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J. Pineal Res.

2008; 45:422–429  2008 The Authors

Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Journal of Pineal Research

Melatonin and the circadian entrainment of metabolic and

hormonal activities in primary isolated adipocytes

Abstract: The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of the in vitro Maria Isabel Cardoso Alonso-
circadian-like exposure to melatonin [in the presence or absence of insulin Vale, Sandra Andreotti, Paula
(Ins)] on the metabolism and clock gene expression in adipocytes. To Yuri Mukai, Cristina das Neves
simulate the cyclic characteristics of the daily melatonin profile, isolated rat Borges-Silva, Sidney Barnabé
adipocytes were exposed in a circadian-like pattern to melatonin added to the Peres, José Cipolla-Neto and
Fabio Bessa Lima
incubating medium for 12 hr (mimicking the night), followed by an equal
period without melatonin (mimicking the day) combined or not with Ins. Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of
This intermittent incubation was interrupted when four and a half 24-hr
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
cycles were fulfilled. At the end, either during the induced night (melatonin
present) or the induced day (melatonin absent), the rates of lipolysis and
D-[U-14C]-glucose incorporation into lipids were estimated, in addition to
the determination of lipogenic [glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and fatty
acid synthase (FAS)] and lipolytic (hormone sensitive lipase) enzymes and
clock gene (Bmal-1b, Clock, Per-1 and Cry-1) mRNA expression. The leptin
release was also measured. During the induced night, the following effects Key words: clock genes, insulin, leptin,
were observed: an increase in the mRNA expression of Clock, Per-1 and lipogenesis, lipolysis, primary culture of
FAS; a rise in lipogenic response and leptin secretion; and a decrease in the
Address reprint requests to Fabio Bessa Lima
lipolytic activity. The intermittent exposure of adipocytes to melatonin MD, PhD, Department of Physiology and
temporally and rhythmically synchronized their metabolic and hormonal Biophysics, Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
function in a circadian fashion, mimicking what is observed in vivo in University of Sao Paulo, 1524 Prof. Lineu
Prestes Ave., 05508-900, Sao Paulo, SP,
animals during the daily light–dark cycle. Therefore, this work helps to
clarify the physiological relevance of the circadian pattern of melatonin E-mail:
secretion and its interactions with Ins, contributing to a better understanding Received April 4, 2008;
of the adipocyte biology. accepted June 3, 2008.

The role of clock genes is to control the transcription of

Introduction other genes, named clock-controlled genes. Recent molecu-
Circadian molecular clocks driven by autoregulatory tran- lar studies revealed the direct coupling of clock genes and the
scription–translation feedback loops consist of a pair of regulation of metabolism [3]. Genetic mutations or deletions
activator proteins [circadian locomotor output cycles kaput have implicated the peripheral clock genes in the regulation
(CLOCK) and brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1 of some aspects of cellular function, including the control of
(BMAL-1) in mammals] that induce the transcription of a glucose homeostasis [4], lipid synthesis [5] and adipogenesis
pair of repressor genes [Period (Per) and Cryptochrome [6], which are associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes
(Cry)], additionally regulated by modifiers [1]. These mellitus. On the other hand, melatonin also plays an
proteins have been found in the neural circadian master important role in regulating body mass and energy balance
clock, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), and in several [7–10]. Previous studies have reported that young people
peripheral tissues including the adipose [2]. These peri- with nocturnal lifestyle, whose melatonin secretion was
pheral clock genes are similar to those present in the SCN shown to be altered, increased their risk of health problems,
neurons, although only the latter seem to be self-sustained. including eating disorders, obesity and diabetes [11].
It is still unclear how these peripheral clocks are synchro- We previously showed that the circadian pattern of
nized by the central SCN clock. metabolic responses observed in adipose tissue of intact
Among the many circadian rhythms in the body that are animals is altered and/or impaired in pinealectomized rats,
driven by SCN output, melatonin, produced by the pineal in addition to a persistent picture of insulin (Ins) resistance
gland, functions as messager encoding the duration of [12–15]. Moreover, we found that melatonin also influences
darkness. Dissemination of at least some of this circadian the adipose tissue endocrine activity by modulating the
information relies on the activation of melatonin receptors, leptin synthesis and secretion [16], which exhibits a circadian
which are expressed in almost all cells of the organism. A expression. This effect was the result of melatonin binding to
deficient melatonin synthesis or receptor expression should its Gi-protein-coupled MT1 membrane receptor. Addition-
therefore have consequences for circadian biology. ally and as important as the direct effect on leptin secretion,

