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My now proven accurate solving of the Justine

murder does not mean I am pro immigration!

A reader sent a very angry message, confirming that Justine was indeed shot because she was
meddling in the Islamic community. And the reader was mad because I called Justine a feminist. After
I (somewhat gleefully) posted that I solved that case correctly, I received a barrage of mails from people
"mad at me for supporting the Islamic invasion of America".

Err, um, well,

I don't call cutting through the media bullshit to extract a wisdom tooth out of a cranky donkey
"supporting the Islamic invasion". No, I call it This site has a following because time and time again I
say stuff you never hear anywhere else that ends up being right And THAT is why the headline starts
with HA HA HA, it was not because I was happy about what happened, it was because I made
CNN and other hoax news outlets look like crap.

Look, if anyone is not happy because I did not parrot the anti Islamic hatred everyone else spewed,
and instead picked through the evidence and posted facts that gave a REASON for what happened
and then was subsequently completely right, it only means I am good at what I do and NOTHING

To be frank, I was actually worried about going so counter to the official story, with all the sob
lines getting spewed about rescued ducklings, alt medicine and life coaching and so much
love. But I can now state that no, I ought not worry, no, I actually nailed the real story, which then begs
the question: why did everyone else bury it? A woman getting shot for meddling in Islamic affairs ought
to be big news, right?

Maybe the Jews that own the media don't want that mentioned, because it shows that there really are
activists that actively work to destroy cultures and countries? How about, 30 years ago, Justine would
have been going to all the churches rather than mosques, trying to destroy Christian women? is it all
fine and dandy that she was trying to liberalize Muslim women, just because they were not
against Muslim practices against girls and women". Yes the feminists, 30 years ago WERE
snapped. Must be a culture thing. The result was AWFUL.

Anyway, that post is down the page a ways, and no, I am not celebrating the fact that Justine got shot,
I said repeately it would have been better to deport her and I am simply happy that as far as I know, I
am the only one that actually got the story right and I won't be eating crow.

There was no loud noise. There was no confusion. The cameras were all off for a reason. Somali dude
saw her and SNAPPED. That's the real headline.

This is weird
Anonymous sent:
Hi, Jim! Monsoons?

I thought they existed only in India and where the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean meet and/or SE
Asia? For the last two weeks or so, the TV msm news has been terming rainstorms in CO, CA and
across the US "monsoons" !@#$%^&* Are they trying to get us used to more geoengineered faked
weather??? I spent part of a summer in CO and it is normal to see giant thunderstorms coming fast
from one state to and through CO to another state, NOT a monsoon, just a normal ol' summer
thunderstorm. Sooooo, why on earth are they now terming these "monsoons" -- they don't normally
carry enough water to be a monsoon, the rains we get nowadays are geoengineered to deluge us.
Makes me want to gag!"

My response: Umm, you are right about what a monsoon is supposed to be, let's hope to God common
core did the rest . . . . .

Rain would be good in California up to a point, if there is too much it will probably result in massive
outbreaks of clear rot. Just like California could die from no rain, actual monsoon rains would kill the
state. Plan B?


Brian sent:

Hi Jim. I just wanted to add to your 'Oregon couple loses kids' and 'Has Canada gone full communist'
posts. My wife and I live in the Denver area just had twin boys. The duration of her pregnancy went
fairly well and she delivered at 37 weeks 3days by C-section. The delivery was textbook and the twins
were 6lbs. 6oz and 5lbs 11oz respectively. The two boys were very healthy with no issues.

Prior to being discharged from the hospital, we needed to pick a pediatrician. We choose a holistic
pediatric nurse practitioner, Jennifer Gaughan out of the Denver area. We thought she and her office
might be a bit more understanding of our stand on vaccinations versus a traditional pediatric office. We
spent four days in the hospital and were discharged on a Friday with the twins exceeding all
requirements and expectations of the hospital.

I took the twins to their appointment with Jennifer that following Tuesday. The visit went well. Jennifer
examined the twins and said that they were healthy and saw nothing wrong with them. She notated
that they did gain a few ounces since being discharged, but wanted to see what their weight would be
in a weeks time. She asked if I could buy a baby scale or bring them back in a week to be re-weighed.
I said I would look into a baby scale. I scheduled their next appointment for the following Monday with
the receptionist and then left. The next day I called around to see about renting a baby scale, but the
most expensive ones were only available. I had my wife call her office back and let them know we
would just be back in on the following Monday so they can be checked and re-weighed again at that

That Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after their first appointment with Jennifer, she left multiple
voicemails on my wife's phone indicating the twins were healthy but she is still wondering about them
gaining weight. My wife and I were confused for we already said we would be back in the following
Monday for their next appointment where she can check their weight again. It seemed like Jennifer was
OCD'ing and slightly bipolar over the issue in my opinion.

Friday night at 8PM, we get a knock at the door. It was the local police department. I asked what they
wanted and they said they got a complaint from a doctor's office who was concerned about the twin
boys weight gain and had a report filed from CPS and needed to investigate. My jaw dropped to the
floor and my wife and I were livid. I could not believe that Jennifer called Child Protective Services. The
twins weren't even a week old yet and we have CPS investigating us?! WTF!?

The police came in and investigated and saw that our home and twin boys were perfectly fine with no
problems. The next day I took the twins to another pediatrician closer to us and she documented that
they were perfectly healthy and gaining weight just fine. A few days later a CPS case worker came by
to do her investigation follow up. She heard the voicemails left on my wife's phone from Jennifer stating
she knows the twins are healthy but was concerned about their weight. The CPS worker interviewed
us, looked over the twins and our home and stated that this report looks to be filed in error for she saw
nothing wrong and the case was closed.

My issue with all this is that the local CPS office did not do any kind of initial validation process with
Jennifer and her office prior to visiting us. So in essence, any person (mentally stable or not) can file a
report with CPS based on truths or lies and CPS just shows up without any prior investigation work on
their part which is disturbing

- Brian, long time reader of your site"

My response: !!??!@%%$#*&!!?




It's puzzling that you would write all this stuff about Justine Damond without one shred of
evidence. Everything I'm reading says that she was an activist against Muslim practices against
girls and women.


HEY, I HAVE A HINT FOR YOU: Muslims are actually GREAT to girls and women. Contrary to the crap
you are hearing parroted seemingly everywhere, Muslim girls don't need to worry about being raped,
and instead are raised like American girls were in the 50's. Who cares about the Hijab? Do you realize
that even through the 50's American women frequently wore bonnets which are practically the same
thing? They were worn for modesty, JUST LIKE WHAT THE HIJAB IS FOR.

Yes, Muslim women are taught to behave themselves. They are not beaten like CNN says. But they
are expected to live respectfully of themselves and SO ARE THE MEN. If that requires activism from
our LOVELY JUSTINE, so they drop their panties at age 14, there is NO DOUBT it would piss the
Islamic community off. Thank you for your message, it seems we have an answer!
Yeah, I figured it was something like that.

This writer then went on to say "that does not mean she was a feminist" and blah blah blah,


July 22 2017

As of this posting, the DDOS attacks on the "major forum" have been halted.

Perhaps "someone" did not like my offer?


Trump to GOP parasites: You have had 7 years

to repeal obamacare, the fact you have not
means you are a BIG LIE
During a press conference on the 19th, Trump placed the blame for Obamacare directly on the GOP
because they could have repealed it, could have stopped it altogether, and did not. And the fact they
are still not stopping it proves they want it or a re-branded equivalent, and are therefore working directly
against the will of the American people. Youtube video,11 minutes.

The scamming MSM would have anyone believe all the fooling around with health care is caused by
Trump. Obviously that is not the truth!
Hundreds of solar power companies are going
This is because they floated on government subsidies that are now gone. I AM GOING TO SAY THIS

A pet peeve:

I hate any solar company that charges $4 a watt, (or even $2 a watt) just because the government is
picking up the tab. They deserve to die. Practically every last solar power company that does retail at
the local level deserves to die, simply because they gouged the * out of people. I am happy they are
going belly up.

Once the blood sucking chaff drifts away on the wind, we will get REAL solar power and REAL
competition, because without big uncle stuffing pockets they are going to actually have to
compete and provide value. This has been a long time in coming and I am sure we will now see 2000
watt solar power systems getting installed complete with batteries and inverters for less than $3,000
and smaller systems, perfectly usable ones that will provide enough to run lights, LED flat screen
television (not plasma), fridge, washer, but not air conditioning will start going in for under $1000. And
it is about time!

There is absolutely no reason why 600 watts of solar panels, 4000 watt hours of batteries, and 3000
watt inverter systems can't be done profitably for $1000 if you are not doing grid tie. Who needs grid tie
anyway? If all you need is a practical system, that is nothing but romance!

Anyway, now people are likely to start seeing huge 300 watt solar panels for $150 that they can hook
up to 4 trolling batteries from Wal Mart and then run off perfectly acceptable modified sine wave
inverters that are sold at all the truck stops, and can deliver thousands of watts. A fair price on a charge
controller that would protect the batteries is $10. And we will probably see it once attitudes are forced
to change.

Turkey has published the location of 11 illegal

U.S. military bases in Syria
If you ever wanted a final answer as to how illegal American actions were in Syria, or who the U.S.
supports and what the U.S. does to overthrow nations, it does not get any better than this. I tried to
link the actual Turkish government report, but an intercept is instead loading a hijack script
when I try to go there. Someone wants this shut up as well as possible. Too late though.

I heard about this yesterday but did not entirely believe it. But now the Turkish government itself has
posted it, so it must be true. If someone does want this shut up, it is too late now because
seen-endangering-troops" target="new">Bloomberg has had the references to the Turkish news
agency for two days.

Ok, so the question then is for WHAT REASON did the U.S. have 11 un approved military bases in
Syria for? I don't need to answer that, do I? That does not look good AT ALL. But it is confirmation of a
truth that anyone who pays attention to things knew all along.
The linked report in the post below does not actually say U.S. travelers will be
banned, but This one and many others do.
Possible war preparations? U.S. citizens
banned from North Korea
A travel ban to North Korea has been put in place, with the death of Otto Warmbier given as a reason.
Though his death is highly suspicious some think he was a mossad spy who bit a poison capsule after
being sent to jail, and there is substantial evidence this may be the case. It remains unproven (and
always will) but would explain why he arrived to the U.S. brain dead, evidently after being brain dead
in North Korea for more than a year. There are other things that could just as easily explain that however

At any rate, I myself probably would not vacation there . . . . . and now, by law, you cannot. SEE THIS

It is possible the Pentagon wants all Americans out of there before they blow the place up, but this has
not been officially stated.

A clarification on the post "this web site cannot

Anonymous sent:

Hi Jim, point understood re appearance of no/highly limited new traffic to the site. I am wondering if it's
possible to determine within an acceptable likelihood what drives new traffic to the site. Is it individual
word of mouth? Is it people mentioning the site in comments sections? Is it people mentioning the site
in social media?

My response: What has happened is that filters have been put in place to prevent alt media stories
from going viral. It is not only this web site. It would be affecting everything you stated. As many people
have said, they have no problems accessing this site from new computers (I do not either, I hit it from
random cybers all the time) so that is not the issue. The problem is that when something gets posted
that should be popular, nothing shows up in the traffic stats. In the past, when any big story hit traffic
would triple or even go up by as much as 10X. Now, no matter what is going on, it stays completely
static. It does not go up or down by even 300 people, when before it would fluctuate by as much as
500, 000 if the story was huge, and usually you would see peaks and dips of 30, 000 or so as a normal
matter of course.

The normal baseline is where it has always been, but there are no peaks anymore because something
is clipping them off. And I have noticed that very few really good stories are making it to the
forums, even though they are still getting posted. It is as if there is an approved list that is drawn
up daily, and if it is not on that list, it is not allowed to go anywhere. In the past, I used to see
great stuff pop up on various forums from many people in alt media. About two months ago, that
changed. Now it is all just flatlined nothingness. And when I have posted stuff I have found to forums,
it either gets wiped out, or trips bans. Something is really amiss. Nothing I have posted anywhere lately
has stuck. And I don't post what I put on this web site, it is other people's stuff, so it is not just me.

This happens from cyber cafe computers also, so it is not that I have been flagged (I can't be flagged,
that's impossible) because of the way I am configured but it seems content gets scanned, and that is
what triggers deletes and bans. It is happening so rapidly and so completely that only an AI could
ever do it. It is as if an AI is vacuuming up entire alt media articles and comparing text strings
as stuff goes across the web to decide if it makes it or not.

I strongly suspect that if anyone in alt media checks their own stats (not Alexa) they are going to see
that things are trending downward, starting in May, and that nothing is going viral anymore, it is all just

So hopefully this clarifies what I am talking about in my post about this site not being able to progress. It
is not only this web site - things are getting very bland in the infosphere, unless you have time
to hit 500 unique locations and see what everyone has posted. Before it was much easier
because anything good would pop up in 10 or 12 places that are easy to check. That is not
happening anymore because something huge is stopping it. If people can't get their stuff linked by
readers anywhere outside of their web sites they will slowly die. And that is precisely what the goal of
the elite has to be if they want alternative views shut down, so they can rig elections and fool everyone
at will.

Anyway, the post "this web site cannot progress" is not specifically about this web
site, it is about all of alt media. It appears we are fast approaching a flash point.
Oregon couple loses kids because of low IQ
Here's the back story: Both parents got their high school diplomas and they are normal diplomas, not
special diplomas for disabled people. So they can't be that stupid. The dad has an IQ of 66 and has his
drivers license. That's a low IQ but it is only borderline retarded. The mom has an IQ of 72, which is
very low average, but not retarded. So it really looks like the state stepped out of line, when the average
Iq in the following countries is:

Republic of the Congo: 65

Cameroon: 64
Central African Republic: 64
Ethiopia: 64
Gabon: 64
Mozambique: 64
Sierra Leon: 64
St Lucia: 62
Equatorial Gunea: 58
Those are not hoax stats, you can look them up anywhere, and those are AVERAG IQ's, which means
half the population in those countries is below that.

So since there was never any evidence of abuse or neglect, and the parents can actually talk sensibly,
taking the kids appears to be very wrong here and is a probable slippery slope to something far worse
for everyone in the future. SEE THIS

Has Canada gone full communist?

A Canadian dentist diagnosed a 10 year old girl with 9 cavities, and wanted to do a mega gouge bill of
totaling "thousands" of dollars. There's no way cavities come out to "thousands", braces do, maybe
extensive dental work might, but for drilling cavities that's a gouge no ifs or buts.
So the mom seriously doubted the quote, and did not have that much money anyway so she took her
girl to another dentist for a second opinion. The second dentist said there were fewer cavities so she
had the work done there. Sounds all normal up until now.

Here's where it goes commie: The first dentist called Child Protective Services, said the kid was in
desperate need of dental care, and sent protective services to bust the mother for child neglect!
Fortunately when they arrived the mom had a clean bill of health from another dentist and the kid was
not taken. But the fact this could happen at all proves beyond a doubt the government in Canada is
totally out of whack so badly that dentists can tag any price they want on a kid, and then use the state
to enforce it by taking the kids away if the parents are not damn lucky. In this case, the dentist lost. But
the fact this happened at all speaks volumes. SEE THIS

Due to an apparent deployment of weaponized

AI, this web site cannot progress.
There are no longer unique traffic spikes. The only thing that could cause it so efficiently is a web
resident weaponized AI.

Though the traffic from normal visitors doubled over the last two days, absolutely zero new unique
visitors hit the web site. This trend has been ongoing for about two months. In the past, if the traffic
from regular users doubled, unique visits would go up by about 500 percent. The fact they are now
going up by zero can only mean that this web site is being entirely blocked for anyone who has never
seen it before. This means the battle cannot be won simply by trying to get a message out. "unique"
visitors are started fresh every month, with even regulars counted as uniques. For the last two months
regulars represent the only unique visits there are. SO:

To the people who wrote such an efficient web killing AI, congratulations. To the rest of us: This has to
be happening to everyone. I do not believe this web site has been singled out. All the traffic stats for
ALL alt media are falling now. If you own an alt media site, take a look at your stats, FROM YOUR
SERVER, not second party. You will be spooked. And if they actually succeed in preventing us from
advancing our message, and therefore providing a peaceful solution, then war is the only answer. They
have drawn the line. There is no choice but to seek other options if this continues.

If they force a civil war to happen, REMEMBER ONE THING: Soft targets are the only thing that should
be considered. And I mean, civilian targets. Because the enemy that is destroying us is operating at a
civilian level, The problem has to be addressed CIVILIAN AGAINST CIVILIAN, THAT IS WHAT A
CIVIL WAR IS. You cannot fix such a problem by working through the government. You take
whatever you have, and unleash it on OTHER CIVILIANS that are using whatever positions they
have to subvert you. Most of these enemy civilians work in the government. Don't walk into their
offices and talk to them there, meet them on the street and settle your grievances, OPEN UP A
POSITION IN GOVERNMENT, and then have someone decent go and take the job. A majority of the
civilians that are performing subversive roles are Jewish. And in a civil war, places of worship,
professional areas, and any other places the enemy meets (like Starbucks) are supreme options for
settling grievances. And by the way, not many Jews use starbucks but their witless goy trolls do.
Effectively they are the same target.

It is not time to act yet, but it is DEFINITELY time to start making arrangements. We first have to see if
Trump can fix this. They are working their butts off to see he cannot. They are definitely destroying alt
media right now with artificial intelligence, in the hopes of having a monopoly by the time the next
election comes around. They MUST BE STOPPED.

They are not your friend. They openly and overtly want to destroy the United States and have made it
an object of pride, which they often don't even veil anymore. They won't even hide it on college campi
anymore. Their motives are out in the open, and if it is your motive to save the nation, and theirs to
destroy it, the lines are drawn and you have your obligations to not only your country, you have your
obligation to the future of everyone.

At any rate, traffic has fallen off considerably here since mid May because no one new is making it. It
suddenly dropped by about 10 percent and then stayed completely static with no fluctuations in traffic
whatsoever. This is not a natural situation, something is definitely amiss, and if things don't change, we
will all have absolutely no option other than to go hot.

Man builds stairs for 0.0084615 the cost of the

LOWEST bid out of his OWN POCKET, city says
A park in Toronto needed 8 stairs built down an embankment. The lowest bid the city accepted was
$65, 000 CAD, with the highest being $150, 000 CAD. Someone in the neighborhood got upset by the
rip off, and built what looks like perfectly good stairs for $550. The city wants them torn out, because
someone did not get their kick back!

In my opinion, the stairs could have been better for $550 because for that price they could have been
concrete. But the neighborhood still clearly proved that the city is basically robbing the people by
drastically overpricing projects. In this case, they clearly inflated the cost by 99 times over, for the

I know a contractor in Canada. He wanted to get work from the city of Vancouver. So he filed all the
paperwork, submitted it, and a little while later he got a call. The only thing they wanted to know, for
him to qualify, is if he would give kickbacks to anyone in the city government who gave him

In other words, they did not ask for his skills or anything else, all they wanted to know is if they would
get their cut of every deal. And he was laughing, because that was the real requirement for getting
contracts with the city. And he was perfectly happy to do it, and said that even if he gave a big kickback,
he could still beat the competition because their bids were so outrageous.

Anyway, evidently Toronto runs on the same system. I believe this system is in place everywhere,
including even small town America. if you want to see why your taxes are so high, take a look at
this Toronto news report. This pretty much says it all!

There is an update to the shooting report below

the fluoride report
In that update I stand my ground completely, plus am turned off by the "she saved the ducklings" story
and the change in the police officer testimony. Something stinks with this, and I am not budging an inch
even if some people are very upset.
Mexican kosher toothpaste
Yesterday, Claudia found some kosher toothpaste, checked it for fluoride, there was none. I will be
going back to that store to document it.

As many of my readers know, I investigated fluoride in toothpaste a few years ago and discovered that
anything with fluoride was never marked kosher. Additionally, nothing that was kosher ever had fluoride.
Once I published this, that changed, and now many brands in the U.S. have fluoride and are marked
Kosher. So what are you supposed to do about that? ANSWER: Check the market outside of the U.S.!
I can do that and never thought about it.

It would be really easy however, with that one ingredient to remember, just to warn anyone about it and
I am sure the Jews are well aware, and avoid Colgate like the plague. And they also have their sources
for their own toothpaste (toms fluoride free toothpaste at Wal Mart is one of them).

And that reminds me, do you remember when I posted this picture?

In Mexico, Prozac is not called Prozac. It is simply called Fluoxetina. So why is this
box of children's fluoride mouth rinse called Fluoxytil? Well, you guess. I'll give a hint.
And that is that Prozac is, by volume, approximately 20 percent fluoride. The remainder of
what is in prozac is designed to get that fluoride across the blood brain barrier and keep it
there. Technically, since anything that bonds with fluorine is a form of fluoride, Prozac
could be defined as 100 percent fluoride, and Mike Adams claims 95 percent. But that is not
really how it plays out in the real world application, because a majority of what is in prozac is
designed to make sure the fluoride component gets into the brain very effectively, where it then
separates and stays. Once in the brain, the half life of prozac is 45 days. That means you can
dose way beyond what is needed, go off of it, and crash a year later when you'd never suspect
that is why your brain went haywire so long after you quit. It only takes 1 milligram of fluoride
in your brain to totally wack it out, and Prozac goes into the stratosphere beyond that.

Fluoride proponents will say that the fluoride in prozac is not the same as the fluoride in toothpaste. But
I'd beg to differ with that position, when we have a box of FLUOXYTIL right here, (which might
just not say fluoxetina because "fluoxytil" sounds more fun.) At any rate, it is WAY too close for
me. I'd say we have a match.

