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Bemoan - bemoan... look at moan..means cryin,..whn does one cry when dey loose something..

one looses something they express disapproval..


Emancipate - cip= ship : a man is set free to travel in ship to his own country

Guffaw - remember gufa in hindi. If you laugh a bit in gufa, it sounds like boisterous laugh.

Jeopardize - sounds like leopard... leopard r now ENDANGERED species

Philistine - break it into PHIL(feel)+TINE(tiny)...those who feel over tiny things are NARROW MINDED.

Redolent - re-odo-lent: reminder of "odor".

Surreptitious - Surreptitious sounds like suspect someone if they are hiding secrets

Benevolent - bene(root bene means good)+volent(voluntarily) good person voluntarily donating his all
GOODS to people.

Contrition - CON(not)+TREATion...if your girlfriend does not treat you properly you will be in great

Embezzle - Remember Bees (the buZZing sound of the bees) which misappropriates the honey from the

Guile - SOME GUYS guile GIRLS

Jingoistic - jin+OIST+ic..... ppl HOIST flags on days of NATIONAL nationalistic, patriotic or
jingoistic -- jingle bell jingle bell... a christmas day , a festival and a festival is always related 2 patriotic n

Nonchalance - nonchalance rhymes like No + Challenge , When there is no challenge, people tend not to
care and there will be a casual lack of concern.

Phlegmatic - plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG we have the AUTOMATIC reaction be calm and unexcited.

Sounds like PRAGMATIC(practical) --> practical people think with logic and show little emotion.

Redress - Redress is: "relief from distress"

Wily - sounds like willy which means someone who wants to fulfill his will by any means. He has to be
clever to do so.

Benign - benign- bene(good) + sign

Contumacious - (In Hindi language) Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu
Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient or CONTUMACIOUS=CONTRARY+REBELLIOUS. (Rebelliously

Embroil - embroil=i m b(r)oil during dispute, quarrel, confusion. We get all boiled up due to great anger.


Nondescript - read it as non+describe... an ordinary object does not need to be described.

Pillage - Pirate+Village=Pillage

Redundant - redundant rhymes Abundant and thats the meaning.

Susceptible - the one who is not aBLE to SUSPECT, so easily influenced

Wispy - whispy=whisper...which is barely discernible..

Contusion - in TUITION i got several hits(BRUISES) beccause i din do homework

Jubilant - I sing JUBY-DUBY-JUBY-DUBY whenever i am extremely joyful.

Nostalgia - nostalgia. sounds like no hostel gia.. so he feels home sick..remembers home

Pious - We give thanks to God for the PIe he has given US.

Refute - refute rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or refute it or disapprove..

Sybarite - a lover of luxury finds going to the bar right and munching dick


Ostracism - O-ST-Racisim. in Olden days ST faced Racisim. Which means they faced exclusion from social

Penchant - p+enchant- something that enchants you, you have a strong liking for that.

Rarefy - rare-fy rare ~ low in density (therefore thin, sparse) -fy is a root means "to make". you "make"
something "thinner" is rarefy.

Repine - Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine

Diaphanous - Think of the clear cellophane plastic wrap, which is clear. PHANE, meaning clear, is the same
root that is found in diaphanous.

Feint - The boxer was faked out by his opponent's feint. He then fainted because the blow he received was
very strong.

Inured v- someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH

Mettlesome - remember it by breaking it as ... mettlesome - mettle + some or metal + some.. some one
who(who's spirit) is as strong as metal and hence courageous.

Puissance - PUISSANCE -> POTANCE -> POTENCY means power.

Recondite - read recondite as "re conduct". The professor re coducted(repeated) the topic as the students
could not understand properly.

Stygian - stygian... think it as one living in a sty(pen for pigs) .. it is expected to be be disgusting and
therefore dark or dismal

Caret - Great care goes into crossing the t's and dotting the i's of a manuscript.

Contiguous - rhymes with continuous.. to be continuous you gotta be contiguous

Damp - assume that (d)-means "decrease" (amp) means amplifier which increse the intensity.If we place 'd'
before amp it means decreasing intensity

Ellipsis - imagine it as - E's lips is so beautiful that unko dekhkar muuh se words hi gayab ho jate
hai ..;) ..omission of words !! lolzz

Extripation - Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a tir-teer(arrow) in his pate(belly).

