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Long-Term Investing

Jack L. Treynor

he investor who would attempt to improve his Under what circumstances, then, will investors
portfolio performance through unconven- errors in appraising information available to all lead
tional, innovative research is currently being to investment opportunities for some? As the key to
challenged on three fronts: (1) The efficient marketers the averaging process underlying an accurate con-
say he will be unable to find any ideas that havent sensus is the assumption of independence, if allor
been properly discounted by the market. (2) Lord even a substantial fractionof these investors make
Keynes says that even if he finds these ideas his port- the same error, the independence assumption is vio-
folio will be viewed as eccentric and rash by lated and the consensus can diverge significantly
conventionally minded clients and professional peers. from true value. The market then ceases to be effi-
(3) The investment philistine says that even if he cient in the sense of pricing available information
stands by his ideas he wont be rewarded because correctly. I see nothing in the arguments of Professor
actual price movements are governed by conventional Eugene Fama or the other efficient markets advo-
thinking, which is immune to these ideas. cates to suggest that large groups of investors may
Successful response to the first challenge lies in not make the same error in appraising the kind of
distinguishing between two kinds of investment ideas: abstract ideas that take special expertise to under-
(a) those whose implications are straightforward and stand and evaluate, and that consequently travel
obvious, take relatively little special expertise to evalu- relatively slowly.
ate, and consequently travel quickly (e.g., hot stocks); According to Fama, disagreement among inves-
and (b) those that require reflection, judgment, special tors about the implications of given information does
expertise, etc., for their evaluation, and consequently not in itself imply market inefficiency unless there are
travel slowly. (In practice, of course, actual investment investors who can consistently make better evalu-
ideas lie along a continuous spectrum between these ations of available information than are implicit in
two polar extremes, but we can avoid some circum- market prices. Famas statement can best be revised
locution by focusing on the extremes.) Pursuit of the to read: Disagreement among investors due to inde-
second kind of idearather than the obvious, hence pendent errors in analysis does not necessarily lead to
quickly discounted, insight relating to long-term eco- market inefficiency. If the independence assumption
nomic or business developmentsis, of course, the is violated in practice, every violation represents a
only meaningful definition for long-term investing. potential opportunity for fundamental analysis.
If the market is inefficient, it is not going to be The assertion that the great bulk of practicing
inefficient with respect to the first kind of idea since, investors find long-term investing impractical was
by definition, this kind is unlikely to be misevaluated set forth almost 40 years ago by Lord Keynes:
by the great mass of investors. If investors disagree
Most of these persons are in fact largely
on the value of a security even when they have the
concerned not with most superior long term
same information, their differences in opinion must
forecasts of the probable yield of an invest-
be due to errors in analysis of the second kind of idea.
ment over its whole life, but with foreseeing
If these investors err independently, then a kind of
changes in the conventional basis of evalua-
law of averages operates on the resulting error in the
tion a short time ahead of the general public.
market consensus. If enough independent opinions
They are concerned not with what an invest-
bear on the determination of the consensus price, the
ment is really worth to a man who buys it
law of large numbers effect will be very powerful,
for keeps, but with what the market will
and the error implicit in the consensus will be small
evaluate it at under the influence of mass
compared to errors made on the average by the indi-
psychology three months or a year hence.
vidual investors contributing to the consensus.
Obviously, if an investor is concerned with how
the mass psychology appraisal of an investment
Reprinted from Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 32, no. 3 will change over the next three months, he is con-
(May/June 1976): 5659. cerned with the propagation of ideas that can be

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Financial Analysts Journal

apprehended with very little analysis and that con- at which, risk-adjusted, the return on the security
sequently travel fast. is competitive with the returns on other securities
On the other hand, the investment opportunity available in the market. A superior method for iden-
offered by market inefficiency is most likely to arise tifying undervalued securities is, therefore, tanta-
with investment ideas that propagate slowly, or mount to a method of identifying securities that at
hardly at all. Keynes went on to explain why prac- their present prices offer superior long-term returns.
tical investors are not interested in such ideas: The mere inclusion of such securities in a portfolio
It is the long term investor, he who most pro- will guarantee a superior investment performance.
motes the public interest, who will in prac-
tice come in for the most criticism, wherever The Returns to Long-Term Investing
investment funds are managed by commit- Suppose that an investor identifies a stock for which
tees or boards or banks. For it is in the essence the market persistently underestimates actual earn-
of his behavior that he should be eccentric, ings. A standard stock valuation model such as the
unconventional and rash in the eyes of aver- GordonShapiro model formalizes this idea. For sim-
age opinion. If he is successful, that will only plicity, the model assumes that (1) the future dividend
confirm the general belief in his rashness; and payout ratio will be constant over time and (2) the
if in the short run he is unsuccessful, which is percentage rate g at which earnings (hence, given
very likely, he will not receive much mercy. (1), dividends) grow will be constant over time. The
Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for value of the stock equals the present worth of the
reputation to fail conventionally than to suc- growing stream of dividends, discounted at rate
ceed unconventionally. (i.e., the cost of capital).
Thus Keynes not only described accurately the way Let the ratio of the consensus forecast of
most professional investors still behave; he also sup- earnings at any point in time to true earnings (which,
plied their reasons for so behaving. He was careful assuming the consensus correctly anticipates the con-
never to say, however, that the long-term investor stant payout rate, will also be the ratio of the consensus
who sticks by his guns will not be rewarded. forecast of dividends to true dividends) also be con-
But is the price of unconventional thinking as stant over time. Then true earnings, true dividends,
high as Keynes alleges? Modern portfolio theory the consensus forecast of earnings, and the consensus
says that an individual security can be assessed only forecast of dividends will all grow at the same rate g. If
in the context of the overall portfolio: So long as the equals one (i.e., if the consensus correctly anticipates
overall portfolio has a reasonable level of market future earnings), return (dividends and appreciation
sensitivity and is reasonably well diversified, the combined) to the shareholder will equal , the
beneficiary has nothing to fear from unconventional cost of capital. If is less than one (i.e., if the consensus
holdingsand still less to fear from conventional consistently underestimates future earnings), the return
holdings bought for unconventional reasons. There to the shareholder will exceed the equilibrium mar-
is, of course, marketing advantage in holding securi- ket return. The difference, , is the shareholders
ties enjoying wide popular esteem but, as investors reward for being right when the consensus is wrong.
as a class become more sophisticated, they are less If the consensus continues to be wrong indefinitely his
likely to be challenged on specific holdings. reward will continue indefinitely.
There is, finally, a school of thought that asserts Table I provides a rough basis for estimating
that research directed toward improving our ana- how big the return differential ( ) from holding
lytical tools is automatically impractical because it
does not describe the behavior of a market consen- Table I.
sus based on opinions of investors unfamiliar with
Assume = 10%
these tools. This line of argument puts a premium on
investment ideas that have broad appeal or are read-
0 0.5 10%
ily persuasive, while rejecting the ideas that capture
5% 0.5 5%
abstract economic truths in terms too recondite to
0 0.67 5%
appeal to the mass of investors.
5% 0.67 2.5%
The investment philistine who asserts that it is
impossible to benefit from superior approaches to g = rate of growth in earnings and dividends.
investment analysis if the market consensus is not = ratio of market-consensus estimate of magnitude of future
earnings to true magnitude.
based on these approaches misunderstands what = abnormal rate of return that will be realized by holding
appraisal of a security means: An analysts opinion stock indefinitely, even if market continues to underestimate
of the value of a security is an estimate of the price true earnings.