There is a reason why Prozac is Fluoxetine Hydrochloride and not straight fluoride

The reason is because if anyone ate enough fluoride to have the same mental effects at the same level
Prozac does, it would kill them. Fluoride is poisonous to the body, so the only way to super dose it into
the brain without blowing out organs and browning teeth is to put it on a carrier molecule, and that is
what the hydrochloride part of it is. Hmm, sounds like an acid. Not quite, but close.

In chemistry, a hydrochloride is an acid salt that can be used as a carrier for chemical compounds. In
the case of prozac, it is to allow fluoride into the brain under the disguise of a salt, where it then
separates and allows the fluoride to do it's dirty work. Since a major component of prozac is a
hydrochloride salt, it cannot actually be 95 percent or 100 percent fluoride, even though on paper it
could technically be represented that way.
When fluoride is put into toothpaste and water absent a carrier, it can still cross the blood/brain barrier,
but it does not do it nearly as well as when it is bonded with a hydrochloride carrier. So that's the
difference between the fluoride in your toothpaste, and the fluoride in prozac.

Did I say fluoride in YOUR toothpaste? I hope it is not there, you should be buying Tom's toothpaste,
or brushing with Ivory soap (that works great) or whatever else, FLUORIDE IS FOR THOSE WHO
THINK YOU ARE STUPID FOR BELIVING IN CONSPIRACY. Let them eat fluoride, and keep the
"benefits" for themselves.

They are now covering up Justine's feminist activities by instead labeling her as a "life
coach!" Yep, that is exactly what feminists activists do - they "coach" women to a new
"life". Question: If Justine was engaged, how could she be a feminist?

Answer: Virtually all the women at the tip of the Feminist spear know it is a weapon, and don't follow it
themselves when outside of the public eye. Most of the most damaging high level people have multiple
kids, and a family they won't mention. Their message is ONLY for those they seek to destroy, with the
primary target (at this time) being Western civilization.

Justine might have been absolutely great at home. At the tip of the spear, the feminists are as two faced
as it gets.

I might as well mention Barbara Spectre here -

And on that note - Barbara Spectre claims Western civilization only dates back 200 years, and is
therefore has no heritage to worry about destroying.

My response: The piano is older than that. How about reading glasses, around since the 1400's? What
about Shakespere? And when did Columbus set sail? 1492? how about Gallileo? All the ships had a
compass back then. I mean, a working MAGNETIC COMPASS. And Barbara knows that. But if the
goal is to destroy Western civilization, "White males hate and oppress women," and it all only goes
back a short while.

And now the update to the shooting report.

Gee, I am sorry! If the Feminists put the battle lines where you have put them, they ought not be
surprised if not everyone out there is a limp wristed beta that's going to cry for them when they take a
loss, AND I DOUBT THEY DID ANYWAY, the story stinks!
Anonymous sent:

The things you said about Justine Damond are unforgivable. Filthy lies dredged up from the murky
depths of a sick mind. What a vile, scum sucking predator you are, a purveyor of lies and deception.
She was so far above you in evolution, you couldn't even comprehend her goodness, so you attacked
her after her murder. You are even worse than the piece of shit who killed her

My response: Nothing was dredged up or invented. Everything I stated was documented. If a Somali
killed her for a reason the media refuses to state, (obviously there had to be a reason) then it is perfectly
ok for people to question that.
Now they are saying he could not see what was going on, was scared, and shot. I don't buy that. I don't
buy that, because "complete testimonies" published in different locations said there was a loud noise
that scared the officer and others and do not mention a noise. ALL say the police body cams were
off, INCLUDING THE CAR CAM all the while they were supposedly responding to a rape and
were "worried about a possible ambush". So BOTH cops violated protocol in a claimed way that
makes absolutely no sense. if they were headed into a threat, they'd want that recorded yet it is all just
a black hole. What is up with that? This whole story stinks. And when a story stinks, you have to dig to
find out possible reasons why. That means looking into the background of who got shot, and the
background of who the shooter was. HERE ARE THE FACTS:

FACT: She was a professional activist who pushed the feminist/anti gun agenda. She supposedly did
yoga for 17 years, but was only in America for a year. That means the 17 years of yoga does not apply.
She had no real job other than as an activist. She was deeply rooted in the feminist hirarchy. She was
primarily mourned by the feminists who organize activities, including the women's marches. CNN
REPORTED THIS. I REPEAT, EVEN CNN REPORTED THIS, but that's not the 1, st second, third,
fourth, or fifth place I heard it. CNN comes in dead last.

So that is how it was, and that's the very first clue to why if this story is not entirely fake, a Somali
Muslim may have shot her - because if that's the type she was, she probably meddled in Islamic affairs
and did damage he felt there had to be revenge for. What's wrong with saying that, other than that it
reduces the amount of sympathy for the situation you seem to want?

So now they say the officer was confused and scared. I doubt it, because his partner was stunned that
he opened fire. If there was a reason to be scared, his partner would not have been surprised he
opened fire. IF THERE WAS A LOUD NOISE AS THEY ARE NOW STATING his partner would not
have been surprised he opened fire. So there is bullshitting going on now. I doubt there was
any loud noise. If that be the case, and I am trying to make sense of a nonsense story, then the other
rational option is that he recognized her and shot.

Obviously there is a lot of heat on this, and I have not explored whether or not she was Jewish. If so,
going against the official story would cause backlash. And i am not backing off on this even if some
people are pissed, because I happen to be right on my perspective.

Not saying it the way the MSM said it is not making stuff up. Go over what I said, and tell me
where I am wrong. Don't just tell me I made stuff up, because I did not. Even my claim about the
Jewish community in Minneapolis being one of the most subversive in North America is accurate, in
the United States it is probably #5, and Canada included it is probably #7. This was learned during my
experience with the Jewish community. Don't expect an MSM link for that. Minneapolis a real hot spot
that can spawn B.S. and set up anything it wants. Seems that may be the case with how irrational the
story line is. Point out where I am wrong please, or suck it up.

I WILL REPEAT, and I don't care if it pisses a few people off:


won't report that does not change the obvious. No one simply pulls out a gun and starts shooting without
cause. None of the officer stories concerning a possible threat makes sense, because ALL 3 CAMERAS
WERE OFF, IN TOTAL VIOLATION OF THE RULES which would not have happened without intent.
There was not supposed to be a record of this, and that is why the cameras were off. There is no other
answer. So the overwhelming probability is that either it is fake, or revenge. What else is there? Don't
count on the MSM to report it!

This is a story where a key feminist activist, probably #1 in Minnesota, bit the dust. Howcome
the MSM is backing off on that and instead focusing on how she rescued some
ducklings? Feminists have hurt America so much that in a civil war, they have to be a primary target.
She was very high level. That is not a fabrication. The biggest reaction came from the feminists who
organize the women's march, and that she was deeply intertwined with that, and even her "family" was.

If you are so into this story to be so passionate, you really ought to know enough about it to know
everything I said is 100 percent supported even by the MSM, which is unusual - perhaps they never
figured anyone would take what they posted and interpret it the way I did. But to ignore the feminist
activist vs Islamic fundamentalist angle of this is to fly completely blind. To ignore the significance of
ALL CAMERAS OFF is also to fly completely blind.

Oh but she was "so loving". Just like any abortion doctor. CNN would definitely point out how "loving"
a shot abortion doctor was. It is all a matter of propaganda. A matter of "perspective." A pit bull can be
VERY loving on it's own turf, all the while the rest of the world needs to WATCH OUT.

Too much is being ignored in this story. I WILL NEVER believe this is a story about an irresponsible
over reactive cop. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS. it is definitely something else, which means the
answer is out there, and it is childish to get angry with people who don't buy the official line and actually
look for the real answer unless whoever gets mad had an agenda with this, or is totally wrapped up in,
and trusting of the MSM.

Ok so I escalated it a notch beyond before. That's what you will get from me with this, because I know
I am right, and my lines are drawn.

McCain has brain cancer

That fits.

My comment: This is a sad day for ISIS, because on the day they had their arms shipments and funding
cut by Trump, their best ally was diagnosed with brain cancer. Let's all hope for a death bead 911
confession. SEE THIS

Trump has ended covert funding to CIA backed

rebels in Syria
The Washington Post just can't let the Trump/Russia meme die, and they can't admit that it is really
ISIS being de-funded but they did at least report in a way that made it obvious it always was American
backed rebels in Syria wreaking all the havoc. They also said that Russia stopped the CIA plan from
working. That's pretty blatant truth from the Washington Post, that only goes to show that the alt media
had it right all along while the MSM sat there spinning on lies.

We will probably still get ISIS beheading videos because Trump did not go far enough to de-fund Site
Intelligence Group, but this is at least a good start. SEE THIS
The Neurodiversity of free speech
The following writing by a sufferer of Aspergers is very long, and very brilliant. It makes a solid case
that common "mental disabilities" make "political correctness" impossible to follow. If enough lawyers
and other people see this, it will destroy the thought police at American universities and put an end to
"political correctness" because it makes a rock solid case demonstrating the illegality of much of today's
PC culture in colleges. He lays out a rock solid case for any anti-discrimination attorney to follow so
that the "neurodiverse" can sue the pants off the PC police because whites are being totally
discriminated against.

This looks like it may be the death knell for all PC anti-free-speech policies on campuses, as this article
shows how it is impossible to implement them in a way that does not violate anti-discrimination and
disability laws. If enough lawyers and students see this it will mean an end to the entire PC culture
because it opens the door to endless discrimination lawsuits, even when the victim of discrimination is

The Neurodiversity case for free speech

Geoffrey Miller, July 18 2017

Imagine a young Isaac Newton time-travelling from 1670s England to teach Harvard undergrads in
2017. After the time-jump, Newton still has an obsessive, paranoid personality, with Asperger's
syndrome, a bad stutter, unstable moods, and episodes of psychotic mania and depression. But now
he's subject to Harvard's speech codes that prohibit any disrespect for the dignity of others;
any violations will get him in trouble with Harvard's Inquisition (the 'Office for Equity, Diversity, and
Inclusion'). Newton also wants to publish Philosophi Naturalis Principia Mathematica, to explain the
laws of motion governing the universe. But his literary agent explains that he can't get a decent book
deal until Newton builds his 'author platform' to include at least 20k Twitter followers - without provoking
any backlash for airing his eccentric views on ancient Greek alchemy, Biblical cryptography, fiat
currency, Jewish mysticism, or how to predict the exact date of the Apocalypse.

Newton wouldn't last long as a 'public intellectual' in modern American culture. Sooner or later, he would
say 'offensive' things that get reported to Harvard and that get picked up by mainstream media as
moral-outrage clickbait. His eccentric, ornery awkwardness would lead to swift expulsion from
academia, social media, and publishing. Result? On the upside, he'd drive some traffic
through Huffpost, Buzzfeed, and Jezebel, and people would have a fresh controversy to virtue-
signal about on Facebook. On the downside, we wouldn't have Newton's Laws of Motion.

Let's take a step back from this alt-history nightmare and consider the general problem of
'neurodiversity' and free speech. In this article, I'll explore the science of neurodiversity, and how
campus speech codes and restrictive speech norms impose impossible expectations on the social
sensitivity, cultural awareness, verbal precision, and self-control of many neurodiverse people.

I'll focus on how campus speech codes impose discriminatory chilling effects on academic
neurodiversity, partly because I'm a nerdy academic who loathes speech codes. But it's not just
personal. Ever since the Middle Ages, universities have nurtured people with unusual brains and minds.
Historically, academia was a haven for neurodiversity of all sorts. Eccentrics have been hanging out in
Cambridge since 1209 and in Harvard since 1636. For centuries, these eccentricity-havens have been
our time-traveling bridges from the ancient history of Western civilization to the far future of science,
technology, and moral progress. Now thousands of our havens are under threat, and that's sad and
wrong, and we need to fix it.

This article is a bit long, because the argument is new (as far as I know), and it requires a bit of
background. But I hope you'll stick with me, because I think the issue is neglected and important.

From eccentricity to neurodiversity

Censorship kills creativity, truth, and progress in obvious ways. Without the free exchange of ideas,
people cant share risky new ideas (creativity), test them against other peoples logic and facts (truth),
or compile them into civilizational advances (progress). But censorship also kills rational culture in a
less obvious way: it silences the eccentric. It discriminates against neurodiversity. It imposes a chilling
effect on unusual brains that house unusual minds. It marginalizes people who may have great ideas,
but who also happen to have mental disorders, personality quirks, eccentric beliefs, or unusual
communication styles that make it hard for them to understand and follow the current speech norms
that govern what is 'acceptable'. Harvard's speech codes and Twitter's trolls may not prohibit anything
in Principiaitself, but they drive away the kinds of eccentric people who write such books because of all
the other 'offensive' things they sometimes do and say.

Eccentricity is a precious resource, easily wasted. In his book On Liberty (1859): John Stuart Mill
warned that 'the tyranny of the majority' tends to marginalize the insights of the eccentric:

The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental
vigour, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief
danger of the time. (Chapter 3, paragraph 13).

Nowadays, 'the tyranny of the neurotypical' oppressing the neurodiverse may be the chief danger of
our time.

The neurotypicality assumption behind speech codes

Campus speech codes may have been well-intentioned at first. They tried to make universities more
welcoming to racial and sexual minorities by forcing everyone to speak as inoffensively as possible.
But a side-effect of trying to increase demographic diversity was to reduce neurodiversity, by
stigmatizing anyone whose brain can't color inside the lines of 'appropriate speech'. The more
'respectful' campuses became to the neurotypical, the more alienating they became to neurodiverse

Here's the problem. America's informal 'speech norms', which govern what we're allowed to say and
what we're not, were created and imposed by 'normal' brains, for 'normal' brains to obey and enforce.
Formal speech codes at American universities were also written by and for the 'neurotypical'. They
assume that everyone on campus is equally capable, 100% of the time, of:

Using their verbal intelligence and cultural background to understand speech codes that are
intentionally vague, over-broad, and euphemistic, to discern who's actually allowed to say what,
in which contexts, using which words;
Understand what's inside the current Overton window of 'acceptable ideas', including the current
social norms about what is 'respectful' versus what is 'offensive', 'inappropriate', 'sexist', 'racist',
'Islamophobic', or 'transphobic';
Use 'Theory of Mind' to predict with 100% accuracy which speech acts might be offensive to
someone of a different sex, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, or
political outlook;
Inhibit 'inappropriate' speech with 100% reliability in all social contexts that might be reported or
recorded by others;
Predict with 100% accuracy what's likely to trigger outrage by peers, student activists, social
media, or mainstream media - any of which might create 'adverse publicity' for the university and
a speech code inquisition, without due process or right of appeal, for the speaker.

Speech codes assume a false model of human nature - that everyone has the same kind of brain that
yields a narrow, 'normal' set of personality traits, cognitive and verbal abilities, moral temperaments,
communication styles, and capacities for self-inhibition. This neurotypicality assumption is scientifically
wrong, because different people inherit different sets of genes that influence how their brains grow and
function, and every mental trait shows substantial heritability. These heritable mental traits run deep:
they are stable across adolescence and adulthood, and they span everything from social intelligence
to political attitudes. They also predict many aspects of human communication - probably including the
ability to understand and follow formal speech codes and informal speech norms. The neurodiverse
are often just 'born that way'.

Why speech codes stigmatize the most creative thinkers

When universities impose speech codes, they impose impossible behavioral standards on people who
aren't neurotypical, such as those with Asperger's, bipolar, Tourette's, or dozens of other personality
quirks or mental 'disorders'. Historically, neurodiversity was stigmatized with extreme prejudice, but
recently the Autism Rights Movement, the National Alliance for Mental Illness, and other advocacy
groups have fought for more acceptance. (The terms 'neurodiversity' and 'neurotypical' come from the
Autism Rights Movement, but I'm using them here more generally.) Neurodiversity is even celebrated
in recent books such as Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin (on Asperger's syndrome), A Beautiful
Mind by Sylvia Nasar (on schizophrenia), The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutton (on Dark Triad
traits), and Quiet by Susan Cain (on introversion).

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 - 1951) was an Austrian-British philosopher who worked primarily in logic,
the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of language.

Most of the real geniuses I've known are not neurotypical. Especially in evolutionary game theory. They
would have a lot of trouble comprehending or following typical university speech codes. I suspect this
would have been true for most of the brilliant thinkers who built civilization over the last several
millennia. Consider just a few geniuses who seem, given biographical records, to have been on
the autism/Asperger's spectrum: Bla Bartk, Jeremy Bentham, Lewis Carroll, Marie Curie, Charles
Darwin, Emily Dickinson, Albert Einstein, Sir Ronald Fisher, Sir Francis Galton, Glenn Gould, Patricia
Highsmith, Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Kinsey, Stanley Kubrick, Barbara McClintock, Gregor Mendel,
Bertrand Russell, Nikola Tesla, Mark Twain, Alan Turing, H. G. Wells, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. (Aspies
like me enjoy making lists; also see this resource.) Moreover, the world's richest tech billionaires often
show some Asperger-like traits: think Paul Allen, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Peter Thiel, and
Mark Zuckerberg. And in movies and TV, outspoken, insensitive Aspies no longer just play 'mad
scientist' side-kicks, but heroic protagonists such as Tony Stark, Sherlock Holmes, Gregory House,
Lisbeth Salander, and Dr. Strange.

On the upside, the civilizational contributions from neurodiversity have been formidable - and often
decisive in science and technology. On the downside, 'Aspy' traits seem common among academics
who have suffered the worst public outrages against things they've said and done, that weren't intended
to be offensive at all.

The varieties of neurodiversity

Restrictive speech norms are a problem for people on the autism spectrum, which includes about 1%
of the general public, but which is a much higher proportion of academics in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM fields) - like Sheldon Cooper, a Caltech physicist on the TV
show The Big Bang Theory. Apart from the autism spectrum, a much larger proportion of students,
staff, and faculty at any university have other neurological disorders, mental illnesses, or personality
quirks that make it hard to avoid 'offensive' speech all of the time - even if they're 'high functioning' and
have no trouble doing their academic work. For example, speech codes make no allowance for these

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (3%) imposes high impulsivity and a tendency
to blurt out inappropriate comments;
Tourette syndrome (1%) can include irresistible compulsions to say obscene or derogatory
Social (pragmatic) communication disorder (a newly recognized disorder, prevalence unknown)
impairs abilities to use language 'appropriately', to match communication styles to different
contexts and listeners, and to read between the lines given subtle or ambiguous language;
PTSD (8% prevalence) increases sensitivity to reminders of past trauma ('triggers'), which can
provoke reactive anger, verbal aggression, and offensive speech;
Bipolar disorder (4%) can trigger manic phases in which beliefs become more eccentric, and
speech and sexual behavior become less inhibited;
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (5% prevalence) often lead to unusual communication styles,
social awkwardness, and eccentric views that fall outside the Overton window;
Paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal ('Cluster A') personality disorders (4% prevalence) involve
social awkwardness, eccentric behaviors, and odd speech patterns, which can come across as
insensitive or offensive;
Histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, and antisocial ('Cluster B') personality disorders (2%
prevalence) involve impulsivity, attention-seeking, emotional instability and/or lack of empathy,
which result in speech and behavior that often violates social norms.

Some of the prevalence estimates are imprecise, and many people have more than one of these
disorders. But together, mental disorders like these affect at least 20% of students, staff, and faculty.
That's higher than the percentage of American college students who are Hispanic (17%), Black (14%),
LGBTQ+ (7%), or undocumented immigrants (5%). And for many of these mental disorders, symptom
severity peaks at the ages of typical college students: universities are demanding that the neurodiverse
inhibit their speech most carefully when they are least able to do so.

Apart from diagnosable mental disorders such as Asperger's, a substantial minority of people on any
campus are on the extremes of the Big Five personality traits, which all have implications for speech
code behavior. Low Conscientiousness predicts impulsive, reckless, or short-sighted speech and
behavior - i.e. being more likely to violate speech codes. Low Agreeableness predicts being ornery,
offensive, and disagreeable - i.e. violating speech codes. High Openness predicts adopting unusual
beliefs and eccentric behaviors - i.e. violating speech codes. High Extraversion predicts being hyper-
social, hyper-sexual, and hyper-verbal - i.e. especially violating codes about sexual behavior and
speech. Since the Big Five traits all show substantial heritability, any speech code that can't realistically
be followed by people who score at an extreme on these Big Five traits, is basically punishing them for
the genes they happened to inherit.

Beyond mental disorders and personality quirks, many people on campuses at any given time are in
states of 'transient neurodiversity' - altered psychological states due to low blood sugar, life stressors,
medication side-effects, or 'smart drugs' such as caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall, or Modafinil. Also, sleep
disorders affect over 20% of people, and the resulting sleep deprivation reduces inhibition. These kinds
of transient neurodiversity can also interfere with social sensitivity, Theory of Mind, and verbal inhibition,
so can reduce the ability to comply with speech codes. Unless universities want to outlaw fatigue,
hunger, heartbreak, meds and coffee it's hard to maintain the delusion that everyone's speech will be
100% inoffensive 100% of the time.

How neurodiversity makes it hard to understand speech codes

Since speech codes are written by the neurotypical for the neurotypical, the neurodiverse often find
them literally incomprehensible, and it's impossible to follow a rule that doesn't make sense.

For example, a typical set of 'respectful campus', 'sexual misconduct', and 'anti-harassment' policies

'unwelcome verbal behavior'

'unwelcome jokes about a protected characteristic'
'hate or bias acts that violate our sense of community'
'sexist comments'
'degrading pictorial material'
'displaying objectionable objects'
'negative posters about a protected characteristic'

These quotes are from my university's recent policies, but they're pretty standard. I don't understand
what any of these phrases actually allow or prohibit, and I worked on free speech issues in our Faculty
Senate for two years, and in our Sexual Misconduct Policy Committee for one year, so I've puzzled
over them for some time.