Melatonin and adipocyte circadian metabolism

it was observed that the chronic modulatory action of

Adipocyte incubation
melatonin occurred only when adipocytes were intermit-
tently but not continuously exposed to melatonin [17]. The Incubations were performed in culture flasks (25 cm2 of free
nature of the temporal information transmitted by the surface area). From the resultant adipocyte pack, an aliquot
intermittent melatonin treatment to the adipose cells is not of cells was added to the flasks containing 10 mL of
known but our main hypothesis is that the adipose tissue is a incubation buffer (similar to the digestion buffer except that
target for melatonin and that the circadian oscillation of its collagenase was absent and 10% fetal bovine serum was
endocrine function is driven by the indoleamine. added) in order to obtain a final cell concentration close to
Here, we report the effects of the in vitro circadian-like 4 · 105 cells per mL, followed by the addition of 1 nM
exposure of adipocytes to melatonin (and its interaction with melatonin (similar to the physiological plasma content found
Ins) on clock genes expression, emphasizing the different at its nocturnal peak in living rats [20]). Low or basal
responses that occur in the induced night and induced day concentrations (0.5 nM) of Ins was also added in the
periods, indicated by the in vitro melatonin presence or beginning of the incubations in the groups denominated
absence, respectively. Additionally, the metabolic function ÔInsÕ in the figures, and was continuously present in the
of these cells was assessed by the quantification of lipolytic incubations until being replaced by another medium con-
and lipogenic responses, as well as the expression of taining higher concentration of Ins (2.5 nM) for the last 6-hr
important enzymes involved in these process. Leptin secre- period that precedes the experiments, as described in the
tion was also characterized. The results of this work help to following. All drugs were purchased from Sigma.
clarify the physiological relevance and the repercussions of Incubations were carried out at 37C in a 5% CO2
the in vivo circadian pattern of melatonin secretion. atmosphere up to 114 hr. All the incubations started at
20:00 hr. The medium and the hormone content were changed
every 24 hr. Melatonin was added intermittently for 12 hr in a
Materials and methods 24-hr period. Two incubation protocols were followed: (i)
12h+/12h-, cells started the incubation in the presence of
Adipocyte preparation
melatonin; and (ii) 12h-/12h+, in its absence for the next
Male adult Wistar rats (8-wk old) from the Animal 12 hr. After this period, the medium containing melatonin was
Resource of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University washed out and replaced by the same medium without the
of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were kept on a 12 h/12 h hormone, while in the other group, melatonin was added to
light–dark cycle (lights on at 0700 hr) in a temperature the flask. Every 12 hr, the procedure of washing out and
controlled room (23 ± 1C). Animals were housed in adding melatonin was repeated in order to fulfill a complete
groups of three to four in plastic cages with food (balanced 24 hr melatonin+/melatonin- cycle. This procedure was
chow pellet diet; Nuvilab CR1, Nuvital SA, Colombo, PR, interrupted when four and a half cycles in the intermittent
Brazil) and water ad libitum. Rats were killed at 18:00 hr by presence of melatonin (alone or in combination of low
decapitation. The abdominal wall was opened and the concentrations of Ins) were achieved (108 hr of incubation).
epididymal fat pads were excised and processed for At this moment, the adipocytes were washed, the medium was
adipocyte isolation. All the procedures followed the insti- replaced and an additional 6-hr period of incubation pro-
tutionally approved protocol in agreement with the Ethical ceeded (in the presence of melatonin for cells, which in the
Principles in Animal Research adopted by the Ethical preceding 12 hr were not incubated with the hormone, while
Committee for Animal Research (CEEA) of the Institute of for the other group bathed with melatonin, the medium was
Biomedical Sciences (no. 180/01). replaced without it). Therefore, mimicking the night with the
The adipocyte isolation was performed according to addition of melatonin or the day with its absence, we intended
Rodbell [18] with some slight modifications. Briefly, to induce changes in the cell metabolism. The expressions
epididymal fat pads were minced with fine scissors and Ôinduced nightÕ and Ôinduced dayÕ established here will describe
added to a flask (approximately 4 g per flask) containing the events occurring in the presence or absence of melatonin,
10 mL of sterile DulbeccoÕs modified EagleÕs medium respectively. Higher concentration of Ins (2.5 nM) also
(DMEM) (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) with 20 mM replaced the low or basal concentrations in the corresponding
4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethane sulfonic acid, 5 mM groups of treatment for the last 6 hr period. In the end, cells
glucose, 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) (fraction V; were prepared for metabolic studies (lipogenesis and lipolysis),
Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA), antibiotics and samples were also removed for evaluation of the glucose-
(penicillin 100 lU/mL; streptomycin 100 lg/mL – Invitro- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), fatty acid synthase
gen) and 1 mg/mL collagenase type II (Sigma), pH 7.4. The (FAS), hormone sensitive lipase (HSL), Bmal-1b, Clock, Per-1
mixture was incubated for 30 min at 37C in an orbital and Cry-1 mRNA expression. Aliquots of the medium
shaker (New Brunswick Scientific, Edison, NJ, USA) at were collected for the determination of leptin released by
150 rpm. The isolated adipocytes were filtered through a radioimmunoassay.
fine plastic mesh (150 lm), transferred to a conical (50 mL)
plastic tube, and washed three times in the same buffer
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
without collagenase (25 mL per wash). After the final wash,
(RT-PCR) assay for evaluation of clock genes and
the medium was thoroughly aspirated, and the cells were
enzyme expression
harvested as described later. Adipocyte viability was tested
with trypan blue and cell number was determined as All reagents were purchased from Invitrogen. Total RNA
previously described [19]. was extracted from isolated adipocytes using guanidine

