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ptillant ; gazeux => fizzy, carbonated

plateau => tray

Les boissons en anglais du porto => port
une pinte de bire => a pint of beer
Franais - Anglais rafrachissements => refreshments
rhum => rum
les boissons => Drinks sec / brut => dry
alcool => alcohol sherry => sherry
alcoolis => alcoholic Schweppes => tonic water
alcool fort => spirit th (au lait/au citron) => tea (with
non alcoolis => non-alcoholic milk/lemon)
un bar => a bar un verre => a glass
bire => beer vodka => vodka
bouteille => bottle vin rouge/ros/blanc => red/ros/white
boisson non alcoolise => soft drink wine
chocolat chaud => hot chocolate bar vin => wine bar
cognac => brandy vin mousseux => sparkling wine
champagne => champagne vin de table => table wine
cidre => cider whisky => whisky, whiskey
cocktail => cocktail
caf => coffee
caf moulu/soluble => ground/instant
caf noir/caf au lait => black/white
Coca => Coke
un Coca (en bote) => a can of Coke
doux => sweet
gin => gin
glaon => ice cube
infusion => herb tea
jus => juice
jus de fruit => fruit juice
jus dorange => orange juice
jus de raisins => grape juice
jus de pommes => apple juice
limonade ; boisson gazeuse => lemonade
liqueur => liquor
lait => milk
eau minerale => mineral water, plain
eau gazeuse => sparkling water
orangeade => orange squash, orangeade

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