Lacking good Theory of Mind, how could a person with Asperger's anticipate which speech acts would
be 'unwelcome' to a stranger, or might be considered 'sexist' or 'sexually suggestive'? Lacking a good
understanding of social norms, how could they anticipate what counts as a 'hate act that violates our
sense of community', or what counts as an 'objectionable object'? Lacking a good understanding of
current civil rights legalese, how could any 18-year-old Freshman - neurotypical or not - understand
what a 'protected characteristic' is?

The language of campus speech codes is designed to give the illusion of precision, while remaining so
vague that they can be enforced however administrators want to enforce them, whenever personal
complaints, student protests, lawsuits, or adverse publicity make it expedient to punish someone for
being 'offensive'. So, students, staff, and faculty are expected to be able to 'read between the lines' of
speech codes to understand what is actually forbidden versus what is actually permitted.
But people differ in their ability to understand spoken and written language, including the dry intricacies
of administrative policies, the ever-changing euphemisms of PC culture, and the double standards of
Leftist identity politics. Deciphering speech codes requires high levels of verbal, social, and emotional
intelligence to discern the real meaning behind vague euphemisms and social justice shibboleths, and
the neurodiverse may not have the kinds of brains that can make those kinds of inferences.

Speech codes are also intentionally vague so that anyone who's upset by someone else's speech can
make a complaint, with the subjective feelings of the listener as the arbiter of whether an offense has
occurred. In most campus speech codes, there is no 'reasonable person' standard for what speech
counts as offensive. This means that even if an Aspy or schizotypal person develops an accurate
mental model of how an average person would respond to a possible speech act, they can't rely on
that. They're expected to make their speech inoffensive to the most sensitive person they might ever
encounter on campus. The result is the 'coddling culture' in which administrators prioritize the alleged
vulnerabilities of listeners over the communication rights of speakers. In fact, the only lip service given
to neurodiversity in campus speech codes is in the (false) assumption that 'trigger warnings' and
prohibitions against 'microaggressions' will be useful in protecting listeners with PTSD or high
neuroticism. Administrators assume that the most vulnerable 'snowflakes' are always listeners, and
never speakers. They even fail to understand that when someone with PTSD is 'triggered' by a situation,
they might say something in response that someone else finds 'offensive'.

Systematizing versus empathizing

Autism spectrum disorders are central to the tension between campus censorship and neurodiversity.
This is because there's a trade-off between 'systematizing' and 'empathizing'. Systematizing is the drive
to construct and analyze abstract systems of rules, evidence, and procedures; it's stronger in males, in
people with autism/Asperger's, and in STEM fields. Empathizing is the ability to understand other
people's thoughts and feelings, and to respond with 'appropriate' emotions and speech acts; it's
stronger in females, in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and in the arts and humanities.
Conservative satirists often mock 'social justice warriors' for their 'autistic screeching', but Leftist student
protesters are more likely to be high empathizers from the arts, humanities, and social sciences, than
high systematizers from the hard sciences or engineering.

Consider the Empathy Quotient (EQ) scale, developed by autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen to
measure empathizing versus systematizing. Positively-scored items that predict higher empathy

'I am good at predicting how someone will feel.'

'I find it easy to put myself in somebody else's shoes.'
'I can tune into how someone else feels rapidly and intuitively.'
'I can usually appreciate the other person's viewpoint, even if I don't agree with it.'

Negatively-scored items that predict lower empathy include:

'I often find it difficult to judge if something is rude or polite.'

'It is hard for me to see why some things upset people so much.'
'I can't always see why someone should have felt offended by a remark.'
'Other people often say that I am insensitive, though I don't always see why.'

Reading these items, it seems like a higher EQ score would strongly predict ability to follow campus
speech codes that prohibit causing offense to others. People on the autism spectrum, such as those
with Asperger's, score much lower on the EQ scale. (Full disclosure: I score 14 out of 80.) Thus, Aspies
simply don't have brains that can anticipate what might be considered offensive, disrespectful,
unwanted, or outrageous by others - regardless of what campus speech codes expect of us. From a
high systematizer's perspective, most 'respectful campus' speech codes are basically demands that
they should turn into a high empathizer through sheer force of will. Men also score lower on the EQ
scale than women, and Asperger's is 11 times more common in men, so speech codes also impose
'disparate impact' on males, a form of sex discrimination that is illegal under federal law.

The ways that speech codes discriminate against systematizers is exacerbated by their vagueness,
overbreadth, unsystematic structure, double standards, and logical inconsistencies - which drive
systematizers nuts. For example, most speech codes prohibit any insults based on a person's sex,
race, religion, or political attitudes. But Aspy students often notice that these codes are applied very
selectively: it's OK to insult 'toxic masculinity' and 'patriarchy', but not to question the 'wage gap' or 'rape
culture'; it's OK to insult 'white privilege' and the 'Alt-Right' but not affirmative action or 'Black Lives
Matter'; it's OK to insult pro-life Catholics but not pro-sharia Muslims. The concept of 'unwelcome' jokes
or 'unwelcome' sexual comments seems like a time-travel paradox to Aspy people - how can you judge
what speech act is 'unwelcome' until after you get the feedback about whether it was welcome? Even
worse, most campus speech codes are associated with social justice theories of gender feminism,
critical race theory, and social constructivism, which reject the best-established scientific findings about
sex differences, race differences, and behavior genetics. Requiring Aspy academics to buy into speech
codes based on blatant falsehoods violates their deepest systematizer values of logic, rationality, and
realism. For an example of a systematizer's exasperation about unprincipled speech codes, see this
letterby a Cornell student with high-functioning autism.

To test my intuitions about these issues, I ran an informal poll of my Twitter followers, asking 'Which
condition would make it hardest to follow a college speech code that prohibits all offensive or
disrespectful statements?'. There were 655 votes across four response options: 54% for 'Asperger's',
19% for 'Schizophrenia', 14% for 'Bipolar', and 13% for 'ADHD'. The results of this one-item survey,
from a small sample of my eccentric followers, should not be taken seriously as any kind of scientific
research. They simply show I'm not the only person who thinks that Asperger's would make it hard to
follow campus speech codes.

In fact, to many STEM students and faculty, empathizers seem to have forged campus speech codes
into weapons for Aspy-shaming. In a world where nerds like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are the
most powerful innovators, speech codes seem like the revenge of the anti-nerds.
How speech codes impose disparate impact on people with neurodiversity

When a policy is formally neutral, but it adversely affects one legally protected group of people more
than other people, that's called 'disparate impact', and it's illegal. People with diagnosed mental
disorders qualify as 'disabled' people under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other
federal laws, so any speech code at a public university that imposes disparate impact on many common
forms of neurodiversity is illegal.

What is the disparate impact here? Given restrictive speech codes and speech norms, people with
various kinds of neurodiversity know that at any time, they might say something 'offensive' that could
lead to expulsion, firing, or denial of tenure. They live in fear. They feel a chilling effect on their speech
and behavior. They learn to self-censor.

Consider how speech codes can feel wretchedly discriminatory to people with neurodiversity:

Imagine youre a grad student in the social sciences and you hear about peers getting into
trouble making off-the-cuff remarks when teaching controversial classes, such as Human
Sexuality, American History, or Social Psychology. You are deterred from teaching, and drift
away into private industry.
Imagine you are a man with Asperger's syndrome doing a science Ph.D. and you see social
justice activists destroying nerdy male scientists for their non-PC views, trivial mistakes, or
fictional offenses, as in the cases of Matt Taylor or Tim Hunt. You realize you'll probably make
some similar misjudgment sooner or later if you stay in academia, so you leave for a Bay Area
tech start-up that's more forgiving of social gaffes.
Imagine you're an anthropology professor with Asperger's, so you can't anticipate whether
people will find your jokes hilarious or offensive until you tell them. But you get better student
course evaluations when you try to be funny. Now your university imposes a new speech code
that says, basically, 'Don't say anything that people might find offensive'. You need good course
evaluations for promotion and tenure, but your brain can't anticipate your students' reactions to
your quirky sense of humor.
Imagine you're an undergrad, but you have bipolar disorder, so sometimes you get into manic
states, when you become more outspoken in classes about your non-PC views on sexual
Imagine you're a university system administrator with Tourette syndrome, so that sometimes in
meetings with other IT staff, you can't help but blurt out words that some consider racially or
sexually offensive.

In response to these chilling effects, neurodiverse academics may withdraw from the social and
intellectual life of the university. They may avoid lab group meetings, post-colloquium dinners, faculty
parties, and conferences, where any tipsy comment, if overheard by anyone with a propensity for
moralistic outrage, could threaten their reputation and career. I've seen this social withdrawal happen
more and more over the last couple of decades. Nerdy, eccentric, and awkward academics who would
have been outspoken, hilarious, and joyful in the 1980s are now cautious, somber, and frightened.

This withdrawal from the university's 'life of the mind' is especially heart-breaking to the neurodiverse,
who often can't stand small talk, and whose only real social connections come through vigorous debate
about dangerous ideas with their intellectual equals. Speech codes don't just censor their words; they
also decimate their relationships, collaborations, and social networks. Chilling effects on speech can
turn an Aspy's social life into a frozen wasteland. The resulting alienation can exacerbate many mental
disorders, leading to a downward spiral of self-censorship, loneliness, despair, and failure. Consider
political science professor Will Moore: he had high-functioning autism, and was so tired of accidentally
offending colleagues that he killed himself this April; his suicide note is here.

If being driven to suicide isn't disparate impact, what is?

There's an analogy here between neurodiversity and ideological diversity. Campus speech codes have
marginalized both over the last couple of decades. American universities are now dominated
by progressive Leftists, registered Democrats, and social justice activists. They are hostile and
discriminatory against students, staff, and faculty who are centrist, libertarian, conservative and/or
religious. There are real career costs to holding certain political views in academia - even if those views
are shared by most Americans. This problem of ideological diversity is already being addressed by
great organizations such as the Heterodox Academy and the Foundation for Individual Rights in
Education, by online magazines such as Quillette, and by free speech advocates such as Alice Dreger,
Jonathan Haidt, Sam Harris, Laura Kipnis, Scott Lilienfeld, Greg Lukianoff, Camille Paglia, Jordan
Peterson, Steven Pinker, and Bret Weinstein. By contrast, the neurodiversity problem has not been
discussed much, although it might be easier to solve through anti-discrimination lawsuits. In principle,
speech codes discriminating against certain ideologies is a form of disparate impact, but at the moment,
being a Republican or a Neoreactionary is not a 'protected class' under federal anti-discrimination law,
whereas having a disability such as a mental disorder is.

Conclusion: What to do about neurodiversity and free speech

Campus speech codes discriminate against neurodiversity. They impose unrealistic demands, fears,
and stigma on the large proportion of students, staff, and faculty who have common mental disorders,
or extremes on the Big Five personality traits, or transient disinhibition due to sleep deprivation or smart
drugs. As a practical matter, it is virtually impossible for someone with Asperger's, bipolar, ADHD, low
Agreeableness, low Conscientiousness, extreme fatigue, or Modafinil mania to understand what kinds
of speech acts are considered acceptable, and to inhibit the production of such speech 100% of the
time, in 100% of educational and social situations.
In a future article, I'll outline a legal strategy to use the ADA to eliminate campus speech codes that
discriminate against neurodiversity.

For the moment, just consider this: every campus speech code and restrictive speech norm is a Sword
of Damocles dangling above the head of every academic whose brain works a little differently. We feel
the sharpness and the weight every day. After every class, meeting, blog, and tweet, we brace for the
moral outrage, public shaming, witch hunts, and inquisitions that seem to hit our colleagues so
unpredictably and unfairly. Like visitors from a past century or a foreign culture, we don't understand
which concepts are admissible in your Overton window, or which words are acceptable to your ears.
We don't understand your verbal and moral taboos. We can't make sense of your double standards
and logical inconsistencies. We don't respect your assumption that empathizing should always take
precedence over systematizing. Yet we know you have the power to hurt us for things we can't help.
So, we suffer relentless anxiety about our words, our thoughts, our social relationships, our reputations,
and our careers.

That era is over. Neurodiversity is finding its voice and its confidence. People with mental disorders
and eccentric personalities have rights too, and we will not be intimidated by your stigma and shaming.
We will demand our rights under the ADA through the Department of Education, the Department of
Justice, and in federal district courts. We will educate administrators about the discriminatory side-
effects of their bad policies. We will shatter your Swords of Damocles and raise our freak flags to fly
over campuses around the world.

For centuries, academia has been a haven for neurodiversity - a true 'safe space' for eccentric thought
and language, for thinking the unthinkable and saying the unsayable. We will make it that haven again,
and there is nothing that university administrators can do to stop us. Everything is on our side:
behavioral science, intellectual history, federal law, public opinion, and liberal academia's own most
sacred values of diversity and inclusivity. Neurodiversity is here to stay, and we will not be silenced any

If the neurodiverse stand up for our free speech rights, campus speech codes will go extinct very
quickly. In the future, they will be considered a weird historical curiosity of runaway virtue-signaling in
early 21st-century American academia. The freedom to think eccentric thoughts and say eccentric
things must be protected again. The freedom to be eccentric must be restored. Newton must be
welcomed back to academia.
ZERO SYMPATHY. At worst, the police shooting in Minneapolis was a pure
fabrication. At best, it was a case of rabid feminist meets Somali street justice.

I'd have been for deportation rather than shooting her, but I can't control what others do and I just can't
lament this.

Many comments about the police shooting in

5 percent of the people ripped me for supporting "shariah law" claiming the cop killed her because she
went outside in pajamas. My comment: how stupid are some people? Obviously that's not it.

15 percent of the people simply said I am a jerk for "supporting a police officer shooting a woman in
pajamas". My comment: Nope, I did not do that, I said the police officer had some other reason
because the official story does not make sense, and that most likely this woman had caused serious
problems for the Islamic community and he took advantage of a clear shot.

Right around 75 percent of the people believe there is a lot more to this story than we have been told,
and that this woman was a confirmed extreme activist who was hiding under her boyfriend's name,
having changed it for everything before they were even married. Many people are suspicious about
that, and about 45 percent of that 75 percent believe she's into black ops, the cop knew it because he
witnessed it behind the scenes (off duty) and he killed her. The remainder think this is a psy op, dead
woman or not.

FACT: She was not a "wholistic healer" as some have claimed, unless you call yoga wholistic healing.
FACT: She was a rabid anti male political activist, who was deeply involved in the feminist community
and she was involved at the root in organizing as much male bashing as possible, including women's
marches. That would gain her ZERO with a Muslim police officer. One person said I just spouted off
crap, but NOPE, that's not the case, even CNN reported her feminist activities and if people can't even
look that far, they are hopeless. SO, my final answer once again:

IF this woman was really shot, the Somali police officer did it as a form of street justice after witnessing
her as an imminent threat to decency, probably in the Islamic community. I don't care how much of a
sob story got spewed by fellow feminists and beta cuck males in her circle of delusion, she was a scum
sucking leftist and that is all there is to it, complete with the full blown anti gun mantra.

I can't even say she was shot. With how much we get lied to, this story could be entirely fake.
Fake makes the most sense of all. And if it was fake, what could be gained? Greater intrusions
into the Islamic community, to overturn their culture and social stability. Perhaps it was realized
by the Jewish community that the Somalis really were not going to integrate and really were going to
stay totally conservative. I have first hand confirmation that the Jewish community in Minneapolis is
one of the most subversive in North America. And if they felt they needed a shoe horn under that
conservative foundation, there would be no better way to jam one in there than to hang the first Somali
police officer.

Ultimately we won't get anything anyone with any horse sense will believe entirely with regard to
whether or not anyone was really shot, but this woman was clearly a front runner in the war on America
and the destruction of the American family. Clearly she was the type who would stage anything possible
to strike the root of any situation where males had a stable family life. That makes her the enemy, and
whatever the real story is, I could care less what happened. The feminists are going to get ZERO miles
out of this sob story from me, in fact, all this is from my perspective is a feminist tire flattening pot hole.

My final answer on the Australian woman who

got shot by the Somali police officer
Ruszczyk was a career political activist. Her last name was not Raymond. She quit her profession as
a veterinarian and became a "yoga instructor" which is shorthand for basically doing nothing so she
could focus on activism. I am certain I have seen her in violent protest photos and videos but cannot
locate a single one right now. The Somali realized who she was, and took her out.

There is FAR MORE to this story than we will ever be told. But you can safely bet that the Somali police
officer did not just shoot her at random. He probably recognized her, and saw her as an egregious
threat to either his community or society in general, and did what he thought was the right thing to do.
My opinion is that if you are in a foreign country, you have absolutely no right to protest anything against
that country or act politically in any way against that country. This woman was doing both, and was
therefore way out of line. I'd have opted for deporting her rather than killing her, but maybe the Somali
knew the courts were way to corrupt to deport anyone who is supporting the liberal agenda and she
really was a threat against his community. That makes a LOT MORE sense to me than the "random
shooting" approach the MSM (who we all trust so much) has taken.

Just look at who stepped up in support of her - the local Feminist/gay/"progressive"/anti gun/pro
abortion/Trump hating community. That speaks volumes, I know I nailed this topic.


I could swear I have seen the woman the Somali police officer shot in photos of paid protesters, where
they are getting violent. People need to look into this. The picture I remember was from around three
years ago, and if it is her she was getting violent to frame conservatives as being violent. I don't think
she was a nice lady AT ALL.

I am requesting people to comb through past images to find this woman at violent protests. The photo
I remember vividly had her attacking police and it was shot from her left hand side. I could be wrong,
but I doubt it.

Australian woman shot and killed by police in

Here's the side of the story you did not hear
Apparently she was hated by people in here immediate area, especially younger people who were sick
of the Feminist agenda. There are people trying to post what a monster she was, but it is all getting
expunged, with CNN calling her an angel.

EXPUNGED: She recently organized a major women's march, complete with all the man hating lesbian
garbage one could ever see concentrated in one place. All we can get now is how she loved animals
and was for peace. She was a major anti gun proponent, In other words, she was the lowest order
of flaming liberal, and to be frank, she was probably shot by a Somali Muslim for stirring up
problems in the Islamic community. I never found that link, but with her being a flaming feminist it
certainly would make sense and that is the part of the story no one is ever going to hear through the
MSM, and I'd bet it is BANG ON.

No one just shoots at someone for no reason at all. The Somali cop probably identified her and killed
her on the spot for what he saw was a good reason.

It is absolutely certain that she was no angel. And she should not have come to America from Australia
just to parade in the streets and screw with the American people. Hate to say it, but we have to start
drawing lines if we are going to save America, and we quite frankly did not need her type running
around the American landscape. If America had a functioning nervous system that actually operated in
a way that rationally worked to preserve the nation, she'd have been deported a week after she arrived.
Unfortunately, America is such a zombie state at this point that it took a foreigner and Somali street
justice to put things right.
I held off on posting this "until I could find a better way to say it". Unfortunately, the more I dig, the more
I think the Somali cop did everyone a favor.
July 18 2017

Many responses about Reebok shoes (of all things!)

I don't know what is up with this, but I have a post about Reebok down the page a ways, which rips
them for an anti Trump advertisement. The predominant responses are all supportive of Reebok!

I am going to say it like it is: Don't play politics with products. Just because CNN says Trump is
unpopular does not mean that is reality. You will only make enemies. I won't be buying Reebok
again, especially after they bashed Trump for complimenting Macron's wife, and Nike is superior
from my perspective.

These are my test conditions for the ONE pair of Nike's I have had over the course of my life: Wear
them every day, rain or shine, walk a lot, go hiking occasionally, and stop using them after two and a
half years only because they did not look good anymore, but they WERE NOT WORN OUT.

I don't care about jumping up to a basketball hoop or floating to the finish line. I don't have 50 pairs of
shoes to distribute the wear. I want what I buy to last. And if Reebok is going to rip Trump in the
most childish feminazi social justice warrior way possible, I won't be buying them EVER again,
even on a deal just to try them again, EVER.

The same goes for Samsung, which actually produces products I would want. They are a male bashing
company that puts spy crap in every home. Samsung products are good. But Atvio, Vios, Sharp, and
many other brands that don't play pathetic politics and grub data off everyone are also good, and
available for less. Who needs Samsung then? They are out the door with Reebok for all I care!
From World Net Daily

Hillary Clinton and Vincent Foster were friends and business associates at the Rose Law Firm in
Arkansas, and Foster followed the Clintons to the White House soon after Bill Clinton's election as

NEW YORK - As Donald Trump revives the two-decade old Vince Foster case, the charge that the
cause of death of the top aide and close friend of the Clintons may not have been suicide has once
again been dismissed as the stuff of "right-wing conspiracy theory."

But less than three months ago, WND reported a resignation letter surfaced from the lead investigator
in independent counsel Robert Fiske's investigation of the Foster case, Miquel Rodriguez, outlining
evidence of his charge that the case was fixed.

Thirteen years ago, WND reported Rodriguez, an assistant U.S. attorney, made an audio recording in
which he charged the suicide ruling was predetermined, the crime scene was altered and major
newspaper editors killed stories by reporters pursuing the truth.
"This whole notion of [Fiske and Starr] doing an honest investigation is laughable, " Rodriguez says in
the tape.

In his resignation letter, Rodriquez refers to photographs showing a wound on Foster's neck that was
not mentioned in Starr's official government report.

The obvious questions: How could a suicide victim be found with two wounds, a .38-caliber gunshot
into the mouth that exited through his head and another wound on the right side of his neck that one of
the paramedics described as a small-caliber bullet hole? And why would the government investigators
go to great lengths to cover it up?

National Archives discovery

In 2009, two documents created by Rodriguez were discovered in the National Archives by researchers
Hugh Turley and Patrick Knowlton.