Foppish - fop-ish = pop (fop) - ish ; those boys who are in pop music are over dressed they have a very
bad sense of dressing but they think that they are looking cool !!!!

Gaffe - Disney character Goofy who was always making Blunders.

Hortatory - While ploughing farms with bullocks, farmers say "HUR HUR ;HORT HORT" to encourage
bullocks to move ahead. This is HORTATORY.

Opprobrious - opp-ROBRI-ous ROBRI = robbery,,, so if u were caught in a robbery, u will b disgraceful and

Recumbent - recum+bent => sounds similar like become+bent. you become bent while sitting means you
lie down.

Ambidextrous - need to know cartoon network: in dexter show the small kid's name is dexter who is highly
talented,skilled or ambi - on both sides + dexter - right handed

Culpability - sounds like culprit

Discernment - Judgment

Encomium - INCOME - People of high INCOME are formally praised for their large donations.

Inveigle - inveigle sounds like in veil. SO something that is concealed by a veil. Outward appearances are
sometimes deceptive.

Minatory - Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.

Ossified - Ossi rhymes with AUSSIE.. the Australian Cricket team has become old and they are now history,
like fossils.

Plumb - plumb--plumber who tests the pipe to see whether it is exactly vertical or not.

Quintessential - A quintessential dress of queen with every essential diamond.

Runic - in Lab yu have RUINED the IC(integrated chip) teachers asks who did this and all keep
mysterious faces..hahaha

Accretion - Accretion sounds like Errection,,, so u r dik grows in size during an errection

Anachronistic - read it as An Achronistic. A(not) CHRONISTIC(in order).

Chronic - initial part sound as crown !! crown + ic .. A king rules the nation for long time, hence his crown
last for long long lasting

Churlishness - chur(church)+lish(wish)-church wishes always not to behave rude,boorish

Demagogue - demo(means people) agogue (means leading ) so it adds up to leading people in a wrong
way... syn:rable rouser

Effrontery - for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner.

Idyll - sounds like IDEAL..most of the times when we talk about our ideals we use poetry..
Interregnum - reg stands for king or kingly styles (e.g. in regicide,regalia etc.) so inter regnum = in between
two kings(referring to their ruling period).

Nugatory - No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless.

Sinecure - 7 crores ... baithe baithe hi 7 crores mil jate

Aphoristic - aphor= A4 ; write in just a4 sheet => brief & short

Canonical - canonical--look at the word canon+ical-....something that resembles or like the biblical canon.


Extant - Opposite of extinct is extant

Impugned - im + PUGN ~ pugn looks like pungaa(hindi); NOW think of a person who is habitual of taking
PUNGAA, he will always CONTRADICT people, and will always CHALLENGE others (impugn others).

Probity - A PROBATION Officer tries to keep former criminals HONEST.

Raconteur - one who recounts

Solicitous - soli(solo).if u r doin a work on ur own(solo) then u ll do t wit much eager and care

Amalgamate - amalga+mate ,mate means combine........or suppose you are shy girl and you have a+
male+game+mate (amalgamate)what you should do ? of course combine or unite with your mate against
other groups

Baleful - BALEFUL.....remind yourself of christian The Dark Knight.....the movie immediately
reminds you of Joker....the BALEFUL joker!!(sounds like Painful)

Inchoate - choate seems like "chote"..for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the
initial stage of life.

Iniquitous - Iniquitous:this sounds like in quit us We should quit those habits, virtues that are bad. Thus
inquitous = wicked.

Libertine - LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral.

Millinery - Consider it as mill + nery (nari) i.e. a mill for nary or shop for women (selling hats)

Natty - NATTY sounds like NEAT and N se naya also..., so natty

Occluded - to conclude means to stop :)

Sidereal - SIDEREAL is pronounced as SY-DEE-RIAL and not SIDE+REAL, therefore CELESTIAL is a more
appropriate suggestion, as it not only rhymes with sidereal, it also has the same meaning-relating to the
stars or the constellation.

