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Fill in the blanks with the Past

Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Sandra __________ (be born) in Barcelona 16

years ago, She lives with her parents and her
brother. She goes to a Secondary School in the
centre of the city. Last summer she ____________
(go) to England. She ____________ (be) in Oxford
for a month studying English. She was staying with
an English family and she ______________ (share)
a room with an Italian girl. They both __________
(become) very good friends and _______________
(go) everywhere together. They ______________
(attend) classes in a private school, where they
also ___________ (meet) other boys and girls from
different countries. They __________________
(have) three hours of classes in the morning. At 12
they ______________ (go) to the school canteen
for lunch. They _______________ (like) the food,
although it __________ (be) very different from
the food they are used to eating in Spain. After
lunch, they ______________ (have) two more

Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false hours of classes and at 5 oclock they __________
ones. (return) home together. They ___________ (have)
1. Sandra is a Spanish teenager. tea with the Smiths at 5:30. The Smiths had two
2. Sandra lives on her own. children, a boy, Paul, 11, and a girl, Sue, 13. The
3. Last summer she lived in London for a month. children __________ (be) very friendly with the
4. Sandra had her own room in Oxford.
two girls and ________________ (help) them a lot
5. Sandra and her room mate didnt get on very well with each
with their English. They ___________ (not have to)
go to classes on Saturdays or Sundays and they
6. Sandra didnt have classes in the afternoon.
7. Sandra went home for lunch. often _______________ (spend) their time visiting

8. Sandra went to London once. London. The first time they __________ (go) to
9. Sandra only bought presents for her family. London, they ____________ (see) the change of
10. Sandra enjoyed her summer in Oxford. the guard in front of Buckingham Palace and then
they _____________ (visit) Trafalgar Square,
where they ____________ (see) Nelsons column.
Ask a question to match the answer. Use the word in brackets
at the beginning of the question.
Then, they _____________ (walk) around

1. _____________________________________________ (WHO) Piccadilly Circus, which ____________ (be) full of

Paul met his friends at the cinema on Sunday. people from all nationalities. On their second visit
2. ___________________________________________ (WHICH) to London, they ___________ (go) shopping. They
I bought the white and blue jersey. _____________ (visit) the large department stores
3. ___________________________________________ (WHERE)
in Oxford Street. They ____________ (buy) a lot of
I left my bicycle in the garage.
things for their families and friends. On their last
4. _______________________________________ (HOW LONG)
day in Oxford, the Smiths __________ (prepare) a
I waited for the bus for ten minutes.
5. ____________________________________________ (WHEN)
big party for the two girls. When Sandra ________

They did their homework after dinner. (arrive) in Barcelona she ___________ (feel) very
6. ___________________________________________ (WHAT) happy but also a bit tired. It was a really wonderful
I watched a very interesting documentary on TV. summer she will never forget.

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