N.B in The Real Exam You Cannot See The Audio Script

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I suppose weve always wondered to ourselves what happens once the happily-ever-after

marriage is over and the fancy frocks have been stored away. Well, cast aside the infant fairy
tales, and literature has got a lot to offer. Of course, few of us are interested in eavesdropping
upon a contented household of marital bliss when we can get far more perverse satisfaction from
seeing a holy union hurtle inexorably towards its inevitable breakdown. But although there is a
wealth of fiction portraying bad marriages, it takes real flair to spawn a dysfunctional union
worthy of classic status.

Of course modern literature lacks the impact of that of the 19th century, since nowadays it is at
least possible to escape the misery of finding out that you have made the biggest mistake of your
life without becoming a social outcast, unlike 150 or so years ago when the only escape from the
unremitting callousness stroke violence stroke boredom was the death of one or other of the
parties involved. Madame Bovary is a perfect example of the genre. The characters response to
her mistaken union is to forge for herself a voyage of self-destruction, squeezing in multiple
affairs and bankruptcy before finding ultimate release in suicide. The most vicious, modern-day,
divorce court dramas cant beat the self-inflicted turmoil of a tortured wife whose only reprieve
is the grave.

N.B In the real exam you cannot see the audio script

1 The speaker makes the point that

It is immoral that people prefer novels about bad marriages to good ones. Incorrect
Fairy tales give readers false hopes about the reality of married life. Incorrect
It takes skill to write a memorable novel about miserable marriages. Correct

2 Madame Bovary is used to exemplify

how inescapable marriages make better stories. Correct

the lengths women went to in order to avoid being socially outcast. Incorrect
how divorce made it easier for women to escape unhappy marriages. Incorrect

3 When the woman was a bridesmaid at her brothers wedding

she was embarrassed about taking the role because of her wheelchair. Incorrect
she was delighted that her childhood dreams had come true. Incorrect
she was sceptical about marriage in general. Correct

4 The womans experience at her friends wedding

made her feel grateful to her friends for changing her outlook. Incorrect
made her feel equally conspicuous, but for different reasons. Correct
made her realise that disabled people could be treated better at functions. Incorrect

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