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Glycemic Index Chart

Low Glycemic: broccoli, cherries, chickpeas, leafy vegetables, milk, pears, plums, black beans,
soybeans, tomatoes, tomato soup, wild rice, yogurt.

Low to Moderate Glycemic: All-Bran, apples, garbanzo beans, ice cream, navy beans, oranges, peas,
pinto beans, potato chips.

Moderate to High Glycemic: bananas, candy bars (most), potatoes, pita bread, oat bran, oat bread,
raisins, carrots, brown rice, kidney beans.

High Glycemic: bagels, basmati rice, cakes, Cheerios, corn, corn flakes, pies, pretzels, durum wheat
pasta, white bread.

These are explained in more detail, along with a supplement program, in The Wisdom of Menopause,
by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
The Glucose Revolution: The Authoritative Guide to the Glycemic Index by Jennie BrandMiller, PhD;
Thomas Wolever, M.D., Ph.D.; Kaye Foster-Powell; & Stephen Colagiuri, M.D.
The Midlife Miracle Diet by Adele Puhn, MS, CNS
Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell After Pregnancy: Every Womans Guide to Shaping Up, Slimming
Down, and Staying Sane After the Baby by Debra Waterhouse, MPH
Releasing Fat by Ray Strand , M.D.
The Schwarzbein Principle: The Truth About Weight Loss, Health and Aging by Diana Schwarzbein,

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