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Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1) 2014, 89-102


pISSN 1644-0730 eISSN 1889-9594


Semih tles, Ahmet Senturk
Department of Food Engineering, Ege University of Izmir
35100 Bornova Izmir, Turkey

Although it is well known and identified that drug-drug interactions exist, the recognition of importance of
food and drug interactions to practice has been growing much slower. On the other hand, drug-food/nutri-
ent interactions continue to grow with the common use of medications. Beside the awareness of this type of
interactions, food-drug interaction studies are critical to evaluate appropriate dosing, timing, and formulation
of new drug candidates. Drug-food interactions take place mechanistically due to altered intestinal transport
and metabolism, or systemic distribution, metabolism and excretion. In addition, some people have greater
risk of food and drug interactions who have a poor diet, have serious health problems, childrens and pregnant
women. In this article, basic informations about importance, classifications, transporters and enzymes of
drug and nutrient interaction are given and some specific examples of both drug and nutrients and influences
on each other are included.

Key words: food, drug, nutrients, interaction


Medications are used commonly to treat acute and supplement use [Boullata and Hudson 2012]. Drug-
chronic illness. Many people can obtain new drugs -nutrient interaction is defined as an alteration of ki-
improved by research and novel technology [Bobroff netics or dynamics of a drug or a nutritional element,
et al. 2009]. Medications should have some important or a compromise in nutritional status as a result of the
attributes in general. They should be extremely spe- addition of a drug [Braun 2012].
cific in their effects, have the same predictable effect Another comprehensive definition of drug-nutrient
for all patients, never be affected by concomitant food interaction is that it is an interaction resulting from
or other medications, exhibit linear potency, be total- a physical, chemical, physiologic, or pathophysiologic
ly non-toxic in any dosage and require only a single relationship between a drug and a nutrient, multiple
dose to affect a permanent cure [Bushra et al. 2011]. nutrients, food in general, or nutritional status [Boul-
Medications could help people to live more healthy. lata 2010].
Although medicines are often prescribed, it is impor- Concurrent use of drugs increases the chance of
tant to realise that they must still be used with caution drug interactions, but no-one knows what the inter-
[Bobroff et al. 2009]. actions of all these drugs are. However, research on
There are too many potential drug-nutrient inter- drug-nutrient interactions is very limited and further
actions (DNIs) due to the widespread use of patent research is needed in some cases, to check the findings.
medicines along with the broad variability in nutrition Research trials may produce conflicting information
status, dietary habits, food composition, and dietary and sometimes the research has been carried out into

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tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

only one drug in a group, and we can only suspect that with the chelation in the presence of enteral nutrition
others have the same effect. Some individuals are more formula, ciprofloxacin bioavailability can be signifi-
susceptible to loss of nutrients than others, and they are cantly reduced [Boullata and Hudson 2012].
more likely to suffer from side effects [Moss 2007]. Drugs and nutrients can influence signal transduc-
A food-drug interaction can prevent a medicine tion pathways that ultimately impact drug-metaboliz-
from working the way it should or can cause a side ing enzymes and transporters through receptor-medi-
effect from a medicine to get worse or better. Besides, ated gene expression. The more that is known about
it can cause a new side effect [FDA 2013]. drugs serving as substrate, inducer, or inhibitor of var-
ious transporters and enzymes in various tissues, the
TYPES OF DRUG-NUTRIENT INTERACTIONS closer that direct or indirect interaction with nutrients
that influence these same proteins can be determined
DNIs can be mechanistically called in pharma- or predicted.
ceutic, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic terms Pharmacokinetic interactions influence the dispo-
(Fig. 1). Pharmaceutical interactions involve physico- sition of a drug or nutrient in the body and involve
chemical reactions that occur in a delivery device like effects on absorption, distribution, metabolism and
enteral feeding tube or within the gastrointestinal lu- excretion [Loureno 2001]. Pharmacodynamic inter-
men. These can affect the bioavailability of a drug or actions involve the clinical effect of a drug or physi-
nutrient. Bioavailability is an important pharmacoki- ologic effect of a nutrient. Qualitative or quantitative
netic parameter which is correlated with the clinical measures of drug action or of nutritional status help to
effect of most drugs [Bushra et al. 2011]. For example, define pharmacodynamic interactions [Boullata 2010].

Fig. 1. Working model of drug-nutrient interactions [Boullata and Hudson 2012]

