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Hey guys before we start learning Catia/Solidworks lets try and understand
where and how it is used in an industry.

Its basically a medium to convey ideas in industrial engineering that would

otherwise be difficult to communicate. Take any object around you, it
serves a purpose, say fan- it blows air in your room. What are the
parameters affecting the efficiency of the product. Here say blade number,
blade material, thickness, hub ratio, outer diameter, etc. Now changing
these parameters will affect its performance. Here comes the role of CAD
models where you model the fan with by changing the above parameters.
These models can then be simulated and analyzed in Ansys to see the
effect of change of the variable on its performance.

Lets take another example of plastic bottle and see where and how CAD
engineers are used. So suppose you are working in a Product development
Company as a Mechanical Engineer. A client approaches you to design a
bottle for some juice. He will detail out its intent, goals and objective and
what your job will be.

While modeling the bottle you have to keep various things in mind like- It
should be easily manufacturable -DFM. Least no of parts should be present
as each assembly will require a separate assembly line and will increase
the cost. If at all you are adding an extra part there should be a strong
reason. You should be aware of the technical challenges that may come
up. You should be aware of the processes it will go through. In this case a
bottle can either be made through injection blow molding or extrusion blow

As mechanical engineers you have to translate an idea into real life

scenario. You should have a need statement-say in this case the juice is
getting spoiled very quickly due to moisture and oxygen entering it through
the material and seal, or say it cannot withstand the load during packaging
and transfer. There is a lot R&D done on the need statement itself and it is
evaluated for its market penetration.
Then you have to present your idea with the help of 3D model. Say you
have to make changes in seal design, or increasing base area so that it
withstands more load.

Another important aspect of any product is how good it looks on the shelf.
People will buy a product only if it stands out in the market. Hence
aesthetics plays a very important role too. So your design of bottle needs to
be attractive.

Now once you have designed it considering all the factors it then goes to
PE( Predictive team) who takes care of the fact how it well it perform.

The design team in above case uses softwares like Catia, Solidworks and

This PE team uses analysis softwares like Ansys. In this case it has to do
a number of analyses like say the bottle travels on the conveyor at 50m/s. It
should not fall or topple. The PE team simulates the bottle and finds out the
optimum speed at which the bottle topples. Then comes the filling where in
case of carbonated drinks CO2 is filled at high pressure say 14bar.The
bottle should withstand this pressure , it should not burst. Then comes the
capping of bottle with a certain top load and torque. This again needs to be
simulated and analyzed. Then the load acting during transportation needs
to be analyzed. Also the optimim ergonomic force required to break open
the seal is very important. MVTR and OTR is analysed. All these analysis
are done for different models of bottle given by ME team and for different
materials like PET, PP, PE etc. If the design fails at any stage the PE team
reflects back to ME team and changes in designs are made.

Above is an example of bottle in product development industry.

If you consider an automobile industry or an aerospace industry product will

be different but overall concept remains the same- starting from need
statement to concept design to converting an idea into real life scenario.

Hence important thing to know is Catia and Ansys are just tools which can
be learnt at any stage of your career but make sure you know what are the
functional requirements of the product you are about to design, what
manufacturing processes are used to make them, what technical
challenges you may face in the design and how it behaves in real life
scenario. What forces or temperature changes it undergoes etc.

These softwares can be very helpful in your minor projects and major
project as well.

So in this course we will first go for design. You can design in Catia,
Solidworks or Ansys Design modular. We will start with 2D sketching. Basic
concept remains ,same in all the softwares like using line, circle,
rectangles, constraints etc.

Go through these youtube links which do a tremendous job in teaching

these softwares.



Complete first 20 videos in this series and complete the assignments given

Mail me when you have completed even 1 drawing. Depending on

your responses this course will continue.

Continue and watch till 22 videos and try to complete the assignment.

Ansys Design modular:

I could not find good 2-D sketch videos. Get used to Ansys using these
videos and complete the assignment.

At least 6 tutorials.

Above are two easy sketches. As soon you submit the above you will get
more and better assignments. Mail me a snapshot of your model. If you
have any doubts regarding anything feel free to ask me.

If possible try to tell what does the circles, ellipse and rectangles in above
signify. Every feature in a sketch has a reason. Dont just draw them try to
read and understand them.

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