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Liste des fruits en anglais

Franais - Anglais
abricot => apricot
ananas => pineapple
avocat => avocado
des baies de goji => Goji berries
banane => banana Vocabulaire utile
canneberge, airelle => cranberry
cassis => blackcurrant les agrumes => citrus fruit
cerise(s) => cherry / cherries arbre fruitier => fruit tree
clmentine => clementine la cueillette => picking
citron => lemon cueillir un fruit => to pick a fruit
citron vert => lime talage de fuit (au march) => fruit stall
une datte => date plucher un fruit => to peel a fruit
fraise => strawberry / strawberries (pluriel) fruit confit => candied fruit
framboise => raspberry / raspberries (pluriel) les fruits frais => fresh fruit
fruit de la passion => passion fruit fruit sec => dried fruit
fruit du jacquier => jackfruit fruit rouge => red berry
grenade => pomegranate fruit de saison => seasonal fruit
groseilles => redcurrent fruit en conserve => canned fruit
goyave => guava fruit entier => whole fruit
kaki => kaki fruit tropical => tropical fruit
kiwi => kiwifruit une grappe de raisins => a bunch of grapes
kumquat => kumquat jus de fruit => fruit juice
lichi => lychee marchand de fruit => fruit seller
mandarine => tangerine manger des fruits => to eat fruit
mangue => mango mre => ripe
mangoustan => mangosteen ppin de raison => grape seed
melon => melon un ppin => a pip
myrtille => blueberry sans ppin => seedless
mres => blackberry pourri => rotten
une noix de coco => coconut quartier de fruit => piece of fruit
orange => orange salade de fruits => fruit salad
pamplemousse => grapefruit un verger => an orchard
papaye => papaya
pastque => watermelon
pche => peach
poire => pear
pomme => apple
prune => plum
raisin frais => grape
raisin sec => raisin
tomate => tomato

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