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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Austonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Commission on Higher Education





Physical education today has the potential of contributing to the enhancement of positive
lifestyle changes which ultimately lead to a better quality of life. This means that through
physical education, the individual can acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding, activity
skills, and desirable attitudes that will eventually contribute to his well-being.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. discuss the concepts of health and wellness, and
2. discuss health as a basic human rights.



- is a word that was derived from the old English word for heal which is HAEL.
- it means whole because health concerns the whole person and his / her integrity,
soundness or well-being.
- it is holistic (total health) and it includes the different dimensions of health taking into
account the separate influences and interaction of these dimensions.
- Cottrell (2oo1) claims that the WHO definition is an ideal state which is: just a “goal to
strive for” but can never be achieved since no one can ever attain a “state of complete mental,
physical, and social well-being”.
- since there are different levels of health ranging from good health to poor health, then
the definition of health should be expressed as “ a state of mental, physical, spiritual and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


1. BROADER - dimensions of health in the outer circle which are environmental and societal

2. INDIVIDUAL – dimensions of health in the inner circle which are:

a. Physical health – which refers to the state of one’s body like its fitness and not being ill.

b. Mental health – referring to the positive sense of purpose and underlying belief in one’s own
worth (self -esteem) like feeling good and feeling able to cope.

c. Emotional health – which is the ability to express one’s feelings appropriately and to develop
and sustain relationships.
Example: feeling of being loved.
d. Social health – which involves the support system that is available from family members and
friends. Having friends to talk to and being involved with the activities in the community or
school contributes to social health (“No man is an island”).

e. Spiritual health – which is the recognition of a Supreme Being or Force and the ability to put
into practice one’s moral principles or beliefs.

f. Sexual health – which refers to the acceptance of and the ability to achieve a satisfactory
expression of one’s sexuality.

g. Societal health – which is the link between health and the way a society is structured.
 This includes the basic infrastructure necessary for health (e.g. shelter, food, peace,
income) and the degree of integration or division within the society

h. Environmental health - which refers to the physical environment where people live; it
includes housing, transport, sanitation, pollution and pure water facilities.


 The World Health Organization (WHO,1946) defines health as a “state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”.

 This concept of all dimensions being in a state of “completeness” seems unattainable and can
only exist in an ideal state.

 Cottrell (2oo1) claims that the WHO definition is an ideal state which is:

 just a “goal to strive for” but can never be achieved since no one can ever attain a “state of
complete mental, physical, and social well-being”.

 since there are different levels of health ranging from good health to poor health, then the
definition of health should be expressed as “ a state of mental, physical, spiritual and social well-
being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Key Words:

 PHYSICAL HEALTH – is the biological integrity of an individual where there is optimum

functioning of his physical and physiological abilities and freedom from any disease or

 MENTAL HEALTH (or psychological health and emotional health) – is the subjective sense
of well-being; may also refer to intellectual capabilities.

 SOCIAL HEALTH – is the ability to interact effectively with other people and the social
environment; development and sustenance of satisfying interpersonal relationship; and effective
and efficient role fulfillment.

SPIRITUAL HEALTH or PERSONAL HEALTH – a way that may be concerned with

one’s belief in a transcending, unifying force (whether its basis is in nature, scientific law, or a
godlike source. It has also been associated with the concept of self-actualization and concern for
issues which affect one’s value system.


“a state characterized by soundness and wholeness of human structure, bodily and mental

 Health – is considered as the goal of public health in general and of community health in
 Modern concept of health: “optimum level of functioning” (OLOF) of individuals, families,
and communities which is affected by several factors in the ecosystem.

Factors in the Ecosystem which Affect the Optimum Level of Functioning (OLOF)

1. Political Factors – involve power and authority to regulate the environment or social climate.

Examples: safety, oppression, people empowerment.

2. Behavioral – refers to a person’s level of functioning and is affected by certain habits, their
lifestyle, health care and child rearing practices which are determined by one’s culture and ethnic

Examples: culture, habits, mores, and ethnic customs.

3. Hereditary – refers to the understanding of genetically influenced diseases and genetic risk. It
includes congenital defects, strengths, and health risks which can be familial, ethnic or racial.

4. Health care delivery system

 Primary health care is a partnership approach to the effective provision of essential health
services that are community – based, accessible, acceptable, sustainable and affordable.

 The focus of healthcare is in the promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects of

5. Environmental influences

 Factors or situations which exert negative effects on the environment and which put a
tremendous strain on the destruction of the environmental resources:

 The menace of pollution,

 communicable diseases due to poor sanitation, poor garbage collection,

 smoking ,

 utilization of pesticides,

 lack or absence of proper and adequate waste and sewerage disposal system and management

 urban/rural milieu,

 noise

 radiation

 air and water pollution

6. Socio-economic influence

Families in lower income group are the ones mostly served.

Examples: employment, education and housing.

Health as a Basic Human Rights is embodied in:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Art. 25, Sec. 1 which states that: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for
the health and well- being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and
medical care and necessary social services and the right to security in the event of
unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or lack of livelihood in circumstances
beyond his control”.

Philippine Constitution of 1987

Art. XIII, Sec. 11, states that: “The State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive
approach to health development which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health and other
social services available to all the people at affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs
of the underprivileged sick, elderly, disabled, women, and children. The State shall endeavor to
provide free medical services to paupers”.

World Health Organization (1995)

 Believes that “governments have a responsibility for the health of their people which can be
fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures.

 It emphasizes three basic positive concepts of health which are:

1. Reflecting concern for the individual as a total person;

2. Placing health in the context of the environment, and

3. Equating health with productive and creative living.

Health and Wellness as conceived in today’s world

 Greenberg, Donatelle, Davis – viewed the philosophy of wellness as a positive quality (as
opposed to illness being always negative) and visualized it as the integration of the spiritual,
intellectual, physical, emotional, environmental and social dimensions of health to form a whole
“healthy person”.

This philosophy of wellness is grounded on the belief that everyone can achieve optimal
health and some level of wellness when they have developed the six dimensions of health to the
best of their ability.

Dunn – emphasized high-level wellness (HLW) as “an integrated method of functioning which
is oriented capable of. It is the ability to maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful
direction within the environment where he/she is functioning”.

Health and wellness are two concepts which have been used interchangeably to mean the
ability “to live life fully with vitality and meaning”. But there is really a difference:

1. Some aspects of health are determined by genes, age and other factors which may be beyond
one’s control.

2. Whereas, wellness is largely determined by the decisions you make about how to live your
life, wellness is now the new health goal.

3. Wellness is really a (awareness of the choices available for a healthy lifestyle), a way of life
which involve options that an individual takes to enjoy a healthy life; the perception that one is
capable of achieving one’s full potentials through the options one has in relation to being well; it
is the integration of mind, body and spirit; the level of self-actualization where one feels that he
has lived a full and accomplished life.

Can one be well in spite of being ill?

 The answer is YES!!


Retrieved June 23, 2021 from

Scrib Inc, 2021

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Education Department Head
Approved by:


Head of Academic Affairs

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