Alonso-Vale et al.

isothiocyanate based TRIzol reagent according to the mixture was treated with 2.5 mL of DoleÕs reagent (isopro-
manufacturerÕs specifications, and quantified spectrophoto- panol: n-heptane: H2SO4, 4:1:0.25 v/v/v) for lipid extraction
metrically at 260 nm with acceptable 260/280 ratios [18]. The results were expressed as nanomoles of glucose
between 1.7 to 2.0. The RNA quality was also checked by incorporated into lipids per 106 cells per hr.
1% agarose gel electrophoresis, stained with 1 lg/mL
ethidium bromide. Superscript II RT was used to reversely
Measurement of lipolysis
transcribe 5 lg of total RNA isolated using an oligo-
(dT)10n primer in a total reaction volume of 50 lL. After From a 20% adipocyte suspension in Krebs/Ringer/Phos-
the RT reaction, 4 lL aliquots were used as cDNA phate buffer pH 7.4, with 1% BSA, 170 lL aliquots were
template for PCR amplifications with Taq DNA polymer- transferred to microfuge tubes (1.5 mL) containing 20 lL
ase and 2.5 mM MgCl2. The thermal cycling parameters of adenosine deaminase (0.2 U/mL) and were incubated at
used were: 25 cycles, 45 s at 95C, 45 s at 60C and 30 s at 37C for 5 min to allow the degradation of endogenous
72C using a Gradient Mastercycler (Eppendorf AG, released adenosine, which is a potent inhibitor of lipolysis
Hamburg, Germany). The primer sequences used and the [21]. After this period, these samples were incubated for
respective fragments obtained were as follows: rat G6PDH: 1 hr at 37C in the presence or absence of 10 lL of
sense, 5Õ-CCA TAG ACA TAC GGG ATG GG-3Õ; and isoproterenol (10)5 mol/L), in a final volume of 200 lL. At
antisense, 5Õ-CAA CCC TGA GGA GTC TGA GC-3Õ, 216 the end of incubation, the reaction was blocked by moving
base pair (bp); rat FAS: sense, 5Õ-AAG CCA GGA AGA the tubes to a cold water bath followed by centrifugation at
GTG GGA GAG C-3Õ; and antisense, 5Õ-GGT TGG CAG 3500 g for 5 min at 4C. The infranatant was carefully
CAG GAT ACA CCG-3Õ, 311 bp; rat HSL: sense, 5Õ-AGC transferred to microtubes containing 150 lL of silicone oil
CTA CCC AGT TAC CAC CCT G-3Õ; and antisense, and re-centrifuged at 3500 g for 2 min. The glycerol content
5Õ-AAG GAG TTG AGC CAT GAG GAG G-3Õ, 240 bp; of the incubation medium was measured using an enzy-
rat BMAL-1b: sense, 5Õ-TGC CGA GGA AAT CAT GGG matic-colorimetric assay (Free glycerol determination kit;
AAT C-3Õ; and antisense, 5Õ-CGC ATC TGC TTC CAA Sigma). It was used as an index of lipolysis and was
GAG GCT CG-3Õ, 337 bp; rat Clock: sense, 5Õ-TCC CGA corrected to be expressed as nanomoles per 106 cells per hr.
TTC CAT CCA GTA TGC C-3Õ; and antisense, 5Õ-CTG
TGC CTG CTG CTG TTG GTG-3Õ, 221 bp; rat Per-1:
Leptin secretion
antisense, 5Õ-CCA GTT TCG ACA GTC TGT GGC-3Õ, The leptin levels were measured in the culture medium by
461 bp; rat Cry-1: sense, 5Õ-AAC GGA GGG CTC ATG radioimmunoassay (RIA) using a commercially available