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

HOW DRUGS REACT IN THE BODY Although the term DNI often carries a negative
connotation, some interactions can be considered posi-
In order to understand food/drug and drug/nutrient tive in effect. Whether positive or negative, DNIs have
interactions, it is important to understand how drugs erroneously been considered less relevant than drug-
work in the body. There are four stages of drug action drug interactions; a comparison of views is interesting.
for medicines administered orally: Even though not the case initially, interactions between
Stage 1. The drug dissolves into a useable form in drugs or one itself have long been recognized as in-
the stomach. fluencing patient outcomes via altered drug disposition
Stage 2. The drug is absorbed into blood and is and effect. Drug interactions contribute to adverse drug
transported to its site of action. effects, leading to hospitalizations and even to with-
Stage 3. The body responds to the drug and the drawal of approved drugs from the market. During
drug performs its function. 4-year period, it is seen from 20 million patients sug-
Stage 4. The drug is excreted from the body either gestion that nearly 250,000 adverse drug reactions oc-
by the kidney, liver, or both [Bobroff et al. 2009]. curred when evaluating of several database. Although
nutritional disease ranked in the top five comorbid con-
DRUG INTERACTION RISK FACTORS ditions among hospitalized patients, DNIs has not yet
AND IMPORTANCE been determined in this groups. The science of describ-
ing drug-drug interactions has evolved considerably, to
Most of people have the mistaken belief that being the point where they are widely recognized, identified,
natural, all herbs and foods are safe. It could not be said and managed in practice. In part, this is supported by
that is true perspective. Constantly, herbs and foods may the drug development and approval process. Converse-
interact with medications normally taken that result in ly, the recognition of DNIs importance to practice has
serious side reactions. Experts suggest that natural does grown much slower. The US Food and Drug Adminis-
not mean it is completely safe. The medication that is tration (FDA) does not include an evaluation of DNIs
taken by mouth travels through the digestive system in in its guidance process for drug development. This
the same way as food and herbs taken orally do. When guidance document does provide criteria on determin-
drugs and certain foods are taken at the same time, they ing the significance of an interaction (i.e., degree of
might interact in such a way that decrease the effective- change in biomarker or parameter) so it could be ap-
ness of the ingested drug or reduce the absorption of plied to DNIs [Boullata and Hudson 2012].
food nutrients. High-risk patients, such as the elderly When the risk of interactions is mentioned, there
patients taking three or more medications for chronic is oftenly some doubt in peoples mind about taking
conditions, patients suffering from diabetes, hyperten- drugs on a full or empty stomach or using alcohol with
sion, depression, high cholesterol or congestive heart drugs. These factors are described briefly below. In ad-
failure should be especially monitored for such drug- dition, grapefruit juice is an significant drink that has
food interactions [Yaheya and Ismail 2009]. been subject of many scientific studies related with the
Insufficient nutritional status can impair drug me- food and drug interactions. For this reason, it is useful
tabolism. Some people at higher risk for drug-nutrient to mention here, grapefruit juice in particular.
interactions. They are who [Zyl 2011]:
have impaired hepatic, renal or gastro-intestinal Taking drugs on a full or empty stomach
function The effects of some medicines can change when
are nutritionally compromised due to chronic using them on a full or empty stomach. In addition,
disease some medicines will upset the stomach, and if there
have recent weight loss or dehydration is food in the stomach, that can help reduce the upset.
are on multiple and prolonged drug therapy If medicine label has not got directions of use, the pa-
are at the extremes of age with changes in lean tients must ask their doctor or pharmacist if it is best
body mass, total body fluids and plasma protein to take medicines on an empty stomach, with food, or
concentration. after a meal. 91
tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

Taking drugs with alcohol Table 1. Classification of drug-nutrient interactions [Boul-

The alcohol can affect the work of medications in lata 2010]
the basic conditions such as [FDA 2013]:
Precipitating Object of Potential
swallowing medicine with alcohol factor the interaction consequence
drinking alcohol after medicine has been taken
taking medicine after alcohol. Nutritional status drug treatment failure
or drug toxicity
Alcohol affects body processes and interacts with
many drugs. It influences many types of medications Food or food drug treatment failure
especially antidepressants and other drugs that affect component or drug toxicity
both brain and nervous system. For example, taking Specific nutrient drug treatment failure
alcohol with metronidazole can cause flushing, head- or other dietary sup- or drug toxicity
ache, palpitations, nausea and vomiting [Yaheya and plement ingredient
Ismail 2009]. Patiens should talk to their doctor about Drug nutritional status altered nutritional
any alcohol that they use or plan to use. status
Drug specific nutrient altered nutrient
Grapefruit juice status
Grapefruit juice and drug interactions are well
known interactions as compared to other nutrients.
However, its influence on all drugs is not known. and an object of the interaction. In some cases, the drug
Grapefruit juice blocks cytochrome P450 and IA2 is the precipitating factor (i.e., causing changes to nu-
(CYP3A4 and CYP1A2) in the intestinal area [Tamer tritional status), while in others the drug is the object
and Karaman 2006]. This juice should not be taken of the interaction (i.e., changes in drug disposition or
with certain blood pressure-lowering drugs or cy- effect result from a nutrient, food, or nutritional sta-
closporine for the prevention of organ transplant re- tus). In the event of the precipitating factor produces
jection. The reason is that grapefruit juice can cause significant change in the object of the interaction,
higher levels of those medicines in the body, making
side effects from the medicine more likely. The juice
can also interact to cause higher blood levels of the Table 2. Location and mechanisms of drug-nutrient interac-
anti-anxiety medicine Buspar (buspirone); the anti- tions [Boullata 2010]
malaria drugs Quinerva or Quinite (quinine); and Hal-
cion (triazolam), a medication used to treat insomnia Site of interaction Consequencey
[Avoiding... 2013]. Excessive ingestion of grapefruit of interaction
juice increases the bioavailability of lovastatin, atorv- In drug (or nutrient) reduced physicochemi-
astatin and simvastatin by 1400, 200 and 1500%, re- delivery device bioavailability cal reaction
spectively. This may lead to drug accumulation and or gastrointestinal and inactivation
the possible development of adverse effects [Scheen lumen
2007]. The components which lead to all such negativ- Gastrointestinal altered altered transporter
ite reactions in grapefruit juice are defined as naringin, mucosa bioavailability and/or enzyme
naringenin, furanokumarin, bergapten (5-methoxyp- function
soralen) and flavonoids [Tamer and Karaman 2006]. Systemic circulation alter distribution/ altered trans-
or tissues effect porter, enzyme,
CLASSIFICATIONS or other physi-
ologic function
Drug-nutrient interactions could be classified into Organs of excretion altered clearance antagonism,
one of five broad categories (Table 1). The many types impairment,
of drug-nutrient interactions could thus be categorized or modulation
with each having an identified precipitating factor of elimination

