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Genre : Teen fiction

Author : Sheila Marie V. Cruz

Age : 17

Dated : January 17, 2017

Best Christmas

One sunny day, in the garden of Herbert Fragment There was a girl name
Josephine,she was talking with her best friend Cherry via Skype who was out of their
town with her family. She was telling how her family was doing and they talk about her
crush which also their best friend Nathan. Cherry, Josephine, and Nathan are Grade 10
students and they were classmates but Nathan didnt know about Josephine feeling for
him unlike Cherry who know about it. While Josephine and Cherry are talking to each
other they didnt know that Nathan was just in the tree behind them hiding and

In the next day, while Nathan was going to their classroom he cant stop smiling
and snapping his finger because he was too overwhelm of what he heard yesterday
he know that it was not really good to listen on other peoples conversation but he
cant stop himself from listening because he feel the same to Josephine too. He likes
her humbleness, being kind, thoughtfulness, being a very sweet daughter and he think
that it was everything that she is what he likes and it was not just like ,he thought it
was deeper this time because he knows that she feel something towards him too.

Josephine was in there classroom , eating her snacks when Nathan appear and sat
beside her , her world suddenly stop when she saw how handsome he was today well
he became more handsome in her eyes everyday when she feel something toward him
she said to herself. Nathan tap her shoulder so she came back in reality she blush
when she realize that she was staring in Nathan quiet a minute. He laugh at her when
she blush then bite her lower lips because of shyness How cute. She hit his left arm
to stop him from laughing at her because he became more handsome of his doing she
make face when he didnt stop but he saw Josephines blank expression so he
immediately stop but he cant hide his smile in the thought that Josephine is blushing
because of him.
Josephine shook her head and ask him why Nathan was there in their classroom, he
was suppose to be in the gym because they have a practice for the coming Regional
competition on December 4 for basketball but Nathan just shrugged his shoulder and
tell her that he dont want to practice if shes not there to watch him but before
Josephine could answer him,Nathan stand then bend and kiss her cheeks then
run.Leaving her speechless and confused.

A day after the game, Josephine was putting her new bake chocolate cookies in the
small box as a gift for Nathan because they win in the game as a best friend,she had to
congratulate him and as a girl who was attracted to him. While Josephine was walking
towards their room, she saw Nathan talking to a girl infront of their classroom then
suddenly the girl reach Nathans lips and actually they were kissing. She feel that her
tears were going to fall so she turn her back and wipes hers tears before she can reach
the strairs , Cherry appear and shout her name so loud. Then hug her so tight saying
words how much she missed her.

Nathan was shock of what Kris just did, he was asking why.He thought it was hug
that she wanted to do but before he could get her answer, he heard Cherrys voice
shout Josephines name. So shes from her vacation but damn! Hes sure that
Josephine saw that kiss.Nathan wanted to hit someone because of what felt in that
moment.He wanted to explain to Josephine but Cherry she said that shes in a hurry
then she run leaving her clueless.

Cherry feel so confuse of what happening on her two best friend, she decided to
visit Josephine in their house which is three block away from them even if they still
have a class.She was already absent for 2 weeks and its not that bad to have an
additional day just to know what's happening and besides her family was the owner of
the school.

Josephine was crying when she came in their house, her parents was not there and
their maids are busy in the household chores so no one notices her arrival.She lock her
room and there,she continue crying trying to feel okay of what she saw.Because she
didnt have the rights to complain of what she feels for Nathan because he did not
even know that she like him and she was hurting. After half an hour shes already stop
crying when she heard a knock in her door.She heard Cherrys voice asking her to open
up, so she got up on her bed and look at herself in the mirror beside her bed making
her face okay,but her nose are red and also her eyes, she want to send her away but
she needed a person to talked.
Josephine tells Cherry what is the reason of her tears and Cherry get mad at first
of what happen, but Cherry said she cant judge Nathan all of the sudden because they
never knew his side.But Josephine was hurt so maybe they just wait until it ease the
pain she was feeling. In the next day, Josephine ignored eveyone who greeted her,even
Nathan who was waiting for her in the gate of the school.

Nathan keep on following Josephine in every minute he know that he looks stupid
but he keep on trying to explain to her but she keep on shutting him out,avoiding his
presence by putting headphone and playing a loud music.2 weeks and 4 days,
Josephine ignoring him in that long even if it was Christmas vacation.She was just
taking her time to make herself again because of that kiss.

Hours before Christmas Eve all people in their village are all busy because the
president of their community decided to have a gathering in there Plaza so they will
celebrate the Christmas together.The other families are happily talking while the other
are preparing for the food and the teenagers like Josephine helps to decorates their
mini stage were the intermission numbers will be done. After preparing,its all set and
they can finally rest and fix their self for the gathering.

Josephine was in the middle of playground looking for him but he is nowhere to
be seen she didnt know that Nathan was just in her back following her every time.She
turn around when she suddenly feel sad,he decided to show up behind her and hug
her. Josephine is shock when someone hug her she didnt have a chance to see who it
is but his smell was enough to know it was him hugging her.

Nathan hug her tight making sure that she can't run off, he started to explain what
really happen that morning,that it was not really supposed to be kiss he wanted to give
to Kris it was really a hug because she said she was a fan and he was not that rude to
reject her but it was not the way he wanted to happen.Nathan gives space between
them and make their forehead touch.Their nose was just inches away just like their
lips. Nathan says the words that Josephine never expected as the fireworks started to
blast he said I love you to her. She mentally utter to herself that it was the best
Christmas ever.

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