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The acomodador or giving up point: there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to

progress; a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, a disappointment in love, even a victory we did not
understand, can make cowards of us and prevent us from moving on. As part of the process of increasing his
hidden powers, a Mexican shaman must first free himself from that giving up point and, to do so, he must
review his whole life and find out where it occurred.
(Quoted from Coelhos Zahir)

The acomodador, I almost cant recall how many times it has appeared in the days of my life. At the
end of 2012, the world doesnt agree, but at that time I felt like giving up my job. So, after almost a year
working with one of leading tax consultant in Indonesia, I gave up. I resigned from the wonderful job that
most people struggle badly only for the taste of being inside that admired company. No bodys agreed, not
even my parents, but at that moment I felt like I have to. Just like a flower that cant resist to bloom when the
universe said its the time to bloom, I knew that it was time for me to go. I reached my giving
up point. I let go. The Acomodador.
There always comes a moment in our lives when we reach our limit. Ever since I was a kid I never
really like mathematics, when I get bigger and study more complex things, I started to hate physics. I just
cant figure out why, but everytime I read or faced with math or physics problems I felt clueless then I
simply gave up. Until now Im never very good at those. I never cross my limit of understanding. I have
given up on them from the very early days of my life. The Acomodador.
When I was in high school, Im not good at music, so in order to attract girls I started to play futsal
eventhought I make a futsal club that never exist in my high school. But again, after two years I never really
excel in playing futsal. Even a juniors of mine who asked me to teach them how to play futsal, progress to
play fluidly than me! Can you imagine?! The groups to whom I teach basic futsal rules, suddenly become a
champion in inter high school tournament only a couple of months after me and my friends retired and
semifinals just the best we got.
They had a great team and played in front of screaming high school chicks. That night, I watch them
above the stage from down under in the audience crowd. I felt mediocre even they throw me to the air to
celebrate and appreciate their teacher. The morning after, one of my favorite shoes was broken. I never
change and repair that shoes till today. I have long buried my passion to mastering futsal. Once
again I gave up. The Acomodador.
At another point of my life, I once thought I have finally found the woman that Im willing to die for.
At that moment, I feel like God has shown and teach me directly of how to love and as if He has given me
the capability to kill my ego in relationship. At the very peak of my confidence that I have found the love Im
looking for whole my life at lastIn all of a sudden, I was forced to give up. She left because she not
see future in me. Its the acomodador that defeated me. Im broken.
I can mention dozens more of moments where I have failed to progress, points in life where I get
stuck. Works, studies, relationships, football, basketball, card-tricks, and even singing ha ha I was believed
that I just was not gifted enough with the talent to do those stuffs. Well I believe in talent, but maybe its just
a matter of how hard you truly really want that something to happen. Because just like what Coelho wrote in
the Alchemist. When a man truly wanting something so bad, the whole universe will collaborate and
conspire to make it happen So again, maybe afterall its not about talent, but its about the
acomodador, the giving up point. Just like Howard Schulz (Starbucks) said maybe maybe
most people just giving up a little bit too soon
And I found moment when i feel ashame and realize that I just spoil kid when I looked Joshua in
WM 68 outbound activities, he just never lose hope, when he fall from the rope challenge, he just never give
up, he defeated and free himself from his acomodador and finish the challenge with wonderful effort, even if
it take one hour it still make me dazzling. Joshua did same thing when hiking activities, even when he look
will pass out, he just walking and go to the finish line no matter what happen. Those two moments make me
realize that I was giving up too soon in my entire life, and because that I never reach my goal. If I take Kotter
step, I found urgency to change after look what Joshua did. I must change myself from spoil to tough to
reach my goal in life or I will still be a mediocre. I must make a coalition with myself and prepare myself to
defeat my acomodador.
So, this is my mission, just like in Mexico, where the words acomodador comes, a Mexican
shaman must free himself from the acomodador in order to release his hidden inner power. Im writing this
as a part of my way on reviewing my life and to cure the wounded scars those acomodadors has left opened
in my heart. Im just trying to be honest to myself, how I have repeatedly dissappoint myself for not fighting
hard enough. How I have dissappoint the people around me who believes that I can fly, but I never did, I
never spread my wings because Im just too scared to fall.
Im trying to confess the sins for not being strong and not letting my inner light to shine and light the
world, just because Im too small and scared to loose. Ill wash my acomodadors away by admitting to
myself that all this time I let the fear strangle my feet from walking on. I wanna be free from my
acomodadors so I could move on, shine and fly, just like I meant to be just like you! And were all meant
to be! If only we can free ourselves from our acomodadors.
Finally, my journeys still long. I bet that those acomodadors will come again in different forms and
in different moments of my life. Im not promising that I wouldnt give up ever again, because sometimes
being able to give up and to let go is our only best option. What we can promise to ourselves is that in every
moment the acomodador appears, everytime were defeated, everytime were forced to give up. We must
fight back! Like Joshua did and make me believe that impossible is nothing. We must get back on our kness
everytime weve knocked down. Ill release myself from the acomodadors and live on as the braves and
heroes lived. Ill stand up and face the day ahead as a better man everytime I fall everytime we fall.

-dedicated for everyone who jumps him/herself into love, Joshua dan para warnanegara republik galau,
Guys: we never loose just because we try and we always win because we love-

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