8 2016 CFA Institute. All rights reserved.

Long-Term Investing

undervalued stocks will be under the assumption Differentiating, we obtain the rate of price
that the general mass of investors never come around appreciation
to forecasting earnings correctly (see Appendix, I).
dv g
It should be noted that these are returns per annum. = bE0 e gt .
The trading rate required to realize these returns is dt g
obviously very low. From previous considerations we know that the
To the threefold challenge, a threefold reply is dividend is given by
offered: (1) The efficient marketers assertion that no
improperly or inadequately discounted ideas exist is bE0 e gt .
both unproved and unlikely. (2) Keynes suggestion For the price change and dividend together we
that unconventional investing is impractical is no have
longer valid in the age of modern portfolio theory.
(3) The investment philistine who says good ideas g + g
bE0 e gt ,
that cant persuade the great mass of investors have g
no investment value is simply wrong.
Price change + Dividend
The skeptical reader can ask himself the follow- Rate of return =
ing question: If a portfolio manager consistently Price
exhibited the kind of abnormal returns suggested in g + g
Table I, while maintaining reasonable levels of mar-
ket sensitivity and diversification, how long would it 1
be before his investment record began to outweigh, = ( g ) 1.

in the eyes of his clients, the unconventionality of
his portfolio holdings? This is the return differential realized by holding
a stock underpriced by a factor . Since 1/ is always
positive, we have > 0.
Jack L. Treynor thanks the I.C.F.A. and the Financial
Analysts Research Foundation for allowing him to reprint II. How would the price of a
this article in substantially the same form from the pro-
ceedings of the C.F.A. Seminar Is Financial Analysis mispriced security have to behave
Useless? (Houston, May 20, 1974). in the future to prevent the
long-run holder from realizing an
extraordinary return?
Appendix The equilibrium return is . If we replace in
the previous model by (t), we can state this con-
I. The return differential from dition as:
holding undervalued stocks.
d bE e gt gt bE e gt
Let E(t) be earnings of the firm at time t, b be (t) 0 + bE0 e = (t) 0 .
dt g g
the dividend payout ratio, the market discount
rate (the cost of capital) and g the projected growth The left-hand side is the return from a mispriced
rate. If, for the sake of argument, we define correct security in the more general case in which the value
pricing of the company in terms of the well-known of is changing over time. The right-hand side is the
GordonShapiro formula, we have for the intrinsic normal return on the actual (mispriced) market price.
value v, We ask: How must change over time if the investor
bE ( t ) is to realize only a normal return on the mispriced
v= . security? Carrying out the indicated differentiation,
we have
If priced correctly, we have for price as a func-
tion of time g d bE0 e gt (t)bE0 e gt
(t)bE0 e gt + + bE0 e gt = .
g dt g g
bE0 e gt
v (t ) = . This can be simplified as follows:
If underpriced by factor , we have (t) g = + ( g ) = (t)
bE0 e gt d
v (t) = . (g ) (t) + = g .
g dt

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Financial Analysts Journal

The solution to this differential equation is: Table II.

(t) = 0 e(
g )t g = 5% g = 10%
+ 1.
t ( g)t (t) ( g)t (t)
When t = 0, we have 0 0 0.5 0 0.5
1 0.05 0.474 0.10 0.448
(0) = 0 + 1.
2 0.10 0.448 0.20 0.390
Hence, if (0) < 1, we have 0 = (0) 1 < 0. 4 0.20 0.390 0.40 0.254
Since the exponent g > 0, must fall faster and 8 0.40 0.254 0.80 Negative
faster to prevent investors from realizing an extraor- 16 0.80 Negative
dinary return on an underpriced stock. In a few years
Note: (0) = 0.5 implies 0 = 0.5.
it has fallen as far as it cani.e., to zero (see Table II).

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