GGC TAT G-3Õ; and antisense, 5Õ-TGC TCT GTC GCT Rat leptin kit (Linco Research Inc., St. Charles, MO,
GGA CTT TGG G-3Õ, 232 bp. As an internal control for USA). The test sensitivity is 0.5 ng/mL and the intra-assay
the integrity of the mRNA in each sample, additional coefficient of variation was less than 5%. The secretion rate
oligonucleotide primers for rat RPL-37a: sense, 5Õ-CAA was expressed as picograms of leptin released per 106 cells
GAA GGT CGG GAT CGT-3Õ; and antisense, 5Õ-ACC per 6 hr.
AGG CAA GTC TCA GGA GGT G-3Õ, resulting in a
product of 290 bp, were included in the PCR reactions.
Statistical analysis
Aliquots (5 lL) from the RT reactions were used in the
quantitative measurements. The reaction products were Statistical analysis was performed by two-way ANOVA
separated by agarose gel (2.0%) electrophoresis, stained followed by Bonferroni post hoc tests using GraphPad
with ethidium bromide, and analyzed by scanning densi- Prism version 4.03 for Windows (GraphPad Software, Inc.,
tometry [Eagle Eye – Stratagene, model 401304, software San Diego, CA, USA). The level of significance was set at
Eagle Sight 3.2 (La Jolla, CA, USA)]. Samples were P < 0.05. Data were presented as mean ± SEM.
normalized to the quantity of RPL-37a signal produced
by RT-PCR and presented as arbitrary units of the various
genes mRNA relative to control. The DNA amplification
product levels were carefully measured on the linear portion Figure 1 illustrates the clock gene mRNA expression
of the amplification curve. during the induced night and the induced day in adipocytes
cultured for 114 hr in the intermittent presence or absence
of melatonin (alone or in combination with Ins). The results
D-[U-14C]-glucose incorporation into lipids
show an increase (approximately 55%, n = 14, P < 0.05)
From a 10% adipocyte suspension in Krebs/Ringer/phos- on the Clock mRNA expression during the induced night
phate buffer pH 7.4, with 1% BSA and 2 mmol/L glucose, at (Fig. 1A). In the presence of Ins, this effect was not
37C and saturated with a gas mixture of CO2 (5%)/O2 observed. A similar pattern of response (however not
(95%), 450 lL aliquots were transferred to polypropylene statistical significantly, P = 0.06) was observed to Bmal-1b
test tubes containing 5 lL (0.05 lCi per tube) of d-[U-14C]- clock gene expression (Fig. 1B). On the other hand, the
glucose, in the presence or absence of Ins (10 nmol/L). These clock gene Per1 mRNA expression was higher (60%,
samples were then incubated for 1 hr at 37C in a water bath n = 14, P < 0.05) in the presence of Ins during
(final volume = 500 lL). After incubation, the mixture was the induced night (Fig. 1C). Finally, the synchronization
acidified with 0.2 mL H2SO4 (8 N) and incubated for of the adipocytes culture by melatonin did not modulate the
additional 30 min. At the end of incubation, the reaction expression of the clock gene Cry1 (Fig. 1D).