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

drug-nutrient interactions are considered as important. well known that drug-food interactions might influ-
Interactions that need to be totally avoided are not ence the pharmacokinetics of prescribed drugs when
common; instead close monitoring with modification used with food. Phytochemicals which are involved
to the dosing schedules is usually all that is necessary. in common foods, such as fruits and vegetables con-
The nature of any physicochemical or physiologic tain a large variety of secondary metabolites. Many of
interaction and its mechanism might be further clas- them are known as healthy and harmless. However,
sified to help in predicting and preventing their occur- we know little about the processes through which
rence (Table 2). Mechanisms of an interaction relate these phytochemicals (and/or their metabolites) are
to the physicochemical attributes of the medication absorbed into the body, reach their biological target,
and of the food or nutrient, within the environmental and are eliminated. Recent studies show that some
matrix. The consequence of an interaction (altered dis- of these phytochemicals are substrates and modula-
position of a drug or nutrient) is linked to its location. tors of specific members of the superfamily of ABC
For example, at the gastrointestinal mucosa, an influ- transporting proteins. Indeed, in vitro and preclinical
ence on membrane transporters and/or metabolizing data in rats suggest that a variety of foodstuffs, includ-
enzymes can alter the bioavailability of a drug or nutri- ing herbal teas and vegetables and herbs can modulate
ent. Another dimension to be considered is that physio- the activity of drug transporters. It is not yet known
logic manifestations of a drug-nutrient interaction may whether these effects are predictive of what will be
differ based on gene polymorphism (e.g., methotrexate observed clinically [Fragoso and Esparza 2013].
and folic acid). The role of polymorphisms in nuclear
receptors, metabolizing enzymes, and other proteins FOODS AND DRUG-METABOLIZING ENZYMES
needs to be taken into account [Boullata 2010].
Drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) include
FOOD AND DRUG TRANSPORTERS phase I cytochrome P450 (CYP) oxidative and phase
II conjugative enzyme systems. CYP monooxygenases
The investigation of the effects of drug transport- are important phase I enzymes. They catalyse different
ers on drug disposition has been continued for many types of oxidative reactions and they are responsible
years [Custodio et al. 2008]. The oral administration for the metabolism of various drugs and many endog-
of drugs to patients is convenient, practical, and pre- enous substrates (e.g. steroids, fatty acids and eicosa-
ferred for many reasons. But oral administration of noids) [Yao et al. 2012]. The relative abundance of dif-
drugs can lead to limited and variable oral bioavail- ferent CYP450 in human hepatic smooth endoplasmic
ability because of absorption across the intestinal bar- reticulum has been determined as 30% CYP3A4, 13%
rier. Drug absorption across the gastrointestinal tract CYP1A2, 7% CYP2E1, 4% CYP2A6, 2% CYP2D6,
is highly dependent on affinity for membrane trans- 20% CYP2C, and 1% CYP2B6. In humans, the extent
porters as well as lipophilicity. On the other hand, the of drug metabolism varies with the individual CYP
liver plays a key role in the clearance and excretion of isozymes as follows, 50% of drugs are metabolized by
many drugs. Hepatic transporters are membrane pro- CYP3A4, followed by 25% and 20% by CYP2D6 and
teins that primarily facilitate nutrient and endogenous CYP2C family, respectively [Mukherjee et al. 2011].
substrate transport into the cell via uptake transporters, In general, drugs and chemicals activities result in
or protect the cell by pumping out toxic chemicals via the formation of more water-soluble and less toxic me-
canalicular transporters. As a result, drug transporters tabolites under phase I oxidative metabolic reactions.
in both the gut and the liver are important in determin- On the other hand, some CYP enzymes such as CYP
ing oral drug disposition by controlling absorption and 1A1, 3A, and 2E1 are involved in the metabolic acti-
bioavailability. vations of carcinogens such as benzo(a)pyrene, N-ni-
Until recently, it is not much considered to the pos- trosodimethylamine, and aflatoxin B1. Furthermore,
sibility that food and food components could cause CYP-mediated oxidative metabolism of the substrates
significant changes to the extent of drug absorption via may generate toxic electrophiles and reactive oxygen
effects on intestinal and liver transporters. Now, it is species (ROS). Some pathophysiological alterations 93
tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

