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CAT200-Integrated Software Development

Simple Calculator Using JavaFX & FXML

Name: Maisarah bt Mohamed Pauzi

Matric.No: 128344
This application is a simple calculator that can only perform 2 operation, Addition and
Subtraction. It contains many buttons for digit (0-9), plus sign (+), minus sign (-), equal sign (=), and clear
sign (C). Besides, it also contain TextField that can display the input from the button. The TextField can
be edited by entering numbers from keyboard too.

This application is developed using FXML and JavaFX. Besides, the fundamental of String concept
is applied in this application, such as addition of two strings & convert string into integer. The number
entered from the button is a String variable. Then, after clicking the operation sign, the string will be
converted into integers. The next number to be add/minus also will be a string variable and will be
converted into integers after the equal button is clicked. The answer will appear in the TextField. To do
next calculation, simply click Clear button.


1. The calculator
2. Clicking digits

3. Clicking operation sign

*the first number will be clear from TextField and converted into integers value.
4. Entering new number

5. Clicking Equal sign

*the anwer appeared in the TextField

6. Clicking Clear button

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