Avaricious - comes from avarice=a+var(war)::in a war evry1 becomes greedy.

Halcyon - halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a will understand
what I mean.

List - List=Items falling one after another.So one item is leaning over another.

Maudlin - when she received a call from the MODELLING company for her appointment, she became
EFFUSIVELY SENTIMENTAL and wept a lot.Her dream had come true.

Abysmal - a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in hindi)+mal(take it as mile) a 20 mile deep pit in the ground
looks like its bottomless.

Approbation - Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period

Bent - bent~sounds like "bend it like beckham" a movie where a girl is determined to prove her natural
talent of football

Cadge - cadge....sounds like cage....some1 in d cage begging to get out !!!!!!

Debacle - belt..having bacle ..if we (de)remove buckle from belt,the pant will fall.. then comes the complete

Extemporize - extra + tempo(speed of music) +rise:why there is extra tempo,because this is performed
without any preparation

Incumbent - INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is
NECESSARY to survive.

Lambaste - lambaste sounds like namaste(in hindi), which is a respectful greeting. lambaste is precisely
opposite of that or Lambaste will remind u of BLAST!!!

Noisome - Try to extract out two words from it...


.. Hence NOISOME is something that makes NOISE in our NOSE

Pastiche - PASTi+CHE......pasti...PASTE...........we do copy PASTE......while copying we imitate the style of

others and paste it where we want

Arboreal - arboreal:arrow+bow+real..made out of tree's

Centrifuge - an apparatus that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension

Disabuse - story: like a girl fall in love with a rascal, and her father comes to know. what he will do is abuse
the boy and disabuse the girl about the boy. simple naa.

Intemperate - Cannot control his temper. Excessive in behaviour, voracious in drinking alcohol.

Lugubrious - He was very mournful when he had to BURY his maimed LEG.

Nonplussed - plussed........puzzled.

Pedagogy - remember ENCYCLO-PEDIAGOGY. Encylopedias teach and educate about biolOGY, geolOGY,
and psycholOGY.

Satiate - I SAT & ATE till I was full!

Comeliness - come in line to see the beauty

Doff - DO + OFF or take off, remove.

Don - DON used to 'PUT ON' diverse sorts of clothes to escape from the CBI or FBI.

Erudition - Erudition sounds like education ..... someone who is well educated or has an extensive bookish
knowledge is a scholar, an erudite

Suborn - sub+porn = to force someone to see porn is unlawful

Tendentious - Rearrange the words to make - Tend or Tendency + ious or bias. So, TENDENTIOUS is a
TENDENcy towards one viewpoint over another.

Tortuous - a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning making path


Atonement - A(ppeasing)TONE MEaNT for god to compensate for our wrongdoings.

Complaisance - complete saint=saints yield for the will of others

Fawn - a FAN tries to gain favor by flattery

Nascent - "new soul sent" earth

Paean - Paean sounds like "pian+o" which is used in praise songs

Reproof - if some asks for a proof again and again (re-proof) you will criticize them and try to censure them.

Scurvy - SCURVY is a deadly disease. So people suffering from this vitamin c deficiency are low in health.

Tutelary - "Tute Le Rahi" mam jab tutorials leti hain to v r in her custody... but she is very sweet like an

Abscission - It had the word sciss(scissors) in it.Scissors are used for Cutting, separating..

Contentious - (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels.

Foible - Fail to be able.. so you have a weakness or slight fault at something.

Importune - Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY.

Pertain - (pert)sounds like part means belongs to

Slew - His typing was "slow", yet there were a slew of errors.

Toady - Sir, "TODAY"(toady) you look very ...... (this an act of pleasing someone in order to gain a personal

Torrid - torturously arid or hot & arid=torrid or "Tour" + "Rid" You got rid of the tour because it was too hot

Veracious - the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we can frame words like: veracious - truthful and
verisimilitude - an appearance of truth.

Asperity - Asperity can be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness or Harshness.

Blowhard - can be think as blow-word -> blowing words -> means talkative

Disingenuous - This word is derived from the word "Genuine", which means true and
real. Disingenuous is just the opposite of genuine.