But Knowlton was not just any amateur researcher. He was a grand jury witness who happened to be
in Fort Marcy Park the day Foster died and noticed discrepancies that were never addressed by Starr's

Allan Favish, a Los Angeles attorney who took a Freedom of Information Act case all the way to the
Supreme Court seeking access to photographs of Foster's body as it lay in the park, said he started
looking into the case shortly after Foster's death in 1993.

It was Favish who brought the National Archives discoveries by Turley and Knowlton to the attention of

"It all started in the mid-1990s, not too long after Foster's death, and I saw on the Internet, which was
very unsophisticated at the time, some people posting things about the death, " Favish told WND. "Hugh
Turley was involved very early on along with Knowlton."

Rodriguez's resignation letter to Starr, dated Jan. 17, 1995, says he was quitting because evidence
was being overlooked in a rush to judgment in favor of suicide and closing the grand-jury investigation.

In the audio recording, Rodriguez said the accepted verdict, that Foster killed himself at Ft. Marcy Park
near Washington, was predetermined by a "higher authority" at the start of the investigation. Rodriguez
noted he did extensive interviews with major newspapers, including the New York Times, that were
never published.

MY COMMENT: At the time, Rush Limbaugh was all over the topic, and I was an avid listener. During
his programs it was revealed that Vince Foster was murdered because he had the job of running Clinton
cash from America to Europe to hide it in Swiss bank accounts, and he knew too much. There was
nothing about him crossing the Clintons, he was simply taken out because he knew too much.

At any rate, this is one of the key highly transparent Clinton murders. See more on this at World Net
BUSTED: Russian who met with Trump's son
worked for the FBI!
True Pundit did a documents request and found out that it was an FBI sponsored gig
all the way!

"The Russian translator at the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. worked with the State
Department and the FBI during Robert Mueller's tenure as Director of the Bureau, according to
documents obtained by True Pundit.

Mueller, the former FBI director, is currently the United States Special Counsel investigating President
Donald Trump's administration and White House aides for alleged connections to supposed Russian
factions. While Big Media has tried to portray Trump's eldest son, Donald Jr., as having orchestrated a
clandestine meeting with the Russians to attempt to find dirt on Hillary Clinton, few can seem to
explain how a person linked to the FBI and Mueller, who was calling the shots for the Bureau at
the time, ended up at the very same Trump Tower sit down.

Muellers office did not return calls for comment. The translator, Anatoli Samochornov, who also
worked for the US State Department until recently, could not be reached for comment either. Former
FBI officials with knowledge of the meeting and possible other FBI work performed by Samochornov
refused to go on the record.

So there you have it - the death knell for Trump/Russia revision 2.0. They won't give
up, there will be a Trump/Russia revision 9.1, BET ON IT because the left has a set in
stone policy of simply lying until it finally sticks. SEE THIS
Google to release lab grown mosquitos in
What in the world is Google doing dabbling around in stuff like this?
Google is going to be releasing approximately 20 million lab grown mosquitos in Fresno. Supposedly
they are all male so they won't bite. They are infected with a bacteria that makes females sterile.

Somehow the zika carrying mosquitos made it to Fresno in 2013 (the same way they made it to Mexico
obviously, via a helicopter that flew around and released them) but that's beside the point. Create a
problem and then offer a solution that produces the desired outcome, whatever that is I guess.

And yes, this story comes complete with a hoax girl who supposedly got Zika through sex. Not that
she'd notice, and not that she'd ever be tested for it, because it has no symptoms anyone would go to
the doctor for. And yes, they'll probably have microcephaly cases in Fresno because Zika has never
caused that before either but is a convenient scapegoat for damage caused other ways. Heck, maybe
Google is actually releasing a GMO brain shrinking agent, They can be trusted after all, RIGHT? and
then they'll no doubt say, SEE, WE TOLD YOU SO, and we tried to stop it!

That's how the game is played, SEE THIS


I won't be buying Reebok again

Reebok hates President Trump. At least their ad department does. WE DON'T NEED REEBOK, IF

Guess what? Reebok thinks it is wrong for men to complment women in public!

Nope.You should not do that. Trump is bad for complimenting Macron's wife, as you can see in the
picture below. Plus four other examples of when you should not compliment women. But you can
compliment an action figure if you find one in your childhood toy box. Yep.

Men and women are not supposed to be together you see, we are all supposed to be attracted to only
our own sex and we are NOT supposed to break the ice with the opposite sex with a compliment. That's
all I can really figure out from the following:

If the picture does not embed below, click here

OK, so I do not need Reebok. Nike made the best pair of shoes I have ever had. There
is plenty of competition out there, which makes it rock stupid for Reebok to take a
dump on 60 percent of their potential market. Maybe they live in a bubble and actually
believe CNN's polls. But when there is Nike to worry about, having their heads in a
bubble won't cut it!
Highly suspicious Tesla crash
I'd bet it was a remote control crash

A tesla on autopilot suddenly accelerated, drove itself off the road and flipped in a swamp, landing on
it's roof. Tesla has stated that similar things have happened before, but data logs in the car show that
the drivers suddenly accelerated and flipped the car themselves. If someone took over the car via
remote, they would become the driver, and it would show in the logs that the driver was to

My guess is that it is highly probable many of the self driving car crashes are actually attempted
murders. How many people survive having the car they are in land upside down in a swamp? That's
never good. I am highly suspicious to say the least, SEE THIS and if the link goes to a black screen
with a picture in it (it did that to me) you can just click past it to see the report. Having a web site do that
is bad policy, it is a highly rated web site (Minneapolis star tribune)
McCain ended up needing brain surgery
It was to remove a blood clot from a frontal lobe. It would be nice if it caused him to flip over to our side
. . . . . or come clean on 911, or whatever else . . . . .
July 17 2017

U.S. Armed forces admits to training Jihadis by mistake!
Nothing like a little "insulting the wrong gun" talk to get someone to slip up!

On a popular forum there (was) a thread where the AR-15 was insulted with the topic line being "The
AR15 is such a stupid rifle." As anyone knows, it is a near copy of an M-16 standard issue U.S. military
rifle, minus automatic. So some veterans got going on the thread, which quickly morphed into a
thread talking about how much better the AK-47 is on the battlefield, compared to the M-16. And
that got one veteran all worked up, and he slipped up and said this:

"Ok tough guy. You run out onto the battle field like a gung ho jihadi high on goat ass spraying your AK
or .308 and don't act surprised when the guy with the AR behind cover picks you apart at 150 yards
after you fell for the guys coaxing you out with cover fire you thought you were going to destroy with
run and gun.

What I'm saying is you guys talking shit on the AR sound just like the jihadis and the various
rag heads we tried to train how to fight right and they die off fast in the real world."
HA HA HA, LET ME POST THE KEY LINE AGAIN: "What I'm saying is you guys talking
shit on the AR sound just like the jihadis and the various rag heads we tried to train
how to fight right and they die off fast in the real world."

MY COMMENT: Ok, so you DO train the jihadis, eh??!!??


July 15 - 16 2017 from here to the end of the messages.

PREDICTION: "Spinners" will be the fastest dying fad in world

SECOND PREDICTION: They will remain popular with autistic children because they provide exactly
the sensory input autistic children crave. Ordinary kids will play with them for a week or so, and then
get bored. That will not happen with autistic children.

Crypto currencies

Anonymous sent:

The other cryptocurrencies that are gaining prominence these days are designed to be a direct threat
to Bitcoin. You see, Bitcoin's strength is that there is only a limited quantity of them that will ever exist.
They can't be printed to infinity. However, if other cryptocurrencies take hold and over take Bitcoin in
value or popularity it will be the death of Bitcoin (and all cryptocurrencies) since it will then become
evident that although Bitcoin is limited as to quantity there is no limit to how many new cryptocurrencies
can be created. Some people already know this (at least subconciously) but since Bitcoin has remained
the dominant one by far the reality of it has not yet sunk in. If people are willing to just jump to the next
fashionable cryptocurrency that comes along Bitcoin will become worthless. Who wants to miss the
boat on the next big thing? Who wants to be stuck with something that is falling out of fashion? That's
the real reason behind the big push on etherium and some others

My response: That makes perfect sense.

Israel vaccines

Anonymous sent:

Jews travel to Israel all the time (at least the ones from Montreal do), they can do so once a year for
free. I'd assume that they get their kids vaccinations there.

My response: I checked Israeli autism rates in 2012, before I mentioned Jews have special vaccines,
and their autism rate was 1:40, 000. All of a sudden, in 2014, I checked again and their rates matched
Americas! So there you have it! Yes, they have their own special vaccines and they don't want a peep
about it mentioned. So their autism rates HAVE TO match America's or people will ask what is up. And
the do no evil Google was good and sure to expunge everything.

The Larsen ice shelf

Anonymous sent:

JIM: RE: GoreBULL warming, there's many absolute truths in physics and thermodynamics; every one
is fatal to the bullshit peddled by the paid huckster scum money whores like that dirtbag dane
wiggington riding the gravy train,

This $hit about the ice sheets thinning, calving is just's seasonal, as it's always been, but the
center out up to the edges is getting thicker AS MEASURED as it damn well better be. There's that
absolutely true event, just 1, about the WW II ditched USAAF bomber on the greenland inner ice cap
(Lib, B-17, no matter which), when they went to retrieve it ca 200, they found it, but only after going
down 200 feet into the ice (compressed from snow) in 60 years!


They claim the Larsen ice shelf was 100, 000 years old. That is a BOLD FACED LIE. The Lost Squadron
(which anonymous mentioned) was a squadron of planes that landed in Greenland during world war 2.
They expected to go back and find them. They did not realize how rapidly the ice shelf gained it's
thickness and therefore even though they went to precisely where the planes were they could not find
them, because they were already 30 feet under. Then, in the early 2000's someone did a core sample
of the ice where the squadron "disappeared" and found it 200 feet down. It has since been recovered.

This is crucial information. Because if the Larsen ice shelf was 700 feet thick where it broke off,
Greenland's data (if it is similar, and it probably is) would indicate that the section that broke off
was only about 150 years old. Prior to the finding of the lost squadron, all the way into the
2000's, the greenland icepack was believed to be absolutely ancient, dating back hundreds of
thousands of years. Now they know that it can't possibly be more than a few thousand years
old, because it develops much much faster than they initially thought it did.

We should not let the climate scammers get away with claiming the Larsen ice shelf was ancient and
lost to global warming, because they can use that to push their hoakery. 150 years and 100, 000 years
are very different things. And 150 years proves that this is just a normal calving of the ice shelf, that
happens once every couple centuries or so.

Yemen, anonymous sent: 6, 2017 Reported with amendments, committed to the

Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed today, the US
House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved two amendments to the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) that would prohibit US participation in the catastrophic Saudi-United Arab
Emirates (UAE) war against the Houthi-Saleh alliance in Yemen."

Democrat murders

Anonymous sent:

"Cernovich said on 4th hour of Alex yesterday that the reason Trump DOJ won't hire a special counsel
against Dem crimes is because no lawyer is willing to risk the life of his family members to do so. Makes
sense. So the beat goes on. Three suspicious Arkancides in two weeks -- dude who told WSJ he tried
to find Hillary emails, dude who was going to testify against Clinton Foundation and Haiti, and
supposedly (according to Before Its News) the pilot of the plane who hard Clinton and Lynch conspire
on the Tarmac. Add a dash of Seth Rich, the UN guy who killed himself lifting weights, the Haiti
investigator looking into child trafficking who killed herself, and whoa."

My response: YEP.

Many messages got through after I did my rant

on the top page
Posting this got interfered with, even stuff I completed was replaced with rambling
trash when I scrolled up to it afterward. So messages got through, but they screwed
it in the end anyway. For what it is worth, here's what I managed to salvage.

Anonymous sent:

"Have they disabled RT's comment section, or have I specifically been blocked? It's been about a week
since no comments have loaded for me."

My comment:

It seems to me that about two weeks ago someone switched on an AI that is interfering with everything.
This site took about a 10 percent traffic hit in a single day, but because of what it is and how it is set up
it stopped at that. I am sure that those who depended on Google are badly damaged.

I just checked and perhaps the AI singled you out, RT comments work for me, probably because I
don't leave comments on any news sites.

Anonymous sent:

"It's a proven fact Vaccines cause autisim." My comment: Yes, the media will tell you that's not the
case, but the package inserts on many (if not all) the childhood vaccines clearly state that autism is a
potential "side effect" of the vaccine, so they can't be sued. But the soccer moms tend to be too
trusting and/or too stupid and/or too lazy to find out what their "trusted" doctor is really putting
in their kids, so the warnings all go in the trash, unread. CNN is more trustworthy than a package
insert anyway!

Anonymous sent:

Drudgereport is a good skim of the surface deception - what most basic minded follow. its a go to for
talking heads in spin rooms. a little is ok."

My response: It is almost a comedy to see Clinton rip Drudge, when all he does is post what the MSM
puts up. Oh, maybe a little Alex and Brietbart, which are both now MSM for all I care. Let's see Drudge
post the Fukushima report. Then we'd be getting somewhere.

Jen sent:

"Jim, as you may or may not know, my son is autistic (he also has epilepsy and a peanut allergy, all of
these diagnoses scream VACCINE-INJURED) and he is a BEAUTIFUL, handsome, fun-loving boy who
the girls are making silly goofy faces over (lol), well it breaks my heart that he has autism. Sorry Jim,
the trolls piss me off. I wish you and Claudia all the best.

Trapper sent: , "hi ozone injection. it is the cure for infections and cancer. the gas is directly
injected into the veins. i have had this done so i know what i am talking about. its cheap and works. i
mean works so you can get back to life and not think about it, works. investigate. webster kerr mentions
it on cancertutor dot com.

My response: You cannot directly inject ozone into your veins, you will get an embolism and
die. Who makes this sh*t up anyway? Rudely stated to protect the public!

CIA sent:

"Put forth a plan to exterminate Jews or STFU."

My comment:

I'm sure you'd get a fat bonus if you cajoled out of me what I am working on . . . . .

"Hi Jim, I'd be interested to hear you speak more about homeschooling. Public schools are the worst
thing you can do to your children. Handing your children over to a government system in their earliest
years to be brain washed is a tragedy. If you've covered this before I apologize, I've never read it."

My response: I am not an expert on home schooling. I do know that the NWO trolls have infiltrated
even home schooling curricula to make it as bad as possible. Caveat emptor when you buy into a

Anonymous sent:

Regarding oils needed by the brain, my mom was a home care nurse to a toddler who was severely
damaged by vaccines. Completely healthy baby until her shots. Her mom was very outspoken about
vaccines , this was 20 years ago. She researched relentlessly and put her daughter on a ketogenic
diet. Higher fat moderate proteins. The kid went from having a feeding tube, partial paralysis and
epileptic seizures to bring healthy enough to ride a bike and eating on her own. The brain needs fat!!! I
thank that lady for giving me the information to never vaccinate my kids. And they're all healthy and

My response: Vaccine damage could be greatly alleviated if the doctors were not so rock stupid, or at
least partially honest. As I stated earlier, much of the damage vaccines do is via the triggering of
immune responses against fats and oils the brain needs. To do this, the manufacturers have to have a
list of the oils they want to target. There are substitutes that can be swapped that will work at least
partially as well.

Anonymous sent:

"Jim, talking about the Jews: how do they do it? Do they vaccinate their children, or don't they?

My response: I have studied the topic and there are safe versions of all vaccines. But I never found
the channels the safe vaccines are sold through. All I ever found anywhere was the human fetal cell
lines and GMO yeast based crap.
Paul sent: Hi James, There's got to be some way to get your messages backed up to a secondary (or
multiple) repository(ies) as they come in one by one. Isn't there something the owners of the host
servers could do to help you? If you had some kind of process running that monitored for incoming
messages and could physically activate a connection to a secondary piece of hardware to transfer the
information and then could physically disconnect the secondary piece of hardware until the next
message came in. .. this would take control hardware of course. so frustrating...

my comment: I could program that but it is too much work. I have to balance everything here, this site
is a one man show.

Someone sent a long message about how wrong I am about the Larsen ice shelf

The claim was that it is not glacier fed. Sorry, but I actually studied that before I posted anything
at all. The Larsen ice shelf is in fact fed by glaciers. It matters not that the ice floated in the bay for a
thousand years or more after the glaciers got it all started. Obviously while floating there, more was
added by many years of snowfall, but Larsen bay is fed by glaciers to begin with, PERIOD.

Anonymous sent

Is etherium crypro currency a Jewissh plot to destroy Bitcoin?

My response: From what I remember as it happened, (not as it is stated now) Bitcoin was developed
by the programmers at a popular dating web site called OK Cupid. They were absolutely astonishing
programmers and the web site was extremely advanced with amazing programming, and the
programmers were obviously not Jewish. They actually had a section where different types of people
were outlined, and one of them for women was "Gengis Khunt". No Jew would ever undermine the
Feminist movement that way.

Bitcoin is legit. I would not bet on any other crypto being back door free. Especially if a national currency
is ever based on one.
Tainted vaccines using human tissue

Anonymous sent:

Keep in mind concerning the fetal cell lines that were used, a lot of the material safety data sheets for
at least one of the cell lines state the fetus was aborted due to concerns about the "psychiatric" state
of the mother, and by extension, the child. Just imagine if a number of the psychiatric symptoms end
up being found to be directly transmissible


Repository NIA Aging Cell Culture Repository
Subcollection Specially Characterized Fibroblasts
Biopsy Source Lung
Cell Type Fibroblast
Tissue Type Lung
Transformant Untransformed

Remarks The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14
week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The cell
morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46, XY; normal diploid male. Cumulative population
doublings to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B.

Also, perpetual cloning of the cell line cannot be in any possible way beneficial towards the integrity,
and thus, the mutational stability of the cell line. Even from distancing myself from the usual moral
implications of such "science" (it sickens me to even use this term in such aberrations of medicine) it is
very simple to see that such practices are only asking for problems and those mindful and still complicit
of this methodology of creating vaccines should be imprisoned, bare minimum."

Anonymous sent: Jim, The scenario you outline, is harmonious with the prophecies of a Jewish
heaven on earth. Kinda sucks for the rest of us.

ps- at the turn of the century, I wrote a series of articles relating autism to mercury toxicity combined
with methlation problems. Most fats require methlation ... via bacteria ... to be useful to the body. Those
of us working on resolution first used trans dermal mercury removal, combined with specific enzymes,
which appeared to correct the problem. It was almost prohibitively expensive, and a real pain to

We then elected to utilize coconut oil nutrition, combined with an oral chelation method. This
methodology was slower, but very effective.

In a separate development, coconut oil was demonstrated as being highly effective as a remedy for
alsheimers. The published data does not include a mercury removal program, though I suspect it would
be a wise step."


Anonymous sent:

Re Scalise and Sepsis-

Funny, I just read an article on how to cure Sepsis naturally! It was on Mercola on July 10th entitled Vit
C - A Game Changer in the Treatment of Deadly Sepsis" and it says use Vit C Hydrocortisone. I have
also figured they'll try to kill him with bacteria, or like they gave pollonium to Roger Stone and whatever
to Judge Scalia. The DC hospital is only a Level I trauma hospital. We have where I live the top rare
Level IV and even it kills people by over treating, over medicating, over diagnosing. I hope Trump has
24/7 body guards and medical professionals on his side helping. He should be under protective custody
by people of Trump's choice."

My comment: I'd say yes to the vitamin C and no to the hydrocortisone. Cortisone can really boost
people but it can have too many down the road consequences. There is no question Scalise has been
sabotaged, and whether or not he dies will be completely dependent upon what can be "gotten away

G sent:

They can come for me if they want, it will do no good, I am a "nobody" (haha), but, honestly, it's clearly
written now that the YNWho's have all but totally infiltrated, infested and taken over all of the world
governments and institutions. There is nobody who is less racist, homophobic, blahdy blah than me,
ask anybody who knows me, but the writing's on the walls now. I sent you the BIN article last night
about the fbi informant who said, yes, it's the Jews (meaning not regular ol' nice Jews who are so
brainwashed from centuries, heck eons, past who still believe Israel is wonderful) who want to destroy
us all and yes it was Mossad who did 911 . So, yes, it has to be the YKW's who are getting into your
website and others, whether Mossad, Israelis, or our own CIA/NSA/you name it

Re vaccines, hrmpf, the YKW's are -- yes, I'll call them this --- stupid, not the smart ones they've also
been brainwashed to believe. They excel at sitting at desks and creating derision, division, death ... it
will never serve them in the end, and their end IS coming.

Thanks for pursuing and never relentin g!!!"


Anonymous sent: Jim, here's another suicide and one more for the Clinton body count! He was
supposed to appear before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission next Tuesday -
he was expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from
international donors...<="" p="">

Anonymous sent: I have always wondered about Amazon shipping. Good info from you.

Funny thing is I have a friend who lives with his wife and 11 kids way up a river in the middle of nowhere
in Alaska on a small Indian reservation where there is a post office with a wood stove, a couple of
shacks, and an air strip. My friend gets a lot of stuff from Amazon and pays the same as the rest of us
for shipping or prime even though it all gets flown in by small aircraft at least 200 miles round trip from
the closest town with an airport. So I wonder if Amazon just absorbs the extra cost, or the government?

My response: Obviously that is an extreme case. However, in that extreme case it gets averaged in
with everything else, so Amazon obviously wins. That said, you'd be surprised by how cheaply a small
airplane can be flown, if the post office decided to ethically charge more (not gouge) it would not add a
whole lot of cost.

If they paid the pilot $30 an hour, and it was something like a Cessna six seater, the round trip would
cost less than $300, and maybe as little as $200 (I'd have to look that up) but it would not be much, and
the pilot would probably service several small post offices in a single trip.

