay G- Oy T- Lin G- Zan T- skur e
H- Nay U- Nar t H- Yak U- Fr o H- Tont U- Tiffer
I- Keke V- Thop I- Un V- Unt I- Fite V- Ow lst
J- Woy W- Lig J- lie W- Ayay J- Cor e W- Ar ch
K- Tif X- Yat K- Day X- tee K- Sate X- Kir e
L- Ebe Y- Or e L- Om e Y- Noo L- Bint Y- Sunsuh
M - Bam Z- Gr en M - Aim Z- Ick M - Est Z- car m it
N- M op N- Kite N- Plat

For exam ple:

- Car oline Br idges Cole: Shaloo Skutay Hapsglo
- Eli Benjam in Gr assi: Lookeke Skukite Zanfite
- Walker Ander son: Lighar M anplat
- Roxanne Victor ia Glassenber g: Har loo Untay Gloglo
- Sydney Ella Robinow : Plupor e Hanay Lindlear ch
- M adeline Vanech: Bam loo Ow lsttont
- Stella Gr ace Cahill: Plupsm ap Oyhan Hapsbint

Hu m an z ar e Hu ge Ev i l Th r eat s i n t h e Wor l d
By Geffr ey Fr iedm an

We hum ans ar e evil. I m ean ser iously, w ho w ould disagr ee? Ther e?s know w ay to defend your self if
you disagr ee. We killed off m any species of anim als, like the donkey-m an, the unifish etc. Natur e put
itself in balance, and w e r uined it. All of M other Natur e's har d w or k ... GONE! Ther e's a r eason w hy
anim als attack us, it?s called r evenge, people. We killed their little babies and cousins, and fr iends, and
ancestor s; and they ar e getting us back ... w ith DEATH. They know w hen w e ar e about to attack . W hich
is w hy if you leave them alone they (m ay) leave you alone. We also cause pollution, w hich is w hy w e
w ill have to colonize M ar s, but it doesn?t m atter because the sun w ill expand and then explode, and w e
w ill die if w e som ehow sur vive global w ar m ing. I m ean, yes, w e ar e tr ying to do som ething about this,
but it r eally isn?t w or king too w ell. Let?s face it, the hum an population w ill soon star t to r apidly dr op,
and eventually w e w ill go extinct. That's w her e new life star ts, and the new life of w hatever it w ill be,
w ill br ing peace to M other Natur e. The w or ld is now in com plete peace and ever ything is happier now
that hum ans ar e all dead. Ther e's no m or e r obber s, only cheetahs, and lions. But one hum an fossil w ill
r em ain and the scientist chipm unks w ill figur e out how to br ing the hum an r ace back so they can steal
their cr ops fr om gar dens that ar e w or ked ver y har d on. Point being... nothing good com es out of us
hum ans. We ar e the m ost danger ous w eapons, fr om m aking anim als extinct, to cr eating too m uch
pollution that w ill slow ly kill off the hum an r ace. But ther e is one good thing that com es out of us? w e
m ake gr eat dinner s for m eat eater s, and our gar dens feed the chipm unks.
Hat e Col u m n #5 Th e Can dy M assacr e Par t 2
By Ar iel Reinstein By Piper New m an

I think that you guys finally under stand the pur pose Hello cam per s! You m ay have hear d
of this colum n. I?ve gotten five actual subm issions. I w as my Candy M assacr e Par t 1, but if the
star ting to doubt the intelligence of my fellow cam per s, but it second one got pr inted befor e the
is clear now that it?s only slightly below aver age. fir st, I?m looking at you Walker !
The candy m assacr e has spun out of
1. Pizza w ith too m uch sauce. contr ol, fr om gir ls sneaking candy in
Nobody r eally or der s pizza for the sauce. It?s m or e of a sm all the gir ls locker r oom (I found a jolly
flavor ing factor that enhances ever ything else. M any, m any r ancher stuck in my locker and I
pizza places don?t r ealize how m any people agr ee w ith this. didn't put it ther e), to festival
They obnoxiously slather the tom ato m ush all over the fluffy offer ings giving out lollipops and
br ead and then use a m inim al am ount of cheese on top. You gum !!! I hope you can get your
think I like that? I happen to have a r elatively r efined pizza hands on w hatever you can!
palette and that DOES NOT m eet my standar ds. I assum e Sincer ely,
ther e ar e those few people w ho actually pr efer that P.N.
abom ination to the w ay that pizza should be, but som etim es
they w on?t even give us the option for extr a cheese, and
som etim es I don?t w ant extr a cheese just less sauce. Th e Spon gebob Son g
Som etim es I?m not expecting them to scr ew up the pizza. By Oscar
Either w ay, it isn?t ideal.
Heeeeee lives in a pineapple under
1. Bikini?s on little kids. the sea spongebob squar epants
Ok, fir st of all, ?bikinis? not ?bikini?s?. And yes, It does kind Absor bant and yellow and aw esom e
of m ake m e uncom for table w hen I see a five-year -old is heeee
spor ting som ething m eant to sexualize the fem ale for m , but If nautical nonsense is som ething
it isn?t a big deal. It isn?t other people?s place to tell kids w hat you w ish for
to w ear. If they w ant to w ear bikinis, it?s pr obably the Then dr op on the deck and flop like
m edia?s fault for m aking little gir ls think that they need to a fish for all you?ve got
sexualize them selves. I bet som e of them don?t even r ealize Cause heee?s spongebob
that they ar e. It?s r eally kind of sad, honestly. squar epants!!!!!