Evanescent - Remember it as "I want scent. Scent evaporates like vapour.

Intangible - can be understood as in+toungue+able -> when we put some food in the
mouth (tongue) we can only feel the taste but cannot perceive it by touch

Labile - LABILE it as "liable" to change,i.e UNSTABLE

Malapropism - mal (negative) + prop (proper usage) .. improper usage of words

Proximate - proximate = approximate = nearly accurate

Pugnacious - punga+nacious- one with tendency to always fight and take


Gaucherie - gau+Cherieimagine a girl in GAU(village-gaon) having just a


Heterodox - heterodox--hetero-means different+ dox --means opinion, so different or

many opinions. Orthodox, heterodox are from the same root.

Inscrutability - Difficult to SCREW!!!!

Mannered - man in red is "not natural"

Pluck - one should possess "Courage" to pluck flowers from our garden.

Sedulous - to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course
Hardworking ;)

Vicissitude - some times to face VICISSITUDES OF LIFE one should possess a


Acolyte - aap ko light(acolyte) rakhne wala (one who helps u in every way and does lot
of your work)

Admonitory - Remember MONITOR in class who used to give admonitory gesture and
warning other students not to talk.

Caprices - the government put a CAP on the PRICE of RICE..because it keeps changing.

Cornucopia - corn + copia copia is similar to copius meaning plentiful, cornucopia thus
means plenty of corn(grains/fruits).

Deferential - Since deferential equations are difficult to solve, people stupid at math do
not attempt them because they respect their difficulty....and probably have a life.

Intractability - Intractable: things which can not be brought in the right track...
opposite of tractable.

Luminary - Luminary sounds like luminous(under light).So,a celebrity who is in the

limelight inspiring others.

Minion - A mini peon.. Who is servile to his boss.

Undergird - under + guard. Something which is guarded under hence secured

Vitiate - vitiate is vish + ate, vish in the hindi language means poison..if you make
anyone eat poison it's an IMMORAL ACT and the person will be in an IMPERFECT

Coterie - sounds like KOTHARI (in hindi it means an enclosed room) -- where people
with common purposes meet.

Denigrate - focus on the 'nigrate' part of this word and relate it to 'nigger' (which
means people who have black skin) no racism plz

Empirical - Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experiences and


Gainsay - she has (Gain)ed weight but is not (say)ing it which means, she is denying the

Hyperbole - hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) someone who gives the

statement beyond his limit..overstating basically.

Prolixity - "lexikon" means workbook..."lexicographer" is dictionary writer...writer of

words n words n..more words.

Rebus - Re(read)+bus imagine u r in for tp u start reading book but reading is
difficult in you buy the book which has pictures in place of words now its really
easy to read here picture represents words.Reading+At+BUS

Sere - like the Sierra Desert, dry and arid

Vulpine - VULP sounds like WOLF

Corroborate - just focus on borate part of this word -- Borate test is a confirmatory
test in chemistry.

Exacerbated - Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So exacerbate

means to make bittter, to worsen.

Exact - I want the EXACT amount! nothing more nothing less! very demanding.

Faddish - f+ add+ish = f(follow) add = advertisements => fashion

Hapless - relate it to helpless

Misconstrue - Misconstrue = Mis + Cons + True. Someone is 'Missing' the 'True' fact.
Perennial - if you remember we have learnt about perennial rivers in social studies
which means LONG LASTING rivers or sounds like PURANI(old)...purani things are

Rent - it sounds like rend and both words mean the same, RENT = REND

Shard - s + is very HARD to join the broken FRAGMENTS OF POTTERY.

Xenophobe - Xeno means foreigner

Alleviated - ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of
the pain and you feel relief.

Centurion - centurion -> century -> 100; thus it means a leader of 100 soldiers.

Emollient - divide it as e + moll(..mole which is a black spot)+ ient. If we find a black

spot on our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.

Fusillade - 'Fusion' bomb, a kind of nuclear bomb. So 'fusillade' is discharge of bombs.

Inerrancy - ERR in inERRancy stands for an error .. so IN+ERR+ANCY = No Error (No

Fallacy) which means infallibility

Mince - mince sounds like mice which takes tiny steps to go anywhere and nce(nice)or
speak nicely or carefuly to larger people.

