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Newsbreak by Max Fatchen

Now why so loving, darling,

And why the sudden kiss?
Youd help me with some little jobs?
For goodness sake, whats this?

Your face is clean for once, dear,

Your clothes without a crease.
You saved your luncheon money?
Will wonders never cease?

No dropping of your school books,

No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love,
Where yesterday a rebel.

But surely youre some stranger,

No rage or hullabaloo.
Come closer, let me look, dear,
Can this be REALLY you?

Now were you struck by lightning

Or were you stunned at sport?
Ah now I see the reason.
Youve brought your school report!

Read the poem News Break carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Who is the persona?

2. What does the title mean? Why do you think the poet uses this title?

3. How does the childs face get dirty?


4. Why did the child save the luncheon money


5. Why does the child appear to be a stranger?


6. In stanza 3, what is the child compared to? Give a reason for this comparison.
is the

8. What does this poem tell you about human nature? Answer with regards to either the
parent or the child.

The parents :


The child:

9. Explain what you understand by the statement, Necessity is the mother of invention.
How does the boy portray the statement clearly?
News Break (Answers)

1. The persona is a parent of a child.

2. The title, News Break means reporting something that is unusual. The poet uses the title to indicate that
the boy is doing something unusual showing a change in his behaviour.
3. The childs face probably gets dirty from playing with its friends in school.
4. The child is trying to please the parents.
5. The child is being very polite, nice and loving. This is not usual behaviour for the child.
6. He is compared to a lamb. He is so compared because he appears meek and docile not his usual
boisterous self.
7. He has to show his report card to the parent. He is worried about the parent becoming angry upon
seeing the report card.
8. The parent:
When the child is being extra nice, the parent realises that the child is doing it for a reson.
The Child:
The child realises that his report card may not please the parent. Hence, he tries to be extra nice so that
the parent will not be angry.
9. It means to be prepared to makes changes in the face of urgent needs. The boy displays an unusual
good behaviour and appearance.

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