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Tongue Analysis


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Healers Prayer
Make me an instrument of your health
Where there is sickness, let me bring cure;
Where there is injury, aid;
Where there is suffering, ease;
Where there is sadness, comfort;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is death, acceptance and peace; Grant that I may not:
So much seek to be justified, as to console;
To be obeyed, as to understand;
To be honoured, as to love ...
For it is in giving ourselves that we heal,
It is in listening that we comfort,
And in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Prayer of St. Francis (Modified by Charles C. Wise)

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Holistic view
on life, mind, body, health & disease
Mind body connection
Body is made of parts. Each part provides us with a specific ability / set of abilities.
Mind works in terms of abilities.
When we stress in terms of an ability, corresponding part of the body matches and mirrors.

Health and disease

When our body matches and mirrors accurate views on life we experience health.
When our body matches and mirrors inaccurate views on life we develop disease.
Inaccurate views on life cause stress.

We are born with unconscious beliefs.
We acquire subconscious beliefs.
Conscious mind connects objects and the above beliefs.

There is only one disease.
It manifests in different forms.

What do we see on tongue?

When the quality of tissue changes it reflects on tongue.

Tongue is like any other non-verbal diagnostic tools.

Tongue reveals the state of body.
Body reveals the state of mind.

In brief Stress > Altered biochemistry > Symptoms

Or, in other words Life > Mind > Body

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A tongue analysis session
Give your client a mirror and a tongue map.
Ask them to look at their tongue and the tongue map.
Inform your client about what you are going to do.
Inform them it might take around a minute or so.

Sit in right in front of them. Face to face.
Align your clients shoulders, neck and head.
Guide them to hold their head so that you can view their tongue clearly and effortlessly.
Use your regular LED light to see the tongue from various angles.
Observe the tongue for 15 seconds, 3-5 times.
Observe the quality of the tongue and how it moves, right from the beginning.
Record what your observation, in simple words. Do not interpret yet.
Remember it as a movie clip.
Rule out disease of the tongue, accidents, foods, medications and habits.
Ask your client about the affected parts based on your observation.

Sticking tongue out for 20+ seconds can make it redder.
Antibiotic (pealing), food (stain), smoking (yellow discoloration), piercing (marks), accidents (deformity) etc.
are some common situations to be ruled out.

Start with discussion of symptoms on tongue rather than prediction or diagnosis. Its like this. I see a stress
on your lower lumbar area. What do you feel there? Or is it your lower abdomen?
In the beginning we can see musculo-skeletal systems and tension zones on tongue.
Then gradually we can see organs and tissues.
Over time, we start reading life.
Dont try to come up with a disease name. But, try to understand the qualitative changes in the body.

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Some terms we might use
Agni Principles that governs digestion and metabolism. E.g. Enzymes.
Ama Products of wrong digestion or metabolism.
Ayurveda First holistic living and healing system.
Dosha Functional units.
Pitta dosha Functional unit that governs heat and transformation.
Kapha dosha Functional unit that governs density and fluidity.
Vata dosha Functional unit that governs knowledge, movement and rhythm.

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A tongue with organs superimposed

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Tongue Analysis
Features Represents in body
01 Alignment Alignment Musculoskeletal alignment

02 Colour Nutrient load Oxygenation, blood nutrient load

03 Edges Fluids Fluid circulation. Lymphatics.

04 Fur Pathogen Pathogen. Toxicity. Ama.

05 Marks Tension, blockage Ongoing health issues with pain, tension, blockage etc.

06 Movement NS energy Neuromuscular balance

07 Shape Biological integrity Biological integrity

08 Surface Even energy supply Evenness of nutrient supply

09 Texture Immunity, tolerance Immunity, tolerance

10 Thickness Q&Q of tissues Quantity and quality of tissues

11 Organs zones Organ strength Affected organs

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What could go wrong?
Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs
01. Alignment Balance in life Centrally aligned Left/right aligned

Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs

02. Colour Immunity, energy Pinkish red Gray, red, white

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What could go wrong?
Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs
03. Edges Fluids, lymphatics Same as tongue body Thin, eroded, dented

Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs

04. Fur Undigested matter Very little Gray, yellow, white

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What could go wrong?
Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs
05. Marks Current imbalances Absent Cuts, ulcers, glassy

Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs

06. Movement Low energy, control Still Shaky, shivering

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What could go wrong?
Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs
07. Shape Life, philosophy Oval Wider/narrow, long/short

Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs

08. Surface Energy supply Even Uneven, wrinkled

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What could go wrong?
Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs
09. Texture Vitality, robustness Visible buds Dry, burnt, milky

Criteria Aspect of life Healthy sign Unhealthy signs

10. Thickness Accumulation Translucent Thin/thick, hot & swollen

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Tongues to analyze Observations

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Taken from Dr. Lad

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Sarah stuck out her tongue. Mmm, Ayurvedic doctor Rama Prasad responded, Theres stiffness in the right hip, bloat,
lower back pain, cold feet and depression. Sarahs jaw dropped wider. Without saying a word, Rama had read her state
with astonishing accuracy.

