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Unit 4 Lesson Planning

Module 2 Lesson Stages and Plans


1. Do all language teachers present a language point in the same

way? No teacher will present a language point in the same way
as another. Every teacher has its own way to present it.
2. Must the textbook be used? One teacher may make more use of
a textbook than another who might only include textbook material
as a last resort. In my personal opinion we as teachers must
know when and how to use it effectively.
3. By the end of your lesson what must you have achieved? That
students have learnt what you wanted them to learn. For
example: talk about their daily routines, ask others about their
daily routines, understand idioms related to work, use work
related idioms appropriately in conversation, Write a simple text
about their experiences using appropriate linking devices, Use
appropriate linking devices within a simple written text to indicate
the chronological order of events.

4. During which stage of the lesson does the teacher set the
scene? Warm-up
5. What serves as an occasional point of reference during the
lesson? contingency plans
6. List 3 appropriate ways to end a lesson.
1.- Provide a quick recap of the objectives target structures and
vocabulary studied that day 2.- Tie in the lesson with previous or
later lessons. 3.- set homework and talk about the next session.
Ricardo Muoz 05/07/2016

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