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September 3, 2014



Individuals are Selling Human Organs to Survive in Society

Human Organs are needed every minute on the hour. Studies have shown that an average of

18 people die every day (Facts and Myths/ American Transplant Foundation, n.d.). The instinct

to survive has been instilled in individuals and animals since birth. The meaning of survive is to

remain alive or in existence (Websters New Students Dictionary, 1969). Society has a major

impact on the way individuals live. The marker is placed high in the eyes of our friends, family,

and co-workers. The focus is on nail art, pedicures, and the name brand styles. What extremes

will people go through to survive or exist in society? Some individuals may result in selling

various organs or fluids for their own reasons. What measures will be taken to survive by the

means of others? Some individuals may see the need to take drastic measures to survive by

stealing the organs of others. Does the need to be a survivor more important than ethical values?

The answer appears to depend on each individuals mind frame of ethics, values and beliefs. The

word survival appears to be baffling to individuals that focus on wanting to exist in a social

norm. Selling Human organs, tissues, or fluids have been the escape goat to living longer,

making individuals aware of their existence, and giving hope.

Individuals may receive up to $160, 000 in illegal marketing of organs (Kidney

Transplantation, n.d.). The dying wants to survive and the seller wants to obtain existence in

society. The word survive means the same in both concepts of the word. Selling organs to get out
of debt, or prevent families from living in poverty may not be the solution. The thought appears

to anger law abiding people. How can society judge people who appear to want to help those in

need to survive? Opinions and thoughts are okay to be different that is the rights of people.

Should people always agree or agree to disagree? Agree to disagree would allow individuals to

express their point of views in a manner that creates critical thinking and problem solving as a

team. Questions of thought that consume minds that have to problem solve in drastic decision

making. Selling human organs have become the norm in the black market. The waiting list from

1991 to 2013 jumped from 23,198 people to 121,272 people (The Need is Real, Data, n.d.). The

evidence proves why individuals make decisions out the norm to survive. Society puts labels on

others performances, and gestures to others if it is not beneficial to them. The purchaser is at ease

because the need to survive has an open window. The seller feels the act of giving someone

existence is an act of kindness and awareness of the gesture. The seller needs to feel like society

will remember or recognize the act of saving a life.

Some individuals sell organs to be popular in society. Public approval appears to be important

to individuals wanting to be known by others. The desire and drive to display high fashion,

looking like a million bucks and expressing the importance of their existence in society is the

root to their decision making. The thought of displaying an image that does not show high dollar

signs is a no, no. The social class will frown on the act. Purchasing the latest styles of Michael

Kor products cost $300.00 an up. The item may consist of a purse, glasses, clothes and other

products in the outlets or stores (Michael Kor, 2014). In 1914 individuals focused on the effects

of the World War. Lives were being saved because individuals wanted to help not because they

needed clothes, jewelry, and food. Farmers grew food and raised cattle to survive. The gesture of

helping others was not to assure their place in society (World War I Facts, n.d.). The thought of
helping others gave the satisfaction needed. The role individuals play in society appears to

devour the realism of survival. The world has come to getting what is wanted by any means

instead of what is needed. Even the animal instinct appears to want the others to know their

existence by killing off reign leaders to show their superior to the tribe. Is society lowering their

ethnical values by preying on the poor and needy to feel superior? Homeless people are shamed

every day because others feel superior. Individuals at work are ridiculed because of their choice

of clothes. Children are even bullying each other because of the shoes and clothes worn. There is

hope for society to model the true meaning of survival through their existence.

Hope is the desire of fulfillment (Websters Dictionary, 1996). The acknowledgement of the

light at the end of the tunnel gives hope. People that are sick and need organs or other body

tissues become scared and willing to do whatever to survive. Everybody wants to live for one

hundred years. The impossible may appear to those dying but there is always hope. The act of

selling an organ maybe frowned on but what if the transaction was noted as a donation for giving

hope. Does this entitle the gesture as right? Things that make a person go hum! That is a good

question that has been thrown up in the air. Individuals come across jars with pictures of those in

need every day with money in them. The purpose appears to help save a life. The act is giving a

donation to assist the needy. Does one act reveal over the other if the dollar amount is considered

a donation? Another example would be abortion people did it before it came illegal because the

different scenarios it became legal. Some individuals still frown on Killing a Life. The

argument is still whether a life is within a mother or the creation of life begins. The argument

will never end because both sides have proven good points of view. The argument is judging

others choices are done by facts, emotions, or opinions? The facts are sometimes too much to

handle. The word survival has different approaches to the meaning. Society is not always right
but at the end of the day who asked their opinion. When hope is involved in giving life is the

discussion toward the life being saved or the individual giving an organ? The purchaser is

thinking of the hope to exist in society longer but the buyer is not really focusing on his life

being at jeopardy. The seller should have to come to turns that even if the life of hope is given.

The life of survival may not for the seller. All pieces of the puzzle should be turned over to put

the puzzle together. The puzzle may not come with all the pieces to utilize at that time. Then

hope goes out the window for one or two survivors. Then the picture takes on another role that

individuals must deal with.

Life experiences would be easier to handle if we could look in a kaleidoscope and distinguish

between the different patterns given. The choices each individuals make on a daily basis may

offend others. The act of saving a life, or doing a gesture to draw attention from society, and

even giving hope to a person in a life threatening situation should be the focus. The thought of

offending others for taking money for these acts of survival hurts whom. Survival is something

society can agree that is needed in society. The approach taken should be re-directed by all

individuals that want to make a positive impact on all individuals that have influence on others.

The target should start by educating individuals at early ages how the decision making of life

changing situation need focus on the big picture. The puzzle pieces my start out giant size. The

experiences of life make the pieces appear smaller and smaller which narrows hope, survival and

existence in society. Knowing the issues of human organ selling and realizing the impact it has

on society now scares the thought of making it legal. The pieces of the puzzles have not all been

turned over and counted. Even children get frustrated when they do not have all the pieces to the

puzzle. Children take the time to look for the missing pieces. Society must stand back and listen
to the voices of children and observe their behaviors. The means of survival and to exist in

society is to please others and make others happy. Their way of survival appears to make sense.

Looking through the eyes of children might enhance the nature of hope and existence and of

surviving longer on this planet earth.


Facts and Myths/ American Transplant Foundation,(n.d.). Retrieved from: http://

Kidney Transplantation,(n.d.). Retrieved from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Michael Kor. (2014). Retrieved from:

The Need is Real Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

Merriam Co. G. &C.,(1969). Websters New Student Dictionary

World War I Facts,(n.d.). Retrieved from:

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