Airplanes are actually a lot cheaper transport than ground vehicles in many cases, with the complexity
and cost being a product of an intentional scam to make it expensive, to limit who flies. If you could fly
without any regulations, it is a guarantee that a Challenger 2 ultralight could deliver to a town like that
for less than $100 with pilot paid, and arrive with 500 pounds of mail. And Challengers are as safe as
any other airplane.
Trump Junior's Russian conspiracy can't go anywhere
It seems people forgot reality, especially the MSM -

When Trump Junior supposedly "met with the Russians", he was a private citizen who had no security
clearance. Such people can meet with anyone they want. He was not a government employee. He was
not running for a political office. He is still not a government employee. there is therefore no way
anything can come of the current media hoopla, with today's hoopla being that one of the people
he met being a 30 year retired KGB agent.
Everyone is suspicious Hillary set it all up, to boot. And Trump Junior did not even know the guy was a
former Russian until that guy announced it today. So it all stinks, and is going NOWHERE.

FAKE NEWS: Amazon is NOT receiving a

package mailing subsidy!
Some idiot wrote about how Amazon is getting a special government subsidy on packages Amazon is
mailing, it got posted on Drudge, and now everyone is parroting it. And it is so far off the mark it is
aggravating to sit through the hoopla. So let me put things straight:

When you drop things off at the post office, for any package delivery, the post office assumes that a
bulk of those packages are going cross country, to various states, and possibly to other nations. They
have assessed a price for that type of service. That service assumes your package is going to hit a
minimum of 2 mail sort/distribution centers, and it might hit more than that. That will involve many
employees and many steps in the delivery process. And the postal shipping rates reflect those costs.

Here is the situation with Amazon:

Amazon is such a huge company now that they have THEIR OWN SORT CENTERS, and are able to
get everyting to the post office pre-sorted, and ALREADY AT THE DESTINATION CITY. There will be
no cross-country delivery. Amazon has already eliminated all but the final step of delivery - from the
local post office to your door. And if they only get a $1.47 discount for that, they are paying TOO MUCH
as far as I see it. The deliveries are far from "subsidized". But you know, the idiot who said it equaled
Yeah, but if a majority of the people spend a few minutes of the day lamenting some sort of fake
conspiracy, the type of conspiracy the elite want people lamenting, that's all the better for the elite who
want people chasing dust mice rather than anything that might give them an itch.

Lots of vaccine trolls hit the window over the

autsim report
Claiming race mixing was causing it, when people have been mixing races for millenia with NO
AUTISM, claiming it really is the mercury, when thimerosal predated the autism problem by 50 years,
and other general trollage. TO THAT I SAY, GO F* YOURSELVES, if justice is ever served you will
one day take a bullet in the head and if this is ever turned around, you will still need to be hunted
down and shot even as you cower in a corner, screaming "Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!".

Look you a-holes, you may think it is a joke to do what you are doing, or proud of your fat paycheck for
making it happen but if you are doing it, all you are is a legitimate target. Let's get down to earth here -
you know what is going on and are advocating the destruction of the population at large. There is no
conceivable way anyone could possibly look at the facts and conclude it is not the vaccines doing it.
Yet you still troll, divert, distract, and you do it for pay. That means you deserve the death sentence for
making it happen, and are only avoiding it because a few evil cronies at the top of the pyramid have
managed to maintain control. What happens if that changes? I'll be coming for you.

To the people waging warfare via the injected destruction of the children in the name
of the now false front vaccine programs: Many people are aware now, and you will
NOT be forgiven. You had better hope your control system is as good as you think it
is, and I DOUBT IT.

On that note, I'd like to state what I think is their plan: Obviously they want a compliant population
of 500 million or so, AT MOST. How will they accomplish that, from today's perspective? Here is what
I now thing the plan is:

1. Destroy education, so society can never be rebuilt once it is wiped out.

2. Lay the ground work by wrecking as many kids as possible, as much as possible, via "vaccination
programs" that are nothing but eugenics programs. Make sure this evolves into a DNA modification
plot, so the next generation is born with an average IQ of 70, which is about where a Chimp is, and all
subsequent generations will be the same. That will make control of future generations easy.

3. To keep things looking normal as possible while the people get destroyed, pick up the slack
with robots. After all, if robots are there to do the work, why does anyone need an education?
Why does anyone need to know how to do anything at all, even drive?

4. Then cause a massive die off via an engineered, pre planned GMO crop failure, leading to starvation
of a bulk of the people, who won't be able to question anything with their chimp brains.

5. Take the remainder of the people who survive, and put them into compact cities where everyone
gets just a small room and a toilet. Chimps will never question that, they'll believe any story you tell to
justify it.

6. Rule above all the chimps like gods. And if for any reason you need a chimp with a special ability,
just re-program a pregnant mom with the right genes via another shot so her kid is born with the abilities
you need to perform a specific task, with NOTHING MORE ADDED.

Yeah, I can see mister George Soros, the Rothchilds, and the greater Jewish community wanting that.
It is where we are headed, WHY IS THEIR MEDIA SILENT?

The plot to kill Scalise will probably involve an

The new twist in the Scalise story is that he has an infection. So he went in in fair condition, had a
surgery, was afterward in critical condition, but recovered somewhat, and now has a life threatening
infection? In a top Washington DC hospital? The same one that killed Seth Rich? AFTER THIS IS OUT
OF THE NEWS CYCLE AND NO ONE IS LOOKING? All it would take to give someone sepsis would
be to rub a dog turd and then do a surgery. If you can't poison him because people are watching after
botching a surgery on purpose, well, how about sepsis? If he dies from that, it's the same thing - the
liberal establishment declared him gone day one, and they still want to make that happen. They
can't poison him because the scrutiny is on, and they can't cut his throat, so just give him an infection
so he "dies of natural causes" a month after getting shot. Like Africa. YEP. I'll believe that.

Another guy added to the Clinton body count

This is a boring topic now, like saying there are worms in the ground, there is air outside, dogs bark,
winter is cold, yes, the Clintons murder. This time around it was an 81 year old guy that was digging
into their dirty deeds who "killed himself" in a hotel room in Chicago. Yep. More Clinton magic. Even
more suspicious is that in his suicide note he said he did it because a life insurance policy was
expiring. So mention that, kill yourself, and receive ZERO. YEP. Cute. That fits. Maybe Trump's
kid will be next, he's suspicious of the Clintons . . . . . and I'm tired of the SAME OLD STORY.
Oh, maybe I should mention that Clinton's operatives probably figured out right where he was
when he used his Visa card to check in? Yeah, probably. Unmasked . . . . .

Cia agent admits to demolishing WTC 7?

There is a story going around that appears to have started on Your News Wire in which a "CIA agent
on his death bed" admitted to wiring WTC 7 with explosives. The story reads like the real deal - a real
account from a real CIA agent telling it for real. My only problem is that the source is unconfirmed,
and many people think the site is a hoax.

However, the syntax rings true. It really seems like a real account from a real CIA agent. Other large
alt media sites are linking this. So I am going to not state an opinion on whether or not this is real, and
let people decide for themselves. Anyone who is the least bit aware knows WTC 7 was demolished,
especially when Larry Silverstein himself said it on PBS. That sets the reality that it was demolished in
stone. So is this CIA agent telling it like it was? I'd say maybe, in any case, this is an interesting read.

Anything to stall the truth about autism just one

day longer:
So a team of Koreans have said it is environmental mercury, all the while they ignore vaccines. FACT:
Mercury DOES NOT cause autism. The use of fetal tissue cells for viral cultures in vaccines, and GMO
yeast with human genes in vaccines, and intentionally destructive adjuvants are what causes autism.

This is super easy to prove: Autism took off in the late 80's and early 90's. Before that time, autism
rates were 1:20, 000. In the late 80's and early 90's it suddenly jumped by 100X to 1:200. And it has
only gotten worse since then. Since thimerosal was a vaccine ingredient for decades prior to the
explosion in autism rates, it cannot be what triggered the sudden increase. It was probably not
a good thing to put in vaccines, but it is also impossible for it to be what is causing autism when
it's use remained constant while autism rates exploded.

I am getting sick and tired of all the elitist trolls spawning fake story after fake story to divert people
away from the truth about what is causing autism. They have gone bonkers lately, so let me line item
a couple things:

1. If parents are noticing their kids going permanently bonky after vaccines, IT IS NOT GLYPHOSATE

2. If vaccines have had thimerosal for decades before autism became an issue, IT IS NOT

3. If people in the past filled their mouths up with mercury fillings and virtually no one had autism, IT IS
4. If the human genome self corrects when races get mixed (it does, that is a fact) IT IS NOT GENETIC
DEGRADATION DOING IT because race mixing has become common, while autism exploded.

5. If the ONE THING that changed, that is universal to practically everyone is the sudden production of
vaccines grown in tissues derived from aborted babies, and that coincides with an explosion in autism
rates, THAT IS PROBABLY IT.Anyone with a lick of sense in medicine knows that you can't inject
human tissue into someone while that tissue is in the presense of a pathogen, because the immune
system will often be tricked into thinking that human tissue itself is the enemy, and it will then attack the
body. This is why there has been such a sudden explosion in auto immune disorders, with autism being
at the forefront.

Autism is an auto immune disorder that has been triggered against the brain. It can also be
caused by triggering auto immune disorders against the oils and proteins the brain needs to
function, so it becomes starved. This would fully explain why coconut oil can alleviate
symptoms of autism, and would fully explain why the elite have once again turned against
coconut oil - autism is a weapon, and they don't want people donning bullet proof vests. They'll
have to produce an entirely new line of vaccines designed to wipe out coconut oil if it is indeed a
substitute for other oils the brain needs to function, that the current vaccines are designed to wipe out.

Anyway, I was not prepared to go into detail on the topic right now, but those are the basics that
everyone should know. Indeed, the elite are doing everything they can to point the finger away from
how their vaccines are really accomplishing the job of destroying the children. All they need to do is
buy a little more time afforded by deception induced ignorance in the masses - keep people digging the
wrong corner of the yard a day longer, - and they will win because they have done so much damage
already it won't take much more to cause an unrecoverable situation.

Autism is in fact caused by 1. Human tissue in the vaccines, and 2. intentionally sabotaged vaccine
adjuvants. No one with three functioning brain cells can possibly deny it is the vaccines doing it, so the
real place to look is what is it with the vaccines that changed? That is the ONLY place anyone is
going to find an answer.
Scientists are now able to upload data into DNA of living
Not just data for whatever GMO modifiations they are supposed to have, the latest was an animated
gif of a galloping horse. Even beyond this, they have found ways to program cells to keep a log of
everything they do while replicating, so scientists can go step by step through the process, as the cells
see it happening. With the amount of evil there is at the top of the power structure, this is
obviously several steps beyond too far, See this

Many MANY accounts of censorship and interference in alt
There are too many to mention. There is obviously a war going on against alt media. Evidently Drudge,
Alex, and Brietbart all have criminal lawsuits pending. All bunk, but a problem nonetheless. I have
received numerous reports of other alt media communication accounts getting wiped, planning
pages getting wiped, finances getting wiped, you name it, it is happening and for a change it is
not only me noticing this, the elite are taking it mainstream and many many people in alt media
are noticing it now.

I can see about a 10 percent drop in daily traffic which mostly consists of new unique visitors and there's
nothing I can do about it because it means they ramped up the censorship enough to prevent new
people from getting to the web site. This fits perfect with other alt media saying they are noticing
massive censorship and interference and it should not be ignored. I can live with the
censorship, but I am not certain others will be able to handle it so well. -SO-

If any of your other sources of info seem to be having problems, bear with them because for the
time being it is not business as usual for anyone in alt media. Trump needs to put a stop to this
ASAP, but for whatever reason it appears he has not so far.

Chinese teleportation
I ignored this, because they did not teleport anything. All they did was confirm that an entangled proton
and anti proton can send data. America has known this for decades and has (probably) been sending
data this way for decades, and if not that, at least years.

For every piece of anti matter created, there is a piece of matter that corresponds with it. Surprisingly,
whatever happens to one side of the equation happens to the other side also. Lets say you have Proton
1, and it is entangled with anti proton 2. If you modulate proton 1, it will caused proton 2 to also
modulate, and it does not matter how far apart they are, and it happens apparently instantly. Only the
two entangled particles will modulate with each other, nothing else does, so this is seen as a way to
communicate securely and I would bet American submarines have used this for communications
for well over a decade. That would sure beat ULF.

So I just can't get excited over China doing something Darpa has most likely had for decades. Sorry,
not a breakthrough, other than China "kim jonged up a nuke" in the form of a different tech. Probably
compliments of Hillary . . . . . . .
Larsen Ice shelf collapse:
I did not miss this but skipped it until someone mentioned the liberals were freaking out. That just
shows how stupid liberals are, because huge ice shelf collapses happen when the Arctic and
Antarctica are spewing ice into the ocean via glaciers, which are supposedly "threatened" by
global warming!. Rather than prove global warming, huge collapses like this only prove the
glaciers are steadily pushing more and more ice into the ocean which will snap off when enough
of it gets floating.

Now some liberals are saying the glaciers that produced this ice shelf to begin with are going
to speed up and cause the ocean to rise. FAT CHANCE, because the glaciers are the result of
precipitation that came from the ocean to begin with, and they can only push more ice into the
ocean as fast as it rains and snows on them. The net will be zero.

The bottom line is that if you have glaciers pushing huge amounts of ice into the ocean, where
it sits there and floats, eventually it is going to snap off and that is, as far as I care, all this is.
Boo hoo, they can cry to Al Gore.
Re your take on "...Muslim Misbehaviour..." What a load of crap! Am a Muslim and an ardent reader of
yours living right here in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Funny, you living in Mexico got this news
while we Muslims here are clueless of this happening. I clicked on your "DO NOT PULL THIS CRAP"
and stopped short when Pamela Gellar name was mentioned. Seriously, IMHO this is another Jihad
Watch (PG /Robert Spencer) propaganda. It doesn't make sense as in other Muslim bashings (e.g.
Muslims wanting to impose Sharia laws in the West, etc.) propagandas. Of all people, I thought YOU
would be the last person to fall for this kind of anti Muslims rhetoric and if YOU could be easily misled,
then, help me God for what the average Joe Blows would believe!


My response: I did not link Pamela Geller, (who I hate) I linked World Net Daily. And if they linked
to Pamela Geller, that's irrelevant, because Fox covered it, and the Toronto Sun covered it, and
the Globe and Mail covered it, so what am I supposed to do if Pamela Geller covers it?

Certainly, if all those outlets covered it, you can understand why I screwed up if this really did
not happen.
THIS is the most incredible Trump tweet stream I have EVER
NY Chinese Billionaire Warns America: China
Has 25, 000 Spies Who Are "Ready To Destroy
The U.S."
The following appears to have come from Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief

Since the 1980's, the US has caught and imprisoned over a dozen people who were spying on
American government agencies and corporations. So we catch Chinese spies once every few years.
With that kind of frequency, you'd probably assume that China doesn't have that many intelligence
assets in America at any given time. Based on those numbers, a safe estimate would be in the
hundreds, or perhaps thousands.

But it turns out that those estimates would be incredible low. According to Guo Wengui, a billionaire
investor who has fled China and moved to New York since becoming a major critic of the Chinese
regime, there are probably 25, 000 spies in America who are working for Beijing.

Those numbers are derived from what he claims, are his close ties to multiple Chinese intelligence
agencies. That may sound far fetched to most Americans, but in China the public and private sectors
are closely aligned. They're practically the same entity. So we should take his warnings very seriously,
which were brought up in a recent interview with The Freebeacon.

Guo said that Chinese intelligence operations in the United States sharply increased after the 2012
Communist Party Congress that brought current leader Xi Jinping to power.

"Before 2012, cumulatively China had around 10, 000 to 20, 000 agents working in the United States,
" he said. "These agents had been sent to work in the United States over a 50 year period of time, and
they were working in a defensive mode."

According to the businessman, defensive intelligence was mainly focused on learning about the United
States. The operations then shifted in 2012 to "offensive" spying, he said.

"By offensive [operations], I mean to be ready to destroy the U.S. in ways they can, " Guo said.

And these spies don't just consist of Chinese immigrants. According to Guo, many of them are
treasonous Americans who have sold their country out for a paycheck, and they can be ruthless.

China's budget for intelligence gathering before 2012 was around $600 million annually.

Around 2012, a decision was made by Chinese leaders to dispatch another 5, 000 spies to the United
States. "Some of them were sent as students, some as businessmen, and some as immigrants, but all
together, 5, 000, " Guo said.

"In addition to that, they developed between 15, 000 to 18, 000 other spies, and these are not directly
sent but these are developed within the United States."
The recruited agents are not limited to Asians and Chinese-Americans but include all ethnic groups,
including Hispanics, Blacks, and Caucasians.

"And now the budget is between $3 billion to $4 billion annually, and this is information up to one month
ago, " he said.

Guo said American counterintelligence agencies face several problems, mainly a lack of knowledge
about Chinese intelligence agencies.

:You don't know which organizations in China are responsible for sending these spies, how they are
managed, and to what purpose, " he said. "And the U.S. adopts a very legalistic perspective to look at
the question of spying. Yet, for China their methods are not what the United States understands."

"These spies, when they come to the United States, they could sleep around, they could put poison in
your glass of wine to kill you; completely unscrupulous, " he said.

As for their goals, Guo claims that the spies are mainly here to steal military technologies. But they're
also here to "buy" high level government officials, as well as political and corporate elites who can give
China favorable business deals. And most what's most frightening, is that these spies have implanted
malicious software in our most critical infrastructure systems, and have thoroughly infiltrated our
government's major weapons suppliers.

Which raises an important question. How did our government let this happen? Isn't the all powerful
NSA surveillance grid capable of catching these people?

Apparently not. It appears that we've traded our freedom for security, but somewhere along the line we
didn't receive any security. While our government was busy funding and training the terrorists that would
later inspire the acceptance of widespread government surveillance and the destruction of our civil
liberties, they overlooked the flood of Chinese spies who have infiltrated every level of our society.

You could call it incompetence, but it could also be something far more sinister. As Joel Skousen has
pointed out many times, our government is riddled with globalists who have a hidden agenda. They
want to usher in another world war between the US, China, and Russia, which will bring about the
destruction of America, and make way for a global government. As part of that plan, they have been
undermining America at every turn in the hopes that our country will lose the war against China; a war
which they are orchestrating. Perhaps as a part of that effort, they've been looking the other way as the
Chinese government steals and compromises our infrastructure and advanced military technologies.

Whatever the case may be, if Guo is correct then America is a severely compromised nation that is in
no position to fight another world war.

The latest Trump Russia garbage

Trump's son released the entire E-mail chain regarding the meeting with the Russian attorney, and it
had nothing bad in it at all. Now it has been revealed that the same attorney met with McCain and top
democrats within the same week and that the attorney is against Trump.

I don't want to spend a lot of time on this topic, because if it is Trump and Russia, it is B.S. and most
likely nothing but an attempt to prevent Trump, who is an anti-globalist president, from having
productive discourse with Russia, which is an anti-globalist country. The globalists don't want any
alliances being made that could negatively impact them, so it will be Trump/Russia in the news ALL

On that note, Iran struck a large deal with the gas station chain TOTAL which is owned by France, and
will be selling their gas through that chain. On the same day that happened, Russian military ships have
docked in one of Iran's Caspian sea ports. So Iran is not nearly as cut off from the world as the globalists
want Iran to be.

I don't expect the latest round of Trump/Russia garbage to make much headway, and instead see
massive pressure on the globalists. They have a lot more than just Trump to worry about.

Russia is doing major re-supplies and

advanced weapon deployments in Syria that
have been totally secret until now. See this
The article headline is deceiving, Russia is doing a LOT MORE than just giving Syria new naval combat

The latest aircraft, new missiles, and Russia's advanced "terminator" tanks are now
being deployed in Syria, and Russia stayed totally shut up about this. The linked
report above is significant to say the least.
The Syrian government is ready to begin infrastructure replacement in Aleppo and

Here's one you probably won't hear in the American press -

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Cabinet entrusted a government committee with preparing a plan to
reconstruct infrastructural services in Aleppo city and Raqqa province, local media reported.

According to the Syrian state news agency, the plan should propose measures to ensure restoration of
state institutions, investment and economic establishments, particularly in the agricultural sector, in
Eastern and Southern Aleppo as well as Raqqa's Western suburb.

The restoration of services in the provinces of Aleppo and Raqqa was made possible after the Syrian
Arab Army almost completely expelled the ISIL from Aleppo province and moved to Raqqa from the

My comment: That means the American supported rebels have been defeated. No one reconstructs
anything in territory they don't completely control. SEE THIS
Newsworthy because it is July 12, and obvious subversion
attempts are still going on:
Russia's Lavrov: "Claims of Russias Meddling
in US Affairs Aimed at Reversing Election
Washingtons claims that Russia meddled in the US affairs are clearly aimed at reversing the
outcome of US 2016 presidential election, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after talks with
his Belgian counterpart Didier Reynders on Wednesday. "Every time when they start asking us for
many months already why we interfered, we ask the question: present at least a single fact, " Lavrov

My comment: I am actually surprised the communists have worked so hard and been so persistent
with trying to oust Trump. That Lavrov would say this at such a late stage speaks volumes, SEE THIS.

Amazon said their Alexa ball could not call 911

by itself
Yesterday a story made the rounds about how an Alexa Echo ball called 911 to stop a domestic
situation. But there is a problem: The Echo ball can't do that.

From Fox News:

"An Amazon Alexa device made headlines this week after it was reported that the device called
911 during a domestic dispute in New Mexico. But Amazon is disputing that claim.

Local law enforcement officials in New Mexico said the Alexa's ability to contact authorities
"definitely helped save a mother and her child from a very violent situation."

The Alexa allegedly called emergency officials during a domestic dispute at a residence in

During the dispute, Eduardo Barros, who is accused of threatening to kill his girlfriend, asked,
"Did you call the sheriff?" according to FOX 8 Cleveland.