The tongue doesnt lie, explains Rama, who has been examining tongues for decades, finding they clearly convey ones
health and habits. Sarah was sceptical at first, knowing nothing about Ayurvedic Medicine, but she adhered to Ramas
advise after his observations. Following the dietary, lifestyle and herbal advice for a fortnight my symptoms improved and I
also noticed changes on my tongue, Sarah says.

When an orthodox doctor probes the tongue theyre looking for obvious problems with the mouth or tonsils. But when you
stick your tongue out at a Chinese or Ayurvedic doctor you show a lot more than simply the state of your throat. Your
tongue speaks volumes about your mind-body state, Dr. Prasad explains, Its a holographic map of every aspect of you.
Once you learn to identify the markers its very easy to read. Chinese doctor Charles Chow agrees, A tongue reading is
much simpler than pulse diagnosis. The patient can also see where the problem is and monitor changes themselves. Its
widely acknowledged that tongue diagnosis is more objective that pulse diagnosis and, though pulse diagnosis take decades to
master, basic Tongue diagnosis can be taught in a weekend.

Setting tongues wagging

Tongue analysis is an ancient diagnostic skill recorded in traditional health sciences worldwide. In Ayurveda its known as
Jihvaa Pareeksha, in Japanese - Zetsu Shin and Chinese call it She Zhen. The tongue's colours, contours and coating all
reflect our general health and specific problem areas. In conjunction with conventional diagnostic tests, tongue analysis can
give us a clear picture of the condition of organs and systems, often revealing the cause of a condition presenting as a
confusing collection of symptoms. Bian Que (471-221BC), one of the pioneers of Chinese tongue diagnosis said he could see
the patients insides from the tongue, identifying past and present patterns as well as predicting future conditions.

Chris, a chronic fatigue patient of Dr. Rama Prasad found tongue diagnosis directed his recovery route. Before Rama
identified my spleen weakness I was trying everything without much improvement. Im 80% better now that I know the
allergens to avoid and ways to strengthen the spleen.

Modern medical science is now taking notice of tongue signs. After a landmark study in China revealing significant tongue
changes in 12,000 cancer patients1, US researchers led by Dr. Robert Schoen, director of Gastrointestinal Cancer
Prevention at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is recording computerised images of patients tongues to note
any correlation between cancer and tongue signs. Dr Schoen explains the rationale behind this, "The tongue is one of the
first parts of the gastro-intestinal tract that's visible." The tongue is also known as the sprout of the heart as it is directly
connected to the cardio-vascular system. Hence, eighteenth Century doctors would routinely inspect the tongue in fever
patients to monitor how the heart was holding up.

According to ancient Indian and Chinese medicine all the bodys meridians connect to the tongue just as they connect to the
feet, hands and ears. Because of its proximity, digestive disorders are particularly obvious from tongue analysis. The tongue
clearly indicates the bodys internal digestive enzymes, assimilation, inflammation, stagnation and hydration. The shag pile
carpet adorning the tongue after fasting is digestive toxins exiting the body. Periodic purification, a pure diet and daily use
of a tongue scraper helps to clear digestive toxins accumulated on the tongue, suggests Dr. Rama Prasad.

1 12,448 cases of the clinical observation of cancer patients' tongues, Journal of Oncology (Chinese) 1987;7(3).

