Written Report - Worksheet

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Written Report - Worksheet

Please complete the Written Report worksheet and include it in the Portfolio section of your

Topic: Discuss some of the things that you could do to enhance your employability when you
graduate from University.

It is extremely important to have a correct mix of knowledge and skills to survive in the current
era of competition and to win the race of success. There are hundreds and thousands of candidates
that are available and applicable for a single job opportunity. Unique and advanced skill-set is
something that distinguishes one candidate from the other.

First and the foremost task that I will carry out will be analysis of my strong areas and also of the
areas I am weak in. It will provide me with the ability to understand the points that I need to cover
to establish my position in the industry and will also give me a method to present myself in an
adequate manner. The identification of my strengths and weaknesses with also highlights my areas
of improvements (Dench, 2008).

The next step that I will take will be assessment of technical skills and the knowledge of technical
tools that I must acquire in order to qualify to be eligible for the employment opportunities. At the
start-up level, it is necessary to have a basic understanding and knowledge of these tools and
skills. I will take sessions and trainings in order to develop the technical skills that are necessary
for establishing a competitive edge in front of the employers. Technology is something that keeps
on changing with every passing day. With the transformations in technology, the required set of
skills and abilities also witness a considerable shift. I will keep a track of these transformations
and will move on according to the results obtained (Newton, 2010).

Soft skills make an extremely important part for an overall professional development. There are
many soft skills that the employers look for in terms of communication skills, managerial and
leadership abilities along with the ability to work as a team. I will analyse the top soft skills that
are demanded by the employers and I will work on my abilities and weaknesses in this direction.
There are many courses that are available online to improve upon the communication and
leadership skills. I will also seek my friends and family to work on the communication skills by
executing practical drills and sessions. Talking to an expert and seeking the guidance will also
provide me with the right direction to proceed on (Ngang, 2015).

Market study and analysis is another step that I will carry out to short-list my target employers and
to understand their demands. There are numerous employers that are present in the market in
every business sector. I will list down the employers as per my preference and will classify them
in the areas of start-ups, small and middle scale firms and large scale employers. I will develop my
technical and soft skills as per the employer requirements (Pumphrey, 2012).

I will also look out for the professionals already working in my target business organizations and
companies. I will try to make an attempt to connect with them through social networking
platforms in order seek guidance on the employer requirements and the skills that I shall develop
(Palmer, 2011).


Dench, S. (2008). Employers' Perceptions of Key Skills. Retrieved 21 August 2017, from
Newton, B. (2010). What employers look for when recruiting the unemployed and inactive: skills,
characteristics and qualifications. Retrieved 21 August 2017, from
Ngang, T. (2015). Novice Teacher Perceptions of the Soft Skills Needed in Today's Workplace.
Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 177, 284-288.
Palmer, H. (2011). Job Analysis: Targeting Needed Skills. Employment Relations Today, 28(3),
85-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ert.1029
Pumphrey, J. (2012). An Assessment of Generic Skills Needs. Retrieved 21 August 2017, from

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