Palpate - palpate == my best PAL (frnd) ,touched my PATE ( means "stomach" in

hindi). with hands to examine medically.

Platitude - flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So
you will obviously give trite remarks.

Quibble - mnemonic in hindi.. read it as qui(kyun)+bble(bill)..KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA

HAI?, you OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to the authorities

Conniving - connive- con-spire, conspire- do something secretly

Derision - Noun form is 'deride' and in high school, if you don't have a car (de ride)
that is expensive enough, other kids may mock and ridicule you

Epigram - telegram-->simple note....epigram--->witty note

Lassitude - After a heavy lunch, if you drink a glass of LASSI, you will go into a
lassitude i.e. weariness, lethargy and ultimately go to sleep.

Pedantic - Can u smell the word 'PANDIT'( "Scholar" in english) from "Pedantic"?
PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff.
Precipitate - Precipitate -> Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate
before you do something. You do it in RASH or HASTE.

Renege - renege seems lke rehne de.. so rehne de promise mat kar coz i the end you will
renege it or sumthng or RENEGADE is a traitor of a country.. RENEGE is a traitor of
his own words..

Armada- do u know narmada river ? fleets of warship in narmada ~ armada

Dawdler - dawdle=>doodle; Someone doodles and does the work hence is slow and

Dross - close to gross....worthless.

Expiate - Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate
becomes pious.

Hack - hack- can be termed as HA ACHE when doctor cut our organ we make sound

Prone - Lying PRONE she is talking on PHONE. (i.e she is lying face down)

Propensity - prop + city = people get propelled towards city only because of strong
inclination towards city life

Scabbard - On a funny note S (Sword) + CABBARD (Cupboard), so you can say that it
is a sword's cupboard or a case!

Skiff - Skiff = Ship + Kid => small ship (boat in this case)

Umbrage - notice the last 4 letters...RAGE.And then umbrella =shade, rage=anger and

Enervate - NERV(w)asTE whwn you waste your energy you become weak.

Neophyte - neo+phyte ~ new + fight; A new member or beginner always has to fight to
establish his own identity.

Panegyric - pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so
panegyric means expression of praise.

Presage - pre+sage- a SAGE has the power to PRE-tell the future.

Aberration - sounds like abortion which is not normal delivery.

Cant - chant ~ nice and pious words.. cant is opposite

Disinter - inter = to bury. so disinter means opposite of bury => to dig up.
Facade - facade = fake + id

Impeding - impede from impedance meaning resistance

Lacuna - lacuna .. sounds like lack you ...meaning of word is something which you lack

Pied - remember pie chart which has different colors

Roster - list of roast in hotel-onion roast,ghee roast,masala roast etc

Seemly - seemly ~ see + homely (hindi: gharelu in positive sense) : see sita is so homely
and hence proper or appopriate to be my daughter in law !

Coda - ie ,conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on

Hallow - Hallow = Hall + ow; in a prayer 'Hall' religious programs are are held.

Indigence - Indica + Zen (Cars)Cars owned by poor people. Antonym:"Opulence"

which means "Rich" Mnemonic :Opel Astra(Its a car owned by very rich people).

Papyrus - papyrus: sounds like paper thing

Pique - pique can be split as pi+que.. so imagine you are standing in a QUE(ue) in a Pie
shop (cake) for a long time you get ANNOYED ,IRRITATED and you tend to show

Sap - If you slap(sap) someone you diminish his dignity..

Arbitrator - a + bit+ ratewho JUDGES the BIT RATE for data transfer.

Descry - If 10(DES) people will CRY every body will notice them!!

Facetious - someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious

Indecorous - not decorate properly..INAPPROPIATE..

Proliferate - life rate=its always increasing

Scotch - If you see a SCOTCH bottle, you PUT AN END TO it!

Strut - rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect
and chest thrown out.

Usury - USURY reminds me of TREASURY - Lending money from the treasury at a

very high rate of interest.

