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Jan. 20 - Feb.


Aquarius is the unpredictable force of nature who wakens us to new possibilities.

He is the brief inspiration of lightning, who surprises even himself with his
sudden insights. The only sure thing about Aquarius is his independence and
unpredictability. He is drawn to novelty like a magnet, and loves reaching out to
touch every person or thing that fascinates with its newness. He is famous for his

Aquarius sees everyone as his friend, and views each with complete impartiality and
equality. This is because he sees the intrinsic value in everything, and
appreciates all aspects of man and nature. To the Aquarius, all serves earth and
mankind, and all is worthy of respect and reverence. Those closest to him may find
it hard to feel they are special in his heart. Rest assured - romance may seem
cool, but devotion to those who truly matter is not, and the electricity is a
lovers dream.

The Aquarius is often seen as a kind of mad scientist - aloof, scatter-brained and
non-conformist. He is merely preoccupied. There is always some new thought,
discovery, idea, plan or person to pursue, study, assess and put to good use in the
world. The Aquarius is in tune with electricity, communication, invention,
mechanics, friends, social groups, humanitarianism and politics.

The Aquarius loves humanity above all. His devotion to friends can be greater than
his own sense of self preservation, and he rarely hesitates in risky situations. If
the Aquarius lives on the edge, it is because of a deep inner knowledge that his
life is but a speck in the face of so much that is amazing and wonderful.


Bob Marley, Paul Newman, John Travolta, Rick James, Edward Van Halen, James Dean,
Arsenio Hall, Bobby Brown, Phil Collins, Yasir Arafat, Saul Williams,Tom Selleck,
Robert Wagner, Burt Reynolds, James Dean, Neil Diamond, Mikhail Baryshnikov,
Mozart, W.C. Fields, Abraham Lincoln, F.D. Roosevelt, Charles Dickens

COMPATIBLE SIGNS (female): GEMINI LIBRA Aries Sagittarius



MOON in AQUARIUS (also Moon in eleventh house)

This position for the Moon lends a coolness and rationality to emotional reactions.
The man with Moon in Aquarius may feel distant from his mother and other family
members. His relationships with friends can sometimes take precedence over family
responsibilities. He is nurtured and supported by those who treat him as an equal
and appreciate him for his friendship and his inventive ideas. He needs
independence and the freedom to engage in spontaneous and even rebellious
activities. He is attracted to people who are very different or unusual in some way
- not the girl next door. Moon in Aquarius believes in brother and sisterhood, and
feels nurtured by community and friends.
John Lennon, Voltaire, Carl Sandburg, Yeats

AQUARIUS RISING (also Uranus rising)

The man with Aquarius Rising has a very idealistic view of the world. Upon first
meeting he may seem cool and detached, but that is only his way of approaching the
world. He sees the world as a place of freedom and equality, and so regards
everyone with complete impartiality. He is very disappointed when reality does not
match his vision. All men and women are potentially his friends. Aquarius rising is
naturally rebellious and is attracted to the new and unusual. He may dress in a
haphazard or unconventional manner.

Aquarius Rising is here to share his vision of a better world.

Karl Marx, Jung, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander the Great

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