Melatonin and adipocyte circadian metabolism

(A) * (B)

Bmal-1b /RPL mRNA


Clock /RPL mRNA

1.8 2


1.2 1.2
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
Ins (2.5 nM) – + – + Ins (2.5 nM) – + – +
Mel (1 nM) + + – – Mel (1 nM) + + – –
(C) (D)

Per-1 /RPL mRNA

Cry-1 /RPLmRNA
2 2
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6


1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
Fig. 1. Effect of melatonin (associated or 1 1
not to insulin) on clock genes mRNA 0.8 0.8
expression in primary culture of adi- 0.6 0.6
pocytes. Values are mean ± S.E.M. of 14 Ins (2.5 nM) – + – + Ins (2.5 nM) – + – +
independent experiments and are Mel (1 nM) + + – – Mel (1 nM) + + – –
expressed as arbitrary units (AU).
*P < 0.05 induced night versus induced Induced Induced Induced Induced
day. night day night day

Figure 2 presents the rates of glucose incorporation adipocytes to melatonin, an inhibition (approximately
into lipids. Evaluating the difference between the maximal 50%, n = 8, P < 0.05) was observed on the basal and
(or Ins stimulated) and the basal rates (DMax-Bs), we isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis during the induced night.
found out a significant (n = 8, P < 0.05) increase in the Again, Ins and melatonin interacted to induce this effect.
Ins responsiveness during the induced night compared With regard to the gene expression of the HSL lipolytic
with the induced day when Ins was present in the enzyme, we verified that the circadian exposure of adipo-
incubations. cytes to melatonin (associated or not to Ins) did not modify
Data about the G6PDH and FAS enzyme mRNA the HSL mRNA content (Fig. 5).
expression are illustrated in Fig. 3. A tendency to During the induced night, melatonin also interacted with
increase was observed in the G6PDH enzyme mRNA Ins to promote an enhancement in leptin release (130%,
expression, which however, was not statistically signifi- n = 8, P < 0.05) (Fig. 6).
cant (Fig. 3A). A significant rise of approximately 70%
(n = 10, P < 0.05) in the expression of FAS only in
adipocytes treated with Ins during the induced night is
shown (Fig. 3B), where the effects of Ins and melatonin This work was designed to simulate the circadian exposure
were additive. to melatonin in an in vitro model of adipocyte primary
The spontaneous (basal) and isoproterenol stimulated culture. This goal was achieved by incubating cells with
lipolytic responses were also evaluated. In accordance melatonin in an intermittent, rhythmical and circadian-like
with the data (Fig. 4), after intermittent exposure of the presentation of the hormone.
In mammals, the internal daily cycles are driven by a
central circadian clock (localized in the SCN) whose
D-[U14C]-glucose lipid incorporation

50.0 activity is based on the cell-autonomous rhythmic expres-

(nanomoles/106 cells/hr)

40.0 sion of clock genes. It is not completely clear however

how some peripheral cells are able to follow the rhythmic


signals spread out from this central oscillator. In a recent
work [22], it was shown that the cycling expression of the
clock gene Period1 (Per1) in rodent pituitary pars tuber-
Ins (2.5 nM) – + – + alis (PT) cells depended on the nocturnal activation of
Mel (1 nM) + + – – melatonin MT1 receptors. Removal of the pineal gland,
Induced night Induced day which is the endogenous source of circulating melatonin,
completely abolished Per1 signal in hamster PT cells [23,
Fig. 2. Effect of melatonin (associated or not to insulin) on 24]. On the other hand, Per1 mRNA signal was dimin-
incorporation of D-[U-14C]-glucose into lipids in primary culture of ished by the prolongation of melatonin presence, mimick-
adipocytes. Bs, basal; Mx, maximally stimulated by insulin. Values
are mean ± S.E.M. of eight independent experiments performed in
ing long nights as seen in winter days [23, 24]. Moreover,
duplicate and are expressed as nanomoles of glucose incorporated it was also reported [25] that the rhythmic expression of
into lipids per 106 cells per hr. *P < 0.05 induced night versus another clock gene, Cry1, is directly induced by melatonin
induced day. in the PT.

Alonso-Vale et al.

