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Vergara, Maria levie S.

Manite ,hanna ylena

Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
I. Directions: Fill in the blank Write the correct answer on the blank provided before each
____1It is a method of ESL teaching which emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking.
_____ 2)It is a distinctive feature of the Audio lingual Method

______3)Give the two types of Learning and Teaching Activities

______ 4)

_______5) Give the 3 elements of the Theory of Behaviorism.



_________8) it is the other name of audio-lingual method.

________9) He rejected the approaches of Audio lingual Method.

________10) the student is given a sequence of words that have been culled from a sentence but
still bear its basic meaning. What types of Drills is in the sentence.

II. What are the types of drills used in the given examples.? Write
a. Repetition b. Inflection C. Replacement

11) He bought this bag expensive. He bought it expensive

12) I used to know him. I use to know him when we are in college.

13) He bought the lollipop. She bought the lollipop.

III. What are the types of drills used in the given examples.? Write

a. Restatement b. Completion C. Transposition

14) Ill never do it again. neither will I.

15) Ask him how old she is. - How old are you?

16) Ill go my way and you go.- Ill go my way and you go yours.

IV. What are the types of drills used in the given examples.? Write

a.Restoration b. contraction C. Transformation

17) put your hand on the table. - put your hand there.

18)Does he know my adress.- He knows my adress.

19) Engineer/build/mansion- The Engineer built a mansion.

V. ESSAY. What is the Importance of learning ALM?

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