Wag - when u rag u make ur juniors as wags

Atavism - by ATAVISM you should remember AVATAR, i.e. you are an
avatar(incarnation) of one of your ancestors

Filibuster - something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the

Gambit - gambit - remember GAMBIR who is the OPENING batsman... gambit is

opening in chess

Predilection - pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial when

you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your language ( :)
assume the interview is in the US)

Propitiate - PROf+PITI- if you want professor's pity then you would have to appease

Stanch - stanch = ST(op)+AN(d)+CH(eck)

Travesty - If u think Bra(tra) as vest then it is a travesty.

Waft - waft=wa+ft===> i.e. FLoating on WAter. i.e. driven slowly by waves.

Forage - it take as for+age(alive)=food(which is most important)so for the further

aliving searching of food is necessary.

Lumber - Relate to the person who is "lamba" (lamba in Hindi language means tall
person in English ) moves heavily or clumsily.

Muse - MUSEum consist of historic things by seeing them, we think deeply

Resolve - If u r SOLVING problems in a chapter AGAIN & AGAIN then u have

determination to do that chapter in exams.

Squalid - associate it with 'lid'..widout a lid the contents of the container wud get dirty
n filthy.

Sullied - Sully=soily

Veneration - vanar(monkey) served god(rama)

Demur - sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!

Duplicity - duplicity== making two faces(duplicate).. one who makes two faces is a

Exigency - exigency ~ exit + emergency; you remember the emergency exit, only when
at the time of an urgent situation.
Expostulate - expostulate also means make a protest...EXPOSEtulate......when you
expose your body too much, most of the people will oppose you !!!

Gossamer - GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric.

Pine - pine(verb):Have a desire for something or someone who is not present there.
Mera dost jab WINE pe leta hai tab he starts pining for his girlfriend.

Prudish - prudish = prudent ( careful ) + childish................. ---->> one who is childishly


Quixotic - quixotic== quick + exotic, if you desire something exotic to happen quickly in
your life it is just a daydream.

Stipple - staple means to punch holes. stipple means to put dots.

Abrasion - an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off.

Adumbrate - A dumb brat can't give the details - just a sketchy outline.

Cognitive - Root word COGN, recognize, cognitive,

incognito,cognizance all means know.aur wyse v knowledge k bina kahan COGNIZANT
jayse bari softwere company me placement hoti hai yaar?

Deign - Reign, which shows high dignity, is the opposite of Deign, which shows low

Fervid - fer-fur vid-video video with girls in furs =extremely hot

Gall - A slap on his 'Gall'(cheek) completely exasperated him.

Levee- levee..(sounds like level..) we LEVEL the land ,with LEVEE so that there is no
seep of water(..flooding..).

Quell - quell sounds similar to yell and we yell to suppress someone or make him/her

Abut - Look at your BUTT (Dont take it offensively).Its like two pieces of flesh together
marked by a boundary in between them Thats abut

Consternation - conster(sounds like monster) + nation......and a monster creates fear in

every one ....due to which we donot go out so as to avoid danger.

Gavel - Rhymes with gravel (small stone) : To break gravel, you need a gavel(hammer).

Lien - sounds like lion.. a lion is the king of the jungle and can thus legally claim any
part of the jungle!!
Steep - while climbing STEEP slopes you get SOAKED OR SATURATED.

Tamp - TAMP sounds like STAMP. How do we put a stamp? by Pressing down hard.

Venturing - AD+VENTURE=which is exiting but full of risks and daring things.

Wry - wry - comes from AWRY, crooked, twisted.

Arduous - arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"

Decimated - deci [means 10]mate[in ,chess mate means killing a king]so it sound like
killing a king in every 10 people,so to kill a king u have to kill 10 ie make
killing at huge amount.

Fledge - fledge sounds like fly + urge. When feathers grow baby birds have an urge to
fly or to leave nest.

Gouge - gouge ~ gauge -> if compressor is OVERCHARGED, air will TEAR OUT tick
layer of storage tank.

Picayune - picayune: relate it to pico, which means small. so picayune->pico->small or

petty things

Riveting - ii was aroused and riveted by the WET girl in the RIVER

Soliloquy - soliloquy.soli(soul).loquy( or speech)now we

must have seen in a play or movie.a person talking to his soul(talking to himself
that is audible to everyone of us).