1. Tur tles? Discuss. I got the song fr om lyr icsm

I r eally have nothing to cr iticize tur tles about. They ar e and then changed it a little bit
actually pr etty am azing. They have built in ar m or , they live
long, and they bar ely do anything they don?t have to do.
They?r e also ador able. So guess w hat anonym ous subm itter ,
you?ve cr acked the code. I liter ally cannot hate on tur tles. Good n am es f or f i sh
By Stephen Fitzpatr ick, Ciar an
1. the Docter M ur phy, & Calvin Kocher
?Doctor.? I can?t tell if that capitalization w as a gr am m atical
er r or or you w ant m e to r ant about Doctor W ho, so I?ll do * Scott
both. W hat I don?t like about the doctor is how m uch tim e it * Shannon
takes her /him to actually show up. You?r e stuck w aiting * David
alone after the m edical assistant leaves. If I kept my * Sapphir e
appointm ent, shouldn?t they keep their s? I?m not a dedicated * Philip
Doctor W ho w atcher , but I?ve seen a couple and I * Dar yl
under stand the gist of the show. It?s kind of sur pr ising that it * Fish
took them thir teen actor s to finally hir e an actr ess, seeing * Char lie
how the Doctor can look w hatever w ay the casting dir ector * Biggie Cheese
w ants. It?s also sur pr ising the lack of doctor s of differ ent These ar e good nam es because they
ethnicities, so I hope that they cover that too. ar e funny, Adr iana please publish
Thanks again for r easonable subm issions, and I hope to get
at least one m or e ar ticle w r itten by the end of my session.
Th e Dai l y Dou bl e i s i n dan ger , an d so ar e you Don al d Tr u m p Adv i ce #8
By Nico Di An-gello (not a m istake) By Donald Tr um p

Cam per s, I w r ite this ar ticle w ith Hey, CRCAP, I?m not getting any questions
gr ow ing fear. The daily double is being anym or e! Please ask your questions, ther e?s
used? .BY THE ILLUM INATI! Deep w ithin the nothing to do in the W hite House and this
ar ticles cam per s w r ite, ther e ar e coded cur es my bor edom !
m essages to the spies her e at CRCAP telling
them w hat to do next. The com puter s ar e Q: W hy build a w all?
specifically m ade to contr ol the cam per s m inds, A: To keep the M exicans out. They br ing us
and then give them ideas. I w as once par t of bad people.
this, but I w as able to br eak fr ee fr om the
com puter ?s gr asp. I see the plot now , and I Q: Folded paper , outside says ?don?t r ead?,
know w ho these spies ar e. AVOID THEM AT inside says ?I hate m ustaches?
ALL COSTS ONCE YOU HAVE READ THIS. A: M e too. I feel they decr ease som eone?s
TRUST NO ONE. dom inance and pow er. Like, take Ted
Roosevelt. He had a m ustache. And he w as a
People not to tr ust: bad pr esident. Hated him . Stupid. Just plain,
1. David Baler helps Sar ah Di Angelo Contr ol flat out stupid. This is w hy this countr y is
cam per s?m inds w ith her fr iendship br acelets w r ecked. Because you elected a m an like
Roosevelt as your pr esident. W hy w ould you
2. All the Advice Colum nists: they ar e also using elect a m an w ith a m ustache as your
the advice they give to im plant ideas that w ill pr esident? Stupid, stupid Am er icans. That?s
eventually cause the illum inati to dom inate the the one r ule in elections; never tr ust the
galaxy m ustache.

