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English Drama


Adam Muhammad R
Charisma Ayu M
Dawam Prabowo R
Gentha Alses A
Puput Wahyu Nur A
Putri Rahma F


Clark Robertson
Vivienne Delevigne
Flynn Delevigne
Marc Delevigne
Keira Delevigne
Remuce Vanderburg

This is the story of Delevigne family, a wealthy family. This family consists of Flynn
Delevigne, a famous fashion designer and also the father. He is a single parent who has
three children. The good Keira Delevigne, The party girl Vivienne Delevigne, and the young
Marc Delevigne. They live in a mansion at Upper East Side Manhattan, New York.
One day, a young girl named Remuce Vanderburg comes to the mansion. She is looking for
shelter and job.
(Door Opens)
K : Hi, did I know you ?
R : Right, you dont know me. Im Remuce.
K : Im Keira Delevigne. So, what are you doing here ?
R : Im looking for a job.
K : Job ? why did you come here ? this isnt an office.
R : Not really an office job, honestly. I dont have any scholarship, because Im only sixteen.
K : So, what kind of job ?
R : Maybe, maid ?
K : What ?
R : I said, maid.
K : Maid ? I dont know, it seems like my family dont need a maid. But, Ill call my father
first, Hes in London until tomorrow. Please, come in.
R : Thanks.
Remuce comes in, and waits in the living room. Suddenly, a girl same as her age comes in.
V : Excuse me, who are you ? And, what are you doing here ?
R : Im Remuce. Im here to find a job. Maid, specifically.

V : Maid ? it seems like my family dont need a maid. Who let you in ? by the way, Im
Vivienne Delevigne.
R : A young woman called Keira Delevigne.
V : Ah, you must be talking about my older sister, Keira.
R : Maybe, I dont know.
V : Of course, the picture perfect of this family is always kind. Me and my brother, Marc are
always compared with her.
(Keira walks in)
K : Hi Vivienne ! So, you already introduce yourself to Remuce ?
V : Of course I have, miss.
K : Dont call me miss, Viv. Im not forty.
V : Okay, sorry, miss. (walks out)
K : Ah, shes always like that. Okay Remuce, my father accept you to be our family maid.
Your room is located near the kitchen next to the dining room.
R : Oh, thank you so much for giving me this job.
K : Youre welcome, Remuce.
Since that day, Remuce works as a maid in the Delevigne Mansion. She did all the
houseworks like sweeping and moping the floor. On the second day, when Remuce is resting
in her room, someones knocking the door. She open the door and saw a teenage boy.
M : So, you must be the new maid, huh ?
R : Exactly, and you are ?
M : Marc, Marc Delevigne.
R : Youre the youngest right ?
M : Yeah, right.
R : So, what are you doing here ? In my room ?
M : My father just arrived from London, and he wants to see you. In his office.
R : Okay, thanks.
Remuce then goes to Mr. Delevigne office. In there, Mr. Delevigne is already waiting. Hes
sitting on a chair behind a desk, reading.
R : Do you want to see me, Mr. ?

F : Ah, you must be Remuce, the new maid. Im Flynn Delevigne. Come sit in front of me.
R : Okay (walks then sit on the chair in front of the desk)
F : So, what brings you here Remuce ?
R : My parents were passed away months ago. Im an only child and I dont have any other
relatives. So, I traveled here hoping to find a job for living.
F : And why you decided to be a maid for my family ?
R : At first, I dont know what to do. Then, when I saw the gate of your mansion is opened, I
try to knock the door and asked for a job to your daughter, Keira.
F : So you dont have any scholarship ?
R : No, Im only sixteen Mr. Delevigne. And I dropped out from high school because I dont
have any money to pay.
F : How about I pay for your school, so you dont have to be a maid for your entire life ?
R : Really ? Are you serious ? Im not special, Im just an ordinary girl.
F : Your life path is still long. You can have a bright future. You deserve it.
R : Oh my god, thank you so much Mr. Delevigne !
F : Certainly, Remuce.
After that day, Remuce lives changed. She goes to the same school as Marc and Vivienne.
Shes still be the maid of Delevigne family. One day, after school, Remuce; Vivienne; and
Clark Robertson, a friend, go home together to do a homework.
C : Ah, youre house still looks the same Viv.
V : Of course yes, what do you think Im doing in my house so it will looks like a disaster ?
F : Stay calm Viv, Clarks just joking. Lets do the homework !
C & V : Okay, lets do it !
The three do the homework seriously. They work together to do it faster. In no time, the
homework is done. Now, theyre just sitting around and talk about something.
C : Remuce, tell me how is your first impression of Vivienne.
R : At first, I think shes cold and mysterious. But, when I get closer to her, shes actually
outgoing and friendly.
V : Why everyone always thinks that Im cold ?
C : Maybe its because of your face Viv, your face is like a snow queen. And your attitude,
its just like a kind of dark and mysterious person.
V : Really ? I dont think I am like that.
C : Now, I will ask you Viv. Hows your first impression of Remuce ?