have been reported to modulate some CYP enzymes in metabolism has been recognised, drug disposition is
liver. For example, higher hepatic CYP2E1, CYP2B, much less frequently assessed based on nutritional sta-
CYP3A, and CYP4A expression was found in uncon- tus (e.g., protein-calorie malnutrition, obesity, micro-
trolled diabetes. Steatosis produced by high fat diets nutrient deficits). The nutritional status of subjects in
rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and that induced clinical drug trials has not always been well described
by chemicals such as ethanol or CCl4 are established [Boullata 2010].
as the experimental models of diet and chemical-me- The influence that nutrition status might have on
diated liver injury, respectively. Those models have drug disposition and effect is included as one of the
been reported to be associated with liver injuries via five broad categories in the classification of drug-
alteration of hepatic expression of drug-metabolizing -nutrient interactions. In the way that a precipitating
enzymes such as CYP2E1 and CYP4A. factor to the interaction, nutrition status might result
Phase II enzymatic reactions refer to conjugation in drug toxicity or drug treatment failure related to
reactions that involve the addition of the intracellular the malnutritions degree. Related with other fields of
polar groups including glucuronate, glutathione, sul- drug-nutrient interactions, the data available to clini-
fate, glycine to the foreign molecules and function to cians are limited for the influence of obesity on drug
eliminate electrophiles and ROS generated by phase I disposition and even less for PCM (protein-energy
reactions, thereby protecting organisms against chem- malnutrition) [Boullata 2010].
ical insult. Microsomal UDP-glucuronosyltransferase Several reviews about obesity and drugs are pre-
(UGT) and cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) sented as regard to clas-specific considerations. In all
are two important phase II enzymes that catalyze the these, antimicrobals in obesity get more attention and
conjugation reactions resulting in the formation of it is also been suggested in the case of antibiotics used
water-soluble glucuronate and glutathione conjugates in undernourished children.
to facilitate the excretion of xenobiotics [Yao et al.
Foods, such as fruits, vegetables, alcoholic bever-
ages, teas, and herbs, which consist of complex chemi- Oral drug administration concurrent with food in-
cal mixtures, can inhibit or induce the activity of drug- take can influence the rate and/or extent of drug ab-
metabolizing enzymes [Fragoso and Esparza 2013]. sorption and alters the physicochemical conditions
Detailed information about the interactions of specific within the gastrointestinal tract. The latter is more
foods on dugs will be given in the following sections clinically important varying with drug properties and
of this review. meal characteristics. The ability to predict the effect of
food on drug disposition has become more grounded.
EFFECTS OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS ON DRUGS Prediction based on classifications of physicochemical
drug properties (e.g. Biopharmaceutics Classification
The presence of nutritional abnormalities might System [BCS] or the Biopharmaceutics Drug Dispo-
have an effect on drugs. Drug dosages may need ad- sition Classification System [BDDCS]) together with
justment based on actual body weight for some drugs. physiologic variables has become useful [Boullata
Based on actual, ideal, or an adjusted body weight cor- 2010].
rected for lean body mass, other drugs can need to be The FDA issued in 2002 a guidance entitled:
dosed differently in obese, normal, and underweight Food-Effect Bioavailability and Fed Bioequivalence
patients. Somatic protein status may affect the dosing Studies. High fat meals are recommended in this
of medications that bind to somatic protein [Frankel manual for food-effect studies, as meal conditions that
2003]. 800-1000 cal; 50-65% from fat, 25-30% from carbo-
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data in hydrates, and 15-20% protein are expected to provide
special patient populations usually focus on those the greatest effects on gastrointestinal physiology so
with renal impairment, hepatic dysfunction, or unique that systemic drug availability is maximally affected.
lifestage attributes. Although the influence on drug It is basically believed that food effects result from

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

Table 3. Fruit-drug interactions [Fragoso and Esparza 2013] expected more than drugs in the other three classes to
have an enhanced extent of absorption when adminis-
Fruit Molecular target Drug interactions
tered with food. The size of change in bioavailability
Grapefruit inhibits CYP3A4, calcium channel an- can benefit to determine how clinically significant the
CYP1A2, MRP2, tagonist, central nervous difference between the fed and fasted states is. On the
OATP-B and system modulators,
other hand, food will impair the absorption of drugs
P-glycoprotein HMG-CoA reductase,
immunosuppressants, with poor permeability, despite adequate solubility
antivirals, phosphodiester- (i.e. Biopharmaceutics Classification System Class
ases-5 inhibitor, antihista- III) [Boullata and Hudson 2012].
mines, antiarrythmics Some fruit-drug and vegetable-drug interac-
and antibiotics tions are shown in Table 3 and Table 4 [Fragoso and
Sevilla inhibits CYP3A4, vinblastine, fexofenadine, Esparza 2013]. Cruciferous vegetables have been
orange P-glycoprotein, glibenclemida, atenolol, shown to up-regulate a number of cytochrome P450
OATP-A, OATP-B ciprofloxacine, ciclo- enzymes in the livers and colons of rats. Apiaceous
sporine, celiprolol, levo-
vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery, and fennel) lead
floxacin and pravastatin
to lower P450 activity. Grapefruit juice produces the
Tangerine stimulates CYP3A4 nifedipine, digoxina most well-researched and clinically relevant (in hu-
activity and inhibits mans) drug-food interactions by inhibiting intestinal
Grapes inhibits CYP3A4 cyclosporine
and CYP2E1 Table 4. Vegetable-drug intractions [Fragoso and Esparza
Mango inhibits CYP1A1, midazolam, diclofenac, 2013]
CYP1A2, CYP3A1, chlorzoxazone, verapamil
CYP2C6, CYP2E1, Fruit Molecular target Drug interactions
P-glycoprotein Broccoli inhibits CYP1A1, CYP2B1/2, not documented
Apple inhibits CYP1A1, fexofenadine CYP3A4, CYP2E1, hGSTA1/2,
OATP family MRP1, MRP2, BCRP, UDP,
glucorosytransterases, dulfo-
Papaya inhibits CYP3A4 not documented transferases, quinone reductses
induces: UDPglucuronosyl-
transferases, (UGTs),
changes in drug solubility and other factors as listed sulfotransferases (SULTs)
ans quinone reductase (QRs)
by the FDA, such as food might: delay gastric emp-
tying; stimulate bile flow; change gastrointestinal pH; Spinach possible inhibition of CYP1A2 heterocyclic aro-
increase splanchnic blood flow; change luminal me- matic amines
tabolism of a drug substance; and physically or chemi- Tomato inhibits CYP1A1, CYP1B1, diethylnitrosa-
cally interact with a dosage form or a drug substance. UGP mine, N-methyl-
Additionally, it is also necessary to consider the fluidic increases UGT and CYP2E1 -N-nitrosourea
environment and the resulting components present in and 1,2 dimethyl-
the GI tract following a meal high in fat [Custodio hydrazine
et al. 2008]. Carrot induces phenolsulfotrans- not documented
By using Biopharmaceutics Classification System, ferases and ethoxycoumarin
in vitro data could be developed and so it can often pre- O-deethylase ECD
inhibits CYP2E1
dict drug disposition and food effects. There are four
Biopharmaceutics Classification System classes based Red inhibits CYP1A2, CYP2A2, in vitro
on drug solubility and intestinal permeability. Class II pepper CYP3A1, CYP2C11, CYP2B1, and in vivo
drugs have low solubility but high permeability and are CYP2B2, CYP2C6 95
tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

