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Aptis Test Preparation

Aptis is an innovative English proficiency test. The Aptis results are calibrated to Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR)

Aptis consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing components and also a core grammar and
vocabulary component.

Teachers on the Pro-ELT programme are tested using the Aptis Test at the beginning as well as at the
end of the programme so that improvement can be measured.

Considering Aptis is a high-stake test, preparations need to be made before teachers take the test.

Role of ELOs and DELOs

1. Upload students manual, ppt presentation on Aptis, practice materials, test dates and venues onto
the state/district portal
2. Ensure teachers get hold of this information
3. Ensure the venues are suitable for test taking (in terms of quality and security)

Role of teachers
1. Read through the Aptis Test Manual.
2. Try out the demo of the Aptis test. This is to ensure teachers know the expectations of the Aptis
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking sections of the test
3. Complete the series of practice materials. This will enable teachers identify specific Listening,
Reading, Writing and Speaking strategies and hence improve their score on Aptis

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