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Jos Toribio Medina

The Municipal Library Jos Toribio Medina , commonly known as the Municipal Library of
Concepcin , is the library of municipal dependence located in the Chilean city of Concepcin ,
open to all its inhabitants. It was inaugurated on June 1, 1983 and its administration is in charge of
the Municipal Corporation (SEMCO). The library, located on Vctor Lamas Street opposite Parque
Ecuador and next to the ruins of the Enrique Molina Theater , has several services, both
bibliographical and cultural.

Its name is due to Jos Toribio Medina (1852-1930), bibliographer and Chilean historian, one of
the main collectors of references for the study of the history of Chile


La Biblioteca Municipal Jos Toribio Medina, comnmente conocida como Biblioteca Municipal de
Concepcin, es la biblioteca de dependencia municipal ubicada en la ciudad chilena de
Concepcin, abierta a todos sus habitantes. Fue inaugurado el 1 de junio de 1983 y su
administracin est a cargo de la Corporacin Municipal (SEMCO). La biblioteca, ubicada en la calle
Vctor Lamas frente al Parque Ecuador y junto a las ruinas del Teatro Enrique Molina, cuenta con
diversos servicios, tanto bibliogrficos como culturales.

Su nombre se debe a Jos Toribio Medina (1852-1930), bibligrafo e historiador chileno, uno de
los principales coleccionistas de referencias para el estudio de la historia de Chile

The library offers services of magazines, newspapers and historical archives of the city, Internet
connection, projection of films and auditorium for events with capacity for 60 people. 3

= Equipped with free Wi-Fi, it has more than 40 thousand texts of study and is visited by more
than 60 thousand users per year; For those who puts at your service your Library, a Vertical File,
Children's Corner, Conference Room, an Infocenter for people with visual impairment and

In its collection there are themes for reading young, children, foreign languages and regional level.
In addition, there is a wing of the enclosure dedicated to Dr. Ren Louvel Bert, who wrote a
semblance to the city of Concepcin, and was dedicated to a great public work for the sake of


La biblioteca ofrece servicios de revistas, peridicos y archivos histricos de la ciudad, conexin a

Internet, proyeccin de pelculas y auditorio para eventos con capacidad para 60 personas.
En su coleccin hay temas para la lectura de los jvenes, los nios, las lenguas extranjeras y el
nivel regional. Adems, hay un ala del recinto dedicado al Dr. Ren Louvel Bert, que escribi una
semblanza a la ciudad de Concepcin, y se dedic a una gran obra pblica en aras de la ciudadana.

The Municipal Library of Concepcin "Jos Toribio Medina" was born in the 19th century, and
since 1983 has a modern building, next to the Ecuador Park, which has become an important study
center for students and the general public.

Equipped with free Wi-Fi, it has more than 40 thousand texts of study and is visited by more than
60 thousand users per year; For those who puts at your service your Library, a Vertical File,
Children's Corner, Conference Room, an Infocenter for people with visual impairment and

This Library is immersed in a process of modernization of its facilities and services. Thus, since
2013, at its second level, the Historical Archive of Conception and the Akademia "Semco Cultura"
(Cultural Seminary). In addition, since 2014, this library has launched a Service Delivery Agreement
with the DIBAM Library and Archives Division, through which coverage, quality and its services to
the community have been improved.

This is how a modern computer lab was implemented, as well as an open shelving system, with
more than 15 thousand new titles. In addition to the above, the exhibition hall "Espacio Semco"
was given life, where various local and national plastic artists have been able to present their

At present, the Municipal Library of Concepcin "Jos Toribio Medina" is being consolidated as an
important cultural space, where various artistic manifestations are carried out and where different
social and cultural groups of Concepcin converge.------ final


La Biblioteca Municipal de Concepcin Jos Toribio Medina nace en el siglo XIX, y desde 1983 cuenta con
un moderno edificio, junto al Parque Ecuador, que se ha constituido en un importante centro de estudio para
estudiantes y pblico en general.

Dotada con Wi-Fi gratuito, posee ms de 40 mil textos de estudio y es visitada por ms de 60 mil usuarios al
ao; para quienes pone a su servicio su Hemeroteca, un Archivo vertical, Rincn Infantil, Sala de
Conferencias, un Infocentro para personas con discapacidad visual y cafetera.

Esta Biblioteca se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de modernizacin de sus instalaciones y servicios. Es as

como desde 2013, en su segundo nivel funciona el Archivo Histrico de Concepcin y la Akademia Semco es
Cultura. Adems, desde 2014, esta biblioteca puso en marcha un Convenio de prestacin de servicios con la
Direccin de Bibliotecas Archivos y Museos DIBAM, por medio del cual se ha mejorado la cobertura, la calidad
y sus servicios a la comunidad.

Es as como se implement un moderno laboratorio de computacin, adems de sistema de estantera

abierta, con ms de 15 mil nuevos ttulos. Adems de lo anterior, se dio vida a la sala de exposiciones
Espacio Semco, donde diversas artistas plsticos locales y nacionales han podido dar a conocer sus

En el presente, la Biblioteca Municipal de Concepcin Jos Toribio Medina se est consolidando como un
importante espacio cultural, donde se llevan a cabo diversas manifestaciones artsticas y donde convergen
distintas agrupaciones sociales y culturales de Concepcin.

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