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Scene 1: Crimson Valley (Pulp, Mono)

Mono stood on the hilltop, peering at the sky full of orange stratosphere and dark crimson rain clouds
with his katana in hand. The wind and lightning of the storms began to pick up on the surface of New-
Earth, and a cloud formation began forming a gargantuan skull in the clouds, which quickly morphed into
the bearded skull of Nosferatu. Mono began shouting into the heavens.

I'm going to KILL YOU SOME DAY!!!! Mono screamed into the heavens. I swear upon my FAMILY'S

A low pitched laughter of the heavens could be heard bellowing from the clouds, a condescending
laughter, of the heavens laughing at Mono's History and Tragic Loss.

The storm of crimson parted, and the skies shifted from orange to indigo, as evening became nighttime.

Mono decided he needed to find somewhere for shelter from the canyon. This was around the time the
insectinoids began coming out and prowling for fresh prey, and Mono was in no mood for combat at this

Scene 2: Krin Fights Mono

The clouds had only just finished parting from the sky beyond Mono, when lightning struck the ground
20 feet in front of Mono, and a cloud of smoke appeared before Mono. Laughter could be heard emerging
from the smoke, when a creature of pitch black outline stepped forth in a crisp black coat, and a katana in
his right arm. He stepped forward.

Oh, it's you he said. In case I didn't introduce myself well enough, YOU'RE MONO, and I'M KRIN. We
friends. That need to kill each other!

Krin began cackling in a high pitched condescending way, with his jagged white teeth emerging from his
head. He didn't seem to have a mouth. Only a zipper of teeth. Krin was a shadow figure.

You know, they say I'm at the same level of fighting ability as you. Care to test that hypothesis? Heh heh.,
Krin said.

A blade emerged from the shadow figure, as did a hand and arm to wield it with, with the shadow figure's
cloak blowing in the wind underneath the sword and arm that came from the dark core of this bizarre
looking creature.

Krin, the shadow walker, began cackling for a minute or two into the air, and then in a burst of speed, he
leaped into the air straight at mono with his blade preparing to strike.

Clang, Krin struck at Mono with four or five vertical swings of his sword as Mono blocked Krin's blade
as sparks flew in all directions. Krin then struck aggressively, horizontally from the side at Mono's
abdomen, but was deflected by Mono's sword.
Scene 3: The Fire Blade

That's a nice move, said Mono, now how about I show you mine.

Krin let out a tiger like roar with his jagged, piranha like teeth. Krin was as it turned out not just a shadow
creature, but also a formidable swordsman.

The two figures, Mono and Krin continued crossing swords, with neither swordsman losing an inch.

Mono began using his special attack.

Swords of the Gods, grant me access to my spiritual power, Fire Saber, Mono chanted.

FIRE BLADE!, Mono Shouted at the top of his lungs

Mono's blade lit into fiery flames. Mono slice the air in front of him and kept doing so, aiming his fireball
attacks straight at Krin, when one of the flame balls connected with the sleeve on Krin's cloak, and Krin
began to frown with that row of jagged teeth, and eventually scream.

Not fire, Krin screamed. Oh lord Satan, NOT FIRE!!! NOT CLEANSING FLAMES! PLEASE NOT
MASTER SATAN Anything but that!!!

Krin caught the fire on his cloak and was quickly consumed entirely in raging flames as he let out a
bloodcurdling wail and scream as he slowly came to be eaten alive by the flames, which were turning his
black sillhoute into an orange and yellow flame. And within a few minutes, Krin Burnt away into nothing.

Mono stood before Krin, Catching his breath while watching Krin become incinerated into nothingness.

Mono sighed. Fair well my new enemy

Mono hoped that was the last he'd see of such kind of shadow figure.

For now, the battle had been won.

Mono stood, sword in palm, victorious over this new evil.

Noah Gets Breakfast

The Shadow Op Headquarters was quiet this time of morning. Not packed or crowded at all. Considering
that it was a form of top secret confidential government building, that was probably a good thing. In
Noah's office, there were framed paintings of all variations, some imaginative , some realistic. The walls
of the office were decorated with plaques as well, containing honorary degrees from top universities.

Noah wasn't in the office at the moment. He was in the Shadow Op cafeteria, getting a lunch served up
hot and fresh by the Shadow op cooks. Eggs, sausage, and beacon, with a side order of a small bag of
Ranch Doritoes. Noah walked past a few agents in an effort to find a place to sit. Eventually, he found a
table to sit alone at and eat. Noah was an intelligent, introverted man, and wasn't much for conversation.
He was known throughout the organization as a workaholic. Some thought him a cold workaholic

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