Transcendental - Transcend means to go beyond....Transcendental means beyond the

thinking of common people.

Condescension - conDESCEND--to come down to smaller position

Divest - opposite to invest; di + vest; vest means an inner garment; divest is to remove

Eddy - if you can remember the term "Eddy current", where the current flows .

Epaulet - relate paulet to pilot...epaulets are there on pilot's uniform

Leaven - Lift up to the hEAVEN...tht is rise u ll rise up to heaven only when u grow
lighter(in wt.)

Patronize - PATRO(father)+NIZE(nice)....we get NICE SUPPORT from our FATHER

Statute - statutory warning

Aver - A VERy confident statement!

Expatiate - expatiate - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your
brain talking some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at

Flag - white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to
indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble.

Flail - flail rhymes with fail....if a child fails in his exams, he is beaten hardlyyyy by his

Indicted - sorry for the bad language :( but will make you learn the word : if you push
your dick in a girl without her permission she will accuse you of rape.

Loll - Think of person singing loll la lolla la la la la .. So he has nothing to do ,so he is

lounging about, lazily.

Talon - Falcon depends upon its Talon (claw of a Bird), while on hunting

Abeyance - Interpret it as opposite of obey+ance -- not obeying the given orders and
suspend the work (action).

Foment - Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water
bucket(2nd meaning ).

Rue - rue sounds similar to ruin...when you ruin your life you LAMENT and REGRET it

Somatic - etymologically "SOMA" means body...and thus the word SOMATIC

Stinting - very close to stingy... stinting is being somewhat stingy..

Temperate - Temper+ate= which means he doesn't have a temper , that is he is

self-controlled and is not extreme in behavior.

Allure - allure = Al(l) L(ove) u re(like in hindi).. bcoz u are attractive or enticing ..

Caulk - caulk sounds like cork which makes bottles watertight

Conscript - CONSCRIPT = forced to CONSent and sign a SCRIPT (contract) to join the

Desultory - De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to


Elegy - E(a)-LEGY(legendry) if a legendry person dies......people sing a mournful

poem or people lament or regret for his death..

Fallow - after plowing farmer fallow(fall-low) of money so, he left it without

Forbearing - forbearing: bearing pain for long time without resisting. forbear: take
pain in REFRAINING or abstaining smoking(for smock snatchers).

Hegemony - hegemony:he's got money,so he's domineering in the society and he

control others.

Qualm - opposite of Calm.

Assay - its not like mnemonic...just rem tis saying"ASSAY THE ESSAY" means
evaluate the essay.

Chauvinist - show over nationalist=Chauvinist(s0-v-nist)

Fulminate - fulminate sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning,

everything is illuminated completely.

Hawser - spell like "hose-r"...hose pipe is like a big long rope used for nautical purposes.

Jibe - ji+be : means you ji(agree) with someone.

Peer - rhymes beer drink a beer with an equal person.

Cloture - cloture=closure of a meeting

Dally - sounds like daily you waste your time.right?

Dissemble - seems like "dis assemble"(break) you broke the favourite pot of mom n den
tried to "conceal" ur mistake...or pretending

Dote - when you go on a date what will u do u shower her/him with love ri8 so
dote=shower with love

Errant - Same as Aberrant ..

Fervent - fervent/fervid both can be remembered by February -specifically Feb14

when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day.

Stomach - Stomach - secondary meaning is to TOLERATE... ...a person can eat

anything as long as his stomach can TOLERATE it...:)

Arson - ars(ass)+ on FIRE!!!!

Carrion - car+lion imagine rotten body of a lion after a car run over it.

Ironclad - clad means clothed. So ironclad means clothed with iron. Now one who is
clothed is iron would be very firm. He would be unaltered, unchangeable and inflexible.

Pretension - Pretend
Pundit - A pandit is scholar

Pyre - the PYR root mean FIRE, like some words: PYRe, PYRomania, PYRoris,

Sate - s-ate, so when we have finished eating our food, we are satisfied to the full..(pet
bhar kar khaana kha liya)

Syncopation - Sync with Piano

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