V : I think that shes a kind and friendly person. Its true.

R : Really ? I dont feel like Im a friendly person.
V : Dont be silly. You always be friendly to other people.
C : I agree with Vivienne. Youre such a kind person Remuce.
R :
C : Look ! its 5 pm, I will go home right now guys. Bye !
V & C : Bye Clark !
Three months passed. Remuce and Clark keep getting closer and closer. One day, Vivienne
cant go to school because shes sick. She wakes up only to be shocked by the news from her
M : Hi Viv, how do you feel ?
V : Much, much better. Im bored in here. Any news from school, Marc ?
M : There are no important news actually. But, theres one news that is interesting.
V : What news ?
M : Clark and Remuce are dating.
V : Pardon ?
M : I said that Clark and Remuce and dating.
V : Are you serious ?
M : Is this face looks like Im lying ?
V : Oh my god, Im so jealous right now.
M : What ? Do you like Clark ?
V : Yes, If Im not sick today Im gonna tell him about how I feel about him !
M : Im really sorry to hear that Viv.
V : Just leave me alone !
M : But
V : Leave me alone !
Worried about his sister condition, Marc tells His father and Keira about the news and
Vivienne reaction.
F : I have to check her condition.
K : Dad, shell be fine. Its just a small problem. We can figure this out.
F : You dont know her Keira. She will do anything extreme even when its just a small

(Go to Viviennes Room)

F : Vivienne ! Please, dont do anything extreme. Its just a small problem !
M : Theres no answer dad !
K : Just open the door, dad. Im so worried about her right now.
F : Okay.
After Flynn Delevigne opened the door. Vivienne is seen sitting on the floor. Trying to cut
her veins in her arm.
F : Vivienne, what are you doing ? Why did you hold a razor ?
V : Just leave me alone, dad !
F : No, I wouldnt leave you alone ! Dont feels so broken, till you want to end your life !
V : But Im feeling like I cant live anymore, dad !
F : Well figure this thing out together, okay ? Now, calm down.
Suddenly, Remuce comes in.
V : YOU ! YOU RUIN MY LIFE (shouting to Remuce)
R : What ? I dont understand. I dont do anything wrong.
V : Yes youve done it. You took away Clark from me !
C : No, it was wrong, she hasnt do anything wrong, Viv. I dont know that youve liked me
The whole time. You shouldve said it before.
After that argument. Vivienne passed out. She was so tired mentally and physically and it
takes twelve hours for her to become conscious. Shes still sad and angry after that shocking
incident. Meanwhile, Remuce is feeling guilty about the incident. She apologize to Vivienne.
R : Hi Vivienne. Hows your condition ? Do you feel better ?
V : What are you doing here ? Leave me alone !
R : Please, just listen to me Viv !
V : Go ahead, tell me.
R : I want to apologize Viv. I dont know that you have crush on Clark. If you want me to
stop dating him, Ill do it.
V : No, dont do that. It was all my fault. I should have been happy for you and Clark. Not

acting like a drama queen like yesterday.

R : So, did you accept my apologize ?
V : Yes, I accept it.
R : Oh, thank you Viv. Ill never hurt you again.
After apologizing, Remuce feels better, she continues her work as a maid for Delevigne
family. Vivienne also feels much better after she apologizes Remuce. She dont know that
her father has been listening to her conversation with Remuce.
F : So, you have done something right, Vivienne.
V : Ah, Im not feeling that Ive done something right , dad.
F : Yes, you did it, by accepting Remuce apologize. I listen to your conversation with her. Im
so proud of your kindness, Viv.
V : I should accept her apologize. In the end, I have to let Clark choose, right ?
F : Yes, youre right. Now, you must take a rest because you have been through a rough day.
Bye, Vivienne.
V : Bye dad.
After the shocking incident, the lives of Delevigne family continues. Remuce strongs her
bond with all of Delevigne family member, and shes closer than before with Vivienne.

The End

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