cytochrome activity. The chemicals responsible for EFFECTS OF DRUGS ON NUTRITION STATUS
enzyme inhibition are furanocoumarins. This inhibi-
tory effect is long-lasting, and requires the synthesis of Some drugs can have an effect on a patients nu-
new enzyme proteins for the grapefruit juice effect tritional status. The mechanisms for these effects are
to disappear, and repeated juice intake amplifies the varied and are usually due to drug side effects [Fran-
process. Thus, grapefruit juice ingestion can increase kel 2003]. A drug can enhance or inhibit nutrient bio-
the absorption and blood levels of certain drugs, which availability. Thus, it affects the nutritional status of
can cause adverse effects, even overdose, to occur. individuals. For instance, elderly people, who are tak-
On the other hand, drugs administered as pro-drugs ing multiple medications for a long period of time are
may have less effectiveness, as the enzymes respon- often found to be deficient in one or more nutrients.
sible for converting them into active metabolites are Other age groups, such as young children and adoles-
inhibited. While there are no current reports of grape- cents, are also particularly at risk. There is a potential
fruit seed extract (touted as having antiparasitic and problem with drug-nutrient interactions in adolescents
antimicrobial effects) causing similar alterations, this because their nutrient needs are higher than those
may change as more information becomes available of adults. Pregnant women and infants are the other
[Robinson 2007]. groups also at particular risk.
Soy protein isolates reduce the expression and ac- The reason of these deficiencies is not only based
tivity of the cytochrome P450 (CYP)-metabolizing on the chemical reactions between drugs and nutri-
isoenzyme CYP1A1 by a posttranslational reduction ents but also on the dose and duration of treatment/
of the transcription factor AhR (aryl hydrocarbon exposure to the drug. Drugs can interfere with nutrient
receptor). Based on a gene array screening method, utilizations at several sites starting from the ingestion
soy isoflavones can significantly upregulate two drug of the food to the final stage of excretion [Wunderlich
transporters and three phase I and two phase II en- 2004].
zymes [Boullata 2010].
The observed induction and inhibition of CYP en- Food intake and absorbtion
zymes by natural products in the presence of a pre- The influence of medication on overall nutritional
scribed drug has led to the general acceptance that status can be due to many factors. Drugs can influ-
natural therapies can have adverse effects. Herbal ence food intake, digestion, and absorption [Boullata
medicines such as St. Johns wort, garlic, piperine, 2010]. Many drugs can cause anorexia, alter taste and
ginseng, and gingko, which are freely available over smell, cause nausea and vomiting, and ultimately af-
the counter, have given rise to serious clinical in- fect overall food intake [Wunderlich 2004]. Non-
teractions when co-administered with prescription steroidal antiinflammatory agents, commonly used
medicines. Such adversities have spurred various pre- to treat arthritis, including aspirin, can cause irrita-
clinical and in vitro investigations on a series of other tion of the upper gastrointestinal mucosa and even
herbal remedies, with their clinical relevance yet to cause ulcers. This can depress appetite and produce
be established [Fragoso and Esparza 2013]. Regard- weight loss [Frankel 2003]. On the other hand, some
ing intestinal metabolism, metabolic food-drug inter- anorectic drugs are used for weight loss and to treat
actions have been widely reported with Cytochrome obesity by reducing appetite. Examples are adrenergic
P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) receiving considerable atten- and serotoninergic agents, which cause satiety, reduce
tion. This is the expected case as numerous drugs appetite, and increase energy expenditure leading to
marketed worldwide are metabolized by CYP3A4 weight loss. A good example for adrenergic drugs are
[Custodio et al. 2008]. If we consider that CYP3A4 amphetamines that stimulate secretion of norepineph-
is responsible for the metabolism of more than 50% of rine and reduce food intake [Wunderlich 2004].
clinical pharmaceuticals, all nutrientdrug interactions The using of chemotherapeutic agents to treat can-
should be considered clinically relevant, in which case cer can affect growing tissues, particularly the lining
all clinical studies of drugs should include a food-drug of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Nausea is a common
interaction screening [Fragoso and Esparza 2013]. side effect and can interfere with eating. Some patients