Q: Do you like r ainbow m ustache

3. Om ar uses food to poison cam per s and m ake
w ater m elon?
them so r elaxed they can?t fight back against
A: How m any tim es do I have to m ake this
the illum inati w hen the tim e com es to go to w ar
clear ? I do not like m ustaches. They w eaken
a politician! So, I DEFINITELY do not like
4. Aar on uses the cow bell to infect cam per s r ainbow m ustache w ater m elon!
w ith deadly diseases like m alar ia, scar let fever ,
and, if you'r e lucky, ser ious aches and pains Q: YO
that m ake it r eally har d to w alk . I w as actually A: Yo w addup daw g? It?s lit fam haha chill out
hit by the disease. Luckily, I pulled thr ough. br uh lets go to the par ty and get supah lit fir e
boiiiii! Am I speaking to the m illennials w ith
5. Tina: their guitar act causes cam per s to think this language?
so har d about it that they becom e entr anced by
it) Q: W hat Netflix show should I w atch?
A: House of Car ds. It has politics in it. M aybe
6. Amy uses M ojo to hypnotize cam per s w ith it?ll distr act you fr om the stupid politicians in
his cuteness this countr y. The only thing I don?t like is the
hum or. Laughing gives m e gas.
7. Kelsey does the sam e thing w ith Olive
Rem em ber guys, ask m or e questions!
These people w ill likely r ead this ar ticle Salutations.
soon and see it. Rem em ber , if they ask you Your Pr esident,
about it, just change the subject and w alk aw ay. Donald J. Tr um p
This is a m atter of life and death. As of now ,
this cam p becom es a w ar zone. Pr epar e for Editor?s Note: The Daily Double does not
dr am a only seen befor e in Jur assic Par k . Sadly, endorse the opinions of either real President
I w ill not be her e to tell you w ho the new spies Trump or the satirical facsimile featured in
ar e next session, but I?m sur e you can sur vive. this article.
Good luck!
I n t er v i ew w i t h Cr eat i ve St ar t s
Inter view ed by Fr eya and Kier a

Hello cam per s! We inter view ed cr eative star ts. We expected four or five kids but w e got m or e.

Fr eya?s Qu est i on s Ki er a?s Qu est i on s

Q. W hat is your name? Q.W hat is your favorite thing to do at camp

A. Sam , Else, Tor unn, Isabella, Pen, Cor in and A.Four squar e, knitting, gym , ping pong.
Q. W hat is your name
Q. W hat is your favorite part of creative starts? A.Ocean, Ben, Hunter , Ella, Haily.
A. Playing in the pool, m aking m usic+2, Gym ,
playing in the Cr eative Star ts r oom . Q.How old are you
A. 6, 7, 7, 7, 8
Q. W hat is your favorite food at camp?
A.Pizza and desser t! Q. W hat is your favorite color
A. Gr een, blue +2, r oyal blue, yellow.
Q. W hat do you do in Creative Starts?
A. We go to the pool, m usic videos, w e go to the Q.W hat is your favorite kind of flower
libr ar y and r ead or dr aw , Gym +2, play w all ball. A. Daisy, sunflow er +2, venus flytr ap.

Q. W hat's your favorite Flower Thank you for r eading our ar ticle!
A. Daisy+4, Roses+2, Ir is.

Fi n d Th e Let t er
By The M ost Ter r ible and M er ciless Henr y Thacher !

Hello, hello, hello, and w elcom e to Find! The! Letter ! Hosted by ever yone's favor ite host, The
M ost Ter r ible and M er ciless Henr y Thacher ! Bow dow n! Bow dow n, or you ar e doom ed! This is a gam e
show w her e his m ajesty the em per or w ill put dow n a w hole lot of the letter ?h?, and m ixed in w ill be
five letter ?n?s?! If you cannot find them , his im per ial em per or ness shall have you thr ow n into the
dungeons! You m ay begin.


Find! The! Letter !

