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Homework 1

1. Why using hand doesnt an appropriate technique to measure the temperature of

someones body?
2. Why an object has temperature?
3. Fill the blank box with the correct conversion

Celsius (C) Kelvin Fahrenheit (F) Ramur (R)






4. Theres a unique phenomena called absolute zero condition. Explain the condition of
absolute zero and when it happen ( in what scale).
5. Angelica wants to create her own thermometer and she named the scale as Angelica
Degree (A). When she used her thermometer to measure the water, she found that the
water freezing at -40A and boiling at 120A.
a. Find the conversion formula to convert the scale of Celsius to the scale of
b. Convert 45C to Angelica degree
c. Convert 84A to Celsius degree
6. If the temperature in Fahrenheit scale show the same number in Celsius scale multiply by
two (F = 2 x C) what is the temperature in Celsius scale?

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