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

can have oral and esophageal lesions and it can cause intake of food may be reduced due to these effects
pain upon chewing and swallowing (odynophagia). [Frankel 2003].
Thus, this formations lead to limits oral intake. Anti- Because of the presence of drugs, several mecha-
biotics can suppress commensal bacteria, and this may nisms can affect nutrient absorption. Drugs can dam-
result in overgrowth of other organisms such as Can- age the intestinal absorptive surfaces including villi,
dida albicans. Overgrowth in the GIT may produce microvilli, brush border enzymes, and the transport
malabsorption and diarrhea. Overgrowth in the mouth system. Also drugs can affect the absorption of nu-
may result in candidiasis or thrush, which can reduce trients by changing the GI transit time or the overall
oral intake [Frankel 2003]. GI chemical environment. Absorption of micronutri-
Taste and smell are very important factors that in- ents, vitamins and minerals, as well as macronutrients,
fluence food intake and can subsequently affect the protein and fat, are affected by the type, dosage, and
nutritional status of individuals. Taste alteration (dys- strength of some drugs.
geusia or hypogeusia) due to medications is very com- Many laxatives, mineral oil, and cathartic agents
mon. Some hypoglycemic agents like glipizide, the reduce transit time in the GI tract and may cause stea-
antimicrobials amphotericin B, ampicillin, and antiep- torrhea and loss of fat-soluble vitamins, A and E, and
ileptic phenytoin are among the medications that alter possibly calcium and potassium. Drugs containing
taste perception. Other examples are given in Table 5 sorbitol, such as theophyline solutions,can induce os-
[Wunderlich 2004]. motic diarrhea and so shorten the transit time. Antac-
Many drugs reduce salivation and cause dryness ids change the pH of the stomach and cause chelating
of the mucus membranes. This can also inhibit oral with some minerals, consequently reducing their ab-
intake. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation sorption. Higher pH in the stomach reduces the ab-
are ubiquitous side effects associated with most medi- sorption of iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium [Wun-
cations and even with placebo medications. Also, oral derlich 2004].

Weight gain and metabolism

Table 5. Examples of drugs that change taste perception Several groups of drugs can increase appetite and
[Wunderlich 2004] consequently lead to weight gain. Anticonvulsants
(caramazepine and valproic acid), antihistamines (cy-
Acetyl sulfasalicylic acid Griseofulvin proheptadine hydrochloride Periactin), psychotropic
Allopurinol Lidocaine drugs (chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride Librium,
diazepam Valium, chloromazine hydrochloride
Amphetamines Lithium carbonate
Thorazine, meprobamate Equanil), and corticoster-
Amphotericin B Meprobamate oids (cortisone, prednisone) could be given as examples
Ampicillin Methicillin sodium of such drugs. A synthetic derivative of progester-
one, medroxyprogesterone acetate or megestrol ac-
Amylocaine Methylthiouracil
etate, used for the treatment of hormone-sensitive
Benzocaine Metronidazole breast and endometrial cancer, may increase appe-
Captopril Nifedipine
tite, food intake, and weight gain [Wunderlich 2004].
Dronabinol (Marinol), also known as THC (from
Chlorpheniramine maleate D-penicillamine tetrahydracannabinols), the active principle in can-
Clofibrate Phenindione nabis, is also used as an appetite stimulant. Oxan-
drolone (Oxandrin) is an anabolic steroid approved
Diltiazem Phenytoin
for weight gain. Megesterol (Megace) can enhance
Dinitrophenol Probucol appetite and it is a progestin used to treat certain types
5-Fluorouracil Sulfasalazine of cancer. Cyproheptadine (Periactin) has been used
to enhance appetite, although this is an off-label use
Flurazepam (Dalmane) Triazolam (Halcion) and not an FDA-approved indication [Frankel 2003]. 97
tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