The complaint claimed the Amazon Alexa device overheard this remark, and apparently called
911 - all on its own.

But Amazon says that's not possible."

MY COMMENT: Then let's say what is possible: The ball was being used as a spy device, and
whoever was listening in called 911. How about that for an answer?

July 12 2016

I just had to post this -
Anonymous sent:

This is funny -- pathetic, but hilarious: Craig "Sawman" Sawyer, Navy SEAL and martial artist and good
guy pedophile fighter, is on Alex today. PayPal wouldn't give him his donations in support of fighting
the pedos, said they'd sit on them for 180 days. Just as his lawyers were readying action against
PayPal, all his followers on social media formed #PedoPal and said they were quitting PayPal,
after which PayPal sent him another followup email with no explanation, apology, or other
niceties and just said "there should be no more problem with your account with PayPal."

A few months ago right in the middle of a GoFundMe fundraiser when the money was rapidly flowing
in on air in real time, it suddenly just quit and went black. You and all the good guys are being hit so
badly. And some dimwit head of elections commission and member of the "faith" is widely reporting
that Alex, Drudge, Breitbart and others are under FBI investigation for criminal collusion the Russians.
OMG such nonsense you all have to deal with!@#$%^&;*!!

My response: Gofundme pukes instantly when I try to set up a page there, it is an instaban and there
is no message at all explaining why. I was pre-filtered before I even tried. With Fundrazr, donations
happen at a predictable rate, and suddenly cut to zero. Obviously they cut it off, just like what was
noticed in your case with GoFundMe. And PedoPal? That's priceless!

Anyway, I know the logical curve of donations - A burst on day one, little on day two, main day is day 3
or 4, and then it slowly trails off, never to zero. I have to put up an announcement that there is enough
for it to stop, but usually that does not stop donations from coming in if I am not being messed with,
they come in anyway with about 30 percent coming in after I tell people to stop. When it just suddenly
cuts off, even if I told people to not send, I know someone did it. That can't be hidden.

MANY MANY people wrote about the Egyptians were

Europeans, and Carl (New Zealand) said he thinks they migrated
to China.
I will maintain my opinion - there has to be a reason why the jews want to obliterate Europe, and
Western civilization in general. A 5, 000 year old grudge would surely explain it. Several people
mentioned that the Jews were never enslaved, and that all they did was take bits and pieces of other
religions and make their own. Who knows. But Jesus is documented real, he's actually history and he
did not call bullshit on Jewish heritage, he just chastised them for being so corrupt. So whatever with
that . . . . .

All I can say with all of this is that I am absolutely certain the Jews knew all along that the Europeans
were the former Egyptians, which is probably why they constantly seek to destroy any civilizations that
get founded by whites.

I am confident the Jews destroyed Greece (but you'd never find that in any text after the expungement)
and I am also confident they destroyed Rome. They would write history to favor them and bury their
deeds if they themselves remained intact after doing so. They probably also wiped out a few civilizations
we never heard about because their expungement of records was so complete, this would well explain
the "dark ages", and now, Western civilization is next. This time around enough people are aware of
what is going on for it to backfire. I truly hope it does, and they get put in their proper place once and
for all.
If we are going to win, we have to:

1. Put a near immediate stop to their weaponized vaccines.

2. Put a near immediate stop to their destruction of our education, and our records (libraries).

3. Completely take back the internet, and not sell out to the perks and fat paychecks which are handed
to tech psychopaths who will work to subvert everyone for a pat on the back and a nice car.

All of this might require violence. If it does, we ought not hesitate. If we lose this, we'll be forcibly injected
and reduced to the status of shrooms. They have already made it perfectly clear the injections will
eventually be forced, but have done everything they can to subvert anyone who speaks about what the
injections really are. What's the difference between a DNA injection and a bullet to the head? Very very
little, if there is a difference at all. We are well within our rights to fight back. We had better put that
option on the table.

There is no African DNA in Egyptian mummies

Out of a large number of mummies now studied, it has been proven that every last one of them has
ONLY white European DNA. Before I get into this topic, I'd like to state that it is higly plausible that this
is precisely why the Jews want Europe wiped out. The Jews have it, as a basic tenet of their religion to
never forgive, and to carry all grudges forward to eternity. It won't matter if practically all jews are
Khazars, with no middle eastern roots, the religion alone is grounds for carrying the grudges forward,
and taking past actions of others that they did not like in the past as an excuse to send them to their

Anyone who has read the bible knows the stories of Moses and deliverance from the Egyptians. And it
is highly probably that for that event, so far in the past, the Jews are seeking the destruction of Europe
now. I don't doubt one bit that they knew all along what is now being confirmed via DNA tracing - that
the Europeans are what became of the ancient Egyptians. Most likely large portions of the library of
Alexadria were taken by the Jews, before (regardless of what history has recorded now) they
themselves burned the remainder. That would in my opinion be a fairly good hypothesis to explain why
they have worked so hard to destroy what is clearly the gem of mankind - this current civilization - if
from the past civilization they had a clear record of what really went on, and therefore a grudge to carry

Obviously I don't have proof of who actually destroyed that library or if any of it was spared and I don't
think anyone does, other than the Jews themselves. If they burned it, and if they took within their cult
the real history, to be kept only for themselves, it would completely and totally explain precisely why
they are now seeking to wipe out Europe, and along with it the entire white race.

And now this:

From the IBtimes:

"The DNA analyses revealed that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with people of the Near East
than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture much more recently, after
Roman times. Foreign invasions of Egypt in fact seemed to have had very little impact on the DNA of
these ancient people.
"Our study shows there was a remarkable genetic continuity from the Middle Kingdom of Egypt to
Roman times. Despite what we might have thought, there was no gene flow from Nubia,"

Krause said. My comment: This means that they now know that there was absolutely no gene flow
from sub saharan Africa to Egypt, and that ancient Egypt was populated by people who had all white
genes. The Near East is traditionally regarded by archaeologists and ancient historians as the region
of southwest Asia, specifically the area encircled by the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian
Sea, the Red Sea and the Persian/Arabian Gulf. (end comment)

"The ancient Egyptians do not show a Sub-Saharan ancestry and were much more connected to the
Near East than what was assumed before. The genetic impact from Sub-Saharan Africa appeared
much more recently, in the last 1,500 years."

MY COMMENT: This obviously explains why the Jews want Europe wiped out - because the people
who now populate Europe were, at the time of Egypt, living in the Far East, and then they migrated into
Europe and populated it. Europe is highly probably in fact being wiped out to settle an old Jewish
religious grudge. And unlike what Barbara Spectre claims, it is now proven that white heritage
is NOT a construct of the last 200 years, it in fact predates the Jewish religion to times that go
all the way back to before the pharoes.

If the ancient Egyptians were, as now proven, white, then the Jews, who worked as
slaves, were probably dark skinned semitic people who were never allowed to mingle
with the white Egyptian population, and therefore there was no race mixing to show
up in modern DNA tests. At this point it is all hypothesis as to who the Jews really
were, and I won't be accepting the modern Talmud Jewish version of this hypothesis,
I will instead think for myself. It certainly seems obvious, with them crying "ANTI
SEMITE!" at every turn. "Semite" is not white!

July 11 2016

Do not trust Bill Gates

The Jews have figured out that the public really and truly does not want the New World Order. So Israel
appropriately attacked George Soros, to make Israel look like it is our friend. Now Bill Gates has
stepped up, saying the immigration problem in Europe is out of control and has to be fixed. I do
not believe Bill Gates is really against the invasion of Europe.

Bill mister-make-women-miscarry-from-antifertility-vaccines-entirely-compromised-operating-system-
guru-on-behalf-of-the-new-world-order-i-have-a-cute-gmo-mosquito Gates is so into the new world
order that there is not a chance in hell he's against the immigration disaster, and he's simply playing a
game. REMEMBER: THE JEWS HAVE BEEN BUSTED and now need to establish a left-right
paradigm from within their own conspiracy to destroy us, to provide plausible deniability and say
it is not Jews doing it, because Israel hates Soros and Bill Gates, a prominent Jew loves you!


My God, they think they're superior because of that, all the while lone white dudes release linux distros
of their own that are bug free! Knoppix is one such example. How'd Klaus Knopper do that? How did
he beat Microsoft with something that is bug free ALL BY HIMSELF when a team of 5000 programmers
at Microsoft can't do it? GOOD QUESTION!

And that alone shows a huge ulterior motive for Microsoft to have imported foreigners to write an
operating system on American soil. Why would you hire so many people to do a job so poorly?
ANSWER: Those foreigners were not loyal to the United States, and now we are paying the price with
an out of control police state, and an operating system that cannot be secured.

Remember: Microsoft rose to prominence simply because they were the first to put a GUI on an
X86 PC, which became enormously popular. With that leverage, Microsoft then forced
manufacturers to put Microsoft products, and ONLY MICROSOFT PRODUCTS on their
computers, because if anyone put Linux or Unix on them, Microsoft would revoke all rights for
any manufacturer that dared step out of line with a competing OS to put a Microsoft operating
system on anything. That's the only reason why everything went Microsoft, it was shady
monopolistic blackmail. Apple made it because they were an entirely different system, and got
an early start also. Their machines were not X86 based.

By blackmailing manufacturers, Microsoft was then able to survive ditching their capable American
programmers who wrote a great Windows 3.1 operating system and DOS, and replace them with far
less capable foreign programmers who released over bloated "windows 95" bulk that ran like crap. And
then, as the ultimate back slap, Microsoft used it's extreme clout to wipe out genuine American software
companies by stealing their code outright, and making them fight it in court until they died. Bill Gates is
as anti American as they come, don't let the Washington State street address fool you!


SITUATION. It is all just a show only a fool would believe. When it comes to the elite
circles, there is not a single good Jew anywhere, anyone good among them has been
flushed to the backwaters like Henry Makow, or killed like Aaron Russo.

The Jews now see a need to make people think there are good high level elites among them. They are
under pressure from their own unmasking, done by the alt media. And to do that, they will spew just
another lie, "Bill Gates is good". "Israel hates George Soros." "Isis is real, we are your friend". And yes,
from behind your back you can just go to hell.
This is a spooky message
I have started to not post messages, because any time anything good comes in and I post it, someone
gets onto the server and writes over everything good with crap, even after I have already seen what it
was before it got written over. However, this is going to be an exception because it HAS TO be said:

Heartbroke sent:

Hi Jim, in reference to the zika post.....I believe the evil bastards doing this will also require mandatory
amniocentesis on all pregnant women (their excuse being the country cant afford so many damaged
babies) ...requiring abortions. And what an easy scam to identify and destroy any healthy babies
left. Parents would be told you did the right thing. Heartbroke in Missouri
My response: thanks for the heads up on that, everyone ought to be aware of that possibility, you are
probably right.

The EU has 7.2 percent of the world's

population, and pays 58% of the world's welfare
That's how big hearted the "evil west" is, they let in so many refugees that Europe alone pays 58 percent
of the total welfare given in the world. I would not have expected that number to be so high, but the
source is credible, see this

Israel backed off on exposing Soros/Rothchild

TOO LATE, and that's all folks!

You can't just put this back in the bag!

Yesterday, the Israeli envoy to Hungary told the Hungarian government to back off on their criticism of
George Soros, and even brought holocaust sympathy overtones into it all. Today, they are backtracking
saying OOPS, that's not what we meant, Soros really is a bad guy after all! SEE THIS and then scroll
down to the main George Soros post (a few posts down) and see what they said yesterday. It is too
late to fix this. They already proved Soros is an Israeli tool in use for destroying nations and now they
are trying to sweep that under the rug. TOO LATE. Their left/right Soros/Rothchild paradigm has been
exposed and you can't put the helium back in a balloon after it pops, it's just gone.
July 10 2017

They want autism rates to hit 50 percent by 2030, and this could
be how they are going to do it:


And what's worse? The vaccine is ONLY a DNA injection! It does not even use the
zika virus!

Gee, what could possibly be wrong with injecting a pregnant woman with a nice shot of foreign
mutogenic DNA???

They have introduced a new "zika vaccine" for all pregnant women. it is not being forced yet and is still
it the testing phase but mark my word: they'll manage to get it well in place by playing on ignorance and
guilt trips. Now the children will be born autistic with perfectly re-programmed DNA, rather than showing
the symptoms later. This is the goal of the people who are seeking to destroy Western civilization and
subvert mankind - the destruction of our children before they are even born.
This was posted in The Atlantic, which does not state it the way I did. But they have
this line:

"Zika is a disease whose burden falls most heavily on pregnant women. In most people who come
down with it, the virus is symptomless, and passes through the body with the person none the wiser.
When symptoms do bloom, they are unpleasant, but not particularly dangerous to most.HERE IS
THEIR KEY LIE LINE: If someone who's pregnant gets Zika, however, the consequences for the
fetus can be devastating. The virus causes underdevelopment of the head and brain, known as
microcephaly, and a hodgepodge of other symptoms, like eye damage and clubfoot, which are
loosely categorized as Congenital Zika Syndrome."

MY COMMENT: Zika is a disease that has near zero symptoms in adults, and has absolutely no
impact on a pregnancy. This is very well proven by history, where in areas where zika is prevalent,
there have been no birth defects that could be pegged to it EVER. The so-called outbreak in Brazil
corresponded with the introduction of an entirely new TDAP shot that was given to pregnant mothers,
starting 9 months before kids started getting born messed up. That's not a coincidence!

But people are gullible, and the elite want an excuse - a boogie man - which puts no symptoms into the
mother and only destroys the child. When her kid is born destroyed, she can say she never felt sick but
OOOOOHHH, Zika did it, never realizing that she fell for a scam vaccine that sniped her baby straight
out of her womb, as surely as any sniper would to an enemy in combat. That's how the new war is
being fought, and if people do not wake up and actually threaten the lives of the people that are silently
targeting them, all will be lost.

The Atlantic article also has this quote:

"The NIH vaccine that is the farthest along is currently in Phase Two. It's a vaccine based on the DNA
of the Zika virus, which is a novel approach to making vaccines - there aren't currently any DNA
vaccines approved for use in humans"

My comment: That pretty much spells it out then. Pregnant women will be getting DNA injections
to modify their kids before they are born. And it is controversial, with DNA based "vaccine"
injections never having been done before even in adults. GEE, I wonder what could possibly go

We cannot stand by and let this one happen, there is NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE VACCINE DURING
PREGNANCY, let alone one that relies entirely on foreign DNA. This has been true all through medical
history, where pregnant moms have never been the target of vaccine campaigns until recently, with it
becoming prevalent in the last 10 years. Interesting it is how that corresponds with the explosion in
autism rates!

Now they have a perfect boogie man - with no symptoms, which will provide perfect
cover for them wiping us out, SEE THIS and remember, NEVER FORGET: It is the
Jews doing this to accomplish their goal of "1000 goy slaves" and all revenge has to
be placed squarely on them, or any resistance that does get expressed will be futile!
Obviously they don't care if their slaves are mentally incapacitated. We're just meat
puppets to them anyway.

My statements on zika are based on prior reports that are posted on this web site, along with direct
discussion with several high level Mexican doctors who when made aware of what is going on, called
BULLSHIT. They managed to get in touch with doctors in Brazil, who shut the scam down there. But
American doctors lack the ethics needed to shut the scam down in America so that's where the scam's
new home is likely to be. The article in the Atlantic says in one line that they'll try to get it going in Brazil,
but I doubt they will succeed because the doctors already know. The fact that they are discussing
American agencies with jurisdiction only in America proves they are really trying to target
American women. That speaks volumes when the mosquito that bears the disease can't even survive
in the United States.
HA HA the dink has been busted.
this out!!!
A Canadian landlord got fined $12,000 CAD for entering an apartment with his shoes on that was being
rented by Muslims. He is a black guy to boot! So for offending some Muslims, even after he told them
the apartment was going to be shown, he gets nailed for $12,000 EVEN AFTER THE MUSLIM
COUPLE WAITED 8 MONTS TO COMPLAIN!!! Evidently he walked in "while they were praying" but
that is not a problem in Islam, These Muslims were complete opportunistic jerks.


Snortable chocolate
It has been proven that chocolate is actually good for you. I'm not talking the 3 percent "chocolate"
hershey bar, I mean the dark stuff, with concentrations of 50 percent or more. It is actually good enough
for you to replace some pharmaceutical treatments. SO NOW THAT THIS IS KNOWN, IT'S TIME TO
REGULATE CHOCOLATE and take it away from the public. After all, if you want to charge someone
big bucks for a pill that helps with blood circulation, you can't have a $3 dark chocolate bar that lasts all
week take those profits away from you, can you?

Enter snortable chocolate

My guess with snortable chocolate is that it is something a scammer dreamed up to give the FDA a
reason to eventually take chocolate off of store shelves. The entire meme is so ridiculous it bends
credibility to the max, and even if someone did make a hoax product you can actually snort, it serves
ONE PURPOSE: to give the FDA a reason to step in and ban chocolate. After all, the indgredients of
the snortable chocolate are not appreciably different from raw cocoa powder that is on store shelves
everywhere. If the FDA steps in, it absolutely will be gone. SEE THIS and a simple question: who would
that benefit?


My God, they never give up!

Supposedly now, Trump had a lawyer who was associated with the Russians. And I have a solution for
that. If they won't stop trying to subvert the President, even after being proven liars on the SAME TOPIC
countless times, it is time to burn them to the ground for treason and sedition. I am sick of this!
Now that CNN has been truly and duly burned for their fake reporting, we are supposed to think the
New York Times has credibility with the SAME CRAP??!!?? What is running this show? A brainless
The following was reported in The Times of Israel. See their report HERE


the Holocaust part of it) SO UP TO THE TOP IT
Today, Israel back paddled and is now talking about how Israel is SO AGAINST George Soros. This
was done to patch the damage of a Times of Israel report that was published on Saturday, that read as


Israel's ambassador in Budapest called on Hungary on Saturday to halt a nationwide poster campaign
targeting US billionaire George Soros, which Jewish leaders say is stoking anti-Semitic feelings. The
posters show a large picture of the Hungarian-born Jewish emigerie laughing, alongside the text: "Le's
not leave Soros the last laugh, " a reference to government claims that the 86-year-old wants to force
Hungary to allow in migrants.

"It's our moral responsibility to raise a voice and call on the relevant authorities to exert their power and
put an end to this cycle, " Yossi Amrani, Israel's envoy in Budapest said in a statement.

"I call on those involved in the current billboard campaign and those responsible for it to reconsider the
consequences. At the moment, beyond political criticism of a certain person, the campaign not only
evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear."

In response to the comments, Hungary's foreign ministry said it was protecting its citizens. "Just like
Israel, Hungary too takes steps against anyone who represents a risk to the national security of the
country and its citizens, " it said in a statement.

my comment:

Let's go down the list here.

1. If Israel is against Hungary blocking the efforts of George Soros, and Israel is a Rothschild puppet
country, there is no animosity between Soros and Rothschild, it is all a game, with both on the SAME
side of the SAME coin, which flaunts a multi headed hydra.

2. The stories about Soros selling out the Jews in world war 2 are probably lies, planted by Soros
himself, to create a left/right paradigm and dis-associate different branches of the same effort to destroy
Western civilization. If Israel stood up for him, he certainly did not "feed the Nazis".
3. On behalf of George Soros, Israel waved the holohoax with the same old tired line: "the campaign
not only evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear" and to that I say F*** OFF. What about
all our sad memories of children intentionally destroyed by sabotaged vaccines fronted by these
bastards? What about our sad memories of the "good old days" which it is becoming more and more
obvious the Jews destroyed? Who's "sowing hatred and fear"? IT IS THE JEWS THEMSELVES.

So now we know Hungary is not going to get with the "program". Let's see what disaster befalls them

Ok, so after this, Israel had to do clean-up, because there was HUGE backlash against
them supporting Soros. So today the 10th, they are talking all about how Israel hates
Soros, and if you mention the prior report and their back paddle to what was said in
the Times of Israel two days earlier anywhere in the infosphere, you get auto banned!

So this proves, without question, that Israel supports the

George Soros sponsored immigration racket all the way, and
they can't have it discussed!
And when you think about it, and the goal of the greater Jewish community to flood Europe and other
Western countries with migrants it ought to be obvious they love and support George Soros, but they
can't have that mentioned!


The more astute will realize that the Jews pulled the six million crap with World War 1 also, but it failed
because nothing at all happened. Up until the late 70's the world war 2 six million crap flopped also
because despite Hitler actually doing something, there was no extermination campaign, only an
imprisonment campaign and it took them that long to re-write the history. Quite a few people died in the
prison camps, they were not nice, but the numbers were no where near what is presently claimed and
included all prisoners, not just Jews.

Whatever happened, they made a full recovery and in this day and age, they are:

1. Openly and actively subverting the President of the United States.

2. Ensuring they own the future of food by making everything GMO so they own the patents on the
seeds, and deny everyone the god given right to plant seeds that are the product of subsequent
agriculture. Additionally, the GMO variants do not even register in tests as being legitimate versions of
what is claimed. Worse, the Jews have infiltrated many governments, and at that level have
successfully made it illegal to plant heirloom seeds, with their greatest success stories being
in Africa. It is obvious what their end game is with this.

3. Rigging ALL elections to the maximum extent possible, so the will of the people is not heard, only
their agenda is.

4. Destroying as many children as possible as much as possible with intentionally tainted vaccines that
wreck all that receive them, with the most damaged showing the damage as autism.

5. Causing the bankruptcies of nations via rigged central banks, only to receive 10 or more times the
amount of the actual bankruptcy values in the form of "bailouts" which are then used to buy up assets
and establish Jewish monopolies on everything in business. This will ensure Jewish supremacy over
anyone who rises up to compete in business because if the Jews own all the major stores (they now
do) they can kill any competition by simply refusing to put the competition's products in their stores.