(A) liver) and Ins resistance (in fat) [4]. As reported in a recent
290 bp - RPL review [1], this experimental Genetics (Chronogenetics)
begins to be applied to dissect ways in which specific genes
encoding clock proteins affect energy balance and meta-
216 bp - G6PDH
bolic homeostasis.
1.8 Here, we measured the glucose incorporation into lipids
in response to Ins after a circadian exposure of the

1.6 adipocytes to melatonin. Glucose is an important lipogenic

1.4 substrate as it allows the synthesis of pyruvate and glycerol-

1.2 3-phosphate that will be transformed by the action of

several enzymes, including the acetyl-CoA carboxylase and
FAS, in FA that will be stored as triacylglycerol into lipid
0.8 droplets within the adipocytes. The required NADPH for
0.6 the FA synthesis is produced by both G6PDH (the first
Ins (2.5 nM) – + – + enzyme of the pentose–phosphate pathway) and the malic
Mel (1 nM) + + – – enzyme [30]. These anabolic pathways are mainly under the
Ins control, a lipogenic hormone that among other actions
elevates the mRNA expression and activity of lipogenic
enzymes [31].
290 bp - RPL The lipogenic response of cells incubated with Ins and
melatonin (induced night) revealed a rise in the glucose
311 bp - FAS incorporation into lipids which was not observed during the
induced day. We have already demonstrated an interaction
* between melatonin and Ins, i.e. a modulation of the Ins
action by melatonin on metabolic responses of adipocytes
in pinealectomized rats [12–15].

Moreover, we verified a significant increase in the

2.5 lipogenic FAS mRNA expression and a tendency to a rise

in the G6PDH expression in the Ins-treated adipocytes

1.7 during the induced night.
1.3 This circadian-like distribution of the adipose tissue
0.9 metabolic function is expected in the intact animal (rats)
0.5 synchronized to the light/dark cycle; the night is the time of
Ins (2.5 nM) – + – + feeding and, therefore, the moment of a greater input of
Mel (1 nM) + + – – nutrients which demands a more adapted and appropriated
metabolic setting for energy storage.
Induced night Induced day
Lipolysis, the lipid mobilization from adipocytes, con-
Fig. 3. Effect of melatonin (associated or not to insulin) on glu- sists of the triacylglycerol hydrolysis and the free FA and
cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and fatty acid synthase mRNA glycerol release. This process is triggered by lipolytic
expression in primary culture of adipocytes. Values are mean ± hormones, mainly catecholamines, acting through beta-
S.E.M. of 10 independent experiments and are expressed as arbi- adrenoreceptor activation and represents an important
trary units (AU). *P < 0.05 induced night versus induced day. mechanism of white adipose tissue mass regulation [32].
In this regard, our findings showed that the spontaneous
lipolytic activity during the induced day was more intense
In the present work, it was shown that the rhythmic than during the induced night. There was a synergism
exposure of cultured adipocytes to melatonin temporally between melatonin and Ins to provoke an inhibition on
influenced the rhythmic expression of the clock genes lipolysis activity during the induced night. By analogy,
Clock, Bmal1 and Per 1 and the peaks occurred during the the upregulation of the lipolytic activity during the
in vitro induced night. induced day and its strong attenuation during the night
The link between circadian rhythms and metabolic is also expected in rats synchronized to the natural
activity has long been studied in vivo [26–29]. In a recent circadian cycle, as at night time, the storage of energy
work, it was shown that two essential components of the becomes more efficient if, at the same time, lipid
circadian clock (Clock/Bmal) were involved in the diurnal mobilization is attenuated.
variation of glucose and triacylglycerols [4]. Furthermore, Concerning the lipolytic enzyme HSL mRNA expression,
Bmal1 was shown to regulate adipogenesis and lipid we verified that it did not change in response to the
synthesis [6]. Clock mutant mice developed abnormalities adipocyte exposure to melatonin. Nevertheless, the lipolytic
in the timing of food intake, a decrease in energy expen- response was highly modulated by the presence and the
diture and were hyperphagic, causing a significant incre- absence of melatonin.
ment in adiposity [5]. Moreover, these animals developed It was previously shown that the modulation of
abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism, which might lipolytic activity is rarely followed by changes in the
have involved a mixed picture of Ins hypersensitivity (in HSL enzyme expression, but in consequence to changes

Melatonin and adipocyte circadian metabolism

basal basal
isoproterenol isoproterenol *


(nanomoles/106 cells/hr)