The formulation of drugs in lipid emulsion (e.g. in diuretics, such as furosemide, ethacrynic acid, and
10% soybean), contributes to a significant amount of triamterene, reduce the reabsorption of electrolytes
additional energy intake. Other drugs (e.g. lorazepam, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and
morphine, pancuronium) can change the bodyweight increase renal excretion of these elements. The using
by decreasing the bodys energy expenditure [Wun- of thiazide and loop diuretics can often cause sodium
derlich 2004]. loss in the urine. Potassium-sparing diuretics spare po-
Besides drugs specifically indicated to affect tassium and magnesium loss but augment urinary so-
changes in appetite, some drugs may affect appetite dium loss. Depletion of magnesium is associated with
as a side effect. Several antidepressants have been chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin. Therefore,
observed to consistently increase or decrease appe- magnesium supplement often is recommended be-
tite [Frankel 2003]. Several metabolic adverse effects tween the chemotherapy treatments for these patients
(i.e., weight gain, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia) have [Wunderlich 2004].
been associated with the use of the second-generation
antipsychotics. An evaluation of a large database re- MEDICINES EXHIBITING POOR BIOAVAILABILITY
vealed that weight gain (increased BMI) was signifi- IN PRESENCE OF FOOD
cantly more likely with the use of risperidone, quetia-
pine, and olanzapine compared with first-generation Drugs can be grouped as their chemical make-
antipsychotic agents, while weight gain was less likely up or actions in the body. Different foods can inter-
with aripiprazole, ziprasidone, and clozapine [Boul- act with more than one class of drugs. If the patients
lata 2010]. are not sure which classes their medicines fall into,
Some of the important functions of vitamins and they must ask the doctor or pharmacist [Bobroff et al.
several minerals are being coenzymes/cofactors in 2009]. Some useful information and advices are given
metabolic processes in the human body. As a result, below that is about common used medicines.
certain drugs are targeted to these coenzymes (antivi-
tamins) in order to reduce the activity of some enzymes Antihistamines
in related metabolic reactions. Good examples of these Antihistamines are used to treat or relieve symp-
drugs are methotrexate (MTX) for treating leukemia toms of colds and allergies. They block the histamine
and rheumatoid arthritis; trimethoprim, used with the body releases when a substance (allergen) causes
sulfa for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; and ami- the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Some antihista-
nopterin and pyrimethamine, used for treating malaria mines can cause drowsiness [FDA 2013]. Also they
and ocular toxoplasmosis. Vitamin folate is a cofactor may increase the appetite, which can lead to weight
for the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. It is necessary gain [Bobroff et al. 2009].
for nucleic acid biosynthesis and cell replication. This Brompheniramine, cetirizine and chlorpheniramine
vitamin will be excreted because the drugs displace are some of the typical examples of this group medi-
it from dihydrofolate reductase to reduce cell replica- cines. People who take this drugs should avoid alco-
tion. Prescription for supplements for these patients hol because it can add to any drowsiness caused by
should be cautioned and monitored. Another example these medicines [FDA 2013]. Also, they should avoid
is the anticoagulant drug, coumarin, which is a vitamin sedating herbs (e.g., lemon balm, kava kava, california
K antagonist [Wunderlich 2004]. poppy, catnip, St. Johns wort, skullcap, and valerian)
which can increase the sedative actions of anti-allergy
Nutrient excretion drug, causing drowsiness, disorientation, and serious
Competitive binding and altered reabsorption lethargy [Wallace et al. 2013].
mechanisms can cause drugs to induce nutrient excre-
tion. D-Penicillamine chelates with toxic metals, and Analgesics
with some other metals like zinc, eliminating it via Analgesics are widely used drugs that relieve pain
urine. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) has and they often cause stomach irritation [Bobroff et al.
been shown to cause urinary excretion of zinc. Some 2009]. Salicylates, including aspirin, have long been

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

recognised to induce gastric distress. This may pro- can be taken on a full or empty stomach. Normal bal-
gress to anemia secondary to occult blood loss in pa- anced diet with a steady amount of leafy green vegeta-
tients who take large doses over an extended period of bles can be eaten, and it should be asked to doctor be-
time. The potential for gastric distress is reduced when fore making changes in the diet. Foods high in vitamin
taken with meals or milk [McCabe et al. 2003]. K include broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, spinach,
Acetaminophen is a kind of example of analgesic. kale, turnip greens, and brussel sprouts.
If three or more alcohol is consumed every day, it must Cranberry juice or cranberry products can change
be consulted with doctors to whether it should be used the effects of warfarin while using anticoagulants.
medicines with acetaminophen or other pain reliever/ These products should be avoid while using warfarin.
fever reducers. Acetaminophen can cause liver damage. In addition, many dietary supplements and vitamins
The chance for severe liver damage is higher if three or can interact with anticoagulants and reduce the benefit
more alcohol drinks are used every day [FDA 2013]. or increase of the risk of warfarin. Avoid garlic, gin-
ger, glucosamine, ginseng, and ginkgo because they
Antibiotics can increase the chance of bleeding. Moreover, avoid-
Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. ing alcohol is an important issue because it can affect
There are many different types of antibiotics [Bobroff the dose of warfarin [FDA 2013].
et al. 2009]. They deplete folic acid, biotin and B com-
plex vitamins and vitamin K, Lactobacillus acido- ACE inhibitors (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
philus and bifidobacteria. These are friendly bacteria inhibitors)
that colonize the intestinal tract and support healthy ACE inhibitors lower blood pressure or treat heart
digestion and immune function. The probiotic bacteria failure. They relax blood vessels so blood flows more
should be replaced with a supplement during and fol- smoothly and the heart can pump blood better. Some
lowing use of this medication. of the examples of these drugs are captopril, enalapril,
Mineral supplements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, lisinopril, moexipril, quinapril and ramipril.
iron, selenium, iodine) need to be taken at least 2 Patients should take captopril and moexipril one
hours away from antibiotics, as they can bind to the hour before meals. In addition, ACE inhibitors can in-
drug and reduce its absorption [Wallace et al. 2013]. crease the amount of potassium in the body and too
Penicillin and erythromycin are destroyed by stom- much potassium can be harmful and can cause an ir-
ach acid when taken with food. So it is most effec- regular heartbeat and heart palpitations. Some foods
tive when taken on an empty stomach. However, food like bananas, oranges, green leafy vegetables contain
can reduce the chance of stomach irritation from these large amounts of potassium. Thus, patients should
drugs [Bobroff et al. 2009]. If significant gastrointes- avoid eating these foods or tell the doctor if they are
tinal distress occurs, these drugs can be taken with taking salt substitutes with potassium, potassium sup-
food, although that will alter the pharmacokinetics of plements, or diuretics (water pills) [FDA 2013].
the dose. Furthermore, before intake of dairy products,
it should be well considered. Because milk products Beta blockers
are among the few rich sources of riboflavin, as well Beta blockers are in widespread use for the treat-
as an easily consumed and inexpensive protein source ment of a variety of cardiovascular diseases: these
[McCabe et al. 2003]. include stable and unstable angina pectoris, hyperten-
sion, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart
Anticoagulants failure due to systolic or diastolic dysfunction, and
Anticoagulants slow the process of blood clotting. the therapy and prevention of some arrhythmias [Auer
This can decrease risk of strokes in patients whose 2004]. It should not be stopped that taking a beta
blood tends to clot too easily. These drugs, like war- blocker suddenly without talking to the doctor. If it is
farin (Coumadin), work by interfering with the use of done, patients can get chest pain, an irregular heart-
vitamin K in blood clotting [Bobroff et al. 2009]. Vita- beat, or a heart attack. The doctor might tell users to
min K can make the medicine less effective. Warfarin decrease the dose gradually. 99
tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

