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Add Leading Zeros

You often find the need to add leading zeros to a number and most likely the
result value is a text format.


Delete Current Row(s)

To quickly delete current row(s), follow these two steps

1. Select the row(s) by |Shift + Space|

2. Delete the selected row(s) by |Ctrl + - (minus sign)|

Delete Current Column(s)

To quickly delete current column(s), follow these two steps

1. Select the column(s) by |Ctrl + Space|

2. Delete the selected column(s) by |Ctrl + - (minus sign)|

Quick Aggregation
Quick Tool provide aggregate statistics, such as Average, Count,
Numerical Count, Max, Min, and Sum of the data from a selected range
without entering any formula. To show these statistics in the bottom toolbar,
right click on the toolbar and choose the desired statistic.


Add Double Quotes (or other characters) in

Excel Formulas
Suppose you have some text in a few columns. You want to join or
concatenate these columns, but one of the column needs to be
surrounded by double quotes. What to do in such as case?

So, let's say column A has first names, column B middle initials, and
column C last names. You want the middle initials be surrounded by
double quotes. You could escape the quotes by surrounding them with
two more quotes. The formula will look like this:

It gets ugly soon. If you want to add spaces or any other characters, the
formula becomes long and unreadable. A better option is using the
CHAR formula. The CHAR formula shows a character for a code
number. You can rely on ASCII tables to find out the character you
want to concatenate. The ASCII number of 34 is a double quote
character. (32 is a space).
So, our new formula will look like this:


This doesn't have spaces though, so we will add a space using



It will look like this:

Make Data Sideways or Vertical

In the Paste Special options, you will notice a Transpose option. This
option will make your data vertical or horizontal. See the GIF below:
9 Count Numbers That Fall in a Range
Suppose you have some numbers or values in a range, and you want to
count how many of them fall within a certain range. How would you
find that count?

There are two ways of doing so:

A fixed method
Let's say our data is in the range A1 to A15. We want to count how
many rows have values that fall between 50 and 80. In an empty cell, as
shown in the image below, we enter this formula:

But now if you want to count something different, you will have to edit
the formula. A better approach is a dynamic formula.

A dynamic method
Let's say we store our from and to values in cells D2 and D3. Now, we
can enter this formula to find values that fall between this range:


Lookup and IF
Data Validation
Data validation is an Excel feature that you can use to define restrictions on what data can or should be entered
in a cell. You can configure data validation to prevent users from entering data that is not valid.
1. Navigate to the Data Validation spreadsheet.
2. Select the range C6:C12.
3. From the Data tab, select Data Validation. The Data Validation menu will appear.
4. Select List from the Allow dropdown.
5. Click in the Source box and then select the list of times in column G by dragging down column G starting at
cell G5.

6. Click on the Input Message tab.

7. In the Title field, type: Please select a time.

8. In the Input message box, type: Allowed time is from 7:00 AM through 12:00 PM.

9. Click on the Error Alert tab.

10. In the Title field, type: Error: Incorrect Time Entered.

11. In the Error message box type: Allowed time is from 7:00 AM through 12:00 PM.
12. Click the OK button.

Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting in Excel enables you to highlight cells with a certain color depending on the cell's value.
Using this feature can make analyzing data easier by applying visual styles to the data.
1. Navigate to the Conditional Formatting spreadsheet.
2. Select the cell range D4:G13.
3. In the Home tab of the ribbon, click the arrow beneath Conditional Formatting.
4. In the Conditional Formatting drop down menu, hover your mouse over Color Scales.
5. Hover over the color scale icons to see a preview of the data with conditional formatting applied. In a three-
color scale, the top color represents higher values, the middle color represents medium values, and the bottom
color represents lower values. Select the Green-Yellow-Red color scale.

Finding a Related Value

Often you have to translate or cross-walk a value, say a state code, to it a
related value, in this case the fully spelled state name. You can write
multiple, nested |IF|, but a ninja way is to use a |VLOOKUP| formula.
The syntax of VLOOKUP formula
is: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_nu
 In the above example, our lookup value is the state code and table array is a
table with the state codes and their descriptions.

 The column index is the column that we want to return after matching a

 The range lookup is an argument to search for exact matches (1 or TRUE) or

approximate matches (0 or FALSE)

Let’s say, your customer IDs in Column A, their mailing state code in
Column B, and in Column C you want to see the state spelled out. To do so,
follow these steps:

1. Create a table of codes and their fully-spelled values in Column E and F

2. In |C2|, enter this formula: =VLOOKUP(B2,E3:F6,2,0)

3. Copy the formula down

Here’s how it looks:

The IF Function
The IF function is a logical function that is designed to return one value if a condition you specify evaluates to
be TRUE and another value if it evaluates to be FALSE.
Formula Architecture: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
If the first quarter total is equal to or greater than the 1st quarter quota then the salesman will get the 2% bonus.
If not, they get 0.
1. Navigate to the Bonuses spreadsheet.
2. Select cell G6.
3. Click the Formulas tab in the ribbon.
4. Click the down arrow beneath Logical and then click on IF.
5. In the Logical_test text box, type E6>=F6.
6. In the Value_if_true text box, type E6*2%.
7. In the Value_if_false text box, type 0.
8. Click the OK button.

IF combined with AND / OR

Formula: =IF(AND(C2>=C4,C2<=C5),C6,C7)

Anyone who’s spent a great deal of time doing various types of financial
models knows that nested IF formulas can be a nightmare. Combining
IF with the AND or the OR function can be a great way to keep formulas
easier to audit and easier for other users to understand. In the
example below, you will see how we used the individual functions in
combination to create a more advanced formula.

For a detailed breakdown of how to perform this function in Excel

please see our free guide on how to use IF with AND / OR.

MATCH Function in Excel is very simple and easy to use. Let’s understand the

Match Function in Excel by some examples given below.

Example #1
Suppose you have a dataset of employees as below:

Suppose you would like to find out the position of an employee with the name

‘Lalit’. You can do it using the Match function with the following steps.

 Set up the lookup_value in cell C13 as ‘Lalit’.


 Click Enter has once done with the formula.

Following wildcard characters can be used under the MATCH function.

(?) – to replace a single character.

 Asterisk (*) – to replace a series of characters (any number of characters

after * sign).

Method #1
 Enter the formula: =MATCH(“Jo*”,B2:B11,0)

Method #2
 Put Jo in B13 and and concat

 Put the below formula in cell B15 : =MATCH(B13&”*”,B2:B11, 0)

This formula will give exactly the same output. The only difference it has is this

one is more generalized than the previous one. If you change the lookup_value in

cell B13, it will automatically change the output

Please note that the MATCH function only takes 0 (zero) as a match_type while

working with wildcards.

Input following formula in cell B13: =MATCH(“Ma?tha”,B2:B11,0)

Excel INDEX Function

The Excel INDEX function returns the value at a given location in a range or array.
You can use INDEX to retrieve individual values, or entire rows and columns. The
MATCH function is often used together with INDEX to provide row and column

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