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Priscilla Nuez
Flavio Yucra


Intermediate II
7:00 am 8:30 am
Priscilla is in her room and receive a call.

Priscilla: Hello, how are you? I am good. Really? Thats a great idea, see you

Flavio: Who called you babe?.

Priscilla: Ummm, it was my coworker, I have to go to work. I return in two hours.

Flavio: Why so hurried?

Priscilla: I have a meeting Flavio.

Flavio: Okey, okey. I didnt say anything

Priscilla: Something else?

Flavio: No, Good look babe, Bye.

Priscilla: Byeee.

Alvaro: Hello darling, how are you?

Priscilla: I was sad because, we were didnt together, I missed you.

My pretty boy, I love you so much.

Alvaro: Im sorry baby, now we are together

Priscilla: Dont worry. Look at this, I bought things for you.

Alvaro: Wow, thanks, you are the best girl in the world.

Priscilla: Well Alvaro I need to go to my house. Flavio is waiting for me,

Alvaro: You told me that you would broke up with him

Priscilla: I know Alvaro, but you have to wait, Its not easy for me

Alvaro: Ill be waiting.

Flavio is in his living room and receive a call.

Flavio: Alvaro, How did it go?

Alvaro: I have bad news about your wife Sir.

Flavio: tell me, she cheated on me, right?

Alvaro: Yes! Sir, I took photos, send it to your email.

Flavio: I knew it, thank you, Ill need those photos, good job.

Alvaro: Thank you Sir.

Flavio: Ok, We were communicating.

Priscilla comes home

Flavio: Hi baby, how was the meeting?

Priscilla: It was good, we talked about all the work we have to do in the company,
we discussed about how low profits went down, etc, etc.

Flavio: Really? I cant believe it.

Priscilla: Yes, but why do you sound so sarcastic?

Flavio: Its not obvious?, you are lying.

Priscilla: What?, why? Im not lying.

Flavio: Stop please, just stop, someone sent me photos, Do you want to see

Priscilla: No baby, I really dont know. How did you get this?

Flavio: Doesnt matter how I got them, you lied to me; you told me that you would
go to work.

Priscilla: And thats what I did, he is my partner, my coworker.

Flavio: Stop lying Priscilla.

Priscilla is crying.
Priscilla: You never understood me; you were to blame for everything. I wanted to
live with you new experiences.

Flavio: I was working, because I needed money for you and our house. While you
traveled with this man, you bought gifs for him.

Priscilla: I was happy with him, I visited Mexico, Per, I had fun at arcade, at
circus, at aquarium. He was next to me all the time. You didnt call to ask for me.

Flavio: I dont know you anymore Priscilla.

Someone took the door and Flavio open.

Andrea: Hello Flavio.

Flavio: Hi Andrea, why did you come?

Priscilla: Welcome my sister; tell me, do you need something?

Andrea: I understand, he didnt tell you.

Priscilla: Tell me why? I dont understand. What did you want to say Andrea?

Flavio: Shut up Andrea, go back to your house. Out of here.

Priscilla: What happened? Why did you shout at her Flavio?

Andrea: Priscilla, He love me, we were together three years ago. We loved each
other before that you get married with him.

Flavio: How could you say that Andrea? You only are my sister in law. Shut up.

Priscilla: You cheated with my sister, you are the worst man in the world, I hate

Someone took the door and Priscilla open.

Alvaro: Hello Priscilla

Priscilla: What are you doing here? Its a bad idea.

Flavio: My best friend Alvaro, I didnt see you two weeks ago. Welcome to my

Priscilla: Your friend?

Flavio: Yes, Alvaro and me we are best friends. Why?

Priscilla: Flavio, I Knew you cheated with my sister. I saw them many times.
Alvaro is my boyfriend.

Flavio: Alvaro, really? With my wife? But you are a detective.

Priscilla: Everything was planned because I wanted a divorce, now I love Alvaro. I
want to be happy.

Alvaro: I am sorry Flavio, I fell in love.

Andrea: Does not matther Flavio, you said me; you were going to finish the
relationship with mi sister, thats perfect because we are going to be parents.

Flavio/ Priscilla/ Alvaro: What?

Andrea: Yes, I am pregnant. I have three months. We thought about getting

married. So Flavio, you have to give the divorce to Priscilla.

Priscilla: Well Flavio, all this situation Its a pity, I see you later with the lawyer.
Andrea you are a bad sister. Lets go Alvaro.

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