6. Destroying the entire backbone of Western civilization via brainwashing in college, destruction of
men in family courts in an effort to make sure their influence is greatly diminished, and forced and
unwanted immigration no Western nation is actually asking for on a root societal level.

7. They have attained approximately 95 percent ownership of all media and communications, which
they are now using to crush legitimate discussion and bury the truth to the maximum extent possible.
This extends to the intelligence agencies which have been fully infiltrated and now act only as arms of
a great hedgemony that will quickly isolate and/or kill anyone who presents a threat to the Jewish

8. They have successfully usurped the entire medical industry and system of checks and balances,
which is supposed to keep destructive drugs (like antidepressants) out of the hands of the greater
public. While doing so, they have increased the cost of medical care by up to a thousand times in some
cases, and at least 10X in all cases. Obviously they see the medical system as a weapon that can be
exploited to destroy a nation.

The Jews may be facing a holocaust for real this time around, because despite the fact that they
have overtaken a lot, it appears to have been a day too late, and too many people know too
much. What is the fitting revenge for destroying countless millions of children via tainted
vaccines? What is the legitimate revenge for the pain and suffering they have caused with the
family courts? And I did not even mention their wars and extermination programs (like what
happened in Ukraine) which are widely known, or their expungement of our historical record via
the destruction of the libraries, and subsequent wiping of the internet, indeed, the list of their
crimes is so huge that it is impossible for an individual to even scratch the surface.
They did too much while being too vulnerable, and what has happened to CNN proves it. Too many
people see right through them at this point, and if they try to spring their trap (they probably will) at this
point, it will likely backfire badly, and trigger a real extermination effort. And I won't cry.

Liberals: If you defend who you are, you are

"Left-wing pundits reacted angrily to President Donald Trumps speech in Warsaw, Poland, on
Thursday, accusing him of racism for defending the "West." Peter Beinart, writing in The Atlantic,
asserted: "The West is a racial and religious term." He added: "To be considered Western, a country
must be largely Christian (preferably Protestant or Catholic) and largely white." Therefore, he said,
Trump's speech was racist, because some Europeans are Muslim, and some nations that have
embraced democracy or modernity are outside the West's geographic boundaries. "India is the world's
largest democracy. Japan is among its most economically advanced nations. No one considers them
part of the West, " he noted.

In addition, Beinart also claimed that Trump's statement that "The fundamental question of our time is
whether the West has the will to survive, " a climax of the speech, "only makes sense as a statement
of racial and religious paranoia."

My comment: Paranoia my *ss, that was an extremely clean and eloquent statement of fact. AND NO

For as long as liberals fail to put equal apples on all planes of their reasoning, they will be ignored by
others who can actually think.

See this
Meteor that hit moon really was nothing
All the gloom and doom talk about the recent visible meteor impact on the moon are nothing, and
nothing has changed. The meteor that hit the moon was far smaller than the bolide that recently
exploded over Russia. Yet because it was visible, a lot of the media jumped on the doom wagon for
clicks and reads. I am not impressed.


He admitted the E-mails under investigation really are his.

It is still up at the time of this writing

"On a cross country trip with my wife

Pulled in for a pit stop in E. Fairmont W. Va. to see that our whack job POTUS @realDonaldTrump is
tweeting about me at the G20.
Get a grip man, the Russians committed a crime when they stole my emails to help get you
elected President.

view this on twitter here while it lasts!
IT IS FINAL: You now do not need to register
ANY private drone
And as long as it complies to part 103, you can even fly in it!

Due to a successful court battle, the rules governing ultralights now apply to drones. They are: As long
as the craft itself does not weigh over 254 pounds it can carry one passenger and as many accessories
as you want. This means that if the craft is inspected it can actually weigh as much over 254 pounds
as you want, provided anything that puts it over that weight can be removed as an accessory with a
single pull, and the craft can fly perfectly fine without the accessory. In part 103, the 254 pounds does
not include the weight of fuel, so it will be interesting to see how the FAA applies this to battery weight.
Certainly 40 pounds will be allowed for batteries on top of the 254 pounds, but whether or not they allow
people to exceed that remains to be seen.

I am posting this with my knowledge of current aviation laws. According to the current laws, completely
unregistered craft with unlicensed pilots cannot exceed 62 mph, cannot weigh more than 254 pounds,
and cannot carry more than 5 gallons of fuel. That means that fuel included, the takeoff weight without
accessories is a max of 294 pounds.


This report does not cover part 103, but it does explain how the courts overturned the recent rules
imposed by the FAA.

A cell phone has been developed that needs no

This proves that we live with so much RF pollution that you can actually power
devices with it and do away with batteries

"University of Washington researchers have invented a cellphone that requires no batteries -a major
leap forward in moving beyond chargers, cords and dying phones.

Instead, the phone harvests the few microwatts of power it requires from either ambient radio signals
or light.

The team has also made Skype calls using its battery-free phone, demonstrating that the prototype
made of commercial, off-the-shelf components can receive and transmit speech and communicate with
a base station.

The new technology is detailed in a paper published in the Proceedings of the Association for
Computing Machinery on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
The article goes on to explain that the device works because it "uses so little power". I call B.S.
on that, because if you can skype with it, what about the receiving components in the receiving device
the phone communicates with? They need to listen to something, They can't listen to nothing!
Additionally, the device has a stereo headphone jack. So it can power a transmitter and headphones,
on AMBIENT power? It may be a great breakthrough in efficiency, but there are limits to how little you
can work with. This actually creeps me out, SEE THIS

My comment:

I don't care if they have a power budget of "microwatts" with this device, it can't communicate with that
little, PERIOD. I think "power budget" in the terms they are stating is "How much energy the device
actually wastes". To perform transmitter functions, it can't be a couple microwatts total for the device.
It is getting more power from the environment than that. Anyone had any sleep problems lately? If
you are suspicious it is caused by excess ambient energy, someone has publicly announced a
device that proves that could be true

The writer of this report obviously did not understand the technical side of things, but it is well worth a
read anyway if you can read between the lines.

ALSO: This could be the technology behind permanent persistent bugs that can be placed, and then
work forever. If college snow flakes did this, there is no doubt Darpa has this X50. Trump really needs
to do a sweep of the white house.

BLOCKBUSTER: "Hockey stick" climate hoax

scientist BUSTED in court
The "hocky stick" climatologist now faces criminal prosecution for fraud.

Breaking: Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael 'hockey stick' Mann

Penn State climate scientist, Michael 'hockey stick' Mann commits contempt of court in the 'climate
science trial of the century.' Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data
for open court examination. Only possible outcome: Mann's humiliation, defeat and likely criminal
investigation in the U.S.

The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball is expected to
instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling
that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data
fraud. Mann's imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science
community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald
Trumps claims that climate scare stories are a "hoax."

The above is a quote from a very detailed report that can be read HERE

My comment: Fat chance any climate fraudster will ever be prosecuted, but this is definitely a nice
step in the right direction.

Trump was AMAZINGLY popular in Poland

He arrived to screaming masses cheering him on. And that is easy to understand when he gave a
speech with the following quote:

"The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. ... Our own fight for
the West does not begin on the battlefield - it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls...
Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work
together to counter forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that
threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that
make us who we are. I am here today not just to visit an old ally, but to hold it up as an example for
others who seek freedom and who wish to summon the courage and the will to defend our civilization"

Interesting it is that he started out addressing the threats to Western Civilization coming from
the inside.

I do not believe the order in which he stated the threats was any sort of mistake. Trolls are hopping on
this to bury it, but it is obvious Trump is well aware of the subversive forces operating within nations,
and this type of speech is precisely the last thing the New World Order wants.

Scalise is not out of the woods yet

He has been re-admitted to intensive care. They want him gone, so he probably will be gone. - After
everyone forgot about it, and his passing can be put on the lower left hand portion of page 53.

If you want to know what religion hates Trump, THIS IS IT.
The following image has been jail broken, and is not blurry like every other version
of this image on the web. It is well worth a close look

I managed to jail break this image out of Imageur. I do not know who put this together or why they did
not want it copied out of there, other than that it might be a trap if you access it the way they wanted
you to. Then again, it might all be innocent because this is really good work. If you click this, it will come
from this web site clean. I suggest people (even Rense) use my jail break of this because what even
Rense managed to get via capture is crap. The computer runs horrible after I accessed this from the
source, so I did not want to link the source.

CNN. QUESTION: WHY TF ARE THEY ALL JEWISH? That says a lot, when this is
"TEAM HILLARY" and the mortal enemy of Trump. Jared Kushner, you can KMA, this

This will come in clear if you click it (so you can read the small
The original I jail broke is more clear than what I have posted here, but this is certainly good enough.


Many hospitals and public places have their televisions set to CNN. So CNN is impossible to avoid for
many . . . . . unless "many" have universal remotes, and flip the TV over to a different news channel
when they see CNN somewhere.

NEW RULE: Always carry a universal remote plus that little book that tells you what code to punch into
the remote for specific brands, if it is needed. Make sure you flip the TV over to a competing channel
so it stays off CNN for as long as possible with no one noticing.

Amelia Erhart was probably captured by the Japanese

In this photo you can see what appears to be an obvious Amelia in the center of the photo with her
back to the camera, and in the upper right hand corner, her plane on the bow of a ship. Looks pretty
obvious once you put all the blur together for what it is.

Yep, I bet they took her and never said a word. Evidently they thought she was an American spy.
4chan posters have declared war on CNN for threatening the life
of the Trump body slam video poster
I'd take this seriously. CNN has irrevocably proved itself to be a cancer that needs to
be excised, and this action is well justified:

"Sirs and madams,

Herein contained in this post is /pol/'s formal declaration of war against CNN. Your news agency has
for years produced propaganda designed to brainwash the public at large into your sick worldview, and
has non-stop endlessly harassed the good men and women of our website and in the right-wing at
large. Your latest threat to dox an individual for creating a harmless meme is just another example of
your malignant nature and the urgent need to shut your organization down for good.

That is why the ascendant nation of /pol/ has unanimously agreed that all of our resources will be put
to the goal of ending your reign of terror. Do not take this lightly. We have the best cyber hackers in the
world. We have access to memes that will forever damage the psyche of your company and its
employees. We could bring you to heel with zero casualties if we so wanted. As such, we are offering
you a chance to surrender now by our terms.

-Total surrender/ dismantlement of CNN and its sister companies and investigative organs
-Criminal prosecution by an impartial tribunal to accordingly sentence everyone involved in CNN and
its crimes
-Immediate retraction of all hit pieces and false stories against the President of the United States along
with an apology
-Cede all of CNN's current economic and fiduciary assets to a private fund organized by representatives
of /pol/ to be used for the development of new, alternative media organizations which will replace CNN
-Well-written apology to the person CNN threatened to dox
You have one week from the time of this posting. Our people will make certain that you see this
message. Remember, we are anonymous. We do not forgive and we do not forget.

We're waiting.

The original post has been moved from 4chan to 4plebs and can be seen HERE

CNN probably will be destroyed. They pissed off too many people too deeply this time around.
Police raid drug fueled gay orgy at Cardinal's Vatican apartment
This is surprisingly not fake news. Vatican police conducted a raid on a Cardinal's
flat and busted a drug filled gay orgy in progress. I thought this would have to be fake
news, but evidently it is not. There is too much corroboration now, with major
publications now picking up the story. See this

CNN's official statement: "CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a

private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by
saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat
this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an
example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

My comment: It is deeply disturbing to see CNN act in such a way, doing so is blackmail. It is
absolutely shocking that no one has shut that subversive treasonous outpost down. You can't
call them news. They are a communist outpost. SEE THE FOLLOWING:

THIS IS NOT A JOKE, THEY WERE THAT NASTY. I always thought the video was trivial and silly.
Good for a laugh and that's all. This just shows how thin skinned liberals are, they cannot handle any
sort of ridicule any better than Kim Jong - they just showed the Kim Jong commie mindset with aplomb.
Birds of a feather . . . .

So the video got very hard to find. All the originals were wiped. But I kept reloading, and sure enough
people were trying to put it back on Youtube. So I landed one and made a gif. I have linked it rather
than having it automatically load, it is a 20 frame gif version of the most important part of the meme. click
here Now people can E-mail it easily and embed it as a meme.
Obviously CNN did not mention how they got the kid to apologize but that is what happened. CNN
needs to be shut down. It is awful pathetic when CNN can't handle an innocent video after they have
hosted many people who openly stated they wanted Trump dead. PATHETIC!!!

Oh, but we are supposed to understand and be sympathetic, because they are liberal and care so


And they are using their worn out lies about chemical weapons to support their stand!

"We cannot allow a man like Assad, who kills his own citizens and who uses chemical weapons against
them to remain in power"

That spells it all out quite clearly - Israel is going to keep attacking Syria and supporting the rebels until
Assad is removed, and they are going to lie about supporting Al Quaida, ISIS and everyone else right
to the end, all the while they provide medical, financial, and military support to them because their
objective is to get rid of Assad. Obviously to understand this, you need a pre existing understanding of
the situation, and an ability to interpret Jewspeak, SEE THIS

North Korea
They did another ICBM launch, but after they have put satellites into orbit (that kept working for years),
launched many other missiles, tested nukes, and done several successful ICBM launches, where's the
news? Everyone is talking like this is dooms day. Whatever. Don't stir the hornet's nest and nothing will
happen. NK is only a problem for the New World Order and other control freaks.

Dead malls
This is sort of a boring topic, but I'd at least like to state an opinion: This is what will happen:

All stores like Wal Mart will die when people can just have a drone deliver whatever they want. Grocery
stores will still exist because people will want to actually handle their food before buying it. Perhaps
appliance and tool stores like Home Depot will last longer than others, until drones can handle very
heavy items. Everyone will go for this, and then, when a crash happens it will be enormously
worse than anyone imagined because there won't even be a Wal Mart left to go and raid. I'd
strongly advise against letting Amazon get too powerful, or for that type of store to take over, but it is
inevitable because people will simply drive it that way.

We are already too far removed from the actual supplies of what we need to survive, going another
step further will make crashes that much worse and is really not a good idea.

Stephen Hawkings:
Recently the long dead but resurrected via proxy meat puppet supposedly spewed that Donald Trump
was going to cause the world's temperature to go up to 250 degrees. I never tracked down his original
statement, but it showed up EVERYWHERE. FACT: Stephen hawkings has been dead for at least
15 years. But he was a useful meme, so someone else got swapped in. And it is obvious,
because the teeth are different.

The original Stephen Hawkings was a legitimate genius. But the current Hawkings is a tool with such
low credibility, that I'd take the word of Screaming Jay Hawkins long before I'd EVER listen to the "meat
puppet". The fraud being fronted in the name of the real deal is disgusting beyond belief. Here's another
one from Screaming Jay: Constipation blues Yep, I'd rather listen to that "Hawkins" than a fraud.

Sleep virus:
There is something else going on with this, it is probably not a virus. It has the symptoms of a virus.

Yesterday, Wayne (who has the books advertised in the ad at the top of this page) sent me a
message that he had the "sleep virus" also. Additionally, with me, it has returned but I am more
resistant to it now. I don't think it is a sleep virus anymore. It might be mass electronic manipulation.
And it could be accomplished a number of ways, with the prime probable culprit being the cell phone
network. I don't believe a virus would simultaneously hit India, Africa, South America, the U.S., - the
entire world, all at once. But the cell network is everywhere, to be exploited everywhere simultaneously
and if it is not the cell network it could be powerful radar systems also. Or Wifi. One way or another,
there is something amiss. Right now someone in a powerful place wants the public stifled.

ISRAEL stole $307, 000 GPB (400, 000 USD)

worth of solar panels donated to Palestine by
the Dutch!
How do you justify stealing that many panels? Simply require building permits on territory that is not
yours, deny the permits, and then go steal the panels when they get put up anyway!

SCUM BAGS. But we all know what is going on in Palestine, don't we?

My very first wake up call to the truth movement was discovering what Israel did with the Jenin
massacre, which, as luck would have it, I became aware of right as it was happening. They claim only
a few people died there, but in reality, one guy managed to keep texting and posting with a cell phone
all through it, and they'd line up people face down in the street and kill them en masse. At the end, it
took forever for Israel to let the UN in, because the Israelis were dropping the bodies onto the rubble
and driving back and forth with bulldozers to grind them into paste. You could not see any bodies, but
the air was naucious with the smell of rotting bodies because they were mashed beyond recognition
into the rubble, which was worked down to a powder, bones and all.

Anyway, Israel is downright disgusting with Palestine. I never got a firm number, but it was over a
thousand dead in Jenin, regardless of what the scamming MSM reported. And there is basically an
admission to what really went on there via the bragging testimony of star bulldozer operator "Kurdi
Bear". If you find one of his posts, you can connect the dots pretty easily.

It is not surprising at all then to see Israel steal a solar project from the Dutch. This link generates the
all too classic "invalid security certificate" so keep trying, there is nothing wrong with that certificate
other than the fact that someone does not want this report to spread:

Professor who discovered DNA blocked from

speaking by liberals because he also drew a
correlation between race and intelligence
Only an idiot could have thought the Left agenda of shutting down Conservative speakers on campus
would stop at just those speakers. Having succeeded in making it impossible for a Conservative to
show his or her (Hi Ann Coulter!) face on campus without risking violence, they now are moving on to
everyone who dares to utter a word against Leftist ideas...even those who simply are pursuing
knowledge and have no interest in politics.

James Watson is one of the co-discoverers of DNA, and won a Nobel prize for the achievement. Not
to put too fine a point on it, but DNA is a pretty major thing for humanity to know, and few concepts
have penetrated modern society so deeply and yet can be directly attributed to only a handful at most
of names.

In short, for such a contribution to human knowledge, any legitimate university would be deeply
honored to have such a towering figure speak on campus.

Unless of course, at any point of time in the past the figure said something wrongthink:

Nobel laureate's talk at UI canceled after faculty backlash

--"backlash" is Lefist for "someone complained about being offended."

Before going further, I want to mention that this talk was not a general address to the students, not
even remotely. It was a very technical discussion on a very tiny aspect of cancer research, intended for
only for the most well trained faculty and graduate students (i.e., the only ones likely to follow such a
discussion). Universities hold such seminars all the time; they don't make the papers because they are
of such narrow interest.

Now that the Left has shut down the big speakers and big talks, it's going after even small discussions
strictly among academics.

This is a very good writing, Continue here

29 states have refused a voter audit
This proves that at least 29 states rig there elections and nothing else. If a state did not have something
to hide, they'd comply with Trump's vote fraud audit panel. They should be required to comply, the fact
they stonewalled an audit speaks volumes.

Maybe I will make it a project of the day to find out exactly which states said no and overlay them with
an election map to see if they match states Hillary won. I would not be the least bit surprised. 29 states
is a shocking number, and as I have said all along, if they are participating in federal elections, it is not
a state issue, they can't say no to this. See this
Trump knock out video - I guess it is the top
headline but I don't know why
The MSM, like the children they are, got their panties in a bundle over a video Trump
posted via Twitter, which shows him outside the ring at a WWF tournament beating
the snot out of CNN.

When I first saw it, I thought it was silly. But it has been in the headlines so much that I ended up seeing
it a second time, and that time I could not stop laughing, it really is funny. In the video, Trump and a
CNN anchor are outside the ring at a WWF match and Trump slams the CNN reporter to the ground
more than once, and beats the snot out of him. It looks real.

CNN is crying about it, and even the AP is crying about it, it seems everyone is crying about it OTHER
THAN PATRIOTIC AMERICANS, WHO LOVE IT. Drudge put up a poll and the last I checked the meme
had 76.3 percent approval with over 500, 000 votes cast. That's probably accurate.

The shadow state did all it could to get Trump banned from Twitter over the post, but Twitter reviewed
it and determined it does not violate their policy. DHS head Bossert said Trump had a very
understandable reason to do it after getting beaten up by cable news networks so badly, and that it
does not violate national security.

Anyway, you can see the video here

Why is Putin standing by in Syria, rather than

Israel has conducted airstrikes in Syria for the fifth time in a week, and Putin has done nothing. Rumor
has it that Israel has people planted in Syria, to fire harmless shots across the border to then justify
airstrikes in Syria. And Russia is doing nothing. Why? SEE THIS

Putin is either a chicken, or a troll, or has a weapons system that is hacked by Israel. Take your pick.
More than one allowed.
July 2 2017

Many responses on the "sleep virus"

There were responses from many people in many countries about the sleep virus, and all said it
happened in June. Some readers claim the sleepiness was caused by Russian radar.

Due to the huge number of responses on the topic, I am going to conclude that there's no way it was
Russian radar, and that instead, due to the large reach of this web site, all that got reported was normal
instances of outbreaks of a sleep virus that does exist, and for some reason there was a peak of
occurences of this virus in June. It hit the town I am in in June. It hit India in June. Ditto for Russia, Iraq,
Canada, Europe, the U.S., Australia, Africa, Argentina and seemingly everywhere because if people
wrote from that many places something had to have happened. In my opinion I don't think there is any
way any military operation would hit that many places, nor would Russian radar. So my conclusion is it
was simply a large number of natural outbreaks, I happened to get hit by it, and everyone else
responded after I mentioned it.

As far as losing will and convictions, it might just be an unmentioned side effect of this type of virus,
because after a week or so of being over it, I am back to normal with everything. What this could
indicate however is that "funvax" has a natural biological base that has been optimized. It might
not even be GMO because the viruses exist in the first place. Everyone has heard of mono, and that's
probably what it was or something similar. I have never had anything like this happen, in hindsight it
was interesting to say the least.

Oxford students romp with a goat??!!??

I thought any talk on that particular topic was a joke. Apparently not.