Carvedilol and metoprolol are main types of this Bronchodilators

medications. Carvedilol should be taken with food to Bronchodilators treat and prevent breathing prob-
decrease the chance it will lower the blood pressure lems from bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, em-
too much. This medicine should be taken extended re- physema, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
lease capsules in the morning with food and it should (COPD). These medicines relax and open the air pas-
not crush, chew, or divide the capsule [FDA 2013]. sages to the lungs to relieve wheezing, shortness of
breath, troubled breathing, and chest tightness [FDA
Diuretics 2013].
Diuretics cause excretion of a higher amount of Some of the examples of these type of medications
more urine and are often used to treat high blood pres- are albuterol and theophylline. Albuterol depletes cal-
sure and fluid buildup. Some diuretics increase urine cium, magnesium and potassium. Avoid digitalis (fox-
losses of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and glove) family herbs, which interact negatively with the
calcium while others limit mineral loss [Bobroff et al. medication [Wallace et al. 2013]. Using bronchodila-
2009]. Bumetanide, furosemide and hydrochlorothi- tors with foods and drinks that have caffeine can in-
azide can be given as an example of these medications crease the chance of side effects, such as excitability,
[FDA 2013]. Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) depletes nervousness, and rapid heart beat. Avoiding alcohol
magnesium, folic acid, vitamin B6, zinc and coen- is very important if using theophylline medicines be-
zyme Q10. It should be accepted that a multiple vita- cause alcohol can increase the chance of side effects,
min and 30-90 mg coQ10 daily replace these nutrients. such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and irritability
Many herbs are also contraindicated: alder, buckthorn, [FDA 2013].
cascara sagrada, cleavers, dandelion root, digitalis,
forskolin, ginseng (panax or Siberian), horsetail, li- Lipid-altering agents (Statins)
corice, St. Johns wort and uva ursi. Thiazide diuretics Statins lower cholesterol by lowering the rate of
decrease calcium loss in the urine due to actions on production of LDL (lowdensity lipoproteins). Some of
the kidneys. As a result, it may be less important for these medicines also lower triglycerides. Some statins
some people taking thiazide diuretics to supplement can raise HDL-C (highdensity lipoproteins), and low-
calcium than it is for other people. Patients should er the chance of heart attack, stroke, or small strokes.
avoid taking calcium (above 400 mg/day) or vitamin Atorvastatin, fluvastatin and lovastatin are the
D (above 400 iu/day) while taking this drug [Wallace main examples in this group of medicines. Most
et al. 2013]. statins can be taken on a full or empty stomach. Some
statins will work better if taking them with an evening
Antineoplasts meal. In addition, more than one quart of grapefruit
Antineoplastic agents are used to treat several juice a day shouldnt be drunk if taking atorvastatin,
types of cancer. These drugs can irritate the cells lin- lovastatin, or simvastatin. Large amounts of grapefruit
ing the mouth, stomach, and intestines. Many cause juice can raise the levels of those statins in the body
nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. The first folate and increase the chance of side effects. Some statins
antagonist recognized was methotrexate (Mexate), do not interact with grapefruit juice. Thus, patients
which may also lower absorption of vitamins (B12 and should ask their doctor or pharmacist. Moreover, peo-
carotene), fat, lactose, and calcium. Avoidance of milk ple should avoid alcohol because it can increase the
products at the time of taking methotrexate is also ad- chance of liver damage [FDA 2013].
vised. All of these can affect nutrient status [McCabe
et al. 2003]. Supplementation of folic acid may be rec- Psychotropic agents
ommended for people taking this drug, but it should There are many groups of psychiatric drugs accord-
be asked to doctor before starting folic acid [Bobroff ing to several chemical classes and different mecha-
et al. 2009]. nisms. Weight gain has been a clinically reported side

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.

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Received Przyjto: 23.06.2013 Accepted for print Zaakceptowano do druku: 2.10.2013

For citation Do cytowania

tles S., Senturk A., 2014. Food and drug interactions: A general review. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 13(1), 89-102.


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