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Week of: 09/1109/15 Subject/Class: SAS-8 Teacher: Jane Dowell

Unit (Week Overview/Purpose): Students will explore the meaning of a living thing and apply the characteristics of living things

Day Warm Up or Review from Daily Objective Instruction & Activities Formal/Informal Due Dates:
Previous lesson Assessments

Mon Science word of the week in a Students will review and Safety Test None Notebooks Due
sentence. express their Living vs Non-Living 9/22
understanding of the safety Vocabulary Living vs Non-
rules Living Vocabulary
(due tomorrow)
Tues What is Living? Handout Students will evaluate and What is Living Notes? Name two characteristics Notebooks Due
defend their position of a toy of living things. 09/22
penguin in a debate about
living and nonliving
Wed No school No Class None Notebooks Due
Thurs Living or Not windup toy Students will evaluate and Students will prepare Name the 2 needs of Notebooks Due
defend their position of a for Debate living things 9/22
toy penguin in a debate
about living and nonliving
Fri What is a Chemical of life that is found Students will evaluate and Living and non living None Notebooks Due
in all living things? defend their position of a 9/22
toy penguin in a debate
about living and nonliving

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