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Keeping it clean

While thou livest keep a good tongue in thy head, advised William Shakespeare. Nobody wants a furry tongue and bad
breath. Removing the superficial layer of plaque and bacteria settled on the tongue reduces the risk of bad breath, tooth
decay, gum disease, throat infections and heart disease according to modern research. It wont, however, alter the
appearance of deep pathological tongue signs. Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Indians all practiced regular tongue scraping
to remove toxins and prevent disease. Using a tongue scraper has been shown to be more effective than a toothbrush or
mouthwash and it doesnt make one gag or dry the mouth as alcoholic mouth rinses can. Research shows that up to 75% of
vscs are removed by a tongue scraper whereas only 45% reduction is achieved by brushing the tongue with a toothbrush2.
Previously halitosis was attributed more to tooth decay or stomach problems but current studies show that up to 86% of all
bad breath is caused by harmful tongue bacteria that isnt removed by brushing, flossing, or gargling alone. This foul
smelling odor is produced by toxic volatile sulphur compounds (vscs) which the Journal of the American Dental Association
(Sept., 2000) advises one removes with a tongue scraper.

A healthy tongue

Before assessing your tongue it helps to know what a healthy tongue looks like. Likened to a little kittens tongue, it is
uniformly pink, similar to a skinned chicken. It is oval in shape, neither too thick nor too thin and has an even width.
When sticking out its naturally straight rather than veering to one side. The tongue of a healthy person will remain still and
strong, not quivering, flaccid or stiff. A healthy tongue has a thin transparent or white coating. It displays all taste buds and
is free from red or glassy patches, deep cuts and denuded patches. It is neither too dry nor too wet and it doesnt emit a bad
odour or taste. The veins on the underside of the tongue will not be distended. If your tongue looks like a map of the world
dont worry. Dr. Prasad explains its significance, Some people have genetic geographic tongues which indicate certain
hereditary signs that are not necessarily negative.

Just say aahh

The traditional Tibetan greeting of sticking your tongue out evolved because they understood how to analyse a person
through their tongue. They also kept their tongue firmly in cheek to hide their deeper secrets! Decipher your tongue talk by
analysing its alignment, colour, surface and shape. Remember that coffee, tea, drugs, cigarettes or food colour can affect the
colour of the tongue. Its best to look at the tongue in natural light or halogen lighting and in the morning before eating or
drinking. Incandescent light makes the fur look yellowish and fluorescent light makes the tongue look bluish or purple when
it's not. Poke your tongue out in a relaxed rather than a forceful way so you dont distort its shape. Pop your tongue back in
every ten seconds to stop it from dehydrating or changing colour. Decipher your tongues messages by correlating signs with
the tongue map.

2 Tongue-Cleaning Methods: A Comparative Clinical Trial Employing a Toothbrush and a Tongue Scraper Vincius Pedrazzi, Sandra

Sato, Maria da Glria Chiarello de Mattos, Elza Helena Guimares Lara, and Heitor Panzeri University of So Paulo J Periodontol

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Tongue signs-

Alignment. Veers to one side when sticking out- Tension on that side of the body or weakness on the other side.

Colour. Pale- Anaemia, low blood pressure, coldness or poor circulation and general depletion. Yellow- Excess bile in liver
or gall bladder. Blue- Heart problems or blood stagnation (also present in healthy pregnant women). Very red- Inflammation,
acidity, heat or high blood pressure.

Surface. Thick white coating- Toxins in the respective organs/systems, which may include Candida albicans and mucus.
Thick yellow coating- Chronic heat, congested liver or gall bladder. This may also be related to food colourings, drugs or
smoking. Cracks- Connective tissue in this area is weak and undernourished and hence tight. Red patches- Inflammation or
acidity in this area. Denuded patches- Depleted energy in this area. Raised areas- Vascular congestion in this area causing
probable pain.

Shape. Indents around edges Malabsorption of nutrients often seen in malnourished people with digestive disorders.
Thick tongue Fluid retention or lymphatic congestion. Thin tongue Dehydration, depletion and fatigue. Pointed Tip
Muscle tension and inflexibility. Rounded tip - a flexible yet firm physical and mental condition. Pointed tip - a rigid
physical condition. Very wide tip - flaccid muscles. Forked Tip Indecisive and rapidly changeable moods. Stiff Mental
and physical tension.

M ovement. Trembling Debilitated nervous system and internal gas. Rigid tongue High mental and physical stress.
Flaccid tongue Low energy and poor circulation.

Barbara Kirschbaum, Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis, Eastland Press, 2000.
Giovanni Maciocia, Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, Eastland Press, 1995
Ayurvedic doctor Rama Prasad practices and teaches tongue diagnosis
Chinese doctor Charles Chow consults patients at Ginseng Chinese Medicine Centre, Chatswood, Australia (02) 9419

Caroline Robertson is a naturopath, homoeopath and Ayurvedic consultant.

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