A STORY ABOUT A SNAI L, Top 20 w ei r d t h i n gs w e h ear Cr azy Fact s Abou t An i m al s
A CRAB AND SOM E JELLO w h en w e w al k by peopl e By Ram sey Br eslau
By Leila By M ia Gor don and Walker
Adam s * Flam ingos ar e natur ally
Okay, I am about to tell you w hite, but they eat shr im p,
a stor y about a snail a cr ab 20. I like my spaghetti dr y br ine and algae and that
and som e jello. But I am 19. Popsicles ar e so m uch tur ns them pink .
going to put a letter in code better dr y * Tr ained pigeons can tell the
and at the end I w ill do the 18. Walker Ander son is hot differ ence betw een paintings
decoding stuff. So her e 17. Have you seen the new by Claude M onet and Pablo
goes!!!!: Nantucket Nectar s shir t? Picasso (I know , I couldn't
Once ther e w as a snail. He 16. I Don't Like thum b tacks believe it either !)
once w as w alking along the 15. Ar e you my M um my? * Sea Otter s hold hands w ith
beach and he saw a cr ab, 14. Cats ar e aw esom e each other w hile they?r e
but the cr ab w as stuck in 13. The gir ls PRETEND they?r e sleeping so they don?t dr ift
jello!! And he w as getting dead but they?r e not r eally apar t!
sw allow ed up!! But the cr ab dead, ya know ? * Baby Puffins ar e called
could see the futur e and he 12. These things taste like my Pufflings.
w r ote a m essage and put it fam ily. * Som e cats ar e aller gic to
in the bottle and sent it out 11. England is my life hum ans.
to sea and got sw allow ed up, 10. Onions ar e w eir d. * A Gr izzly Bear ?s bite is
too!! And som e per son in 9. W hatever you do, don?t str ong enough to cr ush a
China got the bottle, opened think about toads! bow ling ball.
it up and saw the letter. 8. Hello ___ r un for your life * M acaques in Japan use
Her e is w hat it said: 7. Four year s of clow n college coins to buy snacks fr om
1234 52 7 85 908--2= 7+ [2$$# for nothing vending m achines.
8=A 6. Do you w ant to m ar r y my * Nor w ay knighted a
?=B late uncle? penguin.
>=C 5. M y m om my says I?m special * Rats laugh w hen they ar e
==D 4. Fantaz tickled.
2=E 3. Dude, the cat in the hat is * In Sw eden, ther e is a r abbit
* =F my liter al favor ite show jum ping com petition called
)=G 2. Get sucked into the black Kaninhoppning.
-=H hole of suffer ing. * Dolphins have nam es for
7=I 1. W hy don?t anim als have each other.
[=J w heels? * Cow ?s pr oduce the m ost
;=K m ilk w hile listening to
$=L ?Ever ybody Hur ts? by R.E.M .
5=M * Butter flies taste w ith their
+=N feet.
#=O * Squir r els w ill adopt other
-=P squir r els babies if they ar e
}=Q abandoned.
&=S Thank you for r eading!
%=U Sour ces:
^=V M ental Floss
@=W Bor ed Panda
` =Z

Thank you for r eading this

ar ticle! M or e w ill hopefully
com e out soon!
W h i ch Gh i bl i M ov i e Ar e You ? (Th e M ost Favorite book?
Obv i ou s Qu i z) A: The spir it book!
By M ia Gor don B: A book about ghosts
C: W hen M ar nie w as ther e by Joan C. Robinson
How?re you feeling? D: Gr ave of the fir eflies by Nosaka Akiyuki
A: HAPPY E: How l?s m oving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
B: I?m pr etty fr eaked out F: I like natur e!
C: I?m sad
D: I?m REALLY sad If you got A: You ar e Totor o! This m ovie is
E: W hen you?r e old you feel tir ed am azing! I love it, and if you haven?t seen it w atch
F: Adventur ous it! It?s a ver y lovable m ovie.

W hat?s your favorite animal? If you got B: You ar e Spir ited aw ay! I have seen
A: Cats! (buses) this m ovie at least 30 tim es, It?s an am azing m ovie.
B: Radish spir its? Does that count?
C: I don?t know ? If you got C: you ar e W hen M ar nie w as ther e. One
D: Fir eflies! thing to say: WATCH IT!!!
E: Dogs
F: Lapitan r obots If you got D: You ar e the saddest m ovie in the
w or ld, Gr ave of the Fir eflies. So you should w atch
W hat do you do in spare time? this m ovie BUT BE WARNED it is the m ost
A: I like explor ing! depr essing thing ever. But none the less it?s a
B: Tr aveling into spir it w or lds beautiful m ovie w ith a lot of histor y.
C: I like sketching
D:M aking my little sister happy If you got E: You got How l?s M oving Castle AKA
E: I like to w atch the ocean possibly the best m ovie ever. But I can't lie this is
F: I like finding castles in the sky w hat I w ould say about ever y ghibli m ovie

W hat?s your favorite food? And if you got F: You ar e Castle in the Sky! Alr ight
A: Rice this m ovie is pr etty dar n cool! If you like
B: Dum plings adventur e and the envir onm ent this is for you!
C: I like uh tom atoes
D: Fr uit dr ops! And just for good m easur e you should also
E: Toast DEFINITELY w atch: Ponyo, Naussica Of The Valley
F: Ever ything Of The W ind, Pr incess M ononoke, Kiki?s deliver y
Ser vice, Your Nam e ( Even though it?s not Ghibli),
W hat?s your favorite colour? Only Yester day (But w atch it in Japanese w ith
A: Pink! subs!) The Secr et Wor ld Of Ar ietty and If you?r e a
B: W hite cat fan The Cat Retur ns is a m ust.
C: Pur ple
D: Red
E: Blue
F: Gr een

W hat?s your best subject in school?

A: I don?t go to school
B: M ath
C: Ar t
D: Gym
E: Wr iting
F: Hom e econom ics

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