Glycerol released



Fig. 4. Effect of melatonin (associated or 1500.00

not to insulin) on lipolysis in primary
culture of adipocytes. Values are 1000.00
mean ± S.E.M. of eight independent
Ins (2.5 nM) – – + + – – + +
experiments performed in duplicate and
are expressed as nanomoles of glycerol Mel (1 nM) + + + + – – – –
released per 106 cells per hr. *P < 0.05
induced night versus induced day. Induced night Induced day

dent PKA signaling [34, 35]. As the main path to
290 bp
melatonin signal transduction is through its association
240 bp - HSL with Gi protein-coupled receptors [36, 37], it is possible
that the presence of melatonin, by lowering the intracy-

toplasmatic cAMP content, inhibits directly the HSL

1.5 activity, and thus, the lipolytic activity in cells without
the involvement of clock genes. This hypothesis however

needs future investigation.
0.5 Lastly, but not less important, is the participation of
adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), which has been
Ins (2.5 nM) – + – +
described as a protein involved in FA mobilization in
rodents [38]. In the present work, we did not address its
Mel (1 nM) + + – –
contribution to the phenomenon. However, we cannot
Induced night Induced day
exclude that melatonin could exert a modulation in the
Fig. 5. Effect of melatonin (associated or not to insulin) on hor-
mone sensitive lipase mRNA expression in primary culture of We previously showed that pinealectomy induced a daily
adipocytes. Values are mean ± S.E.M. of 14 independent experi- modification on the adipocyte metabolic pattern resulting
ments and are expressed as arbitrary units (AU). in an inappropriate balance between fuel storage and
mobilization in accordance with the daily rest–activity
cyclic demands [12]. Moreover, melatonin absence impaired
* the promptness of metabolic adaptation, which is extremely
necessary for the animal to face challenging conditions
(such as exercise [14] and starvation [13]). In addition, the
pg/106 cells/6 hr

daily secretion of Ins stimulated by glucose intake [15] and

1500 the Ins secretion by isolated pancreatic islets [39] are

1000 impaired in pinealectomized rats. Taking into account these
data and the demonstration that melatonin is able to
temporally allocate certain adipose tissue metabolic func-
tions to restricted periods of the day in vitro, it can be
Ins (2.5 nM) – + – +
hypothesized that the pineal gland, through its daily
Mel (1 nM) + + – – rhythmic production of melatonin, might act as an internal
Induced night Induced day
synchronizer of the energy metabolism, acting as a link
between the external environment and the animal internal
Fig. 6. Effect of melatonin (associated or not to insulin) on leptin
release in primary culture of adipocytes. Values are mean ±
S.E.M. of eight independent experiments and are expressed as We have also demonstrated that the interaction between
picograms of leptin released per 106 cells per 6 hr. *P < 0.05 melatonin and Ins not only comprises the metabolic effects,
induced night versus induced day. but it can also embrace other adipocyte functions, like its
ability to acutely produce leptin [16, 17]. Here, we
in its activity, which depends on the degree of enzyme confirmed the synergism between melatonin and Ins to
phosphorylation [33]. The HSL activity and its state of promote leptin secretion. In addition, the presence of
phosphorylation is positively modulated by cAMP-depen- melatonin was able to preserve the circadian rhythm of

Alonso-Vale et al.

leptin release, i.e. the highest levels during the induced night 13. Alonso-Vale MIC, Forato-Anhê G, Borges-Silva CN
as observed in vivo [40, 41]. et al. Pinealectomy alters adipose tissue adaptability to fasting
In conclusion, these data suggest that melatonin modu- in rats. Metabolism 2004; 53:500–506.
lates the rhythmic expression of clock genes and regulates 14. Borges-Silva CN, Alonso-Vale MIC, Franzói-De-Moraes
some aspects of the adipocyte biology. Whether there is a SM et al. Pinealectomy impairs adipose tissue adaptability to
correlation between the two effects induced by the in vitro exercise in rats. J Pineal Res 2005; 38:278–283.
melatonin synchronization remains to be investigated. 15. Lima FB, Machado UF, Bartol I et al. Pinealectomy causes
glucose intolerance and decreases adipose cell responsiveness
Moreover, understanding the mechanisms underlying the
to insulin in rats. Am J Physiol 1998; 275:934–941.
interaction between the circadian role of melatonin secre-
16. Alonso-Vale MIC, Andreotti S, Peres SB et al. Melatonin
tion and the modulation of adipose tissue metabolism could
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