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Mr. Schindler


The course will take an educated look at topics that affect a teenagers health. These topics
include nutrition, physical activity, weight/body composition management, stress and anxiety
management, healthy relationships, violence prevention, character building,
alcohol/tobacco/drugs, reproductive health, prenatal development, communicable diseases,
mental/emotional health, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV/AIDS. In accordance with
state law, parents have the choice of opting their son/daughter out of any unit with sexual

Note: required for high school graduation (one semester).

Classroom Expectations:
- Our classroom is a place of learning. Therefore, you should come to class with
the proper items for learning, such as a writing utensil, notebook, and any other
items necessary. You should also be attentive during instructional time and give
your best effort on all assignments. Lastly, we are all responsible to make sure
that our actions do not distract others in the class from being able to learn.
- Our classroom is a safe environment. Each student deserves to feel safe
expressing his or her thoughts and feelings in the context of our material and the
learning process. Therefore, there will be no taunting, put downs, or unkind
teasing tolerated.
- Our classroom is a place of respect. As a teacher I will treat each of you with
respect. I expect that you will treat me, as well as each of your classmates, with
the same respect. Therefore, we will not interrupt when others are speaking, we
will not take or use things that belong to other people, and we will be considerate
of one anothers feelings.
- Our classroom is a part of the larger Brown City High School community.
Therefore, we will not do anything in our classroom that would be a distraction to
the ability of other students to learn and other teachers to teach. We will also treat
the building, the classroom materials, and the other individuals in the building
with respect.
o Please observe the expectations of Brown City High School as
delineated in your student handbook.
o No food or drinks allowed in the classroom, except bottled water.
Classroom Procedures:
Seating Chart:
There will be a seating chart for this class. You are expected to sit in your
assigned seat everyday, unless otherwise instructed.

In the event that you are absent, the assignments that you missed will be found in
the Daily Assignment crate at the beginning of the class. You will be responsible for
finding an appropriate time, preferably before or after class, to get those assignments.
Also, I will be happy to explain the assignments and any other information that you
missed at an appropriate time, i.e. before or after school, during lunch, or when the class
is working quietly on an assignment and I am free to speak with you.

You are tardy if you are not in the classroom at the completion of the tardy bell.
Please do not try to split hairs over tardiness. Instead, be proactive in planning your daily
routines so that you can get in the habit of being punctual to class.
In the event that you are tardy, you will be asked to get a tardy pass from the
Assistant Principals Office. We will follow the Brown City High School tardy policy.


Major Components:
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
- Safety
- Social and Emotional Health
- Personal Health and Wellness
- HIV Prevention
- Sexuality Education
Welcome to Health class. To help you through this class and onto graduation the following
guidelines have been made. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH YOUR PARENTS.

1. CLASS DISCUSSIONS Much of class will be in discussion form. Please be courteous to

both the teacher and fellow classmates. Only one speaker at a time. All class disruptions
are subject to grade deduction, class removal and detention. At no time is the class to
become loud enough to be heard by other classes.

Many of our discussion will be in form of debate. I feel it is extremely important for an
individual to have a good opinion they must hear both sides of the topic. If the students
are not presenting both sides, I will help out by taking the unsupported side. This may be
or may not be my personal belief. I will debate as if it is my opinion but will not reveal
my true self.
2. HOMEWORK Assignments (outline, vocab and review) will be made each chapter.
Assignments are generally worth 10 points. All assignments are due the day of the test.
Work turned in late will be worth 5 points. After 3 late or missing assignments you will
receive a detention. The detention will be canceled if you make up all of the assignments
before the detention.

3. NOTEBOOKS I have bought each of you a notebook for you to use in this class
only. It is mine so please do not draw, scribble or otherwise deface the cover. Do
not waste or skip lines or pages. You will need every sheet for this is to last you
the year. When you leave my class you are to return the notebook to me. All
assignments are to be done in this notebook and not to be torn out.

4. TEST Test will occur every chapter or section of chapter. Make up test may be altered
(Essay test may be used) I keep all tests and quizzes but you are responsible for keeping
all other material for the final examination. . Make up test and quizzes must be made up
within 5 school days. They can be made up before school, after school, during study
halls, your assistant hours, or during any hour that you are free. I will not write you a
pass out of a class except for directed study halls.

5. EXTRA CREDIT Only those who have completed 100% of their work and 90% on time
will be allowed to do extra credit. 10 points max.

6. LIFE SKILLS Showing that you have not mastered the life skills can bring down your

8. ESSENTIALS It is essential for you to bring a writing utensil and your book to each class
period. If you fail to bring the essentials three times a marking period a detention will be
given. During study hall you must be working on schoolwork. If you plan on leaving for
study hall you must come to class with your pass. I will not give a pass for another
teacher or to go to the library for another class. You must be in the classroom before the
bell rings.

9. GOOD CITIZENSHIP is expected at all times. This means: Show respect to the teacher,
fellow students, the room itself and follow all school rules.

Grading Policy
The following chart is the Grading Scale for this class.

93-100 is an A 71-73 is a C
88-92 is an A- 68-70 is a C-
84-87 is a B+ 64-67 is a D+
81-83 is a B 61-63 is a D
78-80 is a B- 56-60 is a D-
74-77 is a C+ 0-55 is an E

To earn credit for each semester students must pass 2 of the 3 grades used to calculate the
semester grade (2 marking period grades and the exam grade).
Students must also have an overall average grade that is passing using the formula: each
marking period is worth 40% and the exam is worth 20% of the semester grade.

*Please make every attempt to inquire about grades before or after class time. Student
grades are periodically updated on Skyward, our BCHS On-line Grading System. There
are links to this system through our website.

Concluding Thoughts:
I anticipate that we will have a full and rewarding semester of learning together. I
look forward to working with each of you. Each of you will contribute your unique
qualities to our classroom community and we will all grow as a result of one another.

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