They are NEVER going to back off on Trump

Well well, after the Russia meme got blasted into the trash, there is a plethora of new "scandal"
surrounding Trump. Liberals just never give up. No matter what lie gets busted, just invent a new lie,
and run with it until it wears grooves in the pavement. That way people might get stuck in the grooves
and go along with it. That methodology has worked thus far, they have really slammed America
into the gutter with it, so why not keep using it?

People need to realize that there is ONE objective of the liberal, which is the destruction of the United
States. What the liberal does not realize is that once the U.S. and Europe are destroyed they are not
going to get their fat paycheck, they will instead find a dark hole somewhere and rot because it will be
the liberals who betrayed their people, and the liberals who know where the bodies are buried. And the
elitists hate those types and wipe them out once their usefulness has run out.

Once the liberals succeed, they'll be thrown away like boxes after the goods have been delivered to
the elite, and the elite manage their final smack down on mankind, and once again live like 15th century
"nobles". That's what the end game is for the new world order - a world ruled by fiefdoms owned by
today's current lot of trillionaires. These people are clearly operating above the governments people
get to see. I don't really need to mention the shadow government, do I?

Just try saying two words to a liberal: "Shadow Government" and see what happens. They are so stupid
they can work right within it and never even know it exists. Well, some of them know, and are too happy
rolling around in the ultra high income bracket the shadow government will put them in for betraying
everyone around them, and helping the shadow government succeed. The elite hate such types on an
individual level, but have absolutely no qualms about using them as tools. Anything to get the job done.
It can all be buried later if anyone speaks up. Just ask the Clintons about how that is done.

So the question is, are we going to fall for the next line of B.S. they are going to throw at Trump, or are
we instead going to puke in their faces instantly saying Russia was B.S., so why believe you now? I
can't believe the audacity of these people, but then again, if it works . . . . . . . . . .

Did someone release "funvax" through a

biological carrier?
A few years ago, "funvax", which was supposed to be a military weapon that was administered to target
populations via vaccinations was prominently in the news, and I am sure many of my readers have
heard of this. What such a vaccine does is infect the brain with a virus that modifies behavior and makes
people more compliant, and less fervent in their religion and other deep personal beliefs. This was used
in Iraq, to make the target population more compliant.

Why would I mention this? Because I had a bout of extreme sleepiness in June, that made it very
difficult to do the web site. I had to do it in small segments of time between naps. I could not figure out
why I was suddenly so tired all the time. Claudia had it too. A few days into this, I got two sores on the
inside of my lower lip that I could not get rid of for over a week. I was eating well, including vitamin C
which had no apparent effect. I had no symptoms of vitanin C deficiency other than the sores.

After about two weeks of sleepiness, the sores started to fade away and it was not so hard to stay
awake. And over a couple days, things returned to normal, or so I thought. Something did change that
I noticed - I felt absolutely no compulsion to pray, and no compulsion whatsoever to do the web site. I
had to struggle to do it but fortunately I am no stranger to work I'd rather not do, and kept it going
OK. Then something really odd happened.

After mentioning the sleepiness on the front page, people who read the site started writing, telling me
that they had the same sleepiness, as if it was a virus, and that others they knew had it also. Some
people blamed it on chem trails and others did not know what to think. So something went around
that was not normal. And I suspect someone did a weapon test.

I can't explain how it would have made it down to Mexico, but there have been times here where the
number of automobile accidents has inexplicably increased dramatically over a time period of a week
or so, and if such a virus went around and made everyone sleepy, that could explain it.

There are numerous viruses that can cause sleepiness with very few other side effects, the virus that
causes mono is one of them. But why would I be dulled in my convictions afterward? Was it really a
weapon that did it?

Who knows? It seems to be wearing off, and I don't know if that is because I have been extra determined
to return to normal, or if it really is wearing off. My guess is that people tend to adjust back to what they
once were after being damaged, if it is possible. So I don't know what is up but I strongly suspect
that due to the reports from people in the U.S. going through the same thing recently, that
someone did indeed release a widespread virus via a widespread biological transmission vector
and it was probably done because people are standing by their convictions and kicking liberal
@ss. Obviously there are powerful people that would pull a stunt like that if they thought it was

If they did release something they probably released a crap version of it however, because if it was out
in the wild, able to infect anyone, they could not have their own goons permanently knocked out. So
maybe that's why I am getting over it?

Heads up people

Something went around that hit many many people in the U.S. that was not the normal deal. And it
probably hit Mexico at around the same time, because there was an amazing number of accidents that
suddenly and inexplicably happened. Was it a weapons test? Who knows, but I would not put it past
the elite to pull a stunt like that.

Use sanctuary city funds for border wall?

Yesterday legislation to deny sanctuary cities federal funds passed the house. At that time, it seems no
one read it very clearly. Today it came to light that the bill allows the taking of federal funding that would
have gone to the sanctuary cities and use it to build the border wall!

I am not for a border wall, simply because that's too East German, and we have nut case liberals who
are determined to eliminate America's "main core", which consists of the 20 million key people who
could restore America to what it once was. Once the border wall is in, if the extermination orders are
given there will be no escape. But that said, having legislation that takes money from where it is being
abused and puts it towards efforts to stop that abuse is epic.

Here is the full statement for the above:

Senators Perdue, Strange Act To Restore Justice In Sanctuary Cities

Sanctuary cities continue to put politics over safety and security.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators David Perdue (R-GA) and Luther Strange (R-AL) are taking
action to restore respect for the rule of law and stop sanctuary cities from penalizing local businesses
for bidding to work on the border wall. The senators Securing the Border and Protecting Our
Communities Act, would withhold federal transportation grant funds from cities that refuse to cooperate
with the Department of Justice and reallocate the funds towards the completion of the border wall
project authorized in the Secure Fence Act of 2006.

"Sanctuary cities continue to put politics over safety and security," said Senator Perdue. "In their latest
attempt at political grandstanding, sanctuary cities are threatening to penalize their own taxpaying local
businesses if they submit plans to help enhance our border security with a wall. Our nation is a nation
of laws. Until these cities join the rest of us in following these laws, they have no business receiving
federal grant funds."

"The American people spoke out loud and clear last year in support of one of President Trump's most
important promises - to finish building the wall on our Southern border. This legislation will restore the
rule of law in sanctuary cities while helping fund the Presidents promise," said Senator Strange.
"Penalizing businesses for joining in this critical national security effort is beyond the pale. I introduced
this bill to make it clear that cities do not get to play games with the safety of their people or
ignore clear federal statutes. They can either follow the law or fund the wall."

Last month, California state lawmakers advanced a measure to prohibit the state from awarding
contracts to any company involved in the wall's construction. Similar measures have been introduced
or considered in New York, Rhode Island, and San Francisco. The city of Berkley, California adopted
a "black list" to cut off any funds to companies or contractors that want to assist with the building of the
border wall.

View the Securing the Border and Protecting Our Communities Act, here and view the Senator's web
site, where the above quote came from here

Vote FRAUDit

Kentucky has now said it will not go along with Trump's federal investigation into vote fraud. As i said
with California, vote fraud in federal elections is NOT a state issue. States should have no rights with
this, team Trump ought to arrive and do a SWAT raid on both California AND Kentucky. If you say no
to a vote fraud investigation, it means there is fraud and you don't want to get caught, PERIOD.
I am not sure this is accurate as stated, but some are claiming that Hawaii just
unanimously approved universal basic income

SEE THIS My comment: I am skeptical about it already passing, but it is definitely on its way.

Chinese bridge in Kenya collapses

A Chinese company was paid $10 million to build a 300 foot long bridge in Kenya (that's cheap) and it
collapsed before being completed. China is not an incompetent country when it comes to stuff like this
but evidently they had to use Kenyan labor to get the price down to what the budget called for.

My comment: That's what happens when workers short sack the concrete and steal the rebar. SEE

The ethnic differences in babies

In the 1970's, before the politically correct goons over ran everything, a detailed study was done to see
if the differences in race behavior began at birth, therefore proving behaviors are genetically rooted.
ANSWER: A resounding YES.

THIS IS A WHOPPER, it is an extremely well done scientific study that considered every last
variable, and arrived at a very well rooted scientific conclusion. This is in the form of a 7 page
PDF, READ IT, this study was done right at the pinnacle of science, before the de-constructionists tore
everything apart and is obviously BANG ON. The web site that dug this up is HERE


The House just voted to cut federal funds to sanctuary cities. I never thought this would ever happen,

California has become the first state to say NO

to a vote fraud audit!
Trump needs to drop the hammer, because this is not a state issue, it is a national issue. You can't
have California swinging the entire country with a completely fraudulent vote. My guess is that if all the
fraud was removed, California would swing red EVERY TIME. Enough is enough! SEE THIS

We only think of California as a blue state because the fraud has been entrenched for so long. Remove
the illegal votes and vote flipping, and California will swing red EVERY TIME. It has to be that way,
because if California had nothing to hide, they'd be fine with a federal audit.


The House Appropriations Committee recently approved an amendment to revoke the Authorization
for Use of Military Force, which allows the president to undertake war against al-Qaeda and its affiliates
without Congressional approval. The law, passed shortly after the terrorist attacks of 11 September,
2001, has been used to approve conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.
The new amendment, introduced by Democratic Representative Barbara Lee, would sunset these
presidential powers eight weeks after Congress passes the 2018 defence spending budget. The
appropriations committee has sent the budget to the House floor for a vote.

Electricity prices in Southern Australia to

become highest in the world
I have gone over several reports, and everyone is beating around the bush, blaming private companies
for the price rise. They are probably not the ones to blame.

How high are the prices going to go? To approximately 50 Australian cents per kilowatt hour. The
government is blaming private business, but private business probably has it right, and is blaming
government mandated renewable energy. Recently, the last coal fired power station in the region was
shut down, which means whatever renewables in the area can't produce has to be brought in over long
distances from elsewhere.

Australians in the region are paid 45 cents per kilowatt hour they feed into the grid from renewable
sources. If a high percentage of the electricity in Southern Australia is from renewable sources, and
people get paid 45 cents per kilowatt hour to generate that, and then there are line losses and
transformer losses along the way, the price of what gets delivered has to be high if power retailers have
to absorb losses on top of paying a high price, and then have to pay office staff and maintenance staff
and everything else a business has to soak up. If all combined power sources (including power imported
from other areas of Australia) come out to an average of even 30 cents a kilowatt hour and then losses
and expenses are factored in, 50 cents a kilowatt hour would be reasonable, and the government is to

But of course they'll blame the capitalists for the mess the government caused.

There are no single articles that really lay it all out and explain it clearly, but the above is a pretty good
approximation of what is going on.

A few quick headlines:

Aid to the Pope, Cardinal George Pell, is in trouble for supposedly molesting little

My comment: That just means the pope did not get caught.

There are rumors about a 10th planet in the solar system yet to be discovered

My comment: This has been said for decades.

Iran's Tasnim news agency announced last night that ISIS in Syria was all but
My comment: That will be true, until Israel fixes the problem.

Woman kills boyfriend in Youtube shooting stunt where a book was supposed to stop
a bullet

My comment: If you are going to do that, use a low end hand gun, not a .50 cal.

It is true that a book will stop a bullet, but only if it is not a super powerful one and the book is thick

NOT ONLY SYRIA: Iraq has also wiped out ISIS

My comment: That is probably why Trump wants to go back into Syria. Something is really amiss with

This will probably come to fruition, because the U.S. is running intense intelligence gathering
flights off the Syrian coast.
Lots of people wanted me to give the "bugged" laptop to North
Korea anyway!
There is some really important information here, I am going to say it all.

I can't give the "bugged laptop" to anyone. Because I posted a detailed and accurate explanation
for what was done to the laptop, along with a threat to hand it over, and the second I did that,
whatever agency bugged it wiped the bug off of it. That's standard procedure when they have been
discovered. I learned from this that:

1. The problems I was having were not caused by a stinger.

2. It was not an internet based bug that watched for my system profile.
3. It was all accomplished via crapware they managed to get onto this computer, possibly in the Bios,
but probably into that "rom chip". I did not actually burn the data path to the recordable section open, I
only had in place a command for the operating system to not write to it. If someone had a correct
operating system back door, they could bypass that which would have made it possible for them to bug
it, but only the NSA or CIA would have figured that out, so now I know who did it.

The battery is probably still bugged, because it was bugged and I knew it. It was the first thing they
bugged. They did the ROM chip/system bios later. Batteries have their own processors and memory in
them which report battery condition, and these can be bugged with crapware too. I have not given them
an opportunity to kill the bug off the battery, so that's still around to turn over to someone.

Now that I know for certain that all the problems were ones that got planted onto this laptop, the next
time I see a problem, it is going straight to the Russians. PERIOD. Anyone attacking this site is a
seditious bastard, and needs to be blown out of the power structure. If it takes a foreign nation to
accomplish that because we have lost this nation so badly, well, what can I say? They don't have to
risk their assets by just handing them to me! They have been warned . . . .

Problems that vanished:

1. "The website you are trying to access has an invalid security token" - This would happen TWICE
each time I tried to log into the server. If people are seeing this, on various web sites, it probably does
not mean anything has a problem, it probably means you are bugged. The problem happens when the
spook's remote desktop arrangement screws up and fails to pass you the security token for a secure
web site.

2. "This web site is being re-directed to a new location". One to five times every time I tried to log into
the server. POOF, GONE. That problem VANISHED.

3. "Your session token is not valid, please log in again". Usually it would take me an hour or so to finally
get past all their crap, and get onto the server with a legit session token. After they took their crapware
off, log ins are instant, permanent, and work the first try.

4. All the problems with getting the wrong version of Cpanel are GONE, (common core JOE was too
stupid to know what I was supposed to see, and sent the desktop for the wrong revision of Cpanel to
my desktop EVERY SINGLE TIME.) When I'd see that, I knew I was hacked, and the next thing I'd see
is "Your session token is not valid, please log in again".

5. Your IP address has changed, please log in again - This is because idiot JOE did not have the proper
configuration ON HIS MACHINE to make the crapware work. His machine should have spoofed all IP's
perfectly and kept them static, but was improperly set up to use dynamic IP's.

6. Occasionally I'd see whatever pictures idiot Joe was looking at, they'd just magically appear on my
screen. That proved I was working on someone elses desktop. one time, idiot Joe sent me a 4K
screen that scrolled like I was viewing a football field (my machine actually put up scroll bars to
accomodate it!) So that's what American intelligence is using. That stopped.

I did not mention any of this until idiot joe did an update to his crapware that I saw
come in, and it worked perfect, which, because his machine was set up to use DHCP
or some other dynamic IP arrangement would constantly get me kicked off the server,
which requires a static IP. After trying to get on for four consecutive hours, I posted
that I knew they were there via combat mode, a special arrangement I set up that
allows a dynamic IP and does not issue a token. It has it's own edit screen and uses
php to inject new content onto the front page, into the window. It is a nice little piece
of work, but that's all "combat mode" was. It was not all that secure, but still secure
enough to block out any legit hacker. It allowed me to work through their screwed up
remote desktop.

DEAR TROLLING INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, who would occasionally send ridicule

to the message window, saying I did not know about security:

I knew what was causing the problems the whole time, and knew it was your own configuration screw
ups that caused them but did not say it because I did not want idiot JOE to do a work around that
concealed anything. I knew ONLY the CIA or NSA would ever successfully target me, because
actually my security was quite good against legitimate hackers. Yes, I know my Linux has that
problem with allowing anyone to log in but did not update it, because who, other than the
NSA/CIA would ever figure that out, let alone get onto my cell connection to accomplish that?
DID NOT ACTUALLY BURN THE DATA PATH OPEN? Idiot JOE's failure to use a static IP that
spoofed mine was sheer idiocy, because it made it perfectly obvious someone had me hacked, ONCE
HAS CHANGED UNLESS SOME IDIOT CAUSES IT. This is a basic requirement of ALL, not just
one, ALL my web servers and I had to make sure my web provider always issued a static IP before I
even chose to use that provider. If the IP changed I knew I was running off of IDIOT JOE'S DESKTOP.
So I was not so stupid after all, Because I knew you were there, and knew the value of keeping my
mouth shut about the actual details.


Now you know you had your pants pulled down the whole time. Now you know I can stay shut up about
it. And you thought you were smart the WHOLE TIME. And you even poked fun at me a few times. That
was stupid, because you were standing in front of me BUTT NAKED while you poked fun. and the next
time your asses are hanging out, I'm saying NOTHING, I'll just pull the (new) battery out and go
to the Russian embassy and gift them a free laptop, complete with full instructions on how to
avoid having you wipe your stuff off before they nail it. How about that? I have a right to give
my shit away!

This is a genuine Mars rover photo.

The object is small, but not as small as some are claiming. What is it? Nasa debris? An alien child's
toy? I do not think it is natural. It looks like Obie One Kenobi did not have his own hovercraft because
he left it on Mars. This is interesting to say the least.

120 Apartment blocks now found to have the same cladding as

I never thought Grenfell was done on purpose, I figured it was an accident made possible by negligence.
And it is beginning to look like a proven fact. Yesterday, 60 out of 60 buildings checked had the same
flammable cladding. Today, the number has risen to 120, with over 400 buildings remaining to be
checked. SO FAR, 100 percent of buildings tested had the same flammable cladding. How the
British government could be oblivious to that baffles me, that's simply not believable. I think
they knew it was a hazard, but had it put everywhere anyway because it was cheap and it
insulated well.

Obviously, if THAT MANY buildings are cladded in easily flammable materials, at least one will be
bound to go up in flames eventually, and I believe that is exactly what happened at Grenfell.

This pretty much kills the conspiracy stories that Grenfell was sabotaged on purpose with flammable
cladding and then burned empty, after everyone living there conspired to leave so a show could be
made. I'll stick with my original conclusion of 300 - 500 dead, the government lying about that, and re-
locating survivors to isolate them in an effort to bury the real story. As far as I see it, that's the only thing
that fits the big picture.

Warmbier: Credible speculation

There is credible speculation that Warmbier was an Israeli spy, and that when he was sentenced in
North Korea, he bit a poison pill he had been carrying in his mouth the entire time. Many Israeli agents
have poison pills in their mouths at all times that they can bite to kill themselves if "the need to" arises.
The rumor is that Warmbier was rendered brain dead rather than killed by "a pill made by the lowest

If Warmbier was a spy, there is probably a whole lot more to the story about why he was imprisoned
than we have been told.

Warmbier's trip to North Korea was paid for by Birthright, an Israeli organization that pays for overseas
trips by people who "Identify as Jewish". That's suspicious right there, and strongly implies he was not
there "as a student on vacation". Obviously no one is going to actually step forward and admit he was
a spy, but there is definitely room to be suspicious considering how his trip was funded, and how he
ended up brain dead with no apparent injuries or trama whatsoever.

CNN's Van Jones: "The Russia thing is a big

nothing burger"
So there was more to the story, as we were promised!

That reminds me, CNN faced a $100, 000, 000 lawsuit over this.

Israel sent fighter jets to Saudi Arabia

Israel's Saudi cronies were facing a coup within the royal family which would have put people in charge
that Israel did not want there. So Israel responded with a sizeable show of military force in the form of
18 fighter jets.
From AhluBayt news:

"Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz announced on Wednesday his decision to replace Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz with his own son, Mohammed bin Salman.

After the decision was announced, the Israeli air force sent 18 of its fighter jets, including F16I, F15CD
and F16CD, along with two Gulfstream aircraft, two tanker airplanes and two C130 planes, special for
electronic warfare, to Saudi Arabia at the demand of the new crown prince bin Salman to block his
cousin (bin Nayef)'s possible measures." This is a major development, a very detailed report is here

My comment: That proves the Saudi crown is nothing but an extension of Israel. Saudi Arabia is a
hoax Islamic state. As a hoax, it kept the window dressing well tended, but that hoax is becoming
transparent. If Saudi Arabia was not a hoax state, Israel would not have done this.

Nancy Pelosi: GOP health care bill dishonors

MY COMMENT: Dear Nancy: Using God like that is a ticket to hell. You can't say what God thinks or
is dishonored by, and someone as clearly evil and deranged as you are can't possibly righteously use
references to God for anything. Come out as Pro Life, Pro family, Pro Christian and follow up on that
for real, rather than simply muttering platitudes that use God as a political tool and keep it up for
DECADES (decades you obviously don't have ahead of you) and maybe people will start to believe
you genuinely changed.

You have blown it so badly that you are beyond hope, NO ONE will believe ANYTHING you say in the
name of God, and mentioning God at this late stage of your collapse is such obvious political pandering
that it will only piss thinking people off!


Things came to a head last night
They finally got a hack on this machine that was both incompatible and complete. They took it off the
machine after I posted this and things started working perfect.


TO IMPROVE THEIR DATA SECURITY. I'll make good and sure
they clearly understand what they have to do to prevent you
from wiping it once they get it. MY GOD I AM SICK OF THIS
SH*T. And if they have no representation in Mexico, I absolutely
WILL go talk to Vlad, who I have spoken to before, AT THE
Hey you idiots: I don't care what you think about me "not possibly" being former NSA,
because you are DEAD WRONG, I have transparently seen through your sh*t for
months and simply kept quiet about it.

I might as well tell them how I noticed their *****ING SCREW UP. HEY IDIOTS: YOU, ON YOUR F****

I wanted to keep all that secret, but if you are going to totally A-hole me off the server with your
incompetence, I might as well let you know how I know SO YOU CAN FIX IT!

HEY IDIOTS: Why record absolutely everything I do when it is all public anyway? And if you are Correct
The Record with that fancy NSA spyware someone handed you, LEARN HOW TO USE IT YOU

Now it is up to you to figure out what else I might know. To that effect all I will say is That's
dynamic! Want to lose a few secrets to **RANDOM** via a discovered hack? TRY ME. I'm all ready to
play after this latest round of BULLSHIT.

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