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Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice 1813 Marriage and money go together

Jane Austens life Thats her society

1775-1817, Steventon in Hampshire Importance of patronage / connections for ones social identity
Money and marriage in Austens life her fathers position of a Mr Collins, had to have a patron so he could have a position and
vicar, a serious relationship with Tom Lefroy and a marriage money, the same patronage was given to her father, her family
proposal by Harris Bigg Wither was supported by patronage
An understanding of precisely where one stood in the social Minimalism in style and theme
hierarchy was important to anyone in England in this period Microcosm and life in its social aspect
Romantic plot made her popular, but there is something else also, With few words she says a lot, very little description, more
her ironic and sharp language, you can learn so much about 18th dialogue, she manages to be economic
century England Working on the little bit (two inches wide) of Ivory ... with so
Lived in the time of French Revolution, she was aware of those fine a Brush, as produces little effect after much labour (Kelly,
things, chose not to write about that, belongs to the 18th century, 115,116)
not 19th, Victorian era, her novels were written in late 18th Austen as an acute social observer, severe revisions of her novels,
century, died in her early 40s, she was born in SE England which First Impressions 1796
was prosperous, open to foreign influence and invasion Lot of dialogues which open up the mind and characters, words
This part of England was traditional and prosperous are suggestive, in terms of theme is also a minimalist because she
Also lived in Bath, her father hoped that she will find a husband deals with a small village, only up to three families
there They are friends and neighbours and do lots of gossiping and
Money and marriage are the most important in her novels and chatting
her personal life Limited scope of interest
Her father was a vicar, above the merchants but below nobility Microcosm of life she gives a picture of whole society, whole
Her fathers position defined her world view and position, gave their world, acute social observer because she spent her life
her access to education observing other people, noticed details and wrote about them
In terms of marriage prospects she did not have much to offer, Chapter I an elderly couple, intellectual gap, he barely never
everything went to her brother listens to her, propriety and the code of conduct are very
Tom Lefroy was a lawyer and fairly poor, they liked each other, important
but there were no prospects, he needed to find someone better The way Mrs Bennet reads other people, in economic figures
Harris was a great opportunity, but she had a change of heart people are read
These two events were an inspiration
Mrs Bennet is easy to laugh at, but she is concerned about her Middle -class industrial interests vs. aristocratic landed
daughters interests, new vs old money (Tom Jones vs pride and prejudice)
Bingley waits for Darcys approval because Darcy is above him in Middle class subdivided in 3 classes, Bingley was produced by
social rank, socially they are far apart, Bingley is a son of a trader, industrial revolution, he doesnt have to work
he lived of his fortune, but Darcys fortune is land and he has lots His father gave him upper class life, wanted to look like them, but
of social influence Bingley is also a gentlemen unlike his sisters he is full of
Elizabeth has been watching them and thats how her position understanding
has been determined, she is the one who has power, casting is His sisters pretended to be ladies
crucial New money would be middle class and old money is aristocracy
Marys hair is dirty, no one is terribly attractive Class issue (middle class, gentry, upper class); Darcy vs. Bingley
Historical context the militia regiment staying at Meryton leaves and Meryton gentry
for the huge winter camp at Brighton When they come to a ball everything stops, because being in the
The militia were mobilised in the 1790s in direct response to the presence of Darcy is something they never encountered, social
threat of invasion of revolutionary France gap
These things are told in passing, as you learn them you have to Making money for the sake of supporting yourself was
connect them to historical context ungentlemanly
English response to the French Revolution and Pride and Misconceptions which arise from associating codes of propriety
Prejudice with gentry status (Mrs Bennets vulgarity vs. the natural
Wanted to make sure that no revolution takes place in England politeness of the Gardiners and Darcys snobbery
English government created police state where people with Tensions between respectability and the origins of ones wealth
radical political ideas were monitored (the Bingleys vs. Gardiners
Revolution was far away from them but militia reminds you that Property and propriety pillars of society and a girls greatest
this is that period accomplishments
Can be seen as an attempt to preserve the peace, change and Gardiner doesnt hide that he is a trader unlike Bingleys
violent change are not desirable, it has to be subtle Pride and If you dont have money you have to have talents such as dancing
Prejudice Elizabeth was deficient there
This book is not revolutionary, promotes customs and peace
UPPER CLASS AS a custodian of the national heritage and political stability
Property, propriety and marriage
Industrial revolution, class and money
Capacity of inherited rank to absorb new wealth without Darcys house is also elegant and sophisticated, just like Darcy
threatening the established political order vs. the violent changes Elizabeth is realistic, says i could have been the mistress of this
caused by French Revolution house
Darcy represents this stability and that there is no place for Marriage, romantic love and Romanticism
violence and radical change Romantic impulse for change and challenging of established
Continuity of property and history from generation to generation, forms coalition of different classes in Austens novels
subtly altered but never abandoned Set of ideas in the late 18h and early 19th century, response
Entailment in Pride and Prejudice against the Enlightenment
Elizabeth fits into a new role without making too much fuss, Pride and Prejudice as a different kind of romantic comedy of
subtle change, she takes the role of quiet woman love and courtship Kelly 113 114 117
Once they got married she is accommodated to his world view, Austen does not advocate violation of social norms unless it is
she will learn from him motivated by ethical action (her heroines win by heroic inaction,
It seems irrelevant but political message is that the change is Lydia vs. Elizabeth)
there but it supports the social order, she has to become like Jane Austen lived in the time of romantics
Darcy Romantics fight for change like French Revolution
She is much less articulate and loud than she was before the Jane Austen desires subtle change, elegant not rebellious
marriage Romantic love should not transcend convention and tradition
When you entail property it has to be given intact to future (Charlotte Lucas vs. caricature of social pretention (Mr Collins))
generation, it belongs to future and past generations, it cant be Marriage as way of uniting true minds and social status within the
sold or lost socially approved context
Darcys virtues of a responsible guardian are central for the Austens novels were popular and sold well
preservation and continuity of English national life Austens reductive approach vs. glamorous treatment of
Darcys library is bigger decadent court culture in fashionable novels and dangerous
Just like with land, he keeps knowledge and gives it to future alternative of Romantic individualism in novels of passion
generation She didnt like the romantic outpouring, seemed unrealistic to her
French Revolution destroyed books and heritage Elizabeth and Darcy
Metaphorical significance, Darcys old money library cant be First and second proposal
matched First was a complete failure because it was against social
French Republics persecution and execution of its aristocracy in judgements
the Terror
Marriage as an ideal union of property and propriety (marriage of
Darcy and Elizabeth distributes roles between them in such a way
that social and gender conventions are not violated)
Issue of self-knowledge and marriage
Chapter 50 disposition and talents, her portion is less solid
Feminist critics paid attention to this chapter, even though she
has an edge it is lost in the end
Feminists saw this as the end of resistance, this is change
advocated by Austen
Elizabeth became tamed, she is not as loud as she was
Narrator and the use of language
Third person limited omniscient narration, free indirect discourse,
filtered inward speech and thoughts, narrators ironic stance
towards Elizabeth
All the opinions and irony is Elizabeths
Pride and Prejudice as a novel of perception and a drama of
consciousness, dominance of verbs and nouns of cognition
Drama that takes place is in the mind of people
Cf. Lyrical language and extravagant self-expressiveness of
sentimental novels
Bronte sisters wrote differently and criticised Jane Austen
Her contemporaries used passionate language
She was unromantic in romantic age

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