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One of natural disasters that frequently happened in hills region at Lampung Province is landslide disaster.
Usually, landslide is happened in rainy season due to the increasing of soil pore water. Based on comprehensive
research about slope, there is a value of safety factor that can be used as a reference level of slope stability. A
method is needed to analyze the slope stability and modeling in accordance with the slope shape on the real
situation in order to make the approach condition occurs at analysis result, one of which is by using Geostudio
Slope/W 2007 program. In analysing with Geostudio Slope/W 2007 program, simulated 5 cross sections by
inputting soil index properties data to the program, such as : cohesion, c; soil friction angle, ; and unit weight
of soil, . The decision of safety number is varied by 3 conditions of soil water level on slope which are
unsaturated soil condition, half-saturated soil condition, and saturated soil condition. The analysis result shows
that the shape of slopes cross sections have influence on slope stability. Groundwater surface on slope with
saturated and half-saturated condition has stability <1,25 and are classified under unsafe condition unless on
simulation 1 in half-saturated condition with a safe factor >1.25. On the unsaturated condition, the whole
simulation is classified into stable slope, whereas in critical condition, simulation 1 is the highest water limit
simulation compared to other conditions. Based on the analysis result, it can be inferred that the slope in the
research location has unsecured status. Thus, the researcher suggests to do such an action in order to prevent

Key words : soil, slope stability, safety factor, geostudio slope/w.


Bencana alam yang sering terjadi Provinsi Lampung khususnya di Kabupaten Lampung Barat adalah tanah
lonsor. Kelongsoran yang terjadi dikarenakan peningkatan air pori tanah di musim penghujan. Diperlukan suatu
metode untuk menganalisis stabilitas lereng dan memodelkan sesuai dengan lereng di lapangan salah satunya
dengan menggunakkan program Geostudio Slope/W 2007. Dalam penelitian ini, disimulasikan 5 bentuk
potongan melintang lereng dengan data indeks properti tanah sesuai dengan kondisi yang dianalisis. Pada
penelitian ini, disimulasikan 4 kondisi muka air tanah yaitu kondisi tak jenuh, jenuh sebagian, jenuh penuh, dan

Dari hasil analisis menunjukan bentuk potongan melintang lereng berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas lereng. Muka
air tanah pada lereng dengan kondisi jenuh dan setengah jenuh memiliki stabilitas <1,25 dan tergolong pada
kondisi yang tidak aman terkecuali pada simulasi 1 di kondisi setengah jenuh yang memiliki fakor aman >1,25.
Pada kondisi tidak jenuh seluruh simulasi tergolong lereng yang stabil, sedangkan pada kondisi kritis simulasi 1
merupakan simulasi dengan batas tinggi muka air tertinggi dibanding yang lain. Dari hasil analisis dapat
disimpulkan bahwa lereng berstatus tidak aman maka disarankan untuk melakukan penanganan untuk mencegah

Kata kunci : tanah, stabilitas lereng, faktor aman, geostudio slope/w.

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